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Planet X - Nibiru - Are You Ready? [AVI - 2012 - Sumerians - Anu
Planet X - Nibiru - Are You Ready? [AVI - 2012 - Sumerians - Anu
Video/Movie clips
2007-08-21 (by lkobescak )
Planet X - Niburu - Are You Ready?
This is a film about Dec 21st 2012, the Pole Shift, Nibiru, The Anunnaki, Giants/Nephilim/ Fallen ones, and UFOs. Check out the picture of the skeletal remains of a person 36 feet tall!
Run Time: 30 Minutes
Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or
Files count:
69.05 Mb
filleminator (2007-09-22)
Thanks for this!ed4ed (2008-02-17)
no sound? or- am I doing something wrong?fabribek (2008-03-06)
ed4ed:you most likely missing a particulare audio codec.
try klite codec pack (google for it) or try
jjsasha (2008-04-05)
THANKS FOR THIS. LADYS AND GENTELMAN WAKE UP AND LEARN ABOUT NIBIRU. also called wormwood (from revalations in the bible)... it is a newly found planet that is in our solar system ; It revolves around our earth and sun just once every 3600 years. Our government wont confirm or deny it's existence but my brother he works for Nasa in maintenance has confirmed it and they were told by the US Gov ,"DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT "!!!!! YET!!!!! they're afraid of mass hysteria. My brother said that's happening inside Nasa as we speak. Read revelations and it speaks of a planet named wormwood that rolls up on earth. Now, I never gave much thought to 2012 doomsday or revelations but my brother told me that everyone there is absolutely freaking out because this "NIBIRU/wormwood" will be introduced as a new planet to our solar system and will be right next to us and our sun in 2012... Now im freaking the fuck out !!!! We will have great castastraphys because the planet will be next to ours causing a bunch of crazy tornados, earthquakes, massive tides.ETC. Also, Nibiru is named as the planet where ANU (Satan) resides... if you know of any good links to videos on this subject please leave them here as i will check back. thanks , if it wasnt for the web we'd all be in the dark on this matter. And remember, my brother said that every employee of Nasa is totaly freaking the hell out. He said that Nasa science geeks there are changing from Darwinism to Jesus in droves.theomelh (2008-05-23)
This is not a film!, is another home edit video, about all the PARANOIC theories about end of times.A lot of crap. Even take like was true, the picture of the skeletal remains of a person 36 feet tall.
That picture is Hoax!!
Collage of all the movies images with a panic songs.
cbyp1981 (2008-06-02)
What an absolute load of BULL. I don't know why any self respecting human (yes human) would bother seeding it! It's not even entertaining.Here we have a home made, ill-informed, you-tube video, based on zero fact and contradiction. You'll laugh at the spelling on screen also.
So, you say this Nibiru is going to be seen by the human eye in 2009, currently only powerful NASA telescopes can see it from the very south of earth, yeat...oh wait... you got a photo of it from a handheld camera! Of course you did.
oh and it passed us by in they had cameras back then too, and not shitty mobile phones either... many took photography up as a hobby around then, Im sure we woulda had some more images if a gigantic planet flew passed... not even the best government could cover that up!!
Why make Bible quotes also when 2012 is completely pagan, even going against Jesus by calling him a Sun God in Zeigeist! Come on...
Google Nibiru, you'll get some correct responses.
If you're here to see some quality Alex Jones footage, or after a 'Taking Liberties' style documentary, forget it, this is actually a waste of electricity... which is expensive enough, and going to get more expensive according to FACTUAL conspiracies.
The world WILL end, but not because of this imaginary planet.
fuzzyballs84 (2008-11-01)
I have just read the comments but before I even watch the movie I would like to comment on some things. The movie aside, we cannot see everything out in space. Hell, we haven't even been able to document all of the things and places on earth yet. I am not saying that "Planet X" exists or doesn't exist. I am just saying don't criticize the theory before you have sufficient proof otherwise. There are actually leading astrologists that believe in this theory. Well, I shouldn't say believe, but, accept the theory. I know that it may seem complex and hard to believe. But Poul Anderson said "I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which when you looked at it the right way, did not become still more complicated." Everyone should know that if you close your mind you won't learn anything new. So the moral: Just because this may or may not be a crap film, the possibility is still out there. Oh and before I go, not meaning to offend anyone, has anyone thought of religion itself? Doesn't it seem odd that we all believe in some higher divine power? Are humans not always looking for the easy fix for problems and understanding? My belief is that human civilization turns to religion to fill the void that they cannot seem to understand. I just don't see how believing in someone or something that is immaterial and unseen is more acceptable that a material object that you can see and/or feel. Maybe it's me that lacks the reasoning and understanding. That was not sarcasm either. Just and honest observation.donderdraak (2008-12-30)
Very interesting movie. I cannot help it but all these doomsday theories I simply love them. Especially around the depressing x-mas period. What if this one is really true...?tulsatrans (2009-03-10)
how do you seed for longer than utorrent allows ?tulsatrans (2009-03-10)
it only seeds for like an hour or two then says finisheddciece (2009-07-04)
crap!!! i hope at least the mayan calender dosent end in 2012!!!!! it simply rolls over!!! and starts again it has done so every 400 some odd years! just like the millenium bug this will prove nothing and just generate some good end of the world movies. fingers crossed......oh and if theres digi pics of this shit, while none of the worlds most powerfull land based telescopes including radio telescopes and not to mention the hubble, geezjuanaanto (2009-07-14)
ubftw wjow gejt thfat tiorrent supenr faslt usiing thijsjbr.gos ipmathereda. Z c Z o Z m
fhdmso tavke anbove atnd pvaste in browsenr anfd deliete anll Z anjd sfpaces haiha
1. Planet X - Are You Ready/Planet X - Are You Ready - Part 1 of 3.avi 22.56 Mb
2. Planet X - Are You Ready/Planet X - Are You Ready - Part 2 of 3.avi 23.62 Mb
3. Planet X - Are You Ready/Planet X - Are You Ready - Part 3 of 3.avi 22.88 Mb