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Very Young And Petite Amateur HomeMade Sex Tape




Video XXX


Very Young And Petite Amateur HomeMade Sex Tape


Porn/Movie clips


2011-08-13 (by FluxXxu )


Very Young And Petite Amateur HomeMade Sex Tape Tags: xXx, Sex, Teen, Hot Screens:


  1. xXx
  2. Sex
  3. Teen
  4. Hot

Files count:



72.48 Mb




Gamen114 (2011-08-14)


 FluxXxu (2011-08-14)

Think a little bit more.

kian89 (2011-08-14)

Young... say how young ??
Make a guess ...
I dont really have any videos under 18 , i wud love to have some of them ..
is it under 18??

fajstrup (2011-08-17)

14 ??????????+

DavidRaymondAmos (2011-08-18)


EC37 (2011-09-14)

If the bitch would've just left the video camera alone, I wouldn't be seasick right now. Don't waste your time.

Nillerz (2011-09-22)

I need to know she's at least 18 before I download this. If she isn't 18, I highly suggest the uploader think very hard about some of the choices he's made in life.

Linkr0m3L (2011-10-02)

would it be illegal if she was not 18, i guess if the is grass on the infield

SirPetis (2011-10-11)

She's legal, but a lot of IPs are flying around this thing. I deleted it cause it's nothing special. Just another hot chick getting banged by someone that isn't me.

 FluxXxu (2011-10-20)

More Amateur And Other xXx Here:

jimmythecorkscrew (2011-11-01)

I you can't put an age, those of us that are not child molesters might accidently dwnld. If you are a child molester, I hope you get what you deserve and rot in jail

.Reported. (2011-11-03)

lol the screenshot looks young as hell. I like them tight but not like that. I don't know for sure. It's hard to tell. People come in all shapes sizes and looks too. I'll skip this potential child download haha and go to a college orgy instead :)

Antikryst (2011-12-16)

What's up with the child molester bullshit?
It's just a couple enjoying a good shag.

napalm1155 (2011-12-28)

i with you...she looks close enough to 18
Its not like shes 12 or 14 or something.
The admin are very responsible here

killshred (2011-12-30)

How can i verify age?

killshred (2011-12-30)

THis girl better be 18 wtf

tommyhawkster (2012-01-09)

Anyone figured out a way to confirm age on this one? I'm not interested in accidently downloading some sicko shit. Are there any credits on the film that would help confirm?

xkv (2012-01-12)

you n00bs. How on earth is anyone going to "confirm" her age.

miknos (2012-01-19)

Maybe she's not american (at 18 they look like 25) so this girl might be 18 (even more).
And btw, looking at the screenshots she's enjoying it.

iamchrislechat (2012-01-27)

more than likely she is legal although i don't know what is worse someone who likes a 16 yr old who can pass for 21 or someone who likes an 18 yr old who could pass for 12, either way don't waste your time with this crap. the girl is average and the movie is garbage (makes your grandmother's home movies look like they were shot by spielberg)

enloynz (2012-01-30)

you would love to have some under 18 porn ? you sick cunt
i know 16 is the legal age in my country for sex but i could never do it with a girl that young
its as bad as grooming

mircea56 (2012-02-16)

it's made in Russia

elc2k (2012-03-01)

she does seem a little too young, and that's just based on the previews. jesus, the last thing i need is to get a knock on my door from the freaking FBI or something like that over something like this. i better report this file to TPB so they can investigate cause i don't want this site shut down for shit like this, either.

village1diot (2012-04-14)

I see some real douchebag comments here. You morons should know that the "age of consent" for most of the world is 16, including Canada and Russia. Some countries it's even lower, like Spain, where it is 13.
Calling people child molesters or putting them down is pure ignorance. And I am pretty sure it is(once again) American ignorance.

Hedonist0069 (2012-04-19)

You guys, most of you, and you know who the fuck you are, sure don't get out much. I live in Nevada, legal age of consent here is 16. Yeppers. But hell, if they won't tell, I sure won't. And for all you smart mouth punks I hope you have a daughter cause when she's 12 I'll pay her a visit. Think I'll go to Spain for a bit, maybe Thailand, yummy, yummy.

arqam786 (2012-04-28)

guys dont worry about her age just watch and enjoy.

Auscultation (2012-07-20)

Haven't seen it, but I can tell you that I dated a 26 yo who could easily pass for 15/16 & that's up close & personal. Again, haven't seen this...Just putting it out there.

Auscultation (2012-07-20)

At the very Least 18, prob 19-21. Cute, Amateur, low quality, shaky, fine.

chaoszer0 (2012-08-04)

Legal age of consent is one thing, its 16 for the whole country. Consent and pornographic videos of minors are under different laws, mate. The law, in the entire country, is that porn with under 18 people is illegal.

franglais (2012-08-26)

OMG people, you're freaking out about nothing! She's well over 18, maybe even early 20s. No way is she younger 17, my bet is 19-20.
Her small titties and fresh face make her look younger, but there's something in her face that looks older.

thakurz (2012-09-05)

o crap guys....what the hell you need to know how old she is....she if in fuck and only for that our dick is hard....don't waste time to discuss the law.....all wants chicks like this

 SplashPt (2012-09-18)

Hmmm, good!

susobhit (2012-09-20)

well well well !!!
you all are porn lover or porn lawyer???
good porn movie or not just say in comment...
and about age, torrent tittle shows that
very young and ....
thats enough...

arshadmahmood (2012-10-08)


MindFragg (2012-10-13)


KKKDownlow (2013-01-25)

Hedonist0069 is probably dead right now after getting a bullet in the back of the head while screwing the wrong 12 year old LMFAO

XkristynX (2013-04-14)

Ya, who cares. she is so my type!

_manuva_ (2013-04-26)

the amount of brainwashed and scared shitless americans is fuckin hilarious.
keep it coming guys, you're at least giving us a good laugh!

spopo (2013-07-29)

starpix is down, any screens?

gautam_garp (2013-08-17)

Screen not working Uploader Pls upload new active screen

wittydick (2013-10-22)

You idiots, she's a well known retired porn star in Eastern Europe now. Her age at the time of this shooting would have been 22.
Stop being such sissies and maybe try to learn sometime and you'd not freak out over your own stupidity so much.

veggie_burger (2013-11-11)

I like young looking girls, if you dont like it. dont watch it. just delete and move on.

 FluxXxu (2014-01-09)

New file whit Screens here: