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Final Fantasy VIII (pc)
Games PC
Final Fantasy VIII (pc)
2008-11-27 (by .BONE. )
Final Fantasy 8 (pc) game
Files count:
3422.78 Mb
johnhamilthon (2008-11-27)
is this game work properly????Knight_Rider (2008-11-27)
can you provide us some scenes of this game pls.........._Kokkie_ (2008-11-27)
a truely awesome game.Doomtrigger1 (2008-11-29)
XD why do you want screenshots for final fantasy 8 if you want screens go to google or go to youtube and watch videos if you dont know what ff8 looks like where have you been for the past 11 yearsvampireheart11 (2008-11-30)
this is my favorite game in the entire universe! :) i hope it works properly!tonyrodia (2008-12-12)
fuck yea.EinOr (2008-12-20)
seed please...BONE. (2008-12-22)
final fantasy 7
uwer (2008-12-28)
Seeed plz !BradLacoste (2008-12-31)
I have it downloaded but how do I install?skr_10 (2009-01-01)
@BradlacosteUse "daemon tools" to mount the discs.
1st - install daemon tools;
2nd - Mount "install disc"
3rd - It should be ready to run
I'm unable to download right now (too many leechers) so I will wait until more people seed this and then I'll post another comment, if needed.
Happy new year everyone, and plz seed :)
thoriswar (2009-01-05)
ok noobish type question iv looked on a shit load of forums ect and still cant seem to find the solution to my problem i am using vista and i installed the game fine but when i start it up it asked for the first disk so i mounted the first disk using daemon tools as you would think it would find it but it just says wrong disk iv look at something that talks about using reg edit but when i go to look for the directory it say to go to its not there any ideas folksShasato (2009-01-06)
I have the same problem as Thoriswar, i use daemon tools and mount disk 1, but it still says "Wrong disk"warlic97 (2009-01-07)
if it says to go to regedit, go to the start menu, and go to run then type it inskr_10 (2009-01-10)
You have to go to regedit and change some values. It's explained (very detailed) in a notepad how to do it.It's something like this:
Install FFVIII (installation disc) with daemon tools (note what drive letter will you use to mount the disc);
Open regedit;
In regedit follow this folders in order:
Square Soft, Inc
In the right pane of regedit it will appear an icon with the letters AB to the left of it. Right click on it;
Click "Modify";
In the field labelled "datadrive" it will display something like "c:";
Change the letter "c:" to the letter drive you used to MOUNT with daemon tools;
Now you can close regedit and play (make sure you mount disk 1 before playing) x)
skr_10 (2009-01-10)
For me worked like a charm, good luck guys.Makodude (2009-01-12)
i cant get this to work ;/ can somebody plase write me a easy guide to [email protected]? :D Thanks.^^PureAssassin (2009-01-13)
Ok so i downloaded that game. It would start up but when it got to the new game/load gameexit menu i clicked new game, and it said wrong disk.. and i had disk 1 loaded.. i tried all the disk.
Can someone tell me my problem?
arrgm8 (2009-01-14)
I'm having the same problem with FFVII Ultima Ed. and FFVIII for PC. Downloads/installs fine but when I try to run the game it don't recognize keyboard input. I've tried two separate keyboards, really hope its not a logger.I'm still seeding the torrents but I've uninstalled the games since its not working anyway. At least until I find a fix somewhere.
bobbarker69 (2009-01-15)
Alright, its all working perfectly so far...except I have no idea how to open "regedit" or whatever, I have Vista Ultimate, and like all Vista users we don't have a "Run" button on our start menu, so if you'd be so kind, could you explain another way to find it or something of the such?Hawman (2009-01-15)
To get run up to vista, hold the windows button + r. Ok so I have run regedit and i have changed the drive letter to the correct letter and mounted disc 1 and still it wont work for me. Can anyone help me? has anyone had the same problem? ThanksHawman (2009-01-15)
Ignore my last comment, just needed to run as admin lol.kaiyros (2009-01-18)
plz plz plz plz seed plzChidomex (2009-01-20)
Hi well i did what you said about the regedit thing but it still asking me for de cd. I using vista is that an issue?FCHRIS-01 (2009-01-21)
podrian decirme cm intalarlo es q no entiendo ingles y pues ya baje el deamon pero no se cm poner a funcionar el juego y ya lo intale q tengo q aser ahoraracknarok (2009-01-21)
So, I downloaded it, installed it, and played it once. Saved the game, but now when I try to load that saved game, it says I have the wrong disk. I have disk 1 loaded with Daemon Tools... Any takers?Mr.Anomaly (2009-01-23)
No matter what I do, it tells me wrong disk. I've mounted both disk files (using Daemon Tools) for disk 1, didn't work. Changed the value in regedit to match the installation mount, still didn't work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's pretty irritating because I was downloading this game over the course of a couple weeks, excited, only to be shot down. What am I doing wrong?el_dani314 (2009-01-24)
For the people that have vista and the problem that the game tells you to insert the correct cd. I did two things and it got solved. I did the regedit thing with the driver with capital letter and run the game as administrator. Probably the second one was, but anyway, hope it serves uAkumaouji (2009-01-24)
How do you fix black screen issue?I´ve done everything you´ve said so far still nothing happens-.-
toughdee (2009-01-26)
it won't let me install! I open the startup, click install, the hourglass blinks a few times and nothing happens, why is it doing this?bbooqq (2009-01-28)
can anyone tell me.. I have FF8 for Pc..but my install disc is fucked up.. do you think i could just install and use my original CDs to play so i don't have to deal with all the problems and issues due to my ignorance in installing cracked games lolkentaJ84 (2009-01-29)
Tjena har lösningen här för alla som har problemet med "wrong disc vid val av new game".För dom som inte vet det så ligger det en fil i mappen "FFVIII Patches" som heter "CD-Check Removal.txt" det är en FB!-fil men det är inga svårigheter, filen öppnas i WordPad. Där står delvis av detta förklarat, men dom förklarade fel :P, så lyckligtvis lyckades jag lösa det.
1. Installera FF8 till valfri mapp, genom att köra Installations disken med Daemon Tools.
2. Klicka på startmenyn/Kör och skriv in Regedit
(Register-Editorn för dom som inte vet det.)
3. Som textdokumentet förvisar så klicka er igenom dessa mappar i ordningen dom är skrivna:
-Square Soft, Inc
3. Sen syns en lista till höger i editorn.
Där finns en flik som heter DataDrive med en röd AB-ikon på vänstersida om texten.
Högerklicka på DataDrive, välj ändra som finns högst upp. Det går bara att ändra på 1 sak här, för mig stod det C: från början. och i textfilen
CD-Check Removal.txt stod det att man skulle ändra denna till hårddisken som spelet är installerat på, men det är här felet är. Istället ska man göra på följande lilla vis, Daemon Tools använder sig ju av en "cd-partition" för att lura datorn att det är en cd-läsare, den heter inte D-tools utan bara Dvd-enhet sedan namnet strax efter inom parentes. Kolla namnet på Daemontools genom att klicka på "Den här datorn" i mitt fall var det K:\ Så skriv in hänvisningen till Daemon Tools på DataDrive/ändra och det är löst. För då hänvisar registret till cd'n när du startar spelet.
4. Sedan är det bara att köra Disk1 i Daemontools, och starta spelet genom exefilen 'FF8' som ligger i spelmappen, och du är igång.
/ Jag hoppas jag inte förklaringen blev för grötig.
Om någon orkar och har lust kan ni ju översätta det här till engelska. Jag fick det inte så kortfattat som jag ville, så orkar inte skriva engelska förklaringen just nu.
Lycka till!
kentaJ84 (2009-01-29)
Hello! Here is the Solution for everyone who had the problem with wrong disc when you try to start a new the downloaded file there is a folder named
"CD-Check Removal.txt" it is an FB!-File, but it can be open with WordPad. There is the Solution, but they explained one thing wrong, that i will explain now.
1. Install FF8 to optional hard-drive by mount the installationdisc with daemontools.
2. click startmenu/Run and write Regedit, push enter.
3. Simply browse through the following folders (in this order)
-Square Soft, Inc
Right click on the string value labelled "DataDrive" (it will have an icon with the letters ab to the left of it) in the right pane of the regedit browser.
Click "Modify"
4. For me it stood C: at first. And here is where the textdocument explain it wrong. The cdcheck removal.txt tells you to change this to the name of the harddrive where you installed the game.
Instead do the following:
Daemontools use a cd-participation to fool the computer it uses a cd-drive. click My Computer and check the name of Daemontools, it is named
Dvd-unit and next to it(to the right) the name stands, for me it was K:\. Then at DataDrive/Modify you simply write down the location of daemontools dvd-unit for example K:\ And the registry-Editor Direct to the cd when you start the game.
5. Mount Disc1 with Daemontools and start the game by clicking the exe-file named FF8 in the gamefolder. And it shall be working fine.
For those who are Swedish i wrote a swedish explanation right before this one.
Good luck everyone!
Hope this solves your problem.
kentaJ84 (2009-01-30)
Sorry, miss-judgement the textfile.My explanation is the same as the textfile :P. they didnt explain wrong. My english is a little rusty so i missunderstand alot. Well though you have the guide here if you didnt find it out for yourself.
kentaJ84 (2009-01-30)
btw "skr_10" did explain the same thing on side number one with a shorter note.So it did work for him aswell.
Akumaouji (2009-01-30)
The black boxes are attacking the game run for your life!!!Akumaouji (2009-01-30)
any1 else have that problem?deth2munkies (2009-01-31)
I have a problem. I run Vista home edition, I have tried running setup.exe and startup.exe as administrator and both start a process called startup.exe but do absolutely nothing. What's up with that?(I can't install the game)
deth2munkies (2009-01-31)
OK, after a restart, it installed. Now, I did the regedit and the disk is reading, however, it immediately crashes while loading the opening cinematic...any ideas?jjshorty99 (2009-02-05)
Seed plzbbooqq (2009-02-10)
ok.. so I did everything as said.. mounted the install cd, intalled game, saw the beginning credits with some artworks. Now it told me wrong cd, so i mount cd 1, still says wrong disk, so i do the regedit thing and change the "c:" for the "k:" (my daemon "fake cd") then it seems to want to start but the game crashes and i have an error message telling me the memory can't be "read" .. i've tryed everything in every order, i'm administrator on my computer using windows XP.. until I get it to work i'm seeding but this is my favorite game and I'd really like to be able to play. btw thx for the help comments it helped learn how to change the regedit thing :)Dekripify (2009-02-23)
OMG. Don't be a asshole.
fuckheineken (2009-02-25)
hey, I did al those things with regedit but when I mount cd 1 and when I try to play the cd I get this 5 files: DISC1.PAK; DISC1; FIELD.FI; FIELD.FL; FIELD.FSIs this normal? Because I can't open any of the files
LordOrwell (2009-03-08)
the black boxes are a graphics glitch in the original game. They released a patch that fixes it. download the patch.SeeN__ (2009-03-10)
Why am i unable to install?I mount it with Daemon Tools and try clicking install but the hourglass appears for a brief moment and disappears... Nothing happens
ArcImpulse (2009-03-13)
Couldn't someone make a DirectPlay release?darksniper88 (2009-03-22)
I got the same problem as many other people .I have installed and mounted the game correctly
Did the regedit thingie and changed it to the right one
Installed the patch
run as administrator and then i tried to play ...many times still it tell me i have to wrong cd... wth ?! I don't get why it doesn't work ! x( best game ever and i can't play it =(
darksniper88 (2009-03-22)
LoL , misstook :O for :Q geez :P well now i just got the black box problem hahMiyavi116 (2009-03-25)
Hey guys, ive just got past disc 1, but as i try to continue to disk two it tells me to insert the correct disc (disc 2). Can anybody please help me?In5aneVice (2009-03-28)
can any1 help...i cant mount any off the cd images...i tried w/daemon and powerisoIn5aneVice (2009-03-30)
my bad on my klast comment it was meant for another torrent ...dl this one wrks good ..followed ur i just need to dl that graphic glitch patch ...thnx manPsycho420 (2009-03-31)
Ok, i don't seem to have the CD problem but i have another one...When i start up the game everythings runs perfectly until the Squaresoft logo fades away.
After that, it starts to show producer, music manager, character Illustartor and so on...
I really need help with this one becasue my computer can be on for hours and nothing changes!! Please som help here :P
Horton3 (2009-04-01)
Ok, this is going to sound like a stupid question probably..But for some reason when I mount the disc and go to Install it with either Direct X, or just it's normal self. It pops up a little white box with black lettering that says "This requested operation requires elevation"..
Any one know what the problem could be? Thanks
RubberJohnny (2009-04-01)
This torrent is being monitored. make sure you have peerguardian 2You can get it at
it is still downloading but almost finished will post if it works or not
RubberJohnny (2009-04-01)
It works. Just make sure to regedit "datadrive" you your virtual drive letter example : "F:\" for mexxslayerxx (2009-04-07)
i hope this works fine with my pc :) still 6 min left d loading and this is best ff u will play ever!!suspect18 (2009-04-07)
Same problem as Psycho420When I watn to play everything is ok but after squaresoft logo I get : music director..
Please need some help with this
Harnaaa (2009-04-07)
Hmm i have a whole other problem lol -I have like the 4 disks and the install disk... but whenever i click on the install disk the program opens with VLC media player... this can't be right can it now? so im basically stuck with a huge download and I can't even install the game properly :)
Hope to get a wizz kid who can resolve my problem
With kind regards
orion89 (2009-04-08)
its coz u have vlc to open .bin files have daemon tools? if not google it and dl daemon tools lite, install that then right click on new icon in ur task bar (bottom right of screen, where avg icon etc. are) that looks like lightning bolt. then go to virtual cd/dvd rom and mount image, then select the .bin file and install should start up. saves having to burn it to dvd.
Harnaaa (2009-04-08)
Hmm well that's what i'm doing... it's an NRG extension however... and now whenever I click it it opens my Daemon Tools and I did mount the Install file... but now whenever I click the install file it automatically opens the Daemon program... nothing more nothing less. I'm totally clueless herejpea08 (2009-04-14)
ok, so i have another problem, whenever i start up the game it runs fine until i select new game, then the game stops running and shuts down, any suggestions?melt_321 (2009-04-16)
i have already finished the first cd but when i change to the second cd it always says wrong disc. please help!! i have already done the regeditting..LeoHeart (2009-04-21)
How to get seed? can any1 seed me?pepsiorcoke (2009-04-22)
i dontknow about this one , but people who have been having probs with keyboard, its the number padoh2one2 (2009-05-18)
damn this a hell of a torrent, works perfect on my XP wont work on my laptop tho but i can deal with that, any1 got any ideas where i can get FFIX that works as good as this 1? ive looked everywhere but cant seem to find it :(Jashadow (2009-05-25)
Ok...I got it to work, but i have to use Daemon Tools in order to do it.
I installed it, and i put the exact same files in a folder on my C:\ drive, but it will not work, unless i use...well its K:\ for me.
Anyone know why?
basix101 (2009-05-25)
I installed the game just as supossed to.But now when I start up the game, it just gives a black screen and nothing happens, anyone know why and what I can do to fix it?
TommyPeanuts (2009-05-29)
I'm running on vista home premium and I think I've found out a few things which will help other vista users run this game.Firstly if you are having trouble loading it at all after installation, go to the Program files and create a new folder then COPY the FF8 application to the new folder and send new folder to desk top, it should load fine from there.
Disc problems - I installed by mounting the install disk with ultraiso, but found the game said 'wrong disc' when I tried to mount the game discs, so I burned the game discs with Nero - it seems to be the only way.
Black box graphics - I tried the patches and they didn't work for me but what cured the problem completely was going into the ff8 program files and clicking on the ff8config application then go into 'graphics' and change the renderer to 'software renderer'.
After all that its worked like a charm, so far.
Awesome torrent btw - I will be seeding.
jozex (2009-06-02)
everything was great until DISC 3 After a part in lunatic pandora when it is overflying tears point the game crashes... FF8.EXE stopped working... can somebody help me?oh2one2 (2009-06-04)
hmmm ive downloaded autohotkey to use as a virtual joypad but have absolutely no idea how to use the bloody thing!!!! can anybody help????oh2one2 (2009-06-04) bad....that was supposed to be on FF7 Ultima torrent but still any ideas any1????oh2one2 (2009-06-08)
ran it as admin and changed to software render and it works on my lappy now lol cheers for the advice and the awesome torrent, bone any ideas how to create a virtual joypad without usin autohotkey? ( for ultima download ) :)Jmh4205 (2009-06-15)
ok so i downloaded it. installed the patch. works fine. but when i get to the second disk when you first find out the garden flys. and when it lands in the water my game crashes. every time. anyone have any idea how to fix this? nvidia graphics card and windows vista.grumpyhamster (2009-06-26)
Great game, runs fine on Vista with a couple of tweeks.Just follow instructions ppl.
wood53 (2009-06-28)
thanks 4 the torrent does anybody know if there's one 4 #9?rogutus (2009-07-08)
I got this problem:I start downloading torrent.
It starts downloading it and I leave computer open and go outside/play something else.
When I come back it's not loading it anymore and Bitcomet isn't on.
Any helps how to fix this problem?
rogutus (2009-07-09)
Never mind, it solved when I donloaded PeerGuardian 2.rogutus (2009-07-10)
I finally thought this was loaded but it's at 99.8% and it won't load anything. Help plzloymo (2009-07-15)
guys it works very easy follow instructions that havebeen given to the detailonly prob i had is when i got to level ten game crashed
also does anyone find it to be slightly jumpy?
rogutus (2009-07-21)
So I solved my problems, and played till 3disc and stuck cause my chars sucks.. oh well anyways works perfectly!just follow instructions and you the game should work perfectly.
Jaitsu (2009-07-23)
ok, i downloaded fine, but when i go to install with the install disc, it comes up and i click on install, the loading mouse thing pops up then stops and the "install, install direct x, readme, and exit" options are still there, the installation won't come upHELP
Haito (2009-07-24)
My daemon tools can't open the .bin format files, any suggestions for a another?TombRaiderAddict (2009-07-29)
guysTombRaiderAddict (2009-07-29)
OK LISTEN UP HERES HOW YOU DO IT:Get Daemon tools, and mount the .CUE files in Daemon tools
Then on your ePSXe go to Config>CDROM
set the drive to J drive (OR WHATEVER DAEMON TOOLS MOUNTED IN)
and run CDRom in the emulator
13lood (2009-08-01)
If someone can, please reseed this torrent. I will seed x10 once downloading has completed. Keep this torrent alive this is one of the only good ff VIII torrents (if not the only one) out there.Haito (2009-08-01)
Okay.... I've got DAEMON TOOLS lite, when I check the preferences>Integration it shows it doesn't support .BIN even though I have "select all" on.So, I installed the game with the .CUE image, then did the CD-Check removal and patched it up.
Then when I try to begin the game with Disc 1.CUE it first displays the intros (squaresoft logo etc.), but then it jumps to the cast outro, and it begins all over again until I press ALT+F4.
Obviously I need to use the .BIN format images, but my D-tools can't open them as I mentioned earlier.
So, what I'm asking is that could somebody either link a version of D-tool that supports .BIN format (software download or torrent), recommend another emulator or aid in any other way?
Nemesist666 (2009-08-02)
Download an iso of the PSX version and run on epsxe, better quality and more configurationHails592 (2009-08-05)
oh its that twat again 'Nemesist666' whos wrote the same thing on every ff pc game..... *yawn*Swarley27 (2009-08-14)
I am having the same problem as Haito. I have installed everything exactly the way the readme said, and when I go to launch it I get the intro screen, then the end credits. I have already seeded to 2:1, and will seed to 10:1 if someone can please help me. Comment on here, or email [email protected]. Thank you!Swarley27 (2009-08-14)
I meant to add, I mounted the .bin just fine and got this problem. I tried the .cue for the hell of it and it changed nothing.Lord_Ricco (2009-08-19)
for those of yu who don't know this - You need to have BOTH a .bin & a .cue in order to mount a game in Deamon Tools - The .bin fileis the data the .cue file is like the index to the data - this is what you mount with deamon toolos and it allows you to install from the bin file.emevy (2009-08-19)
ok i done everything got into the game and everything was fine. BUT theirs one thing i cant live without... i need to be able to save. i saved at the first save point inside the garden to see if it worked (FF7 save had the same problem) anyone have any ideas on how i can be able to save my game?emevy (2009-08-19)
lol forgot to ADD the problem... the problem is it saves but when i want to load my saved game it says their is no game to load. acting like i never saved and making me start a new gameJkarell (2009-09-05)
I know I'm a noob but I try mounting either the .cue or the .bin installation cds and I get the "install, direct, readme or exit" screen. I click install and nothing happens. Plz HelpKaiNaHz (2009-12-16)
ok so i downloaded it mounted and intalled the cue file and all that junk now i get to the games main menu i select new game and then it says insert disc 1... im like wtf i have all 4 discs on my desktop so i drag them into my deamon tools lite and i try to mount it but it wont let me for some reason wtf plz helprun2dahills (2009-12-16)
ok so I got it all installed but the first time I tried running it I got to the screen where you select new/continue/credits, and when I picked new game it crashed. something about error message 0xc0000005. trying to run it again made it crash without even opening.I tried copying the folder and moving it to the desktop, and I was able to reach the intro screen whenever I ran ffvii, but I still can't get any further.
any help would be hot
JordonM3 (2010-01-17)
OMGsussing out this game took me forever
but i recommend getting daemon tools pro 4 this job
and seriously people read the cd check removal text in the FFVIII patches folder
helps alot
thanks 4 the torrent
V0LkL (2010-01-22)
if seen this question been asked plenty of times here, but has not been answered... so my problem is that when i press install game, nothing happens. nothing pops up at all, and i will really preciate some help because i really enjoyed ff7 =/xcfx00 (2010-01-24)
There are a couple of problems I'm having with the game after just installing it and playing to the first save point.*I need help fixing 2 things: Saving the game (I reload the game and there is no save file present), and cleaning up the black boxes in the graphics.*
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
karial (2010-02-05)
Ok guys, i seem to be having a minor problemo, i've followed the instructions to the letter.I've installed the game
Mounted disk 1
Opened Regedit... can't find the string, its just not there.
I use Windows 7, and wondering if anyone else has the same issue, and if resolved, how you did it?
Thanks in advance.
Agrippa526 (2010-02-21)
ok so here is my problem, i got it installed and change the regedit over but i am having two problems,1: most of the time i can not get past the credits in the beginning to get to the main menu
2: when i can get to the main menu, it give me the wrong disk error.
Any help would be appreciated.
Rainehard (2010-03-05)
I really like this game.. could somebody help me out.. I think I installed it correctly.... the problem is everytime I run the ff8,,, only the credits are shown... please please please help me,,,,, thank you^^,,, you could send me an email... [email protected] .. looking forward for your reply guysRainehard (2010-03-05)
I had the same problem with Psycho420 and supect18.... Please do help.. I really want to play this game.. thank you!!!Rainehard (2010-03-05)
guess what... i was able to run my ff8 hahaha... I just forgot to copy paste the files from the patch folder to the program files/ ff8.... great game...!!TH3-H00K (2010-03-09)
hey could anyone tell me the system requirements because it would be the first time to me to play this game in 3D.and the others sites showing lessen system requirements but the size of the torrent is 3.34GB could someone explain it please is it because the movie clips in game.
TH3-H00K (2010-03-09)
BTW my previous comment seems little stupid but try to understand guys.daw09 (2010-03-19)
OK its simple when you have finished the download make sure you have power ISO as you will need this first. get the software anytoISO by typing it in Google once you have the two software follow these simple steps. open anytoISO then find for the file install file and Disc 1,2,3,4. (1) get the install file named install this will look like a windows media player format. (2) select the file and convert it to an ISO. (3) then open power ISO and select mount remember to open 1 or 2 drivers. (then select install first and then disc 1 in to two different drivers). (4) minmize power ISO then go to my computer and select the extra CD drive and select install. you may have to run it on admin. after installing on the computer.1. Install FF8 to optional hard-drive by mount the installationdisc with powerISO
2. click startmenu/Run and write Regedit, push enter.
3. Simply browse through the following folders (in this order)
-Square Soft, Inc
Right click on the string value labelled "DataDrive" (it will have an icon with the letters ab to the left of it) in the right pane of the regedit browser.
Click "Modify" p.s sorry for copying your expianing is easier (5) select the drive by seeing were you put disc 1 example e: or g: etc. then run the game and select new game and it should work.
savigar (2010-03-23)
ok guys and gals this does work fine on my vista, u have to do the reg edit thing, make sure that u have copyed the patch files to the install directory, and then u have to run the shortcut as administrator this gets past the wrong disc crap, only thing is remember to run as admin every time u play. thanx 4 the upload by the way great gameutdarkviper (2010-04-25)
Someone asked about Windows 7 regedit path. The reason you had trouble is because it is slightly different than the other Windows OS versions. The path for Windows 7 is below. =)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
-- Wow6432Node
--- Square Soft, Inc
----- 1.00
Then just right-click "DataDrive" and click "Modify..."
Philiplucia (2010-05-03)
I need help. I am a complete newbie to this. I've read the comments and am still lost. I have the torrent downloaded and it is now in path file c:> users> me> downloads. I have finally figured out how to convert it from a daa file to iso, so that is done, what do I do after that? I pushed mount and the option it gives is "mount image to Drive [j:]C:\users\me\downloads\Final_Fantasy_VII_(pc).4536744.TPB.iso.
OlaPola91 (2010-05-14)
getting the wrong disc error on all cd's =/ryujinXryuk (2010-05-14)
thanks bone for d torrent...hope i can finish downloading it...hi guys please almost half..i need your help...please seed..god bless.i know you are good people...
ryujinXryuk (2010-05-15)
guys im almost 75 percent!..thanks for seeding you guys...
for those who are not seeding kindly seed please!!!
degatz (2010-06-04)
how to download this game?HarlemOutcast (2010-06-13)
Great Download! Thanks.Using Windows 7, following instructions, I just right click and selcect run as Admin and it skips the Disc Check.
matimike (2010-06-13)
thankslegendherox (2010-06-17) stuck with the installation. I mounted the install file to the extra disc drive and my disc 1.iso to drive K, but when i start the extra disc drive, n clicked Install, nothing happens. Someone please help me on this, my msn is [email protected], please contact me via this.dobdanerson (2010-06-20)
im new to torrenting games and i used to love this game, so can someone send me step by step instructions on how to use this torrent to install the game succesfully, plz send it to [email protected]dobdanerson (2010-06-21)
forget bout my previous comment, didnt realise how easy it was to install this 1, credit to the person who made it,how come my one doesnt even load up? and the rare occasions it does says i have the wrong disk in, when i mount the disk decides to freeze?
mrMurMur (2010-07-28)
I have Vista 64bit and the following works the best for me (and with "works the best" I mean actually getting it to run and having the intended graphical appearance):- Do as it is said about the regedit (I use daemon tools lite)
- Run both FF8Config and FF8 as admin
- FF8Config:
Software Renderer
Full Screen
Movie Resolution: High
Use High Res Fonts
I hope this helps because,
And if anybody knows a way to run this game in the intended resolution (640x480) in a window (not whole screen) then that would be awesome.
wadamadapakinbulshit (2010-08-04)
does it work on windows 7 32 bit pls reply?wadamadapakinbulshit (2010-08-04)
SirDoes it work on windows 7 32 bit?
noobysins (2010-08-11)
does it come with cheats???itll be boring if it does
__MOMO (2010-08-19)
This game is awesome! Best Final Fantasy game out there! I have played almost all of them but this always will be the one for me! Even tho th graphics aren't anything to compare ones such as ffX, it still beats them in characters, their junction modes, GF's, story... In all :D__MOMO (2010-08-19)
And thx for seeding guys, smooth 1mb speed almost all the time. Will seed aswell after downloadedjamesthevisionary (2010-09-19)
Hello, so I've looked through the comments, followed the advice and still can't get the game working. I have gone through regedit, I've put in the patches, used disc 1 as a virtual disc and a physical disc, yet i still can't get past the wrong disc page. I have looked at every comment here and nothing works for this issue. (Although thanks to the person who said to put the application on the desktop for black screen issue.) Help appreciated.Rnwbcsmf (2010-09-19)
For some reason mine keeps crashing after a little bit. I would just beat Biggs and Wedge and the Elvoret then it would crash. Any help would be appreciated. Thanksmike5671 (2010-09-21)
well ok i installed the game got the regedit done and followed everything yet it keeps telling me i insert wrong disk ??can some one please help me im no noob either but i just cant figure this one out
ff8gonaplay (2010-10-14)
OMGG!!!!!! PLS HELP ME! I done everything i have done disc 1 then i mounted second (2.) disc and game is loadin but then i just got black screen!!!! PLS help meee i want to play P.S i changed regedit into demon tools e: :(((NAZR8 (2010-10-17)
works fine with me..meshicullen (2010-11-04)
seed pls..i want this game badly!oversight9 (2010-11-26)
Thanks to UTDarkViper you have solved my problem. I run on vista but i needed to use your instructions for windows 7 to get past the no disc error. other than that initial problem works great. oh and to those who say the setup doesnt load for them give it 5-10 mins i clicked a bunch of times cause nothing popped up then i got about 20 setup windows pop up all at once.Mirkow (2010-12-21)
Ok so i Downloaded this game. Because i love FF. And tried as so many people to run the game.Even after I had read all the comments i still got a black screen at starting.
(windows vista 86x, but also had this problem under XP and W7)
But now I have found the real solution for all problems.
Firstly do the reg fix like posted like 10 times allready.
After that:
* Install FF8 normally, EAX will install itself at the end of the installation
* Copy 1.2 patch files to installation directory (no Game subfoler at all!) and install (patch is included in this torrent).
* Then Find and download ff8_launcher_v1.31.rar and extract to ffVII directory
* Find download and install Visual C++ 2008 runtime
* Got to the software deinstallation in the control center and UNINSTALL eax unified
* Find and download eax.dll (version: 3.065): Extract the new downloaded eax.dll to {Windir}/system32 (NOTE by magixts: It's also possible to put the .dll directly in the ff8 installation directory to achieve the same result)
Ur game should run smoothly now. Credits to magixts (found this fix on a forum)
Game runs like a charm. Even with 10x7 res have fun!
Blackryu (2010-12-30)
Works with Windows 7!timme10 (2011-01-02)
i downloaded it fine, but when i mount the install disc and the menu comes up, I click install and nothing happens. I've seen other comments with the same problem but haven't seen any fixes, i would really appreciate some help with this!Whatjusthappened (2011-01-07)
Seriously, everyone who gets issues or problems, just DOWNLOAD A PS1 EMULATOR + FFVII ROM. No issues, bugs, etc. I actually tried this dl, and it screwed up my MIDI settings. Don't waste your time.22Zeion (2011-02-04)
The set up for this download was easy, the only problem I am having is the freaking missing pixels from the game. No error messages or anything... The annoying thing is that I have done all of the different configurations offered in these comments and even some that I have thought of.What I think the problem is, is that I have Vista 32-bit and I am not running off of my video card (don't ask lol) but off of my integrated video card on my mother board.
If anyone has any pointers for any other ways to fix this problem please let me know, if I can't figure this out soon I am just going to buy this game off of the PlayStation Network!
133661 (2011-02-07)
Yeah, i've got almost everything working except that when I got toregedit->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->???
There's no squaresoft, inc. folder there. Any help would be appreciated.bboydaniel (2011-02-12)
ok. . .i did everything and so i was able to play the game until disc 3. . .i can still play it but a part where i was about to get into the scene at balamb garden's library to get the combat king 003, the game crashes. . .anyone help me pls. . .thanks. . .jeffery6803 (2011-02-20)
had this game and many others when harddrive went bsy seagate barracuda so long story have to download everything no backups lost all my torrents as well the instructions are easy once you go to registry and change you`re default drive so the game can see it your done if you haven`t followed the direction and your waiting for hand holding your on the wrong site the instructions are clear so stop complaining and thanks for the great upload if you have a barracuda i know it`s a old problem but had only had this drive for 2 months update your firmware or be F@@ck@@D by seagateYenrock7 (2011-04-02)
I had this on PS1 before and i'd like to play it again, but with these emulator thing, i dunno where to start.unh0ly51nn3r (2011-04-18)
Works perfectly but does anybody know why there's no music?unh0ly51nn3r (2011-04-19)
I cannot play Triple Triads... Help...deadtetra (2011-05-01)
D/l'd and installed just fine... Installation was easy... No-cd trick worked just fine.. Game plays smoothly... If you have issues with this game you are a moron... I'll seed this for a while :)unh0ly51nn3r (2011-05-01)
fuck... screen turn black and my pc hangs after squall and rinoa kissing at the ending scene...revengfulx74 (2011-05-06)
Well it works for me with Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit, everything they say in the .txt is right, and if your having pixel problems, either get your latest driver for your video card, or change the configuration from 3D Hardware, to Software Render or something along that lines.JodieMcRice (2011-08-10)
When I click INSTALL nothings happens... it starts loading but then nothing ..please help!! :(JodieMcRice (2011-08-10)
Lol never mind ... figured it out ... but to those who have this problem the sollution is:When using daemon tools and when adding a virtual device you get to choose either the .cue or .bio ... the first time it only showed .cue so I took it and it didnt work but then selected the "view all types of files" from the drop down list... that way it lets say unhid my .bio file and when I mounted it it worked :)
louis87 (2011-09-09)
I have a small problem, the files are VLC media files and they will not mount any idea how to change this?. thanks for the game bone.Slangword (2011-09-28)
Q: I have a small problem, the files are VLC media files and they will not mount any idea how to change this?...A: Right click on the file - Select Open With - Select Chose Default Program - Click on Browse on the menu that pops up - Open Program Files - Open Damon Tools file folder (or whatever your mounting programs called) - Click on the Damon Tools program
If your still having trouble with the No Disc issue, try right clicking on the shortcut and Run as Administrator.
supportedwinter (2011-10-06)
I need some help Please. I installed the game and got it working using the reg fix rather easily and even played it for half an hour before i realised i had sound but no music. when in battle i can hear effects from attacking or casting spells. ect And even in menus i have sound but never any music. Ive tried Looking for an answer, googling and searching the comments and what not, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.supportedwinter (2011-10-07)
NVM I fixed it. I changed my Direct Music Port, In the FF8 Config, From Sound Tap Recorder too Microsoft Synthesizer and that fixed it. This is a great torrent now that it works perfectly. I will seed for a while. ThanksJmh4205 (2011-10-14)
ok so i got everything working. regedit worked. even played for a while.. once i got to timber and there standing in front of the giant TV it crashes. anyone know why or how to fix this??Jmh4205 (2011-10-14)
ok so anyone whos having the problems with pixelated images or black blocks go into your ff8 config. located in your ff8 folder. and change your renderer from 3d accelerated to software renderer. should work fine after that.I NEED HELP WITH THIS!! i installed fine. started playing. and made it to timber where there standing in front of the TV at the tv station and it freezes!! someone please help..
gizmogremlin98 (2011-10-20)
i've downloaded the torrent but it wont let me install the disc!! what do i do??Zomberina (2011-11-03)
Zomberina (2011-11-03)
HAVE FUN! (2011-11-07)
Greetings. I have a problem with this game. I installed it successfully (after some tries etc) copied the patch and replaced the files but when I try to regedit the Squaresoft etc does not appear anywhere. I installed it to disc C program files (x86). The mount (disc 1) is successful but still no disc recognized from the game. Any idea on how I can do this without the regedit? :/ (2011-11-07)
I found where the Square soft etc lies in Regedit menu and in the data drive i have tried everything but still nothing works. The disc drive is (H:) FF8_Disc1 and the ff8 file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Eidos Interactive\Square Soft, Inc\FINAL FANTASY VIIIanyone got a clue on what shall i write on modify? :/
sanisoclem (2011-12-04)
@kat what is the registry path that you are looking for. I haven't downloaded this yet but if its a 32bit program and you are running a 64bit machine then it should be under HKCU\Software\Wow6432Node or HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node. 64bit machines put 32bit program registry entries there - much like how 32bit apps are installed in Program Files (x86) rather than just program files.Dolidza (2011-12-18)
I've done everything that I'm supposed and I have the CD 1 mounted and I can run the game just fine, but when I try to start new game it says that i don't have the cd1 mounted. What am I supposed to do?.DubFiend. (2012-01-03)
Merry 2012 people.I just wanted to clear something up that i thought wasnt clear enough in the "readme" in the patches folder.
When it says modify to the directory you used for daemon tools, this DOES NOT mean the directory FF8 was installed TO. It means the VIRTUAL CD DRIVE created by daemon tools.
@ dolidza ^ this could be your problem :)
slezzyvianney (2012-01-08)
there are patches in the folders right? where am i suppose to install them?why is my game grahpics bad?
DaronMirshann (2012-01-15)
How the hell do you actually get it to freaking install? I've mounted it on Daemon Tools and it opens up the install window but when I press install it does absolutely nothing... What the duce?AreYouDeeWhy2 (2012-02-24)
LOL DERP. If you're having the "Click Install and nothing happens problem", make sure Daemon is in Admin mode.spaceb0y (2012-03-01)
had the same problem as Dolidza: i install the game, open it, it gives me the new game/continue screen, but when i hit new game it tells me cd1 is not mounted, even though i think it is. i say i THINK it is mounted because when i "mount" it, the cd doesn't appear to open really, only a folder with files with extensions like .pak, .fi, .fl, which i don't seem to have the program to open them with. anyone got a glue on what i should do? :PDavania0745 (2012-03-02)
Hi All, i have read through the previous 7 pages of comments and im none the wiser. i have vista HESP2 i ran the installation/regedit and get to the point where it asks for disk 1 i am using daemon tools and tried mounting the disk 1 (bin/cue) and nothing happens - i would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction as i haven't a clue and am not even sure what to do with the patches - is there a proven step by step thaat works for vista? - thanks soooo much in advance xluketheapple (2012-03-02)
everyone who has a problem try pcsx heres a link to there site its a playstation 1 emulator should work and should have no need to mount the image just open the iso file through the file option of pcsx if that dnt work mount the image using Daemon tools and then open pcsx and boot image from virtual driveHope this helps guys seen everyones having issues here
tong_21 (2012-03-06)
how do i install this? im running vista ultimate 32 bit. please help i really want to play this game! :( i tried running daemon tools as admin and still when i press install nothing happens. i tried changing the compatibility of the setup.exe still nothing happens. please help :(MatthuDS (2012-03-22)
Hi, new here. So I mount the file to daemon tools, and all I get is the startup screen. I click install, and nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?MatthuDS (2012-03-26)
Okay, scratch that last comment. I installed it fine. I am getting the same "Please Insert Disc 1" message every time I start the game, as everyone else. PROBLEM IS, I try to go through regedit, then local, then software. HOWEVER, I am not finding a "Square Soft Inc" anywhere in the software folder. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, is there a solution?thunderlungz425 (2012-05-25)
MatthuDS :) I have an answer to your problem :) i had to look elsewhere to solve this whole issue, it acctually took about an hour of research to get this to install and play, mate. As for your problem, its an easy one, I looked else where to solve this and the auther of a different instruction oddly enough forgot the same part of the instructions and some one else pointed it out, itsHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeSquare
Soft, IncFINAL FANTASY VIII1.00DataDrive :) they were missing the Wow6432Node part, go ahead and check mate. I'm happy I could help.thunderlungz425 (2012-05-25)
i put back slashes and they didnt show up so im gonna use commas this time HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Wow6432Node, Square Soft Inc, FINAL FANTASY VIII, 1.00, DataDrivethunderlungz425 (2012-05-25)
And I forgot to mention, I know this sounds weird but its true, The game won't install if your internet browser is open, it might be open still without you knowing it, you might have to end the process in the task manager, I tried installing it over and over again, then i read a comment saying that and closed my browser, then I had like 20 install shield wizards open. Also in the regedit, your changing the drive to the virtual drive your using, not the hard drive that you installed it to. That should help every one with issues.Rochi3 (2012-07-20)
Okay for those who click install and nothing loads, Close your internet browser. I Read it in someone's comment somewhere but ignored it. I then was giving up so I closed my browser and the installation process popped up. :)HsKing11 (2012-08-15)
Umm I am still stuck at the menu screen "Insert Disc one" Wrong disc insert.. I'm Like wtf~!!!I did the reg fix, changing it to the Daemon tools VD "e:/". Patched, and still to no avail. Please can anyone give me any tips to solve this.
I'm on Windows 7. Come on guys help me out why isn't FF8 noticing the disc 1 virtual drive?
HsKing11 (2012-08-15)
NVM about my previous comment..I decided to go over the comments again.. This time more throughly guess what some guy said to run it as admin everytime you want to play it.
Guess what it fix my problem!! Thanks awesome dude didn't know why I didn't think of that earlier. Derp.
Mreed32358 (2013-10-23)
Hey sorry if this has already been answered but I installed the game and got throught the credits. When i hit start new game it says please insert disc one. I have it mounted on Daemon tools and tried to do the regedit thing but once i get to the software folder there is no Square soft folder to click on. Any help would be greatly appreciatedMreed32358 (2013-10-23)
Please help!! I try to do the regedit thing but there is no square soft folder?? I have already installed the gameAArizaA (2013-11-29)
Am I the only one who has trobule with the videos being flipped both horizontally and vertically?rastas959 (2014-10-13)
Everything is fine till here:{*
-Square Soft, Inc
That part is not in my registry
ANy help would be useful
1. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 1/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 1.bin 773.12 Mb
2. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 1/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 1.cue 90 bytes
3. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 2/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 2.bin 615.61 Mb
4. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 2/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 2.cue 90 bytes
5. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 3/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 3.bin 633.23 Mb
6. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 3/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 3.cue 149 bytes
7. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 4/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 4.bin 752.90 Mb
8. Final Fantasy VIII/Disc 4/Final Fantasy VIII - Disc 4.cue 90 bytes
9. Final Fantasy VIII/FFVIII Patches/CD-Check Removal.txt 1.75 Kb
10. Final Fantasy VIII/FFVIII Patches/ 9.53 Mb
11. Final Fantasy VIII/FFVIII Patches/ 9.53 Mb
12. Final Fantasy VIII/FFVIII Patches/Info.txt 1.55 Kb
13. Final Fantasy VIII/Install Disc/Final Fantasy VIII - Install Disc.bin 628.86 Mb
14. Final Fantasy VIII/Install Disc/Final Fantasy VIII - Install Disc.cue 96 bytes
15. Final Fantasy VIII/Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid_com.txt 47 bytes