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Rome Total War (including Barbarian Invasion & Alexander)
Games PC
Rome Total War (including Barbarian Invasion & Alexander)
2008-05-04 (by fireblade80)
This package includes the game Rome Total War, as well as the add-ons Barbarian Invasion and Alexander. Detailed installation instructions are provided below. Happy gaming!
These are the instructions for successfully installing Rome: Total War and its' add-ons Barbarian Invasion and Alexander. Please read them carefully!
Step 0: Burn the ISO images to CD's, using a CD writing program such as Nero or CDBurnerXP (supplied here as "Apps\cdbxp_setup_4.0.024.439.exe"), burning them as images, NOT as files added to a compilation - requires 5 CD's
Mount the images one at a time, as requested by the installation program, using an ISO mounting application, such as DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.3 (which is provided here as "Apps\daemon412-lite.exe")
Step 1: Install Rome: Total War (folder \RTW\Rome Total War) - 3 ISO images / CD's
Step 2: Install Barbarian Invasion Add-on (folder \RTW\Barbarian Invasion) - 1 ISO image / CD
Step 3: Install the Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion 1.6 Patch (supplied as "Patch\rome_total_war_patch_1-6.exe")
Step 4: Install Alexander Add-on (folder \RTW\Alexander) - 1 ISO image / CD
Step 5: Copy the files "RomeTW.exe", "RomeTW-BI.exe" and "RomeTW-ALX.exe", located in the "\Crack" directory, into your Rome Total War installation folder (by default "C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War"), overwriting the files there having these names
Step 6: Play the game!
Thank you for paying attention reading these hints!
Yours sincerely,
Files count:
2685.41 Mb
Jitch1590 (2008-05-05)
Seed pleaseSh3rvin (2008-05-11)
there is something wrong with Rome: Total war not the expansions they work fine. You can't play Rome: Total war. Eiven if you mount the cd it still dosen't work. The game tells you that there is no cd. I mount with daemon tools and the right cd.fireblade80 (2008-05-12)
Don't forget to install everything in the RIGHT order, DON'T miss intermediate steps, and, very importantly, copy ALL of the cracked executables to the game folder.Everything works perfectly!
GawdamSumbitch (2008-05-19)
everything works wonderfully (just follow the very easy-to-understand directions). thank you.PirateBay1337 (2008-05-29)
Whenever I try to open the game, it claims that it cannot find DirectX 9.0. I have reinstalled DirectX via a Google link, Microsoft's website, and the game's DirectX link under Extras. How can I fix this problem?PirateBay1337 (2008-05-29)
Also, when I try to open Barbarian Invasion, it says that an instance of Rome: Total War is already running and does not work.arkantigers (2008-05-31)
download worked perfectly for me, thanks. piratebay1337: try completely uninstalling the program and install again following each step as laid out. hopefully that will rectify the problem.rumpypumpy1 (2008-06-02)
All working beautifully. easy to follow instructions.Absolutely top marks fireblade80 - great torrent.
testeo (2008-06-11)
@ Albkan13You Video card is too old for playing todays games. Try update to latest drivers and Direct X and start the game at minimun details.
Ascarona (2008-06-13)
Great torrent, works like a jewel, you hardly see any of these top class torrents and I meen it, great job on this one!Asakura2k (2008-06-15)
Great work Blade! Nice torrent! Keep it that way!thompson606 (2008-06-16)
installation fine,pretty much everything works great.only problem is when i go to battlefield mode it loads up,then goes to the desktop with a black box in the top left.
i know my pc can run it as the demo worked perfect,any ideas?
diablo32 (2008-06-24)
presiso of more speed to draw this gameDreadJesus (2008-06-25)
Hii have installed it in the right order. i got problems when i installed rtw (3 cds), the installations couldent find some files, so i ignored the warnings, and now when i try too start the game it says i dont have
somone know what too do?! I_Did_It_For_Allah (2008-06-26)
please seedstrawberryhelmet (2008-07-01)
Thanks a lot.. You´ve done a VERY nice job with this one.. :-) PeaceMattyz (2008-07-04)
Very nice torrent, but I have a question. When I'm done, where is the place I should copy the cracks to? I just copied all three and open the start meny->programs->Rome Total War and then painted them in. Is this wrong? Cause when I try to play any of the games, a pop-up says that I need to insert the right CD, and I have the Deamon Tool on My Documents->Azurus Downloads->Rome Total War->RTW->Rome Total War->Rome Total War CD1. Or is it this that is wrong? Please help me! :DJosey_Whales (2008-07-04)
Same here as Dreadjesus,Install complains about .Cas files ,and when ignored ,it shows the error at game start:
Any idea what's wrong?
I also installed using deamon tools ,maybe the cabinet file wasn't unpacked right?
Thanks for this upload ,too bad i'm still not able to play till now......
Any solutions would be welcome..... :)
Josey_Whales (2008-07-04)
Okay ,problem solved.......I mounted all three cd's at once ,and this was the cause of the problem.
If you only mount the first cd ,and when asked for cd2 , just push windows button .
Unmount cd1 and mount cd2 and press continue...etc.
If you do it like this everything works fine.....:)
Again tx for the Up .....
Krixeyman (2008-07-05)
Ty dude! every things wrorks fine!2ch3l1s (2008-07-07)
damn ur RTW iso's is with erors especialy RTW2ch3l1s (2008-07-07)
everythink works fine thx for torrentArandie (2008-07-09)
Seed please!Arandie (2008-07-10)
70% done, please seed!Arandie (2008-07-11)
90%!Arandie (2008-07-11)
96%, please seed if you have the whole file!evilFox (2008-07-25)
hey all plz seed my up for this torrent is 1gb and dn is 400mb plz seed dont be a leecherlareth2209 (2008-07-27)
I bought this fucker as the gold edition, for some reason no mods work on it, fuckin piece of shit *spit*. Thanks for the upload, very much apprechiated.titsorgtfo (2008-08-01)
when I try to launch the game it just pops up a black screen and when I press any key it disappears and closes the game, wtf is this? I have Vista ultimate and I followed all the steps, this torrent worked fine for me on XPcooper19921 (2008-08-02)
well i dl and installed to the exact direction then i go to run the game and it works fine.i choose imperial campaign and pick my family.then i get the movie and then a loading screen.then once it loads it goes to my desktop and RTW pls?Ascarona (2008-08-11)
The first torrent that is complete, you rarely find such torrents like these, you thought of everything man, even putting in deamon tools. This torrent is a Diamond, thx so much :DShowgun_torrent_expert (2008-08-17)
This torrent works just fine in my opinion. Just try messing around with the files a bit. I have over 40 downloaded games with alot of experience in this field...Killare2 (2008-08-19)
seed please!!on_screen (2008-08-19)
Thanks for upload!Killare2 (2008-08-19)
Please seed, only 5% left !!!I will seed after
jon41 (2008-08-20)
thx for a great game manKillare2 (2008-08-24)
thanks alot;) is this game patched to 1.5?fireblade80 (2008-08-24)
To Killare2:Yes, the core game is patched to version 1.5 through the 1.6 patch for the add-on Barbarian Invasion, that also patches the core game.
To tobbassen:
If you are sure to have followed the instructions to the letter, than the problem might be something regarding the mounting of the images. Try to click Retry when asked for a CD a few times. That should hopefully get things started!
NoobAtDownloading (2008-08-26)
Does this work on Vista?RandomHell (2008-08-29)
Excuse the noobness of this as I don't torrent much however I have on idea on what do to. Can't find any iso, have .rar files. Extract them and still can't. And I'm sure I've done few of these before successfully. Am so confused, might just go buy it anyway.zagrodzkyz (2008-09-06)
I mounted the ISO images with PowerISO and when I ran the install, the first disk is a corrupt file. Thanks for the upload fireblade80TheDevilsCry (2008-09-18)
Longest Installation Ever??looks just like if it has stopped...
TheDevilsCry (2008-09-18)
sry but have tried twice but...everytime i try inastalling i keep
geting missing/corrupt files
they're all from cd 2
TheDevilsCry (2008-09-18)
so please help me . . . .fireblade80 (2008-09-18)
TheDevilsCry, it seems you must redownload CD2, since you got it corrupted! Do a hash check at the end of downloading the torrent!Memphis13 (2008-09-22)
Thank you so mucheasy to DL and set up
only took a couple hours to set up
my favorite RTS of all time by far
Fireblade you fucking rock
tjuren72 (2008-10-05)
thx for the game.dennoo (2008-10-05)
where do i find rometw-bi.exe file when i want to patch the games i cant find the filerafter_man (2008-10-06)
hey fireblade just wanted to say that you are a professional at creating torrents - this one right here is one of the best torrents i have ever seen.NoobAtDownloading (2008-10-06)
I have the same problem as dennoo.I try to install the Barbarian Invasion patch, but then it says it can't find RomeTW-BI (barbarian invasion). What to do? Please help.
NoobAtDownloading (2008-10-06)
And I can't run Rome Total War, only Barbarian Invasion.Please help :)
Killare2 (2008-10-11)
Hi, I have a question:Can you play this online? and if, how?:)
seedplease1994 (2008-10-12)
cant you just please seed :(baneTB (2008-10-18)
This torrent constantly restarts my computer, so I can't finish download. I don't have such problems with other torrents, so could someone help me with this. Is this a bad torrent or not?cordeirop22 (2008-10-24)
Hi i finished dwnlodin and installing it like explained but when installing RTW1 there were files missing...almost 100, mostly animations...i ignore it but when i try any of the 3 game versions, it says:error:filename doesn't exist
help please im so lookin forward to playing this game
BladSk8Bass (2008-11-05)
hey thanks for the download speed :)but i wanna ask something...
what's wrong with the downloading when the blue square turns red?you know the one with the arrow inside...
BladSk8Bass (2008-11-05)
i've lost 1,66mb :S what should i do?BladSk8Bass (2008-11-06)
3.87mb lost!what's is going on?:Sgerrard9123 (2008-11-06)
sEED PLS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BladSk8Bass (2008-11-07)
i cant install says that there are some files missing when im installing it!BladSk8Bass (2008-11-07)
so i installed Rome:total war(without the expansions)and cracked it...and when i try to play the game open and shows me the first screen.then a message comes out and the game closes...the message says something about missing files :Sscopie (2008-11-09)
+1Torrent4You (2008-11-22)
Thank you very much 100% working for me all of the games :)gianluca123 (2008-11-30)
hey ty for the torrent but when i install the normal rome total war it doesnt work when i mount cd 1 with deamon tools it starts and i can click install rtw and then after a while it says insert cd 2 but when it is installing cd 2 i get these messages saying stuff like: couldnt find file make sure it exist or get acces to it, or something like that i just ignored those but than when i start the game ( i cracked it) there comes the normal loading screen but than i hear a sound and than i get this weird message saying: error filename doesnt exist: and than like 30 ##@$@##%%^^ of those things. I have windows vista could you help me out?gianluca123 (2008-11-30)
ow and you can contact me on [email protected] or here offcourse:Pthanks again!
Hyper_der_Snyper (2008-12-02)
Rocks! Thanks a lot GG (Great Game) :)Giau (2008-12-09)
when i start a rome total war alexander so it come a website to buy this game...what should i do...i need license key to the game!!please give me license pleaseMjhaugsdal (2008-12-10)
ABOUT THE PROBLEM WITH MISSING FILESWhen the installer asks for cd2, unmount cd1. Same with cd2 and cd3. Something gets messed up
Killare2 (2008-12-14)
This game works 100%But can you play it online??
RoboKimahri (2008-12-22)
Ahhh...Nice Download. Works.Thanks fireblade80 :)
NTARelix (2008-12-24)
I get an error when I open it. Something about missing mss32.dllI have 64 bit OS so I'm guessing that's the problem...
Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x64
Any solutions to this problem?
MijdrechtNL (2008-12-26)
NTARelix, dude sp1 suck! xD (service pack 1 )MijdrechtNL (2008-12-26)
i got some problems with installing, it sais the i have verify a file... yes i bought the game by myself a long time ago, i uninstalled it, lies the problem there or not?DanP4581 (2008-12-30)
I need some major help here... I've burnt the 5 CDs and followed all of the instructions. I copy the cracks and replace the old files, and click on them to play the game. An intro screen comes up, then nothing. If I press any button, the game crashes. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a number of times, and I keep on running into problems.DanP4581 (2008-12-31)
Nevermind.... some files had been placed in another folder by accident. All fixed. Great torrent!ed_win2 (2009-01-01)
hello,can somebody help me?
i download the game but wanne to mount it and it don't run automaticly so i extract it.. than i did lauch but then i get a error something about 3301 what did i do rong?
cones2005 (2009-01-04)
done all as asked and up 2 installing alexander now, realy hopes this works on ma new comp, i loved this game, will wb to say if its workingcones2005 (2009-01-04)
works perfect thanks a load :DDuKe14 (2009-01-09)
nice,all works,great job fireblade keep it up and earn your skull;DDD,LOLnoobkiller (2009-01-10)
@DanP4581Which files did u move
noobkiller (2009-01-10)
Could sumbody help I have the same prob as DanP4581. Whenever i start up rtw not expansions it comes up with the first load screen and crashes.Fireblade80 thx there are no better rtw torrents than this
Merdam (2009-01-17)
SEED please!chazzyboi09 (2009-01-19)
hi, erm i'm having the same problem as noobkiller, it freezes wen it goes to the loading screen and mentions a missing file, any1 know how to change this and fix it like DanP4581 :) plz help as this is one of my favourite games.slimshady222 (2009-01-22)
You go to bi, data i think then take the, ms32.dll file to were u paste the crack, ive done that but then it says Failed to initialise 3D audio! heeeelp plz:P?peaty90britt (2009-01-24)
downloading at 900kb/s :DDark-Apprentice (2009-01-25)
Hey guys, I haven't downloaded this version of Rome. I bought it and now I'm trying to download Alexander. I have installed it all but it says i need to insert the right Cd. I have it mounted on daemon. any help is appreciated :)spookz-KO (2009-01-26)
cant seam to get it to set up when i try all i get is a windows message telling me *DemoShield Player has stopped working* dont know wut im doing wrongspookz-KO (2009-01-27)
nvm fixed the problem myself :00-LSD-0 (2009-01-29)
Hi, can i just ask can i use the 2 expansions with my own, previously cracked version of the game? I have unticked the Rome Total War parts that come with this torrent, and am hoping to be able to just use the 2 expansions.And a note to the seeders:
Thanks, i'm getting a fantastic speed of 200kb/s right now. Glad to see there are some seeders out there. New internet connection means i can seed at around 500kb/s. Not amazing, but should do fine.
0-LSD-0 (2009-01-29)
LOL i just accidentally downloaded 1GB instead of the 54mb worth of expansions i needed. Sorry about the wasted bandwidth guys, i should be more creful :SAmstel121 (2009-02-07)
I downloaded the game and followed all the instructions to install it. When I click to play the game an intro screen comes, but then nothing. If I push a button the game crashes. Can anyone help me please??Dark-Apprentice (2009-02-08)
I did everything in manual and it says to enter the cd when i play alexander help!Dark-Apprentice (2009-02-08)
i have the same problem as amstel on regular romeDark-Apprentice (2009-02-08)
when I play regular there is an error saying unable to read dictionary file :data//chat_filter.sanburp154 (2009-02-15)
I get error 139error from reading E:\set up\data\data\editorbrush_1.tga
Verify the file it exists and you can access it
I think something is wrong for the 2nd iso
MisterHammer (2009-02-18)
I get error 139error from reading E:\set up\data\data\editorbrush_1.tga
Verify the file it exists and you can access it
I think something is wrong for the 2nd iso
...I get this as well, this d/l is corrupt. Period.
Drago1359 (2009-03-17)
Can It still work even if I don't download Rome Total War and Barbarian invasion? I only need Alexander.fireblade80 (2009-03-17)
Drago1359, you need at least Rome Total War installed to be able to install Alexander. But, since you also need to download and run the RTW 1.3 and 1.5 patches prior to installing the Alexander add-on, you will be better served by downloading the full torrent and following the steps, in order to avoid unnecessary complications.Drago1359 (2009-03-18)
I already have Rome Total War and Barbarian Invasion. I have v1.5 for RTW and v1.6 for BI.forenengy (2009-03-19)
Uh mate, i followed all the steps. When i go click on the RTW icon, the window pops up sayingPlay RTW
Read me
so i click play and it a window pops up saying please inser CD-ROM to continue. i followed ALL the steps but if u can help me plz do.
forenengy (2009-03-19)
Sorry here is what it said "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restatrt application."T-Nasty6 (2009-03-26)
I need some help please. I opened Daemon, then mounted RTW 1. After that I opened setup.exe after double clicking rtw cd 1. During installation, I get an error saying the source file is not found, and I need to make sure i can access it. What do I do? Please Help. Thanks!jordan123 (2009-03-28)
easy to install, if you get stuck at the bush stage, unmount the first disk iso, and then mound the other one. brillian upload, and if u cant get it to work, then ur an idiot lolT-Nasty6 (2009-03-28)
Well I'm not an idiot, mounting the second iso doesn't work. It says: Error 1311.Source file not found.T-Nasty6 (2009-03-28)
Rar$EX00.343\ Verify file exists and that you can access it. I don't see a anywhere!!!the.collector (2009-03-29)
THANK YOU!This is great! All in one pack! Nice....
zarix (2009-04-04)
seed pleasedinsuga (2009-04-08)
i download it i install it i crack it and it saying the some file was missingswe_mike4 (2009-04-12)
Seeed PlzGreenMachine420 (2009-04-15)
Okay, this is the second time I've downloaded RTW and when I attempt to start up the game I get an error message saying that a certain file cannot be found. I downloaded the game perfectly in line with the instructions yet whenever I get to the Product Screen I get that error message which totally throws off the 10+ hours I've put into downloading this thing. I would really love to play the game, but as long as this error message continues RTW is just taking up space.kiko_mkd (2009-06-01)
I can`t even open it i am trying with daemon and alcohol but when i mount it nothing hepend help please!:s:s:snilznl (2009-06-09)
You get the file missing error when you mount all the images at once. The installer program just does not see the "disks" in the other "drives".It works fine if you mount one, then unmount it and mount the next in the same virtual drive when the installer asks for it.
soona86 (2009-06-12)
Guys everything works perfectly!thnx fireblade80! :)
i'm very happy right now..thnx a lot! :)
fred564 (2009-06-24)
thank you fireblade 80! works great, but i cant save it, when i go to, it just says ''could not create save file to disk'' any idea whats up with it? or how to fix it? i've had this problem with medieval 2 total war also, still unresolved!wafflerevolution (2009-07-01)
worked great!blytzkry (2009-07-04)
nice download speed! great!outlawguy89 (2009-07-15)
I loved this download. It gave me everything I expected and more. It's awesome how you include the tools you need for this download. Thanks.the_last_man (2009-07-17)
is multilinguage??? (italian?)Archys (2009-07-24)
I had tihis game in russian and I didnt like it so I hope this will be in Englis :PArchys (2009-07-24)
nice seeding ;)vnrvil (2009-08-02)
plz seed its write to me that there is 139 seeders but in torrent is much lesservnrvil (2009-08-02)
may the god bless that my internet downloading maxisum 110kB/s XD when im using zebra I discconect peoplevnrvil (2009-08-02)
plz seed plzvnrvil (2009-08-02)
seed that avesome fuckng game!!!!!!!!!!vnrvil (2009-08-03)
fuck you fireblade80 its not work when i instal there are errors so nobody download cause rome total war dont instal a lot of files cant installfspilot2 (2009-08-07)
Thanks dude!Everything works for me! =)
ulimateslayer (2009-08-09)
does anyone know where i can get a key for the onlinem33st4 (2009-08-13)
Seed. download speeds are sure nice, below 10kb/soperation_bambi (2009-08-19)
Great torrent, works perfectly!ubrmnsch (2009-08-21)
anyone else have issues playing game with 32 bit color? I keep getting an error that my monitor is out of range, but I see no option in the game nor preferences.txt to control the refresh rate.shaymm (2009-08-24)
Wow, I love how no one on here can type, spell or write a complete sentence.shaymm (2009-08-26)
Great torrent and download. Everything is easy to install. However, when I try and play it tells me I need to "insert the correct CD." What do I do here?xkilroyx (2009-08-29)
FOR ANY GETTING MSS32.DLL ERRORi figured out what to do
1.install everyhting like the directions say
2. mound the first rome total war cd
3. go to my computer and right click on the mounted cd and click explore
4. click on the setup folder then the data folder
5. inside the data folder is the mss32.dll file
6. drag or copy that into the rome total war folder where all your cracks are and there u goo
airsangel (2009-09-19)
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz : (((( seeeeeeeeeeeeedairsangel (2009-09-20)
help meeee plz and seeed im only 15 %rubin_ruby (2009-11-01)
i love this game, i already got rome total war but the expantion packs are even better!grawhite (2009-11-03)
Thanks, work fine. and great download speeds too 1.5mbsjunpyoko (2009-11-16)
What is the in CD KEY in RTW? BI? ALEX?junpyoko (2009-11-16)
what is the CD KEY in RTW?junpyoko (2009-11-16)
what is the CD Key in RTW? i try to play online but i don't know the CD KEY. please tellfireblade80 (2009-11-17)
junpyoko, to play online you must own a registered copy of the game.junpyoko (2009-11-18)
i can't do that because i live in asiajunpyoko (2009-11-18)
perhaps the cd key of the game is in your box where you bought RTW. im talking of the containerineedhelp123 (2009-11-27)
hey the torrent dl works fine and installed fine but when i try to play it says Failed to intialise 3D audio...what the fuck does that mean?? help@!!!hotspur0 (2009-12-21)
thanks for the up! works great easy installKippenson (2009-12-25)
seeeeeeeeeeeeeedwookieslut (2009-12-25)
Amazing! A strategy game that actually lets you strategize. Great game and great rip. Thanks!jameso9 (2009-12-30)
The provided daemon tools is incompatible with windows 7, get the latest version and it's all good.xlApollolx (2010-01-08)
Hey, I did everything appropriately but when the game is installing it is saying a certain file is missing, can someone please help me? the file is ""williameboley (2010-01-18)
I have Win7. I needed to get DTLite4355-0068.Besides that everything else went flawlessly.
Thanks for the upload. I will continue to seed.
VIP_ISO (2010-01-29)
Best one I have seen yet, all in ready to go ISO format and easy to play and install WITH INSTRUCTIONS! Nice work. And Seeders and WTF.Llurdaen (2010-02-02)
Well when I try to install the game, it says 1607: Unable to install Installshield something or other and closes. This has been the case every time I try to install this game, but I still don't understand what's happening! HELP PLEASE!jboy104 (2010-02-03)
every time i press play game it goes on for about a second then a message pops up saying cannot locate disk and when i try to play it from the rometw.exe file to go straight to the game it says failed to initialise 3d audio can you please helpEmo-Otaku-Nerd (2010-02-09)
.... some shit about mss32.dll not to be foundIts fucking anoying!!!! i cant install it
HeyImJonn (2010-02-12)
1 hashfail? what does this mean? D:mahmoudsaa (2010-02-14)
Rome Total War Alexanderdragon1317 (2010-02-22)
Thanks bud! hey any new way to play multiplayer?Gordth (2010-02-24)
Seed some more.Warono (2010-02-26)
I got the same error as ineedhelp123, it sais: "Failed to initialise 3D audio!".Can anyone please help?
Btw: very fast download, over 1MB/s!
razzer195 (2010-03-01)
please will someone help me as im not very good with all this, iv installed all the disks and the patch , i just dont understand the part wher iv got to overwrite something with the cracks ,im guessing its realy simple , pleae can someone help . thankyou :)frnnkpb (2010-03-07)
hey guys! torrent works perfectly well. just follow instructions. my problem is, because of a virus, i had my computer overhauled and all of a sudden, all my programs are slow as hell. so i tried deleting barbarian and alexander, and it deleted all my cracks. i've found rtw and bi crackis, but no alex, and plus, i don't know if it'll work with only rtw as the only working dl. so if you can, help me out. [email protected], thxalopezz16 (2010-03-17)
Salve Amatar,Graci,
- Abel III
Alexei10 (2010-03-18)
Stupid Torrent, when i install i get an broken file errorLokiloki1995 (2010-03-20)
Umm i have another question, When i go to copy cracks in the File, it says that more room must be created in order to put this file"where ever im putting it", i dont understand this considering i know im putting it or atleast tryin to put it inthe right spotiordanhsp (2010-03-21)
tyLokiloki1995 (2010-03-21)
Doesnt work with Vista as far as i'm concerned, And if you have vista and it works for you please let me knowWiyam (2010-03-22)
hi 1st of all thnx 4 this upload...question, if i already have Rome total war file...can i skip this RTW file and just install alexander and barbarian invasion? if so how can i install the two?
Twelle (2010-03-23)
Hello, very fast DL and everything went perfect except for installing BI. It says it can't locate MSS32.DLL. I tried DLing it again but to no avail. I really want to play Alexander!romanmoga1992 (2010-03-27)
@ TwelleThat's a common problem but has an easy solution.
First. Type the full name of the missing file into google and download it from "".
Second. move the *.dll file to your "Windows folder and try to start the game good luck.
BTW here's your files
SonOFBaldr (2010-05-03)
That advice you gave is appreciated by those of us who are receiving the .dll error message;But your advice requires the spending of $34 to fix this problem by using that software. I/we need a FREE fix...or at least a much cheaper one... Please?
Thank you for your time to help me/us get rid of the error;
"This application has failed to start because mss32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Re-installing does not help btw. Also, I can see the .dll file right there under the .exe file in the same folder!
parrishga (2010-05-08)
im getting an error 1309 H:\Setup\Data\Data\editor\brush_01.tga. can someone help me out plz?parrishga (2010-05-08)
i'm getting an error 1309 H:\Setup\Data\Data\brushing_01.tga. can someone help me plz?caldplay22 (2010-05-11)
when i install the exspansion Barbarian Invasion i get the messege : component transfer errorError : catastrophic failure'
any1 how can help me? im using windows 7
ziepje (2010-05-14)
THX fireblade80 it works great! and goodhints too.. just one question.. can i throw away all the cd-iso files after I did every step? cuz its taking a lot of space..Beaverness (2010-05-26)
hey i keep on having this problem. After i finish downloading the game, i click on it and it shows like the copyright and the other stuff and it stays stuck their after awhile a window pops out saying "cannot locate filedata/animations/engine/ballista/ballista_ide.CAS.
I have already tried redownloading it and it still doesn't work. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME!!! thanksS7URL (2010-05-28)
Why wont the RAR Extract, keeps telling me its not a valid RAR file! PLEASE HELP DYING TO PLAY!!!!S7URL (2010-05-28)
Sorry wrong person! my bad!pdmayt1 (2010-05-31)
i have succesfully installed RTW and both for step 5....I cant even find the "Crack" folder, could someone give the default location for this or something? I couldn't find the patch either I just downloaded it elsewhere and installed it. Cheers!DrifterBR (2010-06-17)
ok, so i mount the image but the launcher doesnt opensi enter the ISO and try running the setup, it loads but then i get the error:
1628:Failed to comple the installation.
wtf is that?
only first ISO mounted
windows xp
its fully downloaded, 2.62
DrifterBR (2010-06-17)
2.26 GB* sorryDrifterBR (2010-06-17)
fail again2.62 GB* dammit, sorry
Fabbie (2010-06-24)
Everything works great, thanks man!47adok (2010-06-28)
works for mepsyfer34 (2010-07-24)
titsorgtfo at 2008-08-01 12:11 CET:when I try to launch the game it just pops up a black screen and when I press any key it disappears and closes the game, wtf is this? I have Vista ultimate and I followed all the steps
I am having this same problem. It comes up with an error saying I am missing a file but the file has a bunch of random letters, symbols, and characters and no real file format that I know of.
Seal13 (2010-08-01)
Seed Pleasemarkcass1976 (2010-08-08)
wank torrent! wasted 3 discs and an a couple of hours of my life with this shit. loads of missing files when burning the iso's!! dont bother people. hes a prickmarkcass1976 (2010-08-08)
wank torrent! wasted 3 discs and an a couple of hours of my life with this shit. loads of missing files when installing the iso's!! dont bother people. hes a prickinoksvere (2010-08-09)
I was wondering, after installing the RTW-BI expansion and then installing the 1.6patch, does that automatically patch the original version of the game with 1.2-1.5 as well? Or would I have to install the 1.2-1.5 patches seperately?AciXX (2010-08-27)
Works! Thanx Man ..... when you got problems with error 1309... you have to mount only 1 disc at time ( it means when it ask you for another disc then dismount rtw-iso1 , and mount rtw-iso 2 ... sorry for my bad english ... hope i help youdkjm74 (2010-09-04)
@ TwelleI had the same problem, but I just looked at the files inside the BI .iso and clicked on launch.exe file directly and it installed fine then.
I had to do the same on the Alexander disc too.
This was no fault of the torrent either - every system is a bit different that's all. The torrent works fine (all three parts now installed). People saying it's 'wank' and so on just can't install on their system for some reason or other (administrative rights maybe) - but the torrent does work!
Ag3nt_Magnum (2010-09-04)
hey. i have a big problem here. installed the game, following the instructions to the letter, and then it says it can't locate the directx, wich I installed (latest version) and double checked, and it's there. game still doesn't workLFXTrader (2010-09-06)
Once you fix the missing mss32.dll file there is failed to inisialise 3D audio error.Conclusion:
This is FAILWARE. Nice try, but better luck next time. n00b.
LFXTrader (2010-09-06)
And NO, all are failware, not just the addons/expansions. Total FAIL! Not toal war.Tomsta123 (2010-09-16)
Works perfectly fine, great torrent, great dl, hellz yeah!Tomek84a (2010-09-26)
Why is this torrent 2,6GB and torrent "Rome Total War [PC-Ver1.5] " is 4GB? Is there any difference (in example music, video scenes)? And thanks for the torrent.chris1010 (2010-10-13)
To all incompetent morons..this works !!! the fucking notes and if you cant get it to work the problem is you or your rig..I installed this a few days ago on a brand new win7 system without any issue...Still incredible popular after all this time....
dont forget to check out the Sept 2010 released Roma Surrectum II Mod...its what Rome should have been out of the box....
47adok (2010-10-21)
barbarian invasion works but rome doesntLDream5 (2010-10-30)
To those who would like to download this, don't listen to the negative responses in the comments, it works fine. If you have trouble getting it to work, then you've done something wrong. Follow the install order. It's really very basic, if you understand me it doesn't seem different than any other torrent I've downloaded.LDream5 (2010-10-30)
@anujmsn That is because you don't have admin rights set for that directory. I recommend running the game as admin. If that doesn't work, then there are other ways to do that.Jacksonclan (2010-11-20)
After following the instructions, I had the same issue with lots of errors. For some reason it had installed on 'Program Files' and 'Program Files (86)'. I just cut the 'Rome:Total War' directory from program files to program files (86) and replaced everything it needed to. i found that one file was in one directory and not the other like the mss32.dll file.lolofdoom (2010-11-21)
Download at your own risk. It works for some people and it doesnt work for some people.bStick (2010-11-24)
Works fine on my win7.hallo1993 (2010-11-28)
where is this patch:Install the Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion 1.6 Patch (supplied as"Patch\rome_total_war_patch_1-6.exe")???
hallo1993 (2010-11-28)
can you tell me where the cracks are i cant find them in the cd'sThor1029384756 (2010-12-19)
*VIRUS VIRUS that's right there is a VIRUS in this torrent i'm glad I have a good antivirus hope the rest of you doMixaletzo (2010-12-20)
guys to play rome total war i think u should install the expansions too and move the 'alexander' crack in alexander's folder and also choose the cd1 of rome total war at deamon tool mount image etc. before doing these i had problem too!! hope it ll help u..djrivers (2010-12-22)
I have a question about the game. I have the game rome total war but I just want the expansion of alexander. to play the expansion of the lord of the rings. I can only install the expansion of Alexander and put it in the folder that I have installed Rome Total War??ismellfunny67 (2010-12-28)
Works fine. Just follow the instructions and do everything in the right order. Don't know how so many people screwed up the install, pretty simple. Thanks for the excellent upload. Also, the "virus" is a false positive.sacrott (2011-01-10)
Working perfectly! Great Torrent man!A big thanks to you from Portugal!
B3DECKER (2011-01-24)
this may sound nooby but Whenever i mount the images using Deamon Tools Lite, when it's installing the first disc it keeps saying it is missing some files, but i've found all of these files in disc 2, so i put all the files together and installed but then it asks for disc 2 and i don't know what to do, anyone help?pwnzunub (2011-02-03)
Works fine for me. Anybody who's complaining has clearly never torrented games and hasn't read the instructions...ThaBigDeal (2011-02-11)
2keith (2011-02-26)
hmm, i finished installing everything but when i click run program it ask me to insert the correct disc?jusmu (2011-03-13)
I have a problem.When I install it starts normally and then it starts complaining about that files are missing or unreadable.
Is there any solution for this?
jusmu (2011-03-13)
Problem solved. But now I have new one.When I start the game screen goes black and then it throws me to desktop.
So could anyone help?
ogodtheafter (2011-03-21)
1.6 patch wont run errrrrrrrrrrrrrogodtheafter (2011-03-21)
Install Barbarian Invasion Add-on (folder \RTW\Barbarian Invasion) what is that mean???????Y2kbs (2011-04-05)
No problems Very Nice Torrent. Thanks.spartabiv (2011-04-11)
everything works great except wheni mount alexander for some reason it says the cd cant be found, can anyone help?spartabiv (2011-04-11)
never mind this is an excellent torrent!!!!!!!!!!!orange7 (2011-04-11)
For People having Problems mounting Rome Total War try mounting the iso 1 at a time in the same cd drive and change when prompted. It worked for me!kuroFSM (2011-04-26)
Virus detected: crypt.xpack.genAsoka_Raj (2011-05-01)
Thank ye!llovedy (2011-05-07)
virus found.....but is not very effective...but games works well......Kamo707 (2011-05-10)
Work excellently! Great torrent !!Thank you fireblade80 for this, and all seeders !!!
Kamo707 (2011-05-10)
Great torrent !! works excellently !Thanks for this, fireblade80 and all seeders!
Mimsy (2011-05-23)
Great torrent, just follow the instructions providedAjid_Amoi (2011-05-23)
this torrent didn't work for me ..there were so many corrupted file ..
i had tried installing it in 3 different PC ..
but it's also the same ..
i downloaded it once again but it corrupts too ..
Bad Luck for me ..
hehe ..
lol4me (2011-06-11)
when I try 2 launc Rome - Total War, it says: "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application". what should I do? ive tried with all the different CD's...pachenko92 (2011-06-24)
this contains a virus. my antivirus program says there is adware within the file. >.baoquang (2011-06-24)
great torrent,everything works fine, thanks!13maniacs (2011-07-19)
Ok For all you people saying you have a problem, or saying this has a virus, or saying it doesn't work, follow my tutorial, if it doesn't work, your not doing it right.1. Download file
2. Mount "Rome Total War CD1", install, Mount CD2 when prompted, then CD3 when prompted.
3. Mount "Barbarian Invasion", install
4. Run "rome_total_war_patch_1-6" Located in the Rome Total War Folder that contains the ISO's Default "Rome Total War\Patch"
5. Mount "Alexander", install
6. Find the Crack Folder Default "Rome Total War\Crack" Put those three files in the Rome Total War installation Directory Default "C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War"
7. Play
13maniacs (2011-07-19)
And ignore the warning if there is a virus, Its not a virus, it's the crackkuroFSM (2011-07-23)
"file doesn't exist: [name in an unknown language, maybe chinese]":(
kuroFSM (2011-07-23)
Sorry, actually the patch makes it work. Thanks!!dandelionjoker (2011-07-26)
hi i need help it does not work for me can you plz put this as a rip for me to make it easy as i am new to this.soul_911 (2011-08-31)
thanx fireblade80....gr8 well...installed easily by following the instructions...
showed errors when i tried to install iso files using winrar..but mounting by daemon made it easier to install without any problem..
22kkk333 (2011-09-02)
Hej there,got a problem, downloaded, unzipped the *rar* data, lookin for thr *iso* images now...cant find any *iso* in RTW CD1 CD2 CD3 and so on.
And just startin the setup in RTW CD1 doesnt where can I find any *iso* data to mount with DAEMON?
Thx for answerin asap...cant wait to start the game!
GH05Tz (2011-09-08)
THANKS!acidraiyn (2011-09-09)
when i install the setup file in cd1, they told me that the folder "" cannot be found. help.pimp-dan (2011-09-15)
Can't solve the 3D sound issue, am going to try another torrentSNiPeR-Boiii (2011-09-15)
loads ov drama wiv this torrent, hav wasted mstv my day and nw im pregnantsjig4 (2011-09-19)
Great Upload, worked well for a few days,Now when i start the game, after skipping the intro movies, the loading bar gets full, and then he dont continue to the menu, its just stuck..
Can somebody help? :)
Cavite.s_Pride (2011-09-28)
for the ones who have problems with this torrent, just re-download it. [:that's the lesson for being a leecher.
azibet (2011-10-23)
f#ck sake, everytime I try installing, something is missing, SORT THE TORRENT OUT.wepopew (2011-10-28)
for me it didn't work the first few times I installed, after installing and re-installing several times, it workedcaesar342 (2011-12-07)
What's going on I downloaded and installed it perfectly and played a long time but when I try to go to Asia it crashes and says it stopped wtf is going onImGreekWowWow (2011-12-11)
I have Windows 7 Home Premium and it doesn't work...caesar342 (2011-12-18)
is there a patch so i can cheat on this game because it wont let meWhaliee (2012-02-07)
Thank you very much! Great guide and everything works perfect!Meathead1812 (2012-02-08)
any ideas how i can get this to work on windows 7?? thanks for the upload btw :-)mankhan31 (2012-02-19)
i have started download lets see what happensarchy01 (2012-03-04)
ImGreekWowWow!I have a WINDOWS 7. Just press right click of mouse on icones -> properties -> compatibility -> set "run windows on ...." windows 7 , set "run this program as administrator" -> apply
... and maybe it will work. Remember! :) This works on another games too!!
archy01 (2012-03-04)
I have a windows 7. Installed i think correctly. But have a problem like others here. When I press on icone - "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application". (???)archy01 (2012-03-04)
For thouse who has "Please insert the correct CD-ROM" or similar!!!Please repeat this step again as last - Copy the files "RomeTW.exe", "RomeTW-BI.exe" and "RomeTW-ALX.exe", located in the "Crack" directory, into your Rome Total War installation folder (by default "C:Program FilesActivisionRome - Total War"), overwriting the files there having these names.
And game will go (maybe). :)
kalamari13 (2012-03-07)
I'm getting a "ROME TOTAL WAR GOLD IS ALREADY INSTALLED ON THIS MACHINE, THIS PATCH IS NOT COMPATIBLE!" error when I try to install the patch.Pablov33 (2012-03-29)
thank you!!raivo9n (2012-04-11)
can i instal only one of them i alredy have rome and barbarianUbinTimor (2012-04-23)
the game works perfectly playing it from the "Rome Total war" file the only problem is I can't install it I have a key code for multiplayer but this is v 1.3 and when I try to upgrade it, it says that it can't find the program too bad I was really hoping to try multiplayer out before I buy the game later on.Georgoss (2012-04-30)
Great torrent,super download.Tnky FireBlade.Sergiul (2012-05-12)
Virusbuddy2k6 (2012-06-01)
i am unsure, i followed the instructions but when i run alexander, barbarian and the RTW it just stays on the loading screen then jumps back to desktop :/sadowe (2012-07-03)
How many virtual drives do you need, I only have one left for daemon tools liteGeneralBohr (2012-07-14)
As another user said it is VERY important to unmount first. Solved my issues. Tried to install it 3 times worked when i unmounted after each install.manos_gre (2012-07-15)
plzz seed!Captin_Gray (2012-07-19)
why must we burn to a cd first?Captin_Gray (2012-07-19)
oops didn't see the "OR"machv5 (2012-07-26)
Do the expansions (alexander & barbarian) work with other releases? And is the RTW in the dir path shortened from the actual default path? I am assuming it is and that these are retail copies. Some releases like the ones from KAOS do all the patching for you these days. Thanks. If I answer the questions on my own via research I will update this commentmachv5 (2012-07-26)
re: my 1st comment. I understand the RTW now it's the path to the iso file. I is dumb, duh. Sorry for being a tard and not reading things properlyshadowmadaxo (2012-08-02)
Use tunngle if u want to play this onlineLax919 (2012-08-13)
Installed and plays just fine for me :) Thanks.KarpoofdaJulii (2012-08-27)
This is the FIRST game I've ever installed on my PC and it works great! Thank you uploader.PARAN0IDxGERBIL (2012-10-21)
Protip: If there's like 3 comments saying a torrent contains a virus, and 100 saying "NO IT DOESNT YOU FUCKING RETARD YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO TORRENTS YOU DIDNT FOLLOW THE INTSRTUCTIONS" then it's probably a virus...dansga (2012-10-31)
Guys, someone who's seeding has a broken file on the 3rd CD. I was getting the same error as other users here with a file being corrupt. After trying with different mounting programs, I've downloaded CD 3 from another source where the guys were aware of this and it worked right away. So the only explanation could be that some people download the 3rd CD from the ones that got the corrupted files. I know it sounds insane but i find no other explanation. Good luck.CodyRAW (2012-11-03)
does this work on windows 7 ultimate? please reply!boazcstrike (2012-11-03)
Great game! working great! thanks fireblade80!Tefterer (2012-12-17)
While I'm installing Disk 2, it has an error reading certain 'brush_1' etc. files, and asks me to verify yadda yadda. Help?macdizzle (2012-12-29)
after complete install i have made sure to unmount all files and to re mount the correct file... when i try to start it, it still says that i need to insert the correct disc... i have tryed all the files seperatly and it says the same thing... whats the problem?ultras1814 (2013-03-29)
I have win 7 and it does work. Still a lot of bugs in this game i think, need the patches.ultras1814 (2013-03-29)
People complain at the gameplay in Empire total war, but Rome total war is far worse. Lol.YoungStunna (2013-04-10)
PLEASE crack RunRev - Livecode for Android and ios for windows. I BEG YOU!!!!!HydroKronic420 (2013-05-05)
it keeps telling me that it cannot locate "Brush_1" and lots of other files.Then when i try to play and it tells me "Error: File name does not exist:etc." Im well familiar with cracking games and playing them i just cant seem to play this one though.HydroKronic420 (2013-05-05)
i know solution:(1.)just install every disk separately of rome total war.(2.)install barbarian invasion (3.)install Alexander (4.)once all installed copy and paste cracks. the only pronlem now is the patch its not workingatoue (2013-06-10)
WORKED!!! Thanks Very Much :)RAMEN00DLE5 (2013-07-17)
This right here could be the best combo of a fast DL, small file, and an incredible game with lots of incredible mods on the entire bay.RAMEN00DLE5 (2013-07-17)
HydroKronic420, follow the goddamn instructions in the readme file and you cannot fuck this up. This is so easy to install regardless it amazes me how you are having such problems. What do you mean the patch does not work?RAMEN00DLE5 (2013-07-17)
the patches and cracks for all three games are in the fucking ISO. This should be obvious but....Fuzzy92 (2013-08-03)
anyone else had 1607 error "unable to install installshield scripting runtime" everyone says it great torrent but i can't even get install started maybe somethings wrong with my computerRAMEN00DLE5 (2013-08-03)
Fuzzy, I just did a google search of your error text (unable to install installshield scripting runtime) and it took me right to the windows help desk where a lot of the information seemed to be applicable to those using virtual drives while using XP which I bet your using. DO that yourself and you will see.xTheRedx (2013-08-04)
Hi! I got everything installed and even was able to play up until Barbarian Invasion. Unfortunately when I tried to run the 1.6 patch it says something about this patch will only upgrade from 1.3 to 1.5. Go to to download the 1.3 file. I cannot install Alexander without it. What have I done wrong?Wolf_lone (2013-08-16)
Incredible combo, incredible game, thanks!!jdmunbar (2013-09-12)
rome total war BI isnt workin :(RAMEN00DLE5 (2013-11-24)
Yes, BI IS working. If you have half a fucking brain, you will quickly find this upload is well worth the DL.I come back to this upload every time when I need to access the vanilla files. PERFECT upload and PERFECT game. The guy above this post is clueless the poor sap.
DAsGen (2014-03-01)
so i followed all inst steps by steps, i get many msgs during installation to either, abort, retry or ignore. after hitting ignore seems one of those files is preventing from installing correct, any idea?DAsGen (2014-03-03)
i have followed all instructions by steps, during the install of cd3 of rtw i have to ignore some files not found, which then when i try to play i get this on either version. "cannot locate filedata/animations/engine/ballista/ballista_ide.CAS.
and just wont go beyond that, any suggestions?kourkoutis (2014-05-27)
If you follow instructions step by step and do EXACTLY what it says,it will work 1000%. thanks for the upload and the instructions are very clear.daldo1 (2014-06-23)
Some notes that I haven't seen in comments yet: CD1 is 'rld-rtwa.cue'and CD2 is 'rld-rtwB.cue'
and CD3 is 'rld-rtwC.cue'
During the 24hrs :-) that i've spent making this downloaded torrent work, I have to admit I doubted the uploader ...there were highs and lows for sure. But if you persist it will work.
My own solution that worked was; drag and drop the .cue files into Daemon tools. Mount a virtual drive. Drag CD1 into the drive. Use an Windows explorer window to Eject each disc as necessary, then back into Daemon to load the next CD.
Just to reiterate: you DO NOT need to burn physical discs to install this game, which is great.
Rome Vanilla is now installedon my Win8, TY
!!!RAMEN00DLE5 (2014-08-12)
If you are missing files you may have to re download while not watching Japanese cartoon kiddie porn and thus avoid corruption of the files.RAMEN00DLE5 (2014-08-12)
I hope that you PB users in question understand that I meant to say (In harsh terms so you understand) don't run anything else in the background while you download these files and you may find that the install while as a result run smoothly. Other than that I have no idea as this upload works perfectly for me every time and you can see by my past comments that I come back for this specific upload all the time.Scofield11 (2014-10-23)
patches and disc 2 and 3 is corrupted i cant go in any of the 3 total war gamesplease help about patches
kituljak (2015-10-08)
Its NOT working for me. I followed every step, everything went fine, but it WONT start a game, it says that I am missing DirextX9!!! I cant install it because I have newer version.Files:
1. Rome Total War/Apps/cdbxp_setup_4.0.024.439.exe 2.75 Mb
2. Rome Total War/Apps/daemon4123-lite.exe 3.53 Mb
3. Rome Total War/Crack/RomeTW-ALX.exe 13.18 Mb
4. Rome Total War/Crack/RomeTW-BI.exe 13.07 Mb
5. Rome Total War/Crack/RomeTW.exe 13.07 Mb
6. Rome Total War/Instructions.txt 1.33 Kb
7. Rome Total War/Patch/rome_total_war_patch_1-6.exe 56.88 Mb
8. Rome Total War/RTW/Alexander/Alexander.iso 473.70 Mb
9. Rome Total War/RTW/Barbarian Invasion/Barbarian Invasion.iso 442.65 Mb
10. Rome Total War/RTW/Rome Total War/Rome Total War CD1.iso 546.19 Mb
11. Rome Total War/RTW/Rome Total War/Rome Total War CD2.iso 505.77 Mb
12. Rome Total War/RTW/Rome Total War/Rome Total War CD3.iso 614.63 Mb