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The Dark Knight[2008]BDRip[720p] - D-L33T3[Pilot RG]






The Dark Knight[2008]BDRip[720p] - D-L33T3[Pilot RG]


Video/HD - Movies


2008-11-26 (by d-l33t3 )



The Dark Knight Source: 10 gig 1080p .mkv by CiNEFiLE Year: 2008 Runing time: 2:32:13 Genre: Action/Adventure/Crime Language: English Subs: None File size: 3.8gb Trackers: TPB VIP tracker/ TPB tracker Video track: Video format: X264/H.264 AVC high profile @ 4.1, Mpeg-4 Codec: x264 r1029 skystrife's patched build Resolution: 1280x720 ( 720p ) Ratio: 1.78:1 / 2.40:1 Encoding passes: 2 pass encode Avg bitrate: 3411 kbps Main audio track: Format: Nero AAC LC Channels: 2 ( stereo ) Avg bitrate: 160 kbps IMDB: Rating: 9.1/10 Tagline: Welcome to a world without rules. Story: Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent are forced to deal with the chaos unleashed by an anarchist mastermind known only as the Joker, as it drives each of them to their limits. Encoders notes: This file is optimized for playback on standalone, ps3 and xbox 360. The size is kept at under 4 gig for storage on ps3 external fat 32 hdd. Also plays back nicely on pc at 720p on a 1280x1024 desktop ( or there abouts ) and gives a brilliant quality source for convert X to dvd. Convert X can produce a dvd from this file thats as good as an origional. You can use a program called tsmuxer to create a blue ray disk from this file. The file name has been shortened because some people don't realised that the file name has to be simple for ps3 playback. This should stop people thinking its broken because the filename has spaces... If your going to playback on ps3, drop the file in a folder before playing, this should stop anyone from getting corruption messeges. Additional Notes: The origional audio track isn't included in this release. It only comes with the embeded stereo audio. The origional ac3 track and source file was lost to data corruption caused by a power cut. Sorry for the hastle. 20 mins of the movie is in IMAX 1.78:1. The rest of the movie is in 2.40:1. As I said before, I wasn't going to cover this movie as neither my family or freinds wanted this and I've got a brilliant quality h.264 dvd rip of this that I'm happy with however I've had quite a few people requesting that I cover this so here it is. Although I hate leaving them, I've kept the bars in place in the 2.40:1 scenes for odviouse reasons. Despite this I still managed to squeeze nearly 3 1/2 mbs for a video bitrate out of this wich is impresive concidering the movie runs for over 2 1/2 hours and the file size is still my usual 3.8 gig. In simple terms, this keeps to my usual standard of quality despite the additional resolution and running time. Enjoy this HD movie. -==D-L33T3==- Pilot Release Group

Files count:



3892.80 Mb




 d-l33t3 (2008-11-27)

Erm... ok.
The quality of all the movies I upload is extremely high. Most times better than any scene 720p release.
You do realise the resolution is 720p? Even the scene release 1080p and 720p of each movie.
You also realise that the format is different than all those other releases on this site? This is customised for playback on a whole range of devices that scene releases don't play on.
You odviously didn't read the post or you would know this.
You odviously didn't read any previouse coments on my other torrents or you would know just how good the quality is on my releases.
You odviously cant see past the setup your using or you would realize that people dont want the exact same things. Every one is looking for different formats etc.
Do yourself a favour in future m8. Read the post and comments before voicing your oppinion. It'll stop you looking like an idiot. Know what I mean?

 d-l33t3 (2008-11-27)

You do realise this was REQUESTED of me in this format, at my quality?
You do know how to read a post don't you?
"As I said before, I wasn't going to cover this movie as neither my family or freinds wanted this and I've got a brilliant quality h.264 dvd rip of this that I'm happy with however I've had quite a few people requesting that I cover this so here it is."
It is up there you know.

The Biff Man (2008-11-27)

What an arse you are angel40204. I must admit ive been busy downloading all your films.......These films look amazin on me 360 and saves me days converting Mkv files on my bog standard computer. Keep up the good work L33T3. I wish all HD content was 360 compatable from the off & sepertating the Audio tracks genius seeing as I dont have surround. Thanks for the hard work. Looking forward to the next release!!!

Ass_Munch (2008-11-27)

I for one am very gratefull for this torrent, there's clearly a lot of time and effort been put into it and you're not gonna find a better HD Xbox360/PS3 friendly rip than the one's created by D-L33T3.
Instead of barking orders for something original, read the comments and do a bit of research.
Nice work D-L33t3. Keep ya head up.

The Biff Man (2008-11-27)

Anybody recommend any other 360 HD (720p or 1080p) compatable files/ uploaders other than WMV HD.
Sorry for jumping on your comments (again) L33T3. Im just addicted to HD content now. Nothing else will do!

lordofthebong (2008-11-27)

nevermind that fucking clownshoe...
your ups are among the best in the community
thank you for the time and effort it takes to do what you do for us!

anz7551 (2008-11-27)

Great! Thank you very much!)

elwoed (2008-11-27)

Hey, Thanks for the up man,
Can you please upload the full serie in bluray of band of brothers in your .mp4 format?
If you do much thanks from Holland
Bye, elwoed

pa_d (2008-11-27)

Seed please

pa_d (2008-11-28)

Yea Band of Brothers would be sweet.

elwoed (2008-11-28)


 d-l33t3 (2008-11-28)

I can only try. I have other requests to cover but am trying to stay on top of them all.
It's a massive job to do this. I already looked into trying for another peer, dafish.
I've finaly found the hddvd version I was looking for but it's 53+ gig in size. Thats alot of downloading and about a week of encoding.
Like I said, it's a massive job. I am aware though it is highly sought after.

xcadaverx (2008-11-28)

could you do this in avi?

IG3N1987 (2008-11-28)

d-l33t3 do not bother arguing with Angel, I see him posting in a lot of torrent comments, usually always complaining about something, and it is obvious he doesn't appreciate the effort people go to, to bring him movies, hes just one of these people that wants every download catered to how he specifically wants it.

RAMM00 (2008-11-28)

3411 kbps!!! ooooo.....that's far better than my average 720 Kbps or so.

ArghMatey2006 (2008-11-29)

Can anyone comment on quality? Not sure whether to get this one or the Kingben rip which is slightly smaller and less CPU intensive but still looks awesome from the sample i got. Thanks.

 d-l33t3 (2008-11-29)

King bens rip is encoded to a standard resolution. 768 x 432. This is encoded to a HD resolution of 1280x720 ( 720p).
Here's a quality screen shot from this taken from one of the IMAX scenes.
Please replace the ** in the url to tt.

 d-l33t3 (2008-11-29)

IE copy and paste the address into your adress bar and replace the ** with tt.
Make sure to view it at full size ( 1280x720 ) so it doesnt look distorted through being resized.

The Biff Man (2008-11-29)

Quality will be amazing.
Ive downloaded a lot of L33T3 work ( even films I knew I wouldnt enjoy, ones ive seen and ones ive been suprised by) and they just make me drool..

jonny-boy-123 (2008-11-29)

ill defo grab this one! i downloaded the kingben release only to find out that the xbox 360 wont play it because of the 6 channel audio (well i assume thats the reason cus it needs to be 2 channel i think) right this might sound like a stupid question but will the video quality of this release watched through my xbox on a hd tv be the same if i watched the retail 720p bluray ?? thanks! im pretty new to hd video and all!!

jonny-boy-123 (2008-11-29)

cus ive never actually watched hd content before!! if i watch this through my xbox 360 on my hdtv will i be watching hd video? is hd alot better than dvd ?? sounds silly but i hope u appreciate im new to this hd stuff!!

hockeyrocker (2008-11-29)

cheers d-l33t3
ur doin somethin that should be much more popular :)

voopy (2008-11-29)

just got resident evil muxed and its as awesome as all the others i've downloaded from you
and also have just figured out the encoding process...just in time too cos i've nearly filled those two drives i got and was thinking of getting another,now i can shrink em down and have room for more
i have to say thanks very much for pointing me in the right directions-i've been trying to learn how to do this and finally i get it
and to any doubters the only reason i would'nt download from this man is if i already have the blu-ray or hddvd disc itself cos the end result is good enough and sometimes over 20gig lighter in size from it's original size

voopy (2008-11-29)

ps....if at all possible and i feel bad asking cos just waiting and seeing what your uploading is great anyway....but if you could possibly find Mr Brooks or The Lookout and encode it would be greatly appreciated....down here in Australia we are still early in the release schedule and not up to all the titles available elsewhere

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-01)

Np voopy. I'll add them to the list. I've got a couple of weeks worth of requests to cover but I'll get to them.
BTW, I got family in Perth so a big hi to Australia. :)
@Jonny-boy-123: Yes these will play in full HD on that setup. Just make sure you use an HDMI cable to take full advantage of this.
Quality wise, I'll put it this way. I can play the source on my 1280x1024 desktop and then play my encode and I cant honsetly see any differance.
Hope this helps.

voopy (2008-12-01)

thanks a lot mate i look forward to them and the others only problem is that sometimes i've already got them
i'm on the other side of the island in Brisbane

JillyDad (2008-12-01)

d-l33t3, You are a GOD! I picked up a 250gb hdd for my PS3 just for this kind of content. Thank you so much. My kids are your biggest fans. If the Incredibles is possible, it would be very much apprieciated. Thanks.

 Shalashaska1 (2008-12-03)

Thanks...Great quality
@angel40204 your a idiot noob

hockeyrocker (2008-12-03)

any possibility somebody could up a couple of these thru megauploads or tracks the shit outta torrents :/

pa_d (2008-12-04)

Thanks man. Great quality. I'm looking forward to your next upload:D

Overheal (2008-12-04)

Thanks D - dont mind that Angel fellar :)
I got Iron Man 720p in under 3GB and its a great weight range. Those 8gb files are too big for my needs, and my laptop doesnt run 1080 anyway without getting hot - so thanks. Anything that fits on a DVD later is always a plus.

voopy (2008-12-04)

gee ...good to see so many comments and of course they are all positive-what else could they be

 Shalashaska1 (2008-12-05)

do you have to copy the file to the ps3 hard drive to watch it or will it just run from the disc i burn...thanks again

 Shalashaska1 (2008-12-05)

i dont have a ps3 i just want to send a copy to a friend and i want to know before i do...

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-06)

You can copy to the internal hdd and play. Copy to external hdd and play. Copy to data dvd and play. Even copy to memory card and play.
Hope this helps m8.

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-06)

Oh and if you give him it on a data dvd, make sure it's in a folder like I say in the post notes. The ps3 can sometimes throw up corruption messages if it isn't in a folder first.

Ketin (2008-12-06)

I thoroughly appreciate the time and effort you've put into bringing this TDK upload to us. I can't wait to watch this on my pmp in a couple of days.

 Shalashaska1 (2008-12-07)

Thanks for the info...

cengiz1 (2008-12-09)

is this blue ray bled?????

BreakingHalo (2008-12-12)

just curious, im a newbie to this site, the movie itself is an mp4 file, i read the readme and it says i can use tsmuxer to create a blu ray disk, but every time i go into tsmuxer and click add, the mp4 file is not a supported file, really annoying, just trying to get all this figured out, if anyone could help that would be great

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-12)

First off, I don't have a blue ray burner so I don't do this personaly. The information I have on this comes from my m8's who put these files on to blue ray's.
This is how my m8's do this. It's by no means a process for beginers.
This file is slightly more complicated because it doesn't have the extra dts audio file.
To prepair the file for tsmuxer, you need to demux the video stream and audio stream to there raw formats. To do this, use a program called yamb to demux the video stream to raw .264 and the audio stream to raw .aac. ( basicly tell it to demux all streams to raw )
Tsmuxer will now see 2 extracted files. The .264 video file and the .aac audio file. You can load them in and procede from there.
I can't advise to much on the settings for tsmuxer. You would be better checking for that info online.
I can verify however that the video stream in this file is 100% compliant and doesn't need encoded. Basicly what you see is what you get in the result.
Thats because the movie stream is encoded to the exact format used in a lot of ps3 compliant blue ray movies.

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-12)

Also, if the blue ray player you intend to play on doesn't support aac audio then you can encode the audio to ac3 using megui.
Usualy I include the origional dts or ac3 audio but I lost the origional file for this movie after encoding the video and audio. I upped it without to save redownloading the source.
Usualy all you would need to do is demux the video and add that and the dts/ac3 file to tsmuxer.

BreakingHalo (2008-12-13)

hey thanks a lot, i really appreciate it, im gunna go try it right now, now i'll definately be back to download more from you, thanks again

BreakingHalo (2008-12-13)

i just had 1 more quick question, say im getting a blu-ray drive in the near future, what would i have to do to extract the mkv file from the blu-ray disk, for some mkv files im gunna download, and for others im gunna probably do myself, if you could help that would be great

DknoxEFR (2008-12-14)

hey im pretty new to this..i have a xbox360 and a hdtv how can i stream this to my xbox?

xXPIMPINXx (2008-12-16)

Try a flash drive, people forget 360's have usb slots.

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-16)

@breakinghalo: First off the video file inside a blue ray file is .m2ts, not mkv.
Idealy for that you would use anydvd hd as it has a great sucess rate with cracking the encryption level and BD+ copy protection.
I've posted a far more acurate and detailed information guide on making blue rays from these and .mkv's in the coments for my polar express upload.
You want to read that m8. It's based on what information I could get from the people who make blue rays movie disks from BDRips on a regular basis.

 d-l33t3 (2008-12-16)

*video inside blue ray disk, not files

jonny-boy-123 (2008-12-20)

finally got it downloaded and the quality is amazing! im playing it through xbox 360 with hdmi cable and the picture is superb! great upload! 5/5!!