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FS2004 - Phoenix Simulation Software - Boeing 757 Professional 2
FS2004 - Phoenix Simulation Software - Boeing 757 Professional 2
2006-09-01 (by rrodger99)
PSS 757
Thanks to TheFlyingDutchman/4X-AXG
From the readme file:
Okey, to install do like this:
1. Run the .exe file.
2. Browse to your FS directory, if its not already pre-browsed to it.
3. Install.
4. Copy the two fonts in the Fonts directory to your Fonts directory in your FS2004 folder
5. Fly it and enjoy it ;)
Made by Baabis and upped by 4X-AXG/TheFlyingDutchman
ps: the 'setup and load edit utilities' are integrated within the panel and are not seperate programs
Files count:
217.48 Mb
Bob_T (2006-09-02)
That was quick.Thanks to everyone that had a part in this as always. Keep up the good work, and don't let the idiots bother you.
rrodger99 (2006-09-02)
I haven't tested this yet but I already plan to dump the CS 757In fact since I just formatted & haven't really installed anything but sceneries....This will probably the the 1st plane.
Kaluleomorir (2006-09-02)
Thanks rrodger99, seem to be a perfect plane to fly with :-)4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
trust me, it works, I've flown in the damn thing ;-)Baabis and me hope you all enjoy this one :-)
baabis (2006-09-02)
Yup, we do..enjoy one more time :-)luke97 (2006-09-02)
Amazing! GReat release. Tnx guys!!!!Bob_T (2006-09-02)
4X-AXG and baabis, thanks for the release. Can't wait to get it on my computer.steffmak (2006-09-02)
Anyone seedingsteff
4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
you guys better buy a NASA computer for this one folks..she's a fill something in after flying her ;-)The_Hangar_18 (2006-09-02)
Huaa rrodger, you are the greatest^^Fasten your seatbelts and go around!
legendary_goku (2006-09-02)
Anybody already tested this? Which is better the CS757 or This PSS 757????tsakonas (2006-09-02)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIM 7 years in the FS scene and i can guarantee that the best developers out there is Phoeinix and PMDG....
NullCharacter (2006-09-02)
Thank you rrodger99.tsakonas (2006-09-02)
@legendary_gokuthere is no comparison mate.....this one ofcourse is on step ahead.maybe more.
McPorra (2006-09-02)
Excellent release!! Thank U all.chezlow (2006-09-02)
Thanks for the Great upload :)monkeydoodle (2006-09-02)
Thanks for the great upload!Anyone have any info whether Level-D has any plans to release the 757?
spunky721 (2006-09-02)
That was quick.Thanks. You rock.
legendary_goku (2006-09-02)
Am i blind or not? I installed this and copied the 2 font files into my fs9 fonts folder and the aircraft doesn't appear in my list? i mean in the list of aircraft selection...4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
it's under Boeing-PSSBob_T (2006-09-02)
@monkeydoodle, what do you mean plans? It's still being worked on, but AFAIK won't be a FS9 product. I've heard it's going to be FSX only.@legendary_goku, did you install it in to the correct directory? PSS for some reason didn't have the installer check your registry to see where FS is installed, and you have to manually browse to it.
If you're sure it's there, I don't know what to tell you, sorry. It's working fine here. I did have to copy the two fonts over twice to get them to work, but just made a short flight around SEA and everything worked fine.
tsakonas (2006-09-02)
@legendary_goku : aRE u sure? Do you see the Boeing-Pss category?I have another problem!!!it can not display properly the textures and says error canot open non existent directory \fs9\...\aircraft\b757 texture\
i installed/unistalled 3 times and same shit....
any ideas? anyone got same error?
blankbox (2006-09-02)
cleared the bases on this one....thanx rrodger!!!banks1337 (2006-09-02)
Thanks rrodger, and this flying dutchman guy is the shit. keep it up, your efforts are most appreciated by myself and other poor white people in america!fattam (2006-09-02)
Thanks a bunch!ak111 (2006-09-02)
thx rrodger99 , it is a great plane!req CS 757 blockE "soundset" v1.2,thx
2point8 (2006-09-02)
w00t im getting like 600 kb/s down! Long live TPB!!!banks1337 (2006-09-02)
Hey goku, I just screwed up 3 times trying to install it, you haveto make sure the install directory is correct, it default installed to directory c:\PROGRAM\microsoft games\etc instead of c:\program files\microsoft games\etcREAD THIS EVERYONE
tugunska (2006-09-02)
that was reeeeally fast rrodger!!thank you so much!!!
nice to see such good pay "avaliable" for us regula mortals!!! hippie hippie hurra to TPB!!
seedpleaz (2006-09-02)
AWESOME release, thank you very much!btw if anyone's FPS are bollocks, just remove the vcockpit sections of the panel.cfg, and the FPS will jump back to normal
rrodger99 (2006-09-02)
Heh,I would love to take credit for this but all I did was download it & bring it here.
The real thanks goes to 4X-AXG & Baabis for the original upload.
emb110 (2006-09-02)
Thanks rrodger99However PSS has updated the base installer that fixes alot of things, such as no nav data, fps problems. Any chance of getting this.
NullCharacter (2006-09-02)
Regarding FPS problems,I've noticed that my FPS hover around 30 when loading the plane and staying in the 2D view. However, as soon as I look out the window, or switch to 3d view the FPS drops to near 10 when I go back to 2D view.
To solve this I found that you can simply hit the Alt button to bring up the FS file menu and then just simply click back to the simulator, or press the right mouse button and left mouse button again. It causes a slight pause but somehow resets the FPS back to 30 for me.
Hope it helps.
emb110 (2006-09-02)
I know that may solve the fps problem but the fmc has no nav data so its basically useless.NullCharacter (2006-09-02)
You can get the navdata here: www.navdata.atJust download the 0608 AIRAC for the PSS and install it.
FSSR.Keyno (2006-09-02)
Interesting..Beta right?
Anyone have luck with lighting?
Still cant get rid of the Z in set up/keyboard. I use Z for change View,WASD for moving in VC and Walkthru.
Thanks for the up.
hatte3 (2006-09-02)
thx manREQ ARIANE 737
smart_fun (2006-09-02)
REQ. IRIS - F-14AREQ. Cloud9 - F-4F (crack)
REQ. FlyLogic\Aerosoft - Patrouille Suisse
REQ. Angle Of Attack 767
seedpleaz (2006-09-02)
btw if anyone's FPS are bollocks, just remove the vcockpit sections of the panel.cfg, and the FPS will jump back to normalREAD this is a second post for a reasonable fix
Lav41 (2006-09-02)
Thanks to all involved in this release.Also could someone share the new FS2Crew 747 Edition unwrapped (to try to crack it) please ?
mad_flyer (2006-09-02)
Whee! Thanks alot Rrodger!REQ: NOTHING!
luke97 (2006-09-02)
Goku, copy the fonts also on Windows font folder.REQ: Nobody of this community is Fileplaner subscriber? Its 8Gb heavy, but whoever share the FSX beta, could be the GOD of Pirate Bay (with PopArt permission, of course). I know it needs a personal key to install, but that should not be a problem for some people here ;-)
David-7237 (2006-09-02)
THANK YOU,what's better CS or PSS??
I dumped CS already.. (because we are torrent users..)
1-Angle of Attack
David-7237 (2006-09-02)
World Airports 2
b17tony (2006-09-02)
thanks for the great upload!!REQ. IRIS - F-14A
REQ. Cloud9 - F-4F (crack)
MCFC OK (2006-09-02)
Thanks for the upload!This thing isn't even available to paying customers yet!!!
Trev123 (2006-09-02)
This is the pre order version and is full of bugs. PSS won't be releasing it to the general public until they have ironed out some of the bugs.Trev
fsxvsfs2004 (2006-09-02)
4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
wow..lots and lots of messagesfirst, me and Baabis will try to get the updated installer
second, this is not a beta or anything like that. yes, PSS has released the installer only to folks who have pre-ordered this plane, but it IS the final release. sure they will update the installer or bring out some patches, but that's about it.
now, let me look into that updated installer thingy...
legendary_goku (2006-09-02)
Bob_T Actually when i ran the installer the shortcut directory was default pss and so on,the next screen you had to choose where the pss757 must be installed...The box was filled in correctly C:/Program files......So i clicked continue....
I didn't see the aircraft in my list so i rebooted after i rebooted a window opened named "program" and there i could find the pss757 but in the wrong directory..I copied the files to the correct directory but once i loaded the pss757 some of the gauges didn't work...I copied the 2 fonts into my fs2004 fonts folder but i haven't tried it in the windows fonts folder..Maybe that should help me solving this issue? And why did the installer installate it in the wrong directory when the default directory the installer chose was correct?
4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
follow up:I did some testing and I found out that both fonts have to be in your FS9\Fonts directory AND your Windows\Fonts directory
My apologies for not looking into this before uploading
B744 (2006-09-02)
also look in your fs9 modules folder and see if you got dsd_xml_tcas.ini & dsd_xml_tcas.dll - rename those or delete them doesnt matter which, there known framerate whores.baabis (2006-09-02)
Okey guys, i see that many off you are complaining about much stuff, its ok i understand, but its not a simple thing to do this installer.. and because i didnt have FS installed, didnt i test it, but i have FS installed now and i WILL make an new installer, this with fully navdata etc that wasnt in with this installer, and only the files i got from the installer. It will come, dont worry.skierr (2006-09-02)
It works fine for me! ThanksNow we need the LOAD EDITOR to calculate weights and Center of Gravity (CG).
4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
PSS has announced the Load Editor was giving them hell so they postponed itskierr (2006-09-02)
4x-AXGdo you know another way to calculate the CoG?
I can't find any tables in the manual so what we can write in apposite field of the CDU????
4X-AXG (2006-09-02)
I have no idea, I took my 767 value and subtracted somewhat, hoping to come close to a 757 valuePSS says this about the Load Editor
"The load editor broke when it was being packaged for distribution, so rather than give it to you broken, we will put it up as a separate download when it is fixed in the very near future."
jerms (2006-09-02)
Thanks for the upload! However I'm sure as hell not downloading it.After I paid good money for their piece of shit 777 I not even going to download their 757 for free.
If you could get the 757 LDs version I'd be more impressed! LoL
Thanks for your upload though!
kaskinen (2006-09-02)
REQ:AIRLINERS ENV 2004 - COMMERCIAL FLIGHT 6.1zpt (2006-09-02)
Working fine! But imo way too slow for its quality.Btw: FS2Crew PMDG744 has been released...
Roterhead (2006-09-02)
nice, also, can someone put up the newly released full version of the iris F-14rrodger99 (2006-09-02)
@ skierrIf you use FS Passengers, there is a load editor built into it.
It is somewhat simplistic but it may work for you.
ivod (2006-09-02)
FS2Crew for PMDG747 has been released...karel8 (2006-09-02)
Thanksreq: Aerosim Classic Freighters, Vol.1
baabis (2006-09-02)
Okey guys, this is the most HORRIBLE addon i have EVER tried! they cant even do a repaint! lots off fault in the repaints and in the menu etc it says Icelandair but i get an PSS paint! Oh my God! I've also made an new installer to it, but since this addon is so really horrible i wasnt even thinking off getting it out! I'll be waiting for the public release! Sorry.2point8 (2006-09-02)
Someone posted this before, but it worked so well on this plane that I think it deserves another post so that people give it a try:If you have getting crappy FPS with this plane, go to the panel.cfg and just remove the text pertaining to the virtual cockpit. (Back it up first, of course)
I went from 8fps to 30fps!
gusty987 (2006-09-03)
Thanks rrodger, will give it a try.Request FS2CREW for the PMDG 747
/flamesuit on
emb110 (2006-09-03)
hey baabis if you have the latest installer it solves alot of the issues everyone is having it would be nice if you could upload it. Thanksbaabis (2006-09-03)
@ emb,I dont know if its the latest installer because they havent released any yet. I only have the one that came with Pre-Orders. I'ved run the installer today again but no differences..
emb110 (2006-09-03)
Just checked the pss support forum and there was an update issued stating that you had to download the base installer again, it contains new cfg., textures, navdata etcDavid-7237 (2006-09-03)
FS2Crew 747 cracked
steffmak (2006-09-03)
Thanks guys superbsteff
baabis (2006-09-03)
Downloading it now and hopefully in a few days it will be out ;-) though i dont know what to do? there is two versions, with VC and without VC, should i include both in the installer or make separate?emb110 (2006-09-03)
@ baabisI would make one installer Thanks
NullCharacter (2006-09-03)
Guys, the FS2Crew PMDG 747 edition is not unwrappable using the existing loaders. If someone could upload a version of the un-wrapped installer I would be willing to take a shot at cracking it!airbus320 (2006-09-03)
"Regarding FPS problems,I've noticed that my FPS hover around 30 when loading the plane and staying in the 2D view. However, as soon as I look out the window, or switch to 3d view the FPS drops to near 10 when I go back to 2D view.
To solve this I found that you can simply hit the Alt button to bring up the FS file menu and then just simply click back to the simulator, or press the right mouse button and left mouse button again. It causes a slight pause but somehow resets the FPS back to 30 for me. "
Same thing for me, gotta avoid other views or your FPS will go from 35 to 7.
Rexxxifon (2006-09-03)
Take the advice in this torrent, and GET RID of the Virtual Cockpit entries in the panel.cfg file. I just did a 3 hour flight and the frames were top notch.Thanks for this addon. It works great, with that fix. Hopefully PSS will fix it properly ASAP.
Carbamide (2006-09-03)
Follow up to a previous post of mine; I just did KTUL - KPHX, and it went *very* smoothly. Must just be an ILS problem with KOMA. Thanks rrodger99 for the upload!redarrows (2006-09-03)
Hi everyone herecan anyone help me by telling me how to make a torrent as i have over 70 MSFS2004 add ons i want to upload thanks
o and thanks for this aircraft
stevekasian (2006-09-03)
NullCharacter:You wanna take a shot at cracking Flight1 Wrapper v3.0.0.3 by chance? Ir is there already one floatin' around I don't know about?
NullCharacter (2006-09-03)
dig: It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than too open your mouth and remove all doubt.stevekasian: There's quite a difference between thwarting a program's license check and creating a loader for a F1 wrapper. I'll leave the latter to the guys who are much more talented than I.
baabis (2006-09-03)
The second edition off the installer is done,which means the fully public release that was released yesterday! I have included both VC and non VC models and it will come out soon;) The liveries is not in the installer because thoose can you found soon at AVSIM!Nitrox_Diver (2006-09-03)
Looking forward to the 2.0 version!!Is the fps improved in the VC or?
baabis (2006-09-03)
Okey now forget all evil things i said about them before :-P because; The VC model gives as much FPS as the NON-VC model does!!! i get like 15/19 FPS in VC and i have "stopped at 20 FPS"!hafez (2006-09-03)
Can someone link us to the version 1.1 please!!! It fixes a few things :)rossirep (2006-09-03)
Hmmmmmmm... tried 3 times to install... selected main FS directory, planes are all good, NO GAUGES working for me? Any help would be appreciated. Nealleobarrichello (2006-09-04)
Dear rrogder99,Thank you for very much for the PSS B757.
Wow, fast delivery and ready while you wait.
Installing better than all these stupid ABCDEFG... blocks for the CS B757.
Could I have 2 beers pleaze...
One for my liver and the other rrogder99
Greetz LeoBarrichello
colimodio (2006-09-06)
my gauges are missing the fonts in them, in spite of placing the 2 fonts included in the fonts folder as directed. what gives? ideas?great panel...
Capt.Jambo (2006-09-06)
Hello, i'm having problems, instalation runs good but it really doesn't install!!! can anyone hell?thanx
colimodio (2006-09-06)
ok..fixed it. new video drivers and PSS is OK. A new flight1 unwrapper for v3.0.3.++ and upwards is badly needed. For now download installers because as soon as a new unwrapper is out, in$taller$ will change again..Req. Saab 340 ..please
Blockkey (2006-09-07)
Hi! I'd like to ask if this version includes the liveries. If not please say me where to get them.Nice work. THX
NvySEAL667 (2006-09-19)
Whenever I get a Rar file, it always says the file is corrupt... :(Baz70 (2007-01-22)
Hi and THANX for the upload :)However,I`m having a problem...I have no VC :(
I might just be stupid,but I cant figure out where it is?
Can anyone enlighten me? c",)
meskalamdug (2007-04-02)
Low performance cause for PSS B757 1.1 or 1.2 version :dsd_xml_tcas.dll in Modules folder
If you delete this , something in CLS A340 panel would become NASTY !
presamerican (2007-05-28)
OK I downloaded everything. It seems everything is working, the only problem I'm having is finding out where to put the PSS folder that came along. It has 2subfolders (boeing 757 and NavData) and a bunch of DAT files. I dont know where to put this. I'm wondering if some of you could help me. If you want screenshots I can post some. Any help would be appreciated.hejmeddig123 (2007-07-12)
Is this v.1.2..????Firstclass (2007-08-15)
I got it installed corectly but after i finish the loading i see the panel then for 3 seconds my screen turns black then it told to to send error or dont send!!PLZ HELP!!!!!!
Firstclass (2007-08-16)
NVM i got it. Y doenst the FMC work properly?hejmeddig123 (2007-09-30)
Hope this it working cause i dont understand the other pss 757 no vc version..? there no EXE to install..?hejmeddig123 (2007-09-30)
I can see the plane when im seacrh for it on the game..? HELP ME::flirtboy5527 (2007-11-14)
PLS SEED!! I got 94% Just Seed for half an hour an I will RESEED (I allready did with the 94% I got)B737NGW (2007-12-08)
REQ: PSS 757 v1.3 service updateairman123 (2008-01-17)
If you have downloaded this torrent, then you have helped put PSS out of buissness. That means they will make no more addons. For proof, go to "" and see for your self. I hope your happy!headnet15 (2008-03-05)
well i would be able to get this but ....the so called "8" seeders WONT FUCKING SEED YOU. cmon be fair.headnet15 (2008-03-05)
airman123............lifes a bitch.skylife (2008-03-23)
DAMNIT SEEDcr02 (2008-06-04)
plz seed!Thanks