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Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3 Kalyway Combo Update
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3 Kalyway Combo Update
2008-05-29 (by methamp)
This is the original update from Kalyway's post on the demon this morning (May 29th, 2008). This works on any Kalyway installation of 10.5.1 and 10.5.2 to update to the latest Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3, with the newest hacked (tohkernel) to bypass EFI! Update at your own risk and feel free to post "About This Mac" screenshots when you've updated.
From his README:
kalyway hackintosh10.5.3 combo update for sse3 intel only !
READ Carefully !!!!
1- install comboupdate ! don't restart !
2- install kalyway kernel pkg ! choose kernel you need for your pc ! (if you want keep your old 9.2 kernel so install this pkg without selecting 9.3 kernel !!!)
3- reboot and type update -v and cross the fingers !
if you stuck at bsd root after reboot ! so type "update -v" without quote at f8 darwin prompt ! it should work !
caution : you may experienced boot problem related to gfx card ! especially with 7xxx nvidia series and ati ! if happen type -v -x
try this update at you own risk !!!!
Files count:
544.09 Mb
methamp (2008-05-30)
I will be posting my own success results, with tips and screenshots later on today. I'm on a 2.9GHz Intel Celeron 340D OC'd to 3.0GHz, 1.5GB DDR RAM, 160GB WD EIDE Caviar, eVGA GeForce 5200FX 128MB GFX. Originally installed Kalyway 10.5.1, did 10.5.2 Combo Update, and now I'm about to complete the 10.5.3 Combo Update you're downloading right now!** DON'T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE! LET'S MAKE 10.5.3 RUN SMOOTH ON OUR HACKINTOSHES! TIPS AND TRICKS ARE WELCOME! **
scrapetorrent (2008-05-30)
I'm running the vanilla darwin 9.3.0 kernel and it seems to run perfect. Reboot/shutdown/sleep (haven't tried speedstep) on a Gigabyte GS-P35-DS4 motherboard with a Q9300 motherboard.I used the netkas method yesterday to upgrade without using this special package - only thing I had to copy the IOATA and *AHCI* packages to get sata ports 3 to 5 working with AHCI.
Anyway, nice to see the 10.5.3 patch is available as a safe easy upgrade now :)
methamp (2008-05-30)
DON'T FORGET TO SEED! I've only got approx. 40KB/s to 50KB/s to spare for this torrent. I'll seed as long as possible before rebooting my machine to 10.5.3.(Torrent built with Transmission on Kalyway 10.5.2)
hax169 (2008-05-30)
works with AMD SSE3?, right now i'm using kalyway 10,5,2 with speedstepkernel.methamp (2008-05-30)
Update went flawlessly. My hat's off to you, Kalyway. I've written a post on my blog about it, including the money shot with all updates.You can check it out at
I will continue to seed for as long as I can. 10.5.3 seems quicker than 10.5.2 and so far, everything's 100%!
methamp (2008-05-30)
hax169, this release is for Intel only. Please read the comments above. The first line in the README says "for sse3 intel only !" That should be a hint. :-)linuxuser31 (2008-05-30)
Demonoid has it too, with plenty of seeds.methamp (2008-05-30)
JaS has also released 10.5.3 updates for anyone running that build of Leopard, however it isn't currently available on TPB as I write this comment. Check the little green demon for that one.methamp (2008-05-30)
If you're looking for the 10.5.2 full DVD installation to use this 10.5.3 Combo Update on, you can download Kalyway's Leopard 10.5.2 DVD Install here:
jorgep83 (2008-05-30)
i have iAtkos installed with the Kalyway 10.5.2 update, will it work again?Toshiba L45, Genuine Intel® CPU T2080 @1.73GHz, 1.5 GB,
methamp (2008-05-30)
Clone your drive with your favorite app., Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper, Disk Utility, and give it a shot. If 10.5.2 Kalyway Combo Update worked for you, the 10.5.3 should be smooth sailing.sl33pwalker (2008-05-30)
I am not one of the fortunate ones.I have an A8N-SLI Deluxe. 10.5.2 runs reasonably well. (Still, I would never use it in a production environment.)
The first item in the 10.5.3 readme says:
1- install comboupdate ! don't restart !
That's as far as I get. The screen goes gray and the dreaded "Hold the power button down to restart" screen is presented.
I never get to step 2, install Kalyway kernel package - which means my update is out of sync with my kernel and the machine WILL NOT BOOT INTO ANY OS! It hangs at the boot loader.
Apparently this messes up the drive so bad the BIOS doesn't even know what to do with it.
I wish I could report better news. I've been banging on it for two days.
methamp (2008-05-30)
When you run the first package, it will ask you to reboot. DON'T REBOOT, DON'T CLICK ON ANYTHING IN THAT WINDOW! Keep that window open, then run the kernel (2nd package), install the correct kernel, THEN hit the Reboot button on that first window you left open. Make sure you're booting with the right kernel.methamp (2008-05-30)
If anyone needs help installing this Combo Update, feel free to post your questions on my blog as I will no longer be monitoring this torrent for new comments.
Good luck and happy hacking!
zaphod1242 (2008-05-31)
Quick question to the folks. I have a 10.5.2 Kalyway, with a Asus P5WDH board. Runs great except my network switches to self assigned IP after a while, and I have to reboot to fix it. Any tips?AaronR (2008-06-01)
Update went OK but my 7900GS QE is now unsupported and software CI, running nvinject 0.2.1. Any idea?Tom_Bombadil (2008-06-01)
I got PentiumD 3GHz on 945 chipset and it worked great. I lost hardware support for 3D but i got that fixed using pacifist and extracting kexts from NVInstallerV.41.pkg. Package it self doesn't replace new kexts so you have to use pacifist to overwrite with old kexts. Thnx kalyway and all seederschavxxx (2008-06-02)
mine installed smoothly... my problem now is that all my FAT32 drives cannot be accessed. before the update, i can access the drives at my desktop.joreg (2008-06-02)
DOES IT WORK for SSE2? If doesn't, is it planning to fix? I have sse2 system with kalyway 10.5.1 upgraded to 10.5.2.TimmyUrkel666 (2008-06-08)
Thanks for the over here. 1.6 GHz intel core 2 duo, 2GB, 8800 GT. Follow the readme and it will probobly work!
Ny1 has a solution to the sound issue? I've tried fucking everything but I have no audio. at all. internet and video working.
ciccio92 (2008-06-09)
works fine gx280 sse3 , nic disabled to updatedellnorge (2008-06-09)
Hello, I got a problem. My Wireless network card dosent work...Can somewhone help me ?
Intel 802.11a/b/g/n trådløst nettverkskort (n-draft støtte) or Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
Hope for help!!
elctronyc (2008-06-20)
Finally!!!!!!! I installed the combo. I used to have the problem that when i put update -v it gave me few messages of "Still waiting for root device". If I tried to start leopard normally it got stock with the apple symbol and a symbol on the top (/). Ok this is what I did to make it work:I have a GA-P35-DS4 with windows vista installed in an IDE hard drive and the Leopard in a SATA drive. to make it work I change the option that comes with the motherboard
SATA RAID?AHCI Mode Changed it from RAID to AHCI
Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode Changed it from IDE to AHCI.
Now when you install the packages as Kaly said reboot and press F8 without the CD of Leopard in the CD or DVD drive. put Update -v and just wait it will restart by itself and after that everything will work fine.
scrapetorrent (2008-06-25)
Wow, using the 9.3.0 kernel provided with this update (not the vanilla one) solved my audio distortion and slow system clock problems.I want to have kalyway's babies.
sl33pwalker (2008-07-01)
Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly. Methamp repeats the readme that says don't reboot.I get it. I am not rebooting - intentionally.
At the end of the install, the whole system crashes into the grey screen of death. I don't get the opportunity to install the 2nd patch - and from this point forward NOTHING will get the system running again - except a complete re-install of 10.5.2.
Can't Kalyway (or someone else) make a 10.5.3 install similar to the 10.5.2 that works so well?
I have an AMD processor so I can't use any of the other choices out there.
I keep a Time Machine backup to revert back to every time I get brave enough to try this again. It flat never works.
I have also tried to download the modified package several times, but the torrent dies after 29 MB. No one seems to be seeding the complete file.
The South Seaâ??s Pirate (2008-07-01)
So far so good. Everything seems to be working fine. Just had to edit ATIRadeonX2000.kext/Contents/Info.plist to get back QE / CI. Thanks for uploading.E-werd (2008-07-01)
In theory, this update should work on a Leo4Allv3 install, right?girardpallet (2008-07-09)
black screen after update 9.3????try update -v many time but still black screen???
dell D620
CultureofGreed (2008-07-31)
Ruined my install. P5WDH Q6600 GForce7300GTSadijr (2008-09-05)
marooocd (2008-09-15)
I Just Installed the Update on a Kalyway 10.5.0 and updated to 10.5.3, i installed the new kernel too but chosen the vanilla one, IT WORKS !!! i just updated from 10.5 to 10.5.3 and going to 10.5.4 hopefully it will work too ,, can't notice any major difference but now am able to install some apps that requires 10.5.2 or higher.. my Hakintosh box is : HP Pavilion Dv 6189 ea with audio HD output, Graphics GeForce GO 7400, Bluetooth working, Wireless still not working intel :(, everything else works like a charm, oh MMC reader not working still ..But Thanks and you guys stuck @ 10.5 afraid to move on .. Go Ahead it works !
willtard (2008-09-17)
If you have any problem during installation, You can lose your system. My solution is :Boot with -s option
mount driver : mount -uw /
remove system : rm -rf /System
reinstall without format you hard driver with previous installation dvd
update with apple updater and use you time machine for the rest like repair Mail, Ical, Safari and others
bv_abhi (2009-03-01)
After installing kalyway 10.5.2 i upgraded with this and 10.5.3 and went to apple website to download delta version of 10.5.4 and updated it it worked fine although i couldn't update to 10.5.5 or 10.5.6schustah (2009-05-21)
Here a update guide from 10.5.2 to 10.5.6.
Here is your Starting Image 10.5.2
Have Fun iT works 100% if you follow the steps