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Heroes of Might and Magic II 2 GOLD WITH CD MUSIC




Games PC


Heroes of Might and Magic II 2 GOLD WITH CD MUSIC




2007-12-23 (by Talas777)


This is Heroes of Might and Magic II GOLD with stereo CD MUSIC. It contains the cd audio soundtracks from HoMM2: The Succession Wars, which is the original. This was done by merging a ripped GOLD iso with a full original cd. So far everything seems to work, even the installer. Cd music is rather buggy on newer systems I found that putting the cd in the first cd-rom helps. (even virtually) This is ABANDONWARE, and perfectly legal to share/download. Also, I probably won't seed forever, please help spread this.

Files count:



729.24 Mb




Talas777 (2007-12-29)

IMHO this is the best Heroes in the series. Best graphics, best sound, best music and best gameplay. I think I'll award myself an Internet for uploading this, Thanks.

skafti (2008-01-05)

yup heroes 1,2,3 are the grates 4 is diffrent but good 5 isn't that good bin looking for this game for ages now thx :D

galace (2008-01-10)

I can't seem to be able to install it.
I mounted it using Daemon's Tools but when the auto play starts installing, it goes a little bit then it says Installshield had to close.

galace (2008-01-10)

Nevermind I got it

Ariana2 (2008-01-13)

How did you manage to get the installer working? I couldn't do it, the thing kept giving me exception errors.

Talas777 (2008-01-27)

Ariana2; use compatibility modes if on XP or Vista. I have tested it on XP and 2k and there where no problems. If you post more detailed stuff maybe I can help you, although I probably can't.

Cockbreaker (2008-02-05)

Thx. This truly is the best heroes made. I'll seed this

ZiegeSchwans (2008-02-12)

I can't get the cd audio to work :(

entrepreneur_kok (2008-02-12)

i downloaded this game
but wheb the DL is finished, i dunno what to do next. i cant open the file, so what should i do? i however can "open in containing folder". but then there is no .exe file or smth...

ZiegeSchwans (2008-02-12)

entrepreneur_kok, it's an CD-image in cue/bin format, try to mount the cue file using deamon-tools or burn it to a CD.
Anyone but me who only get a buzzing out of the CDs audio tracks?

ZiegeSchwans (2008-02-13)

I've managed to extract the audiotracs using bchunk, must have been gnomebaker messing up the audio...

entrepreneur_kok (2008-02-13)

ZiegeSchwans, what do you mean by "mount"? i DL daemon tools, but dno what to do next..hope u can help me ^^ else ill burn it on a CD

entrepreneur_kok (2008-02-13)

aight, i found it ;) thanks ZiegeSchwans

entrepreneur_kok (2008-02-13)

alright, i did it ;) thanks 4 help!

ZiegeSchwans (2008-02-13)

Nice to hear that, it would be nice if you helped keeping this torrent alive. :)

entrepreneur_kok (2008-02-14)

ill keep seeding ;)
hmpf, yesterday al was running smoothly, but now after two minutes of playing, H2G shuts down :s i'm afraid its windows vista bugging ;/ some1 had/has same problems?

Smick3 (2008-02-17)

Thx! :)

Talas777 (2008-02-23)

ZiegeSchwans, mixed data/audio cds aren't really that popular anymore. Maybe they didn't bother with it in linux? I haven't tried at my suse10.3 yet though.
If all else fails, you could try virtualbox OSE...

aldrich_gnat (2008-02-26)

I am downloading this game right now. Since i no very little about computer stuffs, I'm quite sure that I'll encounter problems later.
Reading from posts above, i would need to use certain programs such as daemon tools. I hope that you guys would be willing to help me once i finish downloading this game.
I believe this is one of the best games of the past. Anyways, if anyone here has yahoo messenger, feel free to add me up at I'd be very appreciative if you could help me on what to do next. I'll be posting again after i finish downloading..tnx

aldrich_gnat (2008-03-01)

which file do i need to mount? bin or cue?if i mount any of the two it automatically goes to installation..then it asks me if i want to install directX..then when it reaches the software license agreement, if i press next, it goes to say "InstallShield Engine has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.." someone..please help

aldrich_gnat (2008-03-02)

My problem states these things..please do read and if possible, help.
Error signature
AppName:000225fc._mp AppVer: ModName: chkreqs.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00007fc6
Reporting Details:
This error report includes: information regarding the condition of InstallShield Engine when the problem occured; the operating system version and the computer hardware in use; your Digital Produc ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the IP address of your computer.

aldrich_gnat (2008-03-02)

I just noticed it now, but on the autorun, it says "disc 2". maybe it is part of whats causing the problem, i still can't seem to install it... please do help..anyone here?

alex0101 (2008-03-20)

Hello!Thank you for the upload Talas777,I appreciate it.Great game.I had no problems downloading or installing the game,but I have one problem that bothers me a lot.There is no music.I have all the sound effects,but no music when I play.Could somone help me please?I'm using Daemon Tools to mount the image.Do I need to do something else to get the music in the game?Thanks in advance.

alex0101 (2008-03-20)

Ah yes,I forgot to mention,I'm using Windows XP.

Talas777 (2008-03-22)

I'm not using daemon tools atm, but what is important is that the cd drive must be first on the system. In reality you must connect a 'cd player' cable from the drive to the motherboard, but in daemon tools I dunno how. You could burn it out or try Alcohol120%.. (to make it the first cd drive use ComputerManagement in Administrative tools)
The cd rom should say "HEROES2", If you browse the contents you should find a setup.exe, try setting compatibility modes for it ie. win2k(right click, properties)..

Talas777 (2008-03-22)

for kicks try running \Support\SysInfo.exe from the cd, what does it say?
On the step after the license agreement you should be seeing the system requirements(OS, DirectX, RAM, HDD) and 'passed' or 'failed'.

moo321 (2008-03-25)

How do you change the compatibility mode of this? I mounted it in Daemon tools but it wont let me do anything other than install it but that just makes it crash

sivant (2008-03-28)

when I burned this, the game worked fine, but the music is chirpy static. Someone else mentioned a similar problem, how to fix?

sivant (2008-03-28)

ooo blind write worked (using windows vista)

alex0101 (2008-03-29)

Thanks Talas.I appreciate it.

Roxon (2008-05-10)

Thanks a lot for this classic, one of my big favourites :)
And thanks to sivant for suggesting blindwirte for vista, couldn't get the music working otherwise.

WiCkEdRock (2008-06-16)

Took a bit of trial and error, but I got it working with music and all! Thanks alot, one of my favourite games of all time. The sound effects and music just makes it magical.
Has anyone ripped the music from this game to mp3? Would be nice to have.

miikkumari (2008-06-25)

Just loading - yet. Hopes are high; never succeeded HOMM 2 with Vista. Needless to say, last try Failed.

Zephyr_49 (2008-06-29)

Could somebody please help me with the cd music? I've burned the game on a cd, tryed both my dvd players but it still won't play. Midi works fine, but I would love to hear the cd music.
Thanks in advance!

miikkumari (2008-07-03)

miikkumari wants HELP with HOMM II.
I just can't make it work in vista. Also, until now I've been "torrenting" anonymously - so the pirate bay doesn't recognize me even when i log in. Please contact:

Bhaal13 (2008-08-04)

hey everyone. i love this game, its the one that got me into the gaming scene and it was my first love. However, i cant figure out how to get the cd music working, the midi works just fine but i would love the cd and opera to go with it, if someone could help me with this, please post here or email me at
thanks in advance

Urbansamurai34 (2008-09-07)

Hi! I can't get it run.. After the license agreement the installation shuts down with an error msg. If I try to run \Support\SysInfo.exe I get the same error msg. I've tried to burn it, but did not help.. Try to mount with Daemon tools.. nothing.. Alcohol nothing.. Please help me!

Temoid (2008-10-03)

Same problem here. Can someone who got it working say how?

reality2001 (2008-10-12)

Everyone in windows xp having problems to run the installation!!
rightclick a installationfile, like autorun.exe or setup.exe or something.
and choose compability tab and choose compability for windows 95
It took me a few mins of experimenting on different files, like setup and install and so but it should work !

AlexDeGuy (2008-11-09)

It would be nice though to have the ORIGINAL, not hassled with, images of Succession Wars, Price of Loyalty and Gold edition complete with all the corresponding soundtracks...

altaiir (2009-01-28)

Okay, I got it working - had the same error while installing as others have had.
When mounted, I only had SafeDisc enabled in emulationoptions.
I ran setup.exe manually from the CD with explorer, and used Win95-compatibility (rightclick -> properties -> compatibility tab).

bundefora (2009-01-28)

No CD music, even with the CD in my first drive. And why does the image weigh 700 MB while the files inside are only a little more than 200 MB?

bundefora (2009-01-28)

Using XP, by the way

kiri87 (2009-04-02)

Thanks a lot! I downloaded this only for the music, and it sounds great. I ripped it with audiograbber.

selere (2009-05-30)

ok! I use win vista and nothing of the above works!!! I didnt try to burn the image. Should this help? Please help by telling me which steps should I follow....Thanx!

waltervt (2009-10-28)

you need to use DOSbox to play this game with the program you can play all old games

Skiimad (2009-12-02)


trinachrist (2009-12-13)

I just wanted to say thank you for making this game available. It is my favorite old-school computer game, and I was thrilled to see it on here. After reading all the comments about the problems people were having getting it to run properly, I thought I would never get it to work on my own- but, to my delight, I did. I used Daemon Toolz to 'mount' it, and then Astroburn Light to burn it on a CD - then I was able to install it and am happily playing it now. As far as the music goes, I just changed it to MIDI. Maybe later I'll mess with it so I can hear the opera and whatnot, but, again - thank you.

iateyourgranny (2009-12-25)

hey, could somebody tell me the path where the music is located in the CD? i'm trying to add the music files to a no-mp3 image. maybe this torrent atleast has the folder path to the mp3's, even if they don't work

coryb5 (2010-03-02)

I got to it work almost all the way to the installation. It says to install DirectX which I have then a Microsoft Error comes up and shuts it all down.

vnaum (2010-05-15)

Check out this torrent if you have CD stereo issues:

nuboo (2011-04-05)

Hi I'm using Linux/Wine with virtual mount and got one problem:
It installs fine but it seems like HOMM2 doesn't see the drive, as it says its not in and wont allow me to play.
Is there a simple fix?
Btw I noticed something was a bit wrong since the autoruns and setups didn't work, I had to go in the folders and start the exe's from there.

nuboo (2011-04-05)

I noticed in the autorun that it is the 2. cd.
Do I need the 1. cd to run it, and in that case how do i get it?

nuboo (2011-04-05)

Okey i got it now with a little help from someone.
What's important is that in the wine config you have to add the virtual mount as new drive in WINE. Then mark it as a cd-room drive, I found auto-detect gave me problems.

nuboo (2011-04-25)

One last thing: In linux you might get a hard time mounting bin/cue files, I had at least...
What's important is that you 'do' mount the cue file and 'not' the bin file, if you do that you won't get any music (and you loose some functionality).
I used this and its very easy:

Deilwynna (2012-04-25)

this doesnt work for me on neither Win98se or w7sp3 (with compability mode)

AppleBurner (2012-06-03)

I downloaded the files and mounted to Daemon Tools but when I select install, the preparation for the installation only gets to 99%, stops, and disappears. I tried PowerISO as well and the same thing happened. Help please?

daHBK (2013-01-30)

Whenever I try to turn cd opera on I get this error:
Assert statement failed in module
line 66.
I assume that this file(soundmgr.cpp) must be in original disk and for any reason it must have not riped or smth. Can you chek it and maybe udate this torrent add new torrent including missing file (files?)

caloyfa (2013-03-14)

do i really have to burn it first in a cd before i can install it?

nuboo (2015-06-05)

#caloyfa, No you can mount it as a virtual cd drive on windows instead! I recommend wincdemu as it is opensource and well tested, over the shadowy alternatives such as deamon tools or alcohol.

#daHBK, it worked perfectly for me, on a non-Windows OS at that! Anything weird you're doing that could be responsible in your setup?
In general it becomes more and more difficult for old games like HoMM2 to work on newer Win$$$. If you are desperate enough to make them work again you have 3 decent choices: you set up a virtual machine (virtualbox) with Win95 or similar and old games could work ok (i got Mordor: The Depths of Denejol to work in this way), you could also try dosbox, and finally and most drastically, you could try a linux distro like Ubuntu/Mint/whatever and use wine, which is designed spesifically to make win games of all ages work. In my case HoMM2 works better on wine than it ever did on windows.


1. h2g/H2G.bin 729.24 Mb
2. h2g/H2G.cue 1.75 Kb
3. h2g/Readme.txt 526 bytes