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Shakugan no Shana First and Second Seasons, Movie + Extras!






Shakugan No Shana First and Second Seasons, Movie + Extras!


Video/TV shows


2008-04-09 (by DannOrly)

Description: Basically if you\'re looking for a good anime with lots of action and some romance intertwined this is for you. Very good show. Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! What\'s included Season one - all 24 episodes Season two - all 24 episodes Extras: Shaukgan no Shana The Movie Shakugan no Shana Promos Shakugan no Shana Special Itadaki no Hecatetan Shanatan Begins Shanatan 1 Shanatan 2 Shanatan \"The Movie\" (not really a movie.. you\'ll see haha) All very good quality. I will apologize for the seeding beforehand, my ISP isn\'t exactly known for its blazing upload speeds, so bare with it and make sure to seed after you\'re done.

Files count:



10027.69 Mb




Zorael (2008-04-10)

Just started downloading and there are 15 peers and 0 seeds.
Please seed~ :

T_A_G (2008-04-11)

im stuck at 18.7%....we need a seeder back asap. uploadet 7 gigs so far off uncomplite stuff

DannOrly (2008-04-11)

Had my computer off for one night and people are complaining =P
Patience, patience. It will come in due time. Just change the order of the downloads so you can start watching the season 1 episodes in order instead of waiting for the whole shebang to get there.

guamuser (2008-04-13)

where are the seeders! my download hasn't even started

guamuser (2008-04-13)

not bad dannorly.

ishidauuryu (2008-04-16)

omg turn your computer back on please :( dling at 1 kbps now! T.T rawrr im only 67% done and uploading for others :(

DannOrly (2008-04-16)

My computer IS on.. I'm only seeding to 4 people at a time... so if they don't seed, the people with less done don't get their stuff... blame them

ishidauuryu (2008-04-16)

oh... what a faggots -.-

DannOrly (2008-04-16)

hahaha, gomen, gomen. I saw someone the other day on my list that had like 95% done, and I hope they're seeding as well. The highest I have on my list is 74.3%, so if you have below that you should be getting mega seeders since theres like 15 people who have that.

ishidauuryu (2008-04-17)

rofl, yeah that 74% is me dawg, but whoever is at 95% is definately not seeding.

ishidauuryu (2008-04-17)

wtb more seeders plox that have already finished downloading... if there are any lol...74% going at 1kbps is ftl... i've uploaded almost 3x as much as i've downloaded -.-

abignore (2008-04-17)

Well i just started and it goes in like 250+

guamuser (2008-04-17)

home stretch
apparently there are two seeders, but i don't see the other one
i promise to keep seeding until at least one other person has it

ishidauuryu (2008-04-17)

nice teewhy, im at 85.6% i'll probly keep streaming this until i finish watching it all anyways, and yeah i only see one seeder lol

DannOrly (2008-04-19)

Now we have more than enough seeders.
Thanks to whoever has been whoring this torrent to other sites, it's actually helped quite a bit. I'm much too lazy to have done it myself hahaha

ishidauuryu (2008-04-19)

wtf is anyone else having problems playing files past episode 8?

DannOrly (2008-04-20)

Use VLC Media Player.

Aidith (2008-05-21)

I downloaded this, and finished the first season and now I'm slightly confused because I cant find a release date So I'm not sure when the movie takes place....does it happen after the first season or the second?

speng (2008-06-04)

please seed....
and dont worry... after ive finished it... i'll seed it 24/7 =D

speng (2008-06-06)

youch! where are the seeders?
what tracker to use?
it says 0 peers..

azusaka (2008-10-17)

I'll do whatever it takes to contribute to the seeding as well :D

baka316 (2008-11-14)

Fantastic upload, thank you kindly sir.

Linkerzz (2008-11-15)

Damn T__T I let my Pc run all right and got like 5%
Thanks Guys~
I guess im a leacher. because im not gonna wait 12 weeks.
.__. Sorry.

Ashvinoth (2008-11-15)

Had so many problems just trying to find this damned show, thank you so much for torrenting it.

griggrig1994 (2009-06-20)

can anyone please's like 13 FUCKIN KB/S.......PLZPLZPLZ

ginapi (2009-10-14)

how to seed? hehe
i wan to dl.. but my com too small..
not enuf space.. is ther seperated de?
i mean s1 n s2 seperated...
coz i wan dl both of them but not together.. >

KiroiSenko (2009-10-21)

guys plss tell me that it is english sub

vbvb20 (2009-10-25)


doradhorror (2010-02-06)


kejten (2010-02-28)

seed! plz!

nikotiini3 (2010-06-30)

Cmon! It's taking literally 2 years to download it at this speed...

iymovies (2010-08-03)

First off, this is truly an amazing anime show I would definitely recommend.
I'll seed this torrent for as long as I can.
I have it hosted on a dedicated 5MB/s connection line, so for the next week or so you should have absolutely no problems with download speeds.

packing93 (2010-09-28)

some episodes dont work.
my media player said:
no suitable decoder module for fourcc `undf'.
i'm using VLC media player.
can anyone help me?

Akiro544 (2011-01-22)


1000mAh (2011-03-29)

packing93, try CCCP :P plays everything, if your computer has specs good enough ;P
...and thank for the UL DannOrly.

OneWorldz (2011-04-24)

I sincerely hope that these Shakugan no Shana episodes are English Subbed, because English Dubbed doesn't suit anime at all -.- Or any other language to be exact... Anyway thanks for the upload DannOrly. :P

DannOrly (2011-04-27)

doradhorror, you see the upload date? 3 years ago. Back then, these were pretty good quality. And they still are compared to half the shit people watch somehow.
Also, no problem on the upload. Back then noticed no one had this up, so I uploaded. Glad it's been so well seeded since. I uploaded like 60 gb of this and haven't seen the show since. Maybe I'll redownload my own torrent and watch it again :)

kururu13 (2011-05-04)

seed please!
i'll seed as long as i can, after i finish.

darknesssacred (2011-05-19)

May the uploader/anyone who dl'ed this torrent, confirm that this is a eng sub anime? I'm sure with this confirmation, many would clear their doubts and start to dl and seed this torrent.

benjcarl (2011-08-06)

seed pls pls

benjcarl (2011-08-06)

seeed pls pls pls... arigatou gozaimasu...

melvinbad (2011-08-12)

for those who wanted to know.. a/v quality is excellent... eng subs as well(obviously) seeding right now...

sjeafer (2012-01-01)

good audio/video, english subs confirmed, will seed

Justin3292 (2012-06-27)

Downoading at 1.3 MB/s... I don't mind this at all

Justin3292 (2012-07-01)

I know it's a bit late but I'm seeding the hell out of this. Almost 50GB and not stopping anytime soon!

Darkcrane1 (2012-07-05)

hey need seeders, im at 0.8 help a guy out. i told my girlfriend id get this for her today.

Tinytox (2012-07-23)

I included all of these files, plus Season 3 as well as all the bonus content in my torrent, located at...

mrxsleepyxazz (2012-10-26)

any one know where i can find all of it in dub english

feysbook (2013-06-08)

clicked on Get this torrent but it doesnt show any files :/ help