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Starcraft 2 Digital download-WW installer fix #2






Starcraft 2 Digital download-WW installer fix #2




2010-07-30 (by Anonymous)


INSTALL FIX FOR StarCraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Digital Download-WW #2 ------------------------------------------------- I've created an install fix for everyone who can't get the digital download release to install. Here's the fix, note I've included par files to check to see if your files are corrupted. the PAR2 files check your MPQ's to make sure they dl'd ok and the installer is in the RAR file, you merely need to unrar the installer in the root where the MPQ files are 1) extract the files to root MPQ directory 2) Ensure that the directory exists and that you unrar'd it correctly 3) Install quickpar 4) Open the par2 files to check to see if your MPQ files are ok 5) Install should work if everything checks out MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE FILES TO SEE IF THEY ARE CORRUPT, the installer works %100 I've tested it on 2 seperate machines, if it doesn't work for you some of your files are corrupt. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CRACK To get crack working once installed Run the game a few times WITHOUT the crack, get all the updates, then copy over the crack.

Files count:



26.83 Mb




SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-30)

1 files is damaged,
installer tome 1, WHAT DO I DOO to fix this?

5demonz (2010-07-30)

Did par2 say you needed blocks? how many?

seekthetablet (2010-07-30)

" The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)"
I did the par2 check, said I was missing one block from "Installer Tome1.MPQE". I cut it to another folder and downloading the main torrent again; it checked "Installer Tome1.MPQE" and it came up at 98.5% done and downloaded some more, and another 5MBs as a separate file (ruh roh)...I put the "Installer Tome1.MPQE" back into the main folder after it said it was 100% downloaded...and still wown't work and par2 check says 1 block is still missing.

bwcprettyboy (2010-07-30)

@ 5demonz this was better, however just as seekthetablet said one (1) block is missing from "Installer Tome1.MPQE" so if you don't mind can you post a few blocks so we can repair this file and get this show on the road, lol. thanks

SpiderGod (2010-07-31)

It says I am missing 4 blocks... so what do I do?

OUTLAWXXXX (2010-07-31)

what is an MPQ? how do I use quickpar and open par2 files? none of this is making any sense, I have the same errors...

OUTLAWXXXX (2010-07-31)

none of this is making any sense to me? what is an MPQ directory? I have no starcraft directory because it won't install to begin w/ I unziped the first fix and replaced the installer and w/ the one that came in the .rar.
don't know how to use quickpar at all though

5demonz (2010-07-31)

If you're only missing a couple blocks go here -

If you are missing too many blocks you need to redownload / re-check the the files against a torrent who's files are not corrupted.

SIIIIICK (2010-07-31)

Use the link that 5demonz put up, Fixed mine so I could install it!!!!
and I downloaded the damepc digital download one, so it worked for that one!!!!!!

mr.fluffy (2010-08-12)

For those having trouble with this
- Extract the lty-sc2ret.iso with winrar or some other similar software.
- Unrar the content in "SC2-WW fixed Installer.rar" from this torrent and replace the originals in the folder where you ectracted lty-sc2ret.iso

mr.fluffy (2010-08-12)

don't forget to copy the crack once installation finishes

robiris (2010-09-12)

At mine it says:
That file : Installer UI 2.MPQE is the problem..
It could'nt open it, and then the installer exits..
Any Help?

popohat23 (2012-09-22)

this torrent wont start download fuqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq