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The Sims 3 Store updates 1 to 26 (Up to July 2011)




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The Sims 3 Store updates 1 to 26 (Up to July 2011) [FULL] *Games




2011-07-22 (by Games4theworld )


***TORRENT BY: Games4theworld*** - - The Sims 3 Store updates 1 to 26 (Up to July 2011) Included: - Installation Guide - The Sims 3 Store updates 1 to 26 (Up to July 2011): Buildings Building - Modern Movie Theater - Dr Pepper Building - Stadium - Dr Pepper Neighborhoods Barnacle Bay Riverview Sims 3 Store 1st Update - June 2009 Abstract Circles afbodydressbacktie afBodyDressBohemian afbodydressfluffygloves afbodydressfrontbow afbodydresshalter afbodydresshalterlong afbodydresslongsideslit afbodydressmaxi afbodydressmodernlayers afbodydressopenback afbodydresssimpleflair afbodydressstrappy afbodydresssuntiesbeads afbodydresstennis afbodygownevening afbodyjacketpencilskirt afbodyoutfitrocker afbottompantsbootcut_leather afbottompantsdresscuffed afbottompantshemzip afbottompantsyoga afbottomskirtmodernswirls afbottomskirtpencil_lacedup afbottomskirttiersdiag afbottomskirtvamp afhairbuckethatlong afhairbuckethatmed afhairbuckethatupdo afhairflatcaplong afhairflatcapmed afhairflatcapupdo afhairhighponytail afhairkhalil afhairlongwave afhairmaggi afhairponytailhigh afhairshortmatin aftopblousebohemianbow aftopblousecollarround aftopblousecorset aftopblousefrilly_necklace aftophalterbeads aftophalterurban aftopjacket34sleevebandcollar aftopjacketafternoon afTopJacketClosed_quiltedLeather aftopjacketmilitary aftopshirtcollarsweaterround aftopshirtfitted_tank1 aftopshirtshortsleevesweater afTopShirtTee_crew1 aftopshirttee_crewstore aftopshirtvamp_necklace aftopsweaterbohemian_necklace aftopsweaterplungeback aftoptanksport ambodycoatlongmandarincollar ambottomkiltbelts ambottompantsbaggycargo_sporty ambottompantsgenie ambottompantskungfu ambottompantsresort amhairboaterhatemoboy amhairboaterhatshaggy amhaircleancut amhairemoboy amhairnewsboycapnerd amhairshaggy amhairspikeysuav amtopblazerhoodie amTopBlazerTNeck amtopfleezezip amtophenleyjohnnycollar amtophenleylacedcollar amtopjacketbaseball amtopjacketcoatopen amtopjacketmandarincollar amtopjacketshirtuntucked_vest amtopjacketshirtupcollar_preppy amtopshirtfitted_tank1 amtopshirthenley amtopshirtshortsleevetie amtopshirttee_crewstore amtopteelongsleevescarf amtopvestshirttie amtopvestteerolledsleeve BaysideFullset CarExoticSuperCE CarMuscle cfhairmaggi cmhairboaterhatemoboy cmhairboaterhatshaggy cmhairbuckethatcleancut cmhairemoboy cmhairnewsboycapcleancut cmhairshaggy cmhairsmallspike cmhairspikeysuav computerNaszaKlasa efbodyjacketpencilskirt emtopblazertneck Floral Hawaiian Fluid Vines Hewnsman_Fullset Mod Squares pmhairshaggy RefrigeratorFanta Retro Geometric sculptureFloorNaszaKlasa sculptureTableNaszaKlasa Storybook_Fullset tfbodydresssuntiesbeads tftopshirtteetank Tiki_Fullset Sims 3 Store 2nd Update - July 2009 afhaircandylong afhairponytailbig afhairtopclasp afbodyclasscoatpantsshirt afbodyclasscoatrain afbodyclassdressbackless afbodyclassdressballet afbodyclassdressbow afbodyclassdressedgy afbodyclassdressmod afbodyclassdresssummerties afbodyclassjacket34sleeve afbodyclassmenswear afbodyclasssuitskirt aftopclasscollarsidetie aftopclassshirtshouldertie aftopclasstankcowl aftopclassvestrock amtopclasssweatervneck amhairfauxhawk UltraLounge_Full Sims 3 Store 3rd Update - August 2009 amTopClassVestTee CastleInterior efTopClassShirtShoulderTie JSA JST tfBodyClassCoatPantsShirt tfBodyClassDressEdgy tfTopClassVestRock UltraLoungeYouth_Fullset Sims 3 Store 4th Update - September 2009 Halloween_Fullset JetSetElder_Bundle RegalLiving_Fullset Steampunk_Fullset VictorianFashions Sims 3 Store 5th Update - October 2009 afShoesVicBootsAnkle afTopVicSteamPunk_YA amBodyVicUndergarment cfBodyVicDressBow cfBodyVicDressFluffy cmBodyVicFauntleroy cmBodyVicPeacoat pfBodyVicDressApron pfBodyVicDressJacketBow Steampunk_Return Steampunk_Savvy tfBottomVicPantsRiding tfShoesVicBootsAnkle Thanksgiving_Fullset WorldGoodies_Fullset Sims 3 Store 6th Update - November 2009 afBodyHolidayApron afBodyHolidaySkirtSweater afHairBandana afTopClassJacketModern amHairBandana amTopHoildaySweater Animals_Fullset Animals_Fullset2 Asian_Fusion bedSingleEgypt cfBodyKids1DressFlowers cfBodyKids1DressFormal cfBodyKids1DressRuffles cfBottomKids1ShortsPockets cfBottomKids1SkirtBow cfTopKids1SmallRuffles cfTopKids1TankFlowie cfTopKids1TankLayered clockWallParis cmBodyVicSailor TableEndEgypt tfBodyHolidaySkirtSweater Wild_Wears Sims 3 Store 7th Update - December 2009 afBodyClassDressCocktail afBodyVicDressFlowingBack afBodyVicDressFlows afHairHatSTORE02NY afHairSTORE02BunTiara afTopTankOpenLaceNecklace afTopVicSPunk amHairHatSTORE02NY amHairSTORE02ShortBangs BedSingleAsian CastleExterior cfBodyKids1DressBeachie cfBodyKids1DressSunny cfBottomKids1Hip cfBottomKids1SkirtMod cfBottomKids1SkirtPockets cfShoesKids1SnapBuckle cfTopKids1Hippie cfTopKids1HoodieHip cfTopKids1JacketMod cmBodyKids1ShirtChain cmBodyKids1SuitTie cmBodyKids1SuspenderShirt cmTopKids1BaggyShirt cmTopKids1ShirtSleeveShort cmTopKids1TeeCollar cmTopKids1VestHoodie cuShoesKids1Sneakers doordoublefrancecellararch2x1 Explorers_Loot lightingTableKinnara lightingTableMennorah ModernMinimalistset sculptureAdventure sculptureChestTreasure sculptureClutterEgyptScrollsPS sculptureFloorGlobeFancy sculptureFloorPresentDoggie sculptureSpyGlass sculptureWallEgyptStone2x1 sculptureWallGarlandWinter2x1 SculptureWallModMin2 sculptureWallStockings sculptureWallWreathWinter tvModMin Sims 3 Store 8th Update - January 2010 afhairhighbraidpigtails afHairSTOREHatCowboyBobTight afShoesAnkleAHiHeelPointy_DRpepper afShoesClassPumpBow afTopShirtHalterRuched amHairSTOREHatCowboyBold amTopJacketDJUpCollar CarVegasRetro clockWallVegasRetro FancyFashionSet GothiqueFullSet HappyValentineSet HotBeverageMachineModern lightingCeilingNewOrleansFan LightingTableNoveauModernAsian loveseatVegasLips loveseatVegasRetro LunarNewYearSet NewOrleansSet SantaHat_Fullset SculptureFloorPlantPottedDragon2x1 SculpturePartitionShojiScreenModernAsian2x1 sculptureWallVegasNeonSign Sims 3 Store 9th Update - February 2010 50sFullSet computerHETech2 firepitHETech sculptureWallHETechDisplayGuitar sculptureWallHETechRecordDisplay SimsCelebrationFeb1Set SimsCelebrationsFeb2Set SimsCelebrationsFeb3Set StructuralSet Sims 3 Store 10th Update - March 2010 afBodyVicDressBubble afHairHatSTORE02Jester amHairHatSTORE02Jester ClubCasualFullSet EarthDaySet FairyBedLivingCASSet Sims 3 Store 11th Update - April 2010 4000SPB4.1Set afBodyGownOscr HaciendaFullSet lightingTableClubC RunwayRiot_Set sculptureFloorFairyStatue UltraLoungeFullSet Sims 3 Store 12th Update - May 2010 amTopBeachLifePreserver BeachCAS_Set BeachLivingSleepSet cfTopBeachLifePreserver clockWallUltraLounge FairyOutdoorSet fountainSpanish2x1 mirrorWallSpanish2x1 RenaultSet sculptureFloorFairyBasket SportsLifeTeen_Set Sims 3 Store 13th Update - June 2010 BeachBedroomSet BeachCAS2Set bookshelfFunky2x1 bookshelfHETech2x1 cuTopBeachLifePreserver EP2RegIncentive sculptureHETechPlantsOrigami2x1 SoccerJerseySet SportsLivingSet Sims 3 Store 14th Update - July 2010 AdrenalineRushSet afBottomShortsSurf afHairHatSTOREPonytailLong afTopBikiniHalterSurf amBodyWetsuitHalfSurf barbequeBeach carClassicBeach chairDiningBeachFolding firePitBeach sculptureFloorBeachUmbrellaRound2x2 sculptureWallBeachSurfboard WeddingFullSet ZenAgainSet Sims 3 Store 15th Update - August 2010 afBodyGownEveningTwist afBottomJeansSkinnyAcidWash afHairDrPepUpdoSophisticated afTopShirtTeeCatScratch afTopShirtTeeConcert amShoesMidLowFlatRoundRockLogo amTopCasualCowboy amTopShirtTeeConcert amTopShirtTeeSpeakerHead chairDiningTheaterDrPepper HauteHipSet paintingLiveNation2 ProvenceSet PushinPedalSet RomanzaBridalCASSet sculptureAwardStatueDrPepper sculptureClutterPopcornDrPepper sculptureRecordStorageTmobile sculptureSportsFootballTrophyDrPepper sculptureWallDivaFilm sculptureWallDivaStar sculptureWallFramedAutographDrPepper sculptureWallGoldenRecordDrPepper sculptureWallSportsJerseyDrPepper SimlishSet stereoDockTMobile stereoRetroRecordTMobile Sims 3 Store 16th Update - September 2010 2000SimpointBundle0902Set 4000SimpointBundle0902Set BuccaneerSet clockWallProvence HalloweentreatsSet LoudFastFullSet Oktoberfestset SpeedyStylesSP2set Sims 3 Store 17th Update - October 2010 AnimalsAboundSet2 Divalicious Set FrontRowFullset GlitterGlamSet KalliopiSet sculptureBirthdayVaseSunflowers sculptureFloorBalloons sculptureFloorBalloonTopiary sculptureFloorBirthdayBear The QB and the Cheerleader set TransportfutureSet Sims 3 Store 18th Update - November 2010 AnimalsOutdoorsset DivaDivoCASSet EP3RetailSet HolidayGifts10Set KingdomFashionSet LaundryFullSet RedCarpetEP3Set Sims 3 Store 19th Update - December 2010 8000SimpointBundle1117Set afBodyDressCocktailTmobile afTopFootballJerseyDrPepper amCostumeMakeupDrPepFootBall amTopFootballJerseyDrPepper amTopTMOBILETeeGuitarBirds barModernTMobile barstoolModernTMobile2x1 BoudoirFullSet chairLivingModernTMobile cuTopFootballJerseyDrPepper FordSet FordSet2 lightingCeilingModernTMobile LiveNationKISSSet mirrorWallMorrocan NewYear11Set sculptureCoolerDrPepper tableCoffeeModernTMobile2x1 tableEndModernTMobile tableEndMorrocan tvFlatScreenSportsDrPepper WoodlandSet Sims 3 Store 20th Update - January 2011 amShoesTMOBILEBasketballStrap amTopTMOBILEBasketballJersey AncientGreekset Curiousset hamperHoopTMobile KidsJammiesCASSet sculptureStandeeBasketballTMobile sculptureTrophyBasketballTmobile sculptureWallChampionsTMobile tvBasketballTMobile YearofRabbit11set Sims 3 Store 21st Update - February 2011 CarnivaleSet CarPriusV JazzAgeFullset OlympianPhysiqueset SciFiKitchenSet ToyotaSet3 Sims 3 Store 22nd Update - March 2011 March2011Set Sims 3 Store 23rd Update - April 2011 FairyFolkNurserySet FrontierKitDiningSet Harajuku2Set KidsRock160SPSet Sims 3 Store 24th Update - May 2011 May2011Set Sims 3 Store 25th Update - June 2011 afBodyRockAerobics barbequeGenRustic2x1 bookshelfGenGeo2x1 computerGen hotTubSmallGen June2011Set Sims 3 Store 26th Update - July 2011 afBodyDRPEPPERDressAlice afHairHatDRPEPPERAlice bookshelfWonderlandDrPepper chairDiningWonderlandDrPepper clockFloorWonderlandDrPepper deskVictorian doorSingleWonderlandDrPepper2x1 doorSingleWonderlandDrPepperArch2x1 FordSet3 GenRegGifts GothiqueLibraryset July2011Set lightingTableWonderlandDrPepper puBodySportsJersey RenaultSet2 sculptureFloorFairyStatue sculptureMushroomWonderlandDrPepper sculpturePotionWonderlandDrPepper spellbookGothique tableDiningWonderlandDrPepper2x1 tmTopCasualGraphicT - FOR GAME FIXES, COOL STUFF, COOL SUBJECTS AND TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH OUR COMMUNITY, CHECK OUT OUR FORUM AT: - ****************************************************************************** Contact: [email protected] /* */ Website / Live Support: Forum: Twitter: All ® Games4theworld Downloads can be found on *****FEEL FREE TO COMMENT, You ain't seeding you ain't succeeding.***** ***TORRENT BY: Games4theworld*** *Games4theworld* > Yóúr Game Master


  1. the
  2. sims
  3. torrent
  4. free
  5. hot
  6. download
  7. games
  8. games4theworld
  9. store updates
  10. store
  11. july
  12. up to
  13. games4the
  14. games 4 the world
  15. high speed
  16. update

Files count:



2114.13 Mb




Djes22 (2011-07-24)

why cant I use Lady Ravendancer Ghot´s Book o´ Spells.

 Games4theworld (2011-07-24)

Read the torrent's description. Yes, it is included in the July update.
Please post your problem on , so we can help you.

Legend.Cyrus (2011-07-25)

Heya.. What do I do if when I click on the files which then brings up the launcher and it does nothing other than just bring up the launcher?

Legend.Cyrus (2011-07-25)

[Correction] Fuck yeah! I figured it out.The files CANNOT be in folders(which are folders inside of the Download folder under Sims 3) Problem solved!

gabrielilla (2011-07-25)

Hello, I downloaded the torrent and did everything you said but the spell book doesn't work. When I click on it the options they are listed like in code way, for example (download/store/enchantment/ksnf839% *don't remember the exact words) and automatically the sim moves out of the way. Help please!

debugman18 (2011-07-26)

@gab and @dja I have a working spellbook uploaded, just the july store content. Comfirmed working. And great job with the compilation g2tw.

Teato0o (2011-07-27)

It would have been better too keep the store updates separate instead of one zipped file to be honest. But good torrent :P

Adryenne (2011-07-28)

Thank you!!!

SarahK_2009 (2011-07-29)

I seriously love you sfm.

Green-Banana (2011-07-30)

There are many reasons why an archive file is not the preferred method. Anyways, the files seem to work fine. The only exception is the Gothique Spellbook, which seems to be barring Sims from interacting with it. If you know of the solution for this error, don't forget to share it with the group. Thanks for the upload.

Green-Banana (2011-07-30)

UPDATE. The link the uploader advertises may have a package fix for the unsubstantial Book of Spells provided. Rather than waiting to click around a lot of flashy text, I tracked down the thread for you:

There should be a download link in the topic post we can use to fix the insufficient object. If only the torrent description could be modified to include it...sorry to those who will have to scroll down to this post to find the solution.

demko7 (2011-07-31)

hey , so im ,kinda new but i downloaded the sims 3 razor maxspeed final torrent and i thinks its updated, so i am now downloading this file but i think i will need help when it comes to extracting it using winwar and basicly how to get all this stuff added to the game i have already download, plus im not really sure what all this stuff is so could some one tell me wat these updates do like wat additions to they give to the basic core game

Wendy_E (2011-08-01)

You guys rock! Thanks for all your uploads xx

Wendy_E (2011-08-01)

You guys rock! Thanks for all of your uploads xx

mickey_mayhem (2011-08-10)

hey =D
i have downloaded my Sims 3 and all my expansion packs (generations being my latest one).
will this still work?

mickey_mayhem (2011-08-10)

hey =D
i have downloaded my Sims 3 and all my expansion packs?(Generations being my latest one)
will this still work?

mickey_mayhem (2011-08-10)

hey =D
i have downloaded my Sims 3 and all my expansion packs (Generations being my latest one)
will this still work?

ninnybear (2011-08-11)

I've been looking everywhere for both of the FutureShock sets. does this include them?

FFrrppff (2011-08-16)

so many things, I think my pc will explode when I enter the game :S

pamellka (2011-08-19)

Oh dear...could someone tell me where I have to put these? Is it in the downloads folder?

call_me_nobody (2011-08-27)

You put them in the downlaod folder.
But how come that this torrent takes only 2 gb when the other one i see has addons for 5gb?
Are this pack missing some stuff?

shauwny (2011-09-08)

way cool, thanks!
1000 new ways to play dress-up and practice interior decorating :D

joy0207 (2011-10-09)

this one is great! Thanks. :)

joy0207 (2011-10-09)

Oh, by the way, can you also add the latest store items from august up to present? You really did a great job with this torrent. :)

GI_Jhen (2011-11-03)

I put these store files into my downloads folder and they all work fine but now my sims are floating above their bathtubs and hot tubs??? I removed all my other mos 1 by 1 and its coming from one of these store files. Has anyone else had this problem or can anyone think of a solution?

FAntasyDream (2011-11-06)

Thanks soooo much. This is great!!!

luzanto (2012-02-16)

nice. thank you all!

Casira (2012-03-10)

After a few hours of Installing and reinstaling this will not work for the steam version. I have followed the instructions to the letter, and they will not show up in the launcher with the latest patch if you have this through steam.

Tsuyuki (2012-03-14)

Is anyone still seeding this?

MystiTsu (2012-04-04)

If these are sims 3 packs and I Suspect they are, are they already Decrapified.

trisy88 (2013-04-21)

mine just came up as a windows live photo viewer file or something like that. nothing else.

trisy88 (2013-04-21)

so sorry. i figured out how to open rar files. I'm new to it so i got confused. o -o


1. The Sims 3 Store updates 1 to 26 (Up to July 2011).rar 2114.13 Mb