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Obchod_Na_Korze (xvid110-sickboy88).avi
Obchod_Na_Korze (xvid110-sickboy88).avi
2005-07-27 (by sickboy88 )
Obchod na korze (1965) AKA "The Shop on Main Street" (USA)
IMDB Link:
A request for "LETCHO"...This was a fuck to find. The subs were yellow as well! I tried my best to make them match the film.
I've never seen an 8.8 on IMDB before, yet here is such a movie.
I've NOT seen this, and it could be jewish trash, so be forewarned...after all, this *IS* about the "Holocau$t"...
Czech and Slovak audio, with HARD ENCODED ENGLISH subs.
Mini Plot:
The Shop on Main Street" tells the story of Tony Brtko (Jozef Kroner), assigned as the Aryan supervisor of a small shop run by Rozalie Lautman (Ida Kaminska), a doddering old lady whose mind is mostly gone and lives in a fog, seemingly unaware that World War II is raging around her. Tony, no sympathizer to the Nazi cause, takes on the duties begrudgingly, but becomes increasingly more involved as he realizes what fate will gradually meet Rozalie. Things reach a shattering conclusion at the climax, as Tony is met by her frustrating oblivion to the danger she is in. Ida Kaminska has received most of the attention in regards to this film. Hollywood even recognized her with a Best Actress Academy Award nomination in 1966. But the standout for me was Jozef Kroner, playing a quiet, mostly lazy man who is forced against his will into the role of hero. Watching his performance is like watching a raw nerve. I had some slight problems with the director's obsession on comparing Tony to Christ (he's a carpenter, he repeatedly is shown having his feet bathed), but this is a minor complaint about a film that packs a tremendous emotional wallop. I defy anyone to forget the last painful, lingering image of the film (I won't give it away), that simultaneously comments on the world that is and laments the world that could be.
Obchod na korze" is a 1965 Czech film that tells about the persecution of the Jews during World War II in terms of a poignant odd couple. During the occupation, Tono Brtko (Jozef Kroner) is poor, but because he is Aryan his life is about to change. Tono is appointed the controller of a button shop owned by Rozalie Lautman (Ida Kaminska), a slightly deaf Jewish widow who does not really understand what is going on. In fact, she thinks Tono is looking for a job, and hires him. They forge a relationship, but then the Nazis declare it is time for the Jews to be shipped off. The march of the Jews to the trains stands in devastating contrast to an earlier seen in the film where these same people took a pleasant walk through the streets of their town on a Sunday afternoon. "The Shop on Main Street" is directed by Ján Kadár and Elmar Klos from a story by Ladislav Grosman and it reminds you that when Dante created the circle of Hell and the very bottom were Judas, Brutus and Cassius, and all those who had committed the ultimate sin of betrayal. This is an intimate film about the Holocaust, that is able to approach the subject in terms of personal responsiblity more than most films. It makes the argument that the greatest horror was not what awaited those who died in the death camps, but came instead when their friends and neighbors set them to the trains. A very sobering film.
Encoded by: sickboy88
Codec: XviD 1.1.0 Beta 2
Bitrate:702 kb/s AVG
Aspect: 640x496 = 1.29:1
Audio: Czech, Slovak, 128 VBR Stereo @ 48K Hz
Subtitles: English: Hard-Encoded
Runtime: 02:06:24
FPS: 23.976
If you are going to watch this, you'll want to install the NEW XviD codec:
Now at Beta 2!
For top quality, make sure you use the XviD decoder configerator, and turn
on (Y) and (UV) deblocking, and the new feature of
XviD 1.1.0 (Y) and (UV) DERINGING.
If you have a slow computer, please turn off pre-processing. I don't want
another stupid motherfucker telling me that my movies are out of sync
because they are totally computer illiterate
Files count:
697.72 Mb
Bluesoul (2005-07-28)
As for the ratings, you might want to check out "Pride and prejudice", Band of brothers or Stewie Griffin The Untold Story as far as above 9 ratings are concerned (with 1k or more votes) :)))This one indeed has a high one and looks promising, especially since the Holocaust DID happen you 28 and 88'ers :P
sickboy88 (2005-07-28)
Right right...I never said it didn't happen, but what is your definition of "happen"?
What about the 100,000,000 WHITE innocents that were exterminated by All Anti-Christian Jewish Red Commissars in Russia under the orders of Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars? Yet Spielberg will never Direct a "Schindler's List" Movie for them or their genocide. Why is that? Because Jews did it.
What about AMERICAN JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS? You'll not hear Japanese people making up stories, trying to milk the world of every last fact, we haven't paid them ANYTHING.
At least jews were given a chance to leave (and be paid for it), or JOIN the german military...
The Japanese didn't have any fucking options...or the 100 million whites butchered under Jewish Marxism between 1917-1945, and many of the Marxists came to Russia from New York to do this to whites in 1917 after Jacob Schiff, the Jewish anti-Christian maniac banker who owned The Guaranty National Trust, the largest bank in the United States, financed Lenin and Trotsky $35 million for the Red Revolution and the mass killing of these white souls. We must never forget this.
Throw up some IMDB links so I can check out the films you are suggesting.
Softmachine (2005-07-28)
Fantastic Sickboy!!!!! I think this is your best offer so far.sickboy88 (2005-07-28)
I might just kill myself then...LETCHO (2005-07-29)
Thank you sicky...Softmachine (2005-07-29)
Jeez, dont kill yourself youre doing a good work. I just have an interest in older and obscure films. And from what ive heard from local film buffs, this is a GREAT film.Burning Red Ivanhoe (2005-08-01)
jewish marxism?! riight...that's why Sovjet harrased and killed thousands jews in their satelite states in eastern europe to keep the masse's mind off the exploitation there were "under" (is that the right preposition?!)...just look at Polan in the early sixties sicky...Burning Red Ivanhoe (2005-08-01)
or are u talking about before Stalin took over?sickboy88 (2005-08-04)
Ivan, I am not trying to be disprespectful, and I may be misunderstanding your english, but I think that 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of the world would agree with me that Karl Marx, the grandfather of communism, was a JEW.There is very little difference at ALL between socialism and communism, and you can be a communist without being a jew. Communism has worked, and still works.
The only form of republic that has not worked, is democracy...history repeats itself, and it's just a matter of time before my country goes under, and hard.
My post was not a bash on communism, it was a bash on jews.
Burning Red Ivanhoe (2005-08-06)
Oh it's allright, I was just pointing out that the so-called communistic USSR regime did the same trick Hitler did from my pov, they used the jews as scapegoats for social/economic problems. In that process (eastern europa after WWII) they exiled and killed lots of jews. I realize now that that might not have been so clear from my last comment.however my point, I just realized, is not relevant, since you're talking about Sovjet pre-WWII, and I'm sure u know alot of changes happened after Stalin took over. Among other things he executed alot of the former jew leaders or exiled them. In the period you're talking about, you're completely right about the massmurders, sorry.
Burning Red Ivanhoe (2005-08-09)
yeah it's pretty fucking annoying, hope they fix it soon! (they probably won't)Burning Red Ivanhoe (2005-08-09)
btw ur right about the obsession of holocaust which has taken ridicoulous proportions in mainstream society, compared to so many other genocidesjenotron (2006-02-22)
seeders pleaseNHorn (2006-04-08)
Can you please seed... I would like to download this awesome motionpicture.berry12 (2006-05-06)
just one mistake, it is not czech movie, it is czechoslovak movie, shooted in eastern part of slovakia, so it is SLOVAK movie with slovak actors. thankssickboy88 (2006-09-10)
Aryans don't seperate the us, you are the janitors of the world. Have you ever seen a croatian mob a floor? Good work they do.w00tterz (2006-10-31)
please seed and let me finish downing thisw00tterz (2006-11-02)
haha sickboy, no i havent seen a croatian mop a floor, but i doubt your wrong. anyway, the program i use to download using torrents is very glitchy, sometimes fucking up one download making it so i cant finish it until i quit the program and open the torrent again. however once i do this i can continue the download without starting over again. whoever was seeding must have had the option "stop seeding after the downloaders are complete" on or whatever, because once i restarted the program the seeder left >=[ erm.. i dont suppose anyone could help me out? it wont happen again i promise.. i fixed everything so it wont.w00tterz (2006-11-02)
oh.. and the same goes for "i spit on your grave"... sorry again for the inconvenience to the seeder whoever you are.
w00tterz (2006-11-02)
oh and for when i finish this...the 1922 version of Nosferatu anyone?
w00tterz (2006-11-02)
oh and when i up Nosferatu can people please help me seed it? it's quite rare... since its the "un-fucked-with version"..w00tterz (2006-11-02)
im only at 54.3% please seed.w00tterz (2006-11-03)
seed?Sachaztan (2007-08-19)
Hmm, about that guy that thought it is so ridicoulous that so much attention is drawn to the Holocaust...I disagree.For two reasons: First of all the death toll of up to 11 million people is not especially common...Seriously, only Stalin and Mao Tsetung managed to make a higher one. Second of all it is a good reminder so it wont happen again, so that people wont let this happen.
What is ridiculous is that you never really hear about Stalins and Mao Tsetungs genocides which by far outranks Hitlers, even when divided by the population under their control.
raheesen (2008-08-23)
excellent quality...great movie...thanks...Suftop (2010-02-08)
88 my arse, Nazi scumbag.Thanks for the movies though, this is a great one.
ahtanv (2010-02-28)
seed plzzz. downloading in 768 B/s. plzzzzzzzzzzzz seedOriginal_Sinner (2010-04-14)
Fucking seed asshole, dont upload a video then not seedmexicold (2011-01-17)
Great Movie. Please Seed. :)greekhero (2011-08-19)
thanks a lot, this is the only dvdrip, please keep seeding as long as possiblesinfaut (2011-10-08)
PLease seed this. I am stuck at 10 %Files:
1. Obchod_Na_Korze (xvid110-sickboy88).avi 697.72 Mb