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2011-11-10 (by gansuk)


[KaOs] COD.MW3.FIX-KaOs FIX-NOTES: A Typeo Caused A Game Archive To Not Extract Correctly Causing The Game To Fail On Startup \"Zone Error\" INSTRUCTIONS: -After.Install.FIX- This Option Is For People Who Have Already Fully Installed Our Release And Have The \"Zone Error\" (Using This Method Will Save You Most Of The Install Time As You Done Most Of It Already) 1. Fully Install COD.Modern.Warfare.3-KaOs 2. Copy All The Contents From The After.Install.FIX folder To Your Games Root Folder And Replace Files If Required. 3. Double Click ~unpack~.bat From The Root Folder And Wait For The Mislabled Archive To Correct Itself And Extract. 4. Click iw5sp.exe To Play. -Before.Install.FIX- This Is A Replacement ~unpack~.bat For People Who Have Just Downloaded And Not Yet Installed Our Release. (This Method Is If Your Installing From Scratch) 1. Unrar The Game Manually To Were You Want It (Not Using The Install.exe) 2. Copy The Replacement ~unpack~.bat from The Before.Install.FIX Folder To The Games Root Folder And Replace The Old One. 3. Double Click ~unpack~.bat And Wait Awile For The Game To Rebuild. 4. Click iw5sp.exe To Play. NOTES: The Person Responsible Has Been Warned To Double Check Work Done. We Hate Fixs & Repacks \"Sure You Do To\" But In This Case It Was Necessary Sorry For The Tiny Imperfection And Any Inconvenience. Your Friends From KaOskrew.


  1. COD
  2. MW3
  3. call
  4. duty
  5. modern
  6. warfare
  7. III
  8. FIX
  9. KaOs

Files count:



472.01 Kb




sutirem (2011-11-10)

Installed KaOs rip, got error
So i runned game as administrator, but then i got error "COULD NOT FIND ZONE 'CODE_PRE_GFX.FF"
Installed KaOs fix.
and still have this error "COULD NOT FIND ZONE 'CODE_PRE_GFX.FF'"

KacperM (2011-11-11)

This Kaos rip is totaly fucked up.

cnfanjul (2011-11-11)

no me esplico como tienes ese fallo vos nunca fallais

cnfanjul (2011-11-11)

no funciona

Dj-Zan (2011-11-11)

I have the exact same problem, Sutirem.
Dude this is fucked up.

5bux (2011-11-11)

This fix works. Do as they say to do.
Big deal, someone who packed it made a typo, who cares, get over it, you will still wake up tomorrow, unless you don't.
Others have this game working fine, including me, why don't those of you whining?
The fix takes about 1 hour, as it must create the zone folder, so total install will take over 3 hours.
Be patient, did any of you pay for it?
Thanks KAOS and GANSUK, well done :-) All working fine for me.

Lee.T (2011-11-11)

i installed it and got the zone error,so deleted it,i just unrar'd it then downloaded this fix ie the unpacker and there was the zone folder and now it works....its not hard guys, one will be why do the graphics look like this?!!!
Tnks for the up gansuk,you must get so sick of noobs!keep up the good work most of us app it m8 ;)

NeroAkira (2011-11-11)

lol fyi not complaing but this 2 hr bs for install is fked took me 24hrs still its an epic game and worth it

NeroAkira (2011-11-11)

does pre gfx mean the start up video, if so couldn't you just remove it and go straight to loading screen, not a cracker or a ripper so idk if thats hard or not.

Redundantos (2011-11-13)

Could someone please share the zone.rep.srep file? Looks like installer deleted it and I already deleted the original torrent files to reinstall :(

mulder00 (2011-11-13)

Thanks works fine, anyway to use the xbox 360 controller?

erlrian (2011-11-15)

this work 100%....thank you so much for this great job specially to team KaOs keep up the good work guys...and for those having problem with missing " zone folder " better try the 2nd step it really work for me... if you already unrar do it again for as they say PATIENCE is a VIRTUE...good luck guys and have fun ^_^.....

cpdawg3 (2011-11-15)

Just wondering, will there ever be an update to allow online/multiplayer gameplay?
Thanks for the great torrent!

gabe2003 (2011-11-23)

A Typeo Caused A Game Archive To Not Extract Correctly Causing The Game
To Fail On Startup \"Zone Error\"
This Option Is For People Who Have Already Fully Installed Our Release And Have The \"Zone Error\" (Using This Method Will Save You Most Of The Install Time As You Done Most Of It Already)
1. Fully Install COD.Modern.Warfare.3-KaOs
2. Copy All The Contents From The After.Install.FIX folder To Your Games Root
Folder And Replace Files If Required.
3. Double Click ~unpack~.bat From The Root Folder And Wait For The Mislabled
Archive To Correct Itself And Extract.
4. Click iw5sp.exe To Play.
This Is A Replacement ~unpack~.bat For People Who Have Just Downloaded And Not Yet Installed Our Release.
(This Method Is If Your Installing From Scratch)
1. Unrar The Game Manually To Were You Want It (Not Using The Install.exe)
2. Copy The Replacement ~unpack~.bat from The Before.Install.FIX Folder To The
Games Root Folder And Replace The Old One.
3. Double Click ~unpack~.bat And Wait Awile For The Game To Rebuild.
4. Click iw5sp.exe To Play.
The Person Responsible Has Been Warned To Double Check Work Done.
We Hate Fixs & Repacks \"Sure You Do To\" But In This Case It Was Necessary
Sorry For The Tiny Imperfection And Any Inconvenience.
Your Friends From KaOskrew. SHUT UP

gabe2003 (2011-11-23)


karkar88 (2011-12-01)

Gansuk left us in the dust i mean their is no follow up or whatsoever how to fix it.. this fix u given to us is not working sum of us has slow connection in internet that they cannot afford to download it again but of course this is the first time happen to me i have 100 trust in ur team cuz all of them works very well but except for this and i hope theirs a solution of it cuz im tired downloading it again... THANK YOU!!!!

ashishrane (2012-02-16)

Hey bro, thanks a lot. Your fix did the magic. I completely reinstalled the game again and used the second step wich is from "Before Install Folder" Thanks. Before it was not working. But your fix did the trick. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart.:)

ashishrane (2012-02-16)

Hey bro, thanks a lot. Your fix did the magic. I completely reinstalled the game again and used the second step wich is from "Before Install Folder" Thanks. Before it was not working. But your fix did the trick. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart.:)

ashishrane (2012-02-16)

Hey bro, thanks a lot. Your fix did the magic. I completely reinstalled the game again and used the second step whch is from "Before Install Folder" Thanks. Before it was not working. But your fix did the trick. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart.:)

fervid (2012-03-04)

I appreciate the efforts Kaos Krew, but the zone files are kinda messed up. can you do a second fix? Please. Many are requesting for another fix.

GameTick22 (2012-05-08)

Gansuk...........If its missing the Code_pre_gfx.FF after you fix it with this unbat file where must i put it if i download it?

Arithemis (2012-07-16)

I have installed the game four times.. used ur before install and after install fix n it NEVER WORKED.. Please KaOS do something..

Arithemis (2012-07-16)

Ur unpack.bat says can't find zone.rep.srep ... where am i going wrong?

auslemang07 (2012-11-07)

why it say access denied when the setup.bat want to install directx and vcredist ?
someone please help me !

auslemang07 (2012-11-07)

Help me Gansuk ! Tpb !

angmar1444 (2012-12-01)

read disc error, help me gansuk

dmaycry (2013-01-22)

well i baught dvd of cod mw3 pc game it ran but i cleared 5 stages and 6 stage is not running i think error black screen plzz help my dvd corrupt or my any other reason


1. COD.MW3.FIX-KaOs.rar 472.01 Kb