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NeoRAGEx 5.2a Official Fullset All ROMs (Neo-Geo 188 Games)
NeoRAGEx 5.2a Official Fullset All ROMs (Neo-Geo 188 Games)
2009-04-15 (by fabiofilho)
NeoRAGEx new version 5.2a released by Snk-NeoFighters Team.
This set includes all ROMs in the new version's Game List.
NOTE: These ROMs are in NeoRAGEx format and may not work on other emulators.
Games included:
[2020bb] 2020 Super Baseball
[3countb] 3 Count Bout
[sonicwi2] Aero Fighters 2
[sonicwi3] Aero Fighters 3
[aodk] Aggressors of Dark Kombat
[alpham2] Alpha Mission II
[androdun] Andro Dunos
[aof] Art of Fighting
[aof2] Art of Fighting 2
[aof3] Art of Fighting 3
[bakatono] Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki
[bangbead] Bang Bead
[bstars2] Baseball Stars 2
[bstars] Baseball Stars Professional
[flipshot] Battle Flip Shot
[blazstar] Blazing Star
[bjourney] Blue's Journey
[breakers] Breakers
[breakrev] Breakers Revenge
[burningf] Burning Fight
[ctomaday] Captain Tomaday
[marukodk] Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz
[cnbe] Codename - Blut Engel (20060119)
[ncolumns] Columns
[crsword] Crossed Swords
[cthd2003] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003
[cthd2k3a] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Alt Set)
[cthd2003-5b] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus
[cyberlip] Cyber-Lip
[diggerma] Digger Man
[doubledr] Double Dragon
[eightman] Eight Man
[fatfury1] Fatal Fury
[fatfury2] Fatal Fury 2
[fatfury3] Fatal Fury 3
[fatfursp] Fatal Fury Special
[fightfev] Fight Fever
[fbfrenzy] Football Frenzy
[frogfest] Frog Feast
[galaxyfg] Galaxy Fight
[garou] Garou - Mark of The Wolves
[gpilots] Ghost Pilots
[ghostlop] Ghostlop (prototype)
[goalx3] Goal! Goal! Goal!
[gururin] Gururin
[fr2ch] Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (CD to MVS conversion)
[ltorb1] Jonas Indiana and the Lost Temple of RA
[joyjoy] Joy Joy Kid
[janshin] Jyanshin Densetsu
[jockeygp] Jockey Grand Prix
[kabukikl] Kabuki Klash
[karnovr] Karnov's Revenge
[kog] King of Gladiator
[kotm] King of the Monsters
[kotm2] King of the Monsters 2
[kizuna] Kizuna Encounter
[lans2004] Lansquenet 2004
[lresort] Last Resort
[lbowling] League Bowling
[legendos] Legend of Success Joe
[magdrop2] Magical Drop II
[magdrop3] Magical Drop III
[maglord] Magician Lord
[mahretsu] Mahjong Kyoretsuden
[mslug] Metal Slug
[mslug2] Metal Slug 2
[mslug3] Metal Slug 3
[mslug4] Metal Slug 4
[mslug4-5a] Metal Slug 4 Plus
[mslug5] Metal Slug 5
[mslug5-5a] Metal Slug 5 Plus
[mslug3-5a] Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg)
[mslugx] Metal Slug X
[minasan] Minnasanno Okagesamadesu
[miexchng] Money Puzzle Exchanger
[ganryu] Musashi Ganryuuki
[mutnat] Mutation Nation
[nam1975] NAM-1975
[neobombe] Neo Bomberman
[neodrift] Neo Drift Out
[neomrdo] Neo Mr. Do!
[neonopon] Neo No Panepon (20021005)
[turfmast] Neo Turf Masters
[neocup98] Neo-Geo Cup '98
[neopong] NeoPong (v1.1)
[nitd] Nightmare in the Dark
[ncombat] Ninja Combat
[ncommand] Ninja Commando
[ninjamas] Ninja Master's
[ragnagrd] Operation Ragnagard
[overtop] Over Top
[panicbom] Panic Bomber
[pgoal] Pleasure Goal
[pnyaa] Pochi and Nyaa
[poknight] Poker Night
[popbounc] Pop 'n Bounce
[matrim] Power Instinct Matrimelee
[pspikes2] Power Spikes II
[preisle2] Prehistoric Isle 2
[pulstar] Pulstar
[pbobblen] Puzzle Bobble
[pbobbl2n] Puzzle Bobble 2
[puzzldpr] Puzzle De Pon R
[puzzledp] Puzzle De Pon!
[quizdais] Quiz Daisousa Sen
[quizkof] Quiz King of Fighters
[quizdai2] Quiz Meintantei Neo Geo
[rotd] Rage of The Dragons
[rbff1] Real Bout Fatal Fury
[rbff2] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
[rbffspec] Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
[ridhero] Riding Hero
[roboarmy] Robo Army
[samsho] Samurai Shodown
[samsho2] Samurai Shodown II
[samsho3] Samurai Shodown III
[samsho4] Samurai Shodown IV
[samsho5] Samurai Shodown V
[samsh5sp] Samurai Shodown V Special
[savagere] Savage Reign
[sengoku] Sengoku
[sengoku2] Sengoku 2
[sengoku3] Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Legends 2001
[shocktro] Shock Troopers
[shocktr2] Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad
[svcchaos] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos
[svcchaos-5a] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Plus (Set 1)
[svcchaos-5b] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Plus (Set 2)
[svcchaos-5c] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Super Plus
[socbrawl] Soccer Brawl
[spinmast] Spin Master
[stakwin] Stakes Winner
[stakwin2] Stakes Winner 2
[strhoop] Street Hoop
[s1945p] Strikers 1945 Plus
[sdodgeb] Super Dodge Ball
[ssideki] Super Sidekicks
[ssideki2] Super Sidekicks 2
[ssideki3] Super Sidekicks 3
[mosyougi] Syougi No Tatsujin
[tws96] Tecmo World Soccer '96
[kof94] The King of Fighters '94
[kof95] The King of Fighters '95
[kof96] The King of Fighters '96
[kof96-1a] The King of Fighters '96 (Bootleg)
[kof97] The King of Fighters '97
[kof97-5a] The King of Fighters '97 Plus (set 1)
[kof97-5b] The King of Fighters '97 Plus (set 2)
[kof98] The King of Fighters '98
[kof99] The King of Fighters '99
[kof10th] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary
[kf10thep] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus
[kof10th-5a] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Unique
[kof2000] The King of Fighters 2000
[kof2001] The King of Fighters 2001
[kof2001-5a] The King of Fighters 2001 (Plus Ver.1)
[kof2001-5b] The King of Fighters 2001 (Plus Ver.2)
[kof2002] The King of Fighters 2002
[kof2002-5d] The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus
[kof2002-5e] The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II
[kof2002-5a] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 1)
[kof2002-5b] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 2)
[kof2002-5c] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 3)
[kof2003] The King of Fighters 2003
[kof2003-5a] The King of Fighters 2004 Ex (Hero)
[kof2003-5b] The King of Fighters 2004 Ex (Ultra Plus)
[kofse2k4] The King of Fighters Special 2004
[kofse2k4-5a] The King of Fighters Special 2004 (Plus)
[lastblad] The Last Blade
[lastbld2] The Last Blade 2
[superspy] The Super Spy
[ssideki4] The Ultimate 11
[trally] Thrash Rally
[tophuntr] Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy
[tpgolf] Top Player's Golf
[twinspri] Twinkle Star Sprites
[viewpoin] Viewpoint
[vliner] V-Liner
[gowcaizr] Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer
[wakuwak7] Waku Waku 7
[wjammers] Windjammers
[wh1] World Heroes
[wh2] World Heroes 2
[wh2j] World Heroes 2 Jet
[whp] World Heroes Perfect
[zedblade] Zed Blade
[zintrkcd] Zintrick (Hack / Bootleg)
[zupapa] Zupapa!
*This set also has every ROM updated with all the latest and most correct CRCs.
*This is the ultimate set for the ultimate Neo-Geo ROM collector!
*Please help seed this torrent.
- neoragex
- neorage
- neogeo
- neo-geo
- neo geo
- snk
- emulator
- rom
- game
- fullset
- kof
- arcade
- mvs
- aes
- pcb
- console
- retro
- capcom
Files count:
2019.29 Mb
moldavia (2009-04-29)
How do I get this to work because it doesnt. I downloaded the torrent and the version of neoragex from the comment. I run it and change the roms folder to the proper drive and it sees all 188 games and has the pictures bottom left. When I try to run a game it says2020 Super Basball Selected
Loading 2020 Super Baseball...
Loading gfx...
Loading program code...
Unable to load program roms!
I have changed no settings except the rom directory. Is there something else I need to do or download besides the roms and emulater? I used to have neoragex before and never had this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
moldavia (2009-04-29)
ok figured it out finally. It appears that neoragex does not like anything but standard characters for path names. I had my roms in folder \emulation\neo-geo\roms and it did not like the - in neogeo so I removed it and it works 100% it also does not like the _ in the emulator name when i extracted it to folder of zip name had to remove that to so it would read neoragex5.2a. Hope this helps anyone else that might have this problem.KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)
Thank you for the upload...Zamzummin (2009-07-13)
Hey thanks for copying my entire torrent description from . Well it's okay I guess. It's nice that somebody at least uploaded the new ROMset since I was too lazy. I'm going to link people to this torrent from mine.haryparabolls (2009-07-30)
Thanks for the torrent, everything works great! +1mhe725 (2009-08-04)
how can i use this torrent to neorage. pls elaborate one by onemhe725 (2009-08-04)
it says invalid romset. then when i import . . there is nothing left in gamelistalexenmaxi (2009-09-14)
werkt niet, alles gedaan, werkt niet downloaden kan je doen als je je tijd wilt verspillenNotanumbnut (2010-07-05)
Many thanks dude, they all seem to work ok.. They play in MAME32 aswell as Neorage.001LESAVIT001 (2010-10-25)
CAN ANYONE GET THIS TO DOWNLOAD? I AM GETTING'10/25/10 17:14:36 - Problem connecting to tracker - ('url error', 'unknown url type'
other tpb torrents work fine..what could be wrong?
ramzie1o1 (2011-06-25)
1. ROMs/ 2.80 Mb
2. ROMs/ 7.29 Mb
3. ROMs/ 3.08 Mb
4. ROMs/ 1.71 Mb
5. ROMs/ 9.61 Mb
6. ROMs/ 6.32 Mb
7. ROMs/ 11.78 Mb
8. ROMs/ 16.36 Mb
9. ROMs/ 2.40 Mb
10. ROMs/ 8.15 Mb
11. ROMs/ 2.80 Mb
12. ROMs/ 20.62 Mb
13. ROMs/ 13.21 Mb
14. ROMs/ 15.10 Mb
15. ROMs/ 3.18 Mb
16. ROMs/ 3.53 Mb
17. ROMs/ 3.24 Mb
18. ROMs/ 155.16 Kb
19. ROMs/ 2.61 Mb
20. ROMs/ 1.93 Mb
21. ROMs/ 37.46 Mb
22. ROMs/ 37.48 Mb
23. ROMs/ 5.53 Mb
24. ROMs/ 3.17 Mb
25. ROMs/ 361.75 Kb
26. ROMs/ 9.14 Mb
27. ROMs/ 2.81 Mb
28. ROMs/ 10.78 Mb
29. ROMs/ 3.87 Mb
30. ROMs/ 7.62 Mb
31. ROMs/ 18.68 Mb
32. ROMs/ 2.95 Mb
33. ROMs/ 5.99 Mb
34. ROMs/ 2.20 Mb
35. ROMs/ 3.16 Mb
36. ROMs/ 1.47 Mb
37. ROMs/ 10.21 Mb
38. ROMs/ 6.55 Mb
39. ROMs/ 37.60 Mb
40. ROMs/ 3.15 Mb
41. ROMs/ 4.66 Mb
42. ROMs/ 12.01 Mb
43. ROMs/ 3.54 Mb
44. ROMs/ 887.36 Kb
45. ROMs/ 3.35 Mb
46. ROMs/ 6.51 Mb
47. ROMs/ 1.01 Mb
48. ROMs/ 11.54 Mb
49. ROMs/ 6.77 Mb
50. ROMs/ 40.37 Mb
51. ROMs/ 19.58 Mb
52. ROMs/ 2.36 Mb
53. ROMs/ 40.59 Mb
54. ROMs/ 37.93 Mb
55. ROMs/ 1.95 Mb
56. ROMs/ 1.95 Mb
57. ROMs/ 38.71 Mb
58. ROMs/ 1.90 Mb
59. ROMs/ 1.90 Mb
60. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
61. ROMs/ 1.91 Mb
62. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
63. ROMs/ 39.81 Mb
64. ROMs/ 1.71 Mb
65. ROMs/ 1.84 Mb
66. ROMs/ 38.50 Mb
67. ROMs/ 12.20 Mb
68. ROMs/ 17.07 Mb
69. ROMs/ 1.18 Mb
70. ROMs/ 22.52 Mb
71. ROMs/ 1.32 Mb
72. ROMs/ 1.34 Mb
73. ROMs/ 27.48 Mb
74. ROMs/ 38.47 Mb
75. ROMs/ 34.06 Mb
76. ROMs/ 1.96 Mb
77. ROMs/ 39.29 Mb
78. ROMs/ 27.50 Mb
79. ROMs/ 3.84 Mb
80. ROMs/ 5.57 Mb
81. ROMs/ 28.13 Mb
82. ROMs/ 25.16 Mb
83. ROMs/ 30.98 Mb
84. ROMs/ 1.55 Mb
85. ROMs/ 1.51 Mb
86. ROMs/ 2.79 Mb
87. ROMs/ 33.90 Kb
88. ROMs/ 3.52 Mb
89. ROMs/ 8.18 Mb
90. ROMs/ 2.73 Mb
91. ROMs/ 2.90 Mb
92. ROMs/ 4.24 Mb
93. ROMs/ 33.01 Mb
94. ROMs/ 5.10 Mb
95. ROMs/ 2.00 Mb
96. ROMs/ 3.56 Mb
97. ROMs/ 12.57 Mb
98. ROMs/ 16.70 Mb
99. ROMs/ 1.74 Mb
100. ROMs/ 34.41 Mb
101. ROMs/ 2.88 Mb
102. ROMs/ 29.63 Mb
103. ROMs/ 1.45 Mb
104. ROMs/ 29.25 Mb
105. ROMs/ 27.23 Mb
106. ROMs/ 3.60 Mb
107. ROMs/ 2.97 Mb
108. ROMs/ 53.17 Kb
109. ROMs/ 2.92 Mb
110. ROMs/ 3.21 Mb
111. ROMs/ 5.96 Mb
112. ROMs/ 9.54 Mb
113. ROMs/ 8.17 Mb
114. ROMs/ 131.91 Kb
115. ROMs/ 1.54 Mb
116. ROMs/ 22.69 Kb
117. ROMs/ 1.92 Mb
118. ROMs/ 17.26 Mb
119. ROMs/ 4.81 Mb
120. ROMs/ 11.71 Mb
121. ROMs/ 2.52 Mb
122. ROMs/ 8.16 Mb
123. ROMs/ 3.51 Mb
124. ROMs/ 6.93 Mb
125. ROMs/ 17.02 Mb
126. ROMs/ 75.42 Kb
127. ROMs/ 2.90 Mb
128. ROMs/ 25.21 Mb
129. ROMs/ 3.81 Mb
130. ROMs/ 17.90 Mb
131. ROMs/ 746.04 Kb
132. ROMs/ 747.56 Kb
133. ROMs/ 3.35 Mb
134. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
135. ROMs/ 8.27 Mb
136. ROMs/ 21.85 Mb
137. ROMs/ 23.04 Mb
138. ROMs/ 28.42 Mb
139. ROMs/ 23.77 Mb
140. ROMs/ 3.50 Mb
141. ROMs/ 2.95 Mb
142. ROMs/ 28.24 Mb
143. ROMs/ 29.29 Mb
144. ROMs/ 38.66 Mb
145. ROMs/ 7.97 Mb
146. ROMs/ 13.84 Mb
147. ROMs/ 16.78 Mb
148. ROMs/ 21.68 Mb
149. ROMs/ 38.46 Mb
150. ROMs/ 12.66 Mb
151. ROMs/ 6.89 Mb
152. ROMs/ 3.39 Mb
153. ROMs/ 6.37 Mb
154. ROMs/ 19.75 Mb
155. ROMs/ 27.47 Mb
156. ROMs/ 18.81 Mb
157. ROMs/ 3.03 Mb
158. ROMs/ 5.30 Mb
159. ROMs/ 8.92 Mb
160. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
161. ROMs/ 3.11 Mb
162. ROMs/ 6.54 Mb
163. ROMs/ 9.42 Mb
164. ROMs/ 13.02 Mb
165. ROMs/ 3.21 Mb
166. ROMs/ 10.29 Mb
167. ROMs/ 4.47 Mb
168. ROMs/ 3.14 Mb
169. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
170. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
171. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
172. ROMs/ 39.54 Mb
173. ROMs/ 6.65 Mb
174. ROMs/ 3.61 Mb
175. ROMs/ 2.74 Mb
176. ROMs/ 8.90 Mb
177. ROMs/ 8.66 Mb
178. ROMs/ 5.87 Mb
179. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
180. ROMs/ 193.03 Kb
181. ROMs/ 13.02 Mb
182. ROMs/ 4.58 Mb
183. ROMs/ 8.62 Mb
184. ROMs/ 10.38 Mb
185. ROMs/ 17.93 Mb
186. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
187. ROMs/ 4.92 Mb
188. ROMs/ 2.40 Mb
189. ROMs/ 6.89 Mb