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Silver Surfer Animated TV Series - Season 1 Complete






Silver Surfer - Animated TV Series - Season 1 Complete


Video/TV shows


2007-12-18 (by kagi2150)


Silver Surfer The Animated Series Complete 1998 produkcja: USA gatunek: Animacja, Thriller, Akcja, Sci-Fi data premiery: 1998-02-07 (?wiat) scenariusz Andrea Lawrence, Jeffrey Knokey muzyka Shuki Levy czas trwania: 22 Planeta Zen-La znajduje si? w niebezpiecze?stwie. Obserwator ?amie swoje ?luby milczenia i przestrzega ich mieszka?ców przed nadci?gaj?cym zagro?eniem. Pot??ny Galaktus - Po?eracz ?wiatów zamierza si? po?ywi? t? planet?. ?eby uratowa? Zen-La Norrin Radd, najlepszy ucze? Wielkiego Mistrza, proponuje Galaktusowi uk?ad: je?eli on oszcz?dzi jego ?wiat, to on b?dzie wraz z nim podró?owa? i dostarcza? mu informacji o po?o?eniu planet, którymi b?dzie si? móg? po?ywi?. Norrin Radd planowa? zaprowadzi? Galaktusa do t?tni?cych ?yciem planet, lecz nie zamieszkanych. Galaktus jednak wymaza? jego pami?? i uczyni? z niego swojego herolda - Srebrnego Surfera. Tak, Galaktus i jego nowy herold przemierzali wszech?wiat, szukaj?c ?wiatów zaspokajaj?cych g?ód Galaktusa. Lecz kiedy trafiaj? na Niebiesk? Planet? - Ziemi?, Surfer buntuje si?. Galaktus, za to ?e Surfer okaza? si? niepos?uszny skazuje go na wygnanie i wieczn? tu?aczk? po bezkresie Wszech?wiata. Teraz Srebrny Surfer szuka powrotu do swojego domu - Zen-La. Plik : 170 MB (170 MB), czas 0:19:49, rodzaj: AVI, 1 ?cie?ka(i) audio, jako?? 37 % Video : 152 MB, 1076 Kbps, 25.0 fps, rozdz. 320*240 (4:3), DIVX = OpenDivx v4, Obs?ugiwane Audio : 18.14 MB, 128 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 kana?(y), 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3, Obs?ugiwane

Files count:



2210.44 Mb




TorrentsTPB (2008-08-03)

Is there a season 2 and if so is it available to be upped?
thanks anyway for this one

PKJack (2008-09-22)

nah they wrote it n stuff but they didnt have enough money to air it. i only need 12 n 13 outta this but cheers dude.

TESOblivion4 (2008-12-22)

thanks bro

xxMasterFullxxh (2010-05-08)

you are a moron and you should be band dont down load this bull its a tv show

falstaff44 (2010-06-23)

you must be the stupidest person alive. it clearly says "Animated TV Series" you should be banned for being an idiot.
This is a great animated series. Big thanks to the uploader.

ravan_at_yr_service (2011-01-16)

seeds seeds seeds seeds....need seeds

pantatoe (2011-04-18)

seed please

UltimateRugratsFan (2011-08-20)

It's such a shame Marvel could not afford to produce season 2 :(
Thanks for this.

adekirk (2011-12-23)

Audio Quality - 10
Video Quality - 3 (barely watchable)
Thanks for the up but the encoder could have done a much better job. It's pixellated and an eye sore---sorry for the grouse :(

pjspls (2012-04-30)

i don't know if its just me but the videos stutter every so often and skips lil bits, makes it quite unwatchable.

saffronsghost (2013-07-09)

They're probably rips from the marvel website, hence the quality. There's a HD rip up now, get that.
And lmfao @ xxMasterFullxxh.

matt556 (2014-07-20)

You should be very proud of yourself. Of the hundreds of utterly retarded comments ive seen on TPB, yours definitely qualifies to be a top 5. Congratulations on being one of the dumbest people to come to TPB and comment, its a real achievement.
Great DL btw.
Thank you.

orvn (2015-05-06)

Unfortunate that the video quality is this bad
I would say V4/A10.
The native resolution seem to be 240 x 310 pixels, which is really bad, and on top of that the files were compressed in a lossy way.