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Native Instruments Traktor Pro v1 2 4 MAC OSX-UNION
Software Mac
2010-02-01 (by Cain303)
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€€€€€€€€ flflflfl flfl ï¬â‚¬â‚¬ ON €€›
‹‹ fl€‹€€fl Native Instruments Traktor Pro 1.2.4 €€‹ 01/29/10 ‹€€
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€€€ ‹€€fl Cracker : Gavin Supplier : UNION fl≤fl€€€€€€€€flflfl €
ï¬â‚¬â‚¬ €€€ Packager : UNION OS : OSX(Intel) ∞ ‹‹ ≤
€€‹ fl€‹ Protection : RAS2/Custom ‹€€ ∞
fl€€€‹ fl ‹€€€fl
‹‹fl‹fl€€€€‹‹‹‹ ∞ Retail: 199 EUR ‹‹‹‹€€€€flfl ‹
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€€‹ Note: We will release major updates only from now on, if €€
‹ €€€‹ you want hotfixes too then go buy it. The TSP crack ‹€€
‹€fl€€ï¬â‚¬ï¬‚€€€‹‹‹ is also included as usual. ‹€€€fl
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€€fl We don't want sites, neither couriers and we don't take in new fl€€
€€ crackers. If we feel you are worthy you will be contacted. €€
‹‹ ‹‹
€€‹ Greetings goes to: CLS.CORE.DSI.HBD.LND.OGN.PDM ‹€€
fl€€fl ‹‹‹‹€€€€€‹‹‹‹ RZR.REBELS.X-FORCE.UCL.UCF ‹€€fl
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.nfo header and layout by Hetero fl
Files count:
239.80 Mb
Royalwitcheeez (2010-02-02)
where's the PC version?waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm patient.
segmentation-fault (2010-02-26)
I'm using Mac OS-X Snow Leopard 10.6.2, and had previously installed an original copy of Traktor LE 1.2.4 + Service Center + Controller Editor + Audio 4 DJ Driver + Traktor Kontrol X1 Driver.I've uninstalled Traktor LE through NI Uninstall Utility 1.0.4.
But when I try to install the Traktor Pro 1.2.4 from this torrent, the installer fails every time. I don't understand why. I've tried everything.
Traktor Pro 1.2.1 released by UNION works fine, though.
But I really need 1.2.4, because 1.2.1 doesn't support properly the new controller Traktor Kontrol X1.
Any help? Thank you.
sm00sh (2010-03-07)
The installer also fails for me.osx, 10.5.6
cYberGlobe (2010-03-08)
Ive downloaded the demo version 1.2.4 from NI site and i was trying to crack it with this torrent...but i dont understand how make it work.if i copy the cracked app. after demo installation it doesnt work at all...the application doesnt start.
which files ive to copy?
Shabaam (2010-03-19)
Installation Failure FIX:turns out it has nothing to do with snow leopard. it was just too simple to think of:
COPY THE INSTALLATION FILE (Traktor Installer Mac.mpkg) to an external harddrive, THEN RUN IT.
spread the word.
kn3h (2010-04-12)
For anyone with experiencing the 'won't start up' behavior of the K-ed app: Files in the .app might not have executable-bit set.You can fix it in an OSX-terminal:
1. Start Terminal
2. cd to the application folder:
cd "/Applications/Native
3. Set the exec-bit:
chmod 755 MacOS/Traktor
chmod 755 Resources/Traktor.rsrc
chmod 755 Resources/TraktorStudio.nrc
4. Done
Commands are case sensitive
GHOSTBALLS (2010-04-20)
THANK YOU KN3H!it works
jdhope (2010-05-10)
everything works fine, but for some reason everytime i try to do this it installs traktor LE instead of pro, i assumed this was happening because i had traktor LE on my mac already, so i deleted everything that had anything to do with traktor from my mac and my problem is still continuing, anyone know why?globez (2010-06-06)
I have that problem... Doesn't change from LE to Pro. Does anyone know which file i need to delete?pioroon (2010-07-30)
HelloCan someone explain Me(by Me I understand person whos not realy a mac pro user :P ) how to make it right. I've tried allready to do that stuff with terminal but it wont work for Me :/ (Im getting a kind of message about incorect folder at the start etc) so please if somebody can tell Me how to install this one I'll be very greatfull.