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Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator




Games PC


Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator




2010-06-21 (by globeplus)


* Hello Wii and PC games fans ... * Play this Metal Gear Solid to the Gamecube ... * FILE INFO : 100% complete with 2 appropriated isos for the dolphin emulator * GLOBE DOLPHIN SUPER VERSION X64-X32 (WITH THE UPDATE AND THE X32 VERSION CORRECTED INCLUDED) * GAMEPLAY : * * For The Twin Snakes, Metal Gear Solid's gameplay was altered to resemble that of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. While all of the original areas and enemies were kept, new ways for the player to combat them were introduced, such as the ability to shoot using first person view. Enemy AI was also improved, giving enemy soldiers the ability to communicate with each other and detect the player more intelligently. ***** enjoy ... *****

Files count:



2319.10 Mb




Cassius21 (2010-06-21)


 globeplus (2010-06-21)

Just to say that getting like in this case 250 mb less for download and half giga inside emulator is positive because this game is in very normal 2 discs to the gamecube and the gamecube isos don´t have to much size comparing to the wii isos that can 4.37 gb independtly of the game size , so , for a gamecube game with 2 discs this is a very acceptable work with both discs looking wonderful and working fine with the emulator , because i needed to do a small fix to the 32 bits of my super version of the dolphin emulator i decided to include in this next games files and for only more 12.9 mb both emulator versions (x64-x32) the emulator versions too .
Thank you and happy gaming !!!

uefacup (2010-06-21)

I can't run this game

.schmu (2010-06-21)

How about tenchu and Okami master gl0be??

veronika109 (2010-06-21)

Oh my GOOOD !!!! globe with this release i now officially consider you My n°1 ripper in tha worldd
You ROCK :)

Alnuks (2010-06-21)

excellent contributions works 100%, can you upload monster hunter 3 plzz?? and what emulator u recommend?? i have the dolphin but has a lot of bugs, anyway nice work and thanks.

 globeplus (2010-06-21)

I will take a new look at the 32bit version of the emulator .

 globeplus (2010-06-21)

ok , sorry for the inconvenience but i think 1 exe included get a slight conflict with a dll then i opted to make a more safe version , more soft but more safe (7.22 mb) :
Remember this super version will help to keep a regular maximum possible framerate to the game that is beeing played . thank you and i really my best analysis in this emulator to improve his stability while running the games .
Happy gaming !!!

 globeplus (2010-06-21)

Please if it is not asking too much i´d like to have impressions of this new version for the 32bits version of the emulator . thank you .

veronika109 (2010-06-21)

@Globe Plus
I tried you new version of super emulator with super mario galaxy 1 and 2 and it work flawless
Can you please make a super emulator PCSx2 version for win 32 bit cuz i get bad fps in Final fanasy 12 and my config is high enough to run it at 60fps i find PCsx2 too difuclt to config so if you have some freetime it would be awesome
THANKS for all your work you are really the best in my opinion

 globeplus (2010-06-21)

To veronika109 : i am afraid that making a more stable framerate version to the pcsx2 emulator is not exact the same that do it for dolphin , this emultor have a more pratical conception and for pcsx2 the number of necessary plugins and new things are much more , pcsx2 is very nice emulator if we consider that we are talking a ps2 emulation on the pc , if we analise the first versions of the emulator certainly that was impossible thinking that we have the emulator in so great nice progress like we have now , the number of playable games was increasing version after version with always new possibilities , generically what a trip was watching the evolution of the emulator and i am saying this because the true is beside the nice emulation of both in their respective type of games , ps2 or wii , the ps2 emulation is more exigent than the wii , doesn´t mean with that that certainly a nice conception was needed to give a nice probabilty percentage to run wii games on the emulator , now , both want to improve the percentage of games running inside the emulator and both have difficulties and both keep trying to progress and that is normal but to the ps2 emulator still more new nice plugins and speedups and hack stuff needed because the degree of difficulty to have more games running increase , i want to finish saying that i am surprised for the positive with the fact that after a ps3 comes out with positive sucess , in the way that certainly have a nice frequence in real nice games available to the users that the ps2 still have new games coming out to the console and that is a recognising for the console that was the best big sales console ever in history , doesn´t mean that the others dont have nice numbers ans still increasing .
Ok , all this talk for saying that the intelligent work that i did for this nice wii and gamecube emulator is certainly not that easy to the best ps2 emulator : pcsx2 .

 globeplus (2010-06-22)

Well , even if it a litlle buggy is always better than any other version i think and you can make the compare in games that you get a drop of the framerate during videos inside the games for example .

gane69 (2010-06-22)

Globe Y dont u rip good PS2 games like metal gear solid snake eater,gran turismo 4 etc as the pcsx2 emulator is very good mate.I tried god of war and it plays at 65fps! We would love to see PS2 4 PC rips.Greetz :)

gane69 (2010-06-22)

And globe also make WII 4 PC metroid prime 3,conduit,call of duty 3,medal of honor heroes 2 and many wii shooters.It will be a gr8 experience to play these wii shooters on pc. :)

jowjowjow (2010-06-27)

Not Working!

invincble (2010-08-06)

the emulator is not working when i press the exe file it says the application has failed to start because XINPUT1_3.dll was not found,re-installing the application may fix it but there is no inastallation exe file????? what can i do can i download another emulator??

AuroraUnit (2010-08-08)

Hey guys, was wondering you you could help me out with the sound in the Emulator, its kinda messed up and I hear alot of sparkle sounds.

AuroraUnit (2010-08-08)

And now all of the sudden things are slowmotion in the start >: please help since im new with this kind of stuff.

RoninVamp (2010-08-20)

Im having an issue trying to get it to play. I extracted the Dolphin game and opened the program. I got the main screen, it said "cannot find any ISOs" or something, so I unpacked Metal Gear to the main emulator folder, and did a search for the ISOs. The files show up MGS: TTS Disc 1 and 2 but when I highlight the Disc 1 ISO and click Play, a window seems to open for a brief moment then closes.

Zanghan (2010-08-26)

Was just wondering if you have a specific configuration that works best for you. I find that freeze ups I get tend to happen when something graphically distinct is triggering on screen. Been using OpenGL drivers so far with V nice frame rate in game. Would be nice to have ASIO drivers for sound though
Will do some tests with the DX~

Kraid07 (2010-09-09)

Seriously, grab the latest version of the Dolphin emu at
(It's not the official homepage, but it provides the latest builds as fast as possible) instead of using this outdated fuck

chinedooo (2010-12-31)

lmao seriously are u guys idiots? go here

to get the latest builds of dolphin it runs much better than this crappy DOLPHIN SUPER VERSION CRAP >.>

chinedooo (2010-12-31)

and use google to help configure it to your specs....directx9 plugin is the fastest

amado198427 (2011-02-13)

i extracted the rar and i recieved the mgs iso disk one and two and i tried to burn it but was in a different format. can you upload another rar or a iso of the game. this is a awsome game and i havent found a torrent with any seeders for metal gear twin snakes just leachers.

amado198427 (2011-02-13)

i extracted the rar and i recieved mgs iso disk one and two. i tried burning those iso with image burn and it said it was in a different format. i was wondering if you can upload another rar or iso of metal gear solid twin snakes this is a awsome game. the torrents that i downloaded from this game had no seeders only leachers.

amado198427 (2011-02-13)

i hate leachers fkin noobs

ilyXxStyLoxX (2011-04-27)

hope this works..

cutctrl (2011-06-13)

Globe, you rock so much! You're stuff always works for me :)

jitsuin (2011-07-03)

disc 1 and 2 is the same thing, you uploaded disc 1 twice!

ftlqed (2011-08-09)

The emulator is so slow now that its all graphics, I know that I used to use psxe on a crap top just fine. That dolphin will run slow enough to barf.

SarHawk (2011-08-12)

I don't understand why it is running so slow, it goes 7 FPS and the makes breaks.
I've a Pentium 4 3.00, 2gb DDR2 800 and a NVIDIA Gt240 512 DDR5 and it running slow, what should I do?

tatasGR (2012-04-05)

SarHawk it is a heavy game man my old pc had
cpu q6600 quad 2.4 and 4 gb ram 800 gtx9800
and it was really slow 15-22 fps my new pc can play iy fine i5 2500K 16gb 2133 XFX R7770
runs perfect i don't khow if you get something below that

coreyboulet (2013-06-18)

Works very well on the last version of daulphin, but I cant switch to CD2, when I change the CD, nothing happen, Anyone ?
Thank you

rtrtrtrtrtrtrtr (2013-10-31)

For those of you want BOTH games disc ISOs go to the two links I've posted below:


1. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/Metal.Gear.Twin.Snakes.rar 2305.79 Mb
2. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/Globe.Dolphin.Super.version x64-x32.7z 12.98 Mb
3. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/$cfi-1540025473.ico 275.45 Kb
4. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/twin.snakes.gif 55.68 Kb
5. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/globe@.ico 7.19 Kb
6. Wii 4 PC » METAL GEAR SOLID - THE TWIN SNAKES perfect emulator isos by globe@/INSTRUCTIONS.txt 254 bytes