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P90X DVD Copy + Extras




Video Movies


P90X DVD Copy + Extras




2008-01-30 (by Newbee01)


Here is the exact copy of P90X. I know that there are others here that are smaller, (I have downloaded one already) good quality but when burnt to DVD?s and played on my big (52?) screen TV it was blotchy. So I wanted a good quality of the Program, so here it is all DVD are images of the original. Also I have scanned some of the interesting pages of the book that came with the program, like; P90X Prep Workout Overview (2 Pages) Classic Version (4 Pages) Doubles (2 pages) Lean (3 pages) Also there is the; Worksheets Calendar Fit Test (do first and if you don?t pass do not do P90X) DVD labels Here is the catch, I only have a 244kbs upload speed, which means that if I only allow one person to DL this off me at full speed it will take 18 days! So this is only for the people that want the program and ARE WILLING TO HELP ME SEED IT! Another catch since I will be devoting my complete upload speed, that slows the web surfing speed, so when I am at work and the wife is home surfing the web she has been known to stop my uploads. But when I get home I always start it. So you have been warned! If you want it I will be uploading it for the next year(provided there is a demand), so no bitching about ?SEEEEEED PLEASE? or stupid shit like that you HAVE BEEN WARNED! Enjoy

Files count:



45373.19 Mb




jallles (2008-01-30)

what is this ?

Bamimi (2008-01-30)

its a fitness program that uses a concept termed muscle confusion to allow you to not hit stops in gaining fitness (basically it just concentrates on different muscle masses at different times) but it is a very intense workout schedule and if someone follows it surely works. its for those who are serious about working out though, and frankly anyone who is serious about working otu with a schedule and vigerous workout is going to get in shape, the routine itself isnt so special.
But excellent upload, I'll help seed with you....44 G's...ouch...but ok....

christonian (2008-01-30)

great program about 2 weeks into round 2
just wondering if you could do the same for P90X+ if anybody has a link to one please post

apt2vanish (2008-01-31)

Thank you NeeBee01 for this upload. I really hope you plan on seeding this for a year like you said. I'm only downloading the .pdf's from your torrent cause I already have the .avi workouts. If I burn them to DVD and they look bad, I will continue downloading from this torrent. I'll seed back to 2.0.

apt2vanish (2008-01-31)

You know what your right about the other p90x torrents are really low quality. Just terrible. I'm not even gonna try to burn them. I'll wait till this is finished downloading

Farre (2008-02-01)

Thank you for your effort. I'll definitely stick around till this one finishes!
Say, could you take a quick snapshot in VLC? I'd sure want to compare this version to the one I have and have been using all this time.

kpg1970 (2008-02-02)

Will seed if I can get it to finish downloading...eep

giggagags23 (2008-02-02)

Thanks Newbee01, I've been looking for a good quality p90x forever. I'm new at this torrent stuff, so how do I seed it?
I'm also looking for the p90x+, so if anyone has that I"ll be greatful. Thanks.

Bamimi (2008-02-02)

hey Newbee, this is just a thought, but if you have buddies who might help you seed, you could send them the specific files in the mail or give it to them personally and they could maybe help seed a lot faster? just one extra person/site would double the output potentially. just a thought.

lic2kil (2008-02-03)

Im looking for the tricep work out have everything but that ...could you help?
thanks much

lic2kil (2008-02-03)

Sorry All, found it, part of the Chest and shoulders workout... Thanks newbee01!!!!!!!!

apt2vanish (2008-02-03)

I live in Dallas, and have a fiber line
15,800 kbps download
2,300 kbps upload
If I had a copy of the dvd's a could seed the hell out of it.
So if your interested Newbee01 email me
[email protected]
Also if someone needs an invite to let me know.

Hugo213 (2008-02-03)

Amazing upload been trying to find a high quality of these dvds for a while now. I'll help seed but i wanted to know Newbee01 if its possible to scan the nutritional chart also if its already not included because i can't find it anywhere. thx

Hugo213 (2008-02-05)

Thanks a lot Newbee i found the nutritional plan. Now hopefully this program works lol

espritdecorps (2008-02-06)

Good job Newbee01!
I will help to seed this torrent untill it looks established. I downloaded another P90X torrent that had everything with it, but the quality was not the best for watching on a TV. I use it anyway. That said, if you watch it on a computer monitor it looks fine. The following is the site (no link), where I downloaded the P90x torrent I currently have. This torrent includes the Nutritional file scans which seem to be hard to find. Enjoy! Google the following... P90X btmon

ant23 (2008-02-10)

Thanks for the chance at getting this. I will for sure seed this! It will be a while though,I'm only at 11%. Once again,THANKS!

FiddleGoose (2008-02-10)

I have a pretty good Comcast line.
24,768 Kbps Down
1,500 Kbps Up
At night my upload speed will be at full blast which will be about 150-200 kb/s. :) I'm at 61.1%.

espritdecorps (2008-02-11)

For the people that are using uTorrent and don't know how to configure their connection settings to maximize download speeds-
Do this:
Open uTorrent
Click Options- Preferences- Connection(on left column)
In the Global Bandwidth Limiting Upload area:
Check box Automatic.
For everyone else who is not using uTorrent, look in your settings to "uncap" your upload speed.
Everyone will benefit from the increased bandwidth.

-tater- (2008-02-11)


Glassman99 (2008-02-12)

May I suggest that adding a couple more trackers would help when the original one goes off-line. This will speed up seeding amongst leechers (especially new ones).
I suggest everyone (seeders and leechers) add:

This is to add to the original tracker:

kpg1970 (2008-02-14)

I am still only at 35% but will seed for a week after it is done, how do I add the extra tracker?

kpg1970 (2008-02-14)

Never mind, I think I got it, just copy those two links and right click the torrent, go to properties and add them to the tracker?
That's what I did...did I do good? LOL.

Glassman99 (2008-02-15)

Thanks for uploading this.
I have no problem with your dedication to seeding this.
I do however wish that the leechers would understand that everyone would benefit and download faster if they only opened up their uploading speed.
I am seeding at a faster rate than I am downloading. With approx. 580 leechers (at this moment) that should not be happening.
I fear that most of these leechers are going to be hit and run.

kpg1970 (2008-02-15)

I am also seeding faster than my download speed is. I have all the jpg files done, and one iso, the rest are far from finished. I have been a week and so far at 35%. Anything else we can do to help this along?

Glassman99 (2008-02-15)

It will be very interesting to see how many stick around (and seed) after completing the download.
Currently 623 are downloading.
I know there will be some very good people that will continue to seed on. How many? - we'll see...

kaai2392 (2008-02-16)

@Glassman99. Just out of curiosity, how does adding more trackers help the torrent? Do you mind explaining what trackers do. Obviously I'm pretty new.

Glassman99 (2008-02-16)

The reason to add 2 more is to help new people connect when the original goes off-line.
The pool of peers sharing data becomes bigger and you should get faster downloads if those that are leeching are also seeding at a reasonable rate.

Glassman99 (2008-02-17)

I can understand your frustration. That is why I prefer private trackers that "force" you to give back what you take.
The good news is that there are over 90 seeders (and growing) for over 700 leechers.
Even so, I would not blame you if you decide to stop seeding at some point.
Even though I am only at 30%, I have seeded twice the amount I have taken and will continue to seed long after the download is finished for me.

kaai2392 (2008-02-18)

Newbee01- I have DL 100% and it all looks great. Thanks for the upload. I will keep seeding.

kpg1970 (2008-02-18)

I am seeing that we have seeders, but what is the number in brackets about?

rdolphin10 (2008-02-18)

Thank you newbie this are real good videos
i am seeding as much as i can

Jfave (2008-02-18)

Newbee01: Where did you get the original files from. I would also like to help seed if I can... I can wait the time to get them all... but if I can just add the completed files to the torrent and seed even better!

christonian (2008-02-18)

thanks Newbee01 great upload
now im looking for P90X+ if anybody finds it please post it so everyone can get it
hope it will be as good as this but probably not

Jfave (2008-02-19)

For all of you that may not have patched you TCPIP.SYS check this out I had not applied the patch since my last install and my download speed went from 20k to 150k...

christonian (2008-02-19)

[quote]For all of you that may not have patched you TCPIP.SYS check this out I had not applied the patch since my last install and my download speed went from 20k to 150k...[/quote]
does this actually work dont want to mess up my computer but im always open to more speed up and down

Jfave (2008-02-19)

yes it brings you up from 10 concurrent connections to 50.

christonian (2008-02-19)

i can see that i can change the number manually is there any benefit of surpassing 50??? im set at 50 now

Jfave (2008-02-19)

christonian: Two different things. You can set your client to 1000000 connections.. but if your windows installation only allows 10 concurrent connections that is all you can get. You have to patch the TCPIP.SYS file. Google it... talks about it as well.

-tater- (2008-02-21)

can some one seed this that actually has !00% of the file... ive been waiting for this forever!!!!

kpg1970 (2008-02-22)

I don't see as many either. I had to take in my laptop and lost all that I had d/l! Talk about pissed off. I sure hope to see some of those seeders come back so that I can try and get this done.

Glassman99 (2008-02-23)

I am still seeding. Unforunately I have a slow connection.
Thank you for all your hard work in uploading this one.
We were at 200 and now just over 50 seeders.
This is why I don't upload originals anymore.

Jfave (2008-02-25)

Newbee01: I have been trying to get this since the 18th.. but at least I have a share ratio of 0.530 I intend to share this out 5-10x.. so PLEASE get the P90X+... and if I can make a request make copies of the original discs to ISO's! Thanks.

Glassman99 (2008-02-25)

I have the original P90 series in ISO format.
I will watch this one and if there is not sufficient seeding, I will NOT waste my time uploading it.
For those that don't know, the P90 series is a less intense (but very effective) workout that is suggested for those that either don't pass the requirements of the P90X and/or they want a great workout but not as intense.

Jfave (2008-02-26)

Glassman99: I am also willing to Seed. My upload is only 40k but I would also love to have the full series! Let me know if you Seed P90...

Glassman99 (2008-02-26)

We are currently at only 36 seeders.
That figure will have to improve quite a bit.
We did have 200 at one point.
All anyone expects is for people to return the same amount they download.

Jfave (2008-02-26)

200?! That would be awesome...

Jfave (2008-02-26)

Not me, I have an 80GB drive in this POS computer. I am seriously needing an upgrade.
I am willing to take the DVDs anyway you are willing to share them. I do agree that 42GB is a bit to swallow in one shot. It may be possible to break this torrent up later on also. Either way just keep me posted and I'll help what I can.

myhk (2008-02-28)

I just started the d/l .
89(s) 814(l) my upload rate more than double my d/l. i've read every comment and since, patched my TCP/IP.SYS, and changed my Utorrent global connection to automatic. I have every intention to seed this for many months to come.

forcelaw1 (2008-02-29)

Newbee01 : You should upload this and especially the new p90x+ series with divx ( Max quality setting ) it's no different then dvd quality and saves a ton of bandwidth.

lls03zo6 (2008-02-29)

That so called patch fucked up my other computer!! It takes me 15 tries to get online now! Don't do it, it's bullshit.
700 people downloaded this & there is 1 seeder!! you should remember how you felt when you were trying to get this & seed this fucking thing!!!

Jfave (2008-02-29)

lls03zo6: The patch is NOT bullshit It is a well documented way to get around MS crippling outbound TCP connections; specifically for the spread of self-propagating worms. Google is your friend... search and do some reading.

Glassman99 (2008-03-01)

I would hold off doing anything for right now as far as seeding more.
Approx. 10 days ago Demonoid trackers came back on-line and they are now in Malaysia.
Hopefully this means that the site will be back up soon.
As long as my acct is still intact, I will gladly give you an invitation. Just post a temporary Email address for you, so I can send it to you.

Glassman99 (2008-03-01)

The patch is very good but if you do have problems now, I suggest you restore your system to a date before the patch was installed.
Your download files won't be affected, just system info files.

lls03zo6 (2008-03-01)

i am not disputing the fact that this is well documented so on & so forth, BUT i can tell you 100% certainty that it fucked up MY computer. I have to use my laptop to get online now. I have never had an issue until i installed this patch. i have been downloading music, movie, & game torrents for 2 years, my computer runs 24/7, all of a sudden after that i can't connect & i've changed nothing else.
my norton goback does not let me restore my drive far enough back. I deleted the patch file from my computer, but it obviously does not uninstall it. Any other ideas (short of reloading windows & wiping my HD) to get this thing out of my computer? Any help would be appreciated. thanks

Glassman99 (2008-03-01)

If you are running windows XP you should have microsoft's restore under system tools unless you turned it off. Also, you should have a automatic backup for every day if you leave the computer on 24/7.
If you can't use that feature, I suggest that you look at what is running (Ctrl+Alt+Del) to try and determine what new program(s) may be running.
Stop the program running in the windows task magager and hopefully delete it from your hard drive.
Please let us know.

Jfave (2008-03-01)

lls03zo6: I have run this patch against literally 100s of machines, so I suspect more is going on then just the patch... regardless... to uninstall you have two option. Re-run the patch and choose "U=Uninstall" or look under your C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and look for TCPIP.SYS.ORIGINAL . Delete the TCPIP.SYS and rename the first (removing the ORIGINAL from the name). If XP wont let you, reboot into safe mode without network support and try again.
If you have deleted the original copy you can extract it from SP2 and use that copy. The latest version is 5.1.2600.3244. DO NOT download a copy from anywhere except MS's site.

Jfave (2008-03-01)

Download complete! I feel the need to seed!

myhk (2008-03-03)

Jfave , thats great. How long did it take approx??
In about 4 days im 39.4% done, which is faster than i thought it'd be.

J-Whitt (2008-03-04)

Could someone split these up into individual torrents for each DVD?
Every time I try to download these it says my folders cant hold 44 gigs, and I know I have more than sufficient disk space.

ang2008 (2008-03-04)

This is my first time on this site and using a Torrent. What program do you recommend that I download to except the torrent of P90X?? Or Maybe I could pay someone for a copy?? Or is there a different way, could it be zipped to me? Sorry, I need to get in shape, I like this program, but have no idea how this works.. Please e-mail me at :
[email protected]
Thank you from a single mom who wants to get in shape..!!!

Glassman99 (2008-03-04)

I suggest you download selected files (one or more) at a time. You most likely have a limit of 10mb due to your operating system or the format that reads your hard drive. You can then burn them to hard disk. Understand that the seeder was kind enough to upload this and 1000's have downloaded it. Why should he start over?

Glassman99 (2008-03-04)

ang2008 ,
I suggest you read up on torrents and how to download them.
uTorrent seems to be the most popular program to use.
Google it and you will find all the answers.

Jfave (2008-03-04)

myhk: about 10 days :(
ang2008: you may want to give azureus a try as well.
J-Whitt: if you can afford a larger (or second) drive try that route. If you decide to d/l one or two at a time make sure you seed them a bit before deleting them.. dont be a leach!

PrinceBuddha (2008-03-04)

i'm on day 2 with 2.1% :(
this will keep my computer busy for ages!!
Its good that I started with Power 90 so P90x will be ready when im done with P90 :)
I'm very interested in P90x+ also. I think this would nt take long because its just 4 dvds i think!
If anybody have the P90 Master Series it would be great if he uploads it!!

PrinceBuddha (2008-03-04)

maybe someone can upload one of these tranformetrics workouts:

PrinceBuddha (2008-03-05)

Im not that much into Torrent.
Can i seed while i leech?

Valdemarka (2008-03-10)

Thanks so much for taking the time to rip and post this. The quality is outstanding. I'm cursing you a bit right now because this workout HURTS!!! At any rate, just thought I'd throw this out there. I've found the complete nutrition guide if anyone's interested. Just post a comment and put it up. I can also add it to the complete set once I finish downloading and re-seed. I'm at around 50% now.

Valdemarka (2008-03-10)

Oops. Meant to say just post a comment and I'll put it up. :)

afusionz (2008-03-10)

Hi Newbee,
i would buy this program but shipping cost to my country are 40$, that sucks.
So I have to thank you for your awesome share, unbelievable!
You have any idea at which date you will share the 90Xplus series ? (Rip or ISO?)
Cant wait to bring it again.
Thx, god bless.

strawberrylicous (2008-03-11)

if i could download this file i will let it seed so please let me download this file asap

Valdemarka (2008-03-11)

Wasn't cursing you man. You're a rockstar for posting this. Tony Horton on the other hand is a sadistic @#$%^&. :) Still have 2 1/2 on P90X. I figure by the time I get through that (assuming I live), P90X plus shouldn't be too bad. Thanks again man, awesome upload.

koolnick756 (2008-03-11)

Oh man finally.3 weeks of 24/7 downloading and I finally see the magical 100%. I had to buy an external hdd to accommodate this download but after previewing the iso.'s and the extras, it was worth it.Excellent quality all throughout.Now I can forget about it and just seed (probably for a year or as long as I don't need the space). Great job Newbee.You the BOSS baby!!

Jfave (2008-03-13)

P90X+ DVD 1 of 4:

Come and get it!

dumbkeola (2008-03-14)

will seed this once i am complete. just started today so it will take a while. hopefully when i get back from my vegas trip at the start of april it will be done. thanks!

sikone (2008-03-15)

This is great, i need to start working out some time when i finish this download.
Thank You Newbee

flashgee (2008-03-16)

Can we get some seeds please! This will take me till next year to down load

Bamimi (2008-03-16)

alot of us seeded the other, I dont think you have much to worry about there chief. many are still seeding it and its 43G's and two months later.

Glassman99 (2008-03-17)

You must be a motivational speaker.

kpg1970 (2008-03-17)

Anyone interested in the hip hop abs series or turbo jam?

afusionz (2008-03-18)

Hi kpg1970,
hip hop abs sounds interessting.
I get fast lazy doing abs, so I need often to change the routine, for more fun.
Will you share a rip, if more people interessted ?

kpg1970 (2008-03-18)

I am still in the process of ripping. It's not the new turbo jam, just disk one and disk two of the original series. Once I am done I will post a link and info. It may take a bit of time as I am fighting with the hubby for the computer...he's pokering away like crazy and it really takes away from my time..LOL

Valdemarka (2008-03-18)

Ok, almost done downloading here. Will continue to seed for at least a month after I'm done. I have a 3MB connection at the office that I will turn on once I'm done. Of course I can only do this some evenings and weekends but that should help. Happy downloading.

kpg1970 (2008-03-19)

Sorry for the delay with the u'l of hhabs and turbo jam...hubby is winning some dough so I hate to kick him off the computer. I should be able to get some done while he is at work tomorrow..LOL

kpg1970 (2008-03-20)

Here's the first iso of hip hop abs. I will try and get more done later. This one is the last minute abs.

coheedtheslayer (2008-03-21)

Hey guys, i have the 2 original Turbo Jam Dvds with the 5 workouts and i wanted to know if anyone here has the new ones and are willing to upload em like the punch and kick one, the cardio party mix and definitely the Fat Blaster.
I'd really appreciate it!

CoachP (2008-03-23)

Just found this thought id say Thanks for helping fight the good fight against slackers and obesity. I will seed this for a long time if i can be patient long enough to get it. I like that you scanned and put a lot of effort into sharing... You Rock!

RedMatrix (2008-03-24)

I don't have enough room to d/l this behemoth! I do see the effort you put into this and I must say you are a rare breed.

magimcc (2008-03-25)

Newbee01 you are a prince. I promise to seed to at least 2. Having it all here in one place and ready to burn is worth the WEEKS it will take me to upload. Thanks.

FiddleGoose (2008-03-25)

I have now seeded 52.8GB of this torrent! And I will continue seeding for a very long time! :)
I love you all!

tranceghost (2008-03-30)

Oh man thank you thank you thank you.

kpg1970 (2008-04-01)

For any interested, here is Turbo Jam as promised

NorthernFreezer (2008-04-01)

Hey Guys right now I am at 10% after one day when I finish it I will continue to seed for 2 or 3 weeks every night and all day well I am at work. Seeders keep doing you part its working great!!!

dumbkeola (2008-04-01)

been downloading for over 2 weeks and stuck at 3.3%... any advice? ive been seeding the other torrents (p90x+) for the same time.

darute123 (2008-04-01)

I know Newbee01 is looking for this, I uploaded P90xcel plus.

If someone has p90xcel, please upload!!

temper (2008-04-03)

Thaks for the effort bradtricker!
Cant wait to print it :)

HBTBH (2008-04-03)

When im finished downloading this im gonna put it up on the 100mbit and help seed, im on 87,2% atm :)
Thanks for a nice share Newbee01 :)

007craft (2008-04-04)

its gonna take 90 days just to get this torrent. its going at 10k/sec lol. I like the piratebay for all the content but man does it blow compared to private sites in speed.

frumper (2008-04-06)

flomac (2008-04-08)

100 peers connected but only 4 KB/s
Open the upload limit Peer also other can download with more speed. Now 70 days to complete.....Thanks

theapocryphal (2008-04-09)

Would anyone be into burning this if I sent blank dvds and return postage? It would take me 9 weeks to download this at this point. I'd be happy to seed on a T1 line after.

skialta39 (2008-04-09)

I've tried to download this to my external hard drive that has 177 Gb of ree space left on it but it keeps giving me this error that there is not enough space on my hard drive. Anyone else have this happen to them? Thanks

skialta39 (2008-04-11)

Only 1 year 117 days left and I've got it!

temper (2008-04-12)

6GB left. Ill get 5Mbit upload, soon (currently 384kbit) and then seed faster for you guys.

flomac (2008-04-12)

for me 481 days left... only 2,18GB downloaded but now sloooooow....
73 seeder 1432 leecher but no peer does not want to send!!!!!!!!
Please open your doors Peer

phuckit (2008-04-13)

@ skialta39
This Happened To Me Too @ The 6% Mark. My External HD Still Had Over 350 GBs. I Didn't Know What To Do So I Just Transfered The File To My Laptop & Im Saving It There Now...It Works, Im @ 63% Now

Phocris (2008-04-13)

@ phuckit and skialta39:
Your external hard-drives are probably formated using FAT32 which has a file size limit of 4gb - 1 byte. If a file is larger than that an error occurs.
Transfering the data to an NTFS-formated drive will solve the problem.

phuckit (2008-04-13)

Yea Mine Is Fat32, Any Way To Change To From That? Or Would I Need Another Drive?

temper (2008-04-13)

Ill have my copies finished today. Took about 2 Weeks. What I did to speed it up: Im on OSX and I have Parallels running with Windows. In both platformes I started the download - each downloading different ISOs. Made my speed double.

Phocris (2008-04-13)

phuck it:
You just need to format your drive using NTFS. Back up your files, right clic on the drive and select FORMAT then under file system select NTFS.

cavemanchewer (2008-04-14)

Please Seed... 76 people seeding... 1292 people leeching. Please seed.

iNck (2008-04-15)

That'll be great too Newbee01!
Thanks alot!!!
Great Upload!

skialta39 (2008-04-16)

That would be sweet!

phuckit (2008-04-16)

Thanks Worked Like A Charm...
C'mon...88 More Hours...

nicklogan2 (2008-04-18)

anyway some of you guys could re-seed? latest arrival is 9 weeks

Tcanuth (2008-04-22)

Can some people please reseed? im looking at around 50 days + to download at around 8kbps or less :-(.

Protocol33 (2008-04-24)

I recommend you all download and run these dvds through Vob Blanker.

The reason for this is because these dvds contain a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG warning message and screens to get to the menu. This means you need to wait for like 1-2 minutes after you stick in the dvd to actually get to the menu. Using vob blanker you can removed the button restrictions, so as soon as the dvd is in, you only need to push menu on your remote and your ready to watch.
First you need to extract the .ISO. You can do this if you have winrar on your computer. Once The iso has been extracted and you can see the video_ts volder, open vob blanker and open the Video_TS.IFO file. Then make sure remove PUOPs in vob and IFO are checked (they should be checked by default). Then select an output folder and process. Now burn your newly built dvd, free of restrictions.

hostiletakeoverny (2008-04-24)

does this have any compression on it. UIF it or something i think i have another week or two before this finishes

Protocol33 (2008-04-25)

I dont think there is any compression. Only 1 of the 12 dvds is even the full dvd5 capacity. If some1 was gonna compress a dual layer onto a dvd5, they wouldnt waste space, but use the whole disc.

peppermintoj (2008-04-26)

hey it would be great if some of you guys could seed please.. other than that it seems like it should be a good up

peppermintoj (2008-04-27)

seriously, everyone that has downloaded this completely please re-seed it says it is going to take 1 yr to download only 3 active seeds!!!!

shmoove (2008-04-30)

I just finished dowloading this and it looks great. I will keep it seeded for a week or so to do my part.
How do I burn the ISO to DVD?

phuckit (2008-04-30)

"How do I burn the ISO to DVD"
Can Someone Help Me Too?

dnaman1 (2008-05-02)

Please seed, im at

jbillz (2008-05-03)

hahahahah! IMPOSSIBLE DOWNLOAD!! 81 seeds and 1100 peers?!?!?! Are you kidding me??

GameSeductress (2008-05-06)

Thank Soooooo Much I know you asked for us to not to beg you to seed however out of 92 seeds I cant get my download to start AT ALL so please loyal ones who promised to help out Newbee01 help him out and seed. PLEASE SEED for Newbee01

spacegiguiri (2008-05-06)

Just one question. I am downloading this file using bitcomet. Is there any other bettter and faster program?

Valdemarka (2008-05-10)

Ok folks. I just opened up my 3MBit connection for you all. Hopefully that will speed things up for some of you.
shmoove and phuckit I use Nero to burn iso's. They'll give you a 30 day free trial and IMHO it's probably about the easiest to use. I'm sure some will disagree but I've been using it for a long time and it works well.
For those of you that are waiting for this to finish, be prepared. This is not your grandaddy's workout. :) The wife and I have been doing it for about a month and dammit it hurts. The flip side of that is that the results are undeniable. You definitely get out what you put in.
Many, many, many thanks to Newbee01 for upping this. I won't be embarassed to take my shirt off at the pool this year. :P Just a quick aside; if anyone has the actual DVD case covers I would be eternally grateful. I haven't been able to find them and it bugs me. I hate keeping them in the little sleeves. (I know, I know I've got a slight case of OCD)
Anyway thanks again to Newbee and everyone who seeded. I'll seed at 3Mbits over the weekend but after that I'll have to drop it down. I've already uploaded almost 60GB but I'll keep it going for a few more weeks. Just trying to do my part for a more beautiful world. :P

Valdemarka (2008-05-10)

Just had a thought....would anyone be interested in individual torrents for each DVD? I'd be happy to put them up. Obviously you can download an individual file from a torrent was just thinking that there might be more seeders if I put up the individual iso's. Thoughts?

gopherbabes (2008-05-15)

Please SEED people. I've been downloading for two days already and only have 3.6% downloaded... im uploading faster than I am downloading... please seed!

Glassman99 (2008-05-18)

Please check your Email.
I sent you the invitation I promised you.

travelingfool04 (2008-05-19)

Has anyone had any trouble burning the KENPO X dvd? I can burn the rest of them without any problem, but I keep getting errors when I try and burn this DVD.
And yes, I've been seeding for a month. Just finished the download about a week ago.

FiddleGoose (2008-05-19)

I have now seeded 100GB! WOOHOO!
Keep seeding everyone! (I'm still going)

Tanya230 (2008-05-20)

Thanks for everyone trying to seed this huge file. When I have mine downloaded, I will seed every night when I head to bed.

Tanya230 (2008-05-20)

But wow lol.. I am getting a download speed of less than 3k.. Maybe I should just buy it.. LOL

AoParasite (2008-05-21)

Anybody that's already burned this care to seed for the rest of the impatient community?

phuckit (2008-05-24)

To Seed, Do I Set Max On Upload Rate & Max Uploads? I Set On Max Rate But Only Gives Me 38 kb/s

kenny22922 (2008-05-24)

Thanks to the man who did all this work getting this on here.
What is the deal with the d/l speed, there are 82 seeders but I can never get more then 5 to 7 of them to d/l from. My speed never gets above like 50 to 60 kb/s which is very slow. One time I got up to like 200 kb/s but that lasted only for a short time. I have fast cable internet, if I could get the damn file uploaded I could seed it super fast for a few days or so. Its been 3 days now and just getting almost half way done. Whats going on???

alohau2 (2008-06-03)

Thanks for sharing. 48 days later and I've finished my DL.

bonusbuy2 (2008-06-13)

Is this PAL or NTSC?

piratenno1 (2008-06-15)

This is the shit

the__end (2008-06-16)

Jag diggade kvaliten på denna rls, utan tvekan den bästa kvalitet som finns ute, THX.
I rly loved the quality of this rls, no dout the best quality thats out there, THX.

user_me (2008-06-16)

Sounds like this is the file to have :)
I so want a new me :)

andy721 (2008-06-18)

Wow never knew so many people were into a workout video, LAME!

SoRyuKan (2008-06-19)

I have tried repeatedly to down load this and I keep getting a message that there is not enough disk space. My drive has 207 Gb available. What could be the cause of this? Help please.

Wisdomman (2008-06-19)

Was a good upload, Thanks Newbee01
Had a normal speed of 250 kbs only when i was seeding about 450kbs. Everything worked fine. Was all in ISO's and pictures.
Took 7-8 Days.
SoRyukan - Try a complete re-install. Also check to see if you have "two" Hard drives and see if its trying to put the data on a full one.
Theres a few other tricks you can do. Just google the prob.
Shared this till 2.3 Ratio. It was so hard to seed this Torrent past 2.000

SoRyuKan (2008-06-20)

Thanks Wisdomman for your help but it did not work. There are 4 torrents from Newbee01 that are doing this to me. Some of his other ones work just fine and the quality is fantastic. I will just keep trying. If anyone else has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

phuckit (2008-06-22)

SoRyuCan I Had The Same Problem
Your external hard-drives are probably formated using FAT32 which has a file size limit of 4gb - 1 byte. If a file is larger than that an error occurs.
Transfering the data to an NTFS-formated drive will solve the problem.

Valdemarka (2008-06-26)

Just saw an add for Tony Horton's 10-Minute Trainer. Has anyone come across this anywhere? Haven't been able to find it on any of the usual torrent sites.

kpritcha (2008-06-30)

I'm downloading from 14 peers but only getting 20 kb/s. Whats up with this and how can I make it go faster??
Also if anyone could upload them individually that would really help too.

isaacn86 (2008-07-02)

thanks for seeding everyone, please keep it up, I just started this yesterday and would like it just like the rest of you. I will seed.

piratenno1 (2008-07-03)

What the fuck is this sheeeeat!?

SoRyuKan (2008-07-11)

Thank you. That was the problem. I reformatted in NTFS and now it works just fine. Thanks again.

isaacn86 (2008-07-15)

Thanks Alot you guys I have just finished Downloading all of it, my Ratio was 1.74. I uploaded a total of 77gb. I will be uploading it for a while so I hope you guys get it soon. Thanks to everyone who uploaded.

maxeffect (2008-07-16)

This is the best download ever. Yes, it took me 12 days @ 32-75kbs (NEVER GOT ANY HIGHER), but the quality is awesome and having the extra printouts as well as scanned images of the DVD labels themselves made it all worth while. Thanks again. Awesome download!

isaacn86 (2008-07-17)

Well there you have it boys, I just finished uploading this to a ratio of 2.00. My ISP is probably ripping there hair out, because the download was 44gb and upload was 88gb. My monthly limit is 95 gb. well enjjoy and good luck

mackattack22 (2008-07-18)

hey guys...this is my first comment on tpb. first i want to say thanks to newbee01 for the great torrent...i will seed as much as possible. I know that there are three phases to the program, but do we use the same dvds for all three phases? Can you choose different phases on the dvd menus?

fabricman (2008-07-19)

How do I seed this torrent?

joeizbored (2008-07-24)

I registered just to tell the uploader THANKS...and also to thank all seeders. However, I am stuck at like 76% with a very low download rate :(...Ever since I've started, I've seeded at my max ISP upload rate at 100kbs....can all you guys with the full torrent open up your upload speeds? Pretty please????

pompousdork (2008-07-28)

major props to Newbee. thank you

Patokev3000 (2008-08-04)

Downloading at 375 kb/s, uploading at 450 kb/s....
Excellent, it'll only take 1 day and 11 hours for the whole thing...
Cheers everybody!

Patokev3000 (2008-08-05)

Now uploading at over 1 MB/Sec so I will leave it on for a fair bit...

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-17)

You worried me at first but dude I got my package in the mail today. Def worth it. How did you get it to be exactly like the real thing. Well thanks so much. You saved me a ton of money and TIME!!!!! I hope you get more hits you deserve it bro (or girl, idk). But thanks.

Dick Jerkins (2008-08-19)

This dl is lengthly - just like my manhood.

Jakeinmn (2008-08-19)

hey how the hell do I use these isos, Im using daemon on vista and its doing the same thing, I actually bought p90x but got lazy, i returned it got my money back, this shit works, but i got lazy. But I copied the CD's on my comp, but they didnt really work cuz it was just folders, it didnt auto-run like what i put them in the comp, it would run, but anyway, how can i get these isos to work :p i've used 2 other mounters... im so confused

Jakeinmn (2008-08-19)

ne help will be appreciated alot :p, i just want 2 get the isos to work

Jakeinmn (2008-08-20)

are u serious, its 151 bites, thats a fucking keylogger lol... ardamax ?

Dick Jerkins (2008-08-23)

Go away pest. It took a while, but it "don't cost nuthin'." Like beer on Animal House.

theperiodman (2008-08-27)

@ wjfeliberti - hey there bud. You've hijacked enough torrents with your nonsense.
I'd suggest working on building a new MySpace profile... it'd suck if someone reported it as a scam/phishing profile and it got taken down.

Wezzor (2008-08-28)

I yet again reiterate (look it up you dense monkey mother fuck)
eat shit and die. no one wants to pay for pirated shit. It would be interesting to see what the Copyright owner thought if i were to email a link of that cute little site of your eh? Hope you have a distribution license fucker.

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

awesome download...keep seeding

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

hmm...i wonder why people are seeding

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

i mean why aren't they seeding.

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

that's bull...some of us would like to download at our max potential

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

oh yea...look at the guys comments about how he said don't beg for seeds.

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

well looks like we've backed ourselves into a hole

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)


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P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)


P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

a few more of these will be pretty fun

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

i don't know how many

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

i guess whenever I feel like stopping

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

what do you think of that?

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

i'm guessing its pissing you fuckers off?

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

yea it is?

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

aww i'm so sorry. see if i fucking care...fucking retards

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)

haw here comes some more

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-28)


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pirat2197 (2008-08-28)

wtf is with all the numbers fucking fag
worked great...took too long...and then there was viruses in on of the files...can't remember cuz i was too scared to keep and seed...trashed to whole thing.

billyvnilly (2008-08-29)

Im Burning with Nero 8, and I'm not getting audio on my TV? any advice. Im buring the ISO, would it be better to extract the iso myself and burn the TS folders?

pirat2197 (2008-08-29)

Okay I'll give it one more try besides wanna help your seeding efforts cuz my upload is at over 600kbs.
Try DVD decrypter
The best and FASTEST. NOT KIDDING. It would be a bad idea to open the iso's you downloaded and burn the files yourself. Your dvd player will not be able to recognize the DVD image. Instead it will think its CD data. These Iso's are specifically for DVD's. If you have no luck with DVD decrypter there are a ton of better and FREEer versions of ISO handlers. I mean magic iso is def one of them. And shoot just look up burn4free on CNET and you will see how popular it is and it burns iso's exceptionally well. NERO=ZERO.

anononymous_1234 (2008-08-29)

gay fucking site if you ask me
nice address too
85 makefield rd, morrisville pa

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-29)

Hey SEEDERS tired of trying to get this BS download. Here you go instead.

P90X_Fanatic (2008-08-29)

Newbee01 at 2008-04-09 03:20 CET:
For all your P90X/P90X+ paperwork needs go to,
Your funny not.

e_xi_alpha (2008-09-02)


afusionz (2008-09-05)

Anyone have "one on one with tony horton"?

demuffinman (2008-09-11)

Please continue seeding!!!!

weezywee21 (2008-09-13)

plz more ppl seed this...would love to get back in shape

demuffinman (2008-09-13)

Please seed! Set at unlimited and is downloading and uploading at 0 B/s

MrSSpt (2008-09-13)

Downloading: 200Kb/s
Uploading: 1980kb/s

FaZTER12 (2008-09-18)

What is p9ox???

FaZTER12 (2008-09-18)

What is P90X ???
is it a tv show?
a movie?
or a new intel cpu modell?
i have no clue

Nostro333 (2008-09-19)

maybe porn from the 90's ? who knows. :-??. And im not being sarcastically mean ,im just as confused as you are lol. :D

battac (2008-09-19)

can somebody plz tell me, what is PX90????

Gr33nNinja (2008-09-20)

P90X is a set of workout dvds it helps build muscles with a muscle confusion i used it a year ago it works great but you need to keep it up

pc39707 (2008-09-21)

or you could just go out and get some exercise instead of downloading pron from the net.

demuffinman (2008-09-27)

Can anyone confirm the long wait?
"I recommend you all download and run these dvds through Vob Blanker.

The reason for this is because these dvds contain a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG warning message and screens to get to the menu. This means you need to wait for like 1-2 minutes after you stick in the dvd to actually get to the menu. Using vob blanker you can removed the button restrictions, so as soon as the dvd is in, you only need to push menu on your remote and your ready to watch.
First you need to extract the .ISO. You can do this if you have winrar on your computer. Once The iso has been extracted and you can see the video_ts volder, open vob blanker and open the Video_TS.IFO file. Then make sure remove PUOPs in vob and IFO are checked (they should be checked by default). Then select an output folder and process. Now burn your newly built dvd, free of restrictions. "

demuffinman (2008-09-27)

Confirmed. You will have to wait almost 2 minutes before you can go to menu.
Run Vob Blanker. Trust me.

demuffinman (2008-09-27)

"I recommend you all download and run these dvds through Vob Blanker.

The reason for this is because these dvds contain a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG warning message and screens to get to the menu. This means you need to wait for like 1-2 minutes after you stick in the dvd to actually get to the menu. Using vob blanker you can removed the button restrictions, so as soon as the dvd is in, you only need to push menu on your remote and your ready to watch.
First you need to extract the .ISO. You can do this if you have winrar on your computer. Once The iso has been extracted and you can see the video_ts volder, open vob blanker and open the Video_TS.IFO file. Then make sure remove PUOPs in vob and IFO are checked (they should be checked by default). Then select an output folder and process. Now burn your newly built dvd, free of restrictions. "

prgwte (2008-10-01)


a71n (2008-10-01)

49% done. Seeding for at least a month on my work computer. 4.0 MB/s upload speed :)

dchrsf (2008-10-04)

Thanks man. I'm going to devote my 10m/2m Fiber connection to this for a while! I got 200KB/s UL goin stong... I plan on getting into this routine also, so thanks a billion!!

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-10-08)

3 1/2 days and im at 29.8% not bad i guess.. it is 44.31 Gb !! i cant wait for it to finish!! bah!

88turborx7 (2008-10-18)

I have been downloading for over a month and I am only at 18%! I have cable..what's the problem. On top of that I just installed the latest version of Bittorrent and it seems to no longer be there!!

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-10-21)

it took me 8 days of solid downloading to get to 18% with limewirepro. i downloaded utorrent and it finished is just over 9 days (starting from 0 not the 18% limewire got to..) that cuold be your problem, i have found utorrent to be 100 times faster then limewire.. you just cant search for single files like you can limewire so i kept both.

F3nNec(real1) (2008-10-26)

l0000ncat iz

bigrndahouse (2008-10-30)

hey newbee01 is there a way you can burn these on dual layer dvds? i will pay u, a reasonable price then i can turn around and upload it and share the bandwidth upload

bigrndahouse (2008-10-31)

hey can i get this burnt on dvds? ill pay lol

shammisher (2008-10-31)

please seed!!

vandevious (2008-10-31)

Am I doing something wrong because I've downloaded the entire 44GB four different times and each time my client shows 44.31GB downloaded but only says 5.3% complete?

andy721 (2008-11-01)

You guys seriously getting this fucking gay shit? WHY whats so important that this has to be top 100 for over 10months?

PTKT (2008-11-03)

I just went from a constant 130+ kbs download speed(for which i am VERY grateful) to 3 kbs download speed. I am at 95% and I am ready to cry. My DL to UL Ratio is 1.4 and I have no problem seeding til that gets to 10, but what happend??? Where have all the good seeders gone??? Also, Newbee01, TYVM for this upload. You are awesome!!!

colinwoods84 (2008-11-04)

ive got only a few hours left and then I will leave it up with my 15 up/dn fiber connection over here so hopefully that will help. Only problem is, i really do not know how to "seed." is that just me leaving the program where it downloads or do I have to do something else.

recipeguy (2008-11-06)

Yes just leave it the way it is. Once its done it will auto Seed unless you have sharing turned off.
I'm going on 4 days and 14 minutes... I have 67% done and going strong at an average of 120 kb/s
This will be my first seed Cause i know how much of a pain in the ass this torrent was. But Thank God For Newbee01. Great Job
If anyone one know how to Burn this to DVD with ISO please feel free to share I'm kinda new to this still. Take Care All

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-11-08)

to burn the iso's to dvd, just search Magic Iso here on TPB and download that program. Once installed open up the program and go under tools and click the "burn CD/DVD with ISO ..." button. Just find the iso you want to burn, put in a DVD and there you go. Just make sure to let the computer sit there while it burns, (atleast for me, if i do anything else it messes up the burn and causes it to skip and screw up the burn. But then again i'm on a fairly decent laptop..)

shammisher (2008-11-08)

how do you have such a high d/l speed? mines stuck at 20kb/s :| and only at like 30% after a week

recipeguy (2008-11-08)

After i get the DVDs to work with the ISO burn,
Then For a very short time i will Can either Zip the Files and Email it or I can Copy DVDs and Send Via Snail Mail for a Small Price. Dvds+shipping+small Labor Charge. I'm not out to make Money I just Know i was Pumped to get this going about 2 weeks ago, 13 days later i feel my motivation burning off just waiting and waiting.
So if anyone is interested This Torrent will be DL for me tonight so i will be Ready tomorrow if anyone is interested. I will Check this Post Tomorrow and Periodically throughout the week to come. Leave some sort of contact info and we can start there.
Thanks again Newbee01 Great Job

dsanche1976 (2008-11-10)

I'm definitely interested in getting a copy and willing to pay a small fee....let me know [email protected]

Mr.Checkers (2008-11-10)

Im also interested :] . . . . [email protected]

shammisher (2008-11-11)

also interested............ [email protected]

Bex-53 (2008-11-16)

recipeguy: I'm also very interested in getting a copy and willing to pay a small [email protected]

SpugOnPBN (2008-11-20)

I finished downloading this last night (took me 47 hours) and I was planning on seeding for a while but something happened with my computer. Is there any way I can set it up to seed to this torrent? or would I have to start my own?

weezywee21 (2008-11-21)

i have been downloading this for months on a 7mb line...what the secret to getting it faster?....47 hours seems real quick

Zipher1337 (2008-11-22)


cheaptequila1 (2008-11-24)

Thanks Newbee! Finally finished downloading and have burned a few, and it looks perfect. I'll seed for awhile. Someone recommended blanking out the "Warning" at the beginning using VOB blanker - which is a free download, and that worked like a charm, you can now skip the warning. Have to partially agree with kknp666 - having a personal trainer and going to a gym is a great way to get started. I downloaded this to learn new exercises and ways to use existing equipment. The guy in the video is kind of a tool (but probably a rich one).

clubwill3 (2008-11-24)

just started dling it.... says will be dling for a week or 3 but im up for it....... thanks for the great seeding......... and i will seed once i get it also.....

remixkraz (2008-11-24)

Okay so i downloaded the entire thing, im new to torrents and everything so what do i do with these .iso files??
how do i watch the videos ive just downloaded???

clubwill3 (2008-11-26)

you have to use a program to burn them to a disk before you can watch them...... please keep the file and seed it.....thanks much

ukm_13 (2008-12-01)

Ok so I've downloaded this and when I try to burn the image to a dvd with nero it won't work, I've also tried dvd decrypter and it gives me an error and I tried Magic ISO and it copied but when I try to play it on my dvd player it didn't play. Any help would be appreciated..

robotnee (2008-12-02)

Please seed this. Already been trying for a good week and a half, and only at 13%
Comeon guys! I read so many 'will seed', yet havent seen much.

ukm_13 (2008-12-02)

Yea I know it takes forever to download, I guess no one knows how to burn it or why I'm having problems

Kobron (2008-12-03)

mines downloadibg at 3.5kb per sexond and i tried downloading one part at a time but even if i deselect them the whole thing downloads. cant figure out why
if someone could please help it would be appreciated.

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-12-03)

like i wrote before, with Limewire Pro i had been downloading for almost 2 weeks (non stop) and was at 18%. After switching to Utorrent, i downloaded the rest of the torrent in only 4 days. I have not tried using Vuse, Bittorrent or any of the other programs out there, but consider my example, try another program.
1.Open MagicIso (i realize you said you tried this program, maybe you were doing it wrong)
2.Under tools at the top, select burn cd/dvd with Iso..
3.Find the Iso file you want to burn in the P90 folder
4.Have a Dvd in the drive and make sure to selevt the slowest burning speed possible!!!
In case some people dont know, a lot of the Iso's have the AB Ripper X in them at the very end. Even though Ab ripper X has its own ISO, its built into the other Isos as well.

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-12-03)

I am going to upload each iso individually (i saw that some people just want certain parts) check back on my page later in the day to start downloading them.

ukm_13 (2008-12-03)

Thanks Big Lazy but I did it like this, maybe some files are corrupted

ukm_13 (2008-12-04)

Or maybe its because I didn't download the whole thing just certain videos for example, cardio, back and biceps, shoulders and plyometrics

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-12-12)

I put up each ISO from this torrent individually in case people only wanted a few of the videos. If you need the documents, check Newbee01's other torrents, theres one in there with ALL the paper work, not just a few scans.

Vanbuilderaz (2008-12-14)

you bother to type all that just to flame a good torrent you retard?
For your info the guy is legit and going to a gym is for ppl who need to work out in front of ppl to feel like they're important.
Getting ripped with natural movement exercise, like pull ups and push ups, is the best way cause of the range of motion and use of multiple muscle groups. You see the most ripped athletes using 'cave man' training much more than weights. ppl who only use weights only are meat heads who juice and leave the gym and light a cigarette, and are going for appearance instead of actually being fit and having strength.
Just look at Brock Lesnar or Sean Sherk assjack!

checkle1 (2008-12-14)

i was gonna download this to help get some definition but after watching the guy who leads it promote the video i could only come up with two words to describe him "douche bag"...

Vanbuilderaz (2008-12-14)

then why bother posting?
just don't download it.
cause now you the douchebag

Xamd (2008-12-18)

Can anyone give up just a little more band with im a 27% and well i go yo my peers list and ppl are giving like 5kb/s to me and they are getting like 40kb/s from me so any one want to help me just itty bitty tiny bit
oh and i noticed only like 0-1 ppl at 100% are seeding well that blows

Xamd (2008-12-18)


Xamd (2008-12-18)

lol (bandwidth) well anyway i forgot, thank you newbee01 =D

FileScanner (2008-12-19)

Seriously what the fuck!!!!!! connected to 9 seeders 40 peers with a 0.7 kb download !!!! the other torrent I had connected like this downloaded at 1.2 MBs a second, can you please seed

FileScanner (2008-12-19)

I apologize for the remarks you consider bitching or stupid shit. I will seed the fuck out of this thing when I am done!!!!

88turborx7 (2008-12-19)

Ok, I have been trying to download this since like July. I am at 61% and I am getting stupid speeds like 5-10 kb/s. I am using Bittorrent 5.2.0. I just downloaded the full P90x nutrition guide torrent, 499 mbs with utorrent and it took like 30 minutes with speeds up to 300 kb/s. Of course there were 22 seeders and only 4 leechers, not like this one with 110 seeders and 1038 leechers. But why can't I get better speeds? I configured my Zonealarm to open a specific port and everything and it's not any faster. Is it Bittorrent that just sucks or what? And I keep getting error messages while downloading and when I restart Bittorrent, instead of resuming at the last point right away, say like 61%, my computer bogs down like it is reading the whole file off the HD and it starts at 0.1% and slowly, and i mean slowly goes up to about 59%, I always seem to lose a couple of percent which is like two days worth of downloading which is just driving me nuts and making me one step closer to laying out $160 just to buy the bloody DVD's and relieve a whole lot of frustration....whew... that feels better. Anyone can help out at all???

BigLazyBoyShane (2008-12-20)

Download the isos from me! MUCH FASTER!! they're from this torrent just put into a torrent individually. You can probably download one in a day or two..

88turborx7 (2008-12-20)

How do I add trackers with Bittorrent 5.2 or utorrent 1.8.1?

Darknesskills (2008-12-25)

88.6% 100kb/s DL 205kb/s UL when im done ill seed the shit out of it but i probably wont keep it on my computer long low hard drive space sorry

hechac1 (2008-12-29)

I need this torrent too. But it was slow as hell. Seed people!
Anyways, I have two computers going at this torrent. One has a 100Mb connection, and is set to seed at unlimited speed.
It's currently uploading at 2-4MB per second. Enjoy! And seed or I wont!
Thanks for the torrent!

gcoats23 (2008-12-30)

Come on keep ya seeding- ill seed @ 10meg for a week ok, but i need it first

Pave85 (2009-01-02)

is this a movie??!??!?!?? i tried to find this from imdb, i didnt find it.

cutiepace (2009-01-04)

I downloaded this torrent about a month ago onto my laptop that's only 65gib and i seeded like crazy because it's a popular torrent. I took me one week to dl. I lost everything on that laptop and now i'm trying to re-dl this. It's been two weeks and it seems that i'm uploaded faster than i am downloading it. 144 seeders and i only connect to 4? and it .4kbs? you guys suck.
Great torrent and thanks for the upload though

russyo (2009-01-05)

I can upload it for about a week but not much longer as I am running low on HD space and need to burn this to DVD. It took me about 1.5 weeks to DL it, thanks everyone.

sorrow777 (2009-01-08)

500kB/s for 2 weeks

XPrax (2009-01-09)

A workout DVD.......WTF......Is this really necessary???

ALINSAS112233 (2009-01-10)

hi, guys. i 'm trying to dl p90x for a month and i have only 67% and all the time i get bittorrent errors like this: 'btfailure told file complete on startup but pieces failed hash check'. what is wrong and why i have low speed for dl for this torrent? i'm using bittorrent 5.0.9 port 6881 and auto bandwidth, ip shaw, canada. ANY HELP WELCOME :)

AndrewSS02 (2009-01-11)

if your still making extra sets, me email is [email protected]
Please let me know.
And Newbee01, great torrent.

sap0926 (2009-01-11)

its so slow, i usually get good speeds off tpb torrents, but with this i am only averaging 24 kb and looking @ 2 weeks to finish

AndrewSS02 (2009-01-12)

as to a few people, after a bit it does pick up. I started off at about 10 to 15 kb and now I am at about 310 or so. But thats after about 8 hours of downloading.

deltArate (2009-01-13)

Newbee01 I downloaded all 4 P90 discs a while back, so whats the difference between those 4 and this torrent. Is this the real deal, just as if you paid for it?

BigLazyBoyShane (2009-01-14)

instead of spending months downloading this torrent.. download ONLY the ISO's from mee!! They're are the isos from this torrent, but i put them up each individually, they download MUCH FASTER!! get the proper paperwork in the other torrent by newbee01, not this one, check under his name.

AndrewSS02 (2009-01-14)

3 full days of downloading and I am pulling it in at about 800 down. Pretty nice. Thanks again.

simoriah (2009-01-17)

Seedbox pulled this down in about 48 hours. I've uploaded about 300G so far. I'll let this go for another day or so... but then I'll have to stop for a bit. 1T traffic included with the account. Overages are a bitch!
Still... pretty decent speed from a torrent this size. Generally pulled about 300KB/sec down.

dtechst (2009-01-19)

Okay i have been trying to download this torrent for 1 week and 6 day im only at 16%. ** IS THERE ANYWAY TO MAKE IT DOWNLOAD FASTER???** my avg. download speed is 6.5k/Bs i think i might go crazy if this continues. I live in a community that offers free wireless. so basically that means we all have to share. wavelength something?!? idk what that is i put in type in the ip address in explore and that is what comes up. THANKS LET ME KNOW IF ANYONE CAN HELP> [email protected]

jwheazy (2009-01-26)

ok guys, this torrent takes forever to download....
what i suggest doing is adding a single DVD to your torrent program. just search for P90X and all the DVDs will come up on here.
ive got 3 in 2 days compared to an estimated 60 days for this torrent.
the program is great, really intense workout.
all the DVDs on here are the same ones from this torrent. after you get those, swap add them into the folder for this torrent so you can help seed this.

prodigy0701 (2009-01-26)

Hi there, how do I convert iso files to avi or mpg so that it's viewable?
Thanks in advance

BigLazyBoyShane (2009-01-28)

YES! download the dvds from me instead! FAST DOWNLOADS! the same exact as what is in this torrent just MUCH FASTER!! you get the same thing in a fraction of the time. Find the Paperwork in a compeltely seperate torrent by Newbee01, this torrent doesnt even have all the paperwork! SO GO TO MY PAGE! and start downloading now!

clindy (2009-01-29)

Okay, finally got this dl, took about 4 days. Burned using Nero, looks great, but I got no sound. Any suggestions?

clindy (2009-01-29)

nevermind, I'm a we todd, Was messing with the computer earlier and just ever so slightly unplugged the speakers.

aotero (2009-01-30)

i'm at 10 % in 3 weeks i just hope someday i have this file lol

jwheazy (2009-01-31)

aotero....listen to what i said.
go to biglazyboyshane's page and get all the DVDs there.
i have this entire set in about 10 days, and i took some time off downloading. just do it 1 disc at a time until you have the set.
it will take over a month getting it from this torrent

BigLazyBoyShane (2009-02-01)

better hurry, they're starting to get more leachers!! soon it will be like this one.. so get to downloading!

afusionz (2009-02-06)

Hey Newbee01, thanks a lot again for your effort.
Is there anybody who will upload the ISO´s & books of the new Beachbody product:
"ChaLean Xtreme Workout" ?
The Chalean Extreme workout routine might rival the extremely popular P90X workout. O.o

myrook1 (2009-03-01)

let me have it and i will definitely seed

fivalo (2009-03-06)

somebody who has this in its full please contact me: understandinc[at]gmail[dot]com.

etrnldrk (2009-03-12)

Only 3 of 47 seeding???
Come one people. I'll be seeding as much as my isp will allow, please share. Been sitting at 19.84% for 2 weeks now.....

grumpdog (2009-03-17)

wow I want this but I have no hard drives that have even close to 44 GB free space =) Can someone burn some of these DVDs and I can Paypal ya the difference? my email is ewupawly(at)gmail(dot)com !!!

curlie08 (2009-03-18)

been sittin at 7.o for 3 days now...someone please seed!!!! =]

curlie08 (2009-03-18)

sorry too bitch! have to do it somewhere!!! no one else will listn, so at least ppl will read...he he

Sharak (2009-03-23)

does this include the documentation extras? Like the nutritional info and such. If so, thanks alot for taking the time to seed this in HQ!

dhorwood1 (2009-03-28)

How do I download the torrents over 4 gig? I get an oversize limit notice appear

 sebrof77 (2009-04-01)

your harddrive has to be formatted to NTFS, if its FAT32 then it won't accept that large of a file.

SUNDALO (2009-04-06)

whats the difference between Newbee01's files which is only 5 parts and BigLazyBoyShane's files which has all 13 seperate files? so Newbee01's files are the same as BigLazyBoyShane's files>
so how do i burn Newbee01's files into a DVD since thats the one I have downloaded?

Ifrit-666-Hellfire (2009-04-09)

how many dvd's does it take to put this on & can i put this on dvd.
Because I downloaded P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP
and I cant do shit with it.

skratneem (2009-04-10)

can y'all seed please?
a little help from a lot of people makes a big difference!

SUNDALO (2009-04-11)

Newbee01 I have this files 44.31 gb and i have been seeding for a quite while and still seeding
i have all the 13 dvd images .ISO
now my problem is that I used ImgBrn to burn the images in to a DVD and also i have used Dvd Decrypter and it just did the same thing
but it seems to be not playing so... do u have a link or a another program to help me burn this images into a Dvd and to be properly working.

wcitysin (2009-04-11)

From reading the comments it looks like everyone wanting to burn this is having problems.
First off:
If you downloaded a bunch of xvid encoded avi's you need to convert them to dvd if you want them as dvd's, or put the avi's on dvd's *usually 5 or 6 will fit if around 700 mbs per file, on a 4.7gb dvd*
These are ISO's (i haven't finished downloading them yet) but, ISO's can be direct burned through Nero easily. just double click the iso, open it with nero burning rom, put in a blank dvd, press burn, let it burn. Done.
Simple steps I think.
Hoping this dvd set works great, plan to start this as soon as its done d/l'ing

SUNDALO (2009-04-13)

ok i've tired Magic ISO, Dvd Decrypter, ImgBrn and burn it as a DVD image. I've tried the ab ripper and it only goes to the menu screen and it doesnt play at all. and ive tried how to bring it and says an error. so ima try biglazyboyshane's files and see wut happens.

bbeam (2009-04-13)

Hi I hope alot of you are seeding (whether completed or incomplete). We do need those who had succesfully completed the downloading to seed and share as I am seeing a lot of incomplete downloaders. Those who had reach 90%-100% are not even sharing. Pls seeds and share. It is not going to help if everyone is going to limit the upload speed as this file is rather big.
ISO file is a direct burned. Very straight-forward and easy. Maybe you can try to download a copy of the Nero and select DVD from the dropdown menu and then select the "Copy and Backup" tab and click "Burns image to Disc". Checkout youtube for demo on Nero burn ISO or something.

bbeam (2009-04-13)

quite disppointed with those who had 80-100% not opening up the file to sharing. I see only a few 100% and I couldn't even downloading from them. I even temporary moves some of my files that I was seeding to make way for this download as I don't have enough hdd space for the moment. Pls kindly seed and share.

jasoncb (2009-04-18)

i saw this and wondered what the hell could be 44.31 Gib having never heard of P90X.
On my life!!! All this for fitness workout videos!!!!
Jane Fonda eat your heart out!!!

Tybott (2009-04-20)

Hey how do i open the IFO and VOB files?

rolltide555 (2009-04-20)

burn ISOs onto DVDs using DVD Decrypter. Its free

MandoPop (2009-04-28)

Lol 44 GiB only !!! what a nice size :)

paulskin (2009-05-02)

Hey thanks Newbee great download.And it only to 1 week!

bbeam (2009-05-07)

4 weeks had passed and I only managed to downloaded 7gb.

xdamiancx (2009-05-13)

Only took me a month to download! lol
Anyway, one thing that this torrent was missing was the nutrition guide, but you can easily find it on here.

critchy (2009-05-18)

lannieki :- what you say is never going to happen your a dick head

bbeam (2009-05-19)

this is the 6th week since May 6 (approximately 1 month and 2weeks), so far managed to only get 14gb. Still hanging on.

nip-tuck (2009-05-26)

I dont know why people are downloading these huge files!! i found easily on TPB ripped versions of all muscles group videos only approx 700MB. A very comprehensive list and includes the nutrition list!!
HERE IS THE LINK! ! ![ISO_Ripped_tagged_Docs]

nip-tuck (2009-05-27)

P.S it took 12 hours to get everything from the above link!!!!

seedpeer (2009-05-29)

Excellent program.
Thank you very much

Sean_Q2 (2009-06-01)

Thank you for puting this torrent together Newbee01 awesome job and it does not go unappreciated. Also big ups to everyone who is seeding and not limiting the upload speed to 1kb/s!!!

jtrainor1 (2009-06-03)

I really do not believe that it is fair that I may be one of just a hand full of people who actually allow people to upload from them without restrictions. Why do people think it is ok to do this? for this reason would there be anyone who is has finished this download that would consider a direct connect for this in trade for something else?

loccy402 (2009-06-04)

thanks for this Newbee01
im seeding this as i download, unlimited uploads. i dont see why its so hard? if everyone does it then everyone else gets it faster too... it shouldnt be left to just a few people to share fully.

bluevmax92 (2009-06-10)

this torrent file has been taking forever (6weeks at least) and i still dont have 1 complete DVD yet. largest dvd % done is 90.6. damn cant anyone even share for a week b4 dumping it?

pyreyt (2009-06-10)

Hey Newbee01
Thanks for helping people in the global community get in tip top shape with the P90X you've uploaded.
You've changed my life and I'm sure you've changed theirs.
I'm curious to know if you've also heard of One on One or Insanity. Might be something you'd want to look into.

daman777888 (2009-06-11)

hey Newbee how do u put it onto a DVD?

daman777888 (2009-06-11)

mine says error under download being used by another program? how do i fix tht?

phresh1 (2009-06-15)

hey newbee01. i been trying to burn to dvd. i been using DVDflick and i get this(video_ts ifo could not be opened. the file may be corrupted or its format may be unsoported) could some1 please help.. thanx......

cullen90 (2009-06-21)

I know you had warned us not to post comments telling people to please seed, but I really would like to use this P90X before 150 some odd days from now. It says here that there are 202 seeders. Now granted this is the first I've ever downloaded, but doesn't this mean I should have a faster download than 5 or less kb/s. I'm uploading at a rate over ten times the rate I'm downloading. Can someone please help? I really want to start P90X next week. Thanks.

phigam25 (2009-07-02)

Progress: 19.3% ( 35.74 GB left )
Time: 22:14:19(download only) 22:14:19(total)
D/L: 8.74 GB ( 114 kB/s)
U/L: 12.80 GB ( 167 kB/s)
I'm downloading at a 2:3 ratio on a T1 Line here at work. It's not terribly slow but it's not terribly fast either. You jerks that are setting your upload limits are holding us all back. Be fair and seed! Hopefully after this holiday weekend it'll be done.
Will upload for a 2-4 weeks, pretty much until the bossman comes down one me about the bandwidth use.
Currently I'm d/ling off ONE seed... and I have 39 leachers! Help us all out and open up your Upload rates guys.

phigam25 (2009-07-02)

Also, if there are any new trackers for this torrent that would be great also.

phigam25 (2009-07-07)

Date Started: 2009.07.01 13:40:23
Date Finished: 2009.07.07 03:49:16
Time Elapsed: 5day 14:08:22(download only) 5day 22:19:16(total)
Downloaded: 44.38 GB ( 96 kB/s)
Uploaded: 78.52 GB ( 160 kB/s)
T1 Line... Will seed until bosses complain about slow interwebz... You other leeching pricks should seed too!

B10Reaper (2009-07-08)

There are 0/222 seeds uploading, and there are 16/1738 peers. Now imagine if 222 people were uploading? Even if 50 were uploading? Come on people, seed this. I know I will, as soon as it's downloaded.

cyphon (2009-07-12)

I totally commited all my upload and download bandwidth and got in four days. My avergae download speed was 150/kbs my upload to you guys was 185/kbs day and night.
I went to download,com and downloaded "virtual clone drive" by slysoft free and it mounted and played all the videos.....also made burning easy.
Seriously guys leave your machines on and let the bandwidth go so people can get fast.

cyphon (2009-07-12)

Im gonna leave it on for upload 24/7 so if you all dont get good speed its because everyones not playing nice

hustla713 (2009-07-15)

how do i burn to discs placing the jpg on my disc?

hustla713 (2009-07-15)

im seeding at i need all of you to at least try and seed too...fuck im tired of downloading this already!

jh121600 (2009-07-23)

Took 5 days to download. Thanks to everyone that is seeding.

1MSCD2J (2009-07-25)

Lol all you guys saying you gonna seed until bossman comes up to you, funny that I'm an bossman xD

Rekksy (2009-07-26)

271 peeps seeding and i'm getting .1k/s. At this rate, I'll be done in 1 year and 14 weeks! Yippee! Seriously for all this, if I went on a regimented diet, and did some moderate exercise, by the time I get these, it'll be pointless. :)
But seriously, maybe i'm missing something. Why so slow?

kzaric (2009-07-27)

I am been seeding for over week now at full capacity at whatever Comcast allows to do so.... C'mon people show some appreciation for Newbee01's great effort. Thank you very much Newbee01!!!

jordantristan (2009-08-01)

Thanks for sharing, the videos are great, but I did not find the extras , could you tell them how I can get them?
P90X Prep
Workout Overview (2 Pages)
Classic Version (4 Pages)
Doubles (2 pages)
Lean (3 pages)
Fit Test
DVD labels

newbee007 (2009-08-02)

i am downloading at 10kbps

punkstarr (2009-08-03)

seed more plzz..

xexoticmr2x (2009-08-06)

Hahahahaha funny i registered just to say thank you Newbee01 for your outstanding effort for providing this super great quality P90x video.
It took me 4 days and just to let you guys know, i've uploaded 122 gigs already and will continue to seed for at least another month!
Thanks again!

FULLMETALRICH (2009-08-08)

LMAO!!! I did what xexoticmr2x did. Just registered to say thanks! Ive been downloading for about a month! but thats what happens when you live with your old lady. Im at 95%! Now i can finaly get my fat ass back in shape like i used to be. lol Thanks Newbee01! There is no way i would be able to afford this if i ordered it. Ill seed at my max for a couple of weeks mostly between the time of 1 a.m to 10 a.m pacific time.

FULLMETALRICH (2009-08-08)

By the way, does anyone know a good program to convert these files onto a DVD? Thanks again!

FULLMETALRICH (2009-08-08)

Alright ladys and gents,
In order to make thees ISO's onto a dvd you need to download DVD Decrypter. You guys can get it for free on this site.

In order to get it though u need WinZip.
But! You should have it anyways cause you need it to access the ISO's off of these torrents.
Ok now that you have dowloaded it, goto Mode , then ISO, and chose Write W.
Now that it is set to write on a dvd open the little folder in the Source siction next to the "please select a file...."
Look for the files and chose them.
Now remember! Newbee01 Hook us up with PURE DVD QUALITY for thouse of us who have BIG TVs ;) So each file is going to need its own DVD.
Now on the bottom right hand corner youll see settings. I set my "Write Speed" to what ever it says on my DVD. I just think thats better. But now click on the icon that show "harddrive converting to DVD. And leave your computer alone. Some computer tend to make CDs or DVDs skip when your burning and missing with your computer. Now just make all your DVDs.
If you look through the comment you see people leaving links to other P90X. Cause they say this one takes way to long. But remember they are low quality! And well i say its worth the wait. I like to work out in fornt of my TV where I can see the DVDs with out PIXLES ALL OVER MY LCD TV. SO FUCK THEM! :)
So i know it seems like i aint got shit to do cause i wrote all this. And well......
Your right!
But it is cause i know there are people out there like me who havent heard of ISO's untill now. So this is for those people. Other than that ill seed as much as i can so hopfully you wont have to wait as long as i did.
Special thanks too.....

Thanks for the great Quality and helping the little guys out!

GrayMatterInUse (2009-08-17)

Awesome man! Great quality. Many thanks. Will seed till the cows come home.

carnnage14 (2009-08-18)

look up "how to burn movies" on demonoid and learn how the pros do it

B10Reaper (2009-08-26)

Fucking seed this shit you assclowns.

patrol_man (2009-08-27)

WOW there downloading many people this shit...
its a fitness training dvd wtf are all of you fat:P...

sauceofsauce (2009-08-28)

Wow, need some seedage. I look just like all the guys in the infomercial BEFORE they workout. Only overweight by 15lbs. I run at least once a week and work out once a week. Obviously not enough. SEED YOU FOOLS!!!!! :D

zsaliou (2009-08-29)

please seed, my download speed is 20kb/s, need more seeders

zsaliou (2009-08-29)


zsaliou (2009-08-31)

please seed, my download speed is 15kb/s, please seed

stert (2009-09-04)

at this rate it will take months to download this because there are no fucking seeders! I'm just gonna buy the fucking thing

stert (2009-09-06)

for the love of god seed this shit, you don't need the extra bandwidth for your gay porn

philpelaez (2009-09-07)

how do u seed?

PapaSmurf415 (2009-09-09)

Please seed, I don't want to wait 53 days to complete download... :(

dickbigdong (2009-09-13)

97 seeeders shouldnt be that slow right? come on people world of warcraft took my 6 pack and i want it back. seeeeeed or i keeeeel chu [:)

zsaliou (2009-09-17)

i'm uploading at 150kb/s but only have 9kb/s download, please seeeeeeeeeeeed,

stert (2009-09-18)

once i hit 30% my download had really picked up. but just getting that far has taken a couple weeks

Duncan88 (2009-09-28)

This has taken me over 2 months oto download - DS speed 5kb/s WOW! PLease seed

Exp. (2009-10-19)

Oh Yea. Seeding sounds good :) Seed a lot plz !!!

erocne (2009-10-24)

Only the first 3 img files are burning properly. I've tried to burn the rest and they don't play on anything. What am I doing wrong? I'm using Nero 8 and I'm doing the exact same thing I've done with the first 3 dvds.

Juggthiez (2009-11-06)

Seeeed, Seeeed, Please! DL sp is 14 kb/s:(

jwa2773 (2009-11-16)

I'm completely retarded! HELP!
downloaded all NTI files (only took about a week), but they won't open. I burned one to dvd and it pulls up the NTI Media Maker over and over...
I'm not familiar with NTI, but NEED this to get my lazy ass back into shape! How can I get these on dvd?

Ekac (2009-11-18)

Can somebody confirm if these ISO files are in 4:3 or 16:9 resolution?
Same thing goes for P90X+ series from Newbee01?

kidlv (2009-11-28)

Awesome, thanks. Good quality. Appreciate much.

jwa2773 (2009-11-30)

I just have to say AWESOME! Took a week, but was worth it the wait!
If you are having issues opening the files or burning to DVD, go to :

I'm not DVD burning savy, but this worked simply and perfectly...
Good luck all! Burn that shit off!

Bugsy_B (2009-11-30)

This is an AWESOME contribution and I've got an ETA of about 3 days. If this is anything like it's hyped up to be, it's going to be well worth the wait.
Seeding like a madman!

Th3_Raging_Bull (2009-11-30)

Everyone shut the fuck up about seeding. You heard the man.

OFD1160 (2009-12-05)

This has got to be one of the longest running Files on the top 100 list. great work keep it up.

Clover86 (2009-12-10)

im about a day an a half into this and I'm already at 80% Once I finish I will seed for a month or two

BlitzFahrer (2009-12-16)

Great torrent.
I'm seeding this already for 9 days. At this time my ratio is 5.8 - 260GB uploaded. I will seed this till 1TB @ 500kB/s.

andy72184 (2009-12-16)

How bout this, just do sit ups and push ups everyother night and you'd get tone in no time, stop being lazy and snorting roxies and drinking beer everyday. Lazy fucking americans. I hope the atomic bomb comes soon & 2012 is real.

gunner2nv (2009-12-23)

Hello thx for the p90x but i cant download it take too long and i read ur thing and u say that u hav download the one that is faster and i want to know is it good if i play it on computer? and wat is seed? i hav big computer screen so it would be ine for me

gunner2nv (2009-12-23)

wat is seed any way any how do u get more seed?

DeadLock235 (2009-12-24)

I have a quick question, the Nutrition guide, all those cards/proteins/fats etc. are you supposed to choose one of those (and each one counting as one serving,) and eat based on the amount of portions it tells you to? sorry if its a dumb question

AkAGooDs (2010-01-03)

I was going to upload this since i just riped them for my bro FIN

converge79 (2010-01-06)

Will someone please seed this torrent?!?!
I'm at 58% and it is taking forever to download. :(

BlitzFahrer (2010-01-07)

what is your max DL speed? I'm seeding this @500kB/s for already 1 month now and uploaded 950GB.

dedi000 (2010-01-14)


dedi000 (2010-01-14)

good torrent i wil keep seeding thiis shit for u on a big lan witch good upload;) thanks man:d

Bomberdawg (2010-01-31)

5 seeds! Wow, and I thought P90X would have more than 200 for sure.

BIGmexican (2010-02-07)

hey i promise to keep my seeding open for this download, i've always wanted this and now is my chance so you can count on me for keeping my uploads going at max. only problem though is it won't download for me. download keeps stopping?

ENCHY.tpb (2010-02-08)

I promise to keep seeding :)
Also, do I need some special convert2DVD kind of app? Or will any one do?

free4now (2010-02-15)

does anyone have the nutrtion guide?

klexxo (2010-02-16)

0.4-1.8Kb/s, why the fuck is everyone limiting seeding, or simply not seeding? Also the "new" background audio ads on here are annoying as shit. Why did piratebay start using them?

HabereHabere (2010-02-18)

how come that there are 374 seeds, and i'm connected to just 7?
and what can i do to download faster?
plz help me

DaisyT (2010-03-02)

i just started my install i am using miro is there a different that i should be using?

Quantum12 (2010-03-05)

For centuries now, people have been indoctrinated into the notion that competition is BENEFICIAL to the species. It's insane.
People actually believe that working against each other is the best thing for humanity. They are brainwashed into thinking that fighting for the same small portion of resources passed down from the top of the pyramid is the smartest thing to do.
How much longer will people be this stupid? When will they learn that the entire purpose of dividing us is precisely so that we can never rise to facilitate change? There is no trust because everyone wants the same jobs, the same resources and the same small percentage of wealth. Over 95 percent of the world?s wealth is owned by less than 1 percent of the population.
The answer to fighting crime isn?t to put more police on the streets. Crime can only be defeated by removing the inequality that gives people the incentive to commit it in the first place. Politicians know this but are trapped in the system just like everybody else. Political success requires massive amounts of funding to be pumped into campaigns and advertising. I assure you that the poor don?t pay for this.
When will people learn who their enemies are?
Did slavery end, or did it just evolve into something more nefarious and cunning?
I say wake the fuck up. It starts with you, America. Evil happens when good men do nothing. Capitalism must end or the human race will not survive.
P.S. There are three things you can do to help.
1) The system isolates people from one another by giving them conflicting interests from their competition. The way it hides this is by uniting the people in hatred of something else.
Unity is everything provided we face the right enemy. Tell people who the enemy is. They will not believe you, so be patient and persist. Do not let ignorance destroy us.
2) Do not have anything to do with the military.
The military takes orders from the government, but the government takes orders from the banking industry. War is about profit because the system is a business and not a charity. The best way to convince men to fight is to make them want to fight. Think about it.
Don?t fall for the jingoism bullshit. There are no great pieces of land, just great people.
3) Know your enemy.
The system that lets most people suffer in poverty and a few to wallow in self-indulgence because of bloodline or blind luck is the enemy. This is the same system the Romans used, and will end in the same way. The greed of a few is holding back evolution for the rest.
The heart of the enemy is the banking industry. The banking industry perpetuates debt and most horrifyingly of all, it keeps people static. It weighs them down with car loans, mortgages, personal finance, stock options, credit cards, overdrafts etc..... The point is to keep you in permanent debt, and therefore an employee of the bank until you die. Everybody works for the banks: the only difference lies between those that know it and those that don?t.
Strike the heart.

EPRP (2010-03-11)

I downloaded this torrent. When I was done I checked it to make sure it was complete and all the Video files were Documents and no Audio Files existed. All of the paper work was there but everything else didn't exist.
Is there something I missed while downloading this torrent? I never really download torrents.
But i downloaded in using VUZE for Mac. If there is something I missed please help me out.

Sid_of_Id (2010-03-13)

I can sum up everything Quantum12 said below in 3 words: "Jooz did 9/11"

GrtWhytHype (2010-03-20)

Hey guys I just registered and this is my first comment. I'd greatly appreciate it if some more people would reseed this. I'll be sure to return the favor and keep it seeded for at least a week. Thanks for any help.

Biofunk (2010-03-21)

Quantum12 your a socialist, and all attempts have failed just look around at the planet. Competition and free market does a lot of good - and your vibe does nothing sorry man.

333half-evil333 (2010-04-05)


*FireFox* (2010-04-17)

Yeah. Socialism don't work...right....moron!
I'm a Norwegian and even Michael More could not use our country as an example of welfare, cause you'd never believe it to be true!
It is possible to be socialist, and not being a communist. Your way of living is destroying this world!
Are you free?? Is you democracy working??
I have free healthcare...when I'm sick, and home from work...I still have my sallory.
My gov. (by dif. taxes), gives me 5 weeks payed vacation each year!
My kids have free schooling, with all the tools they need. I only pay a minimum deductible...and the gov. pays the med. / treatment I need. the same goes for dentist.
If I need a surgery, I'll be sent to a hospital, with no questions... the gov. picks up that bill too...and I get my salary!!
BUT(!) be able to have this, we've been paying high taxes...but for the greater good of all!
I pay $2 for a liter(metric) of petrol .... we produce oil and gas....but sell most of it....and we even pay more for the gas in Norway then people in countries we sell to.
Each person gives a bit of they'r own to the community, so less fortunate people can be raised to be able to contribute as well....for the greater good of the community...
The world are better off helping each other...not competing...

movinet (2010-04-19)

Bra sakt *FireFox*. Bra sakt.

movinet (2010-04-19)

And also, our Norwegian prisons are generally of better standards than the average american sub urban areas. Think about that.

ahb2121 (2010-04-26)

so, y r there like 30 of my peers tht are at 100% and are set at 0.5 upload and 1.1 download?

miriss (2010-04-30)

caution virus have been discover on this Torrent.

dmkartist (2010-05-08)

So? I'm connected to over 100 peers, more than 25 have 100% and are uploading at 0KB/s. I know that exercise is a form of self improvement, but can we think of someone other than ourselves when it comes to seeding please?

antoniojay (2010-05-15)

@dong6241 hahaha yeah, me tooo. I'm shocked / but anyways I want this sooo bad, but DAMNNNN 45 GB! Hell no, I have tooo much stuff on my computer as it is, but thanks anyway =D

tweetz (2010-05-19)

Hi there, thanks alot for this torrent but I believe theres one DVD missing, maybe a cardio?

Fearless870 (2010-05-21)

this torrent does not have a virus i have triple protection and it took me 22 hours and 23 minutes to finish im using it as of 5/17/10 please dont hate if you cant handle the sizes of the download. thanks men for taking the time to share this with others you did a good job and it works great on my 42" tv

greyfocks (2010-05-23)

Im on day 11! Fuck yoga x that shit is so damn intense

interprise14 (2010-06-18)

Good Upload :)

greyfocks (2010-06-19)

On day 33!! FUCK YEAH

kyle94 (2010-06-23)

It took me 4 days to download this, but it is well worth the wait :) good upload

Virulentic (2010-06-29)

Day 3 and 33% done, not taking that long tbh.

CainUAC (2010-07-02)

@miriss: how does a torrent catch a virus? Can you explain that one? Can you? all a Torrent really is, is a stream of Data that you merged into, so, how did a stream catch a Virus? That's like saying Interstate 80 is bad for cars.

rhion82 (2010-07-07)

well its been 2 days and 3 hours and at 75% cant wait till its done. Will seed for a long time after completion

Sykonica (2010-07-17)

WTF?!?!?!?!?!? How do you burn this to a DVD so you can actually watch it??? I\'ve used so many programs over the past few days (Power ISO, Magic ISO, DVD Decripter, Nero, Img Burn, and every other program imaginable), and all I get is the files copied onto the DVD and a screwed up unplayable disk!nnI\'m running the files off a 500 Gb external hard drive and I\'ve tried burning the files to DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW and none will burn correctly. They all just copy the files without creating a workable disc.nnDoes anybody know what I\'m doing wrong???nnP.S. - Don\'t just tell me I\'m operating the programs incorrectly because I\'ve followed the instructions on how to burn discs on both the program page and from the comments left here.nnWHAT\'S WRONG WITH IT?????????

chex12 (2010-07-19)

Thanks a lot for uploading this torrent, Newbee01! I had a copy of this system before but the quality was so bad it was just dreadful to watch.
Unfortunately I'm stuck downloading sections of this at a time, but I will upload well over the amount I download for each section. I have a very stable connection that uploads quite well so I will certainly give back!

silentac3 (2010-07-21)

just finished downloaded uploaded 5gb so far gonna seed till i got 500gb thanks Newbee01 you rock!

carlmalone100 (2010-07-24)

how do u seed this im noob but i want to help my dw speed was 1mb a sec didnt take me long to download this

Coolirfan (2010-07-29)

If I seed My speed will be reduced?
answer please......

Eddie_b (2010-08-01)

ok I understand that everybody wants to get this torrent and I know that is 44 gigs but come on there's 378 seeders according to piratebay and i'm seeding off of 65 on limewire and i'm getting 12.5 kbps??? go on your setting and pls don't limit your upload bandwith

Eddie_b (2010-08-01)


SLNTHNTR (2010-08-04)

Im trying to download this with utorrent and the average download speed is about 50kb/s. What should the settings be to download this a fast as possible?

SLNTHNTR (2010-08-05)

I want this so bad but my download speed is an average of 2.0kb/s with about 30 seeders...and im also doing this one file at a time!

lovermaker (2010-08-08)

is anybody seeding this i just want to know

yamame567 (2010-08-26)

how could i get these files working on my ipod ?

blowjoe9 (2010-08-27)

I'm downloading between 900 and 1200 Kb/s from around 158 users but only uploading around 240 Kb/s to 165. I set my upload bandwidth to unlimited and the number of downloads also to unlimited but why is my upload so slow. Is it my ISP? or is it because I'm using limewire to download the torrents? How do I up my upload speed?

sirceejxyz (2010-12-21)

damn it took 22 hours and 21 mins to download and i didnt relize it was so LARGE . i really hope its in HD or some really goood format for tv but thanks anyway

sirceejxyz (2010-12-21)

how do i watch the videos .

DAG305 (2011-01-10)

OMG we really need some seeders o.o i just started download and i waited for it to adjust to the time it'll take if speed is consistent o.o 1 week and 4 days -.-

JTaaca (2011-03-23)

Seed please!
Already 4 days 9 hrs Downloading and at 30.9%
Thanks, if I do finish the download and ill seed until it reaches 2x the size

ScorpionDevil13 (2011-04-06)


long4U92592 (2011-06-12)

Uploaded in less that 8 hours! Nice work.
As for how to burn the files to DVD for your player, this is what I did after downloading;
1) Use Deamon Tools Lite to mount the .iso files.

2) Use DVD Decrypter to pull DVD files.
3) Use ImgBurn to burn the DVD files to disk.

Matt875 (2011-10-02)

Great Torrent, Took a few days but well worth it. Discs all burned fine. Thanks a lot :)

babyboo21 (2012-02-17)

Do I have to burn them to a disc for it to work?

tommyhawkster (2012-04-13)

I don't understand why there's ISO's and MP4's. Seems like you could use one or the other but not both.

deathcabgeek (2012-04-24)

Thanks! Great download, I'm at 40% and downloaded about 10 minutes ago.


1. P90X/AB_RIPPER.ISO 991.77 Mb
2. P90X/BACK_BICEPS.ISO 4373.62 Mb
3. P90X/CARDIO_X.ISO 2982.45 Mb
4. P90X/CHEST_BACK.ISO 4127.77 Mb
6. P90X/Classic Version (2).jpg 546.45 Kb
7. P90X/Classic Version (3).jpg 499.36 Kb
8. P90X/Classic Version (4).jpg 745.34 Kb
9. P90X/Classic Version.jpg 722.44 Kb
11. P90X/Doubles (2).jpg 665.22 Kb
12. P90X/Doubles.jpg 693.22 Kb
13. P90X/HOW_TO_BRING_IT.ISO 812.65 Mb
14. P90X/KENPO_X.ISO 3833.25 Mb
15. P90X/Lean (2).jpg 538.40 Kb
16. P90X/Lean (3).jpg 538.31 Kb
17. P90X/Lean.jpg 879.43 Kb
18. P90X/LEGS_AND_BACK.ISO 4193.59 Mb
19. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/AbRipper X.jpg 1.09 Mb
20. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Back biceps.jpg 801.77 Kb
21. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/cardio.jpg 1005.11 Kb
22. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/cardioX.jpg 1.02 Mb
23. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Chest and back.jpg 760.76 Kb
24. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Chest shoulders triceps.jpg 1.10 Mb
25. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Core Synergistics.jpg 667.00 Kb
26. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/iintro.jpg 1.15 Mb
27. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Kempo X.jpg 1.14 Mb
28. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Legs and Back.jpg 924.05 Kb
29. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/plyo.jpg 1.17 Mb
30. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/Shoulders and arms.jpg 835.43 Kb
31. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/X Stretch.jpg 782.65 Kb
32. P90X/P90X DVD Covers/yoga.jpg 742.90 Kb
33. P90X/P90X Prep.jpg 555.00 Kb
34. P90X/p90x_calendar.pdf 594.44 Kb
35. P90X/p90xFitTest.pdf 709.31 Kb
36. P90X/P90XWorkSheet.pdf 116.62 Kb
37. P90X/PLYOMETRICS.ISO 4070.92 Mb
38. P90X/SHOULDERS_ARMS.ISO 4135.37 Mb
39. P90X/Workout Overview (2).jpg 844.26 Kb
40. P90X/Workout Overview.jpg 729.87 Kb
41. P90X/X_STRETCH.ISO 3744.68 Mb
42. P90X/YOGA_X.ISO 3880.76 Mb