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Adobe CS3 Products Crack (Test! The real thing!)






Adobe CS3 Products Crack (Test! The real thing!)




2007-07-09 (by CrisInuyasha)


I\\\'ve found this file on the net, and I\\\'m sharing it while a keygen is not released to the public! This is the read-me inside the file: //--------------------------------Read-me------------------------------------ When installing when asking install serial... Overwrite asneu.dll to program files/common files/Adobe/installers/some long dirname... Then enter any serial u want! Overwrite cracked files after installed. Acrobat.dll -16.76MB AfterFX.dll -10.08MB Contribute.exe -13.26MB Dreamweaver.exe -15.34MB Adobe Encore.exe -12.05MB Fireworks.exe -26.49MB Flash.exe -17.97MB Flash Video Encoder.exe -4.24MB Illustrator.exe -19.25MB Public.dll -6.25MB Photoshop.exe -42.74MB Premiere.dll -12.11MB AppModule.dll -8.1MB asneu.dll -124KB install.txt -205Bytes [camp@gnese]�¢ï¿½�¢

Files count:



53.08 Mb




avseq (2007-07-10)

Hey guys, is this working????
Please confirm someone who has downloaded it.

CrisInuyasha (2007-07-10)

I posted this, but I didn't tested with *all* adobe products listed, but it worked with: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Adobe Soundbooth and Adobe After Effects. Keep in mind this is not permanent crack since keygens are the best for Adobe products.. When they release it, just use the keygen!

samureini (2007-07-11)

Yes, its working.
I haven't tried it with all products yet, but its a fine realease.
But waiting for the keygens is the best!

Robgore (2007-07-11)

hey im new to all this could u help me :s
im so lost lol

khameleon808 (2007-07-12)

I keep gettin CTD after i copied over the Premiere.dll. Do I move it over on the "Installation Complete" screen? Or do i hit "finish" on that screen then move it over? I'm gonna try it a couple more times, if it doesnt work, I will wait for the official scene rls or keygen. Thanks

figge44 (2007-07-12)

can some one help me install this program i dont find that why i should move the dll. file

CrisInuyasha (2007-07-13)

it's pretty much what the read-me says, open the installer, then when it asks for a serial, go to the folder program files/common files/adobe/installers and the long name folder with the icon of the program and overwrite the dll.. after this put any serial you want that the program will install the full version of it. after the installation, just take the crack of the program (like, premiere.dll) and paste it in the folver program files/adobe/adobe premiere pro cs3 or the name of the program folder you installed, and you're done..

shitheadnicabith (2007-07-18)

Curious if the process will work for Mac I think doubtfull yet willing to try ,,,does anyone have any pointers

unkojijiman (2007-07-18)

there is a problem when i try to overwrite asneu.dll in the specified directory.
it wont allow me to replace it as the installer is using the asneu.dll file thats already there.
has anyone had a similar problem and been able to get around this?

CrisInuyasha (2007-07-19)

you must replace BEFORE the screen when asking for the serial appears (simplify, open the installer and replace in the same time)

CrisInuyasha (2007-07-19)

Hey, they released premiere pro cs3 keygen:

pirate_guy8 (2007-07-22)

really fast upload. great will seed for a while for ya

pirate_guy8 (2007-07-23)

i have a keygen for after effects for those looking

Lazer23 (2007-08-07)

Where is the installer?

masterbluestar (2007-08-08)

Yeah, the bitch is the programs will never update if there is an Adobe update to them. So only this first version will work.

SupaHonn (2007-08-10)

did someone test encore with this one?

Chupi>:3 (2007-08-20)

Great, though it seems you have to use a serial to get Photoshop CS3 **Extended**. Can still replace Photoshop.exe with this one afterward, disable FLEXnet Licensing Service and still have Extended.
Wait, this is missing Device Central...! whoop-de-doo...

Ivantav (2007-08-30)

Perfect. Thanks.

libraton (2007-09-02)

The photoshop.exe works fine. Haven't got extended versions or anything, or tried any of the others but there you got my comment on that one atleast .p

dmasterofgamez (2007-09-06)

ok ummmm.........i am at where the dll is at what do i do step by step plz

ftsa (2007-09-12)

perfect job - congratulations

ailsa1208 (2007-09-13)'s my update, since I can't find any keygen for Illustrator CS3 anywhere, I use this crack. I installed trial version just now and before the first time I run the program, I overwrite asneu.dll, then I put the cracked exe file in the proper location, and I'm done! I can use the program without being asked to put in the serial numbers, and no trial days count down anymore.

dmasterofgamez (2007-09-14)

k how do u overwrite the dll file or w/e

R.T.2 (2007-09-15)

SupaHonn wrote:
Yes I did. Unfortunately the Encore executable patch in this torrent did not work. It gave some type of error message stating "failed to find entry point" followed by some very long gobble-dy-goop of a message when I tried to launch the Encore CS3 program with the patch.
So I had to replace the cracked Encore.exe again with the original one, then used the method I posted in response to Coffeebaby's same problem here at;

which worked and got Encore CS3 back up and running as well as all the other CS3 programs that had the "License Expired" message when attempting to launch since Sep.1st.

dmasterofgamez (2007-09-17)

can anyone help me

dtek420 (2007-09-25)

Tested flash cs3 an confirmed as working.
I had trial installed with 29 days left, just dropped in dll and exe and fired it up. No more activation screen.
The exe did try to go out to a dns server however so I just blocked this.

Meo0711 (2007-09-26)

I'm curious- what exactly is the difference between having a serial or using a crack??
Does it affect performance in any way?
i heard that it can mess up my comp. if i use cracks.

thedrunkpirate (2007-10-01)

Much thanks matey!!! It worked like a charm on Photoshop CS3!

thedude2007 (2007-10-03)

@Meo: Cracks can only mess up your comp if they contain viruses or spyware. If this particular one did, the comments would be full of people saying "f$c&i%g sh%$" etc etc. So I'd assume this is pretty safe :-).
A serial is something you copy and paste into the box when you activate the software. A crack is something that actually modifies the software itself.

dmasterofgamez (2007-10-03)

how do i overwrite asneu.dll

360drift (2007-10-12)

waste of time

TwistedInc (2007-10-16)

Scanned with AVG and it found no viruses. I didn't even have to put in the dll file, I just replaced the original .exe file with the one in the rar and it took care of the activation screeen. I may uninstall and try what it says in the .txt file though.
(Worked for me on Flash and Dreamweaver)

Serious125 (2007-10-24)

Whats cracking i see you dawgs in a strugle right Dont watch da struggle any think you neeed i got am a top software hacker man like me dnt use no torrent wat eva i use real gangster hackers u no wat am say if you need premiere pro you no wats popin jus let me no here drop your msn ill send u the serious that unlocks every softwares without you needing all dis bullshitt keygen wat eva wats cracking jus drop ur msn here ill com bk tomorow ill add yaa then ill giv u da serial coz today i aint at home get me any ways tomroow am waiting bless forget aboiut all dis files nd bullshitt one serial every softwares unlock then you wont even bother finking about keygen crack all dose bullshit you no wat am say any ways blesss

Serious125 (2007-10-24)

Listen up
Drop your email i will send it threw your mail box right hold tight
Me dnt like files crack keygens all dat waste of time
i jus use 1 serial that unlocks the whole drive trial nd all dat no activation or wat eva once you enter that serial nd if you try next time to download a software they wont even ask for a serial it will install immediantly any ways hold tight i lov helping the way you ppl like helping too but keep it tight you no bless

pikachuko (2007-10-25)

It works, I didn't pick up anything with Avast anti-virus. Worked with; Premiere,After Effects, and Dreamweaver. I still need to check the rest. I'll be seeding for a while, A+ download.

Psymøn (2007-10-28)

works great! thx a lot!

_mirinda_ (2007-10-28)

Worked perfectly for me. No viruses, trojans or any crap.
The only one that didn't work was the one for Acrobat 8, but you dont need to copy the Acrobat.dll file, it will work if you've already copied the asneu.dll file.

wonderspoon (2007-10-31)

This has worked... to an extent. Premiere Pro for me works fine, but occasionally freezes and will not let me click on anything, so I have to close it and re-open. After Effects runs fine, but crashes when I import clips. Now that's a massive issue for something that is designed to add effects to video.
All keygens for these pieces of software are currently null, as the licensing has expired. If anyone has any solutions other than to download the corporate editions could you tell me. I get terrible torrent speeds, so I stuck with the official trial versions from Adobe, which has always worked for me in the past. Thanks in advance.

a.squirrel (2007-10-31)

TO OVERWRITE DLL FILE... just drag'n'drop. It'll ask if you want to replace the existing file with the new file. Just say that you DO want to replace the old file and everything should work fine.
It's not that complicated.

fiog (2007-11-01)

Can anyone help? This crack worked for Photoshop but it will not work for InDesign.
I may have done something wrong as InDesign was the first program I loaded and I did not copy over the 'public.dll' to the Program Files before I closed it.
Now, it will not let me get past the 'install serial' screen even when I paste 'asneu.dll'. Is it too late to use this crack now? Or, is there a way to reset it?
Thanks for any help!

rub17 (2007-11-12)

The difference in using cracks and serial is that, if it contains a trojan you remove the keygen after using, but with a crack, the trojan stays on your pc. The bad news is that I had all the keygens of everything from the adobe creative suite cs3. After using it, I did not remove it because kaspersky ain't not see annything. But on a day the virus became activated but kaspersky stopped the trojan attack from ALL the keygens at the same moment. Lucky for me. But without a proper virus scan I was screwed.
Now if you use a crack with a trojan you have the problem that your virusscan also don't see it before the attack, but you can't remove it if you wan't to use the programm.
Problem with illustrator cs3 is that there is no keygen so you can better use illustrator cs2 with serial than illustrator cs3. (and remove the keygen immediately after using!!)
Clear now?

Wolf 10 (2007-11-14)

The crack for Adobe Dreamweaver worked like a charm. Great download.

afromanex (2007-11-18)

it works great. just open program files > adobe > the program u are hacking, and replace the file with the specified file in the read me for that program...
thats all... super simple! great cracks!

tripleX999 (2007-11-19)

I was gutted when I spent all that time downloading and installing flash cs3, only to find that a keygen wasn't enough to fool adobe, so this really made my day!

Albl (2007-11-30)

I'm new to these torrents stories.Well,to be brief,i downloaded this TPB.torrent file(Test! The real thing!),what do i do next? Do i delete the TBP.extension and save it as a .dll file in order to save it to the proper directory and replace the usneu.dll file,or we follow different procedure and which is that.Step by step please.

omfg2k2k (2007-12-01)

When I try to import a file in AE, it crashes. Didn't happen before I overwrited the dll file.

rs0xn (2007-12-03)

I am also having the same problem with After Effects. The program launches, but when I import a file, it crashes everytime. This crack doesn't work.

m0tnx (2007-12-25)

worked perfectly.. thanks for the up!!

priyamurti (2008-01-12)

Hi have managed to install Premiere CS3 successfullly thank to all the clever people on this page.
Next problem: CS2 had the option export to DVD which in CS3 is replaced with export to encore as much as I understand. BUT - it doesn't let me export. the option is grey... :-(
Anybody else has that problem???? What can I do about it?

andyness (2008-02-25)

OK speed.
And stop whining that this isn't the real thing, sheephead.

Psyz (2008-03-01)

I'm gonna seed this torrent , since it's a very good one.

ian1200 (2008-03-04)

everyone is saying "after replacing the asneu.dll, just type in any serial number." i do this and it says "invalid code." Any ideas of what to do?

fatbob4eva (2008-03-04)

I notice everyone is saying that CS3 sends data back to adobe, is there anyway to stop this or is it just easier to not be on the internet while using CS3?

byza (2008-03-19)

the ENCORE CS3 one didnt worked some dialog came after putting the .ddl file...

NewGod (2008-03-23)

Illustrator CS3 crack worked for me. THX.

t3hpiracy (2008-03-26)

Anyone have a solution to the problem with After Effects. After replacing the AfterFX.dll with the crack, After Effects opens fine. However, whenever I try to import a video, it keeps crashing. I have tried importing multiple times and simply dragging in a video, and it keeps crashing. Anyone know what to do?

monkeyman9516 (2008-04-16)

anybody know of any cracks/keygens for DreamWeaver or PhotoShop for Mac OSX?

noelxmas (2008-04-17)

premiere works ... BUT .... cannot import audio! anyone else got this problem or know how to sort it???? thanks!

Reakwonthechief (2008-04-22)

Adobe After Effects works fine untill i try to import any ideas of how to fix that cause it keeps happining

alexjustdoit (2008-05-02)

So all I gotta do is download the trial from Adobe's website and use this?

EbanLague (2008-05-11)

Encore and After Effects seem to have problems, but other than those, works perfectly! Thanks for the Crack. Also quick DL.

xXCoNrAd117Xx (2008-05-17)

ok, people having trouble getting this to work, all you have to do is download a keygen and install the program, but when you run it you will probably get an error message saying that the licensing has expired. then, go to program files/adobe/(product)and find the (product).dll, and replace that with the new one. you may have to run the program a few times to work out the kinks, but I have all of them working fine, so it is possible.
- your welcome xXCoNrAd117Xx

odesseydesignz (2008-05-18)

damn this worked perfectly i already had it installed just overwrote asneu.dll overwrote the flash.exe file opened and boom perfect...thanx alot!

naruto64 (2008-06-02)

this sucks i should have came here before i downloaded flash crack from an other place because this torrent had all and i only needed flash so i got a trojan but good thing i have avast.And ive been using cracks on halo,halo 2 flatout,flatout 2 , call of duty 4 , and other productd and they never had viruses

0399e (2008-07-14)

fuck no working the exe don't work don't download the only things that work are dlls

darkchaostitan (2008-07-14)

Dow anyone know how to get past the problem of the "support for CPU extension SSE2 is not met" error. All help appreciated. Thx.

gab909 (2008-08-03)

This works for me, now to figure out how to stop AI CS3 contacting Adobe. Thanks CrisInuyasha.

familiafolks77 (2008-08-12)

AE always crashes while trying to import.
Everything else in the program works?
I have tried so many ways to fix this and have
failed everytime.. someone please help?

TurtleLG (2008-08-24)

TY tested and works =D

sciencectn (2008-11-16)

Install premiere, and import the video footage you want into the Premiere CS3 library. Save it as a premiere project. Then, in after effects, simply go to file>open and open the premiere CS3 project with your footage.

mtadesse (2008-12-13)

Please I am looking for after effects templates. If anyone has any or knows where to download it from email me at

onur224 (2010-02-14)

very good..Thenks you
Carck offine,worked

1u1z (2010-03-21)

WORKS seeding

OhSleeper (2011-05-05)

"When installing when asking install serial..." What the?

DJG2011 (2011-07-04)

thank you very much the Adobe flash CS3 work for me cheers :-)