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Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip




Software Mobile


Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip




2008-05-26 (by mit_cd)


A. 1. copy to SD folder 2577 & iGO8 2. soft reset 3. install . B. copy what you need from iGO 2008/iGO8/content... to SD iGO8/content... . Done ! Tested on PDA MIO P350 - works fine mit_cd ROMANIA

Files count:



1555.23 Mb




fransfl (2008-05-27)

Great program, great release!!!
Share plz!!

mit_cd (2008-05-28)

just Europe

abgar (2008-05-29)

Is this for PNA also ?
What is the Igo8.exe version ?

mit_cd (2008-05-29)

NavNGo iGO8 v.
adjusted for PDA from one PNA
Work on PDA and PNA (after small modification). Work with SDHC patch

abgar (2008-05-29)

Thanks for reply. I already have Fo some unknown reasons the older Igo.exe file ( take from Mio) works better with my PNA. More smooth.

cristiroma (2008-06-05)

Winrar, totalcmd, explorer, all says file is corrupted:
! E:\rebuilt.Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip: CRC failed in Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence )\iGO 2008\iGO8\ The file is corrupt
! E:\rebuilt.Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip: CRC failed in Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence )\iGO
The file is corrupt
! E:\rebuilt.Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip: CRC failed in Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence )\iGO
The file is corrupt

olleN (2008-06-12)

I have GPS navi200. I tried to follow the instruction by copyin the attaches file into the sd-card. But where is the program that I have to run. Can please someone give me a step by step guide on how to precced. Do I earase everthing that is on the "MyFlashDisc" and save everything on the SD. Any help wuld be appricate it. Why is it two sets of files of IGO8?

olleN (2008-06-13)

Any damn help around here? I have a Match Navi 200 GPS. Reply to my previous comment. HEELLLP.

lundaspexaren (2008-06-21)

funkar fint till min mio a701, tycker att den är roligaren än mio programmet

AgentSmith79 (2008-07-13)

Install but doesn't run on my HTC Touch Diamond. It appears to start but then nothing...

ardi_swe (2008-07-15)

The best one ever, thanks a lot

staxstax (2008-07-22)

I have a MIO P350 since yesterday, but I haven't got a clue how to use these new maps. Miomap v3.2 says 'they're not up-to-date'when I place the files from this torrent on my SD card. Would anyone help me with a dummy-how-to-guide ? thx !

MoShOs (2008-07-23)

Has anyone, make this work for a HTC Touch Diamond?
I'm have installe it! But it does not start the program! :(

staxstax (2008-07-27)

Igo8 is now installed on my MIO-P350, but I'm not getting a GPS-signal :(

teide (2008-07-29)

Thanks for this great program works fine on my HTC

mich321 (2008-08-01)

I tray to put on MIO P360 (2Gb on SD).See in 2 days.

Naesstrom (2008-08-05)

Ok, I'm heading todubai soon and since tomtom doesnt have any maps for that area I'm thinking of installing this instead... the question is can I install this on my tomtom PNA or not? anyone tried...?

pcstuff (2008-08-08)

This software will not work on your TomTom GPS, sorry mate!

N2h (2008-08-11)

hey no joy with geting this working on a htc tytn 2 running wm 6.1

Apheration (2008-08-12)

@N2h - you have to edit sys.txt.log. There are two lines referring to resolution - change them to fit the Kaiser's screen which is 320 x 240.

surgeon7203 (2008-08-21)

Can this be used on my Mio 620t which perhaps uses the same software? If yes, how? Please help!!

krizik1 (2008-08-27)

thanks!!! working 100% mio a 701

No_faith (2008-08-29)

After the installation I can not start the Nav N Go iGO 8 on HTC Kaiser/TyTN II with Windows Mobile 6.1. What should I do?
Turn off the HTC on the Today screen:
WM6.1 instead of Htc
Start/Settings/Personal/Today /Items-> take the "tick" from the HTC Home square and then OK on the right upper corner.
Make a softreset.

randalize (2008-08-30)

has anyone had success installing this on the Samsung Omnia?

mrkrp (2008-09-03)

No luck with Omnia, you had any luck yet Randalize?

mit_cd (2008-09-06)

turn the Omnia to landscape before opening Igo 8!!!!

Nex Angelus (2008-09-07)

Great release mate!!!
This works like a charm on the Omnia (in landscape-mode only though) and beats the shit out of tomtom and garmin!!
You have my deepest gratitude! Never thought I'd find GPS software that worked without a hassle on the omnia!

Afcahans (2008-09-15)

Hey!! Works good on my pocket pc Lifetec-Medion.great job thx m8,but ther is one thing,there are 2 rarfiles, Branding-and Data, needed an password.can you post it here or email me. [email protected]

Coesms (2008-10-02)

May i ask what landscape-mode is on the Omnia?
Just installed the program but getting an error that it can't find the ui_igo8\120_200\loading.bmp file.
Thanks in advance.

defrim (2008-10-12)

it works with samsung omnia thank you very much

ash45 (2008-10-17)

works on the omnia in both landscape and portrate mode its set up and finds maps ect but the route option is faded out and wont let me select it dose any one know why any help would be apresiated

cvx_freak (2008-11-06)

nu pot sa il instalez...need help pls

cicillo68 (2008-11-14)

Installed on an old IPAQ 5550 with BT GPS antenna.
works fine. excellent!

ludwiganthony (2008-11-18)

It`s works perfect on mio a 701 ,thanks

zkr4mz3 (2008-11-18)

LOL this thing thinks that I´m in Stockholm when im faaaaar away from there. whats the problem?
HAHA den här saken tror att ja är i Stockholm när ja är lååång därifrån hur fixar jag det?

Mik (2008-11-27)

dont work on experia

atv (2008-11-29)

Works also fine on Glofiish x500... (4th on this smartphone... haha)

voxal88 (2008-12-01)

anybody know where i can get maps for australia for this program or would i be better of going with another program?

hubabuba (2008-12-04)

I can confirm that this DOES NOT work on Xperia

cylord3 (2008-12-07)

this shit really doesnt work on xperia. all work for nothing :(

vipereire (2008-12-07)

Help me out here, I havent a clue what to do. Do I take the risk of soft rest and loose everything? I have demo that came with my gps, how do I do this step by step?

euromarket (2008-12-08)

am un evolio a1700 care merge cu igo my way 2006 ... oare cum il fac pe asta sa inghita igo8 ?

matrix09 (2008-12-12)

Do not work with HTC Touch Pro, the program dont start.

kallekula33 (2008-12-14)

Är det någon som känner till hur man får igång den på X1:an ?? Otroligt störigt att det inte funkar, har läst på olika Forum att det kan ha med skins att göra men det är inget jag har fått bekräftat.

luk68 (2008-12-16)

Am un Mio P550 si vreau sa stiu daca merge si ce trebuie sa fac? Salut

tejpaul (2008-12-17)

Will these maps work for a Mio Moov 300C (i.e., will they work for a GPS system)? As well, what maps are in here? Canada and US??

jikanv (2009-01-04)

Works great on my HTC Orbit.

alidivani (2009-01-26)

Simply superb. Works fine on my SPV M2000 Pocket PC. Thank you mit_cd!

Coooookie (2009-02-09)

can somebody give me better instructions on how to install this :(
cant get it to work :(((

vibes71 (2009-02-12)

Very very nice upload ! thanx mit_cd

k.r.e.o. (2009-03-23)

When i install it on Samsung Omnia, I get error "loading.bmp not found. Closing application"
Any idea how to repair this one please?

pietje12 (2009-03-25)

works perfect on my omnia.

concha (2009-04-01)

Check out this link
It contains a list over supported devices.

bluesskyflyer (2009-04-07)

Does anybody know if this actually runs from the SD card or does have to install? I want to try and run it on a Binatone Carerra X350, which has Win CE in the background. cheers.

iridius (2009-05-30)

Works like a charm on my ASUS MyPal A620 Pocket PC !!! Thanks, man!
Multam fain, omule, merge struna! Tine-o tot asa.
P.S. Unde se poate face update la camerele fixe?

mit_cd (2009-06-01)

pt. iridius

dickin (2009-06-11)

the splash screen is stucked on my mio P350 at the POI manager init? I wait for almost 3 hours but nothing happen. Any solution ?

ceecil (2009-07-05)

Cannot find the Igo8.exe file in any of the downloads. Is this correct?. I am rying to download Igo8 for the GPS. Can anybody direct me to a link that actually works. - Thanks

aprasevic (2009-07-12)

How to find one that works with Takara GP8. It is WinCE Net 4.2. Core
It is Navigation Device
Please Help- I accidentally deleted version with him

dfeated43 (2009-07-15)

how do i edit sys.txt.log to make it work on htc diamond? Where do i find that file?

evo_ssspeeed (2010-01-14)

salut omule,vreau sa te intreb daca merge si pe windows mobil 6.5?am un acer f 900 si am vazut pe pagina pusa de cineva ca nu ar fi compatibil telefonul meu.stii ceva?

nickul (2010-03-20)

How can I do the third step (install) ?
Thank you

sjorsxviii (2010-04-01)

WOW, fast download. Installed on my PNA and it works fine, so thank you mit_cd

gertjanmarckx (2010-08-05)

On my Mio C220, when I want to open autorun.exe, it says:
"Cannot find 'AUTORUN' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available.

cscs77 (2010-12-26)

merci omule. dintre sutele de IGO-uri incercate asta e singurul care merge struna.
nu-ti faci pomana si cu un IGO 8.3x?

aldicom3 (2011-03-06)

igo primo 1.2 wince, pna

georgekg (2011-06-02)

do I have to unpack/unzip files "branding" and "data" If I need to do this, where to put unpacked files/folders?

Slowfox1 (2013-09-26)

Hi there Mit_CD This version works perfectly on my Mio P360! The only thing is I would update the maps from this torrent
in yours.. When i copy the maps from 2013 to yours it will not show up. When I copy your maps it shows... How can I update the maps? Thanks in advance


1. Igo 8 - FINAL FULL + CRACK ( working licence ).zip 1555.23 Mb