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The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques




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The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques




2010-04-18 (by neon)


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Being fluent in a wide range of techniques gives the artist a richer creative vocabulary. Choice of technique is largely governed by choice of media, so the artist must know which medium will give the best result and how to use it. This book will help artists to expand their understanding of the wide range of available media. It will teach them the characteristics of each medium and how to use a variety of materials and methods to achieve the required effect. The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques is intended for artists who are looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of materials and the wide range of available media. It will teach them about the characteristics of these media and materials and how to use them to get the required effect. With a unique combination of instruction and practice the book provides examples of the type of mark-making each medium produces. A range of projects then demonstrates effective ways of working with them. By the end of the book every budding artist will have enough knowledge and confidence to utilize the techniques they have learnt in a broad range of compositions of their own choosing.

Files count:



20.28 Mb




 neon (2010-04-23)

your welcome MeInc.

 neon (2010-04-24)

Thanks buddy...i have over 200 e-books so i'll upload a lot more :o)

ppface2288 (2010-04-26)

This is actually pretty amazing, thanks

 neon (2010-04-26)

thanks for the great comment ppface2288

jags73in (2010-07-30)

thanks a lot for this

koiwai (2010-08-30)

Good torrent. Nice and clean.
As for the book itself... as with all books on drawing, illustrations are everything, but these are simply too poor to be taken seriously.
Having it published is one thing, but when you have "Complete Guide" in the title, there is simply no excuse.
If this mr. Stanyer hasn't done the illustrations himself, he is but an author and is in no position to teach art.
If he -has- done the illustrations himself, he is just another prime example of how those who can't do, teach.

Capt_Minus (2012-04-05)


shirishyaduvanshi (2012-10-15)



1. The.Complete.Book.of.Drawing.Techniques.pdf 20.28 Mb