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Half-Life + Blue Shift + Opposing Force For mac






Half-Life + Blue Shift + Opposing Force For mac




2008-09-29 (by fenexomega)


Sorry Any Inconvenience, this is my first torrent. Half-Life + Opposing Force + Blue Shift via Cider. To play the opposing force or the blue shift, click on the game and go to the option 'Change Game', and change to the game with you want to play. SERIAL: AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA ---BUGS--- All sound is garbeled, Music however works. I think it´s because of the wave audio files. They are cut off as soon as they begin to play. The annoying Menu-text distortions are still there as in all Half-Life Cider ports. The game runs stable however (node graph out of date) messages appear when loading or saving a level. ----HOW TO FIX--- To fix the Audio, go to Applications/Utilities/Audio-MIDI Setup then select the audio output source and set it to 48000,0 Hz 2ch-24bit. If when you open the game just apear a black screen, try go to /Half-Life/Contents/Resources/Preferences and open the config file with TextEdit search for 800 or 600 and change the calues to 1680 and 1050 or whatever resultion you want. Then go to /Library/Preferences/ and delete the folder called "Counter Strike Preferences Preferences" launch the game again and you will be able to switch to resolutions up to 1680x1050. Credits to thedoctor45 and Bokija ----- Here is the list of the games that will probaly work with cider: Have fun.

Files count:



464.24 Mb




homeyman (2008-09-29)

oh cool.
i love half life.
thank u very much.
hope it run on my imac.

homeyman (2008-09-29)

no seed!!
man please just 10kb !!!

fenexomega (2008-09-29)

just i have said...
my internet is shit > <
anyone there knows some way to 'super seeder?

scottyarch (2008-09-29)

You can super-seed in Azureus. Open it up and select "Super Seed" from the preferences, at least that's how I think you do it.

scottyarch (2008-09-30)

Most people realise that Cider is Intel only and since it doesn't say otherwise I'd say he's safe.

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

i don't have said that the game will work with PPC macs...
Just intel.

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

1 seeder and 45 leechers?

albinoz (2008-09-30)

only intel ?

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

Cider don't work with PPC macs.

Fred__f (2008-09-30)

Nice work ... but how about a working S/N ?
I'm seeding right now and waiting for a Serial Number

iusemac (2008-09-30)

S/N :)?

Graveyardus (2008-09-30)

Can you post the serial number?

bokija (2008-09-30)

Game ask for key.Any key please?

homeyman (2008-09-30)

doesnt work on my imac.
i get a black screen. but then close the app :(

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

to the serial number, try
worked for me..
sorry for the incovenience. xD

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

Anyone can help the homeyman?
i don't now what to do, sorry.

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

do you have any solution?

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

i will try this...
later i'll post if it worked or not.

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

Do you know a audio converter app?
the Toast Titanium 9 don't converter to .mp3 format.

fenexomega (2008-09-30)

I have tried to convert the sounds to .m4a and don't worked too.
Any ideias?

fleetfoot (2008-09-30)

I'm having the same problem as homeyman. When I click on the app it flashes then closes. I played the other half life (cider port) and had no problems. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm on a 950 and thanks for work fenexomega.

Gunhaver (2008-10-01)

I tried to open it and all it does is fade to black and then it goes to the finder and closes. I'm on a MBP.

homeyman (2008-10-02)

i got the same problem with a imac 24".
can anyone help us?

Mac Genius (2008-10-04)

I tried the Portal Fix... it does the same thing.. =[
i have a hackintosh, leo4all v2 amd processor...

bokija (2008-10-05)

For beter sound,open Audio Midi Setup and in audio output put Format 48000,0 Hz 2ch-24bit

leo__sw (2008-10-05)

Hey, i downloaded this and unzipped it. The game worked fine at first, the menu came up and all. First i changed a few settings (volume, and the screen resolution...) and then shut it as i needed to do something else.
Anyway, around 20 minuets later i tried to open it again, but instead of the screen fading in onto the menu, a black window came up. When i move my mouse around in the box, the sound of the menu can be heard (you know that weird clicking sound after you hover your mouse over new game, load game ect.)
I shut it and tried again, same thing, and it still is... cider opens, black box... I think this is because i changed some of the options.
Anyone have any idea what i can do (i cant change the settings back because i cant see anything...)
I'm running leopard 10.5.5 on a macbook btw.

fenexomega (2008-10-06)

Move the application to trash and delete it,Unzip it again and play.
Try this.

fenexomega (2008-10-06)

this will work?

leo__sw (2008-10-06)

I've tried that... about 20 times...
I even deleted the zip and even downloaded the whole thing again, didn't work...
Any other ideas?

banannaz (2008-10-06)

hey i have to same probem as fleetfoot and honeyman when i open the half life app it just flashes blue then black and closes. Can anyone help me i am using a mac book and running on leopard. Thanks :)

the_noc_list (2008-10-06)

Using MPB 10.5.5....I download it, unzip it, run it and the screen just goes black then... back to desktop. Cider Oblivion works fine...
Suggestions, please...! Thanks in advance.

the_noc_list (2008-10-06)

btw terminal says this:

2008-10-05 22:24:39.728 cider[24252:10b] Mac OS X 10.5.5 Intel
Could not set new video mode. This may not be recoverable.err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin cserhelper.dll:
2): image not found
err:dbghelp:MiniDumpWriteDump could not retrieve my process info! {pid = 1}

leo__sw (2008-10-06)

Never mind about my question, i tried what thedoctor45 said about changing the screen resolution and now it works. ^^
Thanks :D

Jubei_Mnemonic (2008-10-07)

WOW! Thanks guys. The audio and resolution fixes worked perfectly! Now the game runs like a dream. I'm totally diggin' playing Half Life on my Mac!

Jubei_Mnemonic (2008-10-07)

one question though- does anybody know how to get the cheat codes working on this version? i got the console window open and so far, the only code that has worked is thirdperson mode. "god" and "/god" don't seem to do anything.

Jubei_Mnemonic (2008-10-07)

thanks doc- that did it.
something weird about the audio though- i did the fix and it worked perfect, but the next time i boot it up, the audio was screwed up again. turns out that the midi setting reverted back to 41000. so it looks like (at least in my case) you'll have to adjust the audio midi settings every time you want to play the game. even so, its a small price to pay since the game works so perfectly after the adjustment.

zoralink37 (2008-10-07)

I'm having the same problem as others. Running 10.5.5 on a MPB, the game opens, screen goes black, and then quits back to the Finder. Any thoughts?

fenexomega (2008-10-09)

'If when you open the game just apear a black screen, try go to
and open the config file with TextEdit
search for 800 or 600 and change the calues to 1680 and 1050 or whatever resultion you want.
Then go to /Library/Preferences/ and delete the folder called "Counter Strike Preferences Preferences"
launch the game again and you will be able to switch to resolutions up to 1680x1050.'
try this.

the_noc_list (2008-10-09)

fenexomega: I'm sorry to say I did... with a few different resolutions...

riverrun86 (2008-10-25)

How did you manage to input AAAAAAAAAAAAAA as serial number? By me it requires only digits 0-9 and it does not allow any letters to be written...

oblivionkill (2008-10-25)

im having the black/blue screen flash problem...where you click the game and it goes to a black then blue screen and it closes and it all happens in about a second -.- IF ANYONE HAS THE FIX PLEASE POST IT

Mjollnir89 (2008-10-30)

I'm getting the black screen. I've tried changing the resolution size to 1680x1050 (and various other sizes), but I can't find the "Counter Strike Preferences Preferences" file.
My mac is a GMA 950 running OSX 10.5.5.
Any suggestions?

jookk (2008-11-06)

everything works thanks!!!

hunterb (2008-11-06)

hi i'm having the same problem as some people here. i double click the game, my screen goes black for a second and then nothing happens. i have a macbook pro with nuff ram and a GE 8600 graphics card. do i have to have boot camp or something? copy of half life 2 i dled works fine... if someone could give some assistance i'd be much obliged.

Rbarba23 (2008-11-15)

Fix does not work for resolution/black screen issue on my MB Pro 4 GB 10.5.5 w/ GeForce 8600M GT. Anyone gets a working fix I will be a happy man! Just gotta set this aside for now and be patient I guess...

Etropal (2008-12-06)

NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
Tried everything that was mentioned above, screen turns to black, and goes back to the desktop.
Any help appreciated :)

Scipio323 (2009-01-14)

I tried the Audio-MIDI Setup fix for the sound, but where the audio output options should be, there's just a message that says "Output is not supported". is there any other way to fix the audio?

GageBlackwood (2009-01-20)

If "Audio Output" reads "Output is not supported" then click the drop-down menu under "Properties For:" and select "Built-In Output". It should show up.

HippieJoe (2009-02-15)

The game won't open. How do i Fix it.

HippieJoe (2009-02-16)

I try to open the game but it crashes on me every time i open it. How do i fix it?

alibabag420 (2009-02-17)

can some1 plz seed???

Nohg (2009-03-06)

Black screen on open, then crash.

edplane (2009-03-16)

SEED!! im stuck at %26!

edplane (2009-03-17)

is there a way to run this on powerpc based macs?

shelleyerest2000 (2009-03-28)

seed please!!!!

shelleyerest2000 (2009-04-04)

WTf it took 2 weeks to download and when i open it it goes black then flickers blue then black really quickly. i tryed the resolution thing and nopee...
heres what it said
2009-04-03 14:49:39.978 cider[298] Mac OS X 10.4.9 Intel
Could not set new video mode. This may not be recoverable.err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin cserhelper.dll:
2): image not found
err:dbghelp:MiniDumpWriteDump could not retrieve my process info! {pid = 1}
thr ****** are my name :P
helpppp meeeee

shelleyerest2000 (2009-04-05)


evolution729 (2009-04-11)

dude the same problem........screen turns to black, and goes back to the desktop:(( i use an intel macbook 10.5.6...

PointNClicker (2009-07-21)

"Then go to /Library/Preferences/ and delete the folder called "Counter Strike Preferences Preferences""
What Counter Strike Preferences Preferences? Or the library as well???

S_Dali (2009-11-15)

Looking at everyone who claims to have the "black screen then crash" problem, it seems that they are using widescreen macs... Those who claimed that it worked did not mention what they were running, so correct me if I'm wrong here: The resolution fix in the config file and the removal of the CSPP folder from the Library does not fix anything for widescreen mac users.
Now then.. who the hell would know how to fix this?

S_Dali (2009-11-15)

Oh yeah, I'm running on an 15" Intel MBP with 16:10 ratio (1440x900) with GeForce 8600M GT
Tried screwing with several setting in Config file and nothing...
The Preferences folder is gone as well, so no help from that.
My symptoms are the same - black screen, then crash..

S_Dali (2009-11-15)

never mind my last - it seems that the ratio has nothing to do with it - still looking for a fix.. i'll be back to post if i find a way to get this working..

S_Dali (2009-11-24)

I looked and looked and could not find a fix. I DID, however, find something better - Half Life SOURCE!!
you can find it on BTJunkie.
The actually contains both versions of the game - original AND source. (just in case anyone prefers the un-enhanced version :)

0o00o0 (2009-12-25)

First when I read about all the black screens I was a little worried lol. Fixed sound and working very nice for me @ macbook 10.5.8 :)
How do you enable cheating tho?

HippieJoe (2010-01-12)

Please could someone help me and the other people who are having the blue/black screen problem. I have a 13 inch macbook running Snow Leopard. I'm not sure if running SL makes a difference cause this happened when i download it on leopard. But please help.

Hoboapple (2010-01-24)

Doesn't work on snow leopard. :/

xXRomanXx (2010-02-16)

It starts with a black screen and the it chrashes
but i changed the resolution to 1280x800 in the config file and deleted the cs pref folder but still dont working anyone has a fix for me

palap980 (2010-02-21)

It goes to a black screen and then just quits. is it because of snow leopard? I'm running a late february 2009 macbook pro 15 inch, but i forget the specs, but i know its one of the better versions. Please help!

underkill (2010-02-22)

To do the fix people have been talking about, go to your hard drive. /library is in there

underkill (2010-02-22)

deleting counter strike preferences preferences didn't work... it just made a new folder and copied my half-life preferences?

Mono99099 (2010-03-02)

Does it work with Snow Leopard? Because I'm getting the "see a black screen, then game quits".

Naravir (2010-03-20)

when i try to get a suit at first level

Crysee (2010-05-28)

Hey guys. Most people are having trouble with this torrent so it doesn't seem worth it downloading it. There is another great torrent on BTjunkie. Search "Half life mac source". It needs to be seeded. Good luck.

tyspace01 (2010-07-23)

hey im on a unibody macbook with Mac OS X 10.6.4 and im having trouble getting this to work i went into the cider contents and changes the os version to 10.6.4 but it didnt work can you give me any tips? (2010-10-03)

Oh my god. I've downloaded this over 80 times now (honest. 1 hour for each download).
Each time I start the game, my mac moves on to cider (I see 'cider' on the menu bar)
I wait about a second, a black screen comes up, just like any games' start ups!
But then the screen goes back to where I opened the application, and closes.
What I am doing is:
1. Unzip the file
2. Move the file to 'games' folder (also tried on application, Vuze Downloads, Limewire downloads, etc)
3. Run Application
What am I doing wrong here?
I've also tried the fixes as well.
I have a Macbook Pro, Snow Leopard 10.6.4 13-inch. 2.26 Intel Core 2 Duo
I've got 2 gb of ram.

andodel (2011-05-08)

@Above: I had problems worth cheats too. For whatever reason, they didn't work no matter what.
I had this torrent, but deleted it as I wasn't playing it much. I know opposing force works fine, as I played and beat it. Multiplayer is as well working, although I wouldn't suggest trying MP in OF as there aren't many servers.
The actual Half_Life didn't cater too well with me as the elevator didn't work. It sucks that you have to skip the level. I also got stuck on Blue Shift.
Bottom line, it's a decent, some what working torrent and probably one of few ways to play HL on a Mac.

HyvelTjuven (2011-08-07)

Followed the instructions to get rid of the black screen problem, solved nothing.
It seems that the Counter Strike Preferences Preferences folder recreates itself everytime you try to open Half-Life...

Deion97 (2012-03-22)

excuse me, theres something wrong with it cause when i try to open it it doesn't work

PCLemonLime (2012-07-07)

Ok guys I can't believe nobody ever tried or posted this yet. I'm no genius but it took me literally 10-15mins to solve this "Cider won't load up my game problem" problem.
1) Go to your Half-Life App
2) Right-Click and select Show Package Contents
3) Now in the search box type in "hl.exe"
4) Switch the search from "This Mac" to "Half-Life"
5) Open "hl.exe"
6) A wine prompt with two options should now pop up
7) Choose the "Run Directly In" option and press go
8) Wait for your game to load up as it may take a while the first time.
9) Enjoy!
I literally made this account to post this workaround once I had found it.
You're Welcome
I also found 2 other files of note. "hlds.exe" and "hltv.exe"
I stumbled onto this solution completely by accident. I researched 5mins into problems with half-life source. Their problem was in Content/Resources/Transgaming/Program Files/.
I followed that trail in our "Non-Source" version of the game and found files labelled
After figuring out what those files were I searched for "hl.exe" on a hunch. As I stated earlier, upon clicking that file, "Half-Life" was now being launched with Wine instead of Cider.
Bottom-line I think that there were compatibility issues with cider.

PCLemonLime (2012-07-07)

Download Wine if you don't already have it if you want that method to work.

PCLemonLime (2012-07-07)

Update: Don't mess with any of the ingame settings. changing many of them will crash the game, and will prevent you from reloading the game. The only settings I've found so far that you can change are the controls, but don't change the mouse sensitivity.
If your game crashes here is what you can do.
1) Right-Click "Half-Life" and select show package contents
2) Find "unins000.exe" then click and select ok
3) Now delete that copy of Half-Life and locate the "" you acquired through the torrent
3) Once again you will need to unarchive the "" file
4) Start over and try not to repeat your mistake.
I'll post updates and bugs as I run into them.

peteroner (2012-07-17)

dude when i finish the first part of half life.. how i do to play the blue shift or the OP. force ? ):

Hawown (2012-11-14)

Nice Torrent! though the text is a bit messed up, but sill as long i can read it. funny serial code!

KoltPenny (2013-08-10)

So, I screwed it, basically I went to video settings and change it to 3D3, an error message appeared and now I'm stuck with a black screen, does anybody know a solution to this?


1. 464.24 Mb