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Adobe Audition v2 0 [WwW LiMiTeDiVx CoM]






Adobe Audition v2.0




2006-01-22 (by ramnam)


?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? » RELEASE NOTES « ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Integrated audio recording, mixing, editing, and mastering Record, mix, edit, and master digital audio files with powerful tools that bring flexibility and control to your desktop studio. Easily create music, produce radio spots, and restore imperfect recordings. Bring audio and video together using smart integration with Adobe video applications. Get professional results in real time with Adobeü0à3 Auditionü0à3 2.0 software.

Files count:



703.95 Mb




juhhaidi (2006-01-23)

I converted Bin to Iso and there is a problem....The archive is either in unknown format or damaged ????? ...(WinRar)

brianvondamage (2006-01-24)

Many thanks indeed for this, it is a big visual improvement over the old versions. I look forward to using it to remaster old recordings. Thanks again!
Brian von Damage

juhhaidi (2006-01-24) mistake...all okey !!!!!!!

Metal|Boy (2006-01-25)

much better than the 1.5! I converted the bin to iso and then installed it...anyone else got an error 2 sec before the end of installation? something strange connected to windows installer....the program works though....

Bunsofsteel (2006-01-25)

Anyone else but me having problems? I can't get the "#¤% program to run. 50% chance of BSOD when installing (nothing wrong with torrent, same problem when installing Adobe's demo version). When app finally installed it won't run... Argh!

Mordachi (2006-01-25)

I can't get the Key Gen to work.. any ideas?

Ricer (2006-01-26)

how did everybody go about activateing the program

Ghostis (2006-01-26)

Nice it works 100% now im going to make music like hell. Then i will put it up here so nobody wants to buy it coz they get it fro freeeeeeee

Mordachi (2006-01-26)

How did you all activate it? The program that came with it won't create a correct serial code..

ludlow (2006-01-28)

I'm not even able to download:
Aborting the torrent as it was rejected by the tracker while not connected to any peers. Message from the tracker: this tracker is for torrents on TPB only

damaninacan (2006-01-28)

my computer doesnt recognize .bin or .cue
how can i install this? I run WinXP...

ludlow (2006-01-28)

damaninacan, look for and download e.g. IsoBuster (can be found here on TPB) for handling .bin and .cue.

dan3411 (2006-02-05)

i have downloaded it but haven't got a clue how to install

dan3411 (2006-02-05)

it's saying that i have 30 days to activate this poduct did i not use the keygen propperly?

Dr Lou (2006-02-10)

Installed but can't get past the 30 day trial period. Help!!!

brosee13 (2006-02-10)

Anybody find a keygen for this?
Please pass it on if you do
Thanks :)

brosee13 (2006-02-10)

this might work

Noprotein (2006-02-12)

Are any of the *new* meaning version 2.0/7+ adobe "pro" versions for real with working keygens? The comments on each are confusing as hell. I'm downloading em but I still can't figure out the exact ways to unpack/crack/ which key to use etc.. any FIRM truthful information is appreciated.
Email me if you'd like

brosee13 (2006-02-13)

i tried with the keygen i posted above and all worked well. i never did try the crack in the file folder. alternative method of activation if the cracks not working.

brosee13 (2006-02-13)

awesome program
thanks ramnam

sprec (2006-02-13)

keygen doesn't work
anyone can make it work ????

brosee13 (2006-02-14)

When you are asked to activate it, select activation options, then over the phone. You will be given your 'activation number'. But no need to call 'em, just copy/past the number into the key-gen and it will give you an auth code..
Enjoy this fine program :)

craytek (2006-02-15)

How do download this it keeps giving an error ?

exakt (2006-03-06)

HEEEEEEEY i cant get it to be a full version it says that it will only work in 30 days how do i make it complete??

smokingpro (2006-03-09)

new audition is cool but there is no crack or real serial to register or activation code. i think we need to wait for the crackers to crack it !:)

Janei (2006-03-09)

Thanks a bunch!

stoffejo (2006-03-15)

fan kan inte få ner den så här står det:
: Avbryter torrenten som om den var nekad av trackern medans den inte är ansluten till några peers.Meddelande från trackern:this tracker is for torrents on TPB only.... VAD ska jag göra???

rackdemon (2006-03-16)

aw whats up with this error message, aborted by tracker "this is for torrents on tpb only" or whatever? Someone help me out please! im seeding several files.. not like ima just leechin or anything.

rackdemon (2006-03-16)

solved my own problem.. and for those of you who are getting that error "tracker is for torrents on tpb only" when starting download, try using a different client. I was using Bit Torrent, and getting the error, tried BitLord, and bam, all good. Thx for the upload.

geartyy (2006-03-19)

Does any1 know how to convert the .bin file to .iso

 lecher (2006-04-01)

thanks for sharing this product... can anyone seed pleas, im stuck at 90,8%. it had been nice if someone did so, thanks.

MadDickBones (2006-04-21)

Don't bother with this download,
it's a waste of time, why bother putting things on the site for people to download when you havn't even tested to see if it does actually work.

raw_deale (2006-04-21)

This executable is infected with a trojan, suprisingly the kegen is clean. The actuall installer is infected, DONT download!!!

 josephus (2006-05-20)

Do not download Audition 2.0 it has all the bad things you that they say about Adobe programs. It is slow, takes up a lot of system resources has a lot of non-useful gadgets bad GUI.
Stick with the faster and better written code that comes with Audition 1.5 which is the best version up til now. Believe me I use it everyday in my work, I've tried them all from when it was Cool Edit pro up til today.
The 2.0 version sucks big time!!!
I installed it and uninstalled it after a few days and reinstalled 1.5 which is the best version so far.

darBis (2006-05-29)

josephus, i was affraid this will hapen to my precious CoolEdit. Thanks for warning.

OzzKiNgZ (2006-07-05)

com'n, seed please!

biksuni (2006-07-20)

Thanks mate!

BattleCry (2007-04-18)

very true Josephus
Adobe 1.5 is still alot better

simenson4 (2007-05-31)

havent downloaded and tested but it shoud be crack/patch on but be aware!!! its allot of viruses there

YO-Q (2008-03-11)

is this safe or what?

Hollissterr (2008-03-20)

holy shit seed nukkas

stygmatik (2008-12-23)

only thing that 2.0 has over 1.5 is the ability to place effects on the master channel so you can play with compression or master eq without having to mix down first...
other than that one little thing, audition 1.5 OWNS this version...stick with 1.5 I agree with all the others its the best one, even better than audition 3...
ive used sonar, live, tracktion, and audition 1.5 kicks their asses too !