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(2004) [BTasia org] Casshern 2004 DVDRip DivX-UNKNOWN










2004-10-24 (by Toba)



Casshern Japan 2004 DVDRip. DivX 5.2 Jap Audio. English subs Problem with codecs? Go VLC! .:: S T O R Y ::. "Casshern is a classic tale of good vs. evil. The film is set in the future, where the planet Earth has been divided between two opposing alliances. After a long and bitter war, the Greater Eastern Federation has triumphed over Europa and rules the Eurasian continent. However, the victory is a hollow one. The war has left the planet a wasteland, ravaged by chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and its inhabitants are weak and susceptible to every pestilence and new disease that appears. With hope running out for the survival of the human race, a geneticist named Dr. Azuma proposes a neo-cell treatment through which he can rejuvenate the human body, and potentially save mankind. The success of his research is critical to him on a personal level as well, as his disease stricken wife Midori is growing weaker each day. One day, a freak bolt of lightning sends Azuma's neo-cell cloning experiment haywire, and an army of superhuman androids (Shinzo Ningen) are unleashed on the world. The military attacks and kills most of them, but some survive, taking Midori hostage and employing a robot army to wage war on the humans in an effort to wipe them off the face of the earth. As options run out, Tetsuya, Azuma's son who has been killed in fighting, is reborn through his father's neo-cell technology as the hero Casshern. Will he be able to save the world, or is it too late?"


  1. casshern asiantorrents

Files count:



1400.01 Mb




psykopat (2004-10-25)

Toba, jag jobbar på en svensk text på den här,
jag postar igen när den är klar, troligtvis ons-tors
Och för alla andra, missa INTE den här filmen!!

Eastpaker (2004-10-25)

woho sub! :D
letat länge länge

Astronomical (2004-10-25)

You know we love you Toba.

Jocke666 (2004-10-25)

Wow, ser jäkligt snygg ut! Tack så mycket!

Broder (2004-10-25)

toba makes my heart go boom boom boom... och i all uppståndelse så glömde jag av ifall jag tog min medicin.. i vilket fall. tack så mycket!

Guchi_Jnr (2004-10-25)

You're right, this is a great rip, I know, cause IT'S MINE!!

Guchi_Jnr (2004-10-25)

Sorry, one more thing, you still left my name it the CD2 srt file. :guns:

jingizu (2004-10-25)

By Guchi_Jnr at 2004-10-25 05:18:50 GMT
You're right, this is a great rip, I know, cause IT'S MINE!!
he didnt take credit for the rip? :P he said it was good, and if u dont like him uploading your stuff on other trackers, try to sue him, im shure you'll win! :rolleyes:
the information wants to be free, the only thing u can complain abt is not getting credits for the rip, thats what the .nfo is for, if a "group" on the scene rips a release and strips it of the nfo and they get cought, they wont last for long.
just to show that toba haven touched your "release" i'll paste from "your" site or whatever :
File List
[Hide list]
CASSHERN_CD1.avi 699.41 MB 25.01 KB
CASSHERN_CD2.avi 700.55 MB 24.47 KB
and now for tobas upload :
[Dölj lista]
699.41 MB
25.01 KB
700.55 MB
24.47 KB
over and out..

Guchi_Jnr (2004-10-25)

Glad you like the rip :D
As for naming stuff, I'll leave that up to you..

RdictvTaco (2004-10-25)

> Ok. If its not all animated or 3d I dont think I want it.
It's one of the most anticipated releases coming from Japan this year. But we don't care that you don't want it.
Creds to Guchi for the rip.

Adurance (2004-10-25)

Toba, jag har alltid velat ha en japansk film källa å så dyker du upp, hel härliga filmer slänger du upp. TACKAR! :)

Guchi_Jnr (2004-10-25)

Sorry about the subs people. They looked fine on my Japanese XP :blink:

psykopat (2004-10-25)

Guchi_Jnr, no problemos.. easy to fix.
You don't feel for realese a dvdr of this gem?

gargamel (2004-10-25)

thank you very fucking much, i knew it had the realease date 2004-10-23 on DVD info from the official site so i sat biting my nails that all that day an thought. I hope at least 1 japanese dude i ripping Casshern and spread it wide soon or ill start whining everywhere. bakara!!
Thanks again.
I hope a DVDR realease will also, nandeska ? be on its way since many like to enjoy 5.1 dts sound. I guess they have laid a lot of effort on that artpart also and not only the CG art settings. yookai!

kzi- (2004-10-26)

looks like a realy nice one. thanks to both of you :D

Adurance (2004-10-26)

is it just my torrent that is stuck at 99% and doesnt finish?

blackgrass (2004-10-26)

Amazing, have been waiting for this one for quite some time now. Great speed also, thanks everyone!

animus (2004-10-30)

Best torrent info ever! Great work with all the info and pictures. :)

oddity (2004-11-27)

Cirka sju minuter "action" - två timmar och 13 minuter typiskt japanskt dravel (kärlek/känslor/snack) när den är som värst.
Endast för hardcore anime-fanatiker.
Det här är inte en Japansk Matrix som man lätt kan tro.

Chris01 (2004-11-27)

seriös kille.. LOL

WPW (2004-11-27)

...och som vanligt håller alla på och gnäller efter svenska subs. Är det INGEN som kan engelska eller???

Nietzsche (2004-11-27)

Nog rätt många som kan engelska, men nu är filmen supposedly på japanska...

SoloX (2004-11-27)

Finns det inte Xvid/DivX rip med färdiga engelska subbs i filmen direkt? Blir så mycket enklare på enklare på en extern spelare.

WPW (2004-11-27)

Nietzsche: jo, jag vet att den är på japanska. Och den har engelska subs, som alla filmer rippade från japanska dvds. Så varför kan inte folk nöja sig med engelska subs?

CeronSwe (2004-12-14)

Varför bli blir d problem connecting to trcker hela tiden??

Homeless (2005-03-02)

Oh my, underbart.

QuentinButz (2005-05-05)

Having a little trouble burning to CD. Nero doesn't support subs, so i tried to convert the avi to mpg with subs using TMPGEnc - but the audio codec isn't supported (AC3).
Has anyone else tried to burn this and been more successful, any advice would be great!

Radioactivesago (2005-06-18)


Arcifer (2007-06-17)

Löjligt lite seeders nu, vore nice om någon faktiskt kunde hjälpa till lite med uploaden :x
0(0) Seeders
7(13) Peers

Arcifer (2007-06-17)

Nu stannade den på 97%

raskit (2008-06-30)

totally useless. quicktime won't play it, divx won't play it, wtf kind of file is this?

christian350z_dude (2008-07-10)

i havent downloaded this video but im thinking about it. this is a .AVI file, it can be played with VLC. if you want to play it with WMP, you have to have K-Lite codec installed.

Gouldblum (2008-08-05)

I know this is an old torrent and all, but hopefully I'll get a reply :)
Read on the IMDB forums, that the American DVD release of this movie cut a lot of essential scenes out, which really ruined it, so was wondering if someone could tell me what version this one is?

giggedyguy (2008-09-03)

Toba will usually give you the original version, so it should be good. You can register at and get it there as well, though Toba has faster downloads.

nemof (2008-12-28)

Don't download this, the subtitles are terrible and do not follow the dialogue at all.

vonkarolinas (2009-01-19)

The .srt doesn't work, I got no subtitles. How do I fix it? The fix posted on the first page doesn't work.

Sachaztan (2009-05-01)

The subs provided are HORRIBLE!

rpgmaker (2010-03-21)

This is the japanese version of 140min of running time. Quality is excellent. Thanks.

Phatfish (2010-04-07)

Subs dont work. End of story.

Ravingmaniac (2013-06-03)

I saw sumpin onna blog. I didnt try it cuz I dont need it. It said make sure the subs are right [timed etc.] Drag and drop the srt into the video. Then burn. I think it sed use vlc player.