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Prototype [MAC] [Intel]




Games Mac


Prototype [MAC] [Intel]




2010-05-16 (by thenoobish)


Language: English In Prototype, players take control of Alex Mercer – a dark, genetically mutated shape-shifter with no memory of his past, hell-bent on solving the mystery of his existence as he tears through a densely populated New York City moving with Parkour-style fluidity and consuming anything that gets in his way. 'Deceive or Destroy' gameplay allows gamers the choice to either blend in with the population and covertly progress through the story, or fully unleash Alex’s powers, and move through New York City like a walking slaughterhouse, taking control of military vehicles, and causing destruction at every turn.

Files count:



7620.56 Mb




Purpin (2010-05-16)

Great game! Thanks so much.

ionlyknow (2010-05-16)

Hey nice! I'm gonna downlad this when there are more seeders ^^

purry5 (2010-05-16)

just wondering, is this a port version of the game?
looks awesome by the way, thanks!

gi4mi (2010-05-17)

thnx, yur big noobish

ajw1675 (2010-05-17)

AWESOME!!!!!! could you please upload Just Cause 2??? anyway this is sweeett can't wait to get

shsl1710 (2010-05-18)

Hi, why is it that when i click on the game, my screen enlarges and the icon bounced and disappear. Then comes a warning about something relating to winex11.

Etienne0123 (2010-05-18)

Is it possible to make Bioshock 2 for Mac? That would be awesome! Good game by the way.

petje_vermeulen (2010-05-20)

''Hi, why is it that when i click on the game, my screen enlarges and the icon bounced and disappear. Then comes a warning about something relating to winex11.'' - shsl1710
Have exactly the same problem. Could you post a link to the original source thenoobish, or at least give us an inkling how to fix this problem?

D0ct0rFun (2010-05-20)

doesn't work. I get all icons enlarged and then a black screen....nada
waste of time.

Lamin7 (2010-05-20)

Srsly Leechers should just go ahead and die!!! we only need our loved seeder I just started downloading tis game I hope it works or else Thumbs down.
But still thank you for adding this torrent to the site :)

vickeviktor (2010-05-21)

AWSOME! Thanks man! Its so fucking fast!

christian2445 (2010-05-21)

Runnig on a MBP 2,53 core2 512 memory and 4 gigs ram and the game run's like crap! Any hints?

poedude92 (2010-05-21)

Running really slow for me as well. I have even have 4 gigs of ram!

akinao (2010-05-21)

This game runs like molasses on my 2.4GHz MBP, 80% of the time it hangs on the frame of the taxicab at the opening cinematic. Definitely not playable in any sense of the word. also having trouble changing resolution to native (1900x1200), even with using the screenoptions option in the readme.
It's no fun playing at 2 fps

xDoko (2010-05-21)

When I try to start a game, it pops me an error and i can not do anything. Help!

moloqO (2010-05-22)

i got the same problem as shsl1710 and petje_vermeulen
only thing i think of is that the MINimum requirements for this game is a fukin core2duo 2,6 (but only 1gb of ram :S )
if anyone has the solution about this pls help...

joncppl (2010-05-24)

Downloaded fine,
When I open it it changes my screen resolution to 1034x768,
then crashes,
wine and wineserver run for a while,
then disappear,
so the game seems unplayable
I'm using 10.6.3,
core2duo 2,6ghz
4gb ram

pistoda (2010-05-26)

Ugh... Story videos crashes all the time. And the game lags, i play on low setting, even though, i have i5, 4gb ram, HD4850. well, the 27 inch mac.
And it crashes, now all the time, i can't get past one place i must go because the game just freezes.
I'll look for another rip, but will seed that one. But the game is good.

bbreki (2010-05-27)

Completely unplayable. Kind of sucks cause the game seems really good.

Freddericoe (2010-05-27)

Great game! Thanks noobish! By the way, for the people who can play the game, but it's laggy, make your graphics, and sound effects to the lowest. It works perfectly after that!

Dobik2000 (2010-05-29)

Seriously, I know my computer is far from new, but it should still be able to run this with low settings. However, it just lags, it's REALLY slow. And I tried decreasing the resolution, too, but it didn't change much. So if anyhow finds the secret to making this game run faster (and don't tell me to but a new computer), please share it.
Otherwise, I guess it'll be tough luck for me...

Dobik2000 (2010-06-02)

Incidentally, for those who only get the bouncing icon, did you follow the installation instructions? And by that I mean opening the application package and running the "screenoptions" (or whatever it's called, but something along those lines) program.
After that, for those for who it lags, I thought it might be a graphics card issue, but it seems to run bad on both ATI and NVidia cards, so that's not it. Again, if anyone has a solution, please share...
@Freddericoe: could you please be more specific as to what options you changed, and what configuration you're playing with?

shsl1710 (2010-06-07)

@Dobik2000 Yes, i followed through the instructions. Screenoptions, move it to the applications, etc.

Wheel83 (2010-06-09)

This seems very strange to me, but why is it that this game crashes about 30 seconds into the game UNLESS I'm connected to the internet?
This seems strange because i'm not playing a multiplayer game as far as i know.
If I'm not connected to the internet the game starts up, I load my game, attempt to get to my mission and then the game crashes and displays an error message. Something about the Wine software.
Could somebody please tell me what the hell is up with that?

gogi010 (2010-06-09)

this is bullshit it is not working i have placed on full screen but it just crashes it is not working

gogi010 (2010-06-10)

thenoobish you are full of shet you put games dat dont work this is the third game i have doloded from you and its not working stop puting crep on internet put somthig that works

ramenstudios (2010-06-12)

those who are saying that this not work, please shut the fuck up.
This is made with Wine Skin, its not the best to handle 3D games. My macbook pro 15" 64 bit computer works perfect with this, its a one year old model, with dual graphic cards. Still it lags a bit and i need to have both card enabled to make it work and be able to play. But anyways thanks for the torrent, this is able to play but it lags or become unable to play if you dont have a expensive or a new mac. It might not start right all the time thought and i maybe have to restart my mac to open it again. But mostly it works good except when the graphic effects takes to much RAM or Graphic.

modalitzu (2010-06-12)

Hey, im downloading the torrent now, is there anything i should know, like cracks or something, the game looks great, thanks for the upload "thenoobish", link me the crack, im new at dowloading games, usealy downloading movies :P

ramenstudios (2010-06-13)

@modalitzu no there isnt anything you need to know, the crack is in it, just follow the instructions and your ready to go if your computer can handle it.

ramenstudios (2010-06-13)

Made a small review on the game i added what most people need to know before downloading it and if they have any problems with it

Wheel83 (2010-06-14)

so i'm still not sure why this game crashes 30 secs into the gameplay UNLESS i'm connected to the internet.
If you also have a problem with this game crashing as soon as you start playing, try connecting to the internet and try again. It works for me everytime for some reason..
I would very much like to know why this is though. It seems very strange to me. Because if i am connected to the internet the game runs fine and I can play for hours.
As long as my internet connection stays connected.
If anyone has any ideas about why this is, please comment.

ramenstudios (2010-06-14)

@wheel83 i dont have the same problem but it try it abit out, like disconnecting your internet while playing and see if it still crashes. If not its probably an idea to check the firewall, or anything, its obviously not the game or wineskin doing it so check your computer software... if not it shouldnt be a problem to play with internet connection, since your able to reply :D

ramenstudios (2010-06-20)

I'm sorry about the link, kinda got a crash so my review didnt reach it...I will try getting it back up within the week.

Wheel83 (2010-06-28)

I have tested it. When my internet connection is down the game crashes about 30secs into the game. Everytime. Never fails.
When my internet connection is up, it never crashes and I can play for hours. strange.
Never ran into this kind of problem in a game before.
I sincerely hope this isn't some kind of tracking thing,, or a virus, or spam, or any other kind of crazy cyber danger out there in the big ol wide world o web...

SHARKMAN90000 (2010-06-29)

does this work on mac os x tiger=10.4.11

ikickurasz (2010-07-06)

Works fine thanks (: !, I only can't play on fullscreen on 27inch iMac, only 1600x1200

ramenstudios (2010-07-07)

@Wheel83 i have tried it but on my mac it dosnt seem to act that is strange...indeed. well well, i dont think you have any viruses thought. If its not the The OSX/OpinionSpy, To check if you are infected, open ?Terminal? and enter: netstat -a | grep 8254. (with the dot) If you localize anything odd you are possibly infected... (it opens a backdoor connection on port 8254). Anyways i dont think you have anything to worry about, its probably just some isuesses with Wine(skin/server),as long as you have internet connection you dont have care rlly...

phenom002 (2010-08-06)

for some reason it isnt opening on my mac is there meant to be a delay in opening or what ?

gopiah (2010-08-17)

Hi guys, what is the wineskin engine that you use to play the game? cuz mine can't work

Nbah (2010-08-20)'s working fine for me. As for the frosen screen now and then just go with ur mouse to teh bar on the top and press show all .-. workks for me ;)

gopiah (2010-08-21)

yeah but what is the thing we need to download for wineskin? like the engine ? haha cuz mine has this program error everytime i run it

gopiah (2010-08-25)

does this run on a CXZ engine?

Deathcorebreaker (2010-09-08)

Doesnt work dude... when im starting the game the icon bounces then it carshes... :@

Mr3rdEye (2010-09-29) just crashes :@

PeebriaN (2010-10-02)

Please, please, please seed!!
I was getting 500kb/sec and now only 50kb/sec D:

viditama (2010-12-10)

when a movie of the web of intrigue starts playing it always stops in the middle. the sound continues but the image is frozen. anything i can do to watch the films?

kirb13 (2011-01-02)

how to install this game

Timmiex (2011-01-10)

please make bioshock 2 for mac!!!

rambambula (2011-02-08)

Runs ok on low settings and resolution but is unstable. Has a tendency to jump out of game and mess up the visuals; Sound keeps going and game keeps running but the video jumps out to show desktop and cmd-tabbing back only results in a frozen image. Solution: force quit and restart.
OSX 10.6.6 on an iMac 3.06 GHz and 4GB Ram. 256MB ATI Radeon HD 4670

howardlpp (2011-02-22)

my lappie is
Mac OS X 10.6.6
..n i m newbie here..but i wan download this game in my lappie..can anyone here tell me step by step??coz i 1st time download game from internet.pleaseeeeeee......

Raj05 (2011-05-08)

Hey everyone.... on startup says protype has encountered a serious problem and needs to close...please report to winehq....can i run games from their dmg's directly

Raj05 (2011-05-10)

A comlplete guide on how thenoobish's prototype works. the nfo through text edit....u will now know to right click prototype(tm) and show package contents and go to screen options
To get the game running choose....virtual dektop in windowed rooted.... this will work for most of u guys...... for the others..... in screen opt..... go to full screen and 640.480....this it by far the best with no crash....others mostly dont work or they adjust to either corners of the screen....
Now for the CRASHES: try running the game for a few hrs.... before it solve... open 2 tabs in safari.. and when the game the power button on your mac and click should force quit prototype..but wont again and play :D
ADDITIONAL: do the above said crash and try for a few times with long time of gameplay.....u wont even be able to quit to desktop at first (do the same as for 2 tabs safari) and cut scenes and the game will laag....although keep playing and if at any point cutscenes are getting stuck watch em... do the safari thing then open again and just skip the cut scene so the game wont crash....keep doing this and AT ONE POINT WINESKIN WILL GET USED TO PROTOTYPE..... EVERYTHING WILL WORK FINE... EVEN EXITING!!!!!

wMin17 (2011-05-18)

I found a way to make this work: go to the portingteam site and download the updated wineskin wrapper. After that, move the pc game files from this version to the newer version! After that, it works great! Just a little lag, but still playable!

kyliandeman (2011-06-18)


kyliandeman (2011-06-18)

but a bit slow

kyliandeman (2011-06-18)

the gameplay is getting slower and slower, please someone help me? what can i change allready set all the graphics on LOW :(

kyliandeman (2011-06-20)

the game is so laggy, its an awesome game but, its way to laggy to play:( sorry but im deleting it....
ps: i allready set all the graphics on low and that shit even asked my cousin, (who is a computer/gaming expert) and he said the same, the torrent aint verry good 'try to find another one' :(

C-Pan (2011-08-25)

Shitty doesn't even start

Viktorlsn (2011-09-19)

is it native in mac os x guys ?

mkdhdh (2011-10-19)

everything went perfect on my dad's iMac 10.6.6 but now i bought a new mbp and we both changed to lion and it isn't working please update and test in lion

lordalex123 (2011-11-16)

Guys. Does it work on macbook pro laptops?

lordalex123 (2011-11-16)

Guys ! Does it work on macbook pro? lion os x. =)

croketns (2012-01-16)

seed pls

Getthere1 (2012-02-03)

worth trying to install it on a macbook 2008-2009?
2,1ram :/
heard some guys had terrible lag, u think it could work for me? thanks

mbreed0990 (2012-02-23)

couldn't get it to work at all

grkirish1 (2012-04-06)

i'm on intel mac os x 10.7.3 and i can't seem to get this to work
gone to screen options both 640*460 and full screen
and nothing happens
can anyone help ?

grkirish1 (2012-04-06)

followed all the instructions, mounted using disk image
tried using disk utilities however i have no idea how to use it
moved the app to applications
right clicked went to screen options did everything i could from there
still does nothing
could it be because i have a different version of wine?
or what
someone help please :|

Raymond010 (2012-04-08)

Bull shit, doesn't work on my Macbook 10.7.3

M-ish (2012-06-06)

wish i wouldve read these comments before i opened this file. thank you, thenoobish, thank you for totally fucking every project i was working on when i decided to open this game. had to restart my damn computer just to kill it.

rusga2 (2012-06-11)

Dude, wtf.
The game crashes before the game starts.
Tried in many different ways and it didn't worked.
Im using a MacBook Pro i7 - AMD 6770 - 2012.

winiwide (2012-07-15)

i downloaded it twice and the game just cant start

Johnteshlin (2013-02-15)

black screen lol...

felixom3 (2013-05-23)

I have opened the nfo and i know what to do, but whenever I try to open screen options it doesn't open!! Somebody please help I really want this game.

Epzon13 (2013-06-06)

Sup thenoobish, just want to say that i love everything you've uploaded, everything i've downloaded from you works perfectly.
But also i have a request, i'm a very nostalgic kind of gamer, could you please please, upload Age of Pirates 2 City of Abandoned Ships?
Thank you for your work

17lauh2 (2013-08-08)

This torrent does not work, though I really appreciate that you are trying to get this for the mac community
Macbook air mid 2012
4gb ram
version 10.8.4
1.8ghz intel core i5
intel HD graphics 4000
I also want to request a game, see if you can port it :"need for speed hot pursuit 2010"thx
pls:if theres a subscribe button i would totally subscribe!

jatake501 (2014-03-23)

Doesn't work in
Macbook Pro 13' MID 2012
4 gb de ram
Intel HD Graphics
Black Screen, y try everything to fix it.
Changue resolution don't work
Try other wrapper update neither
Change screen options of wine don't work
Always black screen.


1. Prototype.dmg 7620.56 Mb