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Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Kane Edition []
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Kane Edition
2007-03-26 (by FatFreddy043)
fix: seems sites ban kane.nfo, heres one with another name. :-*
We sat on this game for a few days. Why? Because we can!
This game doesnt need much of an introduction, but if you need the
marketing hype, check out
Just to note, we did not include the bonus disc on this one, as its just a dvd
with videos "behind the scene".
Protection: SecuROM 7
To play the game: download off your favourite site, unpack, mount the disc in d-t,
install using a serial below, run yasu to hide your drives, play!
ps. Yes we know that kane.r71 is smaller than the other ones, this is ok.
PPS. Min första Torrent ^^ För er alla som inte riktigt kan det där med DVD image - där finns en crackad version ute av FAIRLIGHT, men om ni inte orkar vänta så är det bara att tanka denna versionen och cracket sen. Ha skoj ;)
Files count:
7642.30 Mb
FatFreddy043 (2007-03-26)
Acctualy there is a crack, just very hard to get right now, but by the time most ppl download this it should be accesable... the crack is by FAIRLIGHTFatFreddy043 (2007-03-26)
For those of you lookingNFO file:
Crack :
thimiesama (2007-03-26)
(for you that wants to know what i'm saying to Cousken) :P:P
kingv.jn (2007-03-26)
for more info visit http://www.junknovadesnake (2007-03-26)
to get more seeders add this tracker to your tracker list
Knaster (2007-03-27)
AAAAAHH my heart is going wildDflect (2007-03-27)
Ahh had to restart the download at 5,5 % said file was missing or something :(.......damn and i have waited for this soo long *drool*maxkill (2007-03-27)
can you play online with this version..?cybermalm (2007-03-27)
hoppas det funkar och är lika grymt som föregångarna=) sen kan ju någon få SEEDA också!! går lite snabbare då....777jac (2007-03-27)
What serial i must use to get this game working????Is this english version or multilanguage??
Knaster (2007-03-27)
mitt stannade på 5% och gick inte mer verkar som loder's funkar bättrecybermalm (2007-03-27)
fan sabba inte det här nu, har väntat som fan.... seeda!!!tack till Cousken!!
FatFreddy043 (2007-03-27)
Jag seedar så mycket som linan tillåter :) Synd att man inte kan sammanställa min och loaders, det är exakt samma filer jofengus (2007-03-27)
AMAGAD I WANT THIS !!! !!!! NEVER STOP SEEDING !fengus (2007-03-27)
and as i wrote that my DL speed jumped from 100kb/S to 1/0Kb/s ... wtffengus (2007-03-27)
Connected peer: 1 ( max possible 982)What Is up with THis SHIT? ... :(
Crozzfire (2007-03-27)
Hey all, If I download this and just dl and use the single crack torrent from flt do I still have to use YAU and all that?Or would it be better to just download the FLT release altogether? (
Crozzfire (2007-03-27)
*YASU not YAUfengus (2007-03-27)
nah i dont think sofengus (2007-03-27)
what torrent program do u use ? cus i reeeally need a good one...BlaereRoveN (2007-03-27)
uTorrent offcause :)fengus (2007-03-27)
takCraptasket (2007-03-27)
Seed this monster!vapotrini (2007-03-27)
Man what's going on here? I've been downloading all day long and I'm not even at 1% yet. wtf!!!Omegafrog (2007-03-27)
Thanks in advance but omg 7.5 gigs shoot need to clear more space again ^_^zodaz (2007-03-27)
I have a problem!Everytime I try to install the game everything works fine untill after i choose recomended intallation... "Please wit while Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium wars Kane edition is installed. Tihis may take several minutes"
Copying new files
And nothing freezes!
Tryed to unpack everything all over again several times but the same shit keeps happening? Does anybody have a clue to what the problem might be?
Would be very thankful if somebody helped me...
piraten12345 (2007-03-27)
zodaz - Have you tried to:- Check your .sfv file with SFV Checker?
- Mount it with alcohol 120 insted of D-T (yasu 1.1 does also works with the newest alcohol 120)
try that and whrite back
zodaz (2007-03-27)
@piraten12345Tja !
Nybörjar fråga!Hur använder jag alcohol 120? Måste jag bränna filen eller kan jag mounta den?
Har bara använt Deamon förut....
Annars är det inget fel på det jag laddade ner...kolla allt m sfv checker... (Sorry guys...writing in swedish) I asked how to use Alcohol 120
zodaz (2007-03-27)
@piraten12345Går nämligen inte att välja mount on device ...ikonen är skuggad!?
piraten12345 (2007-03-27)
zodazwhen you have downloaded and installed alcohol 120 i use version 1.9.6 build 4719.
then launch it and look under options - Virtual drive - in here you set the "number of virtual drive" to 1 and press ok, then you can mount it in device :)
then you run yasu.exe and cloak it.. and then you are ready to play :-p
zodaz (2007-03-27)
@Piraten12345Ok I use alcohol 120...but at the exakt same place in the installation process this comes up: Error 2755. Server returned unexpected error 1624 attempting to intall package F:\cnc3kane.msi.
It says so even if im not online(cable not connected)..really wierd?
noxman (2007-03-27)
har mountat med Deamon tools, När jag skall starat spelet så för jag upp konflikt med emuleringsprogram...Nån som vet varför??Äe det deamon tools som konfliktar...finns det någon lösning på detta
pluppen_2 (2007-03-27)
Jou, du måste använda yasu 1.1.Och för att kunna använda den krävs en ny version av daemon tools som du kan ladda hem.
Sök på google efter det...
noxman (2007-03-27)
Jag har starta upp yasu 1.1. och kör deamon 4.08...får inte i gång spelet ändå....Skall yasu 1.1. vara på cloaking eller uncloaking???Vad gör jag för fel???
motioncity1123 (2007-03-27)
What is the serial ?Scabass (2007-03-28)
Damn..this is one long winded torrent..I have allready upped 8 gigs and downloaded only 4 ;)Maybe sometime next week I can check this game out :D
barabusignasius (2007-03-28)
i dont really give a shit about this game. But it is new so i must have it. I am addicted to downloading. Its gonna be awesomeShylock (2007-03-28)
zodaz you pasted the EXACT same problem on almost every other release of this as well on TPB. don't tell me you've downloaded all other releases and are having the exact same problem with all of them......tjuren72 (2007-03-28)
Thanks. works fine.Stoffe2006 (2007-03-28)
i cant read the CD-Keys at the info about the game at this page. I can only see stars and nothing else. Please tell me a CD-Key that works.pluppen_2 (2007-03-28)
Cd keys here!
pluppen_2 (2007-03-28)
NTEW-DXD7-T3S5-B1A5-M3Q0 AB3K-T7EY-K0H6-B4M7-O6O7 S34U-S6GN-O3E2-52A4-P2G8 ADUC-RTBJ-S6K8-S6U8-Y1A5 QYH9-FUQX-Y0C2-M3F5-V0B0 KAFF-EDVY-H2R8-A5E6-F4B8 GRL4-PUVZ-K8K1-32V7-T8J8zodaz (2007-03-28)
and this one.... sorry for that...can't figure this one out so ill buy it!KronaN08 (2007-03-28)
tja ursäkta jag är rättså ny inom detta område!Så jag undrar om någon kan hjälpa mig med cracken! Jag förstår mig inte på yasu programet eller hur man kan få fram en exe.fil att klippa in i mappen! Skulle bli jätte glad om någon kunde lägga upp en ren exe.fil så det är bara att ladda ner klippa ut å sen spela spelet! (Jag har sätte att det är fler som har samma problem som jag)
Midnighthour (2007-03-28)
downloaded the whole thing. entered the serial, intall was long but fine, used alcohol120.but when I try to run the game I got an "conflict with emulation software"
any clues guys?
Zuhl (2007-03-28)
I have the same problemI have the latest daemon tools (4.08HE) and Alcohol 120 (1.9.6 build 4719), and latest YASU (1.1.7035)
And whatever I do I get emulation crap from game, YASU on/off, emulation in d-t on/off, same shit.
And If I try to use the fairlight crack the game starts, but I get a black screen for 15 minutes after the EA-screen and then I give up and kill the game.
Crozzfire (2007-03-28)
Maybe you could try FLT release instead...
Works 100%.
Zuhl (2007-03-28)
I finaly got this crap to work, but first, chening resolution f*cks upp all textures, restarted the game and changed resolution, now sound doesn't work, eiting the game froze the computer,and now the game crashes when I try to start it :)Game installer says there is no game installed and does some bs-crap with thealready installed files
EA realy know how to make a fucked up game that should stay in beta for another 6 months while they patch their fucked up game so it works :P
maxkill (2007-03-28)
Du behöver ingen jäkla yasu DRA NER CRACKEN och replace video file så försvinner mounting konflikten! gjorde det för mig iaf.. Går det att spela online med detta lr..?Stoffe2006 (2007-03-28)
Thx pluppen for all the CD-Keys :Dblokhoofd (2007-03-28)
i downloaded this in 10 hours on 567kb/s ppl al use azurues with good nat settings.
and this game is awesome.
for everyone here is the serial:
an happy downloader:D
KronaN08 (2007-03-28)
men hur löser man problemet med cracken då?Jag får inte spel helvetet att starta!
Snälla någon hjälp mig!
egvas (2007-03-28)
hi, can someone tell me how to split this game on two DVD5 disks??Thanks!
blokhoofd (2007-03-28)
he who controls the crack controls the game!he who controls the game controls the crack!
page 6 of the holy mesiah CRACK
here for everyone that needs the crack
and crack open the gdi=guardian dvd intelligence
and join the nod=not offiicial dvd
AssassinX2005 (2007-03-28)
Can someone post the steps to installing this? I know to obviously use Alcohol and all that. But whats this about Yasu or whatever?!?!? How do I use it? What is it for?Midnighthour (2007-03-28)
had the same problem as Zhul (alcohol 120, deamon 4.08, yasu) but fixed it by simply rmove image out from alcohol, set up deamon securrom option , then runned run fine, except need TONS of virtual memory.
Post scriptum: very disapointed of the game; sure, graphics and effects are insane, but power ratio is very stupid. This game need to be seriously rebalanced.
Glasswipe (2007-03-28)
seed, christdammitgmx (2007-03-28)
For the love of God, seed people, seed!!!maxkill (2007-03-28)
Kan man SPELA online med denna?? tacksam för svar!!!zk0 (2007-03-28)
varför får jag ALLTID meddelandet att filen/filerna är korrupt!?maxkill (2007-03-28)
zk0 (2007-03-28)
Mina .rar filer!!!Jon-No (2007-03-29)
Works like a charm! :o) Me happy!maxkill (2007-03-29)
installera om .rar då. Fnkar det ONLINE också!?zk0 (2007-03-29)
Jag har redan testat att installera om rar. Jag kan inte packa upp någon rar fil som jga laddat ner från tpb/µtorrent...Craptasket (2007-03-29)
@ MidnighthourHow much V-memory do we need?
Xerxes The mighty (2007-03-29)
WoohaaaMidnighthour (2007-03-29)
@crakapsetI have a dual 3.4G with 1G mem, 350g HD, and I had to set VM to 2000MB . Ok I set everything to ultra; therefore if you have a default, I recomend that you set to at least 1500m
Sundji (2007-03-29)
Jävla bra speed!Suýnd att det tog typ en timma för mig att fatta att jag skulle reparera ip adressen det va 0 spped innan xD hahaha idiot man e! Tack grabben :) guld värd
¤ (2007-03-29)
This clone version sucks.. Get the fairlight version instead..TerracanGm (2007-03-29)
I got mine to work real great. Just download the fairlight crack and the games works perfect. Thx for this one.zk0 (2007-03-30)
"run yasu to hide your drives"What do they mean with "yasu"?
NiklasScherman91 (2007-03-30)
jag ser inte cd-keyn som du har skrivit det ända jag ser e ****-****-****-**** och de e ju ffs massa sjtänorni cant see the cdkey u have write down all i see is ****-****-****-**** a lot of stars :S
plz help me... email me
xtremeanders (2007-03-30)
stuck at 7 kb/s please seed or tell me how to speed the download upjeroen275 (2007-03-30)
I Downloaded it and all, but i cant unpack anything... Any ideas?Thanks in advance!
cobra eyes (2007-03-30)
can someone tell me how to get the online key generatorBlackJack07 (2007-03-30)
Spent 2 days downloading...tried to unrar "kane.rar" and "kane.00r", both of which result in the following error:"No files to extract"
Corrupt files??
zk0 (2007-03-31)
@ ortonThank you! :)
zk0 (2007-03-31)
"CNC3.mdf could not be extracted correctly!"frak
Disfigured Countrysinger (2007-03-31)
Fick medelandet: "Det gick inte att aktivera en säkerhetsmodul som krävs.Det går inte att köra det här programmet (5023)." Är nybörjare med daemon tools o yasu osv. Vad kan detta bero på?
Disfigured Countrysinger (2007-03-31)
...när jag försökte starta spelet genom daemon tools alltså.Disfigured Countrysinger (2007-03-31)
...när jag försökte starta spelet genom daemon tools alltsåbossmaster1 (2007-03-31)
Seed ffs ppl!cobra eyes (2007-03-31)
everithing works but i can´t play onlineDaww (2007-03-31)
mines downloading reallllly slow, i'd be nice to be playing this game before i have the cash to go buy it. at this rate the torrent will finsh downloading after i finsh the game.Rassu_77 (2007-03-31)
How do i get a nodvd crack to this game? I only find dat. files but i would want a exe. file! Or is that dat working and if it is soo how?Kimsson (2007-03-31)
Thanks Cousken for the torrent, and thaks qolll for the cd-keys.Rassu_77 (2007-03-31)
I have installed the game but when i want to start it, it says that i have to put in the right cd! Doesn´t this game have nocd crack? How do i get it to work?Nostro333 (2007-03-31)
@ rassu_7 first download Crack only torrent found on piratebay,then copy the content of "Fairlight" map which contains "RetailExe" and replace in game folder>>>it should workNostro333 (2007-03-31)
REAALLY NEED HELP plsIve installed the game,did everything correctly but when i start it i have to wait a century until
the EA clip appears,which laggs a lot,after that clip passes i wait with black screen and nothing happens. Pls heelp.If anyone else has experienced this problem and knows how to correct it ,i would apreciate some help.THANKS
Jeely (2007-04-01)
as it's written before.. u have to add a crack that u can find at
the u just copy the cnc3game-file to "Command & conquer III\RetailExe\1.0"
then just klikk on the shortcut and then have fun =)
If u need more keys u can get that from other small torrents on piratebay.. =)
U can't play whit another person whit using the same key.. and C&C 3 works on Hamachi =)
Zetoss (2007-04-01)
WHY always these damn .rar files? :( How the hell is one supposed to have enough room to both seed this once finished AND unpack AND install in order to actually play? All I know is Western Digital will make a fortune on people like me soon enough...Rassu_77 (2007-04-01)
Thank u all for helping me! Its working perfectly! Thank u Cousken for this torrent...MulleMeX (2007-04-01)
Well,give me some nice d/l speed and i'll share with my 10 mb/s UP line!=)
Gripen221122 (2007-04-01)
seed the file! when im 100% i will Upload it with unlimited speed!Da-Huntha (2007-04-02)
Why the flying fuck did they add this DVDdrive:\program files\blablb folder with the exact same videos that will be installed with the game? When you jack this off the DVD you get a size the exact size for a normal DVD :/yarrmatey (2007-04-02)
Hmm...over 2000 peers and 18 seeds....yet still getting a dl speed of like 4 k while other torrents hit the 20's at least....any ideas?dreamzor (2007-04-02)
Är det inga film-sekvenser på denna?när jag kommer nånstans i spelet där det skall vara någon film så kommer ingen....någon som vet något om det ?
lord snax (2007-04-03)
got some strange problem, got like 30 GB free space on my harddrive. when i start to unpack it goes to 26% and the stops saying my harddrive may be full. annyone got anny tips?aemECOTEC (2007-04-03)
Can't extract the .rar, after 25 sec, powerarchiver close and delete the CNC3.mdfsomeone has an idea ?
(I downloaded
from Isohunt... I guess it's the same torrent)Shadowcrawler (2007-04-03)
where can i find the serials?bleys666 (2007-04-04)
guess im a total n00b at this..but what am i supposed to do with:
31 WinRARs that contain the same 2 files
50 R(#) files that cant be opened
and 1 .svf that cant be opened either
soze22 (2007-04-04)
PLz tell what I do wrong.1.
downloaded crack:
This was what was in it: "flt-cnc3-crack" "flt-cnc3-crack.sfv" "flt-cnc3"
2. replaced the RetailExe folder in the c&c3 folder with the RetailExe folder from the rar file.
and what to do next??
When i start the game it tells me that it found a problem with the disc-software.
I have got YASU but dont know how it works tryed to push cloak put it didnt help me.
anyone can tell me where im wrong plz?
Jeely (2007-04-04)
If any1 find a crack for versjon 1.3 plz link it here =)Jeely (2007-04-04)
In this crack u find FarLight.. u go to the end of that file and u wil find a DAT-file that is called "cnc3game" u only have to copy that File into "Command & Conquer III\RetailExe\1.0" if u replace whole RetailExe file u maybe delete the other files that is normaly in it.. so just overwrite the "CnC3game"
soze22 (2007-04-04)
In my RetailExe i have 3 folder: "1.0" "1.1" "1.2" Does this mean that the game i have download is version 1.2 and therefore i need another patch because it doesnt help me to replace the dat file in 1.0 with the cracked dat file.Jeely (2007-04-04)
I tryed to download the patch to 1.1 - 1.3 and cracked all versjons.. I tryed to get on the local network and I got a crash.. so u just have to reinstall it and play wit versjon 1.0 and don't update itsoze22 (2007-04-04)
OK these folders "1.0" "1.1" "1.2" were already in my RetailExe folder. Do that mean that the game i downloaded is already patched??soze22 (2007-04-04)
Okay tryed to use a 1.2 crack now it dosent tell me that theres a prob with the cd-software now it says: unable to open configuration file d:\games\c&c3\movies\1.0\configtxt9 addresses:
anyonelse have tryed that?
Jeely (2007-04-04)
I tryed that now.. and I may open the game.. but when I try to open skrimish or network I get error and the game closes.. so I reinstalled it and did not patch it.. just used the crack right away on the 1.0 versjon.. and it works perfect.. and if u want to play online whit some friends just get Hamachi and play online there =) it worksInFlames_NL (2007-04-05)
Am I stupid or do I not see any serial numbers in the description?? I only see stars ************************InFlames_NL (2007-04-05)
Jeely (2007-04-05)
U may use Limewire to get a keygensoze22 (2007-04-06)
Is it possible to change the serial number with out reinstalling I downloaded a rip so it was allrd installed an got a key and now i want to try it on lan with a friend but we ahve the same key.any ideas?
MoonDown (2007-04-06)
Awesome dude! Mount it with d-t and dl a crack, find a map called RetailExe and put the crack into that file. Thaks again Cousken!Hikiji (2007-04-07)
this shit doesnt work. utorrent said it couldnt find the file lol and i dont understand what Cousken means with d-t becuase i dont find anything called thatChaosTheory22 (2007-04-07)
Is there an .nfo included in the torrent, because I can't find one in the file list. I'm under the impression that the .nfo has the serials needed to install the game, so.... is the problem just on my end and I'm not seeing it, or what?articfox (2007-04-07)
This game os sweet! Gives me that 1995 feeling back i had when C&C was released!!And its easy to unpack/install and mount, work perfect. Just use Jasu....CLick it and it hides your drives. U can find Yasu here on The pirate Bay.
Awesome Upload!!!!!
Ill keep seeding this for some time
Simppeli (2007-04-07)
Works perfect! Awesome game, awesome upload and seeding was ok too!THANK YOU COUSKEN! =)
icdfun (2007-04-07)
use alcohol and the cloak program then it workserik400 (2007-04-08)
seed plzz i love this gameSpix76 (2007-04-09)
N E E D H E L P ! ! !I need a key that works for online registration... None of the ones showed three pages back works. Neither does any of the ones from Razors keygen. I got one that works fine for one player game bot nothing seem to work when I go online... "The CD-key you have entered is not valid for this game or has already been registred" This is what it says... HELP!!!
Spix76 (2007-04-09)
N E E D H E L P ! ! !Anyone have a key that works for online gaming...? I have a key that works fine for one player game but not anyone from razors keygen or any other that I´ve found works to set up an account online...
N E E D H E L P ! !
Zumzat (2007-04-09)
Do i need Yasu for this game ??? :Smamma600 (2007-04-09)
kan man bränna denna på en skiva. eller måste man använda deamon tools och är där keygen och crackMoonDown (2007-04-10)
För er som har problem:Packa upp med winrar, öppna CNC3 filen med D-tools, cd-key har annat folk redan skrivit här, även crack finns det gubbar som har skrivit vart ni kan ladda ner det. Lägg in cracket i RetailExe och spela. Det tar en stund innan det kommer igång, men ha tålamod. Ännu ett stort tack till Cousken!
tomtom1551 (2007-04-10)
Why are the first 30 files rar and then windows cant recognize the rest of the files?? I don't know what to to do, help please!Henrik806 (2007-04-10)
tomtom 1551Why are the first 30 files rar and then windows cant recognize the rest of the files?? I don't know what to to do, help please!
First, extract the kane.r00. Now mount the file what is in the kane.r00. And now just install the game.
GurriiOhl (2007-04-10)
Why cant i move the crack file ? need helpstbd (2007-04-10)
why the game is crashing to desktop when playing skirmish..??? i have the patch 1.4 and hatreds crack installedSoduka (2007-04-12)
Come on, seed! I have a 20 meg down/10 meg up connection, I've been uploading between 400-700kbs for 3 hours now and getting back 45kbs!URSU85 (2007-04-12)
snälla kan nån hjälpa mig, jag är jätte nybörjare på det här, det enda jag har klarat av är att installera spelet...sen kan jag inte mer,jag använder Dameon tools...plese help me from the begining to make this hapen..badboy11 (2007-04-13)
Guys really need SEEDS, please apprecaite it. Will then upload as much as i can please please seed guys :) thanksbadboy11 (2007-04-13)
Beg you guys :) please seed really would liek this game 5kbs at the moment :(ReaperX (2007-04-13)
Could anyone help me pls... I just downloaded this for the second time....When I have unpacked all the "Kane.r.." files I´ve got two files, "CNC3.mdf and CNC3.mds", problem starts when I try to mount any of those files, I use Daemon Tools (V4.08).
When its mounted I cant start or explore it..
I dont know how to Install it...
Am I doing anything wrong here?
Should´nt it just autostart when its mounted in DT?
badboy11 (2007-04-14)
Guys Please seed, 3rd day and still avering around 10KBS :) would really appreciate if someone was to please seed the file thankyoutravmam (2007-04-15)
Maybe you overclock your pc, dude! The game works.Cluel3ss (2007-04-15)
When I´m halfways through the install, I get the massage "Please put in the CD 1" What should I do?? Cheers in advance..Myca (2007-04-16)
WARNING: TRACKED BY ESA!I got a mail from my ISP with another mail attached where they had my IP and the time that i DL it and everything and that they warned me not to DL anymore or else it could get legal consequences.
badboy11 (2007-04-16)
Why is everybody once they download stop seeding, its now downloading at around 12kbs! this is a jokefreddep (2007-04-21)
I'm sick of reading comments making fun och those that are new to the trade of piracy. Comments have two areas of use: firstly as a FAQ and secondly as a way to give feedback on the quality of the downloaded stuff. Big thanks to qolll that published the keys. Also I'd like to send a big Fuck Off to InFlames_NL for sending comments of an infant.kebabman86 (2007-04-24)
ALLA SVENSKAR SOM INTE FÖRSTÅR HUR NI SKA GÖRA FÖR ATT INSTALLERA SPELET TITTA HIT! Först och främst, ladda ner spelet här. Sen packar du upp den första winrar filen och öppnar den största filen med Deamontools, när du gjort det installerar du spelet och slår in cd-keyen "AB3K-T7EY-K0H6-B4M7-O6O7" När du sedan installerat spelet laddar du hem cracket till spelet på
När du gjort detta så ersätter du "RetailExe" (cracket) som du laddade hem med den mappen som heter det samma i din C&C 3 map, sen är det bara att börja spela :)
Förstår du inte eller behöver hjälp? Adda
Mer cd nyklar om du ska lana med en eller fler polare (alla måste ha olika vid lan)
Al Capwn (2007-04-25)
Works Perfectly!Good release, already beat the single player campaigns, but damn long download.
The dvd quality cut scenes have alot better acting than its predecessors, includeing that one guy? whats his name ? You know - from Total Recall - good actor...
I was hesitant to buy this one in the stores as I bought all of the C&C releases (and still have the boxes) except the first one (had on console) but the last releases were so crappy that there was no way I was gonna pay fucking EA more of my money, they half ass there games so much includeing BF2 and 2142 - I'll just call it even for now.
They really left it open at the end when you play the alien campaign(Scrin) for an expansion, so I dont think im gonna crack it, so I can buy the expansion(if EA manages not to piss me off anymore)
After I downloaded, r66 was corrupt, now I understand why these shits are in separate volumes - I just deleted the .r66 and bitcomet just redownloaded it insted of the entire fucking torrent - shew!
Im surprised at how good it looks, - I have all the settings cranked up to ultra high - except anti aliasing (on Level 2 (guess thats 2-4x))
Really well programmed, unlike other C&C releases, and the storyline is the bomb, and the graphics and sci-fi feel of the game really pull you in.
Unfortuantely, after 30 minutes(seriously) of hammering CD KEy's in from the keygen I wasn't able to find one for multiplayer play so I gave up, I have no idea why, I really thought that would work.
I wonder if the razor keygen may have been limited in someway, atleast it had nice music to listen to while hammering all those codes in.
anyway, good release!
just mount, yasu and play!
LuCifer^ (2007-04-25)
Dont shutdown the dloading programs right after u r finished the dloading..! If everyone does so u dont get enything from here.. I shut it down only when i need to play some net i help my self and others..isnt that fair!?steelbeat (2007-04-27)
hur gör man när man skall bräbba ut detta på dvd skiva får ibte plats på en ju?steelbeat (2007-04-28)
har en fråga hur bränner man ut en sådan fil som ligger på 8gig på en dvd skiva?.ElgenIDøra (2007-04-30)
OMG, 0.6 % after 40min!On 120 kb\s!!!!!!
naggi69 (2007-05-07)
Dose it work online if you patch and everything? I have it fully working now, but i dont wanna install patch if it dosent work online...stfuawsb (2007-06-17)
i am the biggest noob at downloading torrents. I wonder just if anyone can help me on the following questions:1)what does it mean by "mount the disc in d-t" and how do u do it?
2)how can i install using a serial below if all it says is _'s and *'s?
3)what is yasu, and how do i run it to hide my drives?
thanks for the help!
Mario150 (2007-09-20)
It doesent work if u install the patch .. if u do it u cant play the gamesimosisu (2007-10-25)
where i find crack to 1.09 patch????I3aker5Duzin (2008-02-06)
google flt-cnc9.7z for crack 1.09ragnahr (2008-03-05)
does anyone know where i can get the 1.09 no cd crack from ????a great game quick download