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Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX
Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX
2006-03-30 (by accelerax)
Railroad Tycoon 3 for Mac OSX - bin/cue format
Files count:
1198.67 Mb
orpheus (2006-03-31)
why use bin /cue? im a newbe to thouse files iv only used them with kvcd's is it good compresion?mikethejones (2006-04-01)
You can also convert bin/cue to iso with Firestarter.freakbike (2006-04-06)
Is this game playable without a CD??jaffster (2006-04-08)
I am at 83%..... damn... i hope the seeder comes back soon :(Zether (2006-04-08)
Looks like we're going to need SEEDers again, Mike you want to help???Zether (2006-04-09)
Yep, I will.(right now I am at 95%)
adhd-tommy (2006-04-09)
I get exactly the same problem as Gavino! have tried both mounting and burning the cds. Still the same. Any ideas anyone?..rikki (2006-04-09)
Yup, Doesn't work. The installer crashes after 1%. I've tried numerous times to install it, but no - completely useless...adhd-tommy (2006-04-09)
Come on, does it work for anyone? And all the trouble we had getting it...andysimo123 (2006-04-09)
I bet I can get it to work if someone just seeds for an hour. Am on like 96-98%.macterror (2006-04-09)
i finished but I can't get it to install......???????help, abort 1% of install than crashed the installer!!!!!!!
whats wrong...????
ottbert (2006-04-09)
Burnt to CD - Installer quits after 1% - worthless :-(Zether (2006-04-10)
Well, it installed for me... Although, I do still need a no-cd.porror (2006-04-10)
same problem herewaited for days
installationcrash at 1%
(sth with the cues that weren't in the file?)
Gavino! (2006-04-11)
Oh NO! it wasn't just me?sorry you went through so
much trouble dude!
maybe you should try
a different filetype.
after all, we're all mac users
so sorry dude
Gavino! (2006-04-11)
honoestly I did this before,but the file wasn't broken, it was
incomplete. and the torrent got
really popular.. oops
adhd-tommy (2006-04-13)
Enough is enough. No hard feelings accelerax. You tried your best (with all your travelling and stuff). Now you know for your next upload.Gavino! (2006-04-15)
When adding a torrentis there anything I should do to ensure
the file is not traced to me?
0ldsk00l (2006-04-19)
ok, llamahs! be nice and stop bitching accelerax. here is what to do.1. open .bin file with toast
2. use save as and save it as disk image
3. open it with toast and burn
kennikwala (2006-04-22)
I had the same problem. error at 1 %.tried install on my other hard drive, & still no good.
I then tried install on my separate OS9 partition & it worked ok. not sure why?.
Had to mount cd2 image with toast & burn to a disc to get it to authenticate. But it is working for me now.
ProfiPimp (2006-04-26)
has anybody come up with a solution yet?I tried my best...
Gavino! (2006-04-27)
I'll try what kennikwala did butI see it's 14.99 on Amazon
speaker83 (2006-07-19)
I have now wasted 3 discs on this piece of shit... I'm sorry to say I have no clue as how to burn or otherwise make this work... Think the original seeder screwed us... I'm off to the local Mac store to buy it cause I really think it rules...speaker83 (2006-07-20)
Oh, and I noticed when mounting the BIN/CUE files that they "are for" RW discs and also they have no "icon" which is rather strange for a rip of the original game discs. The problem might be right here people. Think I'll do a proper rip of the discs once my set arrives. Love and hugs... err...konsequent77 (2006-08-01)
someone managed to install this?the installer seems to fail creating the first file...
I checked permissions, to no avail
no difference when run from mounted cd image or from burned cd, or when cd2 is mounted
also tried installing to a HFS standard image, didn't work (kennikwala seemed to manage to install to a OS9 partition, although OS9 already used HFS+)
assurbanipal18 (2006-09-17)
The installer doesn't work at all 1% only, after that jump off to close. !!!???iPyramid (2006-09-22)
This program does not work. A good bit of advice; dont waste your time downloading this.mhmmm (2007-03-02)
Go fkk yourselfe acceleraxoldman88 (2007-12-12)
Hey found this while Googling, will try this one.
oldman88 (2007-12-13)
I used the above torrent for disc one and used acceleax's disc 2. I was able to mount disc one with toast and install no probs.Had to burn Accelerax's disc 2 by opening the .bin with toast 8.0.1, and burning to a blank disc.
No probs
bmc510 (2007-12-28)
use toast titanium from roxio to mount w/o burning on osxdredgeman1829 (2008-01-26)
This will not work, if you go into Railroad Tycoon 3 Disc 1 and right click the installation file "Railroad Tycoon 3 Installer.pkg" and choose show package contents, and then "Contents > Archive.pax.gz" copy the gz file to your desktop and then try to extract with BOM (the native OSX unzipper and for 10.5 users it now lets you zip with a right click" it will tell you the archive is incomplete, there is some security from the original contents that is missing.Solution:
If the Original seeder could just zip up the Railroad 3 folder that was installed and seed that it should work...
greatgogo (2008-04-07)
dont download..... doesn't work....... tried it on many systems.....lilletigerpus (2008-05-20)
oldman88´s explanation worked well for me too.maeggi (2008-06-19)
No way!it´s a retail crap!
Burning with toast no problem, but installing doesn´t work.
Don´t download the nocd!-torrent that appeared here lately in order to crack this torrent, the Railroad Tycoon 3 nocd.sit doesn´t work. it´s just a readme-file in there.
Dumdas04 (2008-10-24)
I had no problem installing the thing. It just opened with DiskImageMounter as is default. No props. Only problem came with it asking for cd2. Will try and burn it and see if works...Dumdas04 (2008-10-24)
it works!. Just burn the second cd.radar9999 (2009-01-03)
The torrent referenced by oldman88 is dead. No Seeders or Leechers or Peers. At this post this torrent""
is probably a better choice. Plenty of seeds.ani-mason (2009-01-18)
The game installed fine...Can someone show me a step by step process of how and what i have to burn?
mattballew (2009-03-27)
Install Failed on this one... But i may still be able to use disc two... I am downloading the one linked at the bottom, Will comment back :)Files:
1. Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX/Railroad Tycoon 3 Disc 1.bin 533.23 Mb
2. Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX/Railroad Tycoon 3 Disc 1.cue 90 bytes
3. Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX/Railroad Tycoon 3 Disc 2.bin 665.44 Mb
4. Railroad Tycoon 3 Mac OSX/Railroad Tycoon 3 Disc 2.cue 90 bytes