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Call Of Duty 2 [Multiplayer only-rip] 1.0 - 1.3 [by fliPpoo!?]




Games PC


Call Of Duty 2 [Multiplayer only-rip] 1.0 - 1.3 [by fliPpoo!?]




2009-01-15 (by FlippoFromFin)


..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................Date:...2009 15 January ......................................... ..................Size:...1.73GB .................................................. ..................Ripped:.Singleplayer.............................................. ..................Ripper:.fliPpo.................................................... ..................Version:1.0...................................................... Comes with easy extractor. No need to install! Apply reg keys if u havent played Cod2 on computer what u are using otherways it will fail. You can use it on memorystick! Virus free of course! When finished downloading let it seed! First torrent got littlebit problems and it wasen't working with every server sorry for that but i fixed all bad things and now it should be OK! I already have tested this with 5 computers and it was working with all them and with all servers! You can use your own key by editing registerfile wich comes with this! Comes with list of cracked servers! Now u can play 1.2 and 1.3 also with this! Download this joEs patch switcher and u can easyly just 1 click and it will change to 1.2 or 1.3! And u can change it back to 1.0 allways when u want!


  1. cod fps first person shooter

Files count:



1778.19 Mb




FlippoFromFin (2009-01-25)

Omg now I really have to laugh ^..^
150 dudes already downloaded fully and still 10 seeders and me? HAHA ;D You really think only u and u and u! Why u are soooooo. Like "When I get this I dont seed cause i have it then and idc about others muahahahah" lol rofls noobs

groenlicht (2009-01-29)

shut up..... we try to seed but we don't have our computer always on when we don't have to download something so why dont you think before you start talking crap asshole.
My download was pretty fast, thx seeders.

Dragoneid (2009-02-07)

this game works!
no install ownage!

FlippoFromFin (2009-02-22)

Ye it works thats the point :D No need to install just run the exe and put it anywhere you want.
I was just mad. Been working on seeding so long and when I see that all what I have been seeded goes like away when people dont seed back. But now looking much much much better!

NeverWest (2009-03-10)

That switcher has no seeders

SnipedSniper (2009-03-13)

downloadin, ill see how this turns out

SnipedSniper (2009-03-13)

I have a shitty connection but I will seed. I almost always have utorrent open

SnipedSniper (2009-03-14)

How do I get the serial key to work?

SnipedSniper (2009-03-14)

never mind, i got it.
Thank you very much, great torrent works 100% perfect and this game KICKS ASS!
I downloaded it 2-3 hours ago and I already got a "First day" Tage uploaded to youtube.
Will be playing and seeding this for the next few weeks.

Kum0501 (2009-03-19)

Thanks,will seed it for few days...
Small HDD,need space,sorry!

DGAjaf (2009-03-31)

I have COD 2 and i have this. So now what i have to do? Put this file to cod2 folder and run it?

FlippoFromFin (2009-04-04)

?? Double click call of duty 2 multiplayer.exe and put files in somewhere then enable reg keys and just play.

Tidrall (2009-04-07)

Holy shit!
4 seeders, 100kb/s!
Nice seeding boys/girls. Very nice indeed. Will seed after finished, absolute deff...
Its slow for my usual, but dam thats good for 4 seeders!..

Tidrall (2009-04-07)

Sorry for the double post, but its downloading like crazy with only 6 seeders, DOUBLED SPEED!
Thanks to this one french guy I think seeding at about 100kb/s! LOVE YOU.

daviddea (2009-04-07)

i m downloading the torrent my computers slow most downloads take more than a day this one is only a couple of hours

Tidrall (2009-04-07)

Flippo, is there something wrong with the torrent of me?
I click the icon to start up the game, logo yadda yadda, and it asks me to optimize, I click yes. Then I wait, 30 seconds, it says DirectX has encounter an unrecoverable error?
Dunno whats wrong, I've tried pressing no for optimizing, no help... D:
I really wanna play!.

Tidrall (2009-04-07)

Sorry for this next double post. :P
I found out that my shitty Intel Graphics card SUCKS, and can't play. I guess I gotta play it on my dads UBER comp.
Anyone else getting DirectX error? here's the site where I found my answer:

daviddea (2009-04-08)

i posted before but now i dont now how to get online i cant find any servers
anyone else get that?????

Tidrall (2009-04-09)

Even though it doesn't work for my crappy laptop, I've been seeding for a couple days :D
Enjoy to people who can actually play this game. (:
Thank you to this uploader and this amazing game.

luukermans (2009-04-24)

Flippo, what u mean with this? Apply reg keys if u havent played Cod2 on computer what u are using otherways it will fail.??
U mean i just have to add the key when i start up first??

martijntju (2009-04-27)

it sounds good to me but i download at a speed of 30kb/s atm. so very slow. hopefully the long time its worth it.

SparticusVX (2009-05-09)

Perfect! Thanks a lot!
I was hoping an official version of just the MP would come out just like FEAR Combat, but this is just as good!

SparticusVX (2009-05-09)

Please someone upload this on usenet sites, binsearch, yabse, nzbindex etc...

FlippoFromFin (2009-05-10)

Call of duty World at war multiplayer only 1.4 only 2.1gb

FlippoFromFin (2009-05-27)

Ye please seed!! over 1500 dudes already downloaded and 5 seeders.... ummm...

FlippoFromFin (2009-06-16)

jeremy, jeremy, jeremy.. ou dear i have to say. You see this torrents name? Call of duty 2 Multiplayer ONLY-rip and that means this is only multiplayer cause most people have played cod2 single already. There is lots of torrents that contains full cod2 with single and multi so you should download 1 of them. THIS TORRENT IS MULTIPLAYER ONLY RIP! Thats why this is over half smaller than original. AND if you wanna patch this to 1.0, 1.2 or 1.3 THEN download joEs patch switcher! Link is inside this torrent topic.

mkopacka (2009-06-24)

Ah cmon more seeders pls?!

Tacoulis (2009-06-27)

someone seed pls

FlippoFromFin (2009-07-06)

Seeders please turn your upload rate to unlimiteeeed!! Omg its so sad that this release have been downloaded over 3500 times and only 6 seeders...

FlippoFromFin (2009-11-08)

google call of duty 2 system requirements?

xXIsaac420Xx (2009-11-09)

Ha ha sorry flippo my last comment was meant for this page not cod4...

xXIsaac420Xx (2009-11-09)

Hey also are you going to do cod:Modern Warfare 2...

FlippoFromFin (2009-12-05)

no im not doing it. There is already great version by Kaos only 4gb and its only singleplayer. Codmw2 uses steam so its really hard to play multiplayer, maybe impossible with pirated version. But maybe if there will be crack for it =)

BrSlb17 (2009-12-28)

Hey Filippo! Can you help me with something?
I did evrything like you said, i use the CD key that came with your torrent, but even though when i go to a cracked server when its going to enter it still says that the Password is Invalid! Can you help me?!

FlippoFromFin (2010-01-09)

If it says password is invalid then that servers admin have added password protevtion to server and you have to know it if you want connect. You should find other cracked server with no password protection.

1van (2010-01-11)

This is the best setup for call of duty 2 multiplayer - only.
This have a serial cod - original.
Please seed.
You dont to have problems..

1van (2010-01-11)

Pleaseee Seed.....
More Seed

1van (2010-01-11)

This is a best setup for cod2 multyplayer....
I have one time this setup , but i lose
and for that i think - this is the best setup -torrent

babetta01 (2010-01-25)


yetidaddy (2010-07-18)

thanks for the download. My win xp pc was able to run this. But I tried to put it on my win 7 pc to test LAN and it said error, exe stopped working. Has anyone had that problem?

austinuo (2010-12-21)

i thought it would be good .. but all the time it never lets me plays even if i see 700 servers!
i still cant play .. it says someting about cd key ?
can anyone help ?

Unrealized_ (2011-03-18)

Ladattu, toimii. Seedaan. / Downloaded, Working perfectly. Seeding.

Rooomeo (2011-04-04)

i love this game someone help me it gives this error when i open CoD2SP_s INGAME NO WORKING And also checked another when i click it give this error
"DirectX Encounted an unrecoverable error.
Check the DirectX(R) FAQ for possible solutions

Rooomeo (2011-04-04)

thanks i used the software and now i can play it i didn't had minimum requirements but how to join a server?

besm (2011-05-01)

works on windows 7?

PeleGG (2011-06-23)

oh lawd SEEEEED

matuka123 (2011-07-26)

Omg ur finnish and this is upload nice JÄTKÄ. :)) haehaheh hdddhdhhdhehehehe :D:D:D: :)aaaaaa

tahreer (2011-09-28)

why do i always face all the weirdest problems! after double clicking on exe. a black screen pops up and after a while a dialog box appears which says "cod2_mp.exe" has stopped working.
please help.

SpazMcJesus (2012-03-16)

idk if this still works but im dowloarding this to see if i can play lan.

Dzedons (2012-04-09)

Hey! How can i change nickname in game?

Batistuta_19 (2013-03-19)

please seed

Batistuta_19 (2013-03-19)

only 1 seed plz it's 25 KB/s speed somebody help and seed

PistolSlap (2015-07-16)

self extractor? dubious. ran it anyway and it hangs. won't open, can't terminate the process. suspicious as fuck. dont trust it.