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Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2010 30 map source
Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2010.30 Mapsource
2009-11-27 (by fataqui)
Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2010.30 Map Source
MAP ID: 2051
Install Instructions
01. use imei.exe found in ...toolsimei to generate
your Garmin UNIT ID to get your IMEI from
your phone press *#06#
02. open ...toolskey and run key.exe...
03. copy the UNIT ID generated by imei.exe to
the top input box in key.exe.
04. press the top GENERATE button
05. copy the Software Unlock Code to the file sw.unl
save and close sw.unl.
06. in the lower option "Select Map Product"
go to the very bottom of the select box
you will see select that!
when the little window pops up enter -> 2051
in the first input field. Press OK
07. press the bottom GENERATE button
08. copy the Map Set Unlock Code to the file
gmapsupp.unl save and close gmapsupp.unl.
09. close imei.exe, close key.exe
10. open the folder ...img
11. run CNNANT2010_30Update_ENU.msi
12. let it install mapsource in the default
install diretory.
13. after it is done installing open mapsource.
14. when it tells you North America NT 2010.30
is locked press "SKIP"!
15. go to the top menu and select Utilites
16. select "Manage Map Products".
17. select "Unlock Regions"
18. highlight... (by clicking on it)
City Navigator North America NT 2030...
19. on the left click on "Add"
20. open "gmapsupp.unl" copy that key into
the top input field. Click "OK" the map
set is now unlocked!
21. now connect your usb cable to your computer
in "data mode" copy the two files "sw.unl" &
"gmapsupp.unl" to the "Garmin" folder on your
mobile phone.
22. select the regions you want to transfer to your
phone and then use the "Transfer" option at the
top of the mapsource application to transfer
the regions you have selected.
Sonia / fataqui
Files count:
2309.25 Mb
thejackofclubs (2009-11-27)
200 kbps with 1 seeder? im ok with that. ill try to seed as long as i can after.fataqui (2009-11-27)
Sorry the seed speed isn't the greatest, but that can't helped because I can only allot 400Kbps upload to this torrent as I am seeding other map sets... Mexico, etc... in other torrents! But 200kbps isn't that bad seeing I'm the only one seeding right now...enjoy, F!
thejackofclubs (2009-11-28)
i was actually saying it was good. whered the seeders go? i have 99.8% downloaded and only 99.8% of the torrent is available cause theres no seeders.Taurean75 (2009-11-28)
I was seeding at 1.5MB/s with a share ratio of over 24, but I'm stuck at 99.8%. So I said **** that.Newb787 (2009-11-28)
fataqui, thanks for the upload. i am sure over the next while the speeds will be better with the seeders.Newb787 (2009-11-28)
BTW. There is a link to another forum for the image file for 2010.30:
Shazam_777 (2009-11-28)
fataqui, please edit the type of file to: "Applications > Windows "Is this the full version?
Also, please REMOVE the . (dots) from the subject line. It should be easier to find this way and there will be MORE seeders too.
The correct name of this file is Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2010.30 Mapsource or CN 2010.30
fataqui (2009-11-28)
Thanks Shazam_777, file edited...legendc100 (2009-11-28)
Unfortunately this torrent is garbage. Many rars have crc and similar errors. Only 1.4Gb gets unpacked and files are missing so it is not possible to install it.toolboss (2009-11-29)
Works for me. Had to repair all RAR files before unpacking then renamed them CNNANT leaving 2010.30 and everything after. (not sure if needed but got a too long file path error). Unlocked using "Unlock Wizard"Thanks fataqui
legendc100 (2009-11-29)
Toolboss - Your advise is much appreciated.For those who have an issue unpacking/installing this item follow the steps:
- download all parts
- open winrar
- select all parts of 2010.30
- select repair archive
- shorten all archive names to reasonable length; I had them as fixed.partxx.rar
- unpack; ignore winrar warning ?Invalid or corrupt authenticity information?
- you should have 283 files/178 folders/total size 3,224,729,944 bytes
- install, etc.
Poster made mistake in description: since NA 2010.20 these updates include complete Mexico, not only USA/Cad.
Fataqui ? thank you for this nice post.
atv (2009-11-29)
Finally:Works perfect, no problem with unpacking, Jetmous' MapID 2051 and the update is done.
Transfert to my Edge and another Mobile XT done,
Works like a charm.
GreyGold (2009-11-29)
Nice package; great documentation. Thanks!For those having trouble unpacking: I used 7-Zip, and everything worked without a hitch.
kccode1 (2009-12-02)
If you would have seeded as a ISO file like all the other versions we wouldn't need to repair.The rule is KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.
StJohnMe (2009-12-04)
Hi mrjaycapone!I?ve just upgraded my Nuvi 360 so this should work for you. But I had to figure this out all by myself as there?s no instructions upgrading a Nuvi. Firstly find your Nuvi?s UNIT ID by turning on your Nuvi... then -> Tools -> System -> About. Save this number (to a notepad/wordpad doc) as you?ll need to input it a few times during the install. Actually keep the Key Generator open through the whole process as it will be easy to copy and past the appropriate numbers when required.
02. Open ...toolskey folder and lauch key.exe...
03. Copy the UNIT ID to the top input box in key.exe.
04. Press the top GENERATE button
05. Copy the Software Unlock Code to the file sw.unl save and close sw.unl. (Double-Click to launch file it might ask what program you?d like to open sw.unl file with... Chose either wordpad or notepad as the .unl file is just a blank txt file. If it deletes .unl after save just add it back to the file name)
06. In the lower option "Select Map Product" go to the very bottom of the select box you will see select that! when the little window pops up enter -> 2051 in the first input field. Press OK
07. Press the bottom GENERATE button
08. Copy the Map Set Unlock Code to the file gmapsupp.unl save and close gmapsupp.unl. (Double-Click to launch file it might ask what program you?d like to open gmapsupp.unl file with... Chose either wordpad or notepad as the .unl file is just a blank txt file. If it deletes .unl after save just add it back to the file name)
09. Keep key.exe open to copy and past the appropriate numbers when required later in the process.
10. Open the folder ...img
11. Double-Click to launch and run CNNANT2010_30Update_ENU.msi
12. Let it install mapsource in the default install diretory.
13. After it is done installing open mapsource program.
14. When it tells you North America NT 2010.30 locked press "SKIP"!
15. Go to the top menu and select Utilities
16. Select "Manage Map Products".
17. Select "Unlock Regions" Tab (For me there wasn?t a map to select so I clicked the ?Add? button and input the proper info... I forgot what I had to add but the map showed up)
18. Highlight... (by clicking on it) City Navigator North America NT 2030...
19. On the left click on "Add"
20. Open "gmapsupp.unl" copy that key into the top input field. Click "OK" the map set is now unlocked!
21. Now connect your usb cable to your computer in "data mode" copy the two files "sw.unl" & "gmapsupp.unl" to the "Garmin" folder on your mobile phone.
22. Select the regions you want to transfer to your phone and then use the "Transfer" option at the top of the mapsource application to transfer the regions you have selected. (View the flash movie on how to use the selection too in the Mapsource app... It?s not very intuitive and the flash movie helps a lot)
Newb787 (2009-12-06)
I hope the integrity of mapsource remains intact after repairing the archive. it would really suck after you transfer it to your device and the map is corrupted.Newb787 (2009-12-06)
Just an update. I still got corruption messages when attempting to UNPACK this bitch, even after I used Winrar to repair the archive.I would recommend waiting to download until someone has a full working version that's uploaded in ISO format like a previous poster mentioned.
hp79 (2009-12-07)
StJohnMe (2009-12-07)
I downloaded this on a Mac and used Stuffit to expand it before moving it to Windows. Worked for me with no glitches.fataqui (2009-12-17)
You won't get CRC errors if you just rename the OUTPUT directory when unpacking. WINRAR CANNOT handle long file paths on some systems. So change the DESTINATION PATH before unpacking...Example... WINRAR >> Destination path (will be created if it does not exist)
If you do that you won't get CRC ERRORS...
legendc100 (2009-12-20)
There is no need to be rude ?0bullshit?. This torrent is a little bit screwed up but with little work and knowledge it is possible to make it work. Fortunately it has repair parts and as I said it worked for me. I uploaded to my gps whole Canada and use it on a daily basis navigating.I will unfortunately not make a torrent to help you out since guys at piratebay delete my torrents (copyright, right?) and delete my handle and I am sick and tired to create new one every time just to upload.
If somebody want to lend his id/pass I will gladly upload it.
Newb787 (2009-12-21)
legendc100, please explain. What's going on with the deleting of torrents? When did this start happening? I have tried demonoid and i cant get the trackers to work right. this is a big loss and a hit for everyone looking for garmin s/w!!Newb787 (2009-12-21)
BTW peeps. Here are a few alternative downloads that don't have CRC errors:
RP08 (2009-12-25)
I also had the errors when i tried with Winrar!!!! But.........1. I followed "legendc100" instructions to repair and worked flawlessly.
2. I followed "StJohnMe" wonderful detailed instructions and i now have my 765t updated ;)
3. Thanks fataqui for a great update..
fusion80 (2009-12-31)
I just installed this program following StJohnMe's instructions on my Garmin Nuvi 250w however when I turn on my GPS after the transfer an error comes up displayed as "Can't Unlock Maps."When I go to MapSource under "Utilities" "Manage Map Products" the Garmin City Navigator North America 2010 Map shows that it's been unlocked.
I would think that the issue is from the transfer from Mapsource to my Nuvi, but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!
what_is_seeding (2010-01-13)
I had no luck with this one. I tried the repair instructions. I tried 7-zip, but no luck.I used the link below and it worked great. No issues.
It took a while to down load so I will be seeding for 7 days.
brianxxx (2010-02-01)
2010.40 version is out and it corrects a lot of mapping mistakes in the previous version.It is not on this site but other sites have it so keep an eye out.
ziggazig (2010-02-03)
@brianxxx links? i can't find it anywhere. tiaflavaflav (2010-03-13)
Ok mo-fos, some some of ya'll are complaining about file errors and this not being an ISO, I got this one to work and uploaded in an ISO format. Some people better download and seed soon otherwise I'm pulling the plug on this bitch.