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Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip




Video Movies


Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip




2005-01-01 (by tordake)


Farenheit 911

Files count:



1395.81 Mb




WhoiSTech (2005-02-24)

jag lyckades inte få dom att snacka om du förstår vad jag menar hur får jag ljud på den

K-9 (2005-03-24)

hur får man ljud?

mats_92 (2005-05-21)

E de bra kvalite då så att det är värt att ladda ner den

bornid (2006-07-28)


fraggy_123 (2006-11-08)

Dvd Rip = Bra Kvalite

ROCKYDDOGG (2007-08-26)

thanks! and thanks Michael Moorer

mylittleastronaut (2007-09-16)

Could someone please seed this a little more? I've been at 99.7% for two weeks now....thanks!

GreenlandDK (2007-10-09)

Hey you all.... this is really the truth about it! USA really suck! what the fuck is wrong wift your guys! Bush suck DICK and only thinking about MOOONEY for him and his gay friends! Seeed it so other people on the world can see how fucked up he is! Im in SHOCK! your people must be really stupid to lik his ass like that! BURN MORTHER FUCKER BUUURN! thanks to Michael moore stay alive my friend! Seeed please

GreenlandDK (2007-10-09)

BUSH is a JOKE!!!

miminho13 (2007-10-12)


cybex_3000 (2007-10-21)

Michael Moore is a Great film director and knows how to do it RIGHT.
Who ever says he is lying should consider a lobotomi.
Thank you Michael

fs12 (2007-12-31)

Now, back to the quality and stop discussing world politics on pirate bay!!.. Is it good before I start downloading? Some people here are conserned about the sound...?

aalxlogan (2008-01-08)

Fuck You Greenland. As far as I know most of my fellow American's hate Bush too. He scammed his fucking way to presidentcy, and then starts a illigitimate war. He's a faggot little rich boy, who rode his daddy's name like Greenland ride's his daddy's dick. Micheal more's movies don't portray the minority of American's, but the majority. I love America, but hate the pollitics involved!!!!

Ravage777 (2008-01-19)

The real question people should be concerned regarding the goverments actions is about the hundreds of children that died under civilian experimentation for each succesfull phsychic developed and subsequently kidnapped,indoctrinated and then trained for goverment usage.
The chemicalls used were never meant for the making of advanced phsychic abilitys.
Jesus presented the substances to the new world for the purpose of helping cure problems of retardation and handicapps and various other ultra rare disorders that require the unleashing of advanced psionic healing abilitys that reside in but are mostly dormant within us all.
The goverment kidnapping of those that survived the process of these chemicalls introduced to the womb during developement without horrendous malformity or just death and the subsequent raising and indoctrination of the survivors using a 98% rape rate and forced group sex for phsychological purposes in secret bases constructed in the 50's is simply intolerable and unacceptable.......
After enough bodies on the pile you would think that the goverment would realize the american people will not allow behavior like this to go unabated.
"violence and death are the foundation of all life,in that order"

billyrohnsen (2008-02-21)

yeh bush is shit and all that
and yes i do love michael moore
but as a media studies student, and as that, a more sophisticated and critical eye on his work, there is no denying he does lie or to be more exact "distort the truth"
im not saying dont download this as it is very good, im just saying, be sceptical as to whether or not what michael moore is telling you is reality (there is no reality in documentary making, only biased views and opinions)
i hate us though, so go watch and hate them too :)

sarcastic73 (2008-03-20)

Canada, living the american dream without the violence since 1867

organeer (2008-03-24)

If i was you spend more time learning the rudements of "documentary film making" you say doc,s cant deliver reality...your talking shit boy! in order to reflect a reality accuratly one has to document all the various angles of perception, thus it is then down to the viewers ability to research the facts provided and find "A" truth or an actuality, with regards to F,9/11 prove your statements concerning "Moore,s distortion of the truth" In my opinion...if anything Moore could have done more to highlight the governments involvement (which he has now addressed) due to the increasing amount of contradictory and disinformation being made availiable by the government and words ....One man,s freedom fighter is another man,s terrorist...go back to school billyrohnsen ! comment writtn by moving image and filmmmmmmmtheory post graduate

TrueCaveat (2008-04-07)

the sound quality is poor -______-
and you can't delete the f*** subtitle -____-

HermieHamster (2008-10-05)

the world government is the fraud my friend.

KeLToS (2008-10-17)

quality is fine but its on gay subs. some check or polish

tonith (2008-11-11)

Is it at all as good as zeitgeist ?

darthnegate (2009-07-26)

Thank you Michael Moore!

Shantanab (2009-08-10)

It was a good movie...tried to tell the truth in a simple manner

dude8888 (2009-12-14)

A=6, V=6
poor quality for the size

 one_last_round (2009-12-24)

If you want to learn more about how the government is spying on all of its citizens check out this Documentary
BBC-Sex.Spying.Conspiracy (PBS.Discovery.History.Channel.Theory)

Watch and see how the government is tapping your phone calls, reading your emails, and creating databases of everything about you. Companies get paid by the government to collect info on all of us. All the purchases we make. The spouse we might have or what kind of pets we have, or even our favorite color. Here we have an ex CEO of the company talking about all this. Watch as you see how some companies monitor all their employees even while they are away from work! Finally the video shows the infamous NSA and how more than 20,000 people working each day listen to your phone calls. Hear ex employees talking about it. The sources are from MSNBC, Discovery Channel, and History Channel along with others. Not only is this evidence but it comes from high sources and it takes you right to the heart of where this is all happening.
And this is just part 1 of a four part series.

asdhokker (2010-03-18)

can someone make a 700MB dvdrip out of it?

DX-Con (2010-12-11)

what I find hilarious is even with an idiot president we still rule the whole fucking world!!!
ha ha usa rules.

Ultimate_Congo (2011-02-21)

@ DX-Con
No USA does not rule the world at all, you would have to be really ignorant of other countries to believe that... Oh wait welcome to america.

Alwballe (2011-03-02)

Run with VLC= sound and no gay subs

EXE_cutioner (2011-05-10)

Who owns the media that tells all the lies? Oh, I mean the "News". Who bought the buildings months before it happened and insured it and made sure to have it written up to pay double if destroyed by terrorists? Why did the Rhothchilds move to NY with balcony seats for the 911 show only weeks before? Usually when a crime is commited the one making all the money off it is responsible you morons! I would love to hear from someone that actually lost a loved one on any of those flights or even can name a real researchable normal person on any one of those flights including the planeless Pentagon and PA hits. I haven't been able to find a single one or anybody that knows one and I've been searching for 10+ years now. You can't have an airliner crash and only get 1 pickup truck load of debris even if you flew the fucking thing into the sun! LMAO at all you cows riding with the herd. Keep those blinders on and keep believing everything the jew media spoon feeds you. Fuck you all anyway, hope ya get nut cancer if you are stupid enough to believe one word from those filthy bastards that have been thrown out of every country they inhabited over the last 5000 years. If you are that stupid you shouldn't be breeding and nut cancer would be a blessing to the human race.
Thanks for the upload,
Peace my niggas,
Oh wait, I forgot to affend the fags...Fuck them too! LMAO

Skunkos (2011-09-23)

Damn you U.S.A government, you ruin the world.

westie420uk (2012-02-11)

go to (illuminati backwards) & see what site it takes you to. very strange.

westie420uk (2012-02-11)

type (Illuminati backwards) in to your search engine & see where it takes you, very strange!

DreaD151 (2012-03-29)

i be a son of a bitch i spent i dont know how long downloading this with no sound on it !!! pff it was the file not the rig i am a 100% sure it was probably corrupt or something happened while downloading it i figure......

xscottmoneyx (2012-05-02)

To EXE_cutioner ..Are you saying you have looked for peoples familys that were on those plains?
Because thats been one of the many things no one ever really brings up...
Ive all ways questioned:Where are these ppl and why havent we ever heard from them?
To westie420uk: That is FUCKING crazy!!!!! takes you straight to the NSA web site!!!

dream7184 (2012-07-11)

Bush was bad for the country...but not 1/2 as bad as the grinning-idiot we currently have squatting in the White House.

ThankYou_PB (2012-11-21)

Bush, fucking bush. The absolute worse pres the US ever had. Oh wait, I take that back, you can't blame a sock puppet for all wrongs committed. Cheney, fucking cheney and his neocon cabal were the absolute worse co-presidents the US ever had.

ps3andseeds (2013-05-21)

United States of Mexico


1. Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip/Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip CD1.avi 700.36 Mb
2. Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip/Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip CD1.txt 46.47 Kb
3. Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip/Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip CD2.avi 695.37 Mb
4. Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip/Fahrenheit 911 (2004) DVDRip CD2.txt 40.75 Kb