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CHiPs Season 1 & 2 - DVDRIP




Video TV


CHiPs Season 1 & 2 - DVDRIP


Video/TV shows


2009-01-18 (by dredawg)


Season 1 is from DIMENSION. Season 2 is from mac. Enjoy! If anyone has any other seasons, please post them.


  1. ponch
  2. jon
  3. chips
  4. estrada
  5. wilcox
  6. larry
  7. eric
  8. chp

Files count:



15729.51 Mb




dredawg (2009-01-20)

not a single comment?

Alcaloide (2009-01-21)

Here it is: many thanks for this one. It's taking ages to download, but definetely much appreciated.

dredawg (2009-01-23)

hahah, yeah i'm trying to dedicate as much bandwidth as possible! hopefully you are setting the priority on each file so you can watch them as they come in... i'll keep seedin' till the job is done! ;-)

majo2469 (2009-01-25)

Please SEED - I am looking at 3w transfer time with only 1 seed. If I can get this done I will seed for like 2 weeks.
Thanks :)

gebhi (2009-01-27)

Please 58% and I don't see anyone else higher than 48.9%....not even getting time remaining getting 0.2kb/s
I am concentrating to only get 1st season which I will help to seed then move to the second.
Thanks for the upload of a classic

dredawg (2009-01-29)

i'm keeping it goin... ;-)

Alcaloide (2009-02-01)

Come on, guys. This torrent is brand new. After today, a lot of people will have it 100%, then we will see some speed boost. But keep it seeded as long as you can.
It took me 14 days to download it. Totally worth it.
Thanks again for the uploader. You are the man.

dredawg (2009-03-08)

awwww yeah! keep the seeds alive! :=)

james070 (2009-05-14)

Thanks!!! great upload

KPK10 (2009-06-06)

Hello my name is Kevin K I've been fan of CHiPs
since my mother & other members of my family started watching it : Now I love the Show CHiPs
I was wondering Can someone try to upload all
139 episodes all 6 seasons of CHiPs
for me someone please try to upload them all to megaupload or someone
please email me if you have any questions

penilejuices (2010-04-01)

this is an AWESOME torrent. I watched damn near every episode, WANT MORE. THANK YOU dredawg. Brings back my childhood. MORE episodes, please!

BLAQKOXYGEN (2010-08-30)

I think only the first two season have been released on dvd. I finally just these downloaded, I will continue to seed as long as I can. I'm only getting a 55k upload but Im leaving it on. I only downloaded it at 20k the whole time, all 16gb and 9 days of it. So everyone please help seed, this must be passed on.

hammerheadieaglethrust (2011-03-08)

thanks a lot!

i6X9i (2011-04-14)

Hi dredawg. Thanks for the great torrent. Brings back a lot of memories.
Just Curious:
Wiki said there were 22 episodes of CHiPs Season 1. I only see 21 episodes during this download. The last episode s01e22 is called "Flashback!" Any idea about this episodes??? Thanks.

tjubje (2011-06-12)

Yes there is 1 episode missing, flashback. Anyone??

ruby1967jones (2011-08-10)

would you have season 3&4 5&6 also please thank you for the download x

wano08 (2011-10-06)

could you or someone please post chips 99,I cant find it!

billandsookie (2012-06-26)

thanks for the upload could you add some more seasons of chips if you have it thanks godbless

imbusy36 (2012-09-08)

!!!!! AWESOME MOVIES !!!!!
!!!!! AWESOME MOVIES !!!!!

BitchPhD (2012-12-25)

All seasons plus movie are here:

BitchPhD (2013-01-20)

All seasons, plus the movie are available here:

It's a TV rip, not DVD quality.

pupupeepee (2014-07-20)