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2011-11-08 (by Anonymous)


clean iso for mw3 on the wii modders yall have fun just remeber countryfried put it up......

Files count:



4482.25 Mb




jamz3243 (2011-11-08)

please seed anonymous I would like to download and be happy to help seed.

countryfried (2011-11-08)

I'm seeding 46 leachers now it will get faster as more download please everyone seed

jamz3243 (2011-11-08)

ok thank you I'm seeding at unlimited but my ISP limits me to ~5 mb upload a second, so that is decent, albeit the current upload my bit torrent is showing is 240-520 kbs(don't ask me I set it for unlimited :/). everyone do your part to seed as much and as fast as possible so we can all get this iso faster! =D

jamz3243 (2011-11-08)

DAM this isn't the way freaking torrents work!
we all need to seed not just download, stop actually being little kids and be mature, SEED or DIE!

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

yus finally~ thank youu, im seeding btw

jamz3243 (2011-11-08)

I swear if we don't get ppl seeding Ima give your ips some butt hurt, I'm talking ddos. So start seeding or loose your precious download; btw this won't affect those of us seeding only you free downloading kids.

aslk1324 (2011-11-08)

i may bee a noob to this kinda thing but how to i help out and glad to help if someone could tell me

jamz3243 (2011-11-08)

on your bit torrent that you are using to download search "how to seed with *your bittorrent's name here*" on google. there is no 'one' way to seed it depends on your bittorrent client.

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

on your torrent client, if youre downloading, look at your upload speed to see if and how fast youre uploading. also, when it finishes, dont remove the torrent from the client

situationgera (2011-11-08)

how do i seed or i cant help

DimeOFW (2011-11-08)

Dang How did you guys get this to download already I'm stuck at 10%

situationgera (2011-11-08)

more seeders pls show me how to seed

DimeOFW (2011-11-08)

deamon what bittoreent are you using?

situationgera (2011-11-08)

if it works i will seed

DimeOFW (2011-11-08)

those that have finished downloading which torrent client did you use?

situationgera (2011-11-08)

im downloading fast 3min 1percent

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

oh, im not finished lol, im at 12.5% atm, using utorrent

westywv12 (2011-11-08)

is this the proper game ? not a cover of mw or black ops and im seedin at 10 mb so every one els can seed

situationgera (2011-11-08)

im at 11 percent

countryfried (2011-11-08)

is this the same demon on disturbed???

situationgera (2011-11-08)

guys if it works i will post gameplay on my channel pls sub or comment channel is situationgera wii gameplay

1trueking (2011-11-08)

stuck at 13.8%

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

why would a cover be 4GB?

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

and trueking, im at 14%

countryfried (2011-11-08)

are you the same demon off of disturbed????

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

uhh no? lol

aslk1324 (2011-11-08)

im at 14.9

aslk1324 (2011-11-08)

im at 14.9..come on seed!!!!!!!!!!!

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

im downloading

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

downloading less than 1kb/s now* seeeeeed ._.

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

and country, it wouldve been nice if you compressed this

Giomarx7 (2011-11-08)

@16%, will seed as soon it's done

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

wow :/ we get 2 more seeders and the number of leechers triples

Giomarx7 (2011-11-08)

@ 16%, will seed as soon as done

countryfried (2011-11-08)

didnt know first upload ever

Giomarx7 (2011-11-08)

@ 16 %, will seed as soon as done

Giomarx7 (2011-11-08)

16% will seed as soon it's finished

Giomarx7 (2011-11-08)

will seed as soon it's finished

aslk1324 (2011-11-08)


aslk1324 (2011-11-08)

25.9% will seed when done

DimeOFW (2011-11-08)

Im runnin utorrent and zune dont know if thats slowin it down or not but there both @ 27% will give update as it progresses

mooose-27 (2011-11-08)

6 seeds but 0 connected please seed!!!

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

30%. definitely seeding when im finished.

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

30%. definitely seeding when im finished

Cr1t1c (2011-11-08)

EU version only available 11-11-11 so FAKE!!!

mooose-27 (2011-11-08)

How do you get EU out of US EN, I think it means US English you dumb ass.

mooose-27 (2011-11-08)

I will continue to download its probably not fake either don't take advice from just anyone "Cr1c1t".

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

for anyone that is really impatient, go here
go to the forth post and follow the link it's the same file as this but split into compressed parts. you'll download way faster off of there :P im downloading all of these ATM, the ETA for all of these to finish is ~30 minutes for me

demon7331 (2011-11-08)

woot! tested and working. thank you so much countryfried~ :D oh and btw, if anyone uses that link i posted, the file is in converted to .wbfs format, so before you download it make sure you know how to convert wbfs to iso (wiibackupmanager, wbfsmanager, etc)

countryfried (2011-11-08)

demon look for thread started on codeleakers add me as an ally

demon7331 (2011-11-09)

found the thread. havent found you

MuskyMatt (2011-11-09)

if you seed moar i shall give you cookies and let you simply walk into mordor

XxWesleYxX (2011-11-09)

Fucking seed , this is bullshit. 3 seeds 544 Leechers

countryfried (2011-11-09)

sry had turned it off for a min while I was playing online

Giomarx7 (2011-11-09)

downloading, as soon it's finished will seed, @demon7331 does ask for updates? since you managed I guess it's safe to download any updates.

XxWesleYxX (2011-11-09)


XxWesleYxX (2011-11-09)


csocsy1 (2011-11-09)

This torrent is good for European players?
Thanks the answers!

XxWesleYxX (2011-11-09)

Yes it is

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

i've just burned to disk now ,tried to load using neogamma R8 beta 12. IOS249 (Rev 17) and the screen has gone red and is stuck on the loading screen so as of now this game doesnt load!!
i will convert to wbfs and try and load it through usb hard drive.
i will scan the forums to find a fix and let you all know.

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

A cIOS WITH A BASE ios of 57....

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

guide to get this game running

situationgera (2011-11-09)

andy will this game work with ios 249 rev 20

situationgera (2011-11-09)

because when i used ios 249 rev 14 on black ops it didnt load know that i use ios 249 rev 20 it works perfect you could install 2 from youtube search how to play black ops on neogamma

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

*register first for links to appear*
1: click on the + to the left of where it says "I don't have the correct cIOS--How do I install it?"
2: download the 2 wad files, extract them then add the 2 extracted wad's to the "wad" folder of youe wii's sd card.
3: put sd card back in your wii, open home brew channel, open wad manager, install the 2 wads named cIOS250[57]-v21d2x6 and cIOS224[57]-v65535
argg the game still wont load from disk. anyway i will convert the Iso image to wbfs and try to load it from hdd.

jd2660184 (2011-11-09)

please seed people!!!! thanks foe the upload @countryfried

focusink (2011-11-09)

demon7331 that links work fine u dont need to convert back to iso if you use a usd hard drive or memory stick works great for me in uloader and usb loader set boot iso to 224 and works perfect to all that trying to the play this game uses uloader and choose iso 224 and it will work like a charm uloader boots disk and usb hard drive enjoy

csocsy1 (2011-11-09)

There will be a normal version? which mean iso file, burn to dvd, and load from dvd disc?

focusink (2011-11-09)
here is the complete guide for uloader

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

ok as of yet it doesnt work/load from disk it sticks on the game loading screen. it may work from usb. i cant test it yet as i need to formatmy hdd drive from ntfs to wbfs which i cant do as i have loads of films on it. i will have to buy a new one lol. anyway i will update the IOS needed to play from disk as soon as i get it.

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

it wont load off disk on IOS 249 rev 17 or rev 14. i havnt tried rev 20 have you if so any luck? black opps works on rev 17! too.
it wont load off these two neither cIOS250[57]-v21d2x6 and cIOS224[57]-v65535
(thats disk loading)
i'll keep an eye out on wii hacks for a new cIOS for disk loading and put on here. if anyone gets one first please post on here asap!

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

holy smoke it loads using neogamma R8 beta 12. IOS249 (Rev 20)
link for cIOS249[57]-v20.wad is here.
well type this in google cIOS249[57]-v20.wad and the 3rd result down is a m#d#afire one-- that is the one to download and install

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

neogamma r8 b12 available here

situationgera (2011-11-09)

i have ios 249 rev 20 base ios 57

situationgera (2011-11-09)

thanks for the info andy that means i could play it hurray

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

have fun i just had my first game online and i am a nuub 20 deaths zero kills lol. time to practice lol.

focusink (2011-11-09)

you can play it useing uloader also u loader is the best so far no extra soft modding

situationgera (2011-11-09)

71 peercent so close i will seed this game for other people

situationgera (2011-11-09)

check out my youtube channel guys i will be posting new gameplay soon check it out my utube channel is situationgera

Xeron105 (2011-11-09)

hi, im usind neogamma r9 beta 50 and everytime im trying to go online my wii freezes. Please can anyone help?

situationgera (2011-11-09)

xeron what ios do u have

situationgera (2011-11-09)

100% done hurray

situationgera (2011-11-09)

im seeding for other peopls now so guys please seed dont just download

Xeron105 (2011-11-09)

i got ios 249 base 57 rev 21

Xeron105 (2011-11-09)

i got ios 249 base 57 rev 21

andy99999 (2011-11-09)

xeron try the IOS i put up in the comments.if no joy install my older version of neogamma--(no need to uninstall your newer one) i can play online just lagg etc

macca3-16 (2011-11-09)

This is a joke, I cant believe i've been downloading this torrent for 2 days and its still not complete, every moron who dl this said they would seed, obviously not as its still got a 5-1 leech to seed ratio, when I finnally get this dl I WILL seed for an hour max, so every other person who dl this after me can feel as frustrated as I do, p.s Thanks countryfried

Xeron105 (2011-11-09)

thanx man it worked

snark0 (2011-11-10)

This is NTSC not PAL, but it seems to be working on PAL systems. So is there any reason for PAL users to use a PAL version instead of this one? Perhaps something with the servers or something?

situationgera (2011-11-10)

guys this works please check out my gameplay channel is here situationgera

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

need to ask how long it took to put the iso file onto ur HD? mine is taking longer then it should. saying it has been running for like 4 hours now and only completed like a centimeter of data and i did everything correct. plz get back to me if there is anything that i may be able to do different or could it be just my HD!! now my HD is not full it has 11.56GB left on it. but idk wat to do and im using WBFSmanager as well and the other one i tryed was saying like 7 days to complete (wii back up managier). plz help me asap would really love to get playing this game!!!!!

bross73 (2011-11-10)

seeds please

jos135 (2011-11-10)

Don't waste your bandwidth !! This game sucks ballls .. Such a disappointment !!!! and if you do get it .. Atleast you didnt spend on it !!! Its so bad that I guarantee you'll be back on black ops in 2 days !!!!

andy99999 (2011-11-10)

im seeding at 200kb/s again.
@ aslk1324. do you mean you have 100% of the game and are trying to convert to wbfs so you can play the game off hdd? if so it should take using wii back up manager to convert fron iso to wbfs about 2 minutes. then when converted you need a hdd which has been formatted to wbfs with back up manager. then open back up manager and select the drive letter from your usb hdd and then drag the game(wbfs file not iso) to the drive. once done plug the hdd into the wii and play

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

@andy ya i now how top do all that and its telling me that its going to take 7 days and i left it on last night and its not even half way done yet. wat im asking do u think it may be my hdd maybe going bad cuz i only have one at the time

andy99999 (2011-11-10)

try the hdd in a different usb port. if no joy download another copy of wii backup manager.. also do a hash check on the torrent to make sure you have 100% of the file.

andy99999 (2011-11-10)

if no joy it may be an idea to reformat the hdd to wbfs with wii backup manager.

Lukws1Lt (2011-11-10)

For anyone who's from Europe and want to play spec ops with no lag, sent me your friend code, we can play.

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

ok i redownloaded the torrent and it came out that there is 1 hash file while i was downloading it wat do i do and it it telling me that it is in a unknown format or damaged.. wat can i do to fix this

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

and it also says after i downloaded it that 5.65mb wasted

WIISoftModder (2011-11-10)

Thanks for the upload, works great on CFG USB Loader! I have continued to seed after I finished download. I prepared myself to have to load a new IOS but I must have already loaded 250 for another game.

andy99999 (2011-11-10)

start the torrent off again as if you are seeding and it will download the missing/corrupted parts. after the re check/hash check what % does it say?

daz500 (2011-11-10)

im on 43% will post if it works

Lukws1Lt (2011-11-10)

It does work, but spec ops lags for me, because I am from Europe, and there are very few European players since Europe version of game releases in 2011-11-11 , so I can only play with Americans, so that's why it lags most of the time.

situationgera (2011-11-10)

dont get this download find a different one because spec ops lags alot and sometimes u press on a button a laggs 2

countryfried (2011-11-10)

spec ops lags period I have tried it on disk and cfg usb loader...also I am loading on ios 250 vs.19

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

step by step plz andy..not that familiar with that? thanks

countryfried (2011-11-10)

just stop the torrent then restart it so it will seed when you do that any files corrupted will be repaired

aslk1324 (2011-11-10)

how long would that normally take???

countryfried (2011-11-10)

according to how many corrupt files you have if anything you can completely delete and redownload with as many seeds are on now shouldn't take long at all. if your using utorrent you can click the red x then redownload and it will fill in the missing files

andy99999 (2011-11-10)

yup in youtorrent right click the torrent and click "force recheck" from the dropdown list. takes about 4 mins to re check the file.

aslk1324 (2011-11-11)

ok did all that and its at 100% and all but when i go to open the file and extract it its still telling me "the file is either in unknown format or damaged" i have downloaded it several times and tryed different one that there is and still nothing just the same thing every time. wat can i do to change it?

daz500 (2011-11-11)

changed the ios to 250 works perfect on co usb loader cheers matey

countryfried (2011-11-11)

@aslk1324 it's in wbfs format you need a wbfs manager. I use wbfs manager 3.0 you have to format flashdrive then install ios on to it

Snowmanne (2011-11-11)

Thanks for the upload. To those who are having problems transferring the game to WBFS drive you must have more than 4.38GB free on your computer hard drive and some programs need a temp directory so select a new directory and restarting your computer also helps.

andy99999 (2011-11-11)

@aslk1324 this torrent doesnt need extracting it is an iso it with nero or any iso burning software and burn to disk. or open wii back up manager, click add, files, add the modern warfare 3 iso file, tick the box on the left, click transfer, wbfs file, select the location you want the wbfs file to go, click ok.
Now with your hard drive which you are using for your wii plug it in your pc, now in wii back up manager click drive 1 or drive 2 etc (whichever your wii hdd is) now leave the programme open! now find the wbfs file you just made, right click it and click copy, go back to wii back up manager and right click in the big box below your wii drive (ie:drive2) and click paste. the game in wbfs format will go onto your wii hdd.

Lukws1Lt (2011-11-11)

PAL territory gamers, who wants to play modern warfare 3 NTSC version without lag add me on skype "pikolas007" and we'll arrange some matches and tournaments. :]

aslk1324 (2011-11-11)

thanks for the help...i had to go out and buy a new hdd. my hdd bit the dust..but one last keeps getting stuck at the loading screen and i using the same cios a black ops was running off of cuz i read that it would run off the same one and im also using loader gx as well..any tips

aslk1324 (2011-11-11)

nvm all that i figured it out thanks alot guys for the help and the tips now im about to start playing!!!!!!!!!! thanks alot for all the help :)

PDreezy (2011-11-11)

do i just put it on my external hard drive? yes i got usb loader gx, btw do i just download torrent cuz when i do i only get like 12mb

aslk1324 (2011-11-12)

i tryed to update my gx loader and its giving me a error 1022 how do i fix that and the other thing is iv ran the game like 3 times and the fourth time and after having problems getting it to run like a few more times till i have to mess with the settings and it will run again till i stop and start it back up and have the same problem. wat can i do to fix that and the error 1022

aslk1324 (2011-11-12)

and the reason y id have to turn it off and back on one part in the game when u get on the inside of the falling building and take a turn it glitches up and freezes on me

aslk1324 (2011-11-12)

how big should the file be after u put the game on the hdd...i had one say it was 5.08 gb and this one says 4.06 gb

aslk1324 (2011-11-12)

ok ya i now yall might be getting tired of hearing from me but im now wanting to now the steps to burn it to a dick and to play it on my wii from the disc..i have the white wii if that matters at all..and also wat app to use on the wii so i can play it. and plz make it step by step so i can understand wat ur talking about?? thanks

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

Every time I try to play on USBLoader it loads over and over again. It won't go past the loading. Any help so I can play?

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

The loading is after I click on the disk. It shows the safety warnings and when it gets to the Loading... It will continue doing that.

countryfried (2011-11-13)

@ask I have never burned to a disk sry. @TheChancler you need to try loading with the ios 250

andy99999 (2011-11-13)

@aslk1324 install nero. now double click the .iso game and nero will open , put blank dvd-r in , click burn .
install the neogamma and the IOS which i put up earlier in the comments i also say how to do it.

andy99999 (2011-11-13)

just copy the extracted cIOS and the extracted neogamma to the "wad" folder in your sd card from your wii. then put sd card in wii, open home brew channel, open wad manager, install CIOS and neogamma. then close home brew channel. insert disk, click to open neogamma on the home screen, click load from disk. play the game.

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

I have Force NTSC and IOS as IOS 150. Is there any other settings to change?

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

^250 My bad I only got like three hours of sleep.

andy99999 (2011-11-13)

guide to cancelor

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

I did everything it says and still it won't go past the ISO's Loading... screen.

andy99999 (2011-11-13)

use a different usb loader either,
WiiFlow 2.2 r304 - cIOS d2x v6 base 57
Usb Loader GX 2.3 - cIOS d2x v6 base 57
WiiFlow r416 & r417
CFG Usb Loader v70 - cIOS 250 + 224 - d2x v6 base 57
google them or download from,you need to register for free to see the links

TheCanceler (2011-11-13)

Nvm I got it thanks.

Str8UpJack (2012-02-21)

Just curious, any Mac users that can give some advice? I downloaded a few iso files today and I can't get them to load with Wii Backup Fusion so I can load them onto my HDD. Fusion won't recognize them as valid files. Hoping this version of MW3 will work. My drive died 2 days ago as I was prepping wii with soft-mod but now I can't copy my copy of MW3 so I'm stuck grabbing a torrent... I do seed back by the way using a 1.5 ratio per download.

Biokid13 (2013-02-20)

if you guys are having trouble ask me on here and ill help you as much as i can i have a hack pack 2.0 newest soft mod firmware so yeah?!