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XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit)






XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) ///INFE




2009-05-10 (by InfectedPirater)


AntiWPA 3.3 for x64 and x86 =========================== How to use: Start AntiWPA3.cmd to install/uninstall the patch What is does the patch modifies: * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotifyAntiWPA is added to Registry * File C:windowssystem32AntiWPA.dll is added * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWPAEvents] data for "OOBETimer" is changed {=OOBE} * rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DEL_OOBE_ACTIVATE 132 syssetup.inf rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection RESTORE_OOBE_ACTIVATE 132 syssetup.inf is executed which will remove/restore WPA-links from the startmenu How does it works: It cheats (hooks user32.dll! GetSystemMetrics(SM_CLEANBOOT) & ntdll.dll!NtLockProductActivation) winlogon.exe to make it believe it was booted in safemode and so winlogon skips the WPA-Check. (Note: Does not affects system calls by other exe or dll.) The patch is 'autorun' on eachs start before the WPA-check via HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotifyAntiWPA The hooks are applied when AntiWPA.dll!onLogon was load by winlogon.exe Winlogon.exe is not altered anymore. Patching (API-Hooking) is done in Memory. So there are no problems with the windows System File Protection anymore. Installation is performed via AntiWPA.dll!DllRegisterServer ("regsvr32 AntiWPA.dll"). The file is copied to systemdir and the registrykeys are added. (Note: AntiWPA.dll is no ActiveX selfregisterdll.) Uninstallation is done via AntiWPA.dll!DllUnRegisterServer ("regsvr32 -u AntiWPA.dll"). ================================================== F A Q - Frequently Asked Questions ================================================== ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? How to check if it's really active ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? check if antiwpa.dll is loaded enter in console TASKLIST /M /FI "MODULES eq antiwpa.dll" and check if you get the Process Winlogon.exe as output ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I have Install AntiWPA 2.00 shall I uninstall it and update? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? They both work well. They both ‘target’ the same function in Winlogon.exe. So it’s running well - don’t touch it (Never touch a running system.) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Do I have to reinstall every AntiWPA 3 after I've installed an servicepack ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No you don't need. The patch isn’t undo by service packs anymore. Since it doesn't modify winlogon.exe it's no problem if winlogon.exe is replace by a new version. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What is the difference between AntiWPA 2 & AntiWPA 3? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? AntiWPA 2 directly modified winlogon.exe (on hard disk) to make it skip over the product activation check. AntiWPA 3 intercepts (API-Hooking) the request of winlogon.exe to the OS (in memory). If Windows was booted in safeMode and returns always yes and winlogon.exe skips the product activation check. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? How to integrate it into Windows Setup? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I have done/tried this yet. Well you have to manage these tasks somehow: 1. Add antiwpa.dll to the installation package 2. make it execute once "regsvr32 /s antiwpa.dll" (or "rundll32 antiwpa.dll, DllRegisterServer") ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The let's activated dialog still says it needs to activate. [obsoluted since oobe-fix is included] ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Don't worry about - as long as the days are not decreasing(=not so critical) and you a message pops up during login saying 'you need to activated in x days' (=very bad) However if you feel better apply '' AntiWPA.dll hookdll implementation by HLT Specifications & install script by CW2K http:\ --------------------------------------------------------------- History: 3.3 Install/Uninstall routine for OOBE-Fix and remove activate-links added to AntiWPA.dll 3.2 Internal version (Not released) 3.1 Install/Uninstall routine via regsvr32 added to AntiWPA.dll Version info added to AntiWPA.dll 3.0 BETA initial Release ///INFECTED PIRATER///


  1. activator
  2. crack
  3. keygen
  4. torrent
  5. infected pirater
  7. Developer Activation
  8. Windows XP
  9. Windows XP home
  10. WIndows XP media center editio
  11. windows xp pro
  12. pro
  13. sp2
  14. sp3
  15. service pack 3

Files count:



157.73 Kb




alchemist1289 (2009-05-11)

Will this enable me to do my updates?

 InfectedPirater (2009-05-13)

im posting this for people who do not want to use my software, but are in need of something like this. Just something for everyone to use. not alot of people understand how to use my software so whatever

marflo (2009-05-30)

InfectedPirater I need a piece of advice.
My daughter pc with xp pro didn't boot anymore I tried a lot of software to get back her documents but No succes.I got mesage like I have keyboard failure or something SIMILAR.
Finally I decided to use your xp sp3 to repair.The xp boot ok but didn't allow me to do anything saying that I need to activate first.The phone activation failed.
I booted in safe mode and in this way I was able
to save my daughter documents.
Could you tell me how can I use your activator to fix the xp activation.Should I boot in safe mode and try to run the activator from a cd or from a usb device?

Shazam_777 (2009-06-06)

With a name like infected Pirater, I wonder why ANYONE would download ANYTHING from this guy!?

and-reas (2009-06-07)

@shazam: sure, hes great and trusted
but this crack didnt worked for me, I runned it, checked if it was done and it was, restarted it and he said I still wasnt activated???

cdzap (2009-06-29)

It works great. I m very proud cheating microsoft with 157.73 KiB. Thanks a lot InfectedPirater

robroy127 (2009-07-09)

Thanks to you infected pirate.Works great , and certainly saves all the 'carry on' using the M.Soft phone activation method.

DiscoPirate (2009-07-15)

InfectedPirater, hmm nice name.. I am sure now this is a virus

jayb83 (2009-08-10)


umarnawazkhan (2009-08-10)

i thought u was sick of cracks and wanted some real stuff.

crawler47 (2009-08-23)

worked for me fine the first attempt.
Thanks infected!
You the pirate.

wetsnay (2009-12-04)

IP - Beautiful Baby! Ran your code in Safe mode and Shazaam. Great Job! If only they were all this easy. I'll be seeding this one.

TahirGurashi (2009-12-26)

Try this. 100% working.

vaktyuk (2010-02-01)

no good with x64. modul missing. try original see: n00byguy's comment

Telpar (2010-08-06)

Here is my true experience:
It is about time we make to this torrent Justice !
I have downloaded other Activators - including the one mentioned in a link a few comments above. Although they were working - at first - after 30 days Windows was asking for activation again.
Problem is, Windows then said it was activated, then asked again for activation - the result is that your Windows computer becomes UNUSABLE. You cannot even open a session, even in networked safemode.
Since I had an unusable computer, I was looking for another activator, and came to this one. I tried it on my stuck XP3 computer (launching it in safe mode with no network).
It worked like a charm.
It made my computer working again.
So, I have a lot of thanks to forward to all those who made this possible:
- the one who made this file,
- the ones who seeded this file,
- the ones who approved it,
- and even, the one who made 'Transmission', the only working bittorrent client for a Mac computer. Yes, I had to use a Mac to download the torrent as the PC was unusable, and the official bittorrent for Mac is complete bullshit (almost never worked and always stuck the computer, on Mac).

Many thanks! =)

dussko (2010-10-23)

Man, forget what other non-satisfied crew writes... This activator works... I have a legal XP SP2 vers. 2002 "founded on a street", with only a product key in it... This staff activated it. Thanx, man.

dussko (2010-10-23)

I also head problems like Telpar... Now, I don't. Thanx, again.

r_knight2010 (2010-11-21)

LOOK ( EFFECT ITS TurnOff all ur security like firewall etc...... its seem clean ) dont believe me???
LOOK for ur self after resttarting ur PC for 2-3times look at ur security like firewall fuk

[Silvers] (2011-01-12)

This is bullshit, doesn't work...
I downloaded antiWPA from several torrents and NOT A SINGLE ONE DOES THE JOB...
Manual override of the registries through REGEDIT doesn't work either...
Fuck XP, fuck Microsoft, I m getting myself a Linux, end of story!!

Slinkey66 (2011-01-18)

This worked like a charm. Thanks IP

momhon74 (2011-01-19)

A piece of advice folks. open windows in safe mode then run AntiWPA3.cmd buy just double clicking it then follow instruction on DOS window mode after finished then reboot. :-)

yeah168 (2011-01-23)

InfectedPirater Thanks for this file man! I just redid my fam's XP machine about a month ago and it was activated and out of nowhere it locked them out of everything saying it was not. They freaked and thought they had a virus. This thing saved a bunch of time redoing the whole system & progs.
Thanks tons!! And Telpar & others Thanks for your good reviews!
To people, this file WORKS and is very fast!

loeild (2011-02-22)

WOW, AWESOME!!! It's working 100%. Thanks

blondlady (2011-09-15)

After 30 days it's still working, no differences realized. Now it's 40 days since installation and still working fine.
Great job, THANKS

brandon902 (2011-11-01)

You sir, are a genius.

xKJTx (2011-12-16)

This was very easy. Run one small CMD script in safe-mode and Windows is now activated.
You may want to say 'Running is Safe-Mode is best' in your description.
Press F8 about 15 times, not to fast, after you start up your computer and then it should say 'Safe Mode' at the top of the list. Once in safe mode, run the file 'AntiWPA3.cmd' and then press enter. When it says its done, press exit and restart your computer. Your done!
Thanks for this! Worked great!!! Did all my Windows updates right after with no problems.

Dr.Dump (2012-01-14)

Works great man, thank you.

stuntz0rZ (2012-03-06)

DOES NOT WORK!!! I used an OEM windowsxp Pro SP2 disc and then ran this in safe mode. It did absolutely nothing! I found a different one! (:

stuntz0rZ (2012-03-06)

DOES NOT WORK!!! I used an OEM windowsxp Pro SP2 disc than installed sp3.. ran this in safe mode. It did absolutely nothing! I found a different one! (:

RockinLikeAMutha (2012-05-22)

Haha This Actually Works..Nice Dude;) (Props)

TwixTak (2013-10-18)

OMG! This works like a chaarm!!!
all what i did was:
1- booted into safe mood.
2- started the "ANTIWPA.cmd" and simply pressed "ENTER"
thnx to (xKJTx) for the info, and for "InfectedPirater" for the activator.


1. XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator/amd64/AntiWPA.Dll 92.50 Kb
2. XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator/x86/AntiWPA.Dll 59.00 Kb
3. XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator/AntiWPA3.cmd 1.45 Kb
4. XP SP3 [AntiWPA] Activator/readme.txt 4.78 Kb