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A WARNING TO ALL!! Understand the NWO Religion!!
A WARNING TO ALL!! Understand the NWO Religion!!
2009-07-18 (by cavemonk)
If you do not understand what the One World Religion will be like in the NWO then you better buckle up, its going to be a BLOODY ride! The United Nations is controlled by the Lucis Trust (formerly the Lucifer Trust). It is bent on ERASING Christianity from the Earth! 1/3 of mankind will die by their agenda. Will you close your eyes to this or learn about it? Here are your weapons!
This torrent includes:
New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement (Final Cut 2009)
The REAL Agenda of the New World Order
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy par t & 2
NWO Shills, Liars and Deceivers 1.0 & 2.0
Exposing the Satanic Empire
This is, without question, the most important torrent I have ever posted. It is also the most important torrent YOU will EVER download!
- New World Order
- New age
- religion
- christianity
- truth
- Shill
- alex jones
- Zeitgeist
- Jordan maxwell
- Michael Tsarion
- united nations
- lucifer
- Lucis trust
- Blavatsky
Files count:
550.58 Mb
feanor111 (2009-07-18)
LOL .. man dis ajoke.. da lucis trst lol .. wat kinnda amish mormon inbred halfbreed r u .. lol ..besides .. christianity is like da worst hypocritical religion like eva.. dey tried 2 erase all da muslims nd god knows who .. nd even now dey try 2 convert.. holy wars nd crusade.. so much 4 love deir brother.. man .. i was born in dis religion .. after i ve read its history i dun even wanna b a part of dis shit .. lol its jst a book man .. jst stories.. nt real .. nt powerful .. as 4 god nd devil dere is none.. gt real .. u live by wat u do .. lol no matter wa u thnk
GundamStorm (2009-07-19)
Oh snap, it's about damn time, Good Riddence to ALL RELIGIONS. Your antiquated notions of naked men with wings and some bearded guy in white robes has long since outlived any usefullness it MAY have once had.Crawling_Chaos007 (2009-07-19)
I may not agree with the conspiracy crap,...but you jackasses above are utter idiots.Especially the athiests and the fuck that can't spell so he TYPES in slang...FOOL.
If you don't believe in a creator "God"...well then you are a flat out fool. Sorry. When you die and remove your strain on OUR air supply you'll find out. Until then SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop trying to shove athiestic SHIT down people's throat.
Stupid god damn cornholing screen hider nerds.
Crawling_Chaos007 (2009-07-19)
I'm putting my faith in a Creator God. Even many physicists now agree that there had to be "intelligent design" to the universe.What intelligence would that be? The Creator. Our Creator.
I don't use the bible so much as I use logic and reason. You expect me to believe and have "faith" in NO God. That we were an utter accident formed through processes that were just..accidental?
You cannot disprove His existence no more than I can prove it to you. The universe supports the existance of the Creator God, however...the "intelligence" behind the design.
Sorry. I have no faith in the human race and the entire universe being a universal accident.
What is written by man's hand may or may not be as some of it is. I would rather trust a booming voice from the sky, but I would think The Creator would have better things to do than prove to us ants he created that he exists. We either believe or we don't. If your right I have nothing to worry about. If your wrong YOU have something to worry about perhaps.
It's like a theory. Scientists have "faith" in many theories, but they cannot prove them.
Nor could they EVER disprove the existance of a Creator God.
Crawling_Chaos007 (2009-07-19)
By the the end even Carl Sagon changed his belief to intelligent design/theism. Before he died.That's the way it goes. Young people will rave and rave about how there is no God it's impossible..the only thing that exists is what's in front of your eyes and ears. Until they are near death for some reason. Then they will pray to GOD to save them. I've seen it. It happens SO often. Some times it isn't even a life threatening near death experience. Sometimes it's just a person getting older and start to find that the prospect of nothingness becomes unappealing coming closer and closer to one's own death.
Such a foolish way to look at things. To close your mind utterly to something is to be blind. Any scientist that closes their mind to ANYTHING is not a true scientist. Any ONE that closes their mind to the infinite unending possibilities of the Universe that was created for dishonorable to themselves and the human race.
God will NEVER be disproven. Though if he exists he could prove it to us if he so chose.
Crawling_Chaos007 (2009-07-19)
"nathanredd at 2009-07-18 22:09 CET:fuck all believers of christ based faith. your the worlds only true terrorists.
GundamStorm at 2009-07-19 05:46 CET:
Oh snap, it's about damn time, Good Riddence to ALL RELIGIONS. Your antiquated notions of naked men with wings and some bearded guy in white robes has long since outlived any usefullness it MAY have once had. "
I just had to call you two out as utter morons.
That's all. I don't have to tell you why as I already explained. The guy railing christians though...such a f'ing fool. CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT TEACH YOU THAT YOU WILL GO TO HEAVEN IF YOU DIE MURDERING INNOCENT PEOPLE AND FUCK 99 VIRGINS EVERYDAY..AND WHEN YOU WAKE UP EVERYDAY THEY ARE VIRGINS AGAIN. I say FUCK Islam. It was perverted by that evil warlord they call the "Prophet" Muhammad. He was just an evil arab that fed off of a religion to create his own in order to rule uncontested and have the faith of the weak minded. Allah is the name of the original arabic MOON GOD..not the Creator. That's why they worship that damn meteorite in Mecca. pfft
franklinmills (2009-09-05)
close Chaos.It's actually more "there can't be a God because of the horrible things in my life: my parents got divorced, my mom took away my XBox and my McDonald's hamburger had pickles on it AND I SPECIFICALLY SAID 'NO PICKLES!' How could God exist when such terribly evil things continue to happen to me?"
Sadly, rather than looking at the ACTUAL atrocities on this planet, these same dweeblets will curse the God that starving people give food away to know about. But that's the plan of the enemy.
I've learned not to get angry at these kids. Most of them really don't know what they're talking about and in their attempts to be rebellious and nonconformist they automatically conform to any bitter emo's opinions of religion. It takes real guts to risk your eternity by openly denying something you know nothing about. But as we know, 50% of bravery is stupidity.
No one can convince you that God is real or not, but if you openly and honestly ask Truth to show himself to you, you will receive an answer. And the best part.....its FREE!
robc333 (2009-11-03)
Illuminati want our mind soul and our body.John 3:33"He who has received His testimony has set his seal to this, that God is true.
And ye shall seek me, and find me, WHEN ye shall search for me with all your heart. - Jesus
Thx for the upload.