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QuickBooks 2009 Prem MultiCurrency CDN edition
QuickBooks 2009 Prem MultiCurrency CDN edition
2009-01-16 (by wan2fly)
The last torrent did not work so hopefully this one will. Beast_IND will hopefully get a key/.serial and activation for it.
It is not an iso, so just remove the .iso after download.
Files count:
478.34 Mb
granabulaxx (2009-01-17)
Worked, thanks, now for the key and such...wan2fly (2009-01-17)
U gotta ask Beast_iND he was going to get it done..I asked him so maybe you can ask toogranabulaxx (2009-01-17)
Ok, pretty please Beast_iND crak dis thang!gever570 (2009-01-17)
Thanks for a great program.Please keep us updated for any serial/patch that will follow.
Beast_iND (2009-01-18)
Ooooooooooh, this is finally seeding ;) I'll check it out right away, hadn't checked in on this in over a month! Sorry, but got other things going on now.Bear with me...
gever570 (2009-01-18)
beast,What the best way to know of a patch\serial that will come out by you?
Beast_iND (2009-01-18)
There won't be one. Wasted my whole day with this thing, totally different serial system and I ain't found a way to generate keys yet. Since I really don't have time to fool with this, don't expect anything from me anytime soon.Maybe some real crackers will take a shot at it ;) I just don't have the time anymore... :(
adam5487 (2009-01-18)
Need a key code???? Can anyone help????gever570 (2009-01-18)
can't even install it until we get the key code or some alternative patch.It will be appreciated if ppl will post comments about any serials/patch/crack that they'll fint on the net.Beast_iND (2009-01-20)
I almost got it installed by editing the setup.inx script file, but after copying all the files, when it tries to update the registry, it errors out and deletes everything. Maybe sometime these next days I'll get it working properly...gever570 (2009-01-20)
Thank you very much beast..It's an high value product.U DA MAN
adam5487 (2009-01-20)
thanx :)Beast_iND (2009-01-21)
anybody have access to installshield 6 or 7? I know it's old, but would really simplify this!!!nokia2009 (2009-01-21)
Hi! Beast, thanks for your great works! I am wondering when you have more spare time, can you look into Simply Accounting? they have the 60 days trial on their site. thanks!Beast_iND (2009-01-22)
OK, serial check is bypassed, but still crashes later, going to have to investigate this some more...granabulaxx (2009-01-22)
I am sitting on pins and needles, go Beast Go!!zain.delphus (2009-01-23)
this torrent was downloaded perfectly but what about the product keyPlz help
Beast_iND (2009-01-26)
So far, I got this:02006-76236-66606-61124A
Buuuuuuut, it foobars still, there's yet another check. But I'm getting closer ;)
gever570 (2009-01-26)
Beast,Key works great but installiation would stop at 90% regardless how many times I've tried
both on vista and xp at 2 different computers.
any suggestions?
dangrabbit (2009-01-26)
Beast_iND, so looking forward to another great piece of work and can't wait 'til you get this one figured out. Thank you so much for your efforts. They are very much appreciated :)granabulaxx (2009-01-27)
Yes, thank you Beast we truly do appreciate what you are trying to do...This software is truly needed.Beast_iND (2009-01-27)
Yep, it stalls out at 90% with some weirdo internal error, I'll try to figure that one out later. For now, gotta do some educational work...gever570 (2009-01-27)
take your time beast and check it out for rush man,thanks a lot.
zain.delphus (2009-02-01)
hey beastthe installation stops at 90%
cumon man u can crack this
really need it
gever570 (2009-02-09)
what's up with the crack beast?will we have it soon?Beast_iND (2009-02-12)
Whenever I have time and that hasn't been the case. Besides, I can't seem to figure out why the install fails and I'm unable to debug the script.Bottom line, don't count on it.
Napac12 (2009-03-16)
Is this the canadian version?? Does it work with canadian banks?Also, thanks ALOT BEast, we know how hard you're working on this...greatly appreciate it!
jhhl (2009-03-22)
Don't Bother with this download. I just downloaded and plug in the key I have from 2008 (which I acutally own). The setup took it and continue, then I noticed it is 2007 edition. What a waste of time!bluefiero1985 (2009-04-01)
You could download from this or goto
Its the exact same one but no serial number....
dkgrafix (2009-04-03)
anybody have news on the crack/serial?? to it stoped @ 90% :(pleeeeease beast !!
nicaman71 (2009-04-09)
Beast, did you give up on this one or are you still working to crack it?Either way, thanks for your dedication to this cause, and I too would really like to have a working key code.
All the best
Beast_iND (2009-04-10)
No, haven't gave up on it, but been tied up bad with school. My place looks like a bomb hit cos I ain't got time for anything besides my motherload of homework... Still got all my papers on this, I'll give it another look when I get a break!darthman66 (2009-04-15)
Has anybody found the crack 4 this yet? please reply.viperha (2009-04-16)
canadians cant use the regular premier edition? what is the difference?darthman66 (2009-04-16)
I guess the major diff' is the tax reporting issues.viperha (2009-04-17)
oh ok thanks i really need this program haha Beast_iND hopefully can make it happen! :)gabriolastyle (2009-05-16)
GO BEAST GO CRACK THIZ BIZNATCHseeder159 (2009-05-27)
Beast is a noob. He can't crack worth a damn.viperha (2009-05-29)
who can?viperha (2009-05-29)
cant we use the us one anyway because HST will be in place soontrekie (2009-07-10)
OK! Can't install this without a serial#? I don't see a text file to get?! I'm I missing the big picture?!trekie (2009-07-11)
Woooh! found the serial but goes to 90% I guess the beast is NOT continuing with this no point downloading?!as he already said 'Bottom line, don't count on it.'
3i11 (2009-07-12)
Downloaded.Spent hours searching for a serial to no avail, no luck. This sucks :(
Beast_iND (2009-07-23)
I cannot come up with the slightest hint as to why it stops. I know it's because the serial is not 100% but if I can't get an idea of what the problem is, I am flying blind. No one can supply InstallShield 6.x so I could debug my way through the script...Beast_iND (2009-07-24)
Ok, this installs all the way, but when you start application, it bitches. Working on that now, will post final result when ready.Install 100%: 00100-05600-06012-000008.
Beast_iND (2009-07-31)
Does anyone actually still need this or am I wasting my time? All I have left to bypass is activation....ziggywing (2009-07-31)
Yes...Still Looking for a solution! Great work Beast_INDgranabulaxx (2009-07-31)
Yep, this multicurrency is an issue in Canada, please if you can Beast or any other Canadian Premier or better, truly needed!Beast_iND (2009-07-31)
OK, I'm on it!1bdWolf (2009-08-01)
Many awaiting this release...Checking a couple of times each day!
granabulaxx (2009-08-01)
Thank you sir, it is appreciated...mmsmith (2009-08-02)
Chalk up another grateful individual if you can get this to activate!swiftech (2009-08-03)
Another one who appreciates your effort, BeastBeast_iND (2009-08-06)
It would really help if someone could supply an IKC for a previous canadian version for me to analyze. I thought I had something but turns out it was a trial serial and when I activate it, it disables Quickbooks (not what we want).piratevay (2009-08-06)
Waiting patiently for your help Beast_iND - thanks for the hard work!P--A (2009-08-07)
Define IKC. I have a QB 2004 activation key I could send to you if you give instructions.P--A (2009-08-07)
Define IKC. I have a QB 2004 activation key I could send to you if you give instructions.Beast_iND (2009-08-07)
The IKC is the serial number needed to install. But it also defines what will be installed. The IKC is 21 digits longs, split into 4 groups, like 12345-67890-12345-678901. Once installed, the software as to be activated offline since the fake IKC is detected. This requires another 20-digit code that QuickBooks calls the "Serial number" (I call it the activation key). I calculated both, it installs and activates but immediately disables Quickbooks. So I made a mistake somewhere and having another code to compare mine to would greatly help speed up things.So if someone had a code for a previous year Multicurrency version or other Premier edition, it would help. I know how to change the IKC to make it install a different version, but the less changes I have to make, the more likely the serial will be accepted all the way to activation.
v-roch (2009-08-08)
I have an IKC for QB 2005 CDN versionIKC 05300-08404-48501-800115. Hope it helps..
Beast_iND (2009-08-10)
Thanks v-roch, I'll check it out!rotekim (2009-08-13)
Any luck yet Beast?Beast_iND (2009-08-18)
I'm working on it, activation is a biatch!Beast_iND (2009-08-24)
OK, anyone wanna help? I haven't had time to test the IKCs people posted here yet because school is back in session. But this serial will let you pick a Multicurrency edition (I only tested Premier at the top):56905-01640-06343-000114
It also lets met activate by phone (Internet has to be disconnected for the dialog to come up) using this code (40034-11307-00011-74147), but after that, the Quickbooks install is disabled until you delete the .dat file with the most recent date from C:\Windows\Intuit\Shared (I think the filename changes from PC to PC, haven't tested. But all it contains is the activation string so you can search by content!). Also, the above activation code might be machine-specific and not work for anyone else!!
Anyway, if someone can crack the activation (the 10-uses limit), then feel free to use the above serial. I'm just once again unable to spare time to figure it out, but maybe someone else can! Good luck! I'll try again when I have some time...
chinncoff (2009-11-19)
Hey Guys...Any update on QUICKBOOKS 2010. I have uploaded direct download links...but I still dont have the serial to install...please help....Thankswakbokaya (2009-12-06)
Beast_iND just released key for the 2010 Canadian QB.I quote:
Beast_iND at 2009-12-05 05:56 CET:
@wakbokaya: QuickBooks Canada Premier 2010
License Number: 5412-4172-2117-785
Product Number: 076-445
User Licenses: 500
Flavor: Selectable (Tested Accountant)
Can be activated (and even payroll can be unlocked) using the existing Activator found here:
If you don't believe follow this torrent:
drblackeye (2009-12-29)
wakbokaya,I just tried the license and product # that you have listed that Beast_iND provided to activate QuickBooks Canada Premier 2010 and I'm getting a "You have entered incorrect License/Product numbers." message on the installer window. Any other # I can try to activate the Canadian version, or any other advice you can dish out would be much appreciated. Tx
Ouzotime (2010-02-24)
well any 1....does it work no point to dl if key/serial dont work cheersadamish (2011-01-31)
Any updates? I'd love Quickbooks 2011 and serials, if Beast can perhaps provide some? Somebody should be paying him for this!Files:
1. QBCAMultiCurrency_setup.exe.iso 478.34 Mb