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Native Instruments Kontakt 5 Standalone VSTi (v5.0.1)




Software PC


Native Instruments Kontakt 5 Standalone VSTi (v5.0.1)




2011-09-24 (by rosie1966)


Native Instruments Kontakt 5 STANDALONE VSTi RTAS v5.0.1 Once again, NATIVE INSTRUMENTS raises the bar with KONTAKT 5 — the latest version of the industry-leading sampler. KONTAKT 5 takes a bold leap forward with 37 new filters, four new on-board studio effects, updated time stretching, a new instrument bus system and more. As you will see from the newSTUDIO DRUMMER, for example, it's a deep-rooted update to the KONTAKT platform, allowing us — and you — to create even better instruments and more powerful, expressive sounds. KONTAKT 5 delivers a number of large-scale enhancements, extending the creative power of the industry standard sampler further than ever before. New pro effects SOLID G-EQ* An authentic re-interpretation of a classic studio effect— a uniquely clean and musical 4-band EQ switchable to shelf on the low and high bands, plus two full parametric mid-bands. SOLID BUS COMP* Also available as a fully-fledged product in its own right, this virtual reproduction of a legendary compressor adds presence and drive without blurring the detail. Though traditionally used to "glue a mix together", it's not just for bus compression! TRANSIENT MASTER* Another premium-grade effect, also available separately — TRANSIENT MASTER is an incredibly musical and versatile tool for re-shaping any kind of percussive sound. Make a sound hit harder, or shorten the resonance tail of a sound that rings too long. Bring instruments to the front of the mix or smooth out spikiness. TAPE SATURATOR By simulating the natural, harmonic compression of analog tape, the TAPE SATURATOR adds a pleasing warmth to your sound. And pushed a little harder, it delivers a smooth, organic overdrive. * These pro-league effects are also available as fully fledged individual products - but you have them already included here in KONTAKT 5. 37 New Filters KONTAKT 5 enhances your creative sound design palette with 37 new, high-quality filters, developed by the creative mastermind behind MASSIVE. The range covers the whole spectrum from classic state variable low-pass filters to avant-garde formant filters, and nine of the new additions employ groundbreaking adaptive resonance technology. These 'AR' filters manage resonance peaks automatically — like an intelligent limiter inside the instrument — to avoid sudden harshness, unpleasant volume bursts, and unwanted distortion. Vintage Sampling Modes KONTAKT 5 offers vintage sample modes, straight from the MPC school of beatmaking. These re-create the unique sound and feel of the MPC60 and the SP1200, and are authentic enough to bring a nostalgic tear to the eyes of veteran beatheads everywhere. The algorithms used come from MASCHINE. Advanced Time-Streching An important addition in KONTAKT 5 is the new Time Machine Pro algorithm*, providing super-high-quality time-stretching — particularly suited to melodic and tonal material. Use Time Machine Pro for complete audio fidelity and imperceptible tempo-changes with all harmonic content intact. Features for Builders 16 CHANNEL BUS SYSTEM The new 16- bus system introduces comprehensive routing options with integrated insert and send effects. This is a powerful tool for creating detailed effects chains within an instrument. For example, when building a drum kit, you might want to use completely different effects on the kick, toms and snare, while still sending the whole kit to a stereo master channel. Now you can. MIDI FILE SUPPORT KONTAKT 5 provides a new feature in the Kontakt script Processor: the MIDI file player. Useful for creating instruments that can play patterns, loops and grooves as opposed to single notes. As used in STUDIO DRUMMER’s groove library, which provides over 3,500 exclusive beats and fills as production-ready MIDI patterns. ASSiGN's Note * ABOUT THiS RELEASE * We had a hard time with this latest big sampler, but finally it is fully unlocked again! We wish this will be better than before. NI says that KONTAKT v5.0.1 will be released soon. To make our next release perfect, please try this one and report us if there are any protection errors with this release. Of course, this one is well tested and works fine here. - KONTAKT 5 Full version. - Capable of loading third party libraries without any activations. - Capable of editing password-ed KONTAKT scriptS. - Support old libraries and special libraries. * iT RUNS AS PLAYER VERSiON! * It seems that our installer loader failed to modify the registry. Please run the installer with Administrator rights. * HOW TO THiRD PARTY LiBRARiES * 1.Copy or install the library to your HDD. 2.Run Kontakt. 3.Open "Libraries" tab. 4.Click "Add Library" 5.Select the library you located. 6.Click OK(s). 7.Restart Kontakt before using libraries. (Some libraries cannot be decrypted until you restart, Kontakt reads decryption keys at startup, so you need to) 8.Done! * FAiLED TO ADD/LOAD LiBRARiES? * 1.Restart KONTAKT. 2.Remove the Library which has problem. 3.Restart KONTAKT. 4.Add that Library again. 5.Restart KONTAKT. 6.Done! Enjoy and Seed!!

Files count:



794.12 Mb




steve_612 (2011-10-23)

don't download this! avg found a trojan

TheMainEvent (2011-10-23)

But where are the libraries? Where to download them?

MattyBoy1964 (2011-10-25)

Same problem as TheMainEvent, where are the libraries? Do we have to download them from elsewhere? If so, where please?

StormnHunt (2011-11-17)

This is a standalone, search for the libraries, it's not hard.

MH20 (2011-12-14)

hey guys, i got this one. but i cant active it in the service and when i want to run alicias keys it says that i need to , like. activate the program for using library or something like that. not sure now, it wont let me run alicias keys at any case :(

twotap (2011-12-18)

Any idea how to get this to work with Sibelius 7? I put kontakt's VST plugins in the VST plugin folder for sibelius but it still doesnt show up in "Playback Devices" for sibelius.

jackmedia (2011-12-23)

@Rosie1966...You said this will support 3rd party libs...Will this also support expansion packs powered by Kontakt5 from Native Instruments?
@Steve_612...I have AVG, and I didn't catch that.

jackmedia (2011-12-23)

@ MH20...are you running on a PC or Mac? If you actually own Alicia's Keys you can run it in the Kontakt 5 free player demo if you download it. One problem you may be experiencing is if you are running a PC you need an additional system requirement in order to operate the VSTi. You need to have the SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 2) for additional support to power the instrument. Oh and one more thing...NI says sys reqs for the new Kontakt is supported by Windows 7, which explains why I am not able to download their demos. Time for an upgrade...Vista is such a memory hog anyway.! *smh
@ twotap...if you have ReWire, which should come with your version of Sibelius...when you have your Kontakt 5 open it should ask you where you want to store your VSTi files. You should note well the place you want it. In your case it is Sibelius 7.
Open Sibelius...then navigate to the top of your menu bar and click on "play." Down at the bottom of the play menu click on "playback devices." From there if you don't see K5 yet, click on the "audio engine option." Browse and locate your VSTi Kontakt 5 file in the "virtual instruments and effects folder." Once you locate click "rescan." Close the window and then close Sibelius. Restart Sibelius and then go back to playback devices. Now you should see K5 as an option and then click "activate"...then click "show" and K5 will pop open. Now you are ready to use it.
If that doesn't do it...I don't know.

bravo596 (2011-12-28)

No Issues..
Clean Setup and Smooth Performance..
No Virus ..

straterrific (2012-01-03)

Same issue as mainevent and mattyboy. Loaded fine but clearly did not load included libraries. Pretty much useless without them. Any suggestions?

nerdhound (2012-04-18)

@ALL Noobs - Learn about Keygens, adopt an attitude that allows such things. If you fuck your shit up? ... Learn from it and rebuild. Most importantly STOP trying to freak out other Noobs out with your 'Trojan' or 'Virus' Talk.
Just Learn, Really
For everyone else, NO Problem with this Torrent.
Oh, If you're asking for 'Libraries' then this particular Torrent isn't for you. (in that they don't exist)

fdjkltrj (2012-05-24)

There is indeed a trojan in this torrent, and not just false positives. After installation, I had a C:ProgramDataTpScrextpscrex.exe which wasn't there before. The file had just been created, because it had the current time and date. It had also been added to the Windows startup. Now, since I don't own any ThinkPad (tpscrex.exe is part of ThinkPad FullScreen Magnifier), it doesn't take much intelligence to figure out that this is malware disguised as another program. Other than this, Kontakt 5 seemed to install and work just fine, but if you care about your computer you should try find another torrent.

fdjkltrj (2012-05-24)

(meaning = there could be more surprises hidden in there somewhere)

element7x (2012-05-26)

Found a Trojan/Sisron on the setup file. Not a false positive or your typical hacktool flag. This one is lethal guys. Don't download.

DarkDanjal (2012-06-11)

Setup is not supposed to have any code trying to change anything in system.... if it was a keygen.. maybe I'll believe it.. but this guy has in the setup file 2 trojan codes and another one in the autorun.... wtf?.... please... make old fashioned crack in which u can just use a keygen once and then erase it... or w/e.... or make a craked installer with none of these issues....

erech2k2 (2012-06-16)

Works Great. I was able to load all of my old libraries. For some reason, after I mounted the image, I tried letting it auto-install, and tried exploring the CD and clicking the Setup.exe and it would start a process, but nothing happened. I eventually I stumbled upon the Setup PC.exe in the data folder and it installed with no problems. Thank you

zerocool__ (2012-06-21)

DO NOT DOWNLOAD! as fdjkltrj said, it added a new start-up service that has nothing to do with kontakt.

SeederSpeed (2012-09-01)

To those that say this is a trojan!! YOU ARE WRONG. This thing runs smoothly on my pc! Sure itll say there is a trojan but its like that with ALL torrents!! It works 100% Thanks uploader!

willpill (2012-09-12)


Keric22 (2012-11-10)

Can anyone please provide specifics from trustworthy sites (Even images as well) as to these supposed trojan's/viruses that come along with it?

ystergevreet (2013-07-12)

PLEASE HELP! I installed 3 different versions of Kontakt and when I try to open any expansion (Shreddage, Slate Drums, Cinematic Guitars, etc.) I recieve the following error message:
"This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the respective Library is registered properly"
WTF am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanking you in advance!