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2010-08-10 (by bulletzz74)
-KaPiTaL SiN-
Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom’s latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts. Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favorite classic characters, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile, along with new characters, including Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus. Characters and environments are rendered in stylized 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the gameplay system. Street Fighter IV brings a brand new fighting game to fans the world over.
OS: Windows XP
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0GHz or higher
RAM: 1 GB or higher
HDD: 10 GB of free space or more
Video Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series, ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher or higher, VRAM :256MB or higher
Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible
Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard
OS: Windows Vista
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher
RAM: 2 GB or higher
HDD: 10 GB of free space or more
Video Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 series or higher, ATI Radeon(TM) X 1900 or higher, VRAM :512MB or higher
Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible
Input Devices: Gamepad - Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
1 - Unrar
2 - Run setup.bat,wait 10-15 Min.
3 - Click SF4Launcher.exe to configure the gamepad
4 - Play with StreetFighterIV.exe
Videos of credits
Tested on W7 64bit
Files count:
1462.05 Mb
ZoltanZen (2010-08-11)
This version don't work for me (Windows 7 32bit)xeneg (2010-08-12)
Hi, I ran the setup.bat but only a black box appears and disappears quickly. I have W7 64 bit. I waited for 10 mintues but nothing happens. I also have the Windows game client.xeneg (2010-08-12)
But I did run it as an admin. A black command line box appears and then vanishes immediately. Do I need to turn off my AV? Is this box supposed to disappear?Thanks.
xeneg (2010-08-12)
But I did run it as an admin. A black command line box appears and then vanishes immediately. Is this box supposed to disappear? I'm not running anything. Where do the files get written?Thanks.
supz (2010-08-12)
This may well be a stupid question, but can I play this online?supz (2010-08-12)
The reason I ask is because I can't get it to save my game. I unlock a couple of characters and quit the game and when I load it up again, it has reset itself. That sucks.Works perfectly, though and a great upload. Thanks a lot.
supz (2010-08-12)
Disregard. You can create a local profile and save that way. Excellent stuff.xeneg (2010-08-13)
Finally got it to work. Changed some user settings and voila, it works! Thanks bulletzz!! Your the best!LamboeKid (2010-08-16)
I can't unrar. How should I do it?Whit3_Addict (2010-08-19)
How to create an offline game account. Plz help me Guys. I always have a problem. i dont know which directory to go and make a folder and what that folders name should be and other stuff. i am not that advanced as you all pros are.. :))Whit3_Addict (2010-08-19)
I dont y but ui cant play with StreetFighterIV.exe. I have to play with SF4Launcher.exe. any mistake by me?Raj1982 (2010-08-19)
Hi all, Nothing is happening when I am clicking "Launch STREET FIGHTER IV" in SF4Launcher.Can anybody help me out. I am having only mouse and keyboard but no controller
Whit3_Addict (2010-08-20)
@Raj1982,You need to play with SF4Launcher.exe.
I am playing with it and no problems till now except i cant save any games :(
I expect from the uploader to tell me how to save the game progress in detail so no one else will ask again. Thanks
ultimate_punch (2010-08-20)
i have the same problem as raj. i open the launcher and it brings up window saying launch street fighter IV, controller settings and exit. i can go into controller settings (ps3 controller) but when i hit launch street fighter IV nothing happensabel_user (2010-08-20)
So, its working.but, I can't create offline profile. Can someone instruct me how to.
my installing history:
•10-15mins isnt right, waited about 1 and a half hour to finish extraction.
•opened sf launcher and start the game and nothing happens
-solution: opened sf.exe itself and find out missing dlls. xlive.dll and another one. downloaded from
•runs really slow fps (lol) cause of 1gb ram
-solution: pc setting> frame|60 fix background|low
thanks to the uploader.
still unsolve the ff.
•cant save gamedata/dunno how to create offline account
is this installer capable of creating a offline live account? y/n
rougestellar (2010-08-22)
i can't save my game. how do i save it?thanks btw bud. great torrent, great game
rougestellar (2010-08-22)
i managed to DL the missing dll files and played it with SF4launcher. nothing happened after clicking StreetFighterIV.exe also, i can't save the game. i dont know how to create an offline profile, could you teach me how? thnxabel_user (2010-08-23)
put the missing dll files in C:\WINDOWS\system32.----
download "games for window live installer" (gfwlivesetupmin).
after installing, restart. start sflauncher.exe not the sf.exe
creating offline profile
*create new profile|create a local profile|submit
rougestellar (2010-08-25)
Yes, I've created a local profile a while ago, thanks abel_user! :)aphroninja (2010-08-27)
gave me a huge virus had to get my computer fixed, i wouldn't trust this one but that was just me, sounds like it works for everyone elseabel_user (2010-08-30)
@aproninjait works on my pc. it didn't mess up. maybe there is another source or conflict to other programs.
glad I helped.
seeditguyss (2010-09-01)
seed it plzz its at 82%seeditguyss (2010-09-01)
omg seed i have 1 seed right noww and im at 94%qwertydivx007 (2010-09-01)
after installation when i run streetfighterIV.exe it says d3dx9_41.dll was not found..... wat shud i do ? someone plz plz help......tige420 (2010-09-04)
I have the same problem as qwertydivx007, i run the .exe and it says im missing d3dx9_41.dll, scanned my computer for the file and its not there. Could anyone upload it to somewhere please?HussleFlow (2010-09-05)
@ALL who have the .cmd immediate shutoff issue, and running Windows 7.Simply right click "Setup" --> Properties - > Compatibility -> "Run This Program in Compatibility Mode for (Windows XP Service Pack 3 ) -> Run
All issues with this should now be solved.
lint007 (2010-09-12)
working great!!!!!.......if any .dll file is missing jst search n download it....paste that missing .dll file in windows/system32.....tat the only way to fix it.......n the only problem facing is this shit doesnt save my progress!!!!!sum 1 plz help!!!!!!!!!ny way thanx :bulletzz: :)
prastor1 (2010-09-28)
it's working well for me on WINDOWS7 - 32BITbut u sud download "Live for Windows" which is free on microsoft web....
so don't beleive in rumours...
poopykun (2010-10-08)
help plzzz whenever i try to press sf4 launcher sf4 launcher stopped working pops upyzake (2010-10-20)
i start the sf4launcher.exe and nothing happens, from the biginning no missing dll's were popped up but i downloaded the xlive.dll and other dll commented about the others. I put the files on external hard disk and on the disk with windows on both did not work. i tried running it in win. xp sp 3 still didnt work. any1 knows the solution?!?!?yzake (2010-10-20)
by the way i already installed and reinstalled windows live for gamesciv225 (2010-10-22)
@ yzake: hav u cheked ur grafik drivers?yzake (2010-10-22)
yea i have the latest drivers.abel_user (2010-10-27)
having problems with this it work on my xp but when i transfer to w7. i doesnt work anymore. any tips?
royhere (2010-10-30)
pls upload shank pc game,......pls upload shank pc game,......
pls upload shank pc game,......
pls upload shank pc game,......
pls upload shank pc game,......
pls upload shank pc game,......
pls upload shank pc game,......
PuUuL28 (2011-03-14)
Do not extract is 0.0% and lock in DC0Locks the entire computer
sorry for my bad English because I used Google
senpok (2011-04-16)
Whenever i start sf4launcher.exe and click launch street fighter, launcher closes but the game doesn start. Have installed Games For Windows Marketplace(3.4).Also on clicking the Controller settings button on the launcher, i'm prompted to connect a controller(WTF right?). I have a win 7 64 bit system and 1 gig of graphics, 4gig RAm at my disposal. Pls helpsenpok (2011-04-17)
^_^ After a lil trial n error, my problem got fixed by just downloading a d3dx9_41.dll file. But the prompt for connecting a controller still pops up.sykam (2011-06-18)
does it have all the videos?jasonb4_27 (2011-10-27)
@xeneg I'm having the same problems with the setup launcher. . . what user settings did you change?Thanks
jasonb4_27 (2011-10-27)
Can you use the d0.exe??anktakes (2012-02-05)
Whenever i click on sflauncher after 2 minutes it says that sflauncher as stopped working ?? and the controller setting it ask me to connect a controller ?anktakes (2012-02-05)
Ok !! After reading a lot on internet, i have started enjoying the game.....!!! The problem is vanished and game is very smooth now. The problem was whenever i started sfslauncherexe it stopped working. So, after reading a lot i changed StreetFighterIV.exe.cfg to StreetFighterIV.exe.cfg.BAK and as i clicked on sfslauncherexe it started working for me. I just changed named thats it !!! I HAPPY that i am enjoying the game....but there is also a little problem and that is i can't save the game, but i think i will soon figure out the problem..!!! Try it !! i did it and i am enjoying !!! : )lilsum (2013-04-08)
tx for the game manlilsum (2013-04-08)
can u upload other top pc games in small size like street fighter 4 tx againFiles:
1. Street.Fighter.4-RIP-Kps/ 1462.05 Mb
2. Street.Fighter.4-RIP-Kps/READ ME.txt 1.92 Kb
3. Street.Fighter.4-RIP-Kps/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
4. Street.Fighter.4-RIP-Kps/Torrent downloaded from 48 bytes
5. Street.Fighter.4-RIP-Kps/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes