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xplorer incl(works in win 7)






xplorer² incl(works in win 7)




2009-08-18 (by jmb2012 )


Introducing xplorer², your windows file manager All the shell goodies from windows explorer — none of the hassle! Plus all the features you would expect from a powerful tabbed dual-pane file manager, including Omni-Finder, a find files module that simply outclasses all known search tools. Don't take our word for it, seeing is believing! xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end! Overview of features * Shell namespace explorer demo: browsing methods, bookmarks, breadcrumbs, drivebar demo: browse and manage webfolders demo: browse and manage ZIP archives xplorer² will browse and manage all your folders including virtual ones folders like zipfolders, webfolders, even FTP, as long as these services are available in your system. If you extend your shell namespace with new folder types, xplorer² will read them too, in a familiar tree/view window format. snapshot * Tabbed dual-pane interface demo: adding folder tabs Can't decide between dual pane and tabbed browsing? No worries, xplorer² does them all. The traditional dual-pane format, handy for comparisons and file transfers, is augmented so that each pane can hold more than one folder. Hopping from one folder to another is just a tab click away. snapshot * Instant preview of files demo: preview PDF documents in draft and full mode xplorer² can preview most text, graphics, audio/video, and html & office documents — and does so in nearly all folder types including zipfolders etc. Wherever it finds file-like content it offers file-like access! snapshot * Browsing flexibility You can browse your content in most useful view modes supported by explorer, including thumbnails. Within large folders you will appreciate the organization capabilities offered by arranging in groups and multi-way sort. xplorer² will remember your favorite mode for each folder. snapshot * View & edit text files demo: autotext for HTML editing xplorer² collaborates with our companion editor² offering no-frills — yet useful — text viewing and editing, in a variety of formats (RTF, unicode, UTF8 etc). You can also associate your own external editor of choice. snapshot * Extended file information demo: use MP3 tags to rename music files demo: TSVN integration with icon overlays and repository status column On top of the usual names, sizes & dates, xplorer² can access extended file information like comments, version information, picture data etc, as supported by your Windows OS (shell column handlers). It even has useful columns of its own like file checksum, 8.3 names etc. If you install any custom column handlers they will be integrated too! snapshot * Search for files everywhere, using arbitrary criteria demo: search for recently modified files that include some text, and preview the results The search engine is the most powerful in the market this side of $70! xplorer² can search in all folder types including zipfolders etc, and the criteria can include each and every bit of extended file information combined in boolean hyperfilters. If you want to find files that contain some keyword in their comment, and are owned by a particular user, and are songs by an artist formerly known as prince, then look no further! When you search for contained text, the previewer panel will show you the text hilighted in context too. snapshot * Find text within office, Adobe PDF and other documents xplorer² can work with text filters developed for windows indexing service, allowing you to search for keywords within all your document archive. Plain text previews of such proprietary formats are possible too, hilighting your search results in context. * Manage files from many folders demo: create MP3 playlist demo: drop stack, drop zones xplorer² has a special kind of window called scrap container where you can place files from many folders and deal with them all at once — like the find files result list, except that you control what goes in (aka virtual folders or playlists). You can save and reload scrap lists, organizing your content regardless of its physical location. You can even browse folders flat, recursively including all their subfolders! snapshot * Compare and synchronize folders demo: compare two folder hierarchies using mirror browsing/scrolling and flat browsing mode In dual pane mode xplorer² can show the contents of 2 folders in a single window, ideal for comparing and synchronizing content. Using scrap containers you can compare folder hierarchies, too. snapshot * Discover and cleanup duplicate files demo: examine subfolder size and locate duplicate files xplorer² can check a local hierarchy (or even all your folders) for identical files and mark them ready for inspection and eventually deletion, releasing your valuable disk space. snapshot * Execute DOS commands and scripts demo: use command line to launch windows and DOS programs When file management calls for more advanced external commands, xplorer² will oblige with its template-based user menu system. You just provide a command template and it is automatically applied to all selected files. Thus you can achieve mass renaming and so much more. snapshot * Customizable user interface demo: customize keyboard shortcuts demo: customize bookmarks and toolbar buttons demo: color coding files according to their type or attributes There are plenty of adjustable options to bring xplorer² in line with your needs and tastes, from how many panels you see, which commands appear on toolbars, all the way to how many decimal points you want for file sizes and toolbar skins. You can arrange the user interface to be as simple or as complex as you like. snapshot * Help and assistance where you need it In addition to a comprehensive help file, daily tips & tricks etc, xplorer² has a tooltip (balloon help) system that guides you through the more complex steps of command arguments without disturbing your workflow. snapshot * Individual folder settings demo: per-folder view settings You can instruct xplorer² to show particular folders in fixed view modes, e.g. MyPictures in thumbnail mode, WinNT in detailed mode including a version column etc. You can also save window layouts to be reused for all folders that e.g. have visual content you want to preview. * Visual filters and selection engine demo: automatic type-based filters and free-form text filtering demo: select files safely using sticky mode xplorer² helps you manage large folders easily, first controlling which items are visible — with a variety of wildcard and other filters, and then selecting the items you want to act upon with precision. There are too many selection techniques to list, including hyperfilter-based that allow you to select e.g. all items with "science" in their comments! * Advanced file management demo: synchronize file dates after DST demo: ease file backup tasks with folder junctions Except for the basic drag-drop, context menu, copy, delete, rename etc, xplorer² has a palette of advanced file management commands like split-merge, shred, set comments, touch dates, paste subfolders, junctions or hard links, etc. * Robust file transfers demo: robust transfer for daily backup; pause and resume file copy xplorer² can handle many parallel background file transfers (concurrent or queued) offering fine control over confirmations, error handling etc. You can copy large amounts of files with ease and peace of mind. snapshot * Export folder listings demo: how to print folder contents Whatever you see in xplorer² can be exported as text for printing, e-mailing, pasting in other programs, etc. You can also export statistics for whole folder hierarchies, in detailed tree-like fashion. * Maxed-out usability demo: path autocompletion in the addressbar demo: copy filename and attach to hotmail demo: drag-drop everywhere with spring-loaded folders Mostly and foremostly xplorer² is meant to be used day in and day out with maximum efficiency and minimum frustration. Its keyboard and mouse shortcuts, histories for most input fields, path autocompletion and many other small details, work together to offer you a comfortable and productive experience! Version: (7.Jun.09) Windows: All 32 bit (95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/W7) Size: 6.0 MB

Files count:



6.07 Mb




 ICM369 (2009-08-18)

thanks mate.

MACinized (2009-09-09)

tnx for the share jmb2012.

Killbill21 (2009-09-11)

Checking it out, thanks.

drozhzh (2009-09-30)


yumans (2009-10-21)
