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Heroes S03E24 I Am Sylar HDTV XviD-FQM




Video TV


Heroes S03E24 I Am Sylar HDTV XviD-FQM [eztv]


Video/TV shows


2009-04-21 (by eztv )


#EZTV @ EFNet -> Want to help us out? BitCoin: 1Fw4sRdZYFwULfeE7oQ91GLYKy8j5EcuFW

Files count:



349.88 Mb




furyblock (2009-04-21)

i'm new to this & i'm the first on eztv

xsh4dowditx (2009-04-21)

Would you mother fuckers seed for fucks sakes.
Thnx for the upload eztv. Every time I miss a show I can trust you.

sl3bb4h (2009-04-21)

the upload just came out and over 20000 wants it so please wait a bit before you complain about people not seeding xsh4dowditx

xNZx (2009-04-21)

Yea idiot, it's been up less than an hour.
Be patient.

xsh4dowditx (2009-04-21)

Tons of people are finishing up the download and canceling seed.

piratepete9 (2009-04-21)

Thanks eztv you always come through also put some work into ya torrents cos i was up at 4oclock "england" and ya was uploading ya stuff, so top respect and ya a credit to the bay matey...I for one of millions salute ya and your fine work.....thankyou!!!!!!!!!!

daerid (2009-04-21)

any info on subtitles?

xsh4dowditx (2009-04-21)

I would care more if I could at least finish up the fucking download.
I really appreciate eztv uploading. But I hate greedy bastards who wont seed after they are done. Personally I will seed this for 2 days.

nualphaman4 (2009-04-21)

Please show our friend eztv some love. After you download seed for at least the length of time that it took you to download it. At least that, better would be to seed for a day or two. Give everyone else the chance to enjoy what you have. Hats off to the Bay. Showing love from Chicago!!!!!

xsh4dowditx (2009-04-21)

Finally done downloading! Will seed this shit till next monday! Thnx eztv!
Oh and hats off to the bay! This site shall live on!

jeffie39 (2009-04-21)

eztv is the man !! 10/10 brilliant.

antizionist (2009-04-21)

Thanks. Appericiated.

S.A.W (2009-04-21)

does anyone know were i can get the british movie called BRONSON.

TheModda (2009-04-21)

Thx for the upload :)

batmitko1973 (2009-04-21)

english subtitle pls !
Thanks from Bulgaria !

smokeable (2009-04-21)

ya people definatly arnt doing there job 32000 seeds 10k download somethings fishy

smokeable (2009-04-21)

downloading the one with 1k seeds at 250k people are closeing there uploads and not seeding sorry extv people are dissing you like that

king_of_queens (2009-04-21)

this is why Piratebay should be private. greedy fuckfaces with braces and bad BO shouldnt be on here.

DogwithaU (2009-04-21)

nice.... as always

Blindfolded_Poet (2009-04-21)

Thanks eztv:D
I will seed this a long time!

spanz (2009-04-21)

hey, if you cant really cant wait to watch it, try this
Seriously, the quality for both audio & video are not bad at all.

lollipop_ASD (2009-04-21)

Hello to all but the sub-title is here

Arillagorilla (2009-04-21)


SEoF (2009-04-21)

Might be worth while thinking about peoples connections before calling them selffish.
Their connection might not allow them to upload anywhere near as fast as they can download for one. Mine, an 8Mbps connection is limited to uploading at 512Kbps, although, if I seed at anything over 10KBps (80Kbps) I lose my internet. Further to that, people dissapearing from the peers might simply be disconecting from the internet for whatever reason.
Frankly, I work it that I share everything that I download at a ratio of somewhere between 1.5:1 and 2:1 but that doesn't mean that people can expect a fast transfer from me.

 SOADSN (2009-04-21)

Video Sample + Engsub:

omglolkek1 (2009-04-21)

Please seed :) I upload more than i get down...

batmitko1973 (2009-04-21)


V_King_DK (2009-04-21)

heroes just gets more and more boring. season 1 and 2 rocks but s03e11 and above is just getting more and more boring.. or is it just me? thanks for the opload eztv

koka3 (2009-04-21)


Restlezz (2009-04-21)

what is the password??

Elesker (2009-04-21)


yupyup09 (2009-04-21)

thanks man eztv ftw

xjuztin (2009-04-21)

chill SEoF... i'm getting 300kbps tops when i use torrents. and i'm using a 10mbps connection! sobs:'(

urnotapir (2009-04-22)

omg 48801 seeders

LordOfYourRing (2009-04-22)

Seed you selfish son's of bitches, 19 out of 48670 currently seeding. Seed or I will soon become The Lord of YOUR ring!!!

ShineEyes (2009-04-22)

Yup, V King's just you.

diecelinedion (2009-04-22)

Anyone who whines about the slow download is a sorry ass loser. You're getting something for FREE, people.
How about this...take a fucking nap. Maybe it'll fix your cranky ass and when you wake up the download will be finished.

Bafucin (2009-04-22)

Give it time and the speed will go up.
Or, check your connection.
Or, you just have bad luck...
Anyway, thanks eztv!

zebenk (2009-04-22)

always the best...

heartbomb (2009-04-22)

Interesting episode. Thanks for the upload! I'll be seeding!
Petition to legalize file-sharing:

heartbomb (2009-04-22)

Gotta admit as I finish the episode this show is not...I'm not looking forward to it as much anymore. Prolly just gonna stop watching after this season. :(
Petition to legalize file-sharing:

nkalsi (2009-04-22)

tks m8 needed dis

rammo1234 (2009-04-22)

holy crap people get 300kb/s?!?! im lucky if i crack double figures!

mannens34 (2009-04-22)

Epic Episode!! Awsome ;D thanks eztv

SEoF (2009-04-23)

You obviously don't get how this works. 19 out of 48670 isn't "only 19 people seeding" but is infact 19 seeding people connected to your machine, sending you parts of the file. You will never get 48670 people sending you parts of the files because your connection settings, and other peoples, will not allow that many simultaneous connections, not to mention how much that would cock up your connection, and probably start effecting other people on your ISP.
My bet is you have a limit as to the number of incoming connections, set to 20.
I believe that makes me Lord Of Your Ring dude!

SEoF (2009-04-23)

I should add,
Thanks eztv for the heaps of TV eps that I keep finding with your name on them.

Osiris69 (2009-04-23)

EZTV - I, too, thank you immensely for your contributions to the community. Your efforts, consistancy and quality are greatly appreciated. Two thumbs up to ya, mate!

SKYDOS (2009-04-23)


CSuk (2009-04-23)

Ta muchly 4 the ul....

Pljesnivi (2009-04-24)

High five eztv!!! :D

Ddragon41 (2009-04-24)

Thanks :)

billy1989 (2009-04-25)

does any1 no wer circlensess is, he is off thepiratebay now for 4 months. any1 no if he is coming bac?

rillerille14 (2009-04-26)

kan någon ladda upp filmen "How to be" med robert pattison
can some one uplode the movie "How to be" with robert pattison
när kommer 17 again i dvdrip??:D:D

zappa87 (2009-04-26)

You obviously know more about torrents than everybody else. Was that your point?

MorketsHerre (2009-05-07)

To SEoF!!!
This has NOTHING to do with number of incoming connections!! It is because some of the torrent downloaders/uploaders has private torrents. You must be a member to get to download from thesse torrents. If the seeding says 21(10233) 12(3294) It is just 21 who you can seed of and all together 10233 whos seeding, but only 21 of them are not private. Hope you got it! Im not so good at english and tryed my best to explain. Have a nice day all of u...

clover1222 (2009-07-12)

hip hip hooray eztv!

Hex-bag (2009-07-12)

thanks for the upload


1. Heroes.S03E24.I.Am.Sylar.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi 349.88 Mb