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The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD
The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD
2006-03-19 (by azbox5000)
This is for all who trust my releases. I release them as they come from the scene the (people) who made them. Theres another version of this game on here, but all the files have been renamed and changed, dont think i would trust that release in my honest opinion, so heres a proper release as seen at
--------------------------- --------------------------------------------
| Godfather: The Game |
| Company....: EA | Genre...: Action Adventure |
| Released...: March 18th, 2006 | Origin..: Ntsc - Usa |
| Media Type.: Dvd | Fit on..: Dvd |
| |
| iNFO: |
| ----- |
| Join the Family, earn respect, become the Godfather. |
| after a life of small-time crime you?ve been accepted into America?s |
| most powerful criminal organization?the Corleone Family. Now it?s up |
| to you to carry out orders, earn respect, rise through the ranks, |
| and make New York City your own. Choose your path to power in the |
| world of The Godfather by taking on a variety of action-packed |
| missions in a fully living New York City?from mob hits and bank |
| heists to extortion.Play your cards right and you could become the |
| next, and most powerful,Don. |
| |
| |
| There you go, Dagger. We just saved you $50. Aren't we nice? |
| |
Files count:
1712.76 Mb
Rooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
Yeah errrr all the files havent been renamed as I packed it myself so sssshhhhhhhhhRooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
I think the simple fact is, my version was stolen by a release group and renamed, which is why it appeared after mine. You dont think you would trust me in your opinion you cheeky fucker, releasing this with the exact same name two torrents above, jeeeesus, i wont bother againGood Day
azbox5000 (2006-03-19)
RIOT is a trusted release group.You say they stole the release from you??? considering you havent even sent out enough data for one snatch i know your talkin shit, they cant steal what hasnt been put out yet.
I woulda upped this hours before yours if i was awake.
Rooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
This isnt the only bittorrent/newsgroup in the world you gawp. Im not 100% sure they did this but i certainly didnt take theirs and rename it as you so kindly suggested. I shall refer you to my releases comment section :PS There is another version of this game on here now, I assume its the riot version although the person hasnt bothered to name them, you may initially get it faster there because frankly my upload is shit.
Anyway, the little turdburglar decided to suggest in his NFO that I had merely renamed the rar files from the RIOT realease and my torrent is somehow inferior. I did NOT do that, that would be pointless and I always give credit where its due. so there you go.
So why dont you STFU ? Thats all Ive got to say on the matter apart from, its great people have a choice and they may get it faster here, but dont go dissing my torrent and accusing me of stealing when you know fuck all.
Good Day
azbox5000 (2006-03-19)
I just giving them a scene release, the scene have rules to ensure the files are proper, and working.People build trust on this.
Not by someone naming the files of a game after themself.
If you wanna upload games as you are, make them scene proper.
Rooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
I got a game before anyone else so I uploaded it, I didnt take it from RIOT. If you want to wait for scene releases thats fine, just dont shit on my torrent, making me appear to be some thieving retard.I also ensure the files are working and proper, I dont need a special funky release group name to do that.
There was no scene release when I got this so how the fuck can i make it scene proper? plus, its my own personal torrent not a scene release so........???
I released the torrent so I put my name in it, big deal.
Anyway, your a dick and those are my final words to you my friend.
azbox5000 (2006-03-19)
dont flame me for your reasons.This is a scene release, i am just making people aware of it.
to bad if people choose scene over your homemade copy.
and considering the game isnt availble for purchase for anutha few days i really doubt it you got it before riot, made it into an iso and rarred it up to the exact same file sizing as riots release.
so as far as im concerned ur a dumb fuck whose renamed the filesto call it his, dont take credit for something that aint yours, faggot.
Rooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
Ooooo Flames. Sigh, you really are a fucking arse arse arent you. Get that iso, go to winrar, press add to archive, set file size to 52,428,800 bytes (the usual for torrents) and spend 3 hours raring it like I did, it came out the same size as theirs because we both used winrar set to 50 mb like everyone other person who knows how to make a torrent, you think the torrent will come out random sizes for everyone? YOU FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING IGNORANT STUPID TWATARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGG
God im so annoyed, just do what you want with scene releases but dont add your little mongoloid comments to the fucking NFO slagging off someone elses efforts when you know FUCK ALL except how to download from one place and upload to another.
Ive not been this mad since yesterday.
GlennYngve (2006-03-19)
Do anyone have Commandos Strike Force........azbox5000 (2006-03-19)
heheheheheheeveryones computer packs differently u moron even if u have same version of winrar.
u obviously dont know how it works.
ur a dumb cunt im so over this,
stop thieving others stuff and calling it ur own, im done with you, aint replying to ur little gay ass messages anymore
micpl (2006-03-19)
Just tell everyone where you put it first so that they can check if it was before RIOT's version came out on Sky or TB. Simple.azbox5000 (2006-03-19)
this one from an ftp dump site.did a hash check thru tb it 99.9% same so its genuine riot release.
dont upload shit.
vodkaeye (2006-03-19)
glen theres a release of commandos on LiMiTeDiVx.CoMvodkaeye (2006-03-19)
and thanks 4 the up azbox by the wayRooten McFlooten (2006-03-19)
lol ok ok i renamed a RIOT release, whatever you fucking fat slag, fuck off and diechesser (2006-03-19)
When you ladies have stopped arguing I would like you to seed. kthxbyenewfiegamer (2006-03-19)
hey can anyone get the the new game painkillers or stacked?Suerte (2006-03-19)
Sgt, Pepper (2006-03-20)
does this even work?prohacker (2006-03-20)
Get this game fast and free on But it's a limit of users 10000.Toxik83 (2006-03-20)
azbox5000 please seed, I'm stuck at 99.5% lol..azbox5000 (2006-03-20)
5 minutes mate and you will all have complete copy, heheazbox5000 (2006-03-20)
my work here is done gonna stop seeding now, enjoy the game guys peaceMe-LoDon (2006-03-20)
from 0 seeders in the morning to more then 100 in the afternoongreat!
I deserve some games after all day a work
dan_plus_o (2006-03-21)
First Driver Parrael lines then this game. Thanks for the uploads azbox5000!atveter (2006-03-21)
Please seed!Fettisen (2006-03-21)
Does this only work on dvd, or can I put it on the HD directly?Funkar det bara om man bränner eller kan jag lägga upp den på hd:n direkt?
Mustangman (2006-03-22)
awesome relase thanks......ChicoPato (2006-03-22)
Does it work on a PAl xbox like someone said? how can it do that when it says its NTSC ? i know you can run it still, but wont it play in black and white without a rgb cable? ( that i dont have)Cigg (2006-03-23)
Do you have to burn or can you play over the HDD?melle92 (2006-03-23)
HMM when im trying to start the game it says the disc may be dirty or damaged.. you know.. what should i do.. ? =( i really want this game! my friend has it on ps2 and he says its SOOOOO fun..qqaazzxxsswws (2006-03-23)
Can anyone pleeeeez upload the The Godfather PAL ?dgreatone1 (2006-03-25)
Thanks, I'll see for another day.Shcaap (2006-03-26)
First of all, thanks for this release :)But i have been playing this for a few hours now.
But today when I started the game i noticed that the intro screen was a bit weird. And after i loaded the save game everything was stretched and i don't mean the 16:9 4:3 kinda stretch.
The hud was totally messed up, the dollars were over lapping the health bar and the (Y) Wall Cover text was also over lapping each other. Is there a quick fix or a patch?
kayser9soze (2006-03-27)
Thank you for posting this. Much appreciated to find this on here.Can anyone seed? Finding connection issues witht his this at the moment.
Memorexem (2006-03-28)
Thanks for the torrent. Hate to echo here, but can we get some (better) seeders? 3kb/s doesn't make me feel well. Lol.Hall_of_zeroes (2006-03-31)
Can someone tell me exactly how to burn this game? What files should i unra??Plz answer
cludden (2006-03-31)
I keep getting piece "241 failed hash check, re-downloading it" all the time in the log. Anyone with the same problem or any solution?Best Regards
Hall_of_zeroes (2006-03-31)
When I unrar the files a message appears that says that the file is corupted. Can somebody plz answer? I really need this game!skullcrusher (2006-03-31)
time to start seeding !!That Guy (2006-04-01)
Works perfectly, good game too, thanks!!Hall_of_zeroes (2006-04-01)
this does not work. This is what I did:I go into winrar and select this file: r-tgtg.iso.
When it is completed a message appear: The file is corupted or damaged. Can some body plz answer?
Hall_of_zeroes (2006-04-02)
this shit does not work. I have unrar all the files marked with the WinRAR icon but it says that every file are corupted. Can somebody plz tell me wath I am doing wrong? I new at this and i need some help. Plz answerHall_of_zeroes (2006-04-04)
Why cant just everyone upload ISO files without RARing them up? It`s musch easier in that way.Lusios (2006-04-05)
Gaah, im so sick of people complaining about games here. A drunk 5 year old could get this to work! Noobs..CrE8r (2006-04-18)
To Hall of zeroes: The reason uploaders post in rars is so you can save bandwidth and in this case, if one or more .r## files are corrupted you can easily download another amount of proper ones. But for this case its different. Just check mininova for this, I got the RiOT release and it works great.MANNETHEMIFFO (2006-07-18)
seed pleasevietnam999990 (2006-10-15)
just downloaded.....rar is corrupt. leave aloneFiles:
1. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r00 47.68 Mb
2. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r01 47.68 Mb
3. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r02 47.68 Mb
4. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r03 47.68 Mb
5. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r04 47.68 Mb
6. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r05 47.68 Mb
7. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r06 47.68 Mb
8. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r07 47.68 Mb
9. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r08 47.68 Mb
10. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r09 47.68 Mb
11. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r10 47.68 Mb
12. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r11 47.68 Mb
13. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r12 47.68 Mb
14. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r13 47.68 Mb
15. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r14 47.68 Mb
16. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r15 47.68 Mb
17. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r16 47.68 Mb
18. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r17 47.68 Mb
19. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r18 47.68 Mb
20. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r19 47.68 Mb
21. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r20 47.68 Mb
22. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r21 47.68 Mb
23. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r22 47.68 Mb
24. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r23 47.68 Mb
25. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r24 47.68 Mb
26. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r25 47.68 Mb
27. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r26 47.68 Mb
28. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r27 47.68 Mb
29. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r28 47.68 Mb
30. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r29 47.68 Mb
31. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r30 47.68 Mb
32. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r31 47.68 Mb
33. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r32 47.68 Mb
34. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r33 47.68 Mb
35. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.r34 43.81 Mb
36. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.rar 47.68 Mb
37. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/r-tgtg.sfv 788 bytes
38. The Godfather NTSC XBOXDVD/riot.nfo 12.12 Kb