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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
2005-02-10 (by Irgving)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
4 CD's in ISO format
Files count:
2445.09 Mb
FROCACK (2005-02-10)
Piratebay har fått konkurans, eller en kolega beroende på hur man ser det: bit-ance.netposthumus (2005-02-14)
Please continue to seedposthumus (2005-02-15)
Please continue to seed.posthumus (2005-02-15)
i have been trying to dl for 4 days at leastobi17 (2005-02-19)
SEED!! come on...allceleb (2005-02-22)
Is this the first or second game?GoeZ (2005-02-23)
Please SEED.... Only 7kb/sHomerDK (2005-02-23)
Looks like if the iso 1, 2 and 3 are the same file.Am I right or ?
emCus (2005-02-25)
Plz SEED!!! plz!!denstore (2005-03-08)
Jag får det inte att funka. Någon annan som har problem?t19sdt (2005-03-11)
ursäkta att jag frågar men hur fab får man det att funka. Jag mistänker att man ska bränna filerna till cd då det inte går med deamon tools...Men hur fan bränner man det? Är det något hemligt magiskt sätt eller?Netraider (2005-03-17)
I dont get anything to work.Does Azureus work or do I need another program?
When I start to download It just says Wrong with red letters!
Ectoplasma (2005-03-25)
Fick det att funka men det laggade sönder. Systemkraven hade jag så det måste vara fel på spelet.jollehojje (2005-04-24)
Ghost devil, samma problem för mig:(jollehojje (2005-04-24)
Det är bara en massor med fel på det här spelet, hur jag än gör kan jag inte starta spelet. Jag kan inte hitta mappen med alla sw Kotor filer i heller. Det finns en mapp som har en slags exe fil och jag har trixat och fått ''cracken'' att säga can't find Binkw32.dll. Då har jag provat att ladda ner filen och då fortsätter den bara att häva ur sig nya filer som fattas. Alltså den ligger i *startikon*mappen men ändå verkar varken den eller jag veta var alla filer håller hus.RosT3n (2005-05-13)
I cant download it, whats may the problem be?TK_Man (2005-06-05)
kan inte nån seeda? snälla?PartTimeCommie (2005-06-19)
all the data.cabs are corrupt - at least on my download - it installs, but there's no texturespengin (2005-06-21)
everything worked for me until I tried running the program. Initiated autorun and stopped after showing a loading screen (pic of a ship).redwolfeye (2005-07-28)
Är det någon crack till det här spelet eller?thatcrazygary (2006-01-21)
Mine appears to be doing the same thing - load screen, but then nothing. Any ideas?airflow13 (2006-02-15)
the problem is that you need crack what work nad you need english crackairflow13 (2006-02-16)
ok evrebody chill out and seed :P:d :XDairflow13 (2006-02-16)
plzzz séed someonefinnejanson (2006-05-06)
pleese seed ! I realy want this gamemanieczek_88 (2006-05-17)
seed plzEvil ddEvil (2006-05-21)
seed plzfloyd2 (2006-06-07)
seedMacahanFarm (2006-06-11)
probaby the best ever gameJoakimLj (2006-06-17)
vad snackar du om: FROCACK?Gabbo3 (2006-06-24)
Ar, seed!prometheus II (2006-06-24)
could anybody tell me how to get the game to work?i'm just getting the load screen with the ship and nothing happens!plzzzzzzz!Dr_rectangle (2006-07-07)
seed plsZade911 (2006-07-31)
Seed please!Zade911 (2006-08-03)
Someone seed, i'm stuck at 99.9% !FishyJap (2006-08-07)
...this this is just Dungeons and Dragons...SilverDK (2006-08-10)
Actually this has nothing to do with dungeon and dragons.. It uses the d20 engine yes.. But still that has nothing to do with D&D even though D&D 3rd ed, uses the d20 system also. ;)haney9 (2006-08-12)
help with install after download it come in wirar format not iso like listed. i burnt on to disk using nero only to get crc thanx
youngd2506 (2006-08-18)
i downloaded the whole thing tryed to start it an got stuck at the spaceship screen can someone plz help,,!,, (2006-09-07)
hmm.. why no work..??? it pass me start game then it say some like this: some files lost..?? so em i do some wrong or what..?? plz help..Nostro333 (2006-09-11)
When i start the game it doesent work nothing happens.An image with the ship is displayed but nothing happens.What should i do ?Monsterlaget (2006-10-04)
Jag måste ha bättre beskrivningar av hur man skrive och instalerar för det står att filen inte kan brännas elr nått i den stilenI must have better instruktions so that i can burn and instal this game because its some thing wrong with the iso files
juhki15 (2006-11-20)
I have the same problem with the ship appearing but nothing happens.. how can i make it work?ninja007 (2006-12-02)
does any one know how to install the game plzz helpVan Harl (2007-01-21)
more seed pleasefallout11 (2007-03-18)
This works flawlessly, and is the original Knights of the Republic (#1) game, not the sequel (available elsewhere)1) There are 4 iso files, mount each in turn with daemon tools or similar to install game. DO NOT run it yet.
2) Go get the 1.03 patch for the game and install it. Google is your friend.
3) Then visit gamecopyworld or similar for the 1.03 no-cd fixed .exe patch, and replace the original .exe with it.
Thanks to all who seeded, and are seeding this. Great game.
franXter (2007-04-24)
You can do that, but i did it the easy way.The crack is located at the 4th disk, move it to you game dir. Easy as it should be :)
Psychwrite (2007-04-26)
C'mon guys. Keep seeding. I'm getting there, but quickly losing kb/s...pilot_guy (2007-05-27)
I'm so confused as to what to do... I get that problem with the ship and then nothing else. I don't understand this comp lingo like .dir and what not, someone please please help!!!Chrysikov (2007-06-08)
thanksferm1337 (2007-06-21)
do i need a crack or deamon tools for the game??socal12 (2007-06-24)
it says please insert cd 1 when I click play, any ideas on what to do?Lothyrawir (2007-06-25)
Please Seed, if every one sacrifices 2 kb/s the we all win. :DZunik (2007-06-27)
seed....Zunik (2007-06-27)
around 25 is complete and do not seed! please with you guys 1 hour we will have thisjudojacob (2007-07-01)
how do i replace the original .exe with the 1.03 no-cd fixed .exe patch????freekyfon (2007-07-12)
seed seed seed, go crazy with the seeding! at this rate it's gonna take 2-4 days and, although i can wait, its a rather long time. so share the love!kristinn5 (2007-07-24)
stock in 99,8%rarasa (2007-07-27)
Hope it WORKS!kex11 (2007-07-31)
Just to make things clear this is the FIRST game right??it is NOT Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: the sith lords.
kex11 (2007-08-01)
thx Irgving for the uppload and thx to everyone who is seeding or have seeded... if you cant get this game to work then read mr. fallout11's comment or if you want to make it work the fast way you can read mr. franXter's comment... thank youTheCrookedMan (2007-08-04)
I got the game to install fine, and played for several hours, but on Dantooine everything slows down to the point of being unplayable/when you try to move, your guy just kinda spins. I uninstalled and tried again but with the same results. Anyone else have this problem? Please let me know.Xan84 (2007-08-07)
TheCrookedMan (or any one with graphical problems, e.g: faulty polygons(:If you're using a dual processor, you need to set the Processor Affinity to only the first processor (turn the second one off). To do this, open the game, then CTRL + ALT + DEL out and enter the Task Manager, from there, click on Processes right click on the kotor program, pick 'Set Affinity', then uncheck the second processor.
akaperfectman (2007-08-23)
WE NEED MORE SEEDERS!!Desperate player wanted!
(sorry for the caps)
akaperfectman (2007-08-23)
Downloading 90Bytes....=(
please seeder!
May the Force be with you!
akaperfectman (2007-08-23)
I've been downloading for 6 hours and I only got to 10%. I see more peers than Seeders.Please, we need more seeders!
needgames (2007-08-29)
i would love to b a seeder! how do i become 1??grimvader (2007-10-07)
stop bitching about seeders i jus started and im Dl at 250kb/sZion993 (2007-11-11)
I love Kotor i have kotor 2 but soon it´s gonna be an new evolution Unleashed force or something a new game. I think it´s something like kotor 3 but the ad news is it´s only on 360,ps3 and wii :( ques i have to buy 360 after allZion993 (2007-11-11)
And seed plplzplzplzplzplzJoka- (2007-11-17)
Problem. I have been installed game and extracted all 4 cd:s. Now when i click the Game there comes:Please insert SW KOTOR play disc. What is play disc of those 4 cd:s and how i can active it to play disc?
Joka- (2007-11-18)
When i click Game and wait there comes the picture of ebon hawk. Then just comes up message: Please instert the play disc. What god dammit play disc is it 1, 2, 3 or 4 and lets play its the 4 so how i can "active" it??Joka- (2007-11-18)
Plz response!Joka- (2007-11-18)
Now i get it work. BUT when there comes arrow and blank screen, theres an ERROR and we must to turn the game off -.-Cookieeftw (2007-12-08)
If I want to... Ehm, enable cheats, shall I write it in the swkotor-confguration-thingy, or something? Because it's... Fun to cheat. ^^'chrism222 (2007-12-27)
Someone posted this, in case you have difficulty running it:This works flawlessly, and is the original Knights of the Republic (#1) game, not the sequel (available elsewhere)
1) There are 4 iso files, mount each in turn with daemon tools or similar to install game. DO NOT run it yet.
2) Go get the 1.03 patch for the game and install it. Google is your friend.
3) Then visit gamecopyworld or similar for the 1.03 no-cd fixed .exe patch, and replace the original .exe with it.
shaadez (2008-01-08)
can you explain me, Exactly what to do to get this to work, i did the above but it wont workzorro94 (2008-01-11)
This is virus! it poped up that it finded virusugaboj (2008-01-11)
zorro it might be only too you because i have Avast and i have playd the whole game with not a one erorrslaveknight (2008-01-20)
thnks for this cool torrent, i just started the game..1. first unrar the downloaded rar files
2. i used powerISO to mount for the the asked disks
3. click exe
4. the game starts but it asks for a play disk
5. download a no-cd patch here
6. copy the downloaded kotor exe to the game folder
7. done starts the game...
111bob111 (2008-02-02)
Damn, so few seeders. I'll try my luck here111bob111 (2008-02-02)
People, open 1st CD with Daemon Tools, then open My Computer, find that CD there and the crack will probably be there under a folder named "crack" or the name of release group.NeoShadowdaggers (2008-02-02)
I've got the patch, the fixed Exe. downloaded everything including the 1.03 patch...When i load the game, i see a blue arrow for a few seconds then it shows a microsoft error saying it had to close the program. This happened with no.2 for me but i installed the patch and it worked fine...No luck here ={! Any help?Linus83 (2008-02-07)
I've got the exact same problem NeoShadowdaggers. Someone got any solution to this problem?slaveknight (2008-02-15)
uhmm just only copy the no-cd patch thats the one u should copy only nothing else....revanie (2008-02-16)
How do i unrar a the rar files cant get the file i downloaded from copyworld to workMogensOG (2008-03-02)
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeTorrent-Kid (2008-03-08)
This Game looks good so ill download it :)By Da Way, Thankz for it.
Pe3er (2008-03-10)
hi.Seeder Pe3er here, i will seed this game IF i get it dowloaded, SRRY i have slow internet like 0.50mb.
but i will seed:)
Love the game, had it ligal.. before it was stolen,, FUCK THE WINDOWS 98! ermm i mean a guy stole it.. owell TY FOR UPLODING IT
hassi44 (2008-03-11)
Hey, Shaadez!!!if you dont have Daemon Tools, use this link and download
install it and single click it on the start bar.
click Device 0:[ E:] C:/ and go to the KOTOR file location and click disc 1, and install the game ...
when a pup-up comes that says: please insert disc 2, you simply click browse and click disc 2,
and so it goes to disc 4.
if there is a crack in the file, you go to my computer and right click on DVD/CD drive and click open. you will find a crack there and copy the KOTOR NO-CD crack to your games dir (the game data in KOTOR).
if there isn't a crack located in the games file, you go to
or and write, Star Wars of the old republic.
on the loaded page, you will see a link that says something about this: Star Wars of the old republic NO-CD, Traner, game fixes.
click it, download it and use win-RaR to extract the files to the games dir ... and voila, enjoy playing the game.
PS: I'm from Iceland, so srry about my spelling.
danwuzhear (2008-03-31)
im dan i was wondering if any 1 wanted to talk on msn cuz ill probly have problems with it and not feel like haveing to wait for a respawns after like 2 days.. daniel_bellis5@hotmail.comif u wanna help ^^
Hellsya (2008-04-23)
I downloaded it and installed it and got the krack but it still doesnt work any help would be strongly appreciated thnx in advencechristophersquid (2008-04-27)
alright i dl'ed the game, put the crack in, game seems to work fine until i get into the undercity part of the game, towards the beginning. it freezes and the graphics get messed up and i cant advance. all i did was extract the rar files, never mounted them to a drive. when it asked me for the files in the install, i directed it to the azureus downloads folder. could this be the problem?Lordvader136 (2008-05-16)
Love this game. =)gobble412 (2008-05-26)
How much memory is written to each of the CDs?gobble412 (2008-05-27)
I did everything I was supposed to, I mounted all of the disks, downloaded the crack, and put it in the KotOR directory folder. Then I installed the original 1.03 patch. Then I ran the game, and It asked me to put in disk 1, so I did and some weird computer language came up, and nothing else happened. Then I tried putting in the different disks, and it just tells me to put in the play disk. Is this even supposed to run on Vista? Idk what to do, so if someone could help...Waltorhomington (2008-05-28)
Dear Gobble, I have a similar problem also on Vista - when I load the game from the menu (after 1.03 patch - didn't work unpatched either) a little box with strange number type things came up (I think) after the picture of the space craft (loading graphic) and then nothing loaded.Anyone any suggestions on a fix for this?
prince700 (2008-05-31)
got a problem ive installed the game and patch 1.03 but when i starts the game after a while when the screen is black its popping up a window that says star wars knight of the old republic dosent answer what have i done for wrong???????prince700 (2008-05-31)
ps got vista too3261dan (2008-06-09)
I have a simple solution to all your problems.... DITCH VISTA.. IT SUCKS... AND WILL SUCK FOR MANY YEARS TO COME!ragnvaldb (2008-06-14)
try the Hacked OS that merges Vista and XP, it is wonderfullike these
mtnbkr16 (2008-06-20)
@ragnvaldb:There is no "hacked OS" that merges XP and Vista.
For everyone trying to run this in Vista, try right-clicking the shortcut and running it in 'Compatibility Mode'.
This may or may not solve your problems. Just a suggestion.
dragonfang18 (2008-07-04)
Anyone else run comuter scan and it asked for detonator 45.23 or higher for video. I have 7900 GS video cards, and it thinks I dont have the latest video drivers.TheCrimsonKing19 (2008-07-14)
for people who are having problems with vista, usually running it in compatibility mode does work ( right click/Properties/Compatibility)Mops3n (2008-07-27)
seed plz!!denjinkyu2 (2008-08-06)
can someone help me i dont have have any idea on how to use my xbox 360 controller on this game(i use it for halo 2 on the PC but i cant get it to work for knights of the old republic) plz help!!!!!!!!!!WTF13 (2008-08-12)
For everyone who's having problems with Vista. I don't think Vista was ever meant to run games. We wouldn't be having all these problems if it was, right?RuSty_S (2008-08-13)
I'm having the same problem as gobble 412, installed the game smoothly but when I started it up I got the picture of the Ebon Hawk and an error message that reads "< [][][]EI[][][][]TT EO[][][][][] LD [][]CI[][][][][]DO FAAB[] [][]^[]s6"the "[]" is supposed to be the box symbol.
I'm running it in compatibility mode too
any suggestions welcome, as long as it's not "ditch vista it fuckin blows", something actually helpful.
Arcand8 (2008-08-24)
i am using vista and it says i need to insert the game disc wat should i do?kwas1 (2008-09-23)
VISTA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!tikkig0d (2008-10-13)
knight of the old repuplic II even glitches for vista, and if 2 is i know 1 is. best bet is to get rid of vista like others said.and other copies of this have been compalaining that once you update it that the crack no longer works. I'v found a crack that works with the updated verson @ but mad props to the uploader this is a very nice copy :)Romborg (2008-11-07)
VISTA users -I'm not 100% sure if this will work or not, am downloading it now and will test it...
But one of the biggest culprits for issues with Vista is the UAC. Turning this off usually corrects a wide variety of issues like the one you're describing.
UAC basically second-guesses the admin privilages that 'admin' users are supposed to have. Turning off the UAC makes sure that you really do have FULL admin privilages.
Turning off UAC:
(There's probably an easier way, this is just how I do it)
Start - Run - type "MSCONFIG" - hit enter.
Go to the "Tools" tab.
Find and highlight "Disable UAC" and click Launch.
Then click OK (or Apply then OK) and reboot the computer.
Rebooting may not be necessary, but it is always a good idea to do so whenever you make this kind of change.
Let me know if this works. :)
Romborg (2008-11-07)
As a PS to all you "VISTA SUXORZ" people... yes, Vista was a bad OS. But it's not a lost cause. You can configure it to work almost just as well as XP used to.You just need to have half a brain to know where to look.
OnyxiaKing (2008-11-27)
This game still doesent work, installed the game, its works perfectly to install, and then u put the crack in the game file, but still when you run it you get a black screen, if u press just something u get back to windows and it sais the program does not work. and if u run it the normal way, it just sais like RuSty_S and Gobble. The "< [][][]EI[][][][]TT EO[][][][][] LD [][]CI[][][][][]DO FAAB[] [][]^[]s6" pops up, and the picture closes after a few seconds. DONT DOWNLOAD THE GAME IF U HAVE VISTA! your not gona make it work, its waste of time to download it. ( ONLY FOR VISTA USERS )OnyxiaKing (2008-11-27)
OK!!!!!!!!!!!! IGNORE MY LAST COMMENT! THE GAME WORKS ILL EXPLAIN COMPLETLY FOR EVERYONE HOW TO DO IT ON VISTA!!!!!!Step 1. Extract disc 1 to the file, and run the setup, install the game. then it sais put in disc 2, then u just use the daemon tool to mount disc 2, by just choosing the disc 2 "rar" file, and then go to the SWkotor install setup and chose the SWkotor disc 2 and press continue, and do that with every disk.
Step 2. The game is now installed! Go to the folder named "crack", take the crack file, ( the SWkotor start program) and listen carefully, Drag it to the SWkotor folder in the C:/Program Files! not in the desktop or enything where u had ur normal swkotor map that u download, u must put it in the Lucas Art/Star wars folder in PROGRAM FILES. there u put the crack and just replace the other one. then run the game and it works!!!!!!!!!!!! ((( VISTA USERS )))
OnyxiaKing (2008-11-27)
If you want me to explain more with more details or have eny questions, just ask them now, ill be looking at this torrent every day and awnser questions becouse this is a realy great torrent with no viruses and it actually works!sigster1287 (2008-12-01)
hey onyxiaking do you think you could help me with this on aim or something like that? i am a computer tech noob and i just started using torrents so i dont know how to play this game after i downloaded itOnyxiaKing (2008-12-07)
Sure Sigster, if ur still here^^.Step 1.
First you need to download a program, like Limewire, thats where u like get your game from, thats where u download it from.
just install it, if u dont know how to install stuff, im sorry then.
Step 2.
Get a program named DAEMON Tools Lite.
Step 3. Download this torrent, open with Limewire, it will probably automaticly open with limewire if u double click it.
Step 4. The download has started, when its finished, you go to Limewire Library and drag the file to your Desktop.
Step 5. Mount disc 1 to daemon tools by doing exactly like this.. ( explain to rookies :)
you can see these icons on the lower right on your screen, find the red-white lightning sign and u target it and it sais DAEMON Tools Lite.
Right click it and select Virtuell CD/DVD-ROM.
Then it sais Unit 0: [J:] Empty. this thing doesent matter if it sais [E:] or [D:] it doesent matter, just click it.
i got swedish version and cant translate this, but its the upper box u click. Montage "blabla" something.
Step 6.
A square comes up, with the file Documents.
Just go to desktop, click the map Star Wars Kotor thing...
You can see inside, Star Wars KotOR cd1, cd2, cd3 and cd4, click cd 1 to "mount" it.
Step 7. Go to "my computer" and you can see the Star Wars icon inside on the "[J:] spot of whatever u get.
Star Wars installation frame comes up, and you select install and that stuff, u must already know, when the install has come to 20% or 25% im not sure, doesent matter, its gona say: Please enter CD 2. this is a tricky part if u dont know what to do, but you just follow step 5 agien, and "mount" disc 2 instead this time! and then click continue, and keep doing that when it sais disc 3, and 4!.
Step 8.
Congratulations! your game is now installed, but we still arent done yet ;).
Go to my computer, select "C" harddrive.
go to Programs, then LucasArts.
You can see a file/program, with the Star wars icon named: swkotor. Delete it!
Step 9.
Go into your SWKotOR file again on your DESKTOP, not program files.
you can see a folder named CRACK.
open the folder and you can see a file named: swkotor. Drag that into your SWkotOR file in PROGRAM FILES.
Now you click the program named "swkotor" and a Star wars screen will pop up, saying "play", and 3 more options, select PATCH, to update star wars to latest version. when it has updated you can close star wars. and reopen it agien, but this time you select PLAY. a picture of the ebon hawk will pop up and its gona say: please enter play disc, that means disc 1!
do step 5 agien, and select Star Wars KotOR cd1.
Now the game should run properly.
If you cant make it work or understand this, then im sorry, becouse i did my best and a 10 year old could follow these instructions and make it work^^. hope it works for you guys!
WARNING! 1 last thing, this can be very enoying, copy the swkotor program that you draged from "CRACK" folder. Copy it and put 1 in your desktop, becouse it disappeared for me when i restarted my computer, in the Star wars program file.
And 1 more thing! all saved files disappeared as well when i restarted my computer so... i had to start over agien ;)
jlava (2008-12-16)
King if your still here I was windering what you mean by "Go into your SWKotOR file again on your DESKTOP, not program files" Where is there this file. All i have is a shortcut to game on desktop and the file in program files. Do i need to dowload this crack?OnyxiaKing (2008-12-19)
The file i was talking about there was the file, the main file that you downloaded, maybe its not on ur desktopShady_Caveman (2008-12-19)
What he means is, there was no 'Crack' folder in the initial download, nor any 'swkotor' files, just four ISOs.So where did you get your supposed files from?
Shady_Caveman (2008-12-19)
Okay, got it working.First, go to[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
And download the file
Knights of the Old Republic v1.03 [ENGLISH] Fixed EXE
by clicking the link listed (Should be the first on in the list.), and then clicking the floppy disk icon on the file you were redirected to.
Download it, and once it's finished, extract the file, do everything in OnyxiaKing's step-by-step guide, and use the 'swkotor.exe' from the file you just downloaded (Roughly 3.8MBs.) every time OnyxiaKing mentions a 'swkotor' file in a crack folder, in his guide.
dathip (2008-12-28)
guys i got this game working but my textures are all messed up in the game. for example Darth Malak on the start screen is completely sideways instead of standing up. please help ganybody!!!?ayrian (2009-01-05)
found solution, will post right after this, need to test.ayrian (2009-01-05)
for anyone with an intel graphics card, and crash on startup.(might also work for other graphics cards)
ok, so i had so much trouble getting this to work, and my computer is vista home edition, and my vid card is an integrated intel crap. everytime i did what everyone else said to do, the game would load as a black screen, then an error would say that it had a problem and had to close. from what i read, this is what most people had in terms of problems.
this issue is not anything wrong with the torrent, or the cracks, or vista (maybe it is vista, but its not just vista), its the graphics card.
here is what i did:
ayrian (2009-01-05)
SRY FOR SPLIT I DONT KNOW WHY I COULDNT POST THE FULL THING, ANYWAY, HERE IS REST OF SOLUTION:1. install game normally with daemon tools/alcohol 120.
2. update it to version 1.03 using the swupdate thing in the game directory.
3. go to the link the person before me gave which goes to game copy world, and download that file.
update your game.
replace the swkotor.exe file in the c:\program files\lucas arts\kotor with the one you just downloaded.
4. right click on the file you just replaced (the cracked swkotor.exe) and go to compatibility and set it to windows xp sp2.
5. run the game, if it doesnt work, go to step 6, if it does, the enjoy.
ayrian (2009-01-05)
HERE IS LAST PART OF SOLUTION:6. find your graphics card's settings. for intel cards this is by right clicking on desktop and saying graphics properties.
there are 4 buttons on the bottom left, one is called "3d settings", click it.
these are the settings that worked for me:
change all the settings to the following:
asynchronous flip = off
tripple buffering = default
flipping policy = flip
depth buffer bit depth = default
force s3tc texture compression = off
force fxt1 texture compression = off
driver memory footprint = normal
texture color depth = desktop color depth
anisotropic filtering = application control.
im sure nvidia and ati cards also have these options, if you do not have an intel card, try to find the settings for your specific cards and set the settings to similar to what i wrote.
happy gaming everyone.
ayrian (2009-01-05)
also i forgot to mention:I DISABLED MOVIES AND SOUND the first time i ran the game. do it just to be safe. i hope this works for everyone.
Yololol (2009-02-02)
I have the file from gamecopyworld, yet it just doesn't work. It freezes after creating character. I'm trying to find the graphic card settings, but it seems like I'm totally blind. Also when I tried to disable the sounds and movies it didn't even load.Yololol (2009-02-02)
Also it uses more than 90% of CPU. I don't get it. It says I have all the things I need for the game, yet it does this...xahelus (2009-03-07)
Yololol, I had the same problem when I tried to run it on my old pc. You're computer's graphics card isn't compatible with the game, try turning off the movies, sound, etc. If that doesn't work, you'll have to get a new graphics card or play this game on a newer computer.xahelus (2009-03-07)
Yololol, I had the same problem when I tried to run it on my old pc. Your computer's graphics card isn't compatible with the game, try turning off the movies, sound, etc. If that doesn't work, you'll have to get a new graphics card or play this game on a newer computer.bobug (2009-03-12)
dude the game wont update by itselfbobug (2009-03-14)
okay got to the rancor when i try to loot him the game gives an error i press dont send and it closesMesko2 (2009-03-22)
WORKS 100%! At least for me. I'm downloading only 4th CD couse I copy it on CDs so I could spare spaces on my comp but 4th CD got broken.Kakuszu (2009-03-30)
Does any1 have teamveiwer That can help me get this game running, i cant seem to get this done on my own. All help would be much apreciated. Thanks ^_^Raz181 (2009-04-05)
cant extract disk 4 anyone have a copyRekin002 (2009-04-22)
Hi guys, I have downloaded the game and installed it, no problems there, only took 3 hours so great torrent.I have however a problem, Ive installed it, updated it just like people have said, and I can start the game and play it, but I almost always get an error message that shuts the game down early on the ebon hawk, same thing happened with the other kotor download here, does anyone know what the reason for this may be?
My computer can run both Kotor 2 and hell Crysis, so its not a technical problem Id assume.
velquez (2009-06-04)
Can someone help me out? I have XP, but am getting some of the problems described by Vista users, such as the error message on startup. And the Ebon Hawk picture that disapears and then nothing. Each depending on what I click.Slaverdf (2009-06-12)
I keep freezing/crashing during the early portion of the game on the ship. I've tried all the fixes listed in the last 2 pages. I am running Vista 64-bit and have tried compatability mode etc, disabling sound/videos. Anyone have advice on what I should do?Caze44 (2009-06-13)
To the guys above me who are crashing on the Endar Spire (the first mission) I've had the same problem and an apparent fix is here;
Apparently a lot of newer gfx cards don't interface well with KotOR, but you can fix the problem by adding a line to the graphics option section of the swkotor.ini file
Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
I'm gonna try it out now, 3.5 success rate out of 4 on that thread :)
will report back with my own findings.
Caze44 (2009-06-13)
Okay I just landed on Taris and I would usually have endured about 4 crashes by now :)s'all good, go ahead :D
One thing you will have to look out for is the Dantooine level though - I remember having problems with that even when I had my legal copy of the game years ago.
catch021 (2009-06-15)
The FOURTH DISC has the NOCD executable.devver (2009-06-22)
game works but its crashes every five minutes or so... does anyone know how I can fix this.Diudiudiu (2009-06-24)
Help guises.I just downloaded it and did everything that I've been instructed to do (mostly from the comment page 5). However, my Vista shuts the program down everytime I try to run it.
I already tried to change the settings that windows told me, but I get error everytime I try to make exception on swkotor.exe (this file must be run with the default settings or something shit).
So, help would be appreciated :p
ajc1990 (2009-06-29)
uh ya for vista you have to set the compatability for the game to xp compatabilitylord rayden (2009-07-01)
so the game works fine ... but when i open it none of the saved games show up .... i have to create a new character and go into load in the in-game options ... any ideas on how to fix this ? im really tired of creating a new char. every time i want to play the game .... thankscarv85x (2009-07-10)
I am a noob at dl'ing games thru torrents, and I understood everything about installing it except that when I dl'ed this file, I got over 52 rar files, all with some variance of kotor ISO Image CD 1 thru 4. Do I extract all 52 files to one single folder, or do I choose only one of those with all 4 CD ISO files?hate101 (2009-07-17)
The Crack is in The disc 4
Unrar it Copy Both Of them to the
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR
HATE 101
10 - 10
ewq321 (2009-07-18)
to all people, who cant download fast enough, download vuze, it is a very good bit torrent program, and even though im using a netbook to download this, im getting well over 400 kb/s.backinblack81180 (2009-07-23)
Just downloaded/installed it and everything, and im getting the same error many people have talked about in here where it crashes at the loading screen with the picture of the ebon hawk giving the message "< [][][]EI[][][][]TT EO[][][][][] LD [][]CI[][][][][]DO FAAB[] [][]^[]s6"i'm running windows xp
my graphics card is nvidia geforce 7050
i've tried installing older drivers for it
i've tried the disable buffer line in the .ini
i've tried running at low resolutions, high performance instead of quality, disabling sound and movies, etc.
nothing...i've searched everywhere online for related problems but everyone else who has this problem either has vista or a different graphics card and have solved their problems, yet their solutions either weren't available for my setup or didn't work.
help please, i would really like to play this game
Erebrus (2009-07-23)
im not sure where the crack is im DL'ing right now and ill post again when i find it, but heres what you do...1. Download
2. Using whatever program that mounts images to vurtial drives (i use Power Iso) mount the first disk and run setup.exe
3. when the download stops and calls for disk two, close disk one and then mount disk 2, and run autorun.exe
4. Repeat for disk 3 & 4
5. when the game is all downloaded and its done DO NOT RUN!! you need to mount disk one again and go to the CRACK folder. Take the CRACK and extract or just copy it to :C\program files\lucas arts\swkotor and when it says replace and copy click YES!
6. Play game and have fun!!!
TRXRC (2009-07-27)
Thanks, I got it working 100%!!!!!I just had to:
1. Install the game.
2. Use the Crack in "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic CD 4 of 4.ISO"
3. Then add "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" to the "swkotor.inifile" file under [Graphics Options]
That's it!!!!!
DramaticNub (2009-08-21)
Thanks for seeding :DMrFlible (2009-08-31)
Hey, What are the requirements for this game i.e the Ghz?tinpirate (2009-09-07)
Damn why can't people give specific instructions?1. download iso's
2. mount iso 1 with iso magic,daemon tools,ect
3. install, mount the next disk when prompted
4. run update from KOTOR menu
5. open C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR folder
6. delete swkotor.exe
7. open iso 4 with 7-zip (it's free to download)
8. open razor 1911 folder
9. copy swkotor.exe to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR
10. close all folders
if that doesn't work it's a problem with your OS or drivers
there you go a simple step by step guild
tinpirate (2009-09-07)
Backinblack81180you need to install the crack
follow above instructions the crack is in the
razor 1911 folder on disk 4
tinpirate (2009-09-07)
Mrflibleomputer: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible computer
Operating Systems: Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP
CPU: Intel PIII 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 1 GHz required
Memory: 128 MB RAM required for Windows 98, 256 MB RAM required for Windows ME/2000/XP
Graphics Card: 32 MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible PCI or AGP 3D Hardware Accelerator with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability required
Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible Audio Device required
CD-ROM: Quad Speed CD-ROM drive required
Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required
DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0b is included on this CD.
Installation: 4.0 GB of free hard drive space required
Supported Chipsets at this time:
ATI Radeon 8500/9000/9200
ATI Radeon 9500/9600/9700/9800
NVIDIA GeForce 2/3/4 family
NVIDIA GeForceFX family
Recommended Specifications:
CPU: 1.6 GHZ AMD or Intel processor
Video Chipset: ATI Radeon 9200 or better, NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti or better
copied from bioware website
you could have just googled it
Septum_Drake (2009-09-11)
As soon as I load, it keeps going into the chat to tell me how to grab my stuff and move the camera, I'm pretty sure its something stupid I've overlooked, but if someone could give me some insight, would be truly appreciated.C_Tripp (2009-09-30)
just beat it on the dark side. pretty radennyweeny (2009-10-25)
Fast download 900KB/s i dont know about the contents yet but the download is crazy fastennyweeny (2009-10-25)
wont start for my vista 64 bitennyweeny (2009-10-25)
i get a cinese or japanese error message..opolopodop (2009-10-26)
The 52 rar files are all essentially parts of the same whole, any one you try and extract the files from will automagically find the other 51 and extract their content aswell.battle21 (2009-11-05)
help me pls it crashes at the screen after you customize your character. im using vistaClone309 (2009-11-18)
Can any one help me? Im Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit user. And the game wont work for me. I instaled and crack it. When I press play game, it shows spaceship about 5 seconds and picture disappears. Thats all.dwerewolf (2009-12-03)
getting same problem as clone309also using 7 32bit
i just get the space ship, then notthing
radd666 (2009-12-05)
seed please! id hate not to play this game!disturbed1117 (2009-12-06)
whats up with the 32 kb/s DL speed?Nickotak (2009-12-06)
when i run it i just get the error message: SW:Kotor has stopped working, check for solutions. I'm running Vista. Any Ideas how to fix it?disturbed1117 (2009-12-06)
I'm using Windows 7 64 bit user I followed the instructions for the crack and it just showed me the picture of the Ebon Hawk and than....nothing.Aub_Pro (2009-12-09)
use patch at gamecopy world 1.01crabterror (2009-12-11)
I got the game installed perfectly, easy as the easiest kind of pie. Got it updated and patched, and now when I try to fire it up, it gives me a "Game Requirements Not Met" warning. Apparently, though everything else is many times better than it needs. my operating system is the problem. Vista, surprise surprise. So, if anyone else had this problem and overcame it, please let me know how.Oh, and yes of course I tried resetting the compatibility, and just like every other old game I've tried that for, it doesn't do a thing.
crabterror (2009-12-11)
But at least I have this cool pic of the ebon hawk to look atNpizzle (2009-12-11)
OK, so for all of you windows 7 users like myself, i read through the comments and tried about everything possible and i finally got it to work. (heres the comment that got it working for me, pretty much when installing it, use this crack instead of the one downloaded w/ the torrent) go back through the comments to find onyxiaking's step by step instructions if you dont know how to install a crackNpizzle (2009-12-11)
OK well piratebay hates me and i cant post any comments, i keep getting a database error everytime i try to post the solution, not matter what i do, so just go to page 5 of the comments and read Shady_Caveman's post that links the crack.. it worked for me on windows 7, hope this helpsjdubs420 (2009-12-15)
215 seeders and im only connected to 3 wtfb1g57uph (2009-12-16)
the torrent runs perfectly and when i start the game it shows me the ship and then closes out on its own. anyone else have this trouble or can anyone explain whats wrongMehw (2009-12-20)
I'm connected to 26 out of 221 seeders, why is it still only at 9kb/s ? JEEBUSFrozenLotus (2009-12-22)
Hey, I have a problem, and i have read a few comment and i cant seem to see anyone with my problem, but i installed and updated, and once i tried to start, its asking for the play disk?! so i mounted disk 1 and still it asked for the play disk, someone help me please, i downloaded and redownloaded this torrent 3 times, and im running out of ideas, please some get back to me asap, thanksJarracco (2009-12-25)
I got the game to work up until when i go to the upper city in Taris, i changed my swkotor graphic settings Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 as told by caze44. it might crash on saving or going to tanris any suggestions?matt5000 (2009-12-25)
I got everything downloaded and made into files. when i run it, it always just comes up with sorry for the inconvience we had to close program.need help. i re did the unzipping or whatever a couple of times. even into differnt folders and crap.
Need Help!
Evenftw (2009-12-31)
I've installed and made this game work, but it lags like hell.. It is impossible to play. I have xp, and I have tried to use only one cpu thing, but that does not help. Please helpkiranjp (2010-01-06)
I allready got this game, but disc 1 and 2 got currupted :(Thankfully i have both XP and Win7 on this pc :)
johnrenner9 (2010-01-16)
i downloaded the four discs and i have them all as iso image files, when i try to open them they open in roxio creater de. I don't know what to do next, please helpzachhh420 (2010-01-22)
WINDOWS 7 USERokay, i need help !
I installed the game no problem, went to play and it asked me to insert the play disc.
So i read through the comments and found a link to get a patch for that. Now when i start the game it just shows the opening picture and closes. No error message, no nothing. Help please :)
swayer95 (2010-01-22)
does it workAndreiCM (2010-01-22)
thanks, will seedj800r (2010-01-25)
advice to windows 7 users. don't download! i can't say too much for 32bit, but i have win 7 ultimate 64bit and the game runs without a hitch, but it crashes so damn much it's practically unplayable. the only way to play it would be to save literally every few steps, but that makes the game a complete chore and takes all the passion away from it. vista haters, stop bitching about/blaming vista and start blaming the GAME. any operating system that came after xp is NOT supported with this game. i'm gonna try running it in xp mode, see if it helps, but i can't imagine it would work then without lag, as it's through a virtual machine :\shame, cause i seriously don't wanna dual-boot, or buy an original xbox console just to play my xbox copy again (360 compatibility is shite, worse than PC version on vista/7!)
j800r (2010-01-25)
@swayer95. yes, if you have XP or earlier (32bit only) then it works without a problem. if you have vista or 7 however, don't waste your time. it ain't worth the headache.popetom333 (2010-01-27)
I have a problem!!! i have done everything correctly and downloaded the new version and uploaded the crack but when i got to properties and click the drop down box to select windows XP compatibility for the swkotor.exe windows xp does not show up only 95, 98, 4.0, and 2000. Please help i dont know what to do or why it wont give me the option. I have windows XP!!! but i cant select it for compatibility b.c it doesnt show up!!!!wallebre (2010-01-27)
awesome ! start seed now boys !kolambo (2010-01-28)
i downloaded it...and it is an nice must uplöoad an cd crack four our yousers.
Ladiesman666 (2010-01-31)
installed the game perfectly and now when i´m about to complete the first misson(taris) and try to escape the sith starfighters all i got is a black screen and nothing is happening. plz i could really use som help !Chaobaozi (2010-02-01)
Hey uhm , is the 1.03 ( Don't know if i misread) Patch really needed to play this game? or does it just improves some glitchy graphics or stuff? Also for Vista, any problems that keep popping up like instant shut down or something that i cannot explain? .. Gonna have this game in 2 hours =Dwroot (2010-02-11)
ayrian's advice on page 6 works a treat, thanksRedBloka (2010-02-17)
If you still have probelms disable Movies and Grass should work mine did and i have a really bad intel grafics card =)Tarson (2010-02-22)
I hate the thought of posting a question and sounding like a newb, but I just spent about 3 hours reading through these comments and trying every fix. Unfortunately, two people have commented on my particular problem and have not gotten a response to it.I'm running XP and have managed to install the game using Daemon Tools. I've updated it and replaced the .exe file with the No-CD hack. I've even set the affinity to my first processor.
The game runs just fine (if a little stretched on my widescreen) and plays. It crashes often, but I save more often... However, I've reached the point where I steal the Ebon Hawk and shoot down the Sith fighters... And the game crashes before it loads Tatooine.
I've defeated those Sith fighters about 50 times now... I thought disabling video would help, or adding the "Disable Vortex Buffering" or whatever to the programing would help. Nothing.
All I wanted was a lightsaber...
If anyone has any solutions (or needs any help getting the game to at least run) contact me at AIM/YIM TarsonR.
Thanks guys.
canadiens13 (2010-02-28)
there's no leechers today or what?? my limewire has been searching for hosts for half an hour now.Oh and i have two question:
does the files of the torrent contains the no-cd crack or i have to download it seperately?
and do i have to delete the original .exe or i just have to put the cracked one beside?
canadiens13 (2010-03-01)
no seeders? no answers? is that torrent dead?turian117 (2010-03-07)
Perfect download! thanks a lot!purpledragonfly420 (2010-04-01)
dling at 600kb/s!! w00t! should be done in no time flat.purpledragonfly420 (2010-04-02)
ok i have the same problem tarson has. does anyone know how to fix this?danielsul (2010-04-08)
I just found this tutorial to work on vistaBut havent tested it yet
danielsul (2010-04-08)
danielsul (2010-04-08)
waterbong (2010-04-14)
Done everything mentioned here. 1.03 update, new crack, changed the .dll according to the vista fix, compatibility mode, run as administrator. Nothing will let me play for more than like 5 minutes on Vista before the game crashes. Gonna try it on the 7 machine and see if it's just Vista sucking.waterbong (2010-04-14)
Yep it was just Vista sucking. Installed and plays with NP on the Windows 7 machine. Sucks though the 7 computer isn't mine. If you have Vista you might think twice about getting this.zombie858585 (2010-04-19)
Man I second that. d/l-ed in 2 hours (yeah), installed on Windows 7 (simply used deamon t for the images, installed, replaced the exe file from the razor folder and thats it) and runs without a glitch! thanks for this game, I love it!oriam12 (2010-04-27)
When i start it up, it shows the ship then it disappears and nothing happens, was i suppose to run it with the crack? And if so, where is the crack?netfire_ (2010-04-30)
I Installed this game, installed the crack, but when I launch it, after trying to load it crashed to the desktop after a second. Has any one else had this problem? Does any one know how to fix it?oriam12 (2010-05-01)
found the crack after i redownloaded then ran it with the crack and it shows the ship, then it dissapears and nothing happens >:(Hyperion888 (2010-05-02)
For XP users: (if u got vista u are fucked in the head)1. Mount CD iso 1 with alchol120%, iso magic,daemon tools,etc
2. Mount the next disc when prompted
3. Run Upgrade_1.03
4. Replace C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR swkotor.exe with the one in Razor1911 - crack
5. Add "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" in the graphics section of the swkotor.ini file
If a Character freezes press Tab or save and reload game.
Num13ers (2010-05-02)
If you have Windows 7 64-bit, you're shit out of luck.Fried765 (2010-05-03)
Just install regularly, update it with the latest patch 1.0.3 i believe then install the crack.Fried765 (2010-05-03)
scratch my last comment, if ur on vista just install regularly and install the crack , im dl-ing right now for windows 7 64 -bit will comment back to see how it went.welshboy99 (2010-05-05)
SEED!! Stuck on 99.6 please seed it's going 0kb/s c'mon guys be good to the ppl downloading and seed!!!Keki25250 (2010-05-07)
Could you please help me?I mount all the discs with out any problem,but after installer askins me if I want icon placed on desktop (I click yes) it asks for disc 4 again.I locate disc 4 but it asks for it over and over again.Does anyone know how to solve this?
Sinphonic (2010-05-08)
Ya I have no idea how to make this game work. I get the squares once I try to run the game. I am on xp and I have even tried to compatability thing. I can't even change it to XP for some reason. The worst thing is I had this game working on my comp before and now it just wont.Help if anyone has any
rustyreaper0 (2010-05-10)
1) insert disk or mount image but DO NOT AUTO RUN!!!!
2) Go to my computer and right click KOTOR 1 and click view files.
3) find the install app and right click, choose properties.
4) go to compatability and choose compatability mode for windows XP service pack 2 and run as admin.
5) accept your changes and start the install app.
7) find the game in program files.
8) find the auto- update app and do the same compatability changes as on step 4.
9) once it has updated find the game app called swKoToR.exe (I think) replace with crack and make a shortcut for the desktop.
10) repeat step 4 for the swKoToR.exe
11) start the app
12) when you get to the start menu click CTR-ALT-Delete and choose task manager.
13) Right click the app on the task manager and choose the locate option. ( will say locate process or somthing similair
14) go to the bottom of that panel and choose show for all users (requires admin pass)
15) go back to the programs tab and repeat step 13.
16) right click the app on the processes and click set afinity and choose only ONE of your processors. DISABLE THE REST FOR THE GAME YOU WILL NEED TO DO THIS EVERY TIME YOU PLAY
17) go back to the game and turn off movies and grass
18) PLAY!!!! I have experienced an Auto quit every 50 minutes and am working on a way to work around that if someone finds a solution to that please post it. but It is now a playable game for VISTA AND WINDOWS 7 YAY!!!!!!!
rustyreaper0 (2010-05-10)
BTW the people saying it wont work on a 7 64 bit are wrong Because My computer is a windows 7 64 bit edition. Dont by Vista buy 7 or XP but I recomend 7 over XP...oplahfling (2010-05-12)
For those of you with trouble READ!!!!For those of you with trouble READ!!!!
For those of you with trouble READ!!!!
Okay everybody, to get the game to function on both win 7 and vista, all you have to do is add the line:
to the graphics option section of swkotor.ini file. You will have to save the file somewhere else, then copy it to the program folder, or if you know how to operate vista and win 7 simply disable the security and save.
Sadly however I've found another problem where the game stops progression. The game goes to the crew quarters of the ebon hawk (just the crew quarters, no other part of the ship is loaded), and there a "start movie" inspection blip that you can examine, but nothing happens. The game won't run with a mounted disc or burned for some strange ass reason. Nuts....
oplahfling (2010-05-12)
I forgot to say it could be the crack but as mentioned above, I can't test the theory.1618pi (2010-05-23)
Someone seed please i'm stuck at 92.8%. Thanks to Irgving for uploading.klienxxx (2010-05-31)
Game runs fine, until I make it to the Taris Undercity, then It lags like hell, and ALWAYS quits when Hendar is about to die. tried re-installing, same problem. anyone have any ideas?Eion (2010-06-10)
Everything worked just fine 'til I tried to play. Got to the loading screen for the game, the ship and all, then it asks for the play disc, which I can't find, and if I mount any of the disks it removes the error message, stays at the screen then closes.Someone tell me how to fix this?
shabke93 (2010-06-10)
guys i got prob with instaling at 100%... asking for disc 4 and disc 4 is mounted...shabke93 (2010-06-11)
and btw.. i got xpfrancis_layusa (2010-06-14)
gJak6 (2010-06-15)
It works guys, Win Vista x64.GHidal (2010-06-21)
hope someone can help me... I got Window 7 and got this game running following the instructions on all these comments.So I create my character and start playing, but ~5 mins into the game, when I won my 2nd or 3rd battle, my game simply crashed and I get a message "SWKotOR has stopped working", does anyone know how to fix this?
thx in advance!
skatermike (2010-06-21)
So, I've got the game completely downloaded but for some reason the menu text is completely unreadable! It's not even text it's just pixelated. I've searched for an answer through the popular torrents and I'm not sure how to fix this problem. At first I tried ignoring it and just playing; which works fine until I have to open up my inventory and then mostly everything is blue and yellow pixels. Can someone help me out?elle2daq (2010-06-21)
OnyxiaKing where is the crack file plz thats all i needsister_kelly (2010-06-22)
YES!! THANK YOU Irgving for this torrent to bring back one of my old favorites. Also thank you to ayrian and Shady_Caveman for getting it all to work. I suggest anyone who can't get this working check out ayrian's "tutorial" on page 6 and Shady_Caveman's link for the cracked exe on page 5. THANKS!sister_kelly (2010-06-22)
Sorry for the double post. I have a dumb question that I just never thought about doing before... can you delete the isos after you mount the one you need to mount? Or delete the ones you're not using? I wanna save space.Mr_Prezident (2010-06-23)
Every time I try to open the game, it shows the ebon hawk loading thing than doesn't go any farther.DimaFunk (2010-06-28)
Ugh this is so fucking irratating. installed fine but when i try to replace original exe with gamecopy 1 if just says its a shortcut and when i try to run it it just says program stopped working? help??cdirks1991 (2010-06-28)
Hey! For all those who have problems with running on Windows 7, don't fear any more! I have found a way to run it without problem!Rustyreaper, your way might work, i'm not sure. I didn't want to have to follow all of those steps, so I messed around with the game.
To make it run on Windows 7 (Vista might work this way too), do this:
1. Install the game *Autorun does work (I didn't make a shortcut on the desktop, just in case)
2. After install, create a shortcut from the file in the start menu
3. Right click shortcut, and go to the properties
4. Go to the Compatibility tab
5. Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
6. Find "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)"
Then run your game! I've been playing for about an hour and a half, and it hasn't crashed or anything. Have fun!
Infalk (2010-07-03)
To those having problems with the Ebon Hawk loading screen popping up then disappearing:You haven't finished your setup. If you open Disc 4 with Winrar you'll see a folder called "Razor 1911". In this folder is the crack. Extract and then copy to your install folder. =p
p1ng (2010-07-17)
@rustyreaper0nnGood S*** bro thanks for taking the time to write all that out.. ive been trying to get this to work for a few days now and after following ur steps everything is great.. thanks againdragkryn (2010-07-18)
I had no problem installing the game, nor having problems running it so far (comp specs: Core 2 Duo, ATI HD3470, Win7 x64, UAC disabled, game install path C:\Games\LucasArts\SWKotOR). I installed it even using the autorun function, didn't fiddle with compatibility mode at all. The only unstandard thing I did was setting affinity for swkotor.exe to only one processor (CPU0).dragkryn (2010-07-18)
What I did exactly was this:1) Mounted ISOs and followed the instructions to install.
2) Downloaded 1.03 patch:
and installed it.
3) Downloaded 1.03 fixed game exe crack [english] from GameCopyWorld and replaced the original swkotor.exe in C:\Games\LucasArts\SWKotOR folder (DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP THE ORIGINAL EXE!)
4) Downloaded
(this is a utility for permanently setting an affinity) and:
a) Unzipped imagecfg.exe into the C:\Games\LucasArts\SWKotOR folder
b) Ran cmd (Start -> Run -> type "cmd" (without quote marks) and press Shift+Enter (to run it as an administrator!)
c) Navigated to C:\Games\LucasArts\SWKotOR (cd C:\Games\LucasArts\SWKotOR)
d) Ran: imagecfg -a 0x1 swkotor.exe
Note: More info on imagecfg.exe:
5) Created the new shortcut for swkotor.exe (right click on swkotor.exe and Send to -> Desktop - Create a shortcut) and renamed it to Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic.
6) Now I'm playing and enjoying the game... ;)
dragkryn (2010-07-18)
Oh, almost forgot... Thank you very much for a great game/torrent!!!Choachen (2010-08-08)
Great torrent. Thank you.The crack is located at disc 4 you just have to browse it. No need to download another crack.
spectrum00 (2010-08-09)
everytime i try to start the game it comes up with a message that isn't even in english its in random characters. It also says the game requires more up to date graphics drivers but i have installed them and it still says it. installed with no problems though this torrent has been a bit of a nightmare :-\kornklone (2010-08-10)
i keep trying to run the crack and the DEP on Vista just keeps shutting it down. i tried deactivating it for the crack, but it says it cant run without itPotatojim (2010-08-11)
I cant even find the installeri unzipped all 4 cds and the installer is no where to be found
99bananas (2010-08-13)
seed you ingrates!!hyteck (2010-08-16)
@PotatojimYou don't unzip the CD's, you mount them to a virtual drive with a program like MagicISO, the program can be downloaded here.
Once you install it, right click on the ISO file and go to "MagicISO", then "Mount (Filename)" and select a drive, then go to my computer and you see it like you would a CD/DVD that's in you computer.
I hope this helps.
pitman10 (2010-08-19)
I can only play it for like 5 minutes and then the game gets a error any help?Whytepathe (2010-08-22)
For Xp users. It's not the crack its the new cards/drivers. If you have an Nvidia, roll back to 177.79. So far I've had no pop ups and drops. From what I've read it has something to do with SP3 as well. Give this a try. I hope it helps.Antaeus11 (2010-08-25)
okay i have a problem here and i wondering if anyone can helpwell i downloaded kotor and installed with far so good ....well when i run the game it shows the game configure update exit options and i choose game (for i can play of course) and then i jus get this small window with heirogliphics lookin signs then it just closes
so i'm wondering if anyone has a solution to this problem, i would greatly appreciate it
Whytepathe (2010-08-26)
Antaeus11, if I'm correct, simply install then do the update but do not play. Go to and get the 1.03 nocd crack from there. Install it and it should work. Hope that fixes it for you.Whytepathe (2010-08-26)
Anteaus11, Please note what I wrote above your comment. Kotor despises new drivers. 177.79 works great for me, but you may have an ATI or an Nvidia that I haven't used. But the combination of updating it and finding an earlier driver should work for you. If not, sigh, sorry =(Whytepathe (2010-08-26)
Well, install it and then update it but don't play it. Go to Gamecopyworld and get the 1.03 nocd. Use earlier drivers to play because Kotor despises newer ones. Hope this helps. If you have an Nvidia, I recommend 177.79. This driver works great for me.Whytepathe (2010-08-26)
odd. couldn't see my posts for a bit. Sorry about the multi-posts.lol_omg (2010-08-27)
fuck sake... :(ok my problem first: whenever i start the game the load screen starts with the lucasarts logo, but that's as far as it goes. then i return to the desktop. the game is still running but i can't open it (i guess it's not responding), so i have to alt+ctrl+delete and shut it down from there.
i have win 7 64 bit. i have tried most of the suggestions here. i have updated the game, downloaded the 1.03 crack from gamecopyworld, made a shortcut for it on the desktop, set it to xp service pack 2 (even tried 3) compatibility mode. i've also tried to set the affinity to only 1 processor (w/e that means) although that required me to start the application and first after that set the affinity to 1 processor. and even that didn't make it work. im shit outta luck lawl.
boydpwr (2010-09-02)
is this the first or secondManarvia11 (2010-09-02)
I can't seem to install it or well kinda..I manage to mount every CD when needed and such, but when it's done and asking me if I want a shortcut on the detskop it says;
"Please instert disk 4" when it's already mounted. :S
Visuder (2010-09-04)
When I install using all tricks & things what users have said:[ex. Compatibility changes to installer, updater & swkotor.]
things doesn't work. I'm getting instantly "error" "Swkotor has stopped working", when I start the .exe
Kotor2 did work normally, but I have this error in kotor1, so any helps?
cartman19987 (2010-09-08)
Thanks so much for this! I have the game, but it won't install on my Windows 7 :(. But this works beautifully!KAOSgaming (2010-09-13)
I love youDenul (2010-09-19)
I can't seem to get this to work, when I open the game normally it show's the picture of the falcon and won't go any further. When I open "swkotor" on disc four it brings me to what looks like the game and then immediately gives me an error.I am using Windows XP, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA 8600 GT, I have heard this may be the issue, anyone know how to fix it?
osprite23 (2010-09-20)
i cant play the game when i click on swkotor.exe it doesn't even load crash every time before loading can somebody help me please?osprite23 (2010-09-20)
i use windows 7randizzle482 (2010-10-12)
I downloaded the torrent and mounted it with daemon tools lite but it doesnt do anything. It wont run the installer or anything. If anyone knows wat i can do plz help.square_fan (2010-10-12)
Thanks man.Seeding now =]
so far, works perfect.
(i used Daemon tools, and i am on XP)
Mount each of the images in Daemon tools [or similar, idk if it will change anything.](ALSO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL FOUR DRIVES AT ONCE, NOT NEEDED, BUT EASIER. in daemon tools simply go to Virtual Drives and click the "add SCSI"
run DISC 1
when prompted to switch discs, go to the browse [next to the text box in the down-loader] and got to the one that says "KOTOR_2(L:)"
then, repeat, except (when asked) do "KOTOR_3(L:)"
And once more, for disc 4.[ KOTOR_4(L:))
Nowm it should ask you to insert DISC 4 again, so just repeat. Put in "KOTOR_4(L:)""
And you should be home free.
for the download, atleast.
Goto the 4th disc (wherever you saved it to, mine by default is in a "Downloads" folder.) it should be called "Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic CD 4 of 4",
RIGHT CLICK! and open with WinRAR (or similar Extracting software such as 7Zip.) WHILE IN THE WINRAR DIRECTORY double click on the folder that reads "Razor1911" extract that file to the folder where all your discs are (same folder you sued to open up WinRAR for the 4th disc.)
now COPY that file.
Go to "My Computer" click the "Local Disk (C:)" Click on the folder that reads "Program Files" and find the folder in there that says "LucasArts" (the people who made KOTOR)
There should be ONE folder in there called SWKotOR, click it.
Now PASTE the crack [which you should have copied...) in the folder, and when it asks to replace the previous one, click "yes".
and there ya go =] the game should work!
I'll seed. and thanks again for this upload!!
bud4hugs (2010-10-14)
Works great, a little hard to figure out how to install. There is a great tut the guy before me posted, although a little hard to make out what he's saying, it really helped. Great game! Will play later on today, and give some feedback. Thanks Irgving!Bourei (2010-10-16)
i have a small problem ..when it says to put in disc 4 AGAIN i left the mounted image of 4 in (cause it was needed for the last part of the installation) but when i press OK it just makes a tiny blip sound and it appears to put in disc 4 again..
please help
rudy2007 (2010-10-23)
Houston i have a problem! i have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and when i turn on the Launcher i see board whit ship then the board disappear and then nothing happens, the game not turn on, and i have not any process of kotor in task manager. Could someone help me?Sory for bad english :)
i installed the vistafix and i try to run game as administrator and in compatiblity mode with all available systems
Rastamanse (2010-10-24)
a little complicated for windows 7 users. download. install, dont put the crack on the install directory yet wait. launch game and screen will pop up then click upgrade. cause you need to patch it with real Kotor.exe file or if you use the crack on the installed directory it wont work. I'm tryin this right now. I hope it will work. if it does not work download a new crack cause it might need a new when you have patched to 1.03 version! now you got 1.01 version. think basterds think! :DRastamanse (2010-10-24)
first game i actually had problem with when im using windows 7, it has to be complicated settings to use windows 7 i know.. but im to lazy soo goodbye star wars.. :D_zoid_ (2010-10-24)
well.... guys, pls help... well , my computer ask for the disk 4 .... what should i do??Gotpwnage520 (2010-11-08)
Uhh, when I try to extract the file, it says that it is damaged and thus I cannot complete the installation. Help.Stormorbiter (2010-11-15)
Windows 7 users!!!Use the crack from this site instead of the one on disc 4:
This solves the problem when you run the game and the ship appears then nothing happens.
Justrandom2 (2010-11-18)
I am on windows 7, I just installed the game and everything, but when I launch the game it says "Please insert the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic play disc." Can someone help me? I don't what to do.gipsi321 (2010-11-22)
well all others i download of this never work but i hope this one does and i am no noob on how to install theese i actually make torrents like this one : D anyway if it works i will post a comment below!gipsi321 (2010-11-22)
Ok it installs perfectly but it suffers from some not so minor graphical that i mean its just a bunch of random colorful triangleswutangmango (2010-12-01)
gipsi321: Same here. Everything works well untill the game starts after the opening video (space with yellow letter story). All I see is a mess of different colours and shapes which move if i try to move. I can see the dialogue and choose my answers though.What's the problem? I have the latest video drivers and I also tried different graphics settings, doesn't help.
wutangmango (2010-12-01)
Damn, I tried turning V-Sync on and it worked, seems to work without problems now.wutangmango (2010-12-01)
Nope, the glitch seems to come back after i go to next mission. And I'm not even sure it's about V-sync. I can get the game to work if i put all the graphics settings to lowest possible at the start and when i'm in the starting ship i just change to the highest possible, works fine until the next mission starts.... =(Canalski (2010-12-03)
I've burned the .ISO's to 4 seperate cds and ran the installation. After the 4th disk is processed it asks me if I'd like to have a desktop icon after I click either yes or no I get a message that says "please insert disk 4" when it's already in! wtf do i do!?!?!? somebody help!Canalski (2010-12-03)
I've got the game to work but for the menu screens are fine but when I actually get into the game for some reason it's extremely laggy and choppy. it's not even playable really. I've adjusted the graphics to be as dull as possible but still slow as balls. I don't know why. I've played games on my cpu previously and everything worked fine (WoW, The Sims 1-3..etc) shit sucks man dunno what to do.Canalski (2010-12-03)
To anyone with the "disk 4" installation problem, Don't cancel the installation! Instead bring up the task menu (ctrl alt del) and end the program. then go ahead and apply the update and then copy the crack to your game directory.ryanation (2010-12-13)
Please SEED!I really want this game....
ryanation (2010-12-13)
keep seed, plz!!!ryanation (2010-12-13)
keep seeding, plz...6inarow (2010-12-19)
do these iso's work in xp mode?donut0053 (2010-12-20)
ok... so i have windows 7... i got the game installed fine but every time i pull up the menu and click "game" i get a pop up with nothing but gibberish on it..... what did i do wrong??ryanation (2010-12-22)
OK I've got the game, thanks!btw I've already play more than 4 hours, but when I'm going to load the Dantooine, it's always crash.
Plz help me with this problem, response ASAP plz..... (sorry bad english)
De_loused (2010-12-28)
Awesome torrent!patch the game to 1.03 and download the crack from
should work without problem, might want to tune down to 64bit if you have Vista and run with compatibility mode.
It's basically D&D awesomeness with a Star Wars old storyline and most of dialogues have voices in the many alien languages Lucas created... wich means... 2 out of 2.4 Go of this torrent are voice files saying stuff like ''gaaawhaa mookia dagoo maktoo ysoo fill too doo too too''
fucking hilarious!
Lusen2 (2011-01-04)
Take the crack directly from the .ISO. Not from when you've mounted it.Oh and btw, the game craches...
ryanation (2011-01-07)
ok, I've just finished the game today,without any crashes (forget for my last comment, it just happen once). you guyz must try this game.
btw thks Irgving :D
The77s (2011-01-24)
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic Installation Guide1. Burn or Mount StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublic ISO 1.
2. Install Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic.
3. When asked, Burn or Mount StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublic ISO 2.
4. When asked, Burn or Mount StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublic ISO 3.
5. When asked, Burn or Mount StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublic ISO 4.
6. Run Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic Patch content.
7. Copy & Paste Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic Crack content into Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic Directory.
8. Finished, have fun playing Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic.
aussie197 (2011-01-26)
guys i am a noob at downloading games plz tell me how to download this and install really i suck at thisjajj576 (2011-01-31)
By far the most ridiculous game torrent ever. I've downloaded about 25 (i mean all COD's, BFBC2, just cause2, both fallouts) I think, after about 10 hours with a FAST system, I'm done.I probably will get it eventually....I always do. But in about 5 minutes of reading, I think you will come across about 3 - 5 completely different ways of doing it. And they don't all work...unless you and the poster have the same OS, etc. In fact....4 out of 5 of them WILL NOT work. It's finding that 5th.
I don't tend to post unless its here are a few "Heads Up" (old game, long old thread)
*If you have win7*,
Dude put it simple. Install, patch to 1.03 (just run the program), then copy this crack
(thanks De_loused), to the install folder C:/Program...SWNotOR. I think that should do it...didn't for me yet**this only got me to the Lucasarts symbol. then it closes. None of the tips have helped, however i put the App files in Comp. mode XPSP2..and my system has finally made it to yellow light in config (no need to list specs...nothing exists game wise that will even test it)
You may have better luck...I feel like "patch to 3.01 and copy crack SHOULD work.
Everyone else...
XP should have no prob. There are several good posts..install (daemon tools, XXXX iso, etc. Don't have em? Search for em /\ )
Patch, copy no cd crack, off you go.
I'm going to attempt one more re-install...and just because it works for you, doesn't mean everyone else is WRONG. I assume us WIN 7 ULT 64bit are having the same issue. Best o luck
CrackedR (2011-01-31)
Alright, so a fix for KOTOR on Windows 7 can be found at
Basically update to 1.03, stick in the mss32.dll, and then grab the 1.03 patch and run. Works for me perfectly. Now I'm just getting a mod that lets me run at 1280x800
CrackedR (2011-02-01)
Grab the 1.03 crack, not patch. And the location of the mss32.dll is just in the first directory, so \LucasArts\SWKotORChitenshi (2011-02-13)
Hey, I downloaded everything. And I Mean Everything. I'm using windows XP and I guess I don't know where to put the patch but everytime i start it this strange pop up comes up with unreadable symbols. Help!!!H4CK1O (2011-02-21)
omg i have beaten this game soooo many times that i cant even count it lulz but i just never EVER get tired of this game srsly i love everything about it 10/10DramaPirate (2011-02-22)
@jajj576You are having troubles running Windows 7 x64 bit? That's odd because I have the same OS and with most games I just run in compatiblitly mode. I don't know why that wouldn't work but I guess if it doesn't theres always that patch.
DramaPirate (2011-02-22)
For windows 7 compatiblity mode should work. Just change your colors to the right settings in the control pannel. Haha, I downloaded this torrent because I wanted a challenge... will post back if I can get it to install on Windows 7 x64.fattey82 (2011-02-22)
@jajj576Couldn't get this shit to work until i read your post. Thanks a lot man, power to you.
Oncloud9 (2011-02-23)
Can someone help me plz.I'm running Vista 32 bit and whenever I kill certain creatures over 800 experience the game crashes.
Anyone have any fixes for this? I tired mounting the different ISO's but no luck.
fattey82 (2011-02-23)
Good torrent. Got it working on windows 7 64-bit. Btw, game crashes ALOT.slemmet (2011-02-23)
To all of you who cannot get past the opening sequences when you start the game here´s a solution that worked for me. open "swconfig.exe" and disable movies and it works like a charm. ( btw im running win7 64 ultimate ) Hope this helps!xdi3hardx (2011-03-01)
Was extremely easy for me to install on windows 7 although the ammount of crashes that occur have rendered this torrent un-playable for me. Good DAY!Bainz (2011-03-08)
After a few hours of tweaking and reading up on various forums I am throwing in the towel as I have not been able to make it 10 minutes into the game without crashes/freezes. This link has what seems to be valuable advice but I have done all the steps to no avail:
Good Luck if your running Windows 7 64 bit ultimate
bphreshDAGGER (2011-03-09)
OK...I've done every step according to FallOut11 and every other users comments...I installed the patch, i replaced the .exe and everything...When I run the game the screen goes blank and it says...
"Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." DEBUG, SEND, or DON'T SEND.
Anybody know what i'm doing wrong????
Thx homies
bphreshDAGGER (2011-03-09)
Oh... and Im Using XPdatian197 (2011-03-12)
seed plsmrcoreytaylor (2011-03-14)
please help i have a problem when i want to start the game it starts good and when i want to come to main menu it crashes...i downloaded patch and crack and done everything...but it crashes all the timePeter_1994 (2011-03-20)
When you have Windows 7 and get it to run to the LUcasarts emblem, as Jajj576 said (thanks), then mount CD 1 again with daemon tools or similar. Then just start the game by doubleclick the cd in "Computer" I changed all my settings to low, but i dont know if thats needed. But now it works so have a try: CD1 of KOTOR into Daemontoolsseffykins (2011-04-04)
I downloaded this and never got past the install. I get all the way up to where is asks if i want a icon on my desktop after i hit yes or no (ive tried both) it asks me to insert disc 4. Ive unmounted and remounted it im mounted disc 1 2 and 3 and still no luck any advice?seffykins (2011-04-04)
im using win 7 btw 64 bitColchis (2011-04-05)
For those crashing on startup, immediately after the lucas arts logo, here's what I did to fix the problem.A) Either run swconfig and disable movies altogether, keep in mind this also disables ingame cutscenes.
B) In your movies folder (LucasArts\KOTOR\Movies) delete the following:
JakeOlmstead (2011-04-07)
Hey guys, i just downloaded this, installed it onto disks blah blah, as soon as i tried to load it, it got to the ebon hawk picture at the begining and just crashed, so i tried to foloow to tips here, nothing worked, now it comes up with a box with loads of weird symbols and shit? any tips?clemet123 (2011-04-07)
if i want to play i insert disc 1, than i start game and it saiskotor has stop working
help me plz
sorry my english
Never_Terry (2011-04-24)
For people having trouble getting kotor to run on windows 7 or any other version of windows theres this website
(This link is more in-depth) But, even if you follow all these instructions to a t theres a good chance it will not run. I seriously tried everything i could to get the game to run and just couldnt get it to work.
If thats the case the games only 10 bucks on steam and will run perfectly.
geizer2203 (2011-04-27)
hey i dowloaded this the oher day and it works up until i get to the undercity in the 1st bit of the game, but then the screen locks up and i have to reset my laptop, it only locks up in that area do u have any idea how to fix it? i have alrady run thr updatebrunotvrs (2011-05-02)
So I installed DX9 and then used to launcher to update the game. It made the game ask for the cd, so I downloaded a no-cd crack. It starts fine and I can play it a bit, but will crash randomly after like 10min of playing.THIS GAME IS BROKEN UNDER WIN7. DON'T WASTE TIME DOWNLOADING IF YOU USE WINDOWS 7.
Someone said it's like 10bucks on steam and it works perfectly. No idea, but some of you can try...
brunotvrs (2011-05-03)
I just found a solution and my game no longer crashes. I played it for like 2h today and nothing bad happened :)All you have to do is what I did in my previous post, and then:
1. Open the swkotor.ini file;
2. Under [Graphics Options] add the following line: Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
3. Save and play. Should work now!
NOTE: There is no line with a "disable vertex buffer objects" parameter, so you have to add that line yourself, not just change something from 0 to 1.
Enjoy! :)
fbbbt (2011-05-03)
I have found a Windows 7 fix that makes this work!![ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
First, update the game from the main menu, download the no cd crack for 1.03, then scroll around and download the vista/windows 7 crash fix, just drop it in the directory and it works perfectly.
acidronin (2011-05-08)
When i try to run the game it gets to the ebon hawk logo then an error window with a bunch of odd symbols pops up then it closes... what do i do?!?!Xtremejoshua (2011-05-09)
@brunotvrs hey thanks for that it worked after trying to play and the game crashing randomly every 10-15mins i tried your fix and now it runs perfectlymrpale (2011-05-12)
the game works perfectly for me thanks to fbbt's advice. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.what I did was mounted and installed the 4 iso's
then I took the crack out of the disc 4 inside Razor 1911 folder and replaced the one on the game directory.
Then I updated it on the menu, but right in the end it said that the crack was not correct so I downloaded a 1.03 patch from this site:
then i run the patch, and copy and replaced the swkotor.exe and mss32.dll i downloaded from this site[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
after all of that the game works just fine for me, there were no crashes or whatsoever.
Thanks Irgving for the game, Cheers!
mrpale (2011-05-14)
for those having graphical problem, like I having this encounter at dantooine where the background sky and some of the grounds kinda went distorted, like broken rays flying all over, or like the sky got these lines coming from one area making the game looking quite crappy, here are the GRAPHIC SETTINGS I did to have a smooth game all through out:Go to Options (press ESC key)
then go to Graphics
turn OFF the Shadows and Grass
then click Advance options
set the quality to Medium or Low
set Anisotropy to 2x
that's it. the game should run fine without those broken lines or distortions, plus when the movies play, there are no lags or certain pauses or crashes.
*I recommend this to those who does not have any fancy graphics/video card on their machines, like I do and also I recommend this to those experiencing my said errors with the game. my game went smooth as silk after setting those settings. you don't need super good quality of graphics to be able to play the game anyway, better smooth running :P
I hope this helps though :)
freeman87 (2011-05-20)
for ati users(who haven't read previous posts):1. follow dragkryn's instructions on pg 10
2. apply the fix detailed in this thread:
ditdot0 (2011-06-01)
so far so good, thx for the upload :)Robsond76 (2011-06-08)
game works perfectly on win7 64 ultimate. I got it working on the first fun thanks to mrpale`s instructions. Here it is again:Mrpale:
the game works perfectly for me thanks to fbbt's advice. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.
what I did was mounted and installed the 4 iso's
then I took the crack out of the disc 4 inside Razor 1911 folder and replaced the one on the game directory.
Then I updated it on the menu, but right in the end it said that the crack was not correct so I downloaded a 1.03 patch from this site:
then i run the patch, and copy and replaced the swkotor.exe and mss32.dll i downloaded from this site[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
Aprentice44 (2011-06-08)
Do I need actual disks for it??djgyz (2011-06-12)
i just get a box with loads of weird symbols in it then it closes so if i were u id find another torrent or buy the gamekoigos (2011-06-13)
I DL this game and installed it. Now it keeps asking me to insert a play disc. What is this talking about or how can I disable this?Fuzi0n (2011-06-22)
After the whole installation, it asks for adding shortcuts to the desktop and I click "Yes". After that it asks for entering Disc 4 when it is already mounted with Daemon Tools. I'm on Windows XP. Help, guys!javierg64 (2011-06-23)
ok i installed the game downloaded the 1.03 patch and installed the crack then when i run the game i can only play like 5 min.HELPPPP!!!!!
darthkay (2011-06-30)
ok i am soo irritated! i can get to the main menu no problem and can kind of navigate with the keyboard through the menu. the problem is i can move my mouse around but it wont let me click anything. can anyone help?thePegglegg (2011-07-13)
Just do everything mrpale said. That worked fine for me, and I'm using Vista. Thanks mrpale :)GramTrain (2011-07-24)
I did everything mrpale said and it still crashes -_-cond000kl (2011-07-29)
I don't think it works on Windows 7...SanDiegoMadden68 (2011-07-31)
it works for me until i go to the undercity in taris and it crashes while loading anyone know how to fix it?SanDiegoMadden68 (2011-08-01)
i figured it out but now whenever i try to load a save from upper shadow lands or on planet kyrshek (or whatever) it crashes before loadingFluffyBunyAlpha (2011-08-02)
the only way I could get it to work was by setting the compatibility to xp, unchecking read only on the folder in your program files, and using one of these cracks "
"FluffyBunyAlpha (2011-08-02)
oh... just so you know, I'm running win 7 x64racetraxguy (2011-08-10)
I have followed all of mrpale's instructions and downloaded everything he said download and i still get a "please insert game disk" message. Is there any recommended no-disk cracks that i could get a hold of? Help would be nice. BTW: running on Windows 7 64bitdougirman (2011-08-12)
can you use cheats with this? every things more fun with cheatsForizen (2011-08-12)
can someone help me? when i try to run it a bunch of weird symbols just come up in a window with a big red ex :(Forizen (2011-08-12)
can someone help me? when i try to run it a bunch of weird symbols just come up in a window with a big red ex :( part of it that i can read says FAABchunkylover193 (2011-08-23)
does this work for mac?JusticarX (2011-08-25)
Does this game work on window 7?tunedude7 (2011-08-25)
thanks Irgving awesome torrent!!and thanks to mrpale for the guidelines!!
flashpoint93 (2011-09-01)
Whoever is complaining about the game crashing or is having graphical errors, right click and edit wiht notepad your swkotor.ini file and in the graphics options paste this:Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
Mewable (2011-09-01)
Easyest Way To Play This Game!?!?! WELL I've Got Your Awnser!Download This Torrent Then Download A Program Called IMGBurn Then Go out and buy some blank DVD+R's Or Blank DVD-R's
Burn The Iso's 1 By 1 Onto The Discs Then when you've burnt them put disc 1 into your computer and install it then when it asks for disc 2 put disc 2 into your pc and so on for disc 3 and 4! and it does work on windows 7! im playing it on windows 7 now!.
mynameisshu (2011-09-04)
Crap, downloaded twice, does NOT workawl19 (2011-09-04)
Windows 7 64-bit user here to address several problems.(NOTE: These fixes obviously only work if you have exactly the same issues that I had.)
1. Crash at start or while flying to new planets in the Ebon Hawk
-Many users have discussed how to fix this but I will reiterate it. Open "launcher.exe" and click on "Configure" then check the "Disable Movies" box. You won't miss much content by disabling them and it's much more beneficial since you will now actually be able to play the game.
2. Character stops, becomes still, won't move
-This only happened to me for about the first 2 hours maybe about 20 times and my "fix" is fast enough that it really isn't inconvenient. All you need to do is just save the game when you become "stuck" and then load that saved game again and you come back with the freedom to move again. It takes you maybe 10 seconds out of your game play for each save and load.
3. Cheats (bonus tip, not a fix)
-Copy "swkotor.ini" from your game directory to any folder (can't be edited and saved within the directly) then open it in notepad and start a new line anywhere with "EnableCheats=1" then save it and copy/paste it back into the game directory. Go into the game and simply hit the ~ (tilde) key and it opens your "console" where you can type commands. All the cheats are available at:
Also I want to address the people who are whining that the torrent is corrupt or doesn't work. This is not the case. This is an old game and it's hard to get it running on new software it was never designed to run on. As a side note, I did run the 1.03 patch and used the crack appropriate for that patch (downloads available in comments)
Happy gaming.
ninja514 (2011-09-14)
when i go to run it, it comes up with " no cd/dvd-rom drive found"how do i fix?
dvlwhite (2011-09-25)
were can i find the first cd there all the same files i tryed the first files wiht 1-4 cds and the last one has the first cd and 20-30 has cd 3 and 4 wtf and there all is0CertainSeven (2011-09-26)
Running windows 7 64-bit. Installed fine but when I launch it, I get an error window with some wingdings font looking message. Have no idea what it means.Myster10 (2011-10-09)
Works like a charm!Basically it took me a while to figure out, mount, unzip install bla bla bla, then if the update for 1.03 doesn't work just find another online and use it, this way you can find a no-cd patch or crack online and then run the swkotor application and it will run.
Be sure to look at all the mods there are for this game (;
janjan56 (2011-10-11)
does this work on Win 7-32bit ????rayrei (2011-10-11)
#jamatarm (2011-10-13)
Yes this game works on 32x Windows 7. You'll need to download the no crash fix from thissite...
after you've installed the game and updated to 1.03v via the in-game update.SwampySauce (2011-10-13)
DOESNT WORK.. downloaded , mounted , installed and downloaded a crack for it and when it loads up it crashes before it even loads the main screen and says it must shut down.Magiere (2011-10-16)
Works perfectly well for me. I just followed the recommandations of mrpale.I am near the end of the game and I just encountered minor bugs. If I remember well, I had the same bugs with the official retailed version (lent it to a friend, never saw it again... thx for sharing it :))
jamatarm (2011-10-20)
Did you download the crash fix? if not then that is why it crashes on you. did that for me as well until I downloaded it.liberty17 (2011-10-23)
i downloaded and installed but it says please insert play disk please help i really want to playliberty17 (2011-10-23)
i download and install but it says please insert play disk please help!!!!!!!! email me at zaneisabeast17@gmail.comjamatarm (2011-10-23)
Liberty this happened to me too at first. I just uninstalled and reinstalled and it worked then. Try that it should fix the problem. Are you mounting each ISO right?HyperHD (2011-10-31)
i presume the crack is on disc 4 called razor1911, am i right? please say i need to know before i try itHyperHD (2011-10-31)
How do i get it to work on windows 7?skryth (2011-11-06)
Can't use my right mouse button, and my keyboard doesn't seem to be working with the game either. Anyone know what might be causing this?Shadowz7137 (2011-11-10)
i have NEVER had to spend more than 30 mins tweaking a game. 2 hours is far too long. im pissed. Irgiving, next time give instructionsRyanHalls16 (2011-11-27)
FUCKING ACE!!! works absolutely fine and encountered no problems at all. brings back memories :'). thanks man, awesome torrent!RyanHalls16 (2011-11-27)
+1krod89 (2011-12-07)
Alright, I know there's a million people on here having issues, but I think I'm having a graphical issue. I'm running on Windows XP by the way.I've downloaded the torrent, mounted each image (ISO) as Daemon Tools Lite requested. After I've installed the game completely, I run the .exe and it says that openGL isn't supported by my graphics card. I don't have openGL, but I do have Directx 9.0 that works great.
I've been looking on fixes for the past few days and I haven't found ANYTHING. If anyone could help, please do! I would be very grateful.
111bob111 (2011-12-07)
Running XP Sp2 and still have issues. Never had them before. Must be something wrong with Ati drivers. First, when menu screens appears, Malak is missing and I have these lines crossing the screen in, missing objects, characters, only smoke visible. How could this happen on XP?111bob111 (2011-12-07)
krod89, it's not the fault of your OS. I was wondering why I got those graphic issues, that I never had had before with the same PC playing KotOR. And the I read Whytepathe comment and it suddenly like an afterlight came to me, that I had almost the latest Ati drivers on my not so new Ati graphics card. THE FUCKING DRIVERS, man!111bob111 (2011-12-07)
(cont.) I couldn't roll back to older ones, so I basically simply found via google a list of older drivers (2009) and downloaded them from the net. God bless the one who has them all listed and uploaded on the internet. So I uninstalled the 10+ v. drivers I had and installed v 9.2 Ati drivers. The game works fine now!111bob111 (2011-12-07)
(cont.) Whatever graphics card you are using, find older graphics drivers on the net and install them! Saves the day. I also added DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 under graphics options in the file swkotor.ini, but I don't think it's needed for XP. Kotor has problems with newer drivers.Kylezo (2011-12-11)
Hate to report that I'm another one of the ones having massive problems with this. I'm in XP Pro, NOT Vista, and the game process closes out immediately after the splash screen with the ship comes up. I installed and ran with NO crack or updates, and got the FAAB error (an error message with lots of symbols and weird letters), installed cracked .exe for 1.00 and nothing happens at splash. Uninstalled, reinstalled, updated to 1.03, FAAB error with no crack installed. Installed 1.03 cracked .exe, no error, nothing happens after splash. What is causing the game process to shut itself down immediately? I'd love to report having problems with graphics or something, but the game itself doesn't even start up, only the launcher works.Adalwolf (2011-12-12)
Follow mrpale's instructions (comment page 14). It worked flawlessly for me (win 7, 32-bit)111bob111 (2011-12-12)
Kylezo is not using Win 7. Maybe Kylezo have XP Sp3? Does Kotor have problems with Sp3?SameFIN (2011-12-20)
This torrent is crap. Seriously Irgving when you upload a torrent POST INSTRUCTIONS. We can't magically know what we're supposed to do. If you'te too lazy to post instructions don't bother making torrents.kirt24 (2011-12-20)
this works just copy the crack from cd 4 and paste it in game directoryRyanator14 (2011-12-30)
does this game works on windows 7 ?Jhones0 (2012-01-02)
u must download this crack that is really working:
dgdfgfdf (2012-01-08)
Worked fine for me running windows xp. installed it, updated to latest patch, and downloaded the no cd crack from
. Played for about two hours so far and has worked flawless for me.Kao24 (2012-01-13)
This is great! =D I'm so happy this worked. Thanks a bunch! ^^ It wouldn't have worked without mrpale. Thanks again~shaunryal (2012-01-21)
Dude this game crashes straight after the launch screen i've tried every crack at yet still does not run. If you have any ideas on how to get the game to work let me know. I'm running the game on windows 7maroonylife (2012-01-28)
WORKS on Win7 x64.Install, manually do the 1.03 update (google it), get a no-cd crack for 1.03 from, and then enjoy!
Sidenote; do not trust your self-made shortcuts. Open the game manually from the autorun or from the game. I don't know why but autorun and direct-exe don't work at the same time, and interestingly the working one differs from day to day (must have same registry problem with OS being win7, im not sure. Bottom line: GAME IS ABSOLUTELY PLAYABLE). once you get into the game, the only bug you can experience is, being unable to use the movement keys after some of the fights, solution is simple; quick save, quick load, solved.
Thanks for the torrent, GREAT GAME!
maroonylife (2012-01-28)
ADDITION: ONE BIGGIE! As far as I've seen the game doesn't support past 1280x1024 resolution, you can set the resolution from Autorun>Configureahmedu04 (2012-01-28)
Does this work on windows xp sp3maroonylife (2012-01-28)
ANOTHER BIG CRASH REASON: I just found out that the game crashes at opening when uTorrent is up and running. I'm not sure if that's the whole problem, but it sure is one in the list. Make sure it's not functional before trying. (I'm using win7x64)maroonylife (2012-01-29)
ANOTHER ADDITION: Don't trust on your quick saves while quitting the game for the night; always make a normal save game as well. I had a quick save error yesterday, probably because of the OS (win7x64)I hope this list doesn't go for long :)
eeeessss (2012-02-12)
I finish instaling the game but in the end after it askes do i want shortcut it asks to mount cd4which is already mounted.I mount it again and it still wont work.Pls help.
oppatan (2012-02-22)
@maroonylifeGood shit with the info. I had the exact issues you kept updating with (uTorrent buggin' it out? c'mon now...) and so far, so good. Haven't encountered the quick save thing yet but given your warning, I'm making hella saves, haha.
PADDYWHACKED (2012-02-24)
i followed all the help maroonylife gave (thnx btw) but when i click the swotor.exe nothing comes up and i run the launcher the menu comes up then i hit game and nothing happens. Any suggestions?PADDYWHACKED (2012-02-24)
im running win7 x64 and if i run the launcher the ebon hawk shows up then disappears and if i run the swkotor (the no cd one from gamecopyworld and updated to 1.03) then nothing happens it has the spinning circle to show its loading then nothingPADDYWHACKED (2012-02-24)
well i retract all my previous statements i followed mrpale's instructions and it works nowexicee (2012-02-29)
the Bestlok_hr (2012-03-06)
visit for all games direct download links and also is for everyoneDixie51 (2012-03-19)
Here's a copy of the instructions that mrpale left on page 14. Well worth re-listing!the game works perfectly for me thanks to fbbt's advice. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.
what I did was mounted and installed the 4 iso's
then I took the crack out of the disc 4 inside Razor 1911 folder and replaced the one on the game directory.
Then I updated it on the menu, but right in the end it said that the crack was not correct so I downloaded a 1.03 patch from this site:
then i run the patch, and copy and replaced the swkotor.exe and mss32.dll i downloaded from this site[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
after all of that the game works just fine for me, there were no crashes or whatsoever.
Thanks Irgving for the game, Cheers!
rockjon2 (2012-03-19)
[ PLEASE READ TO PREVENT CRASHES ON VISTA/WINDOWS 7 ]Follow mrpale's instructions to the tee, and then, after everything is complete, go to "swkotor.ini" in the swkotor program files folder. Once there, look for the heading, "[Game Options]." Underneath this heading, copy and paste this:
Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
And it should allow you to view cutscenes without the game crashing. It worked for me, so here's hoping it works for you.
rockjon2 (2012-03-19)
[ ONE LAST THING ]Go to movies folder in the swkotor program files folder, and delete the following start-up videos:
For some reason, the intro videos make the game crash, so best just to delete them entirely.
FamineXI (2012-03-28)
Whoever having problems with keyboard like being unable to move the player after some fights like maroonylife said you can try to disable the : V-sync off or on i dont remember now what was the default but change that and you should be fine at least it worked for me ;)absoluter (2012-03-28)
Whoever having problems with keyboard like being unable to move the player after some fights like maroonylife said you can try to disable the : V-sync off or on i dont remember now what was the default but change that and you should be fine at least it worked for me ;)Fearful420 (2012-03-28)
mine keeps saying that ikernel.exe is not installed and it wont install the game any suggestions.absoluter (2012-03-29)
@Fearful420 Try to run it in compatibility mode : Windows Xp sp2 or sp3 see if that works , btw what OS do you have ?Toad13 (2012-03-31)
alright when i try and start the game it says i need to insert play discvxsyko (2012-04-08)
I keep getting "Files on this CD-Rom drive are read-only. You cannot copy or move files over to this CD-Rom drive." whenever I try following mrpales directions and replacing the files. Anyone know why it won't let me change anything? And if so, what can I do about it?ayushr53 (2012-04-11)
I did everything the game starts but when i create my character and click play the loading bar completes but then the game minimizes and stops responding! all the icons go huge! :Phow do i fix it?!
h3r0br1n3 (2012-04-18)
everything went smooth for me until i ran the actuall launcher and then i got a pic of the ebon hawk, and then error. the check list said everything was good except for my operating system (which is windows 7 ultimate) and my video card, it said i needed at least detonator 45.23 drivers, so i googled them, found them on the internet, downloaded installed, rebooted. and nothing has changed when i try to run the game and it still says the same thing, so no im stumped. any help?crazysas (2012-04-19)
OK! so im windows 7 x64 and what problem i am having is that when i create my charictor and everything it shows the cut scene fine when there flying thought the asteroid but then it just goes black PLZ HELP!!!!!crazysas (2012-04-19)
Im running windows 7 x64 what happens to me is i create my charicter and then it plays the cut scene fine when there flying through the asteroids then it just goes black. PPLLLZZZ help!!!!BackChar (2012-04-30)
I still get randoms blue screensThePoisonedYouth (2012-05-01)
This is DLing really fast. Incredible. Thanks.Skkkkkkkkkkkkk (2012-05-22)
SanDiegoMadden68 how did you manage to go to the undercity? mine is crashing there tooSkkkkkkkkkkkkk (2012-05-22)
@SanDiegoMadden68 how did you manage to go to the undercity? mine is crashing there toodwyane3 (2012-05-22)
please help!!!!!!!when installation finishes 100%, it asks for creating a desktop shortcut
And after that it asks for CD 4 again but when i mount it and click
it gives error insert CD 4
alicemizer (2012-05-23)
wish i coulda got to play it...apparently it doesn't play well with my windows much whining for such small machines...dreth88 (2012-06-04)
I have followed mrpale's instructions for win x64 ultimate but on professional instead and the game worked.. but the problem i am having is that the game crashes before i can get off the Endar Spire. I cant even make it passed the part where the crew member you are with sacrafices himself to get you off the ship.. Can anyone help me with this? Oh. i have also deleted the first three intro movies to see if it would help and it hasnt helped me in any way.AppGenius (2012-06-21)
I did everything mrpale said and it still doesn't work. I got it to work before but now it doesn't work properly. When I try to run the game, the game doesn't do anything, nothing happens, the game doesn't open. What do I do then?Satheyo (2012-06-22)
Whenever I launch the game and load my character I get a black screen, I can still hear things and such but everything's black. Can anyone help?My PCs specs
OS: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 service pack 3
CPU: Intel[R] Pentium[R] 4 CPU 2.80GHz
RAM: 2.50GB
Video: ATI Radeon X300/X550/X1050 Series 1024MB
Audio: SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Choped (2012-06-25)
Ok, after patch the game and copy the crack launch from the folder inside the hard disk,search icon named swkotor, not from the launcher...Choped (2012-06-25)
Ok, launch the game from the swkotor icon inside the folder of the hard disk, not from the launcher...Works fine, patch 1.03 and crack copied before. The launcher gives problems (message with squares, error messages, image of the ship freeze)Sorry for my bad english
Playing in Xp sp3.
AppGenius (2012-06-25)
This torrent is great. The game works fine and everything, if you have a computer that is fast enough to run games, then the game will run even better. The game does work on Windows 7 however it will not work when you first download the game, you will need to make some adjustments and modifications first. What you need to do is easy. Just follow mrpale's instructions on how to get the game working on Windows 7, visit comment page fourteen. If you get a screen that comes up which is an error message and it displays some unrecognisable symbols or the game doesn't start at all, you need to download the crack from this site:
Go to this site, then click the link at the top which says 1.03 English fix exe. Download this file and update your game by running the patch. Once you have done this, download a crack from this site:[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
You will go to the adfly advertisement but all you have to do is to just wait a few seconds and then click the skip ad button at the top right corner of the screen. Then download the file from one of the mirrors over there and when you finished downloading it, you will find two things, a swkotor.exe file and an mss32.dll. What you need to do is to take both of these files and paste them in the Kotor game file which can be found at computer, then system, then program files and then Lucasarts and then SWKotOR, click replace when you are prompted to keep both files or cancel. Mrpale told you to replace the crack that was already in the Lucasarts SWKotOR file with the crack that was in the Razor 1911 folder of the fourth CD in this download. You can do that, but make sure that you replace the Razor 1911 crack with the crack that you downloaded from the GameCopyWorld site. You have to replace the Razor 1911 and then only will the game work, do not worry about the Razor 1911 crack, throw it away, you need to worry about the one from GameCopyWorld. Download the crack from the GameCopyWorld and replace the crack from the folder Razor 1911 (if you put it in the Lucasarts SWKotOR folder, if you didn't, then just put the one from the GameCopy world into the game folder at program files) with the one that you downloaded from the GameCopyWorld site. You need to replace the mss32.dll file from the GameCopyWorld site, the game folder in program files will have an mss32.dll file so you need to download the one fro GameCopyWorld and replace the original. After this, the game should work fine. You shouldn't get the strange error symbols message and you should be able to start the game on Windows 7. This is very simple. You are just downloading the patch from the site and updating the game, and then you are downloading the swkotor crack and the mss32.dll file from GameCopyWorld and you are replacing the files that the game came with, with these files that you downloaded from the indicated sites. An awesome way to cheat in this game is to download the savegame editor, download it from here:
You will learn how to use it quickly by yourself as it is very simple to use.
AppGenius (2012-06-25)
Another point regarding the savegame editor, some of you may be experiencing some sort of glitch. After you finish the Endar Spire mission and you see the cutscene of you escaping through the escape pods, you will find yourself in an incomplete Ebon Hawk, where you are trapped and there is a "cutstart" object in the middle of the ship. If this happened to you, then you are lucky because there is a fix for this, all you have to do is to go to the following site:
And download the one in the middle that says KotOR 1 Fixed Cutscene Files for KSE. After you done that, open this download with Winrar and just take all of the files from this download and move them to your game folder (the one which is located in computer, program files, Lucasarts, Swkotor) and after you done that, it should work fine, it was a very good fix and it should work for you. If it doesn't work which is highly unlikely, then just make sure that you are still a scoundrel, scout or soldier, you need to be one of the three original classes and you also need to make sure that you are still a male or a female. After all of this, the game should work fine and the cutscene errors shouldn't happen when you use the savegame editor.
AppGenius (2012-06-26)
For those of you who are experiencing crashing, you can try this. Write the Line "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" in the swkotor.ini file in your game folder that is located in program files. This should let you view cutscenes and play the game without the problem of crashing. You can also try to find a fix online. Also make sure that your game is updated to a 1.03 version and make sure that you have the right crack pasted in the game folder in program files, the right crack is not the one that comes with the torrent in the Razor 1911 folder, that is not the right one, the right one is mrpale's link, here it is:[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE
Go to this site and download the file that says v1.03 English fix. Download that and make sure that you add the swkotor crack that you got from this site into your program files folder and not the Razor 1911 one. The problem of crashing may also have something to do with the mss32.dll file that the game came with, this game is usually shipped with a bad copy of this file, an easy way to fix this is to get one of the internet yourself and replace the faulty one. The link that I provided you with in this comment should give you two things which are the swkotor crack (the right one that you should put into the game folder of kotor in program files and not the Razor 1911) and the mss32.dll file, so take these two files and replace the files that are already in the game folder with these ones and that should make your game work fine. Also there is the issue that some of you may not get the game to start, you press start but the game doesn't open and also you may get an error message that displays some funny looking characters that you can't understand, that is easy to fix, all you have to do to fix this is to download the two files from the link in this comment and replace the files in the kotor game folder in program files, so this link can solve two problems for you. Try writing the line in the swkotor.ini file first, that will most probably fix the problem.
AppGenius (2012-06-26)
I forgot to add the link for a quality 1.03 update in my last comment, here it is, make sure that your game is this version.
This game is one that I managed to get working with the help of mrpale, but the sequel to this game is almost impossible to get working on Windows 7.
Sjoulmain (2012-07-01)
SO ive downloaded about five diferent torrents for this game. They have all been shit or they crash. THIS torrent WONT EVEN LET ME INSTALL.I Have deamon tools lite. I downloaded all four !SO files. Mounted disc 1>run Autorun> Nothing fucking happens. what do i do? I played this game when it came out and its a huge game for me. i would literally never play another game again if i could play the KoToR series. Please help me.
Sjoulmain (2012-07-01)
i went to that and there is no download links. i see the files it wants me to download but when i go over the supposed "link" it doesnt do anything. HelpSjoulmain (2012-07-01)
So after going thorugh the comments and literally trying everything nothing worked. FInall i did the crack from the disc 4.iso as TINIPIRATE SAID. now i hat him. delete the files. says its installed incorrectly. fuck it im done. ive spent 10 hours of my life trying to play this game. fuck it. im done with pirate bay its always the same shit EVERYTHING is fucking co mplicated and noone provides good help.Oh and PS to everyone that gamecopyworld site is complete shit.
Sjoulmain (2012-07-02)
This is to all future downloaders. i tried everything the people on this post said, nothing worked. the link above has IN DEOTH instructions on what to do and the game runs PERFECTLY for me on windows 7 xp 64 bit. Give it a shot
Phrixian (2012-07-02)
Worked fine for me. Steps:1. Download torrent
2. Mount images in Daemon Tools. I mounted the images, started installation, then de-mounted and mounted each image sequentially as the installation prompted me.
3. Using the update tool in the game's install directory, update to version 1.03
4. Download No-CD/Fixed Exe for version 1,03.
Worked with Windows 7, 64 bit. No compatibility mode required.
sicChuckNorris (2012-07-15)
Is there a crack needed?sicChuckNorris (2012-07-16)
It keeps crashing for me after the first cinematic, what can I do to fix it?BonBonCro (2012-07-24)
Ok, AppGenius made a perfect solution for this game but game is still crashing down at some parts and cinematics there is better solution for game and work perfectly : open file where you install your swkotor and found your swkotor.ini, and there under graphic section just put this, '' Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1'' , then right click on your game icon on desktop, there is some section, under compatibility put check 'run this game in windos xp sp 3 '' ( your windows are 7 so dont bother what is wrote there) and put check on run this program as an administrator... thats first step, second step is much more easy, find on google dffsetup-mss32.exe and download it, run this program and fix your DLL what is missing and that is one of the reasons why game is crashing, ( you mus pay for whole program but program is crap and the demo version is more then good) after you done all of that game will work fine ;) maybe is hard for understand that but I give my best :)gen1n (2012-07-31)
@mrpale(using windows 7)
I followed your instructions but to no avail. It keeps asking me for cd even after i downloaded the mss32.dll from your link.. it dint ask once but when i restarted my computer (game wasnt working so i thought of restarting) and it again asked for cd...
gen1n (2012-07-31)
ok, i got past the "insert cd" error, now when the game starts, it starts with the picture of a space ship then black screen then it shows that the game has crashed..... any comments? (i tried disabling the movies and also adding a line in swkotor.ini file)glgraw (2012-08-03)
Can someone help me? I downloaded this and didn't get any isos. I got 4 winrar files and when I extracted them there were no image files.AfterTheGoldRush (2012-08-04)
Firstly, download the game and mount it with an ISO burner. I used Deamon Tools.
Once it is installed, mount each of the four (4) .RAR files to a separate virtual disc, and start burning CD1. When the program asks you for the location of CD2, select the virtual drive that you placed CD2 in.
Once this is completed, you should be able to install and launch the game. However, because KotOR is only compatible on up to Windows XP, several problems may (most likely, will) occur.
The first thing you'll want to do when you start the launcher is to update the game. After you have done so, to assure that you have the correct update, download the most recent fix from one of the several websites that have the proper files needed to make the game compatible. I used the 1.03 update file from cnet:
This file will be named "swkotor.exe", you must copy this file into your program files from KotOR. Be sure to backup your current swkotor.exe file by dragging it to the desktop. Once the file is in place, run the update from the launcher. It should not detect any updates.
Next, you'll notice that the game crashes immediately after the opening logos. This is fixed by re-launching the game, and selecting "CONFIGURE" on the launcher. Under "DISABLE MOVIES" check "YES", and under screen resolution, set it to 800x600; you can change it later on, and even make it widescreen.
Next, you're going to want to patch the game for widescreen usage, if you prefer. I used the widescreen program at this site:
Please note, that when you change the default resolution, that it will NOT matter what it is set to, in game. It will remain at 1920x1080 if you choose that resolution. Another thing to note is the HUD. When the resolution is changed, the HUD elements stay where they would be if the game was running on a 4:3 aspect ratio. The aforementioned site also has a fix to this.
Another thing you may want to do is to use the cheat console. To do this, find the game's swkotor.ini file in the director, and open it with a program such as Notepad++:
Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your KotOR game folder. Edit the file with Notepad++ and under the line [Game Options] add the following line:
Finally, it is worth noting that almost all graphical changes made in the "OPTIONS" menu will crash the game. I do not consider these options (Anti-Aliasing, Shadows, Grass) vital, they're just something extra. Sometimes, you can get the game to save an action, even if it crashes the game, but I wouldn't lose too much sleep over any of it.
That's it! You're done! Have fun drowning in nostalgia. Remember to save often using F4!
AfterTheGoldRush (2012-08-04)
CORRECTION: Instead of downloading the 1.03 update from cnet, you WILL need a CD-less 1.03 update. Get it here, and be sure to turn OFF any adblock programs.
lira90 (2012-08-08)
I got everything working even though it took a while to set it up. I want to know how to get to the cheat menu. Help??AfterTheGoldRush (2012-08-08)
Excerpt from my post:Another thing you may want to do is to use the cheat console. To do this, find the game's swkotor.ini file in the director, and open it with a program such as Notepad++:
Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your KotOR game folder. Edit the file with Notepad++ and under the line [Game Options] add the following line:
LordDarkwolf (2012-08-20)
I've been looking at a fix to the resolution problems I've been having and can't find any. The link below to the site doesn't load properly and searching the site points to a few threads where they are talking about having to patch the code themselves. I'm a gamer, not a programmer. If I was a programmer I would read the code and write the fix myself. Can anyone help with this issue?aviadt89 (2012-09-19)
hey all.I installed the game as instructed in this awsome guide and played for a while with no problems at all.
but when i get to the point that i steal Davik's ship and after i take out all those fighters and im supposed to land in Datooine, the ame crashes.
any1 else encountered it? please help me with this
Bljosa (2012-09-20)
Anbody tried running KOTOR from the Control Panel "Running programs made for older windows versions"? i think it will work but not sureGIjoe346 (2012-09-26)
hey man this is really frustrating. when i try to put in the line disable vertex buffer objects=1 into the swkotor ini file, when i try to save it fails and says make sure the file name and path are correct. Any ideas????Hellfe (2012-11-22)
Downloaded great, but when i try to open it it say "insert play disc"What play disc?
chrisepsi33 (2012-11-28)
thanksBtakaV (2012-12-06)
So i keep crashing everytime i take the lift down to the shadow lands in :(GothBoy8 (2012-12-19)
Honestly, fuck this torrent. It's not worth the hassle. Either look for a better one, or buy the game. Both will be way easierAkademien1 (2012-12-21)
Install and runs fine, I only have one problem.When in-game, usually after combat, the character gets stuck. I can look around, open menus and everything else, but I can't move using the keyboard. It is possible to move by clicking something so that the character will run to it, but the problem still persists.
I remember having a similar problem with SWKotOR 2 back in the day on PC, but I couldn't be arsed to find a fix. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know how to resolve it?
sami1103 (2012-12-23)
mine crashes everytime i try looting the rancor pit, and then when i try loading my saved game, it loads about 1/4 of the way but freezes there... anyone help? i followed all of 'AfterTheGoldRush''s stepsBurnItRIpIt (2012-12-31)
I find a solutin for the crashes.Go to the game directory, open swkotor.ini with the notepad, paste this "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" (without the quotes) on the Graphic section, save it and play.
ShivShadows (2013-01-01)
Seems Legit.eman188 (2013-01-11)
I'm having the same problem as Dwyane3.I mount the first disc with daemon tools lite and run setup, and the install wizard runs seemingly normally. After all of the discs have been processed and progress is 100%, I'm asked if I want to place a shortcut on my desktop. After clicking Yes, a window titled Setup Needs The Next Disc appears again and asks again for Disc 4. I've tried mounting Disc 4 in both E and F virtual drives.
If someone can please instruct me as to how to proceed I would greatly appreciate it.
conrod5 (2013-01-21)
ok so i downloaded and installed it, configured the settings, updated and mounted disk 1 and it still cant run it. it just says please insert disk 1. help?pyrros7 (2013-02-09)
Here's is how you can get it to work1)Downlaod the torrent
2)Mount with Daemon Tools the CD1
3)Follow the install and mount the other CD's when needed
4)Finish the install and mount CD1 and copy the crack from the mounted CD and paste it to the directory folder of the game(or download a crack)
5)Make a shortcut of swkotor.exe to desktop and hit properties.Change compatibility to Windows XP
6)Run the game
Notes:When you go into Dantooine you can encounter a problem called Dantooine Lag you can unterstand what i am saying then pause the game go to graphics and uncheck grass.(I recommend doing it before u start a new game).If that won't work go to the game directory find a file called swkotor.ini and open it with notepad.Go to Graphic Options and under full screen write Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1.
If u still encounter problems or if u want to enable cheats e-mail me to
P.S Sorry if i have mistakes in spelling i'm from Greece :P
Kinetix7 (2013-02-13)
Anyone know any fix for the random crashes? The Disable Vertex Buffer Objects one isn't working for me, and neither is the mss32.dll or compatibility mode/etc. Seems to happen randomly, a few times on Endar Spire and then again on the main menu creating a new character.raptorsan4375 (2013-02-23)
@AfterTheGoldRush - It didn't work. I did everything except the thing because that link doesn't work. When I tried to start it, it crashed and the note was gibberish.@pyrros7 - I see no crack in CD 1.
@GothBoy8 - I agree fuck this torrent it is shit. For a game so old, it should be able to load and play on Windows 7 which is the most widely used current OS and work which it doesn't so don't waste your time buy it for $10, download if from someone who has a more user friendly copy, or play something else. I'm out of here.
AppGenius (2013-03-18)
Word of advice: This game will work well on Windows 7 with a few tweaks, it should work as it is without any modifications on Windows XP, but as for Windows 8, the game doesn't work at all. I've tried almost everything to get the game to work on Windows 8, it is just too incompatible, the game does however work in Windows 7, so if you are running Windows 7 and the game doesn't work at first when you download it, fear not as there is a way to fix it and get it to work successfully on Windows 7. The sequel to this game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords, is bust beyond repair. I have tried my absolute best to get it to work on Windows 7 but it doesn't, it most probably doesn't work on Windows 8 either. To get the game to work, look for my other comments on this torrent under the name "AppGenius", you can find my full in-depth high detail written tutorial on how to get it to work on Windows 7 by going to comment page 18. Be aware though, that the game just doesn't work on Windows 8, it does work in Windows 7 but not Windows 8.Thanks for reading.
AppGenius (2013-03-18)
With reference to "glgraw" you need to have a program called Daemon Tools Lite. Navigate to the link below:
Once you get to the webpage, click the download link that says "Daemon Tools Lite" and download it. Once you have downloaded it, you must open the ISO files with Daemon Tools, not Winrar. Just right-click and press "Open with". Mount each of the image ISO files with Daemon Tools one after the other when it says so. If I were to summarize it, the problem that this particular user is experiencing is that he/she doesn't have the program Daemon Tools Lite which is the program that you need to have to open this type of file, you shouldn't use Winrar, use Daemon Tools.
miggyboi (2013-03-24)
@ AfterTheGoldRush - hey thanks for the help. I did what you instructed me to do, I've updated the game to 1.03 via the client (didn't download it via CNET), disabled movies, and since I don't care about cheating, skipped that part of your install tutorial.However, I get this error message whenever I start the game and the loading ship screen comes out. The message contained some weird symbols and an OK option. That's it. It closes, and nothing happens.
I'm running on Win7. Please help! Thanks! :)
XRJbandit (2013-03-25)
heres a couple fix's i know.***THIS ONLY WORKS WITH NVIDIA VIDEO CARDS****
Step 1- go to where you installed the game.
2- find a file named "swkotor" that is labeled as a configuration setting file.***Create a Back up of this file***
3-Open the file (it opens as a txt notebook file) and add to the "[Graphics Options]" this line: "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1"
(without the "")
4- Save and Quit
5- Play and have Fun
Go to Where you installed the Game
swkotor.exe-> Compatibility->"Run this program in Compatibility mode for Windows XP(Service Pack 2)"
If you do both of those it shouldnt crash.
hasn't for me anyways...
XRJbandit (2013-03-25)
Also use the file Provided in the torrent.ArthyBst (2013-03-26)
I saw several osts on ThepirateBay about Star wars Knights of The Old republic but I couldn't find a proper solution and I was wondering if you could please help me !I'm facing 2 situations here:
- When I launch SwKotor.exe with the mounted CD1, I got this weird incomprehensible error message (
)- When I launch SwKotor.exe without the mounted CD1, it asks me to insert the play disc
What should I do ?
T.BON3 (2013-03-27)
when i mount the 1st disk and start the game, it comes to the loading screen (in the center of the screen showing the Ebon Hawk) and it wont start up. someone please help me, i had SO much fun playing this when i was like... 5 and 6 years old i miss it so much.thanks.
Puntley (2013-04-05)
I found the crack after some searching. It is in disk 4 of 4, NOT 1 of 4. It is contained in the razor1911 folder! Hope I helped someone!oneawesome (2013-04-12)
For all of you who wants to play KOTOR 1 AND 2 follow this instructions
And of course thank me.
JRMagic (2013-05-02)
1 ) Load the CD(s) (either the actual ones, or an image/iso file through Daemon tools or alike).2 ) Right click the disc and press \"Explore\" or \"Open\", so you can see the directories and files on the disc.
3a) Right click \"setup.exe\" and press \"Properties\".
3b) Select the compatibility tab on top and check \"Run this program in compatibility mode for:\". On the dropdown list select \"Windows XP (Service Pack 2)\". Also make sure you check the \"Run this program as an administrator\" box.
*Note: If the option \"Run this program as an administrator\" is grayed out, it means you\'re already logged in as one. This fine, just leave it unchecked if this is the case.
4 ) Run the \"setup.exe\" and install as you would normally. (Obviously, do not run the game after installation)
5a) There is a folder called \"Extras\" in these files. Open this and look for \"patch.exe\".
5b) Run this as you ran the installer (step 3a and 3b)
6 ) Now, go to your installation directory. (Standard directory would be \"C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\SWKotOR\" (Or \"\\SWKotOR2\\\"), I think) Right click it, press \"Properties\" and uncheck the \"Read-only\" box. (I\'m actually unsure as if this matters, but it can\'t hurt to do it, now can it?)
7a) Look for a file called \"Mss32.dll\" in your installation directory (the root directory, possibly \"\\SWKotOR\\\"). Back this one up (either save it somewhere safe, or just rename it)
*Note: A back-up is present in the \"\\Extras\\BACKUPS\\\" folder you downloaded, just in case.
7b) Now look for a file named the same, in the \"Extras\" folder.
7c) Move this to your installation directory. When, and if, asked to overwrite, choose to do so.
8a) Go to your installation directory. Back-up or rename \"swkotor.exe\" (or \"swkotor2.exe\").
*Note: A back-up is present in the \"\\Extras\\BACKUPS\\\" folder you downloaded, just in case.
8b) If you\'re using the original discs, use the \"swkotor.exe\" (or \"swkotor2.exe\") file in the \"Extras\" folder.
If you\'re using the images provided with this download, which you probably are, then use the executable from the \"No-CD Crack\" folder.
8c) Again, move this to the installation directory. When, and if, asked to overwrite, choose to do so again.
9 ) Right click the new swkotor.exe (or swkotor2.exe) and choose \"Properties\". Again, repeat steps 3a and 3b on the compatibility tab.
10) Last, right click \"swkotor.exe\" (or \"swkotor2.exe\") once more. Choose \"Send to > Desktop (Create Shortcut)\".
*Note: Important is that you ALWAYS start the game through the swkotor.exe (or swkotor2.exe, you know it by now, right?). The launcher.exe is what it usually starts it with, but it\'s not good after all your changes and such. Don\'t use it, just don\'t.
dot_rar (2013-05-05)
It didn't work, atleast not for me. I'd start it up and I'd see the LucasArts logo and then it would just go to a black screen and crash. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on it. Doesn't work for me and if there is a way to get it to work, it's too much for me to care about playing it anymore.Luryk (2013-07-14)
Hi my problem is that I get game to load and I reach menu however at the menu the game loads all the option however everything is a greyish fog - I start a game and create character but the images of character all a fog - actually start the game and hear everything in background but except for the button bar and the mouse everything is greyish - my graphics card and everything else more than qualified to play this game (all green with system configuration check) and dunno whats wrong - any ideas?Luryk (2013-07-14)
nvm I finally got it fixed by adding Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 under the graphic card settings on the file swkotor.iniAllenn615 (2013-07-27)
I've tried and tried to get this torrent to work and i agree with the others who said this torrent is more trouble than its worth. buy the game or d/l from another UL'er cuz this one is shit. (win7 user and i've tried every method listed in these threads)reikano (2013-09-03)
This torrent is crap and anyone claiming it works is lying Ive tried every fix and everything i can do and still this torrent does't work buy the game or dl from somewhere else.Archangel031 (2013-09-12)
Works, but I have Full screen problems. How can I fix that?? The game is only in the little box in the center of the screen. I tried in the graphic options but its not working -.- Need 1600x900outdoorplant (2013-10-06)
Nothing agents the uploader. This is just images of the 4 original disks. He did his job right. The game just doesn’t like new computer. This game came out in 2003 and I just don’t think this was meant to run on anything past 32bit Win XP. Good news is this game has been ported over to the iPhone & iPad if you really want to play it.Kedishen (2013-11-11)
Windows 7 Home PremiumGame works fine, you just need to get a couple extra things.
After installing, update the game to 1.03 from the lucas arts website
Then get the win7/vista crash fix dll from gamecopyworld
Then get the fixed 1.03 exe from gamecopyworld
Everybody who couldn't figure out how to get this to work, well shame on you.
Abe10777 (2013-11-19)
The game works. HOWEVER for me I had to disable movies for the game to work if I don't it gets minimized and can't be restored also for some reason my character keeps freezing (can't move by holding both mouse buttons or movement keys) after his target dies and that only happens when he uses melee weapons.Abe10777 (2013-11-19)
^^ someone tell me how to fix my problemsHadrius96 (2013-12-24)
Sorry, but i can not unnite the files...Someone know why?dopeboss (2014-03-12)
how can i get this to work on windows 8? thanksVillem89 (2014-04-19)
Solution for win7 that worked for me.Instal, update to 1.03 from launcher, download crack and crashfix for win7 for 1.03 version from gamescopywolrd and play the game.
It's that simple.
Ani1777 (2014-04-22)
Hi, I got win7/vista crash fix and fixed 1.03 exe, and updated to 1.03, and now when i try to run the game, some ridiculous signs show up and nothing works. Please help!Sivos (2014-05-05)
I got it to work, apparently, as some comments must have said (I didn't read them, I just figured it out), this download has a bad crack and update. Download the update either here:
Or use the launcher if you are able. I installed the crack first not knowing it was bad and it said I had to reinstall the game to use the launcher's update, no biggie, just use the URL above instead. Then get the crack from here:
If you didn't want to update to the latest, you can get the crack appropriate for the update you desire there too.
lovelyspence17 (2014-07-08)
You are a ridiculous piece of trash I'm running on a great system and you caused my graphics card to malfunction and put my computer in a shitty old time resolution as well as crash it and that lead to me having to push the power button to turn it off and then now in a matter of minutes my computer runs slower than it did and that's all thanks to you this upload is nothing but complete fucking shit and to anyone that wants to download this I don't recommend it I've downloaded many torrents and never had any issue until now thanks for the shit upload....DrMrProfessorSir (2014-07-19)
jtbaldwin419 (2014-08-25)
Playing it now on 64 bit Windows 7 after following Kedishen's instructions.Alaphabet (2014-10-09)
So I had downloaded this game and attempted to install it, did not work properly so I used the uninstall wiz to remove. Tried to install again and it would only try to uninstall, deleted and downloaded iso's again and still have the same message. Attempted a system restore but that keeps failing for another reason. There is no registry for the game and can find absolutely any files or reason for why the game won't allow me to install again.Can anyone provide some insight into this for me? I'm running windows 7 64bit at the moment and have bitdefender as my AV.
Alaphabet (2014-10-12)
I downloaded ccleaner and used that to delete the last of it. apparently the uninstaller was still lurking somewhere in the registry, just deleted it from program list and was set.botsonik (2014-11-07)
This torrent works for me and I fixed it to display widescreen resolutions. Here's how...*For some reason I couldn't post certain links, so that's why you'll have to just search with the information provided.
1. Install the game using the four ISO's in this torrent.
*If you install to Program Files, you will have to set the permissions on the KOTOR folder to allow everything. Not doing so may cause issues.
2. Use "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.03 patch".
3. Use "Knights of the Old Republic v1.03 [ENGLISH] Fixed EXE" by Fairlight from GameCopyWorld.
*Flawless Widescreen's website and servers were and are currently still down, so I used the following method next.
4. Follow this guide from
5. Open the properties for "swkotor.exe", located in the game folder, and set it for compatibility with Windows XP (Service Pack 2).
*You can also check "Run this program as an administrator". I don't think it matters either way.
6. Make a shortcut to "swkotor.exe" and use it to launch the game. Do not use "launcher.exe" or the shortcut to it.
*If you have issues with cut scenes or starting the game, open "swconfig.exe" from the game folder, disable movies and/or enable hardware mouse.
Working flawlessly in Win7x64 Home Premium @ 1680x1050.
I hope this helps someone, good luck.
1. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic CD 1 of 4.ISO 652.08 Mb
2. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic CD 2 of 4.ISO 652.08 Mb
3. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic CD 3 of 4.ISO 652.08 Mb
4. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic CD 4 of 4.ISO 488.86 Mb