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David Bowie - The Complete Studio Works






David Bowie - The Complete Studio Works




2006-06-19 (by XAVeRY)


All the MP3s of David Bowie. See the included "info.txt" for more information.

Files count:



2405.11 Mb




Mr_Ecks (2006-06-19)

This is far, far... far from the complete studio works. It's an ok upload. But for petes sake don't label it the compelte studio works... since theres a shitload missing. For instance: Baal, Peter and the Wolf. The french and german versions of heros. The Italian version of Space oddity. There's nothing by Dave Jones and the Lower Third. There's more missing...

dummle (2006-06-20)

O Come on...! This Is Great ....Thanxs :>)=

alcocops (2006-06-21)

Mr Ecks makes rather a habit of belittling Bowie torrents in this pedantic fashion. An upload of 'Christiane F' was recently criticised for not including its German subtitle! He wants us all to know that he is a much bigger fan/expert than the rest of us could ever hope to be, which is why he's squawking like a pink monkey bird about a few missing obscurities.

XAVeRY (2006-06-21)

Anyways, I hope that you guys are happy. Except for Mr_Ecks, who probably also thinks that Santa is real.

kitvb1 (2006-07-20)

Good torrent... am replacing all my old LP's (jeez.. i still have them) and tapes onto CD. Never thought i would find Never Let me down... Thanks

ziggy669 (2006-08-09)

Amazing thanks tho it's not compleate its still bloddy nice:)

sanjiono (2006-08-22)

Whoa! great!!! thx man.

sanjiono (2006-08-22)

Though i'm just started to download...;P
So please stay online and seed my fellow bowie fans. Let me have the master's masterpieces. thx

snekke73 (2007-03-14)

What a nice torrent!! could someone seed this for me please?

snekke73 (2007-03-15)

please seed more...please

piratemath (2007-07-16)

I agree with Mr Ecks.
Complete is supposed to mean complete.

prognosticon (2007-08-01)

Tanks a lot!!!! This is GREAT!

jneljeff (2007-08-16)

ummm... Mr. Ecks is right... i dont see The Labyrinth on here... not his biggest release but its still a classic part of his work!

drwmsn (2007-11-15)

its free shit... remember that before you start bitching .

lisanne (2007-12-12)

Thank you - its really nice...

dont belive it (2008-02-18)

Please help meeeeeeeeee !!
I am stuck at 96.7 % .

UmbraFlundra (2008-07-14)

Nice upload. I specially appreciate A Lad In Vain.
But hey, jneljeff! There is absolutely nothing classic about Labyrinth. Not even the slightest, itty bitty bit.

DeMandolorian (2008-11-09)

Has anyone seen Love You Till Teusday on here?

Evil_Gargamel (2008-12-05)

I'd prefer V0, but 192kbps or above will do.

Evil_Gargamel (2008-12-05)

Oh, it's in the info.txt
LAME v3.97b2 -V1 --vbr-new
Would it be so hard to copy-paste that info.txt into the description?

stuart0305 (2009-04-21)

thnaks a lot

wander9 (2009-09-12)

Awsome many thanks!

Klapg (2009-12-28)

thank you very much

XAVeRY (2010-05-15)

thank you for's really great to see that a torrent that I created almost four years ago is still "alive and well" ;).
keep on sharing! the only thing more I can hope for is David himself thanking me for this.
oh, and btw, you guys are right - I shouldn't have labeled this "Complete Studio Works", as your arguments are of course valid. "Complete Album Collection" would've been more appropriate.

 fuckthesystem1 (2010-06-16)

you guys dont need all that.. what you NEED are the necessities:
David Bowie [10 Albums / 1971 - 1980 / 320kbps]

dkstoney (2010-09-17)

Well, I thinks it's safe to assume that Mr. Ecks was hit by a bus as we haven't heard from him and his 2 zero seeder uploads in over 4 years.
Thanks XAVeRY! Fight the power!