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Frank Zappa 1971 Pop 2 DVD
Frank Zappa 1971 Pop 2 DVD
Video/Music videos
2007-02-21 (by Kimsoc)
Frank Zappa 1971 Pop 2 DVD
Files count:
4355.60 Mb
made-of-technetium (2007-02-21)
Frank ZappaPOP 2 1971 Broadcast
DivX with DRM > Fraps (AVI recapture) > TMPGenc Plus > TMPGenc DVD Author
DVD PAL (MPEG-2 720x576 25 i/s CBR 5800kbps, Audio 48000 Hz 384 Kb/s)
Pop 2 - 9 Jan 1971 (04:34)
1. Introduction (by Patrice Blanc-Francard) 1:45
2. Gaumont Palace Broadcast Announcement 2:49 (Call Any Vegetable not in main video!)
Pop 2 - 16 Jan 1971 (33:57)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 1:27
Gaumont Palace, dec 15, 1970:
2. Improvisation 1:00
3. The Air 3:53
4. Dog Breath 1:59
5. Mother People 2:15
6. You Didn't Try To Call Me 3:30
7. King Kong 13:52 (partial)
8. Who Are The Brain Police? 6:01
Pop 2 - 8 may 1971 (29:49)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 3:26
2. Jean-Luc Ponty Experience & interview 8:13 (with Zappa subject & short appearence)
3. Gaumont Palace extract 5:55
4. Experience & Interview 12:15
J-L P. Experience, feb 16 1971, Paris:
Jean-Luc Ponty (violin)
Philip Catherine (guitar)
Joachim Kuhn (el. piano)
Freddy Deronde (bass)
Oliver Johnson (drums)
Pop 2 - 11 dec 1971 (28:06)
1. Introduction & press review (by P. Blanc-Francard) 4:59
2. FZ Interview in airport (by Blanc-Francard & Philippe Parringaux) 4:10
3. 200 Motels extract 4:43
4. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:03
5. 200 Motels extract 1:59
6. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:17
7. 200 Motels extract 1:55
Interviews probably recorded between dec 4 and 10 1971
Oldtimer (2007-02-22)
Looking forward to this one. Thanks.Ninjachaser (2007-02-22)
material I haven't seen before. thnx manmade-of-technetium (2007-02-22)
Picture & sound quality is excellent.nanook (2007-02-23)
hey, this is great! Thanks!MASTER_NINJA (2007-02-24)
is this the zappa queer version if so it sucks big timedont waste your tume on this crap
besides since this is an offical release i guess the little bunck of girls were to scared to torrent it at their pathetic web site !
Drew51 (2007-02-25)
I think somebody's jealous!made-of-technetium (2007-02-25)
"It kills me the world thinks it's about us, hates us more than the terrorists. We are the same people as helped in WWII. We have not changed at all. Germany never attacked the USA. Are you glad we were pre-emptive in WWII? Are we going to learn, or are you going to put your head in the sand? It's about time you guys grew some balls."No you where NOT pre-emptive in WWII. You joined in because Japan attacked you, before that you were quite happy to sit back & watch, rubbing your hands gleefully together as you managed to lift yourself out of the great depression by milking as much money out of Europe selling us arms so that by the time the war ended Europe was skint & America was on it's way to one of the most prosperous times in it's history.
made-of-technetium (2007-02-25)
"Nobody spends more money than us on the world's problems. We give more to help feed, and prevent disease than any other country. It's not even close. We have shared our wealth big-time."Not true America only gives about 0.1% of GDP compared to Europe giving about 0.39% of GDP
Drew51 (2007-02-27)
You not counting private donations, and we rebuild Europe remember? I agree we sat back, the democrats didn't want to fight, and like today they were the majority. The right wanted to fight from day one. So yeah the dems are the same, and us conservatives were always with you. Why? I'm not sure, the way we are treated, your post is a perfect example.Drew51 (2007-02-27)
Your numbers are wrong anyway. I think you sight the whole problem in Europe, you expect the government to do everything. thanks, we know how poor the government handles things. Fact is our standard of living is rising, soaring beyond yours...keep counting on the government. And the amount of hate there, jeez, nobody likes anybody, you all bitch about each country. Here, the states are cool with each other, it's all good. Private institutions donate more than all the world together. As private industry capitalism is the only way to go.Drew51 (2007-02-27)
Hey this is Zappateer's bitch Drew, come join us! It's a way of life!pata63 (2007-02-27)
So, Drew is 51 really your IQ?If not, the lobotomy you had seems to work since you're speaking out of your ass now.
"We" rebuild(sic) Europe, yeah right!
Pompous asshole American twat.
You could well start by paying off your HUGE debt to the UN.
Or, perhaps that money will go towards funding your new war against IRAN?
MASTER_NINJA (2007-02-27)
I think somebody's jealous!what of your adictions ?
poor health ?
bad financial situation ?
which of these things might I be jealous of !
ghello (2007-02-28)
Shut up and leave, Ninja, nobody needs youMASTER_NINJA (2007-02-28)
So, Drew is 51 really your IQ?If not, the lobotomy you had seems to work since you're speaking out of your ass now.
"We" rebuild(sic) Europe, yeah right!
Pompous asshole American twat.
You could well start by paying off your HUGE debt to the UN.
Or, perhaps that money will go towards funding your new war against IRAN?
drew and the rest of the right wing nut jobs can be found at
MASTER_NINJA (2007-02-28)
Shut up and leave, Ninja, nobody needs youwhy you zappaqueers not torrent this at ?
there is tons of other offical stuff available there
why not this ?
bengo needs a check up from the neck up !
ghello (2007-03-01)
You're boring Ninja, you always repeat the same stuff...MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-02)
Nyah nyah nyah...MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-05)
damn the zappaqueers just love you !Seriously, Drew, there's a huge difference between Frank Zappa and Rush Limbaugh, maybe you should hang at his website instead where people will love your particular brand of factless propoganda, it certainly doesn't play well, contribute to universal understanding or create a receptive audience here. I suppose I could tolerate and excuse you if you were using the style of Steven Colbert to point out the lunacy of the conservative thinking but I truly believe you're serious, misguided and even dangerous. As Frank said, remember who the fires of hell are burning for, at this point you're Them not Us.
ghello (2007-03-06)
Stop spamming here, Ninja.Go spam on one of your "torrents", but don't spam on this torrent... no one cares anymore what are your thinkings
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-06)
go fuck yourself you pathetic little girlyou are the queen of spam !
dont like it go the fuck back to
the right wing nut job site
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-06)
So, Drew is 51 really your IQ?If not, the lobotomy you had seems to work since you're speaking out of your ass now.
"We" rebuild(sic) Europe, yeah right!
Pompous asshole American twat.
You could well start by paying off your HUGE debt to the UN.
Or, perhaps that money will go towards funding your new war against IRAN?
are you serious his iq is much lower than that
how else could you allow yourself to become
the zappaqueers bitch ?
ghello (2007-03-06)
You pathetic transgender I never insulted you, but you did, king of assholes!DLHotch (2007-03-06)
I find it amusing that a comment I made about Drew in an entirely different forum and context would suddenly show up here, where until today I would never have registered or logged in because the general kharma of this particular tracker makes me want to puke. However, when I saw my comment reprinted here, without my permission, of course, I figured I'd better log in and thank ninja for posting my message. He obviously thinks highly of my opinions and knows they are expressed much more distinctly than he could ever manage or else he'd just stick to making his own insipid comments. I find this use of my comment as quite a compliment of my thinking skills and an acknowledgement of my superior talents over his in general, however I must turn the tables on him. After all, we've all seen that his lack of knowledge of the rules of spelling and rules of grammar along with his annoying use of capitals instead of a developed vocabulary to make his point shows an incompetence in formulating and expressing opinions as well as others can, especially mine in this case. Moreover, the use of someone else's comments in such a manner shows a lack of social skills and manners and indicates a childish, self-centered mentality at work. So far I've seen nothing to indicate otherwise in his comments and actions here or anywhere else. Since he does hold my opinion in high-regard or he wouldn't quote it, here's another opinion for him.MASTER_NINCOMPOOP, (I use the same caps you do in appreciation of your fragile ego as you expresses it by the belief that large letters look important), if my comments against Drew are so precise that you feel the need to quote them in your own defense then the comments I've made against you quite frequently must be equally valid, right? That comment of mine that you went to zappateers and stole, (wait a minute, you hate them because they're all liars and thieves, don't you?) was cut-and-pasted and begs the question of just how pathetic that kind of behavior makes you look. In contrast, this comment was put here by me in The Pirate Bay so everyone has the opportunity to know all about the background that led to it. MN, you are without a doubt the lamest, dumbest, most worthless human being I have ever encountered anywhere in my life. Having been banned from every legitimate torrent tracker for fraudulant posts and assinine behavior, you've now proven fully at this one as well that your torrents suck, your comments suck and you most certainly suck since every time you try to defend yourself with your own words or the copied-from-elsewhere words of others you just make yourself look even more ignorant and foolish. Your best defense is to vanish from the internet and never post anything, anywhere, ever again. Can you handle the pressure? Clear enough? Indisputable? I know you can't resist, so go ahead and post this comment anywhere you like, since you and everyone else who reads it knows it's more credible than anything you'll ever come up with yourself.
DLHotch (2007-03-06)
I see that the lack of an editing function in this cheapass program has left a grammatical mistake in my previous post but I doubt that my target will find it. Reading back I also see that my quoted comment was not credited to me, so here it is:Seriously, Drew, there's a huge difference between Frank Zappa and Rush Limbaugh, maybe you should hang at his website instead where people will love your particular brand of factless propoganda, it certainly doesn't play well, contribute to universal understanding or create a receptive audience here. I suppose I could tolerate and excuse you if you were using the style of Steven Colbert to point out the lunacy of the conservative thinking but I truly believe you're serious, misguided and even dangerous. As Frank said, remember who the fires of hell are burning for, at this point you're Them not Us.
Here's where it came from:
It was posted yesterday, before I had even registered here.
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-08)
the zappaqueers are the most plastic people in the universethey continue to lie about their torrents
all the stuff they have came from me !
just ask jon naurin where he got the grape stuff !
i am in possesion of over 150 zappa master tapes from 3 differant tapers
but due to the lies of the zappaqueer's
i have chosen not to share them
its a shame as many of these have never seen the light of day and never will
do you know where walk and bengo got there zappa from
thats right from me !
so go on with you pathetic little group
thinking you have the best zappa
but the lat 20 shows or more you freaks have seeded
i have an upgrade for
so enjoy you lossy crap
everyone knows thats they are just mp3 sourced shows
with tape simulation added to fool the morons that dont know anything about audio quality !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-09)
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-15)
I had a chance to listen, and the pitch sounds ok, though yes, you can tell a different source. Some high end missing, louder mid-range in fill. I also noticed my wife speaking in the left channel in one sample. Sorry about that! Notice I didn't say anything and my frantic attempt to shut her up, failed. Anyway if you make it mono, by channel conversion, and then slightly change pitch, of one channel, it blends better. You can eliminate the talking. Yes, you will hear a little change, but the talking is worse I think. Another method that would lessen talking would be to redo left channel by making it 80% right, 20% left, and this way you still have a stereo image, less change in sound, talking would be lowered, trying different percentages may yield better results. Also heard a little static, which would be harder to eliminate, though same method may work, sounded as if one channel only. To me, this is not mastering it's repairing.good to see the zappaqueers have finally release its important to master so as not to spread crap !
good going drew !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-15)
where are the 6 P-Funk masters i sent to ya a year ago??...
never seeded, never returned, never nuthin'd....
he can be found here dude
Kimsoc (2007-03-15)
Frank ZappaPOP 2 1971 Broadcast
DivX with DRM > Fraps (AVI recapture) > TMPGenc Plus > TMPGenc DVD Author
DVD PAL (MPEG-2 720x576 25 i/s CBR 5800kbps, Audio 48000 Hz 384 Kb/s)
Pop 2 - 9 Jan 1971 (04:34)
1. Introduction (by Patrice Blanc-Francard) 1:45
2. Gaumont Palace Broadcast Announcement 2:49 (Call Any Vegetable not in main video!)
Pop 2 - 16 Jan 1971 (33:57)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 1:27
Gaumont Palace, dec 15, 1970:
2. Improvisation 1:00
3. The Air 3:53
4. Dog Breath 1:59
5. Mother People 2:15
6. You Didn't Try To Call Me 3:30
7. King Kong 13:52 (partial)
8. Who Are The Brain Police? 6:01
Pop 2 - 8 may 1971 (29:49)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 3:26
2. Jean-Luc Ponty Experience & interview 8:13 (with Zappa subject & short appearence)
3. Gaumont Palace extract 5:55
4. Experience & Interview 12:15
J-L P. Experience, feb 16 1971, Paris:
Jean-Luc Ponty (violin)
Philip Catherine (guitar)
Joachim Kuhn (el. piano)
Freddy Deronde (bass)
Oliver Johnson (drums)
Pop 2 - 11 dec 1971 (28:06)
1. Introduction & press review (by P. Blanc-Francard) 4:59
2. FZ Interview in airport (by Blanc-Francard & Philippe Parringaux) 4:10
3. 200 Motels extract 4:43
4. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:03
5. 200 Motels extract 1:59
6. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:17
7. 200 Motels extract 1:55
Interviews probably recorded between dec 4 and 10 1971
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-19)
From: erroneousTo: MASTER_NINJA
Subject: Frank Zappa 1971 Pop 2 DVD
Aren\\\'t you dead yet, you fucking tired old CUNT!
zappaqueers nice people
yea if you like hitler !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-19)
where are the 6 P-Funk masters i sent to ya a year ago??...
never seeded, never returned, never nuthin'd....
he can be found here dude
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-19)
jaypfunkBusy Poster
Joined: 2004-11-27
Posts: 575
Location: Philly
2007-03-19 14:14 [Quote]
I have friend who works at EAGLE here in the U.S. and he just sent me this.
can be found at
along with a bunch of other bad traders
one should question the wisdom of trading
with anyone that regularly downloads music from the net !
more than likely you will get fucked
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-20)
where are the 6 P-Funk masters i sent to ya a year ago??...
never seeded, never returned, never nuthin'd....
he can be found here dude
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-21)
Dear Andrew,Why do you keep flooding this forum with this republican shit, in fact very right wing republican shit ? We're all here for the music and the FZ community and nobody, really nobody, will change his/her mind by reading your crap. And yes, we all know your points of view by now. So no need to go on and on and on........
Unless of course you are fucking CIA and monitoring peoples reactions and behaviour. Putting them on a black list, destination secret jails in Poland
p.s. There's only one thing you really need to explain to me. How come you love Frank, who really detested everything you stand for? I don't get it at all
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-29)
and when i played it on my Bose Wave radioROTFLMAO !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-31)
Would like to download this if possible, maybe I can get a seed? I know it\\\'s been a while for this torrent, but I\\\'ve seen this show way back in the day and it would mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance.MASTER_NINJA (2007-03-31)
for trade raw master !
Bo Bandy (2007-04-12)
Hey Ninja, of the 41 comments that preceeded mine, I think I counted 21 were from you and most of them look like they're the same thing posted over and over. What the fuck? if you've got shit to say, how 'bout making it a bit more concise and clearer to understand as you look and sound like some lunatic.MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-12)
Santana Sunday'sSANTANA - MICHIGAN 1975 - **LIBERATED BOOT**
May 25 Sun: Rynearson Stadium, Ypsilanti, MI
Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen
Oye Como Va
Time Waits For No One
Give And Take
Incident At Neshabur
Soul Sacrifice
Carlos Santana (g/perc/vo)
David Brown (b)
"Ndugu" Leon Chancler (ds)
Tom Coster (kbd/vo)
Armando Peraza (perc/vo)
Leon Patillo (kbd/vo)
unfucking believeable !
greatest boot torrent ever ?
a shame the zappa community has been ruined by the zappaqueers !
or i would gladly share my 150 zappa masters
p.s. people
no one has 1st.gen tapes from s.h.
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-12)
Bo Bandyi'd reccomend changing your name from bo to blow
you fucking retarted zappa queer !
Bo Bandy (2007-04-12)
How do you know I'm a "Zappa Queer?" C'mon, dick, how do you know?MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-13)
you just smell funnyask them zappa queers why they torrented this here
instead of their site ?
and some of their phoneyness will ooze out
and that zappa penquin freak left over from a grateful f\dead concert
that bass is the most dominate frequency on any analog recording !
these folks are clueless
listen to music on plastic computer speakers
and bose wav radio's
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-13)
Bamboozel by liberalszappa warned us about them
take action before its too late !
Bamboozled: How Americans are being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda
Angela McGlowan
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-15)
I have the master, I will compare.ZAPPA FRANK UNIONDALE NY 05/09/80 120 E- M
for trade !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-17)
a whole new crop of lies from the queersTitle: LIEDERLICHES Episode 5
First Broadcast Date: 1970 10 15 on German TV Station ARD
This Copy is from the converted BETACAM SP Mastertape
Cassette: SONY E-60PR
beatcam invented 1974 !
if your going to try to bullshit people at least
do some research
the zappaqueer spin to follow !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-20)
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW STONYBROOK NY 10/15/78 120 E- M 10/94 10/15/78ZAPPA FRANK SECOND SHOW STONYBROOK NY 10/15/78 120 E- M 106/94 10/15/78
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/28/78 120 VG+ M 72/142/89 10/28/78
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/28/78 90 E- M 213 10/28/78
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/29/78 125 E- M 17/18 10/29/78
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/31/78 220 VG+ M 83/70/90/102 10/31/78
ZAPPA FRANK SECOND SHOW BOSTON MA 05/03/80 90 E- M 33 05/03/80
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW BOSTON MA 05/03/80 90 E- M 220 05/03/80
ZAPPA FRANK SECOND SHOW BOSTON MA 05/03/80 90 E- M 243/332 05/03/80
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW BOSTON MA 05/03/80 90 E- M 242/332 05/03/80
ZAPPA FRANK NASSAU COL NY 05/09/80 90 VG+ M 298 05/09/80
ZAPPA FRANK UNIONDALE NY 05/09/80 120 E- M 50/97 05/09/80
ZAPPA FRANK HARTFORD CT 10/24/80 90 E- M 219 10/24/80
ZAPPA FRANK HARTFORD CT 10/24/80 130 E- M 67/219 10/24/80
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/29/80 15 VG+ M 221 10/29/80
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/30/80 30 VG+ M 45 10/30/80
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/31/80 120 VG+ M 47/59 10/31/80
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 11/01/80 90 VG+ M 299 11/01/80
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW NEW YORK NY 11/01/80 60 VG+ M 93 11/01/80
ZAPPA FRANK SECOND SHOW NEW YORK NY 11/01/80 110 VG+ M 92/219 11/01/80
ZAPPA FRANK PROVIDENCE RI 11/08/80 120 VG+ M 419 11/08/80
ZAPPA FRANK PROVIDENCE RI 11/08/80 115 E- M 81/77/95/76 11/08/80
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/28/81 110 VG+ M 78 10/28/81
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 10/29/81 110 VG+ M 93/47/221 10/29/81
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW NEW YORK NY 10/30/81 100 VG+ M 46/47 10/30/81
ZAPPA FRANK SECOND SHOW NEW YORK NY 10/31/81 110 VG+ M 64/65 10/31/81
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW NEW YORK NY 10/31/81 90 VG+ M 94/19 10/31/81
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 11/01/81 160 E- M 48/75 11/01/81
ZAPPA FRANK HARTFORD CT 11/06/81 110 E- M 37/98 11/06/81
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 11/17/81 160 FM M 99/80/100/516/517 11/17/81
ZAPPA FRANK COUNT BOWL CA 07/29/84 120 E- M 51/52
ZAPPA FRANK PROVIDENCE RI 10/24/84 110 E- M 62/63 10/20/84
ZAPPA FRANK FIRST SHOW WORCESTER MA 10/25/84 110 E- M 44/68 10/25/84
ZAPPA FRANK NEW HAVEN CT 10/27/84 80 E- M 38/216 10/27/84
ZAPPA FRANK NEW HAVEN CT 10/27/84 90 E- M 216 10/27/84
ZAPPA FRANK TEANECK NJ 03/20/88 120 VG+ M 183/184 01/01/88
ZAPPA FRANK ALBANY NY 02/02/88 120 E- M 107/108 02/02/88
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 02/04/88 120 E- M 109/110 02/04/88
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 02/05/88 130 E- M 111/112/132 02/05/88
ZAPPA FRANK NEW YORK NY 02/06/88 130 E- M 113/114 02/06/88
ZAPPA FRANK PHILADELPHIA PA 02/12/88 130 E M 121/122 02/12/88
ZAPPA FRANK PHILADELPHIA PA 02/13/88 130 E M 123/124/132 02/13/88
ZAPPA FRANK PHILADELPHIA PA 02/14/88 130 E M 125/126/132 02/14/88
ZAPPA FRANK HARTFORD CT 02/16/88 140 E+ M 127/128/129 02/16/88
ZAPPA FRANK HARTFORD CT 02/17/88 130 E M 130/131 02/17/88
ZAPPA FRANK BOSTON MA 02/19/88 120 E- M 133/134 02/19/88
ZAPPA FRANK BOSTON MA 02/20/88 120 E- M 135/136 02/20/88
ZAPPA FRANK POUGHKEEPSIE NY 02/23/88 130 E- M 137/138/139 02/23/88
ZAPPA FRANK BURLINGTON VT 03/12/88 60 E M 182 03/12/88
ZAPPA FRANK SPRINGFIELD MA 03/13/88 130 E M 151/152 03/13/88
ZAPPA FRANK PROVIDENCE RI 03/16/88 135 E M 157/158 03/16/88
ZAPPA FRANK BINGHAMPTON NY 03/17/88 135 E M 155/156 03/17/88
ZAPPA FRANK ALLENTOWN PA 03/19/88 90 E- M 181 03/19/88
ZAPPA FRANK ALLENTOWN PA 03/19/88 130 E M 204 03/19/88
ZAPPA FRANK ALLENTOWN PA 03/19/88 135 E M 159/160 03/19/88
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-21)
Hiss happens. So does ground hum, computer noise, and any number of unwanted sonic artifacts. Bring on Z-Noise, and hear them disappear. Featuring real-time noise profiling, innovative transient preservation, and increased low-frequency resolution, Z-Noise truly is a revolution in noise reduction.
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-24)
Recently it was suggested to me that the USA was responsible for the destruction in Lebanon. I didn't hear a reason, I guess it was because we gave military weapons to Israel.This is like blaming the gun. Using that same logic I argue it's Saudi Arabia's fault as they gave us the oil to make the weapons. They got it from the dinosaurs, who were made by God probably so it's really god's fault!
You know you target children, you get bad Karma. No let's not blame Hezbollah or however you spell it? Before 911, Hezbollah killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization. So they are on the list baby. We're coming...
It just surprises me that one would blame the USA, and not this organization. The world is one fucked up screwy place!
I was also told we can't be trusted (the USA) because we killed the Indians. Yes, this is very strange, nobody alive today was involved, but I guess that doesn't matter. To make it even more strange this guy was Italian, you know the Romans! So this Roman is lecturing me on pillage, death and destruction. Is this a fucking dream? You have to be kidding me right? No, he apparently doesn't know his own countries history and had the nerve to lecture me on mine, and suggested a book on American history. OK....
So what I need is a recommendation he should read on the Roman Empire? Any suggestions?
Just kidding, I swear, some people have some very bizarre logic, and I'm just glad I'm over here in the USA, as a movement against freedom no doubt is developing in Europe. The resentment of the USA spreading democracy has been met with stern resistance. I never thought I would see the day so many believe that one should not have choices, should be told what to do, where to go, etc. Not be their own man. Not have the freedom to choose, or to leave. In other words, not democracy. But this is a growing trend, the youth culture resents the USA big-time for giving people choices.
dem urine peeing folks sure forgot about the likes of hitler
maybe they miss him and have replaced him
with allah ?
you go drew
too bad your preching to a bunch of osama loving scum !
viva the zappateers !
its why i want nothing to do with them !
zappa warned us about these phony hippies way back in 1967
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-25)
drew butt hurt ?those zappaqueers are giving you a good fucking!
the only thing being pussified in america appears to be you !
after all you are the company you keep !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-29)
Looks like I have another to transfer! That should finish the DVD for Flambay.Do I hear first gen, first generation, going once...going twice...
too bad you guys dont care about quality
spreading inferior generation tapes when the masters are available ?
surely you have something to trade ?
a little preperation h ought to take care of your zappaqueer problem
MASTER_NINJA (2007-04-30)
BengoFurySite Admin
Joined: 2004-06-29
Posts: 3759
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
2007-03-01 20:24 [Quote]
I'm still waiting for the tracks to show up on Pirate Bay
Seeding conventions
The crux of the biscuit is the (')
and when the ZFT closes the vault's
we will have the zappaqueers to thank !
MASTER_NINJA (2007-05-09)
MASTER_NINJA (2007-05-16)
From FZShows:10-May 1974, Ima Auditorium, Flint, MI
94 min, Aud, B+/B
Cosmik Debris, Pygmy Twylyte, Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Penguin In Bondage, Inca Roads, Montana, It Can't Happen Here, Hungry Freaks Daddy, You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here, How Could I Be Such A Fool?, I Ain't Got No Heart, I'm Not Satisfied, Wowie Zowie, Let's Make The Water Turn Black, Harry You're A Beast, Orange County Lumber Truck, Oh No, Son Of Orange County, More Trouble Every Day
Lineage: Audience master->1st gen tape->CDR->EAC->SoundForge (speed correction, level adjustments, editing, patching in fill, retracking)->FLAC Frontend
Fill kindly provided by drew51 - thanks!
One of the 7 circulating shows from the MOI 10 Years Anniversary tour, never seen as lossless according to The Catalogue.
When I located the tape flip in Inca Roads, I recalled a little 10 min snippet of this show that was in circulation before this tape surfaced in 1999. Didn't that snippet include Inca Roads? I knew I had it as filler on a tape somewhere in my messy collection, but I couldn?t find it. Luckily enough, Drew had it, and yes indeed: the missing piece of Inca Roads was there!
Still this is not the complete show: Son Of Orange County cuts near the end, and the recording doesn't resume until late in the More Trouble Every Day solo.
01 intros and tune-up
02 Cosmik Debris
03 Pygmy Twylyte
04 Idiot Bastard Son
05 Cheepnis
06 Penguin In Bondage
07 Inca Roads (patch @ ~7:46-8:06)
08 Montana
09 It Can't Happen Here
10 Hungry Freaks Daddy
11 You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here
12 How Could I Be Such A Fool?
13 I Ain't Got No Heart
14 I'm Not Satisfied
15 Wowie Zowie
16 Let's Make The Water Turn Black
17 Harry You're A Beast
18 Orange County Lumber Truck
19 Oh No
20 Son Of Orange County
21 More Trouble Every Day
supplied to j,n, by me
yet drew gets credit for the fills ?
this is why im holding all my uncirculated fz !
viva zappaqueers !
Kimsoc (2007-06-29)
Frank ZappaPOP 2 1971 Broadcast
DivX with DRM > Fraps (AVI recapture) > TMPGenc Plus > TMPGenc DVD Author
DVD PAL (MPEG-2 720x576 25 i/s CBR 5800kbps, Audio 48000 Hz 384 Kb/s)
Pop 2 - 9 Jan 1971 (04:34)
1. Introduction (by Patrice Blanc-Francard) 1:45
2. Gaumont Palace Broadcast Announcement 2:49 (Call Any Vegetable not in main video!)
Pop 2 - 16 Jan 1971 (33:57)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 1:27
Gaumont Palace, dec 15, 1970:
2. Improvisation 1:00
3. The Air 3:53
4. Dog Breath 1:59
5. Mother People 2:15
6. You Didn't Try To Call Me 3:30
7. King Kong 13:52 (partial)
8. Who Are The Brain Police? 6:01
Pop 2 - 8 may 1971 (29:49)
1. Introduction (by P. Blanc-Francard) 3:26
2. Jean-Luc Ponty Experience & interview 8:13 (with Zappa subject & short appearence)
3. Gaumont Palace extract 5:55
4. Experience & Interview 12:15
J-L P. Experience, feb 16 1971, Paris:
Jean-Luc Ponty (violin)
Philip Catherine (guitar)
Joachim Kuhn (el. piano)
Freddy Deronde (bass)
Oliver Johnson (drums)
Pop 2 - 11 dec 1971 (28:06)
1. Introduction & press review (by P. Blanc-Francard) 4:59
2. FZ Interview in airport (by Blanc-Francard & Philippe Parringaux) 4:10
3. 200 Motels extract 4:43
4. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:03
5. 200 Motels extract 1:59
6. FZ Interview (by Parringaux) 5:17
7. 200 Motels extract 1:55
Interviews probably recorded between dec 4 and 10 1971
Petr000vich (2008-11-19)
Big Thanks!!!nocurbahead (2010-01-07)
JEEZUS! CHRIST! What a bastards here!Zappa would say "GOOOOOOO TO HELLLL" !