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GTA IV Grand Theft Auto IV Protection Override by Fed0r






GTA IV Grand Theft Auto IV Protection Override by Fed0r Neo(Zygo




2008-12-05 (by Zygorius)


The file was uploaded but then deleted. Luckily I managed to get a hold of it and re-uploading now for you my friends. I know that a lot of crap is flying around but it is working and here is the original nfo and I did download all the other stuff that most were BS and a few worked for a handful of people. This one had tons of comments about it working for everyone! :) Enjoy! ____ ____ __ ____ / _` / _` /'__`/ _`-----------------+ L _ __ / / / L | _/'__` , / | | / __/ _ _ \ | | _ ____\ ____/ ____/ _ _ | | /_//____/ /___/ /___/ /_// / | | . F e D 0 R . P R E S E N T S . | | the AWESOMEST hack of the century | | | | Grand Theft Auto IV :: SecuROM bypasser/launcher | | | | dedicated to the small number of fans | | that have fallen as a result of our | | friends at Sony_ | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ | $ We are looking for members! requirements? | | + smoke lots of weed | | + get a ps3 | | + dont call us we will call you | +---------------------------------------------kthx-+ 1. DO A CLEAN INSTALL (Use original GTAIV.exe, GTAIVGDF.dll, etc) 2. Replace LaunchGTAIV.exe with provided launcher 3. Run GTA IV from Rockstar Games Social Club (RGSC) No activation required. No serial required unless you want to play on L!VE. 4. You can use the original paul.dll file and OfflineActivation folder included in case you overwrote them, this should save a reinstall! 5. Enjoy and really consider buying the game if you LOVE IT LIKE I DO ! :) ~ FeD0R 2008 ~ (Neo(Zygorius): Added Steps 4-5) Enjoy! :) P.S. I know the original Fed0r release was 27kb but I added included some original files to save you guys from reinstalling since it takes ages to do so.


  1. GTA IV
  2. GTA
  3. Fed0r

Files count:



4.69 Mb




jedigman (2008-12-05)

The orginal Fed0r crack that worked was only 27kb... this is fake

Anti_Toast (2008-12-05)

If there was a working crack, why would they take it off???

jedigman (2008-12-05)

If thats true Zygorius forgive me

petzzoni (2008-12-05)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

NeHoMaR (2008-12-05)

WWWHHHYYY? the original loader was deleted of this site?

jedigman (2008-12-05)

only bad thing is the FPS :(

YURNXT (2008-12-05)

This works 100%! I have tried every crack posted here, and over at Demonoid, and none have stopped the damn drunken camera....until this came along. Too be safe I did do a fresh install of the game. I've been playing for 30-45mins. and havent gotten the drunken camera yet:) This is the real deal....after uninstalling and reinstalling this game around 20+ times, to try all the different cracks.........finally no drunken cam!

petzzoni (2008-12-05)

sorry , man , u know how i feel, thx

YURNXT (2008-12-05)

Forgot to say thanks to Fedor for finally cracking this game, and to Zygorius for the upload...I was just getting on here to upload it myself, after confirming that it works...good thing I did a search 1st:)

petzzoni (2008-12-05)

working, finaly :)

petzzoni (2008-12-05)

sorry again, u r a god guy Zygorius.

YURNXT (2008-12-05)

Lets just hope that R@ckstar doesnt have any more surprise's in the game like that damn drunken camera...which i've read on another forum that they do...but I havent seen any yet!

xenover (2008-12-05)

WTF are you doing guys!!!
THIS works!!!
Proved over and other various places!!!

surjikoff (2008-12-05)

100% WORK!!!! NO drunk Cam!!!!!

Maftei (2008-12-05)

Currently installing a fresh copy of GTA4 and hoping this works.(i will put a feeedback in case it works 2 convince other people)
My question is regarding the rendering of the game: are the grafix that bad because how the game was emulated for the pc or is it just because of the cracks out there?

-KaRi- (2008-12-05)

Works so far! I only replaced the cracked files by the orginal ones and there's no drunk camera ;) Thanks a lot ;)
And someone deleted your second torrent which was only LanuchGTAIV.exe ;)

YURNXT (2008-12-05)

@Maftei The graphics are pretty bad due to a lousy port job from the programmers....even for people who have purchased the game....but R@ckstar said they would release a patch to fix some of the problems...could be up to 2 weeks until its out...and then we'll be going through this all over again:)

Maftei (2008-12-05)

About the textures/hogging up comp resources/ low framrate/ whobbly camera....was a ll the protective system from rockstar...since wit this crack i already saw how everything moved smoother...grafix where polished and everything
WIth you permision zygorius i want to spread this torrent to everyone i can :D

xallrons (2008-12-05)

omg! it works! of all cracks i've tried!!

emciuc_alex (2008-12-05)


hentosama (2008-12-05)

Mexico Guy here - ITS WORKING
downloaed it replace lal files, i had some of the other guys cracks
its working fo rme now, 30 minutes of play doing first mission, (had spent the past 2 days tryign to make it work, but ALWAYS getting drunk camera) not any more after this, i kind of understand that it works becuase its aprogram that emulates the Exact same securom and DVD info the exe is lookign for, NOT slashing and chancing the executables (whichs eesm to be how the game notices its cracked(changed))

JayzenFreeze (2008-12-05)

This shit dont work it still tells me must be signed in to soc club whats wrong whit this shit

artemgt1 (2008-12-05)

GREAT !!! Thank you very much ! It WORKS !

Henk_de_Vries (2008-12-05)

still can't save...

razor21 (2008-12-05)

I T W O R K S ! ! !

mrComviq (2008-12-05)

JayzenFreeze - 2008-12-05 08:38 CET:
This shit dont work it still tells me must be signed in to soc club whats wrong whit this shit
Just ignore that and press "skip login"
Henk_de_Vries - 2008-12-05 08:51 CET:
still can't save...
With windows live installed create an offline account in the game menu. It'll say something like "press home to login" or something like that...

eviltolka9 (2008-12-05)

any1 have problem with textures of that crack here

eviltolka9 (2008-12-05)

anyone have problems with textures

eviltolka9 (2008-12-05)

i have sp 3 but still have problem with textures,(crack is problem?),sry for my bad english

Jarlax18 (2008-12-05)

Finally 100% WORKING crack! Good job FeD0R & tnx!
Po russky:
Nakonets-to 100% normal'no rabotayshiy crack!

alfieri (2008-12-05)

Good job mate. Very nice find.

eviltolka9 (2008-12-05)

any1 have problems with textures?

EmaRacing (2008-12-05)

to resolve the problem in the internet cafe try to connect the pc (the real life one) to the internet.

thefadge (2008-12-05)

Just wanted to say thanks for this, I been watching the drama unfold on here was, quite amuseing wated for the good comments and must admit the game is sweet but the bugs and shit pfff. ya think for a company that started in my home town would be better than this lol anyway thanks again.

fdfilip (2008-12-05)

ok if it works,, how is the grafik? is it like before? and can you be online when you play the game?

Anti_Toast (2008-12-05)

Works... (played for about 30 mins last night)
Hopefully will get more time in later today! :)

Sarenn (2008-12-05)

Zygorius... YOU. ROCK.
Thanks, man.

bt86bt (2008-12-05)

Just wanted to say thanks. This one worked for me (when noone else did). No drunk cam, no problem with save. Thanks from Sweden. (vista sp1)

n2k3 (2008-12-05)

n2k3 (2008-12-05)

sorry bout the comment above, this stupid comment thing is giving me errors when i try to post my problem >_>

n2k3 (2008-12-05)

hum, info says:
1. done
2. done after running the original once (for creation of GTAIV.exe etc)
3. If I run RGSCLauncher.exe or RGSC.exe - nothing happens (the process closes itself within 2seconds) also nothing happens WITH the original launcher
WinXP x64 - SP2

DaMoose74 (2008-12-05)

Running this crack on the 'real deal folks' release. Installed fine. No drunken cam shake or smoking car/w auto full throttle. Save works perfect. Benchmarked @ 38FPS with graphics set to highest setting. Machine specs.
Antec 900
Evga 680i mobo
E8400 wolfdale cpu
4Gb Corsair Ram
2 x 8800GT in SLI
O/S Vista Black Eternity x64

k0sigan (2008-12-05)

The problem is in your Windows, you have SP2, and you need SP3

n2k3 (2008-12-05)

NVM - FIXED from 2 posts above
I installed
Framework 3.5[/url] (I had 1.1 - 2.0 and 3.0) and the launcher started, also I didn't have Microsoft Games for Windows LIVE installed, though it prompted to install with a link where to download, installed it and I could play :)

permorberg (2008-12-05)

hi guys, i have installed the game, replaced the launcher, started rgsc, pressed the start button, the "fedor window" pops up and i get a message saying: gta iv has encountered a problem and needs to close. what am i doing wrong? i have a 3200+ pc with 1024ram, 7600gt and xp sp3

Spazmungus (2008-12-05)

Works 100% for me! No issues at all just follow the guide exactly. Screw you R*, I own the PS3 version and that was a half arsed attempt so no way I was going to buy this until I tried it first. Congrats on $200k well spent on the DRM.

matezoli24 (2008-12-05)

This one works, at least you can play and save normaly but the gamepad controls are messed up, it changes every second...waiting for a healing. Thanks

Sgt.Kanyo (2008-12-05)

Help when I install the patch I can run everything fine till the Start button in GTA IV. It starts loading and it can never finish it. (believe me I've waited about 15 mins) I could only run the game from options as pressing benchmark. Then I exit out of benchmark, and get a 30 or 20 FPS and the whole game is messy. (graphics is poor, you can see some cars threw walls etc.)
Please some1 help me fix these problems.

Zarmaka (2008-12-05)

how to fix the FPS problem?

zgherlos (2008-12-06)

1) working
3) all working :D

tiduskeegan (2008-12-06)

Registered to let other people doubting the authenticity of this crack know that it works just fine. Just follow the directions and it works perfectly.

omega716 (2008-12-06)

mine says error cant run gta4 launcher

ossie7 (2008-12-06)

It is unbelievable!
No shaking cam...
No driving trouble...
No other protection sh*t...
Guys, this is the real deal, THANK YOU Fed0r!!!
And THANK YOU zygorius
it truely is:
the AWESOMEST hack of the century

Manga69 (2008-12-06)

ok i can confirm this thing works but is there a way to change video settings? medium quality sucks. and i cant save the game without login to rgsc,can i?

salvenger (2008-12-06)

Thanks for the upload.
I'm not done downloading the game but, looking at these reviews looks very promising.

spigadoro (2008-12-06)

this crack works 100% Manga69 and any one else who wants to know to have no gfx restrictions make a .txt file called commandline in the gta 4 root directory and put -norestrictions in there and save it and if u want no vsync put this to -novblank

spigadoro (2008-12-06)

oh i forgot to write that for some reason when i do the swing glitch i always fallout the window and die and it dident do that before the crack idk if its the crack or just the way im doin it but w/e just puttin it out ther to c if any one else has encounterd this

Sgt.Kanyo (2008-12-06)

I have no camera problem, no accelaration bug, no smoke bug, but FFS I can't see more than 1 meter in game. I can only see the lights of the houses and vehicles. Models and map only appears when it's within my charachter's 1 meter radius. I used everything as it was said. Did a clean install replaced launchgtaiv.exe etc. Some1 please help me.

kessyk (2008-12-06)

Any problems related to frame rates and visual restrictions are problems with the game. People with the original game are also complaining.

JohnDoe60914 (2008-12-06)

hmm kapersky wont let me use it....something about a trojan downloader....

Sgt.Kanyo (2008-12-06)

No. Every1 is complaining about having 30 FPS. (WTF 30 FPS is good) but I and my friend has 15 fps and we can't see more than 1 meter. If we install this patch then we can see threw every1 building. We can notice a car even if it's behind a building. And the graphics is shit, not like on the real game. Rockstar this time really found a fucking way to stop us from playing the cracked version of the game.
Plz if any1 else have this problem, write here. I have Nvidia 7900 GTX and yes I've updated my video driver...

paolov1ph (2008-12-07)

Rockstar recently paid kaspersky to identify this crack as a trojan downloader. you can just add it to the trusted zone so you can play properly.

kessyk (2008-12-07)

Don't know what I'm doing wrong but this thing keeps giving me an error: Can't run GTAIV.exe
I'm suppose to install this online or offline and does it work with the hellvamp clone

Sgt.Kanyo (2008-12-07)

I've just reinstalled my Windows and Voi La my GTA IV still doesn't work. I've noticed that when I install my GTA this stupid little game doesn't create a GTAIV.exe I've tryed to add a cracked gta iv but gta doesn't work. Everything is invisible (if gta can run... WTF?) all I can see is the lights. WTF Rockstar I just wanted to try this fucking game out before I get it for Christhmas.

spigadoro (2008-12-08)

Sgt.Kanyo your problem lies within your video card its just way to under powered the only thing i would say might help you is to put it on the lowest resolution and lowest everything and that might help whats your other specs any thing less than a quad will get low fps i have a c2d e6750 @ 3.2 and 4 gigs of mem and a 9800 gtx oced and im still getting 30-45 fps on med if i put the settings on max i start to c the textures dissapear

Helios250 (2008-12-08)

@Sgt.Kanyo: I have the same problem running under a 7900 GS. I find that adjusting the Render Quality helps somewhat.

meke7 (2008-12-08)

A newbie question: How I start the game from RGSocialClub? Isn't it just execute the launch?

meke7 (2008-12-08)

Please someone answer me how to do it?

Sgt.Kanyo (2008-12-08)

Ahm simply press the "PLAY" button. You simply click on RGSC and then press play.
Well I know it's not the best video card, but actually it should be good, cuz I've put everything on the min. so 800x600 and everything on the lowest and 1... I don't have lag then but still missing textures and stuff, and I told you the graphics is still pathetic when I put it on the highest settings. Sometimes the glass of the car disappears and no effects (including tiretracks, lights etc.) and it's simply a matter of fact, cuz all I have to do is press alt tab to get a different "game style". BTW for my cousin it works very well. (he had lag before but now even everything on the maximum he says it has no lag) I think it's still Rockstar's securcom...
glad I'll get it for christhmas with new video card :P

Korpse-Infested-Karnival (2008-12-09)

Well, they can fight this as much as they want, but they'll never stop the pirates.
It seems that each crack does something different, almost like a different language for every computer.

mupp-chan (2008-12-09)

works a charm :)
no more drunk cam, no issues with FPS, no issues with shader/texture probs. sweet as a nut :)
many thanks :)
great for seeing hod AWESOME this game is then going to buy it!!!
p.s AMD 4800+, 4gb RAM, xp64 Rufus, 9600GSO clocking an easy 40-60 FPS ..!.. ^_^ ..!..

kais246 (2008-12-09)

Well this seems to be working (unlike everything else :P).
If you are missing buildings then just wait a bit and it seems to load up. Bloody demanding game.

kais246 (2008-12-09)

Oh forgot.
Thanks Zygorius!

Ieldra (2008-12-09)

how can I save ?

Ieldra (2008-12-09)

You can't save...

mupp-chan (2008-12-10)

you can save!!!
look at all the instructions....
specifically the parts that state "you need to make an OFFLINE Live Account to save"

tyrantxdotcom (2008-12-11)

Lol I smoke about 3 OZ a week, is that alot?

ahtla (2008-12-12)

You are th BOMB!!!
Works GREAT!!!

sid-afc (2008-12-13)

FATAL ERROR with every crack I use ffs :s

permorberg (2008-12-14)

hi guys, i have installed the game, replaced the launcher, started rgsc, pressed the start button, the "fedor window" pops up and i get a message saying: gta iv has encountered a problem and needs to close. what am i doing wrong? i have a 3200+ pc with 1024ram, 7600gt and xp sp3

garrettrawks (2008-12-16)

hey guys. i've tried all sorts of things to get this running, and i can get everything going smoothly and all until it loads and it shows you all the characters, and then it gives you the black screen with starting a new game. it just hangs there indefinitely, and i can't figure out why. i've been at it all day and still can't even run the benchmark!
any help is appreciated!

AtomicKnob (2008-12-18)

Forgive me for being dense...but how do I make an offline acct. to save games?
I've copied over (what I suppose is) the cracked Paul.dll and it's still asking me for a serial in the offline act. folder.
I can play the game...but it asks if I want to login to windows live to save games.

isuckinthis (2008-12-18)

holy shit, everything, (well after installing newest .Net and Live) worked perfectly, even on my cheap 9500 GT it is playable @ 1024 x 800 75 Hz (or something like that), medium textures, high rendering options. doesn't look nearly as good as on my PS3, but its better than San Andreas, and playable.
That was untill after the cutscene where Roman gives you the cellphone, the game froze. But maybe it was just bad luck and it may work next time. Gonna try again tomorow.

isuckinthis (2008-12-18)

btw, i haven't tested saving games. But I think I can use the offline account that game with Fallout 3 (from reloaded)..?

draco889 (2008-12-18)

i cant get this to work! whenever i try to run GTA IV a command prompt window appears and nothing happens

isuckinthis (2008-12-18)

(Use original GTAIV.exe, GTAIVGDF.dll, etc)
2. Replace LaunchGTAIV.exe with provided launcher
>>>>> 3. Run GTA IV from Rockstar Games Social Club (RGSC)

isuckinthis (2008-12-18)

ok so saving works, even without signing into R* club. and my game crashing was one time only.

quickcanary (2008-12-27)

This crack works GREAT. I used the 13.85GB version of the game and after going through the Social Club/Live for Windows registration bs it worked like a charm.
Game runs amazingly well on my PC:
Q6600 @ 3.33 GHz
8GB Corsair DDR2-800
XFX GTX 260 Black Edition
300GB VelociRaptor
37" 1080p monitor (1920x1080)
I was so worried that the game would be choppy after seeing all of the comments. It is absolutely FLUID and I even cranked up the view distance. I can't imagine how it'll run when my i7 stuff gets here and I'm able to go SLI!
I'm going to buy this also; it really is an amazing game and better than the 360/PS3 releases if your PC has some serious horepower. Mouse/keyboard control FTW.

dagge666 (2008-12-27)

I still get the same problem; GTA FATAL ERROR: RESC10

Crazy-Mazy (2008-12-30)

This doesn't work for me. :( Here's what I did:
(I was connected to internet the whole time)
1. I installed GTA4
2. When all the main installing stuff was finished, it began about registration, I just closed the window and choose 'finish'. Everything looked fine so far.
3. I downloaded this crack, went into the main GTA4 folder and copied the LaunchGTAIV over the original.
4. Looking at the instructions, I should start RGSC, but when I click on it, nothing happens. It looks like the PC is thinking/loading, but nothing happens.
5. Now I just tried launching GTAIV.exe, which gave me the following error: GTA IV FATAL ERROR RMN40
I've got a Q9550, HD4870X2 and 4GB RAM (DDR2-1066 Dual-Channel) and I'm running XP SP3.
Can somebody please explain what I did wrong and what the correction should be? I only want to see if my PC can run this stuff well and how it looks on my HD-tv. Otherwise (lucky as I am) I'll buy it for my X360 instead.

Jalalo (2009-01-02)

Downloading take a few seconds... now i'm beginning a clean install and i'm gonna follow the options.
Then i hope it works! :D

W.A.I.L (2009-01-05)

Using this crack I managed to start the game to it's main menu.. But after that the whole game suddenly crashes, without saying nothing.
And then I tried to install the game to my other (and better computer, which is vista and not connected to the internet), but could't. When it is supposed to install the game, it says something like "cannot be installed due to some lack of shit".. Please help me anyway you folks can, I'd be more than thankful..!
... so, can someone help me with this shit?

barlam (2009-01-10)

The RES fatal errors mean your computer isn't good enough to run the game. Your not likely to get an error message if the crack doesn't work other than insert disk etc

dexter1111 (2009-01-20)

This is the one everyone have been looking for. Everything works like a charm, no drunken camera, no uncontrollable vehicles and yes you wont bet stuck when loggin on computer from internet cafe mission. Sweet job!

prgupta555 (2009-01-25)

finally a crack with no shake cam problem... thankyou u so much... found this after three reinstalls of gta4 and 3 hours of searching the net...

lightburst (2009-01-27)

Remember everyone, DO NOT download the 'title update' Rockstar have released recently. It will stop you from using computers in internet cafes and you won't be able to complete missions.

vicmackey1111 (2009-02-02)

When I launch the game it asks me to activate the game and I can't activate it.

duustheboy (2009-02-04)

LaunchGTAIV.exe is a virus/trojan/spyware or something, i got avg antivirus 8.1 licensed and it discovered it... WHY NOT JUST HAVE A UNDANGER CRACK!?!?!?!??!

mausss (2009-02-20)

how does the saving thing work ? game works well when i plug internet out but will it save ? or what do i have to do for it

pirate. (2009-02-21)

thank Zygorius for

pirate. (2009-02-21)

SAVE GAME is very easy
go in your safe house and go to the bed then create offline mode

pirate. (2009-02-23)

1.installing gta 4 game.
2.installing Rockstar Games Social Club from gta 4 dvd 1 .
3. Extract to To GTA IV Main Folder and REPLACE .
4. run LaunchGTAIV from GTA IV Main Folder and DO NOT CLOSE THE DOS SCREEN .
6.enjoy .
1. go to your bed. It will open a window that said that you have to login.
2. Create an Offline Account.
3. Now have fun

MD2k (2009-03-30)

Does this work with the latest 1.0.3 patch?

bnk666 (2009-06-17)

dont think it will work

rgfthe (2009-06-18)

hey how come when i tried to extract the files using winrar it said file is corrupted! anyhelp? :)

InnoxXxous (2009-07-08)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

InnoxXxous (2009-07-08)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´ SUCKS

InnoxXxous (2009-07-08)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\... WTF

InnoxXxous (2009-07-08)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\... IT WORKS NOW

InnoxXxous (2009-07-08)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\... sjfdnsjkhjhgjkdfg fgjfdgndfk gnfdkgnfsdkgnsdfkghsudifhlkdjf ldjfkadjfak djfaidofjdksljgijfiojajdasdksajdoamfio
sfjoaspefkp sjkf9euap fkpij-awekf opjpsdofj 9s[ksodjfk odspjfdsopfjpsodf isd- lds0kf s[dof jsdf -sdf 293u r0 29u7wsr psf kps

arcanus55 (2009-12-03)

have reinstalled cleanly and retried the crack twice, still getting a fatal error: rnm50
@ isuckinthis, i am also running a nVidia 9500 GT, as a piece of friendly advice get a temperature meter for you desktop to monitor it, the 9500 GT card is very prone to overheating since it has no built in fan.

TimusNl (2010-02-16)

Doesn't work for me, I've done all, installed while offline, then created RGSC and GfWLive accounts, replaced everything, but everytime I click play in RGSC I get the error Could not run GTAIV.exe...what do I need to do?

afzbug (2010-02-20)

great wrk...... really appreciate it...... removes all probs like drunken cam as well.........

bushbaby-FTW (2010-05-07)

i press play on the rgsc when it comes up, all fine but then it asks for a seriel for activation ?!?! PLEASE HELP x

theboss100 (2010-07-06)

watch out there are in this file 11 viruses look

Syteri (2010-12-05)

I dunno what's up, but I keep getting "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item". Yet I'm running it on administrator. I did everything including the clean install. Am I missing anything else?

jkhx (2011-02-08)

Keep getting : Error : Data missing
There is just the nfo shit..
Could you repload that working crack even it is a 2 years old torrent now..

daslayer55 (2011-02-27)

AVG found these files to be "potentially dangerous" and listed it as "Crack.AL", which is a possible virus. I'm not gonna take my chances on this one.

RefluxLtd (2011-11-17)

It's working, but everytime I press W, A, S, D or Space it lags a lot!

Neowarex (2012-08-12)

Hey guys, I couldn't remember the info with my Zygorius account so I had to create this one.
The crack works perfectly after all these years. I just wanted to let you all know that cracks/keygens and cracked executables are often detected as generic viruses/trojans or with HEUR (heuristics) since the way they work is by editing memory which is why a lot of antiviruses will warn you about them.
I am in this with all of you and will never upload a virus or trojan and hate all those a**hol*s who do.
Enjoy !

OnMeAtMe (2013-03-11)

this is fake!


1. GTA.IV.Crack.Securom.Bypass.Launcher.UBER-PROPER-FeD0R.Neo-REPACK/FeD0R.Neo-REPACK.nfo 1.72 Kb
2. GTA.IV.Crack.Securom.Bypass.Launcher.UBER-PROPER-FeD0R.Neo-REPACK/GTA.IV.Crack.Securom.Bypass.Launcher.UBER-PROPER-FeD0R.Neo-REPACK.rar 4.69 Mb