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Dr David Duke - Spoken Word - Jewish Supremacism + 2 Ebooks






Dr. David Duke - Spoken Word - Jewish Supremacism


Audio/Audio books


2006-10-18 (by MoPete2)


Want to know the truth about Jewish Supremacism in their own words? Anti-Semitism and Jewish chauvinism can only be fought simultaneously.? ?Israel Shahak, holocaust survivor and Israeli Peace Activist Jewish Supremacism ?the Author?s Preface I promise that this book will challenge you. Its amazing documentary evidence will confront some of your most cherished beliefs. If you can put aside as best you can the prejudices you may have on this subject and even preconceptions you might have about me personally ? you can more fairly evaluate the ideas and evidence in this book. That is all an author can ask of his reader; and I ask it of you. It is my earnest belief that if you endeavor to keep an open mind, what you read will surprise you. The real power of this book comes from its documentation from major sources. In fact, you will quickly discover that most of my documents about Jewish Supremacism are from Jewish sources. They argue more convincingly for my point of view than anything I could write. I encourage you to go to the sources that I quote and check them out for yourself. In this book I take you along with me on a fascinating journey of discovery in a forbidden subject. I urge you to courageously keep an open mind while you explore the topics ahead, for that is the only way any of us can find the truth. ??????????????????????????- Some will defame this book by calling it anti-Semitic. Yet, it is not considered anti-American to examine historical mistreatment of Indians. No one calls it anti-Christian to talk about the excesses of the Inquisition. No one says that it is anti-Muslim to examine extreme elements within Muslim fundamentalism. Is one considered anti-White for documenting the history of Jim Crow in the South? This book is not anti-Semitic; it simply examines and documents elements of ethnic supremacism that have existed in the Jewish community from historical to modern times. Any criticism of Jewish Supremacism is immediately condemned as ?anti-Semitism.? The chronic media recital of the horrors of the Holocaust has made the term ?anti-Semitic? morally equivalent to the endorsement of mass murder. The word itself shuts down reason and evokes heat rather than light. The word is flagrantly overused; it is even used against those who simply protest Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. I am reluctant to begin my book by saying what it is not. The media climate, however, forces me to do so. Due to the overwhelming power of the media to distort what I say and write, I will state emphatically here and now that I do not oppose all Jews, any more than an author examining the excesses of the Inquisition opposes all Christians. Specifically, Jewish Supremacism examines a long record of Jewish supremacist ideology and history that have had a powerful and damaging effect on both the Jewish and Gentile world. I will be the first to acknowledge that not all Jews support or share in this supremacism. In fact, a number of courageous Jews suffer greatly for opposing it. This book is dedicated to the memory of one of them: an Israeli Professor, Dr. Israel Shahak, who recently passed away. Dr. Shahak believed that Jewish Supremacism has greatly harmed the Palestinian people as well as the non-Jewish community the world over. He offered strong evidence that Jewish radicals have waged an unrelenting ethnic war against Gentiles since the days of their sojourn in Egypt. Dr. Shahak believed that this extreme chauvinism has helped bring about centuries of repeated anti-Semitic reactions, ranging from the pogroms of Pharaoh to the horrors of what is now called the Holocaust. He persuasively argued that unless both Jews and Gentiles courageously stand up against this supremacist agenda and its power, it will continue to pose a severe danger to Jews and Gentiles alike. This book is ultimately about lessening both the dangers and the hatreds between our peoples. This cannot happen until both Jews and Gentiles hear the other side of the Jewish Question, a point of view currently forbidden in the modern world. ??????????????????????????? As I write these lines, I sit on a mountain in the Colorado Rockies named after the Aspen tree, whose shade I now enjoy. Its cylindrical leaves turn easily in the cool breeze, reflecting the sunlight and affording me a magical image. Through those glittering leaves I can see snow capped peaks on the horizon. The sight pleases both my eyes and my soul. From this mystic place, I cannot see a single human being; only the magnificence of Nature fills my eyes. Questions of politics, culture, religion, nationalities, ethnicity and race seem far away from here. From this vantage point the world and even Nature herself appear serene. Yet, when I look closely at the scenic beauty of Nature, I can see conflict and war that far eclipses even the worst turmoil found in mankind. Here on this mountain a never-ending struggle rages of element against element and species against species. The wind, rain and snow will someday level these great mountains of rock. Even the flowing stream, the ultimate symbol of serenity for many people, violently fights for its life of movement against the mountain. Indeed, in time this great mountain will eventually succumb to even the tiniest rivulets of water and the other erosions of Nature. As I write in my notebook, two ants approach a peach pit on the rock beside me. One ant is larger and very differently equipped than the other. He has his way over the smaller one, but the vanquished creature runs back to his kingdom to report the great store of sweet food. His relatives will seek to return to the treasure before their competitors. The two tiny breeds might even go to war over the morsel. My eyes open to the war waged all around me. On this mountain, the trees, bushes and grasses compete for the sunlight and life itself. Smaller birds keep wary eyes out for hawks. The flora and fauna face the danger of death from the insects and parasites seeking to consume them. Even within every life form, a microscopic war rages. The more closely one looks, the more intense the battle. In one cubic meter of life, there are more living creatures injured, killed, eaten or even exploited and enslaved than all the numbers of human beings on earth who have faced a similar fate. Biologists could offer endless examples of the never-ending battle for life and dominance between life forms, enough to fill a million books the size of this one. Yet, oddly, it is this brutal struggle of survival waged over a billion years that produced the serene beauty that so touches my heart as I look out from this high place. So, perhaps this mountain is not so unlike the eternal battles among humankind. The historical struggle between human races has played a powerful role in our human evolution just as it has for all life forms throughout the Natural World. Its result for humanity is no less breathtaking than the view from this mountain. It produced a higher humanity that has given us the art of DaVinci?s Madonna and Child, the ultimate expressions of sublime love found in Shakespeare?s Romeo and Juliet or Keats? Ode On a Grecian Urn. The eternal struggle created the evolutionary advances that enabled our kind to put our footprints on the moon. It is still hard to grasp that human beings have walked on another world and actually traveled to the golden orb of light that mankind has gazed up at with wonder for millennia. Could these things have been achieved without the evolutionary struggle for life and dominance that has driven us upward? An argument can surely be made that it is this life and death struggle for evolutionary fitness that produced the beautiful and ultimate forms of love and achievement that in turn give us meaning. This struggle created the beauty in mankind and the glory of its creations, just as a seemingly cruel Nature created the stark splendor seen on this mountain I love. So perhaps, up here surrounded by a magnificent portrait of Nature, I am not in a world very far removed from the human conflicts down below. Most people see the seemingly serene vistas of Nature and never guess the war that rages underneath its aesthetic canopy. There are also those who are unaware of the racial and ethnic wars boiling both on and under the surface of humanity. Although we fantasize about the peace-loving nature of human beings, most of human history is a record of tribal, ethnic, or racial war of one kind or another. For instance, the most read book on earth, the Bible, records the bloody history of the conflict between the Israelites and the other peoples of the Middle Eastern region. It tells glorious stories of war and shocking accounts of genocide. Anyone who reads the Old Testament with unbiased eyes will readily discern its dominant theme of racial and ethnic supremacism. There are many blatant expressions of ethnic supremacism: * Israelites are a ?chosen people,? chosen by God above all the other peoples of the world. 2 * Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are promised that they will someday own and rule over the whole world.3 * Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms.4 * Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands where they intend to live and to kill all the people of foreign nations that do not submit themselves in slavery. 5 * Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever. 6 * Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or ?mix their seed? with other peoples. 7 Few people dare to even acknowledge the blatant racial supremacism of the Bible. And those who become aware of the extreme Jewish Supremacism in the Old Testament tend to believe that such sentiments are relegated to ancient times and have no influence on the present. Jewish Supremacism, however, shows that the powerful ethnocentrism of ancient Judaism has continued to thrive to the modern day. I will offer compelling evidence that Jewish Supremacism has a dramatic and increasing effect on world events. It can be said that I as a Christian also revere the same Old Testament books of supremacy. The difference, of course, is that the Christian New Testament represents a profound shift from the Old. In place of an ?eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,? Jesus Christ taught ?turn the other cheek.? In contrast to Jewish Supremacism, Christianity offers universal salvation. Judaism bitterly rejected Jesus Christ and has never enjoyed his teachings of love and toleration. In fact, not only did the Jewish high priests pursue the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, these leaders guided their faith in the opposite ideological direction. It can be said that in addition to the crucifixion of Christ?s body, they killed his spirit in their own hearts. It would be wrong to hate or persecute present day Jews because of the role of Jewish leaders in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but it is important to understand the ideological, religious and ethnic war born during those times. From the earliest days of Christianity, Jewry became its chief persecutor, for they saw the Christian salvation of both ?Jew and Greek? as a threat to their ethnic purity and supremacism. It should be said that Judaism is also diametrically opposed to the Muslim faith, which like Christianity also has been interpreted as a universal message. Not only did they oppose Jesus when he walked among them, they mercilessly persecuted his followers, the early Christians. Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him (John 7:13)8 . . .for you suffered like things of your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out and displease God, and oppose all men (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16) 9 Over the next few centuries, they codified Jewish oral tradition and adopted the Babylonian Talmud as their most important religious text. According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, it even supercedes the Torah in authority. As Jesus Christ represents an evolution of greater love and tolerance, the Talmud only intensified the Torah?s chauvinism. I will thoroughly document this fact from Jewish texts themselves and through quotes from major Jewish scholars who discuss the Talmud?s meaning. The Talmud?s unashamed and frequent references to non-Jews as animals and ?supernal refuse,? as well as accounts of boiling their enemies in semen and excrement might even have made Hitler blush. I will prove this controversial statement in this book and even show how mainstream Judaic authorities, such as uncensored editions of another major Jewish resource, the Jewish Encyclopedia, confirm the Talmud?s hateful anti-Gentile teachings. I will also show that rabid anti-Gentile teachings are still promoted in modern times by many of the largest Jewish publications, such as the most popular Jewish newspaper in the United States, The Jewish Press. It sets the tone of Jewish religious and cultural attitudes more than any other newspaper. One of its primary religious authorities is Rabbi Simcha Cohen, who has an instructional Dear Abby type of column called Halachic Questions. Not long ago, Rabbi Cohen instructed his readers that the Talmud denotes Gentiles as ?animals? (as outlined by Talmudic writings from Gemara Kiddushin 68a and Metzia 114b). In another section he discusses how a Jewish woman is not designated as a prostitute if she has premarital sex with a Jew, but she is a whore if she has any sexual relations with a Gentile, even if she is married. Marriage to a Gentile can never be sanctified or condoned, such a liaison classifies the woman as a zona?common parlance interprets the term zona to refer to a prostitute?. 14 Another major Jewish publication, the Jewish Chronicle, in an article called ?Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words,? reveals that the Jewish word for Gentile woman is the offensive Yiddish word shiksa - meaning ?whore,? from the Hebrew root, sheigetz (?abomination?). It also pointed out that a little Gentile girl is called shikselke, meaning ?little female abomination.? 15 Shiksa - the Jewish term for a Gentile woman, from the root word sheigetz meaning ?abomination? or ?whore.? Shikselke - a Gentile little girl, meaning ?little female abomination.? How would Jews and the media react if Gentiles casually referred to Jewish women and little girls as ?Jewish whores? and ?little Jewish whores?? What would happen to any politician or entertainer in the world who referred to Jewish women and little girls as Jewish whores? Am I now supposed to be called an anti-Semite because I simply dare to expose such hateful anti-Gentilism proven in the two most influential Jewish newspapers in America? The Talmud?s extreme supremacist teachings have certainly been a powerful factor in preventing assimilation of the Jewish people with the Christian and Muslim communities. Even though Jews have lived as only a small minority in Gentile nations for more than 3000 years, major Jewish geneticists and anthropologists proudly assert that Jews have preserved their distinctive genetic identity. I will show how supremacist doctrines of fear and hatred of Gentiles, along with notions of Jewish superiority, are carefully instilled in every generation. Every young Jew learns of the perfidious nature of the Gentiles from Pharaoh to Hitler. They are taught - and many believe - that they are the ?chosen of God,? which may be the ultimate expression of ethnic superiority. For, those who still want to think Jewish Supremacism is a phenomenon of ancient Biblical times, read the following words of Dr. Stephen Steinlight, one of the leading Jews in America, who wrote these comments in October of 2001. Steinlight is no minor Jewish figure. He served for five years as the Director of National Affairs (domestic policy) in the most powerful and respected Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee. Steinlight confesses the rampant Jewish supremacism and disloyalty to America that permeates the American Jewish community. ?I?ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.?17 If any Gentile politician dared to say that ?typical Jewish kids? are deliberately taught that their real loyalty is not to America but to Israel and the Jewish people rather than to America; and that Jews are superior to Gentiles in intelligence and morals, he would be mercilessly condemned by the media and hounded out of politics as an anti-Semite. Yet, this is the stark admission by the former head of the National Affairs of the American Jewish Committee. It should be emphasized that his words are not from an off-handed or careless conversation, but are the carefully chosen words of a major article he wrote for Jewish consumption, called ?The Jewish Stake in America?s Changing Demographics.? This volume will show that the official policies of modern Israel and many of the leading elements of World Jewry still embody radically supremacist sentiments and policies. Organized Jewish elements around the world doggedly pursue their own supremacist agendas. Those agendas frequently conflict with the interests of the host nations in which they live. My assertion that there exists a powerful, cohesive, world-wide Jewish Supremacism finds confirmation in evidence mostly provided by the Jewish Supremacists themselves. Their supremacist ideology finds clear enunciation in the foundation, structure and conduct of Israel, a nation unabashedly based on an ethnic supremacism. It is a state that has dispossessed, terrorized and grossly violated the human and civil rights of the Palestinian people. What is Jewish Supremacism? The definition of White supremacism from the Random House unabridged Webster?s Dictionary denotes it as ?belief in superiority over other races and retaining of control in all relationships.? Let?s take the definition and apply it specifically to the term Jewish Supremacism. Jewish Supremacism - The belief, theory, or doctrine that the Jewish people are superior to all others and should retain control in all relationships. As to the first part of the definition, this book assembles powerful evidence that the leading Jews of the world have a belief, theory or doctrine that they are superior to all other peoples. I will also clearly demonstrate and that they seek control in all relationships with other peoples. David Ben Gurion, Israel?s first Prime Minister, often called the ?George Washington of Israel,? said specifically that he believed in the ?moral and intellectual superiority? of the Jewish people. 17 That sentiment can be found repeatedly in the statements and writing of Jewish leaders throughout the world. Imagine the outcry if the President of the United States or head of state of any modern European nation pronounced that he believes in the moral and intellectual superiority of the White race! The Jewish dominated world press has so shielded Jewish Supremacists from criticism that their most famous leaders can say such things without fear of repercussion. There was no outrage expressed by the world press when Ben Gurion made his remark, nor did any protest ensue from his supremacist prophecy quoted in Look magazine in 1962; a prediction that Israel would one day sit atop a one world government. ?In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind.? 18 It also seemed cruelly ironic to his Palestinian victims, that there was little outcry when the admitted terrorist Menachem Begin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Begin brags in his book, The Revolt, about the massacre of over two hundred men, women, and children at Dier Yassin. 19 The world hunts down suspected Nazi war criminals but gives a blood-stained Jewish one?the Nobel Peace Prize! That one event should tell us a great deal about who is really supreme in the modern world. The other necessary part of the definition of supremacism denotes having control over other races. I will argue that Jewish Supremacists seek to control the nations in which they dwell. They make concerted efforts to dominate the two critical factors of control in the modern world, mass media and government. This book provides documented evidence of their incredible power in these sectors. This extreme concentration of power exists not only in the United States, but in most of the major nations of the world including Canada, Britain, Russia, France, Brazil and many more. It is a universal pattern suggesting that it is by design rather than accident. Israel: A Jewish Supremacist State Of course, Israel itself came into being by massive ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestine?s indigenous population. At the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, Jews made up only 10 percent of the population of what today is Israel. After most of the Palestinian population had been driven out by terrorism in 1947 and 1948, Jewish Supremacists established Israel. The Zionist state still scrupulously preserves the cultural and genetic identity of the Jewish people. Israel protects its Jewish control over their ethnic enclave by carefully guarding its ethnic makeup. It bases its immigration on a genetic standard and limits immigration almost exclusively to those of biological Jewish descent. An atheist Jew from New York City who has never stepped foot inside Israel is financially encouraged to immigrate, while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians whose families have lived there for thousands of years are forbidden to return to the place of their birth. Israel is not a ?multicultural nation.? It is unashamedly a Jewish state devoted exclusively to the interests of the Jewish people. A nation with a sizable Palestinian minority, it is certainly the most rigidly segregated society in the world. Separate schools exist for Jews and Arabs, separate apartment complexes, separate neighborhoods and separate settlements. Many laws and regulations adversely affect Palestinians as compared to Jews. For instance, Palestinians are forbidden by law from joining the military. In spite of their 22 percent of the population, (Close to double that of Blacks in America) there has never been a Palestinian member of the Israeli cabinet. A former member of Israel?s Supreme Court, Haim Cohen, described the system that applies to Jews and Palestinians in Israel as similar to ?Nuremberg laws? of Nazi Germany: ?the bitter irony of fate which has led the same biological and racist laws propagated by the Nazis and which inspired the infamous Nuremberg laws, to serve as a basis for the definition of Judaism within the State of Israel. 20 I will go deeply into the subject of Israel in the body of this book, but I should not leave the subject now without pointing out that the Jewish Supremacism that dominates Israel receives little negative press around the world. Consider the positive press that Israel receives as compared to the unanimous and universal media condemnation that was heaped upon the former Apartheid regime in South Africa. Condemnation of South Africa was hypocritically led by an American media thoroughly dominated by Israeli partisans. I slowly became aware of a dual morality permeating Jewish-Gentile relations. Jews preach one morality for themselves and preach another for the non-Jewish world. Their highest morality is one of racial pride, solidarity, tradition and self-interest. But they preached diversity and liberalism for their perceived competitors. If such dualism did not exist, how could the Jewish-dominated American media: * Support the nation of Israel, which promotes Judaism in its schools, while opposing even the singing of Christmas carols in American public schools? * Support the nation of Israel, which has strictly segregated schools, communities, and facilities for Jews and Arabs - while condemning segregated schools and housing in America and South Africa? * Support the nation of Israel, with its restrictive ?Jews Only? immigration laws, while subverting American attempts to curtail even illegal immigration? * Support the nation of Israel, which allows every Jewish citizen to carry a machine gun if desired, while advocating gun control for American citizens? * Support the nation of Israel, which openly states its mission to preserve the Jewish people and heritage, while condemning European Americans who dare to advocate the preservation of the Western heritage and culture in America? * Always depict the historical relations between Jews and Gentiles with the Gentiles as evildoers and the Jews as innocent victims, while condemning Gentiles as ?anti-Semites? if they dare defend themselves from such ethnic slanders? Perfect examples of the gaping double standard can be found in the writings of the most important editor of the most important newspaper in America, A.M. Rosenthal of the New York Times. Rosenthal is an enthusiastic, open-borders multiculturalist for America, but a rabid closed-border, Jewish Supremacist for Israel. Such double standards in the mass media raise other questions. Why is the world press so myopic in regard to Israel?s ethnic suppression? Is it reasonable to suspect that the bias in the press could be a result of a preponderance of Jewish power? Regarding subjects such as Jewish Supremacism, this domination certainly affords a reason why the term Jewish Supremacism, unlike White Supremacism, is never used by the press. Nor is the concept even explored. Even when Meir Kahane called Palestinians ?dogs? and advocated forcibly expelling all Palestinians from Israeli occupied territory, he was never referred to as a Jewish Supremacist. On February 25, 1994, an American Jew, Baruch Goldstein, entered a mosque in Hebron and machine-gunned Palestinians at prayer, killing 29 of them. Some Jewish groups in both America and Israel have since made Goldstein a saint, building shrines for him both in America and in Israel. Neither Goldstein nor those who have built shrines to him are ever referred to as Jewish Supremacists or even as ?anti-Gentiles.? 21 On the opposite hand, if a Gentile to even dares to quote the statement by Haim Cohen comparing Israel?s laws to Nazi Nuremberg Laws, he will certainly find himself labelled an ?anti-Semite? by the media. The double standard of world governments and the press is often quite amazing. As I write these words, the American President, George Bush, in the aftermath of the World Trade Center bombings of September 11, is busily trying to stamp out terrorism as well as wiping out ?all evil in the world.? He does not see that goal as even the slightest bit too ambitious. Bush announced that any nation that harbors terrorists will feel the wrath of American bombs. Not long after this pronouncement, Mr. Bush dined with one of the world?s worst terrorists, the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon. As the world knows, Sharon has a long record of terrorism and murder, including responsibility for the massacre of 2000 men and women children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. During dinner, Mr. Bush did not so much as drop an olive on Mr. Sharon. Unlike hapless Afghanistan, no American bombs have fallen on Tel Aviv for harboring terrorists. In fact, Israel not only harbors terrorists, it has elevated many to be their supreme leaders. Sharon is not the first terrorist who made it to Prime Minister; some of the worst terrorists who achieved that position are Begin, Shamir and Barak. The double standards never seem to end. When Israeli official, Rechavam Zeevi was assassinated by Palestinians, Sharon and some U.S. officials denounced it as ?terrorism.? But, if the shooting down of Zeevi is indeed terrorism, what do we call many years of Israeli ?targeted assassinations? of hundreds of Palestinian political figures, philosophers, clerics and poets? Why doesn?t the press point out as well that Zeevi was himself a Jewish Supremacist who advocated the forcible expulsion of all Palestinians from the occupied territories? One might argue that because Israel is led by supremacists does not necessarily mean that the Diaspora (Jews outside of Israel) echoes the same supremacist sentiments. However, one should consider the fact that organized Jewry all over the world devotedly supports the supremacist state of Israel. Secondly, there is ample evidence that policies of Jewish Supremacy extend far beyond the boundaries of Israel. Powerful Jews in media and government around the world frequently act to exert control over the peoples among whom they live. A World Wide Agenda Jewish groups formulate strategic agendas and act in ways that they think will serve specific Jewish interests. I think you will be amazed by the evidence I present of the media and political power exercised by Jewish Supremacists around the world. Organized Jewry can be clearly shown to have had world-wide strategic objectives since the beginning of the last century. For instance, an early 20th Century goal of Russian and World Jewry was the overthrow of what they considered to be the anti-Semitic, Czarist government of Imperial Russia. Jewish communities around the world supported the establishment of a proto-Jewish Communist regime in Russia. They provided most the leadership and financing 22 for the ?Russian Revolution,? a revolution that was actually more Jewish than Russian. Its chief financier was the New York Jewish Capitalist, Jacob Schiff. 23 One of the many startling documents I cite comes from the National Archives of the United States. It reveals that in the first government of Communist Russia there were only 13 ethnic Russians and more than 300 Jews out of a total of 384 Commissars. 24 Let that startling fact sink in: there were only 13 ethnic Russians in the first Bolshevik government of the ?Russian Revolution.? The chief correspondent of the London Times in Russia at the time described it as nothing short of an ?alien invasion? and takeover of Russia by Jews. 25 The same was said by our American ambassador to Russia, David Francis, 26 and by American intelligence officers in Russia. Even Winston Churchill described the Russian Revolution as a takeover by Bolshevik Jews that had ??seized the Russian people by the hair of their heads and become the masters of this enormous empire.? 27 This is just a small preview of the many startling documents you will find in this book. The successful overthrow of a major national Government (and murder of its ruling family) as part of a world Jewish agenda shows that even in the early days of the 20th century they had considerable world-wide economic, political and media power. In the years since, their power has grown exponentially. Most people are still completely unaware of the paramount role of Jewry in the origins of Bolshevism in Russia and the spreading of Communism throughout the world. The public?s lack of knowledge in this area also serves as a manifestation of their influential role in academia and media. Otherwise, how could such important and easily verifiable facts of history be kept from common knowledge? It also reveals the incredible cohesion and coordination of Jewish power around the world that can be mobilized for specific Jewish objectives. Another example of the power they wield in the highest councils of major nations was their successful effort for the establishment of Israel. From the issuance of the Balfour Declaration (Only very recently did the world learn that Balfour Declaration was actually written by a secret Jew) 28 to the founding and continuing support for Israel, they have shown the ability to get what they want. Jewish supremacy has a hypocritical and a jealous nature. If the people among whom the Jewish Supremacists reside would adopt programs of ethnic loyalty and solidarity similar to the Jewish Supremacists, Jews could obviously not exercise power and control, for they are only a small percentage of the population. Only where the ethnic and nationalist feelings of the host people are diminished can Jewish Supremacists accumulate enough power to achieve their agenda. This book will show a clear pattern of Jewish influence in academia, government and media aimed at weakening all ethnic solidarity and loyalty among their host peoples, while purposefully encouraging ethnic pride and solidarity among Jews. This is true whether one speaks of Palestinians or Britons, Frenchmen or European Americans, or African Americans, or Muslims in the Arab world. This pattern is present in all nations wherever there are found significant numbers of Jews. Hypocritically, the same forces who support Jewish Supremacism have accused me of being a ?White supremacist.? I reject that epithet, for unlike Jewish Supremacists I don?t seek to rule over or control any other race; I simply want to preserve my own heritage. Recognizing that there are intrinsic differences in culture, behavior, tradition, and even genetics among the different races does not make one a supremacist. The truth be told, most people naturally prefer the association of their own racial or ethnic group, and frankly, most people think of their group as the best. What constitutes supremacism is when one group tries to control or be supreme over another. Divide and Conquer Supremacist Jews fear and oppose all ethnic solidarity other than their own. In the Western nations they consistently oppose all organizations seeking to preserve the interests and heritage of Europeans. Likewise, in non-European nations, they consistently work to break down the solidarity and homogeneity of the prominent ethnic group. In America, not only have they worked to weaken the solidarity of European Americans, they actively opposed Black Nationalist movements such as Marcus Garvey?s movement and the Nation of Islam. Those Black organizations simply desired to preserve their own heritage rather than assimilate into a multicultural society. Jewish Supremacists hypocritically want no one other than themselves to be conscious of their own heritage and common interests. They try to make other groups feel guilty for even having pride in their own culture. They paint ethnic pride and cohesion in other peoples as supremacist or hateful. A pertinent example of this divide and conquer method can be seen in Palestine and Lebanon. Most Palestinians and Lebanese are Muslim, but significant numbers are Christian. Israel has actively promoted hatred and civil war between Christians and Muslims in the region. One of the reasons that Ariel Sharon arranged for the slaughter of Muslim refugees by the Lebanese Phalangist militia forces was to promote bitter hatred and war among Israel?s Arab enemies. The diaries of one of Israel?s former Prime Ministers, Moshe Sharett, exposed the fact that this was one of Israel?s main tactics. 29 The destabilization of nations by encouraging massive multiracial and multi-religious immigration, as well as promotion of existing ethnic and religious divisions within nations ? has been a long-practiced strategy of Jewish Supremacists. This attempt to breakdown their enemy?s ethnic solidarity can be explained in the context of the Palestinian people. If Israel?s displaced Palestinians fully assimilate in foreign lands with their host populations and thus lose their identity as Palestinians, they are certainly not as likely to support the Palestinian cause. At the same time as they attempt to breakdown other peoples? ethnic loyalty; Jewish supremacist forces in the media sponsor a chronic recital of historical anti-Semitism. Such a focus has two objectives. First, it heightens Jewish solidarity and worldwide support for Israel, and secondly, stimulates collective Jewish hatred for the Gentile world and thus lessens assimilation. The recital of Gentile perfidy against Jews also protects them from Gentile criticism, for if anyone dares to criticize Jewish Supremacism, he is painted as morally equivalent to the purveyors of the Holocaust. Another example of the great hypocrisy of the Jewish Supremacists can be seen in the intermarriage issue. During his campaign for President, George Bush found himself excoriated by the press for speaking at Bob Jones University, an institution that opposes interracial dating and marriage. Of course, during the campaign both George Bush and Al Gore made many obligatory speeches for many Jewish organizations. The irony is that almost every Synagogue in America and every major Jewish organization vigorously opposes intermarriage of Jews with non-Jews. Of course, this blatant double standard finds no mention in America?s supposedly fair and free press. Such exposure would not be good for Jewish public relations. There are thousands of books and movies, many written, produced and marketed by Supremacist Jews that condemn doctrines and movements of racial or ethnic supremacy among non-Jews. Few books, however, dare to examine the world?s oldest, most powerful and virulent form of ethnic supremacism: Jewish Supremacism. It seems that if these supremacist Jews were honest, they could better write about the supremacy they know the most about: their own. Of course, not all Jews are supremacist anymore than all Germans were Nazis during the Hitler era, but the fact remains that organized Jewry has pursued a successful agenda that has amassed incredible power in modern times. With the creation of Israel, they have established the most ethnically supremacist nation on earth. Even more importantly, they have managed to acquire enormous power in many of the major governments of the world (especially the United States) and today they thoroughly dominate the world news and entertainment media. When you read my documented chapter about the media, you will find their power is far greater than you might suspect. Those at the centers of political influence in the United States and other nations are aware of the intense power of the Israeli lobby. The Jewish Lobby is the one lobby in Washington that no American politician dares to forthrightly oppose. It should disturb any patriotic American to think that the most powerful lobby in America?s congress is in the service of a foreign nation. Silencing Their Critics The extent of Jewish power is precisely why the general public is unaware of it, for those who know it, also know the high price they would pay for openly discussing it. In America, doing so can result in damage of one?s reputation, or even the loss of business or employment. Such truth telling can result in threats, intimidation and even physical attacks by groups such as the Jewish Defense League. The Anti-Defamation League, a group that supposedly opposes racial and religious supremacism, is always busy accusing their critics of racial, religious, or ethnic intolerance, while they ardently defend and deny Israel?s blatant supremacism. This Jewish supremacist group can ruin the business or the political career of almost anyone they choose. Even more dangerously, Jewish Supremacists have now been successful in imprisoning their critics in many European nations. They cannot as of yet freely assassinate their critics in Western countries as they have hundreds of Palestinian writers, poets and clerics across the Arab world. In today?s Europe, however, simply quoting the supremacist statements of Jewish leaders can land one in prison. There are hundreds of dissidents in prison at this moment who dared to simply speak or write openly about Jewish ethnic intolerance. Although the media constantly tells us that unlike the Nazis or the Communists, we have free speech; there are citizens of European nations right now in prison for simply contesting the politically correct Jewish versions of historical events such as the Holocaust. Jewish Supremacists have made an intense effort to weaken the sense of ethnic awareness and loyalty among Europeans. In our modern media?s political correctness, it is considered ?hate speech? for Europeans to speak about their love for their heritage and express their desire to preserve it. As a European American, I do believe that my people have a right to preserve their way of life. At the same time I recognize that natural right for all the different peoples and nationalities of the Earth. For instance, how odd it is that the Palestinians, who have been ethnically cleansed from their own nation and denied their most basic human rights, are so often characterized as ?anti-Semites? and ?terrorists,? while the ?anti-Gentile,? Jewish Supremacists who have terrorized them and stolen their entire country are little criticized by the world press. Palestinians and those in the Arab world need to understand that the source of their own plight comes from the fact that European Americans have been prevented from defending their own national interests and heritage just as Palestinians have been so prevented. Palestinians will never find liberation in their nation until European Americans find liberation in America from Jewish Supremacism. Although I am certainly an activist for European Americans, I respect and applaud every people who desire to preserve their own way of life and, and even more vitally, their very existence as an ethnic entity. To me, ethnic survival is the most basic of human rights. It also is a fundamental human right for people to live under a government and also a media that reflect their own basic values, traditions, social and economic interests. The increasing globalism of the 21st Century, driven on by Jewish Supremacists, will continue to decrease the choices and freedoms of all people. Moreover, it will endanger the preservation of individual cultures, traditions, values, religious beliefs, and ethnic identity. The end result of globalism will be an enormous world government; one that will crush freedom and diversity as a steamroller would a flower. The idea that government should represent its own people and not any foreign power is the driving principle of the Declaration of Independence and America?s nationhood: the right of a people to have a government of their own and for their own interests. The preamble to the Constitution of the United States puts it succinctly when it talks of a government ?for ourselves and our posterity.? In America, the Jewish domination of key United States Government positions is amazing. During President Clinton?s Administration, the leading Israeli newspaper, Maariv, described ?warm Jews,? meaning Jews loyal to the interests of Israel, as holding critically important positions on the National Security Council. Maariv stated that 7 of its 11 members are ?warm Jews.? 30 The beginning of the 21st Century saw Madeline Albright as head of the State Department, George Tenet leading the CIA, William Cohen as the Secretary of Defense, and Sandy Berger as chairman of the National Security Council. All are Jewish. Although the George Bush administration has fewer Jews in the most visible positions, the underlying government bureaucracy that spans different administrations is as Jewish as it has ever been. A good example is Alan Greenspan who has served as chairman of the powerful Federal Reserve for many administrations. Jewish Supremacism will show specifically how Jewish Supremacists have used their political and media power to impose their agenda on other nations even when it opposes the true interests of those nations. I see the value of all people preserving their cultural, national, and even genetic heritage. All peoples have the right to preserve their unique identities, including Jews. This book is about the fact that organized Jewish leadership pursues those goals of self-preservation and self-advancement tenaciously, while consistently disallowing other nationalities and races to act similarly in their own interests. Their ultimate victory would cause not only the loss of freedom, but also the destruction of the heritage of all peoples on the earth. It is my hope that all of us, all nations and every people, while acknowledging our respective differences of religion, race, culture, and nationality, will work together to defend ourselves from the one incredibly powerful supremacism that threatens us all. Much of this book is taken from my autobiography, My Awakening. This book is structured in the same fashion. It is an account of my personal journey of awakening to the reality of Jewish Supremacism: the ultimate supremacism. You will find its real power in the many direct quotations from important Jewish sources, all of which I carefully document with hundreds of source notes for your reference. Jewish Supremacism is a thesis in autobiographical form. It is the story of my awakening on the Jewish Question that began when I was a young man beginning in the late 1960s. Most of my fundamental understanding was in place by the end of that decade, but my knowledge has grown much deeper over the last 30 years. Since the 1960s, much new scientific and political material has become available. In recounting my awakening, I am not trying to give the reader the impression that all the materials or studies I cite were available in the 1960s. I weave into this narrative contemporary data and documentation so the reader has the benefit of the latest information. Also, for reasons of coherence and organization, I focus on one primary area of discovery at a time, while in life the acquisition of knowledge is not so neatly compartmentalized. Also, I would be remiss not to add that when I write ?I learned? or ?I discovered,? I take no credit for original research, for my education on these subjects came from innumerable authors and their books and articles. I am in debt to them as well as to my many supporters and friends who have educated me with the insights and knowledge acquired in their own awakening. I assemble, organize, analyze and comment on materials collected by scholars and writers from ancient times to the present. My introduction finished, I must close my notebook and come down from Aspen Mountain. In doing so, I realize that I am not leaving the Natural World, for its laws continue in the world of human conflict below. The struggle for life and freedom exists among the different varieties of mankind as certainly as it does for every form of life and energy on this mountain. Taking part in the struggle for my people?s life and freedom is as natural as the flow of the crystal stream running beside me. It is my hope that the European people and indeed, all peoples of the world, are permitted the most basic human right to preserve their own unique cultures, freedom and identity. To do so, they must resist the power of the earth?s ultimate supremacism: Jewish Supremacism. I would be a fool not to realize the danger to my own life, reputation and freedom that I face by exposing Jewish Supremacism. But, as a loyal European American; as a patriotic citizen of the United States and also as one who sincerely wishes for justice for all people of the world - my duty is clear. The stream beside me will follow its course. So will I. David Duke Former Member of the House of Representatives State of the Louisiana, United States of America ??????????????????????????? References 1. Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. Boulder, Colorado. Pluto Press. 2. KJV Deuteronomy 7:6 3. Jub. 32:18 19 4. KJV Joshua 6:21; KJV Joshua 10:37; RSV Deuteronomy 20:16 5. RSV Deuteronomy 20:10-18 6. KJV Leviticus 25:44-46. 7. KJV Deuteronomy 7:2-3; Ezra 9:12 8. RSV John 7:13. 9. RSV 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16. 10. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, ?Authority? p. 637. 11. New Republic. (1992). May. 12. Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gittin. London. Soncino Press. p.261 13. The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 10A. 14. The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 8C. 15. Bermant, C. (1991). Some Carefully And Carelessly Chosen Words, Jewish Chronicle. May 17. 16. Frank, Geyla (1997). 17. Hertzberg, A. & Hirt-Manheimer, A. (1998). Relax. It?s Okay to be the Chosen People. Reform Judaism. May. 18. Look Magazine. (1962). January 16. 19. Begin, M. (1964). The Revolt: The Story Of The Irgun. Tel-Aviv: Hadar Pub. p.162. 20. Badi, J. (1960). Fundamental Laws Of The State Of Israel. New York. p.156. 21. Reuters News Service (1998). Israelis Now Hold Worship Services at Grave of Their Hero, Baruch Goldstein 22. New York Journal American (1949). February 3. 23. Andelman, M.S. (1974). To Eliminate the Opiate. New York-Tel Aviv: Zahavia. Ltd. 26 24. U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9. 25. U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9. 26. Francis, D. R. (1921). Russia From the American Embassy. New York: C. Scribner?s & Sons. p.214. 27. Churchill, W. (1920). Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People. Illustrated Sunday Herald. February 8. 28. Associated Press Online. (1999). Balfour Author Was a Jew. 29. Rokach, L. (1980). Israel?s Sacred Terrorism. Bellmont, Mass: Assoc. Arab American University Grads. 30. Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton?s Court. Maariv. September 2. ??????????????????????????? [1] ORDER NOW! Article printed from The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD: URL to article:

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extrudedplasticdingus (2006-10-18)

David Duke holds a doctorate? Is it from one of those online colleges you see on TV?

tomtomx (2006-10-18)

Former KuKluxKlan leader and right wing white supremacist David Duke got his honorary doctorate from a university in Ukraine known as the main source of anti-Semitic activity and publishing in Ukraine. He sure as hell didn't get any doctor title based on any knowledge! His writings are filled with lies, fantasies, fabrications and forgeries. Which of course made him a hero in Ukraine and the arab world... It's a wonder the US ever let him out of jail again (where he spent time for mail fraud)...

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

Heartfelt Thanks from Dr. David Duke
My Dear Friends,
I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have posted congratulations to me and have sent me, it seems, a hard disk full of emails of good wishes.
Thank You All!!!
I do want to say that in some ways I feel I undeserving, I was lucky to work with a great university and brave individuals who dared to raise the ire of the Jewish extremists. At this moment I think of my friend Germar Rudolf who was unjustly denied his doctorate in Germany because of this truth telling. I consider him even more deserving of the title of Doctor along with that great revisionist and incredible scholar Juergen Graf. And I can think of a number of writers, researchers, and philosophers of our Cause that deserve the title as much or more than I do for their intellectual work on behalf of our people.

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

Furthermore, there are so many without higher degrees that have done brilliant work for our Cause and they continue to deserve our respect and utmost support. One needs not a higher degree to tell the truth!
I would lie if I told you that achieving this PhD from a major university system has not been a source of great satisfaction, especially because the intellectual establishment loves to belittle my writing and speaking. So, yes, it feels great!
But the most important thing about the PhD in history for me is that in the minds of many readers it will add just a little bit of authority and power to everything I write. It will open up new doors of thought for many people. Furthermore it makes those attempts to stop me from speaking or writing or publishing that much more ludicrous for our enemies. Suddenly, policies to ban and burn my books, such as in Canada, become even more transparently repressive.
All this is why the Jewish supremacists are screaming bloody murder at this achievement. They just can?t believe it for they know it cannot but help increase my credibility and thus the credibility of the message that I (we) carry to our people.
The University left no stone unturned in holding me to as high and perhaps even a higher standard than many of their Doctoral candidates because they knew that the Zionists and Neocons would excoriate them. They brought together some of the most respected Professors in Ukraine to examine my work and to challenge me in my Doctoral defense. Twelve men and women professors, at the pinnacle of their Academic careers, ultimately decreed my work of serious and significant scientific value.
They too know that they personally will face the malevolent power of the Jewish extremists. The courageous President of MAUP, Georgy Schokin knows it as well, but he stands as a rock of integrity and courage.
They have my undying gratitude for their intellectual courage and altruism.

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

Finally, I thank all of you, because only by your encouragement over the years in the face of the most extraordinary hardship and difficulties, could I have been successful in this endeavor.
I try to earn that trust and support everyday, and I am very anxious that all of you will continue to be pleased an inspired by my efforts both in my writing and speaking for our Cause.
I hope all members of EURO, all my friends and comrades on, and my fellow leaders in all of the Movements for our heritage and freedom will share this accomplishment with me. You deserve the incredible support of all of us.
Thank You All,
For Our Heritage and Freedom!
David Duke

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

The following is hot from the Ukrainian Jewish Blogs?
Latest news **translated by H. Friedman, Kiev**
Jewish leaders in Ukraine are condemning the actions of a major university in Ukraine (MAUP) for awarding a full doctorate to the notorious American anti-Semite David Duke.
MAUP, an acronym for the largest university system in Ukraine, awarded the controversial former KKK leader and American politician, David Duke, a PhD in History after a successful completion of exams and all doctoral academic requirements, and a spirited Doctoral Defense in an art-adorned academic conference hall adjacent to the office of the MAUP President Prof. Georgy Tchokin.
MAUP is one of the leading Universities in Ukraine as well as Eastern Europe. Formerly a national university system run by the Ukrainian government, it was privatized after the fall of communism. It has grown to over 51,000 students with branches throughout Ukraine. Cooperative arrangements exist with other universities in a number of other nations and it has the highest academic accreditation possible both in Ukraine (4) and on the international level. UNESCO recognizes the MAUP university system as one the world?s high-level educational institutions. MAUP is the source of most of the bachelor and post-graduate degrees of the Ukranian Government officials and administrators. Such influence over governmental employees disturbs many Jews in the Ukraine who are concerned about lingering anti-Semitism.
Jewish spokesmen decried Duke?s earlier Honorary Doctorate awarded him by the University and his subsequent, quiet participation in MAUP?s Post Graduate Degree Program and his recent achieving of a full doctorate. They say it is proof of the anti-Semitic stance of the university and its staff. Duke?s dissertation subject was entitled, ?Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism.?
Abraham Ribacoff, who read Duke?s dissertation, which was similar to his book, Jewish Supremacism, commented, ?No matter how many examinations David Duke has passed, the volume of his research, number of academic citations of his dissertation, or the cleverness of his literary style, his work libels the Jewish people. It concludes that Zionism is an ideology of ethnic supremacy and that Israel is a Jewish-supremacist state. It?s all a lie. In truth, Israel is the only true democracy in the Mideast.?
Markus Gollman of Kiev said, ?No matter how camouflaged in pseudo-intellectualism his historical and scientific inquiry, for such anti-Semitic writings, he should be stripped of his Doctor?s robes and given a prison uniform. We will not rest until Duke and the fascist President of the university, Gergiev Tchokin, rot in jail.?
The ceremonies awarding David Duke a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the field of history came just one day after Israel?s Ha?aretz newspaper reported that Israel formally demanded that Ukraine?s president Victor Yuschenko forbid MAUP President, Dr. Gergiev Tchokin, from being a candidate in the upcoming elections for the Ukranian Parliament.
Some members of the Jewish community though are afraid that such demands from Israel will be viewed as Israeli interference in the internal policies of Ukraine and will be seen as an attempt to stifle freedom of speech and political expression. They fear that such moves will only serve to validate the shrill claims of MAUP President Georgy Tchokin and David Duke that Israel wants to control all nations and seeks to stifle political freedom.
Duke, was a former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana and Republican Party Chairman in Lousiana, but he is more well known for his former KKK activity. He has lectured frequently in the MAUP system since 2002 while he quietly fulfilled his Doctoral requirements.
On Friday, September 9, a senior academic council of twelve MAUP professors sat in judgment of his doctoral defense. The academics included some former high officials of the Ukrainian government. The council was headed by University Rector, Prof. Mykola Golavatiy, the former Minister for Ukrainian Youth Affairs

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

"Article printed from The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD:"
In other words: David Duke describes his own merits.
What a joke. That website is so full of nonsense it makes any average comic book cartoon appear quite scientific...

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

On MAUP (dukes university) in wikipedia...
"On June 3, the MAUP sponsored a one-day conference entitled "Zionism As the Biggest Threat to Modern Civilization" attended by the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan in the United States David Duke. [6] The Kyiv Post newspaper called the gathering "a disgusting orgy of racism and hatred." [7] [8] In August 2005, the MAUP awarded Duke with the Ph.D. degree. [9]
After the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threat to wipe out Israel evoked international condemnations, on November 4, 2005 the MAUP issued "a decisive protest against large-scale campaign, organized by Zionists, against Islam Republic Iran and its President Mahmud Ahmadi-Nedzhad ... where he quoted the words of the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini about future death of Israel and the USA."

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

What nonsense? You must point out any lies. After you have read or listened to this book, you will have a better understanding. Dr. Duke is unpopular with his enemies. I listen to both sides and pick out the lies. I don't trust those that lie to me. Dr. Duke is not lying. As long as no one shrilly screams for censorship, we shall learn the truth.

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

To pick only one in the heap:
* Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or ?mix their seed? with other peoples"
It is fully possible to convert to judaism. And just as a christian priest will perform a christian wedding ceremony between a christian and jew that converted to christianity, so will a jewish rabbi perform a jewish wedding ceremony between a jew and a christian that converted to judaism.
Point. Had DD's statement been even near the truth, jews wouldn't allow others to convert and marry.

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

"Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever."
Contrary to many arab countries in the region slavery is just as illegal in Israel as it is in europe. DD's full of bullshit.

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

These are just quotes from the Old Testament.
From the book:
Although we fantasize about the peace-loving nature of human
beings, most of human history is a record of tribal, ethnic, or racial
war of one kind or another. For instance, the most read book on earth,
the Bible, records the bloody history of the conflict between the Israelites
and the other peoples of the Middle Eastern region. It tells glorious
stories of war and shocking accounts of genocide. Anyone who
reads the Old Testament with unbiased eyes will readily discern its
dominant theme of racial and ethnic supremacism. There are many
blatant expressions of ethnic supremacism:
? Israelites are a "chosen people," chosen by God above all the
other peoples of the world.2
? Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are promised
that they will someday own and rule over the whole world.3
? Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms.
? Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands
where they intend to live and to kill all the people of foreign nations
that do not submit themselves in slavery.5
? Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but
are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass
down as slaves to their descendants forever.6
? Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or "mix their seed" with
other peoples.7
Few people dare to even acknowledge the blatant racial supremacism
of the Bible. And those who become aware of the extreme Jewish
Supremacism in the Old Testament tend to believe that such sentiments
are relegated to ancient times and have no influence on the
present. Jewish Supremacism, however, shows that the powerful ethnocentrism
of ancient Judaism has continued to thrive to the modern
day. I will offer compelling evidence that Jewish Supremacism has a
dramatic and increasing effect on world events.
It can be said that I as a Christian also revere the same Old Testament
books of supremacy. The difference, of course, is that the Christian
New Testament represents a profound shift from the Old. In
place of an ?eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,? Jesus Christ
taught ?turn the other cheek.? In contrast to Jewish Supremacism,
Christianity offers universal salvation.
Judaism bitterly rejected Jesus Christ and has never enjoyed his
teachings of love and toleration. In fact, not only did the Jewish high
priests pursue the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, these leaders guided
their faith in the opposite ideological direction. It can be said that in
addition to the crucifixion of Christ?s body, they killed his spirit in
their own hearts.
It would be wrong to hate or persecute present day Jews because
of the role of Jewish leaders in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but it is
important to understand the ideological, religious and ethnic war
born during those times.

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

And, yes there are many, many other lies or warped facts in his texts. Study some reliable sources and you'll find them yourself. Nazi websites are NOT reliable sources. If you're curios go directly to the source. Study judaism.

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

As for the "quotes" above Go to the source. Read the bible. Considering that it was written thousand of years ago. Lots of things in it haven't been used in thousands of years. Btw the same bible applies to christianity.
And if you need more info on how you can warp texts. Read this on the new testament: Quotes from the Christian Bible

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

Yes Dr. David Duke has a genuine doctorate in History.
"The University left no stone unturned in holding me to as high and perhaps even a higher standard than many of their Doctoral candidates because they knew that the Zionists and Neocons would excoriate them. They brought together some of the most respected Professors in Ukraine to examine my work and to challenge me in my Doctoral defense. Twelve men and women professors, at the pinnacle of their Academic careers, ultimately decreed my work of serious and significant scientific value.
They too know that they personally will face the malevolent power of the Jewish extremists. The courageous President of MAUP, Georgy Schokin knows it as well, but he stands as a rock of integrity and courage.
They have my undying gratitude for their intellectual courage and altruism." David Duke Ph.d.
This book is easy to read and even easier to listen to.
It is very disturbing, yet I do not see where he is lying.
Dr. Duke is not a "Nazi".

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

"Duke returned to LSU, graduating in 1974. He became famous on campus for wearing a Nazi uniform while picketing and holding parties on the anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler. The year of his graduation, he formed the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan."
Noooo... Not a nazi.... *lol*

MoPete2 (2006-10-19)

Youthful indiscretion. Whatever. This was over 30 years ago.
I am uninterested in defending the life and times of ANY author.
The only purpose of this thread is to answer the OP.
--Yes, David Duke's Ph.D. is genuine and well deserved.
--The facts of this book are correct.
--This book is accurate and no one on Earth has proven otherwise.
For all of the hate-filled screeching about the man, his work stands as correct.
Not one lie do you show me.
The only important thing about all of this is to root out those that decieve us.
We must expose liars wherever they are found. Find out what they gain from
their lies and do what ever needs to be done to free all people from these liars
in power.
You have not shown us any lies in this book by Dr. David Duke Ph.D.

uRowned (2006-10-19)

David Duke - the man, the myth, the legend! 14!

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

"We must expose liars wherever they are found."
That statement would have been great coming from anybody else. But coming from one of DD's followers it's just pathetic... DD makes his living on spreading lies (yeah, yeah, he made quite a bit on his fraud and tax evasions aswell, but that sent him to jail.)

tomtomx (2006-10-19)

Not a nazi!!?
On May 29 2004, David Duke brought together in New Orleans leaders of the European Nationalist movement to sign an agreement that would "mainstream our cause". The New Orleans Protocol signatories pledged to avoid violence and internecine attacks. It was immediately signed by eight white supremacist and neo-Nazi representatives, most representing organizations, including the notorious National Alliance, and Stormfront. Duke signed on behalf of his new organization, European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO).
In 2005, Duke has teamed up with Don Black of Stormfront and now delivers a one-hour webcast six days a week.

tomtomx (2006-10-25)

Nothing new. Same fantasies anti-semites have been bullshiting about for hundreds of years... For an interesting movie about this:[Eng]-_Dutch_Subtitles_Included(srt)

MoPete2 (2006-10-25)

I forgot to include the preface in the first one.
This is the one that everyone on the Earth should listen to or read for themselves.
Have you ever noticed how some people try to restrict the information that others make available to them? Why are there some groups of people that we may not question?
I want to know who is lying to me!
This book is not lying.
If it is, prove it. Ad-hominem attacks come from the lying side.
Dr. David Duke Ph.D. has made it as simple as it can be. He wrote this massively researched book that will stand the test of time. Hell, he even reads it to you.
If you don't listen to it for yourself, then you are not interested in hearing all sides and making up your own mind.
The truth is whatever it is.
Who is lying?

tomtomx (2006-10-25)

Easy. You and David Duke are. And if you ever bothered to go to the source of his claims you can see that for yourself. But you obviously never did. You just trusted that a rabid nazi and racist would provide you with unbiased truth regarding judaism. How stupid is that?
This isn't about restricting information. Information based on true facts are never wrong. This is about debunking disinformation and deliberate lies.

tomtomx (2006-10-25)

As for proof. The wild claims, lies and misqoutes in this book are unnumerous. But the main approach is that jews consider themselves to be "racially" supreme. (A concept so wild only a racist could invent it.)
If that was so it would be impossible for non jews to convert to judaism. It isn't. Being jewish is about religion, not "race". DD also claims that "Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or ?mix their seed? with other peoples." Still Rabbis all over the world marry born jews with converts...
The concept of "the choosen people" refers to the people that was chosen to recieve the ten commandments for all of humankind. Nothing else.

MoPete2 (2006-10-26)

You are welcome, boegroeff.
It seems that Dr. David Duke Ph.D went directly to the source.
Ad-hominem attacks come from the lying side.
--Studies in Jewish Supremacism: A Series Edited and Posted by Dave Cooper
Are Jews a Race??What They Themselves Say!
An excerpt from David Duke?s Jewish Supremacism.
One of the first things I discovered is that while Gentiles who call the Jews a ?race? are condemned, Jewish leaders have for centuries routinely called themselves a race. The leader of American Jewry in the 1930s, Rabbi Stephen F. Wise, said it succinctly in this dramatic statement,
?Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race.?
Right up to the present day, there are many statements illustrating how Jewish leaders matter-of-factly view themselves not just as a religion, but as an identifiable race, genetically distinguishable from other peoples.
Nahum Goldman, one of the leading Jews of the 20th Century and former president of the World Zionist Organization, said it very bluntly:
?The Jews are divided into two categories, those who admit they belong to a race distinguished by a history thousands of years old, and those who don?t. The latter are open to the charge of dishonesty.
The former Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking to Jewish group in southern California said:
?If Israel had not come into existence after World War II then I am certain the Jewish race wouldn?t have survived?I stand before you and say you must strengthen your commitment to Israel.?
An editorial entitled ?Some Other Race? in the New York weekly Forward (A very prestigious Jewish publication) urges Jews to list themselves on the U.S. Government census form as a race. It goes on to suggest:
?? On question eight [of the form, which asks about race], you might consider doing what more than one member of our redaktzia [editorial staff] has done: checking the box ?some other race? and writing in the word ?Jew?.?
Charles Bronfman, a main sponsor of the $210 million ?Birthright Israel,? an organization specifically committed to preventing intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles, expressed the need to preserve the Jewish genetic character as expressed in the Jewish DNA.
Bronfman is brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., president of the World Jewish Congress. He said,
??you?re losing a lot ? losing the kind of feeling you have when you know [that] throughout the world there are people who somehow or other have the same kind of DNA that you have.?
Imagine for a moment if President George Bush would speak to a group of White college students and tell them how great it is for them know that others in the world share their White DNA, and that they should not lose it by intermarrying with other races. Bush could live to 100 years old and still never live down a remark like that!
During his campaign for President in 2000, Bush spoke before dozens of Jewish organizations and Synagogues that oppose intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews. The media only had praise for those appearances. In contrast, Bush faced universal criticism by the Jewish media by simply speaking at a conservative Christian university (Bob Jones University) that quietly opposes racial intermarriage. After the media unleashed a storm of criticism, Bush had to quickly apologize and then passionately condemn Bob Jones University for its position. Of course, within a few days, Bush was again speaking before many Jewish groups that stridently oppose intermarriage, yet no one in the media dared object to these appearances, or to even point out this blatant double standard.
?Dr. David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, ch. 2, ?The Roots of Jewish Supremacism.?
Article printed from The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD
Not a single lie. Jewish supremacists ARE the source.
All of this is in the free download of "Dr. David Duke - Spoken Word - Jewish Supremacism"
This 368 page book has more than 650 sources so that anyone can double check for themselves.

tomtomx (2006-10-26)

More DD bullshit. And you still didn't answer my question. How is it possible to convert to a race?

tomtomx (2006-10-26)

By the way. Instead of copy/pasting your racist textbook, maybe you should try to think for yourself...

The_Student (2006-11-05)

This is the funniest load of crap I've ever seen. It does touch upon a very few truths (I.E the strong jewish identification with Israel etc), but this just makes it more dangerous as one can say "Look, it seems to be right in this aspect, perhaps we should consider the rest of it?") Look at this guy's Background. "David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is a former Louisiana Republican state representative, and former Imperial Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.[1][2][3][4][5][6]" I mean, its apparently not the same KKK actually killed people, but you have to be at least mildly deranged to want to associate yourself in any way with that sort of organization.

Churchills Dog (2006-11-12)

Its very telling that so many of us label it a "racist" post and not even consider that it might hold some kernals of truth. Its been so drilled into us from birth that ANY criticism of Jews, no matter how slight, should be considered racism that we are petrified of looking at it honestly.
Is Duke a racist? no doubt. Is he wrong? I just read this whole thing and if any of it is true then maybe we should stop being so fucking afraid of people like Duke and perhaps start looking at a group of people who have been given carte Blanche to treat others like mutts yet cry bloody murder if they are in the least questioned about their loyalties. I guess I'm an anti-semite for even saying so.....

tomtomx (2006-11-14)

"a group of people who have been given carte Blanche to treat others like mutts" What a load of bullshit.
Yes appearently you are an aniti-semite. If not you're simply incredibly stupid.

Graham Wellington (2006-11-18)

The Jews behind George W. Bush:
1. Richard Perle
2. Paul Wolfowitz
3. Douglas Feith
4. Edward Luttwak
5. Henry Kissinger
6. Dov Zakheim
7. Kenneth Adelman
8. Lewis Libby
9. Robert Satloff
10. Elliott Abrams
11. Marc Grossman
12. Richard Haass
13. Robert Zoellick
14. Ari Fleischer
15. James Schlesinger
16. David Frum
17. Joshua Bolten
18. John Bolton
19. David Wurmser
20. Eliot Cohen
21. Mel Sembler
22. Michael Chertoff
23. Steve Goldsmith
24. Adam Goldman
25. Joseph Gildenhorn
26. Christopher Gersten
27. Mark Weinberger
28. Samuel Bodman
29. Bonnie Cohen
30. Ruth Davis
31. Daniel Kurtzer
32. Cliff Sobel
33. Stuart Bernstein
34. Nancy Brinker
35. Frank Lavin
36. Ron Weiser
37. Mel Sembler
38. Martin Silverstein
39. Lincoln Bloomfield
40. Jay Lefkowitz
41. Ken Melman
42. Brad Blakeman
43. Carl Gershman
44. Edwin Feulner
45. S. Daniel Abraham
46. Joel Rosenthal
47. Herbert I. London
48. Irwin Hochberg
49. William Kristol
50. Bill Grinstein
51. David R. Segal
52. Leslie Gelb
53. Abraham Lowenthal
54. Myron Lieberman
55. Jeff Cohen
56. Michael Savage
57. Jane Friedman
58. Jean Picker Firstenberg
59. Marlene Kahan
60. Dan Stein
61. Diana Aviv
62. James D. Wolfensohn
63. Alan Greenspan
64. Nickolas J. Neubauer
65. Charles H. Falk
66. Harvey J. Goldschmid
67. Stephen Friedman
68. Lawrence Summers
69. Richard L. Levin
70. Harvey Shapiro
71. James O. Freedman
72. Jeffrey Lehman
73. Henry Bienen
74. Richard Atkinson
75. Isaac Stein
76. Michael Eisner
77. Sumner Redstone
78. Arthur Sulzberger, Jr
79. Peter R. Kann
80. Peter Chernin
81. Michael Silverman
82. Lloyd Blankfein
83. Stephan Newhouse
84. Sanford Weill
85. Robert Rubin
86. Henry Kravis
87. Michael Dell
88. Michael Bloomberg
89. Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg
90. Stephen Breyer
91. Benjamin Shalom Bernanke

tomtomx (2006-11-18)

How many are the christians behind G bush? A couple of thousands?

Graham Wellington (2006-11-19)

by Ariel Natan Pasko
March 26, 2003
Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein is for us. Even the anti-Semites, like Patrick J. Buchanan and Congressman Jim Moran know it. Pat Buchanan has been accusing the neo-conservatives, what he calls the War Party - i.e., the Jews and their followers in America - of pushing the United States into this war. He's also blamed Prime Minister Sharon and Israel for wanting the war. That's what he said in a recent article, "Whose War?" Rep. Moran recently came out of the closet saying, "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this." Other anti-Semites have also been saying it.
However, we already knew that this war is for us - i.e., the Jews and Israel. Chazal - our sages - throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People.
Full Article:

tomtomx (2006-11-19)

Anybody had the thought that there might be a connection with the Bush families interest in the oil business... Irak was the strongest balance against the maniacs in Iran. How could this war gain israeli interests? The next one against Iran/Syria will however be great for Israel. If it is won by the west. And it won't be...

Graham Wellington (2006-11-20)

"How could this war gain israeli interests?"
In 1996, a group of pro-Israeli Americans ? including Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser ? wrote a policy statement for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that proposed a strategy of regime change as the only solution for Israel's growing encirclement and isolation.
They specifically said removing Saddam Hussein from power was ?an important Israeli strategic objective?.
A Clean Break:

More here:

tomtomx (2006-11-20)

Thanks for the link. Found this on your weird conspiracy prone "independant news site":
Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President:
The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

Graham Wellington (2006-11-20)

"A free Iraq will help secure Israel."
-- GEORGE BUSH (September 30, 2004)
"I'm going to get it right for those soldiers, because it's important to Israel..."
-- JOHN KERRY (September 30, 2004)

In America you can vote for a guy who wants to secure Israel or you can vote for a guy who wants to get it right for Israel's sake.

tomtomx (2006-11-22)

Well, they would say that, wouldn't they. I kind of have problems with seeing Bush say: "Well It's good for the family oil business and my saudi friends wanted me to..."

tomtomx (2006-11-22)

Btw. Here's the whole quote (why did you censor it?)
"A free Iraq will be an ally in the war on terror, and that's essential. A free Iraq will set a powerful example in the part of the world that is desperate for freedom. A free Iraq will help secure Israel. A free Iraq will enforce the hopes and aspirations of the reformers in places like Iran. A free Iraq is essential for the security of this country."

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history."

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"This war has put Jews in the showcase as never before. Its primary intellectual architects--Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith--are all Jewish neoconservatives. So, too, are many of its prominent media cheerleaders, including William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and Marty Peretz. Joe Lieberman, the nation's most conspicuous Jewish politician, has been an avid booster, going so far as to rebuke his former partner Al Gore and much of his own party."

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"Acknowledging the Jewishness of neoconservatism has always triggered the red, flashing lights of antisemitism, especially since the start of the Iraq War. But there is some truth to the suspicion. If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it."

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"The Asia Times reported last week that a gentleman named Philip Zelikow, a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 2001, said in a speech months before the war that "the real threat" of Iraq was not to the United States but against Israel."

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"With Iraq no threat, why invade a sovereign country? The answer: President Bush's policy to secure Israel? Led by Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Charles Krauthammer, for years there has been a domino school of thought that the way to guarantee Israel's security is to spread democracy in the area." -- Senator Ernest F. Hollings

Graham Wellington (2006-11-22)

"The FBI investigation into the Pentagon mole affair has expanded beyond data analyst Larry Franklin's immediate circle to encompass the entire issue of Jewish influence on the neoconservative part of the administration."

bejjo (2006-12-20)

Fasen! Killen har ju tagit med hela boken i beskrivningen!

horseshoos (2007-01-18)

Amazing how when intellect fails people resort to profanity. I feel that I am fairly well-read and have an inkling that all that we hear is not the truth.
For sure I know that the government and media lie to us. Why is it that disagreeing with the "Holocaust" is the only historical event in all of history that a person can get thrown in jail for. My guess is that there are some lies involved that they don't want uncovered.
I see users such as tomtomx, XweAponX and a host of others that call dissention NAZIS and such.
OK, I must be crazy because I believe the US govt allowed 911 to happen if they did not directly do it. The buildings were all controlled detonations. Over 80% of the AMerican public believe the same (Angus-Reid poll)
Many people were killed during WWII, over 80 million - that was the true holocaust. The rest is all crap. Read David Irving's books - all well documented from existing historical documents.
Oh, I know the comments about saying he'd made a mistake... arrested and jailed in Austria... BUT they eventually were FORCED to release him. His treatment was criminal. Same with what happened to many other revisionists.
Commenting on a person's past is not fully relevant when trying to dispute their work...which is fully documented. In 1933 "Judea" did declare war on Germany. See published articles in the New York papers of the period, complete with front page pictures, comments from leading Rabbis to boycott German goods etc. That DID happen.
All in all everyone should realize that the ruling class.. they've just changed the structure a little... are in control.
We are all brothers. I have no hatred for any religion or race. I wish for peace on earth... just not under one world order.

Marcaul (2007-01-26)

Look at this guy pretending to be a great humanist and advocate of democracy. He is the prez of an organization which burned people alive based on their color not-so-long ago. There exists no jewish conspiracy, but if there was one, better they rule the world than these KKK fucks. I wish he goes to prison in fuckin ukraina and gets fucked in the ass by apes.

Marcaul (2007-01-26)

Furthermore, national supremacy ideologies exist in all ethnic and national groups, all european nations and the american empire. They are all similar in one sense: only idiots believe them and are controlled by them. We are just people, dont get bumfucked by these nazi scum. In the end you'll be the ones to pay, not these 'visionaries'.

allanvh (2007-02-04)

Well I must say that this topic is highly controvers. Why is it, that you are all so black and white in this issue. I do believe that many jewish people were killed in camps in Germany in W.W. II and that it is one of the many great crimes to humanity, but that dosent justifie giving Israel to the jewish people. That ever have the palæstinens done to deserve that. And it serdently dosent justifie that Israel today are doing exactly the same today to the palæstinen people, only in a more sofisticated way, as were done to them. Most like that you can't blem the germans of today for what their forfathers did to the jewish people long ago.

menorah666 (2007-02-14)

Above link very good.
Tomtomx mossad agent. all he does all day is blog pro zionist comments throughout the net. except on sunday, then he sexes his family and commits ritual murder.

domientius (2007-03-05)

David Duke is a DOCTOR now?
No, David Duke looks like what Stephen King might look like if he had Down's Syndrome.
Seriously, the Nazi agenda has always been a game of lies to push the idea that "everyone else is at fault for my failures". The Holocaust happened, we have SOLID PROOF of the death camps.
Meanwhile, places like Stormfront are populated by overweight bigots.
Give it up. I'm sick of the "wah, a [insert non-white race here] person did somehting bad, that means THEY ARE ALL BAD!" rhetoric. Whites commit crimes too.

domientius (2007-03-05)

Oh, and the Wii is getting a white supremacist videogame, apparently. Not sure which I find more surprising... that white supremacists know how to code video games, or that Nintendo would allow it.

kymrisk (2007-04-09)

who gives a fuck about zionism? the jews are only mistreating filthy arab scum. those arab whores deserve to die anyway. good luck israel!

Lennon888uk (2007-07-22)

What a complete load of old wank.
I imagine Mr Duke spends a lot of time wanking. Looks like he's quite good at it.

djdirty99 (2007-07-28)


djdirty99 (2007-07-28)


IndianaBrandon (2007-07-29)

Thanks for this. Rise White Man Rise! I thought I was alone.

Griezel (2007-08-01)

If you take note of the fact that certain information about jews and the holocaust causes such controverse, than surely something is wrong. If a person is thrown in jail because of ideas, be it in books or music or wathever, the time of freedom has ended! The reaction of the political correct thoughtpolice is so out of proportion it proves their evil.

razz08 (2007-08-04)

I just don't fucking understand it... glorification of that Duke retard is like doing drugs: do it yourself, alone, in your mobile home - I don't mind - but don't make a fool of yourself publishing (and defending) it here.
Whereas you count for i e MAUP professors as an authority on the matter... universities which receive funding from neo-nazi organisations and ban homosexuals and chase away jews... well, they seem kind of likely to also support the cause of deluded, wannabe-Hitlerish maniacs.
As for the profanities: Follow your leader, nazi scum: take a bullet in the mouth (the coward way of going down).

Cowburn199 (2007-09-07)


Lennon888uk (2007-09-19)

The real question is how does David Duke find time from his non stop masturbating to come up with this crap?

Nootjes (2007-09-29)

"Doctor" Davide Duke? What university would possibly give a doctorate to this inbred, cornpone, cracker retard??

crogino (2007-11-04)

Because white people have had it so hard.
There was a comedian once who said we should give in to these Neo-Nazis and give them their own country. Four acres in the middle of Compton.
See how tough they are when they're the ones outnumbered.

JoeBoo242 (2007-11-25)

An Eye For An Eye. . . . . . . . . . . Makes the Whole World Blind. . . . . (at this point. . . it looks like we don't deserve to see the Beauty. . . Since all we do is go around spouting hate.)
For there is ONLY Love!

RedNo5 (2007-11-26)

Please have a look at the following website:
This is an example of the handiwork of Mr. Duke's organization. I don't know if Mr. Duke has ever been personally involved in such brutal and barbaric atrocities, but this is the work of the organization he is defending.
Mr. Duke speaks of "universal brotherhood". This is what universal brotherhood means to him. He spends countless words talking about the injustice of labeling him an "anti-Semite", then goes on for paragraphs rehashing the same libels used against Jews by anti-Semites for hundreds of years.
Let us suppose, for a moment, that what Mr. Duke says is true: that the Ku Klux Klan have reformed and are now no longer a racist organization of bloodthirsty terrorists, and that the world's Jewry have somehow managed to organize ourselves so effectively that we now control George W. Bush himself. Presumably Mr. Bush has also set aside his Evangelical Christian beliefs and decided to obey his Jewish/Zionist masters instead.
Assuming this is all the case, however unlikely, one would conclude, therefore, that the Jewish people (no, we are not a "race" in the modern understanding of the word -- there are White Jews, Black Jews, Brown Jews, Yellow and even Red Jews -- but we do share a common history and culture and think of ourselves as one people, including converts or, as we call them, "Jews-by-choice"; personally I like to think of us as a tribe) would somehow benefit from this great power. Let us, therefore, examine the ways in which we have presumably benefited:
1) The Iraq War
Which country has benefited most from the war against Saddam Hussein and his supporters? Why, the same country that fought a nearly decade-long war against them, of course. The same country that arms Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel. The same country whose President has promised numerous times to wipe Israel off the map, and is actively pursuing nuclear weapons with which to accomplish that end. In the 1980's the USA used to arm Saddam Hussein as a buffer against Iran's taking control of the region. With him out of the way, there is no longer anything to prevent Iran from having complete hegemony over the Middle East. Has the Iraq War helped Jews or Israel? Quite the opposite.
2) The Israeli-Arab conflict
Presumably, the Jews are so well-organized that our disciplined ranks brook no dissent, so hell-bent are we on world domination. We certainly wouldn't let any issue as insignificant as restlessness among the Natives get in the way of our elaborate plans, would we? Why, then, do we have so many Israeli peace organizations? How could we possibly allow so much controversy over an issue we are all supposedly on the same side of? And yet, any Google search of "Israeli peace organization" or quick scan of a Centrist or Leftist Israeli newspaper (e.g. reveals the opposite is true. There is no consensus among Jews. There is vigorous internal debate in Israel, as well there should be, over its relationship with the Palestinians. If Jews can't even agree on how to get along with their own neighbors, how on Earth are we supposed to get together on something as complicated as world domination?
3) Jews around the world
Presumably, my Jewish friends and family run Hollywood and the world media. After all, they are the ones who have managed to successfully brainwash all the poor innocent Gentiles into following their every order, right? So what the fuck am I doing on The Pirate Bay??? Shouldn't I be relaxing in my mansion, enjoying my mountain of free Hollywood Jew DVDs on my 1080p ultra-high-definition plasma-screen Jew-TV? Or streaming my media directly from the Hollywood Jew-servers over my Internet2 fiber cable instead of yelling at random (possibly even Jewish) strangers to seed torrents?
The word "scapegoat" comes from an ancient Jewish custom where the sins of the entire community were ritually placed upon a goat, which was then driven out into the wilderness while another, pure goat

yoface55 (2007-12-07)

No, shit that America wants to have a secure Israel, It is the only democratic state in the middle east, plus it is surrounded on all sides by its enemies, furthermore Israel and Iran have nuclear weapons, so i mean unless the concept of nuclear winter sits well with you, it is in the best interest of the US to PREVENT A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST. ya and, this disgraceful NAZI propaganda is appalling, you guys are racist pieces of trash

manonegre (2008-01-02)

I'm just supprised that the hillbilly moron even knows enough about the internet to post his propaganda on this site. As an American, it is embarrassing that he is from the US.

sam322 (2008-01-07)

"jews" are evil.

Nazzhorn (2008-01-07)

Read the real TALMUD
JEW are Satan

2point (2008-01-22)

I've never understood the jewish conspiracy theories; I mean sure people in power, atheist, christian, jew, black, white and so on, usually want to stay in power and will do various injustices on other people; force their hand, or kill them.
The problem is of course that what does it matter if the nobles are are jews, blacks, russian as long as you are not one of them you are sure to loose out anyway if you happen to be in their way.
DD of course gets power by getting people to his cause; but really, for the general public, wouldn't it be better to always try to be, or disarm, the nobles, instead of arguing about who they possibly are? In anyway if DD where to be right, I don't personally care much either way, though I do prefer jewism over christianty (atheist here); for if he are right, and are able to do something about it, in my mind highly unlikely, they will as always be replaced by more; now some other group, and for the general public nothing has changed.
Improv thy self, love thy enemy; overcome your own feeble self and rise to your own hights; don't go around with penis envy at others potential success.
& the lamb?
DD is a poor mans sheppard, talking about the evil tygers of the distant skies and lands; whoms eyes are burning bright in the forests of the nights.
I pity the lamb who follows said man.

2point (2008-01-22)

this was a fun stumble though; here I was looking for some spoken word to relieve my insomnia and I got to vent some frustration about the walking dead.

slippery1 (2008-02-11)

those who hate others are the real evil.

slippery1 (2008-02-11)

I am jewish,
i'd just like to say I am quite poor. Nobody in my family has any wealth or 'power'. I drink canned beer and watch football and like to go fishing, and am just as american as my neighbors. You wouldnt know i was a jew unless i told you. i have a southern accent and it makes me laugh when i hear about these evil conspiracy theories about my ethnicity. Jews are so kind and harmless .. it is so funny that people can hate them and think they are evil.

wh0h00 (2008-02-12)

Nobody said ALL jews are 'bad' or anything like that.. The book itself is dedicated to jewish individual.. ;) But world doesnt work that way.. everything is about groups and group interests..

martialis (2008-02-21)

Holy tl;dr, Batman!
Having an open mind about racism disguised as scientific evidence isn't a virtue, and people don't have to point out the lies in a book written by a pathological liar.
Out of 30 references, 1/3 are from the bible and 1/3 are more racist books. If the bibliography of the book is of the same quality, you could count the facts on one hand.
This torrent is the first result when searching for "Vantage Point", so hopefully it gets spammed to hell. Probably not, but I can hope.

norbo12 (2008-03-11)

Who needs this racist, bigoted, Anti-semitic crap at Pirates Bay?
Save this shit for your friends, if you have any.
Anyone who thinks this garbage has any validity, then I have a bridge to sell them.

BvvM (2008-03-30)

Censorship = Totalitarian Control Freakery
Say NO to Censorship on TPB, free exchange of ideas, good, bad or indifferent
Death to the ThoughtPolice !

Epimethreus (2008-03-31)

Just on a random note... I found this article with the search word russian, only audio files included in search

captcrunk (2008-03-31)

fucking racists. i hope all the hate you spew is reflected back ten fold to you. assholes.

myke (2008-04-03)

I found this while searching for the film Primary Colors. WTF? Isn't this guy in the KKK?

barbarossa_two (2008-04-10)

Hey! everyone is entitled to an opinion. Because you don't agree with it for whatever reason, is no reason to resort to abuse and a clear illustration of your intelligence.

granny_yokem (2008-05-05)

I am not downloading this,but,I read some of the comments & felt compelled to respond. How is it that people denounce hatred with hatred? That just doesn't make sense to me.

palmofsweden (2008-05-06)

Hatred? This is not about hatred. Why must it be hate to criticize the jews? They have the real hate against us. Thanks for the torrent btw.

mirrorspocks (2008-06-29)

unable to download. immediately get error message. can it be ........the jews? ;P

The_Police (2008-07-28)

Here's an idea: read at least the first third of 'Origins of Totalitarianism' instead - it's about mobs, various dumb resentments, and wishful thinking. This way anyone can approach Duke for what he is, a goofy, prolonged antiquity from the late 19th century.

Parapadrifter (2008-08-14)

I've read all the comments on this page, it's interesting to see the countervailing arguments evolve.
However, I'm pretty appalled at the level of intellectuallism put forth by those who are defending the "jew."
Comparing the remarks made by the "jew-lovers" vs. the "jew-haters" I've been convinced that what ever David Duke has written, at least, some has merit; and I haven't even read it yet.
By the way the Ku Klux Klan was formed out of the secret society "Knights of the Golden Circle" (even the Greek word "Kuklos" means "Circle")
It was created by european interests; Wilkes Booth was a member. They were instrumental in persuading the South to take up arms against their tyrannical Federal "Government." All the while the European banksters (were they Jewish?) collected money from the loans they made to the tumultuous America. The KKK is a sham group created to split up the population and a vehicle to let people fight each other.
Many blurt out that DD is from the KKK and therefore a liar, not entirely logical. Those who dismiss an argument based on charges of anti-semitism are !intellectual cowards! and will not be listened to. So, if you have issue with claims in the book, other than jewish intermarrital affairs, LETS HEAR THEM!!! Better yet, I want to see a book written in defense of the supposed "Jewish Elite" collusion inside of the Neo-conservative movement.
-For the record I'm more inclined to agree with DD, and a book written by David Rothkopf (J) called "Superclass" makes my concrete skull harden a little bit more.
I'm of a new generation of Americans who really think that American's interests should be served first before others. Hopefully I'm not too late in this fight for self-governance and soverignty. I really don't want "my" government to collapse our economy in pursuit of a globalist imperial agenda.

pskott (2008-08-24)

This was an interesting audio-book. Really great, thank you very much.

voyance (2008-10-24)

Excellent Upload, Many Thanks!

masterop (2008-11-01)

Jews are pure evil.

Jerkstorex (2008-11-04)

This was a great book. Also included is the Ebook. This is helpful to aid those who think Dr. Duke is blowing smoke. I was able to look up the reference and see for myself. Sure I wanted to call Dr. Duke an anti-semite for calling the russian revolution jewish, but then I was also calling Winston Churchill an anti-semite as well as many jews themselves!! Fact is that Mr. Duke takes most of his info straight from the horses mouth and uses jewish sources. Call David Duke what you will, he is the only one who can speak up against the sacred of all cows. He doesn't fear being called anti-semitic.
"I am not a White supremacist; I certainly believe in the differences between races and nations that are obvious, but I seek no supremacy over anyone; I respect all the people?s and cultures of the world. I say that every people have the right to preserve their heritage, their culture, their own political and economic sovereignty.
"And I am not racist or hateful about it. I am not hypocritical about it, because what I want for my own people, the European people, is to have the same rights I support for everyone." -David Duke

Tremors12 (2008-11-24)

Whats wrong being racist?? Do you think that those african savages really appreciate the things we have done to them...and please dont take the "slavery card"! you know that european influence only made Africa more humane!

darwinism (2008-12-08)

Is it true that this book if full of references?
I'm getting the torrent right now, that's why I'm asking.

nicoliani (2008-12-21)

Wow, this was just so uplifting to hear, I'm buying the book, and the book should be in everyone's home!

nicoliani (2008-12-21)

Haha, so funny reading throw the comment, all Jews complaining about Racism, when Israhell is the biggest Racist nation ever to exist. You people are such miserable, all you do is whine and try to brainwash Goyims believing you are right. But who can blame when your kind owns the the brainwashing tool the media. Palestine is the biggest concentration camp ever to exist, yet no Jew complains about that, but when a person like Duke tries to lift the issues up all you do is say, he is a Razzzist, without debating what he is saying. Man, you people sure are something.

Catatonicat (2009-05-31)

You people can't see the forest for the trees. Mr. Duke cunningly lures you into cheap traps like quoting from the Deuteronomy and other biblical references. The Deuteronomy also says that you may not under any circumstances see your uncle naked, eat animal fat, the daughter of a rabbi that had sex before marriage must be burned at stake or stoned to death and all men should have squared beard (God forbid if they trimmed them round or even *shock* shaved it whole). But how many Jews today really follow these Mosaic laws? It's like saying "all Christians are against premarital sex and birth control" which they aren't, just the Catholics and some other sects. And though Spain is Catholic homosexuals can get married there and in Catholic Poland you will be able to buy condoms in stores.
As for the fact that early Christians were persecuted by Jews, that's nothing compared to how the Catholic Church and the Holy Inquisition tortured and killed at least tens of thousands of people for witchcraft and pagans for not converting to Christianity. "The love and light of Christ will be in your heart, my son, when we've butchered you in his name. Thus we will make you see Heaven if you do not want to."
Learn to be more critical instead of spewing invectives to the left and right or blindly believing in some sort of Jewish conspiracy.

burningrabbit (2009-08-20)

Suck my balls, cracker.

imprator (2009-09-20)

An excellent book. Informative and revealing.
Everyone should read (or listen to ) this book - and that includes jewish people.
Thanks for uploading.

odobo1 (2009-10-08)

I thank you for uploading this.

fish_fingers (2009-10-23)

Has no one stapled this guy's ass to his forehead yet?

burningrabbit (2010-01-31)

dr duke sucks on doggie dicks...

ZeusTheta (2011-07-08)

Such small minds the people here have, so blinded by what their TV-parents have crammed down their throats.
Those who have attacked with nothing but ad-hominems and insults show that they are nothing but the dogs of the current establishment, not even fully human in their argumentation, mostly savage.
And I see this asinine behavior coming from the pro-"jews ain't done nothin" side. Stop letting your TV think for you, and realize the people in control of the wealth, and the industries breaking down the American way of life, morality, economy, freedom, are mostly Jewish.
There is, at least, a grain of truth in what DD has written.
Anyone who cannot see that is blinder than a damn bat and should be ashamed of voicing an opinion about ANY of their perceptions.
I hope and pray, that this great evil that has wormed itself into the mind of the west, even into the fabric of Christianity, the largest religion in the world, will soon be exposed to the purifying light of day and die like the cancer it is. It's adherents are pure evil...
.."Sons of Satan"
.."Synagogue of Satan"
- Jesus Christ.
Jesus knew what He was talking about. There is a horrifically evil, manipulative, deceitful sect of Jewish people who are in control of the world, since their father inherited it from Adam's sin (Satan).
Not calling all jews evil, but to lambast all of this is utterly foolish and shows you don't have the mental capacity to seriously consider viewpoints alien to your world-view.
I live to see the day all evil, including theirs, will burn up in God's light and die the terrifically painful death it has always deserved. They will not succeed.

offlabeluse2 (2011-12-04)

Dr Dukey...doing 'spoken word'. Does he light some candles and snap his fingers? Does he end? every sentence? on a higher pitch? I wonder if Maggie Estep knows she has competition? Etc.