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The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras Geophage
The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]
Video/TV shows
2007-04-01 (by mike18xx)
This torrent contains:
* The Venture Bros. pilot episode: "The Terrible Secret of Turtle Bay"
* Season 1 - all episodes, high-quality XviD TV rips by Geophage, 1/3rd CD size (233mb)
* Season 2 - all episodes, high-quality XviD TV rips by Geophage, 1/3rd CD size (233mb)
* Christmas special
* Monarch's phone calls to Dr. Girlfriend and henchmen (MP3)
-- This is ALL of the officially produced Venture Bros. material as of 3/31/2007.
TV "spam" present: "TVMA" logo briefly at beginning, then small, translucent "adult swim" logo later on. No end-credit commercials.
The Venture Bros. scored a "10" on The Cartoon Rating Guide for Smart Adults.
NOTICE #1: This torrent will be uploaded via uTorrent in super-seeding mode. Choke/disconnect abusing clients such as BitComet and BitLord will be aggressively banned by IP address in PeerGuardian. The "patch" to those clients which enables them to masquerade as another client does NOT change their abusive behavior; any peer constantly disconnecting and reconnecting will be banned -- this means the you will never receive seed pieces, only hand-me-downs. If you're a BitComet user, do yourself a favor and get a super-seed supporting client, or you'll get slower DL speeds in this torrent.
Important: If you strangle your upload speed, a super-seeding client (me) will refrain from sending you new seed pieces until it sees previous ones sent to you appear in another peer -- so, the faster your UL speed, the faster you get new pieces.
NOTICE #2: Many of you will be DLing this torrent for season 2 only, since you already have the season 1 Geophage rips. My client will, in super-seed mode, start at the "left", or the beginning -- which will be season 1. If you want the season 2s more quickly, you'll have to "trick" my client by helping me seed season 1s. The way to do this is to pre-allocate the torrent, then stop or cancel the download in the client. Now go move your season 1 copies (which you've obtained elsewhere) to the appropriate places (renaming if necessary). Then relaunch the torrent and make your client re-check the folder (it should register it as half-done). My seeding client will, upon seeing a peer with those files already present, register season 1 as "less rare" and begin sending out season 2 pieces..
Files count:
6446.56 Mb
rodeodude (2007-07-11)
Does this mean I can't use BitLord to download this at full speed?Pornogrophilia (2007-09-01)
Thanks for uploading this! The Venture Bros. is one of the best programs on television today. That's all I've got to say, so now I'll vanish like a fart in a hurricane. ;)Rolovis (2008-03-03)
Thank you!JTBW316 (2008-05-08)
Yo, this is awesome. I'll keep seeding. Thanks!floppy58j (2008-06-02)
season 3 starts in 3h and 15min for me! >.FrostyC (2008-06-03)
TV rips? Boo! Get the DVD rips here:Season 1:
Season 2:
No TVMA or Adult Swim logos...
res6jya6 (2008-06-22)
To all of you that are seeding: THANK YOU! I have been stuck at 2kbps for the past week, now finally getting something a LITTLE better - but PLEASE is people seed this and let it finish, I will seed every night all nightres6jya6 (2008-06-23)
96.6 % complete --- 18.4kb d/lSo close! Yet --- so far.
Pinksirius (2008-08-01)
Nice upload :) Been seeding it for a while now.noway.fu (2008-09-20)
Thanks got great speeds too! Will seed to at least 1.0 :)Draecoda (2009-01-23)
Hmmm, this is the first time where I've downloaded something, but after a 24 hour period it still has not started... Are people infact seeding this, and if so are they all from piratebay or another site that I must register on?softwareman2471 (2009-07-14)
you all suck, 141 people and only 13 are online! wow give me a break. and only 4 of them are actually giving any kb/s, i mean it only adds up to like 14 kbs!download and seed, its not that hard!
skunk_one (2009-12-05)
so for all you people out there complaining about DL speed, try reading what the upper wrote before you click download, just use utorrent and you'll have no problemsynchro_w (2010-03-10)
i always use uTorrent. it is easily the most effective client for torrents.also, i upload to a 1.6 ratio unless there are too many seeds in whixh case there's no point as an upload speed of 1kbs is not worth bothering with. i find it best to upload at 145kbps at about midnight to mid day thn switch off. try to seed for files that have few seeders.., old comedies, old b&w movies etc. the higher the ratio, the better the dl [well, seems to be that way!!].
.ANCIENT. (2010-11-03)
Average download speed of 1150 kB/s was amazing! Thank you to all the generous seeders, and also to mike18xx.Ecclesiast (2011-06-03)
Thanks!Zeo7 (2012-02-17)
dude thanks! awesome will double seed!!v- 8
a- 10
(look for ''Cartoon rating guide'' in the torrents en misc file) giant list of cartoon's and stuff
1. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 000 - (pilot) The Terrible Secret of Turtle Bay (Director's Cut).avi 306.98 Mb
2. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 101 - Dia de los Dangerous! - Geophage.avi 232.98 Mb
3. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 102 - Careers in Science - Geophage.avi 232.41 Mb
4. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 103 - Home Insecurity - Geophage.avi 233.13 Mb
5. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 104 - The Incredible Mr. Brisby - Geophage.avi 233.24 Mb
6. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 105 - Eeny, Meeny, Miney... Magic! - Geophage.avi 233.32 Mb
7. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 106 - Ghosts of the Sargasso - Geophage.avi 233.38 Mb
8. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 107 - Ice Station Impossible - Geophage.avi 233.37 Mb
9. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 108 - Mid-life Chrysalis - Geophage.avi 231.93 Mb
10. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 109 - Are You There God, It's Me, Dean - Geophage.avi 232.35 Mb
11. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 110 - Tag-Sale, You're it! - Geophage.avi 232.26 Mb
12. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 111 - Past Tense - Geophage.avi 232.35 Mb
13. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 112 - Trial of the Monarch - Geophage.avi 232.30 Mb
14. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 112x Monarch's phone-call to Dr. Girlfriend.mp3 2.93 Mb
15. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 112x Monarch's phone-call to henchmen.mp3 3.08 Mb
16. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 113 - Return to Spider-Skull Island - Geophage.avi 232.99 Mb
17. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 199 - (special) A Very Venture Christmas - Geophage.avi 116.33 Mb
18. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 201 - Powerless in the Face of Death - Geophage.avi 230.24 Mb
19. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 202 - Hate Floats - Geophage.avi 230.13 Mb
20. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 203 - Assassinanny 911 - Geophage.avi 230.04 Mb
21. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 204 - Escape to the House of Mummies Part II - Geophage.avi 230.03 Mb
22. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 205 - Twenty Years to Midnight - Geophage.avi 230.07 Mb
23. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 206 - Victor Echo November - Geophage.avi 230.09 Mb
24. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 207 - Love-Bheits - Geophage.avi 230.01 Mb
25. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 208 - Fallen Arches - Geophage.avi 230.08 Mb
26. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 209 - Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner - Geophage.avi 230.17 Mb
27. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 210 - I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills - Geophage.avi 230.03 Mb
28. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 211 - Viva Los Muertos! - Geophage.avi 230.09 Mb
29. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 212 - Showdown at Cremation Creek (Part I) - Geophage.avi 230.09 Mb
30. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/The Venture Bros/The Venture Bros - 213 - Showdown at Cremation Creek (Part II) - Geophage.avi 230.13 Mb
31. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Cartoon rating guide for smart adults v2.0.txt 17.02 Kb
32. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/My other torrents - -slash- 2spu2p.txt 298 bytes
33. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
34. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
35. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
36. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
37. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
38. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
39. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
40. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/Torrents & misc/Torrent downloaded from 298 bytes
41. The Venture Bros Brothers Season 1,2 extras [Geophage]/VLC Media Player.url 54 bytes