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Rammstein - 8 albums






Rammstein 8 Albums




2005-09-11 (by TheFifth)


Rammstein - Reise Reise Rammstein_-_Mein_Teil Rammstein-Das_Spiel_Mit_Dem_Feuer Rammstein_-_Mutter Rammstein-Herzeleid Rammstein_-_Live_Aus_Berlin Rammstein_-_Sehnsucht Rammstein_-_Herzeleid The bitrate varies from 192 kbit/s to 320 kbit/s Enoy this fine metal band!

Files count:



677.95 Mb




The_Svart (2006-02-02)

download this one!! it works great!
thanks for great speed!!!

andreas_1_9_9_2_ (2006-04-22)

can you please seed?
i have wating in 2 days now..

jachbin (2006-10-25)

i hope this works=)

dude67 (2006-10-26)

Hoppefully this will work now, being waiting a long time for some good Rammstein collection so thanks.

stephenking (2006-11-18)

Please people! Do you really LIKE Rammstein? Then take a second, read this, and then: change your mind!
Did you know that Rammstein plays on official nazi-meetings?
Have you ever tried to really listen to the lyrics? If not, then go fetch a german-english lexika and translate the lyrics of Mein teil, Stein um Stein and Bück dich.
Do yourself a favor, stop listening to Rammstein.

evikeysn (2006-11-19)

stephenking... you are one of those stupid stupid people who think that every german band is a nazi band. Just for you to know, Rammstein do NOT play on nazi-meetings (WTF) and even if they did, you would have not know about it because nazi stuff is illegal. Their lyrics... I think YOU should re-read them again and you'll see that singing about red roses and petrol and beds in flames are not really nazi stuff. Mein teil? The song about cannibalism. Stein um stein? Song of a man building a house for his darling, just to not let her out again. Bück dich? :D Bend over... WOW a real nazi stuff, eh?
Listen jerk-oh... do US a favor and just drop dead. You have no fucking idea of who Rammstein really are and what they sing about.

skot_90 (2006-11-23)

omg seeda! :O

errectus696 (2006-11-25)

stephenking... funny. you have chosen the right song lyrics to translate. "Mein Teil" (my part of the body) is about cannibalism and suicid. This song is based on a true story that happened in Germany. There was a lot of articles and TV shows about it.
"stein um stein" (brick by brick) is about building a house where he immures his loved girl. A desperate love to say...
"bück dich" (bend over) is about a relationship between two persons. More like master and servant (depeche mode? no a bit more intelligent).
To be honest I dont get your point about Nazi lyrics... and by the way I dont need a dictionary therefore I am a 100% sure what I am talking about. Not like others...

lil_kool_1999 (2006-12-08)

stephenking, just because your favourite band is the backstreet boys doesnt give u the right to hate on other peoples bands. go die plz!

Vathor (2006-12-09)

Denn du bist, was du ist - You are what you eat, it's about a case of cannibalism in Germany

jachbin (2006-12-25)

plz seed

Lord Marlle (2007-01-29)

Haha... I just read stephenking's message and was going to throw a pile of crap after him... but the 3 gentlemen who came before me had done it pretty good...
have been a R+ fan for many years now, and i promise you that if R+ were Nazi's i wouldn't listen to them. .. To be Continued

Lord Marlle (2007-01-29)

In fact pretty much all of the bandmembers have been making anti-nazi statement...
The Song Links 2 3 4 (Left 2 3 4) takes the crown.
As Till (The Singer) Sings:
Sie wollen mein herz am rechten fleck
Doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
Da schlägt es links
(They want my heart at the right spot
Yet I look over then below, away
There it strikes to the left)... which obviously is about Politics and about being on the Left side of the Political Spectrum... So Please Stephenking, STOP TALKING ABOUT THING YA DON'T KNOW...
CHECK OUT next time you want to diss one of the greatest post-90 Metal band... [email protected]

Lord Marlle (2007-01-29)

... Please sry for my bad gramma... im just a little dane :)

empire22 (2007-01-31)

Thank you Marlle, you said it all.
I was just going to say that all the band members, and most actively lead singer Teil Ledermen have vigorously denied Nazi connections.
I personally think that some of their songs have very beautifully poetic lyrics, but this is from a non-native german speaker, so I don't know what my opinion means

Axtin (2007-04-28)


Axtin (2007-04-29)

Is there two Herzeleids in this torrent?

Myuigon (2007-05-06)

Dude! rammstein is not a nazi band. why come all people think so. all people exept germans and rammstein fans.

Downloader++ (2007-06-06)

What the **** are U tlaking about fucking naap stephenking.. :@
Rammstein owns ffs, so just go and lick your assfucking mother on her tiny cock!!

fellwarden (2007-06-27)

This is lacking Rosenrot..
Anyway, I s'pose this is great, so I'll download it, cuz it's nearly impossible to find a decent discography of this band

gransport (2007-07-04)

ho god , please seed and upload it again
thanx very much for seeders

frogbutt (2007-07-28)

just because its heavy AND german MUST mean its fascist.....?

p3kula (2007-09-05)

please seed someone

herman-360 (2007-09-07)

hello :P I heard hwat you sad ind i knov they sing like some fools and the music sucks some times byt its a song named (do hast) realy good
but they sing like some fools.
german ar a fucking nazi land they go to war on NORWAY and i come from NORWAY, I hope HITLER go 2 hell aaaaaaaaaaa fuck german, burn in hell. lissen to metallica mutch better
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck german

herman-360 (2007-09-07)

Im deliting all rammstein songs but first i have to lisen on (do hast)

jerkie-toni (2007-12-04)

Stephenking.. Get a life =D Piatch

jerkie-toni (2007-12-04)

Herman-360.. U fucking asshole learn english and then come and complain here about german u piatch! Come say u hate german to my face u fucking pussy! Norway sux!

liam_top2003 (2008-01-09)

fucking awsome upload love rammstein

FuSER_90 (2008-02-03)

Thanks for an awsome torrent! :P Good work!
to herman-360:
Learn som english you weak fool! Damn! And I think I speak poor english :S
Just cuz' the retarded Hitler lived in Germany doesn't mean that all people from Germany are as stupid as him! I don't think all people from Norway are idiots just cuz' you are from Norway.

DrDrakeRemoray (2008-02-04)

Rammstein is awesome!
And to herman-360:
Hitler is dead ffs, get over it, the only thing he wanted in Norway was the motherfucking coast to defend himself against the allied!
I hope someone agree with me :)

Bengttszon (2008-02-06)

someone who seeds ??
herman you rediculus bastard !!

raktorasi (2008-02-08)

Rammstein Rules

raktorasi (2008-02-08)

herman is a retard

MasterMelka (2008-02-09)

Herman-360.. U fucking asshole learn english and then come and complain here about german u piatch! Come say u hate german to my face u fucking pussy! Norway sux!
Dont hate Norway because of ONE retard, please.
And also, Don't be so mean to Herman, I think he is a retarded 10 year old... It seems so at least..
And also, yes I'm from Norway, and I'm ashamed to be that right now because of what Herman said.
and another thing, Rammstein OWNS

MasterMelka (2008-02-09)

lmao, I suxx at writing understandable xD

HaVoC3 (2008-02-28)

Guess I'll give it a try.
I breathe Rammstein lol

floppy58j (2008-02-28)

Dear Herman-360
.......FUCK YOU!!!!
WHAT R U FUCKING RETARDED!? if u dont like rammstein why did u have any on your computer in the first place? and why would u comment on a torrent for 8 rammstein cds in english which u apparently cant speak? and you hope Hitler goes to hell? that was like 7 decades ago! if he aint gone yet then DAMN!

love Floppy

ninpo5dan (2008-03-04)

Thank you for the great music.

Rated-R-Superstar (2008-05-08)

The way you wrote that sounds like some of the albums are in 192kbps, and some are in 320kbps... be more specific you prick, all these albums are in shitty Variable Bit Rates

Krautfuxx (2008-05-12)

I agree with the guys, who call you stupid americans...think rammstein are a nazi band...
this could only an american tell...
members of rammstein has histiries in should know Freygang, Kirsche und Co....
the brachial sound goes back to Deine gothic-electzro-band rammstein are fans of...stupid, very stupid to talk about something, if you don`t have any idea what you`re talking `bout...DEPP!

hynixan (2008-05-16)


tamillern (2008-06-27)

Get it on now m8s
I'm seeding more than 1000 kB a sec
and I'm only getting 250 kB sec from 50 guys
Don't be shy speed up your upload m8s

tamillern (2008-06-27)

5 minutes, not downloaded yet,
thats when I stop,
No more than 5 minutes for 700 MB,
thats my limit
Reise, Reise Mutter

jucccccccc (2008-07-13)

is the full discography from the rammstein? please somebody tell me if any record is missing from this torrent, because I've listened 3 albums of these records (mutter, herzeleid, sehnsucht). help! thx

ebilsh (2008-07-14)

i was going to throw shit after stephenking and herman-360, but all these nice people did it befire i had the chance. so ill just keep it short
go fuck yourself, i dont really see the reason for you to look down on our music taste you maggotfuck. youre just making more people dislike you and if i knew where who you two suckers are, id show you what the cannibal of rottenburg did to his victim (the one they sing about in Mein Teil). so suck a dog and good night!

LightTheRebellion (2008-08-26)

@ all: Stfu.

RIX667 (2008-08-26)

thanx for the upload. love from canada.
maybe 'mortiis' would be a better speed for stephenking and herman360, they could together and stick their heads up each others ass! peace and hardcore to all!

sepp88 (2008-08-28)

Sick download nigga.

chacolah (2008-08-28)

ok, i need to say something, and its kinda sad
my mothers side is german/ irish, and my father is polish/ irish, so im kinda german.
my great grandmother is alive, and she was born in 1934. she and her family escaped germany to america just before the nazis started killing.
its fucking sad that i went onto 4 different rammstein torrents and the first or second posts are about rammstein being nazis.
im kinda offended that you are so fucking ignorant that you would brand any german that says anything bad about anything are hatemongering assholes.
i live in lakewood new jersey, and if you've ever been there, you know its jew town.
they buy houses from nice white and black families and sell them to other jews and mexicans. its like fucking jewish trading card games technically. they bought a church here recentally and replaced it with a synogouge.
if hating a people that has bought all of my friends' parents' houses and evicted them,replaced others places of worship with there own, and crowd the streets is naziism, then im one goosesstepping mother fucker.
you ignorant fucks hate ignorant fucks like me,
but i dont care.
i can kinda see were these assholes are coming from, they here violence and killing in a foreign language, and they get confused, incorrectly translate, and go from there. but seriously people! im being kind of hypocritical i know, hating jews and hating people who hate, what ever.
o yeah ramstein rocks

whoooami (2008-10-25)

LOL. Rammstein aren't nazis, they're just fags!
Not that there's anything wrong with that...

repped (2008-11-23)


soulassassin74 (2008-12-31)

Jews are fucks who need to stop dining out on the holocaust.FACT

Tyskland_Deutschland (2009-01-06)

herman-360 Im half Norweigen and half German But what you said about Germany really burns my German side, and I might regret this but if the Norweigens didn't have their fingers up their ass maybe they wouldn't of mistaken the Nazi's as British in WWII.

FRAzzel (2009-01-12)

herman-360 you?re a stupid fuck! Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn that town is not in Germany you stupid twat! And some of the members in Rammstein are homosexual! There probably more Nazis in US or UK then Germany because they know what that is! You probably don?t know what a Nazi is or what the poofter stand for!

angryxsamoan (2009-01-13)

I feel like everyone has already given stephenking enough shit, although he does deserve it for being an ignorant cock-juggling thundercunt....but as an American i feel obliged to point out that not all of us are as stupid as cocksuckers like him make us seem.

KayZ_98 (2009-05-29)

you're an asshole. although I do agree that Rammstein are always unfairly treated, people just assume they're nazis because they're german, or maybe it's because of that asshole who fucked with their song and called it "Hitler"..... maybe that also has something to do with it.....
but it doesn't Rammstein is awesome and anyone who don't think so can "VERPISSEN"!!!!

lotrman (2009-07-12)

Why do everyone keep thinking all germans are nazis.
You who come on this torrent just to call rammstein fags and nazis are rasists.

Nazi-1943 (2009-08-14)

And then I commented.

Nazi-1943 (2009-08-14)

Also, Herman360 has got to be mentally handicapped.

Jason_H (2009-12-01)

Fuck anyone who assumes that Rammstein are Nazis, Racist, bigots, sexist, etc. I've met them all persoanlly, for a short time. but got enough time to feel there presence. Rammstein is one of the only band/music that I listen and I can honsetly say that Rammstein has changed and maybe even saved my life.

Jason_H (2009-12-01)

Also, I'm a black American male. I saw no forms of racism by them when I spoke to them. There was no language barrier since the band lead to my intreset in teh German language, which lead to me learning the language, which then lead to my intreset in languages and now I'm fluent in German, Dutch, French, and Russian.
There music is just somewhat controversial to westerns, and even their own Germans.

stenare (2010-06-02)

WTF's the matter with all of you? A person or a group of people are responsible for their actions, not everyone else. Get that through you fat fucking thick fucking heads you fuckheads!!!
Whether you're black, jew, or what the fuck ever. Don't be an asshole just because you're safe & sound at home in the comfort of hiding behind your fucking screen!
I'm willing to bet that more than half of you wouldn't say shit IRL!!!
So, in short: STFU!!!!

HarleenQuinzel (2010-08-11)

Thanks for uploading. I love Rammstein, they're one of my favorite bands. I bought Mutter, Sehnsucht, Live Aus Berlin, and Rosenrot so it's cool to have all of them now.

TheSha-dow (2010-08-14)

all you haters of rammstein go fuck yourself and die. infact jump off a cliff and drink bleach on the way down you sad twats, watch rammstein live, and they are by far one of the best live performing bands in the world, anyone who was at sonisphere or who has seen them anywere else will agree. long live meta!

knotspot (2012-07-03)

thanks for the torrent!