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The Movies + The Movies: Stunts & Effects [Rus]
The Movies + The Movies: Stunts & Effects [Rus]
2008-12-01 (by Defekt69)
V torrent vhodit original'naja igra The Movies - Fabrika Grjoz ot "1C" i addon The Movies: Stunts & Effects(Anglojazychnaja licenzija).
Vse instrukcii po ustanovke vnutri.
Prinoshu izvinenija, za to, chto chasti v arhivah, jeto svjazano s tem, chto razdaju jeti fajly po sredstvam fajloobmennikov i mne tak udobno :)
The MOVIES - novaja igra ot sozdatelej Fable i Black & White 2.
Za kazhdym blokbasterom, za kazhdoj zvezdoj jekrana, za kazhdym «Oskarom» i za kazhdym otpechatkom kul'tovyh ladonej na bul'vare Gollivud stoit On. On - tot, kto vladeet vsem i vsemi v jetom jarkom, polnom deneg, krasivyh zhenwin, shikarnyh avto i sladkoj zhizni mire kino. On - tot, bez kogo ne bylo by ni uragannyh boevikov s gubernatorom Kalifornii v glavnoj roli, ni dlinnyh intellektual'nyh fil'mov «ne dlja vseh», ni trjesha «pro adskih zombi iz preispodnej». Hochesh' stat' Im? Teper' ty jeto mozhesh'!
Osobennosti igry:
* Dobro pozhalovat' v Gollivud! Sozdaj svoju kinostudiju, porazi vseh novymi shedevrami i ih kassovymi sborami, stan' vlastitelem umov i serdec kinozritelej vsego mira!
* Sozdavaj svoe sobstvennoe kino. Teper' ty mozhesh' snjat' fil'm, kotoryj nuzhen imenno tebe, fil'm, v kotorom vse budet pravil'no - to est' tak, kak schitaesh' nuzhnym ty sam.
* V tvoej vlasti - vse jetapy proizvodstva kinofil'mov: podbor akterov i aktris, sozdanie scenarija i dekoracij, s#emka, montazh i mnogoe drugoe - to est' vse to, chto proishodit na puti ot zamysla k kinoshedevru.
* Opublikuj svoi fil'my v Internet, na oficial'nom sajte - i snjatye toboj shedevry smozhet ocenit' ves' mir!
Minimal'nye sistemnye trebovanija:
Operacionnaja sistema: Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz
Pamjat': 256 Mb
Video: 32 Mb, podderzhkoj T&L 3D-accelerator (Nvidia GeForce 7 i vyshe) na 100% sovmestimaja s DirectX 9.0c
Zvuk: 16 bit
HDD: 2.4 Gb
DirectX 9.0c
Vnimanie! Nekotorye iz perechislennyh nizhe videokart mogut byt' nesovmestimy s ispol'zuemymi v igre 3D-tehnologijami. Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, 8500, 9000, 9200, 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800; X300, X600, X700, X800, X850.
GeForce 3, Ti; 4, MX, Ti4 FX 5200, 5600, 5700, 5900, PCX 5300, 5750, 5950, 6600, 6800
Files count:
2792.26 Mb
oasis007 (2008-12-02)
Spasibo za razda4u. Davno xotel ska4at )DTHSECA (2008-12-12)
Hi there will you guy's be able to seed alot more i love this game it rock's so please seed !!!!DTHSECA (2008-12-12)
come on guy's it has done 87.7% please seed more nealy done please seeeeeeeeeedx3w (2008-12-16)
???????? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ????!!!Defekt69 (2009-01-08)
Original game - The Movies on Russian, addon - The Movies: Stunts & Effect on English.Lebowlski (2009-01-09)
yes, it's in russian...and i cant even find the cd-key here :Scronicclapper (2009-01-19)
Is it possible to change it to english. I can't find my game but I've still got my cd codes. So all I need is the game.Danko58 (2009-02-06)
I was very surprised, that I found this game here. I couldn't find it on russians trekers, and here it is with add-on and rusification. Downloading... :)P.S. Pardon my English
Danko58 (2009-02-06)
By th way the game is ammazing. The same studio, witch made Black & WhiteDefekt69 (2009-03-06)
Vsem pozhaluista!ironik10-4 (2009-07-20)
After mounting and installing it said i needed to insert the cd dvd ? ? ?? ?any help please ?
fiercepretzel (2010-01-02)
spasiboFornia (2010-05-24)
Can someone explain the S&E readme to me? I can't speak any Russian at all...Fornia (2010-05-24)
How to install Stunts and Effects?Can't read the readme!
Lastendo (2010-08-21)
razdaytenemnogo eshe
Oneirosdream (2010-09-14)
2ForniaHow to install Stunts and Effects?
Can't read the readme!
1. Mount image (with Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120% etc).
2. Run setup.exe
3. Generate cd-key (key-gen inside)
4. After installation copy the MoviesSE.exe from folder 'Crack' to C:\Program Files\Lionhead Studios Ltd\The Movies
5. That's all!
If installation failed:
1) Delete the original game "The Movies", than run "Stunts&Effects".
2) Don't close install program!
3) Open My computer>Original Image> setup.exe
4) Back to install programm and type the path.
Sorry for my bad English)
Ребят, кто поскиловее, приведите этот текст в более читаемый вид плиз.
littledude072 (2010-09-15)
hey, just wanderingi have the english installed, can i install the russian stunts and effects and play it in english?