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Halo 2 (Vista and 7) Direct Play *TyMod* Fully Working






Halo 2 (Vista and 7) Direct Play *TyMod* Fully Working




2011-02-19 (by TyMod)


................................................................................... For my third game upload I bring you the infamous HALO 2 ...................................................................................You can get this game to work on XP so I didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t bother making a XP workaround. Instructions: (I figured you would be smart enough to un-rar it.) 1. You must first goto the OPEN ME FIRST! folder. 2. Goto the CRACK folder. 3. Double click and install the registry file: RUN THIS FIRST. 4. Goto C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Windows and right click on the System32 folder and click Take Ownership. 5. Once that is done copy MF.dll and paste it in the System32 folder. Overwrite the old one. - If it tells you the file is open somewhere you will need to rename the ORIGINAL MF.dll to something random and move it to your desktop. After doing so paste the crack! 6. Install Game for Windows Live and then install vcredit. 7. Once that is done you are all set. Just start the game and MAKE SURE you create a OFFLINE account. If you have a updated GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE it WILL NOT WORK so uninstall games for windows live. Though LIVE and all that good stuff are NOT faded out you still CANNOT play online so don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t even try. ENJOY!!! Seed and comment on how I did. I fully tested this on both 32 and 64 bit Windows 7 computers. So if you have and issue you did something wrong so re-do the instructions above.


  1. Halo 2
  2. crack
  3. tymod
  4. halo
  5. combat evolved
  6. bungie

Files count:



2897.26 Mb




TyMod (2011-02-20)

LAN PLAY DOES WORK, it has now been tested and does work.
So enjoy!!!

jhornsten (2011-02-20)

Havent tried it yet. but have been seeding all day (around 45gig) thx !

jhornsten (2011-02-20)

when i was doing step 5 i couldnt overwrite the old MF.dll file . and right before i took ownership but still says i dont have authority to overwrite it, help ?

TyMod (2011-02-21)

Okay, just rename the file as stated below, and move it to your desktop and then you can paste the crack into the folder. You could also right click on the original MF.dll and then click take ownership again. Then retry step 5 and if that doesn't work then do as stated above.
AND thanks for seeding! :D

jhornsten (2011-02-21)

@TyMod : I done as you said and when im pressing halo2.exe it says i cant start the program cous d3dx9_31.dll is missing.. now im confused

TyMod (2011-02-21)

You have to install DIRECTX 9. You must have it to play any game. Search DirectX 9 in google search and download it/ install it. Then play the game

Puddy107 (2011-02-22)

Please seed! my download is going very slowly.

TyMod (2011-02-22)

Sorry man. Not much you can do to speed it up. I will ofcoarse keep seeding but the problem is you have 59 people trying to download it and only 22 people trying to get it out to people.

Limposwe (2011-02-22)

I think I am having a problem taking ownership over the system32 folder, because I can't copy the cracked one and replace the original one AND I can't rename the orignal one either. What shall I do? I have windows vista.

TyMod (2011-02-22)

Well theres your first problem. Windows Vista just sucks. Just kidding man but what you will need to do is goto MF.dll (The original) and click Take Ownership of it personally. I tested this on 3 computers and had to do all these different steps on each one of them. But it does work. So try the step above I just listed and if it doesn't work just holler back...

Limposwe (2011-02-22)

Haha funny thing. It didn't worked for me, I couldn't replace mf.dll. BUT instead of screaming I did step 6 and now it works. Maybe step 5 isn't necessary for Vista users?

TyMod (2011-02-22)

IT is but I did reecrack the game files lol so maybe not. Either way I am glad it worked. :) I would still like other to do the steps before bitching at me that it didn't work thought.

Puddy107 (2011-02-23)

Thanks M8! Campaign works perfectly.

TyMod (2011-02-23)

Your welcome man. I'm glad to see someone got it to work without a hitch. lol

noorida (2011-02-23)

ok i am a windows 7 user and after completing step 5, when i click on Halo2 application, it says that the program is not installed correctly. i know that directx is not a problem. what do i do?

grant747 (2011-02-27)

I dont get number 5 in the directions pls help!! do i renam the system32 folder?? cauz i cant it wont let me

Naomsj (2011-03-05)

I may sound as a n00b but which file do I have to open to like install Halo? Because I have 3 Halo2.exe files, on of them is a securitybrochure (:S) and the other one I can't open because it's an unvalid file and the last one is a halo2.exe.cfg file which I also can't open :S. Please help?? (Thanks for the fast upload btw!!)

TyMod (2011-03-05)

Well, I have NO idea how you got there lol but I would delete all those files and restart with the RAR file. Download the latest WinRaR and install it and then use it to open the RAR file. Then re-extract it. If that doesn't work then holler back.

dklye1 (2011-03-06)

when i open halo2.exe, it says that xlive.dll is missing?

TyMod (2011-03-07)

You didn't do step six then. READ THE DIRECTIONS PEOPLE!!!!!

RawringNinja (2011-03-07)

Okay, so, first off, this is a super special awesome download, so thanks.
Second, I followed the instructions as closely as possible, yet when I try to open Halo, it says that file d3dx9_31.dll is missing. Why?

TyMod (2011-03-07)

You must install directx 9 from Microsoft. Just look it up on their website or search for it on google. That goes for anyone else with the same issue.

RawringNinja (2011-03-07)

Thanks! It works perfectly now. You're the man, man.

TPB_helper (2011-03-08)

Plays fine on Windows 7 x64

Cephi (2011-03-10)

After following installation instructions and executing halo2.exe: nothing but error message "Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working". :(
I'm running 7.

Chris-N (2011-03-13)

Hi I'm new to piratebay and I already having trouble already. I read the instructions carefully and followed them exactly but when I try to open the halo.exe it won't run, and when I run the startup.exe it says "Files are missing in the installation directory" (I'm running Windows Seven by the way) does anyone know how to make it work? Any help would be really appreciated.

swordmen222 (2011-03-17)

when i press halo2.exe it just says"Halo 2 for windows Vista has stopped working" everytime. Help please?????

TyMod (2011-03-19)

Okay, for all the APPCRASHES: The game will crash on Windows 7 if you copy the crack into the HALO 2 folder. Re-extract the game and when you copy the crack into the System-32 folder DO NOT copy it to the HALO 2 folder. Then it will work.
Your Welcome...

DarkAnark (2011-03-19)

hey TyMod Great job on the games...others dont understand the strain of creating a downloadable version of games that werent supposed to run without the disc.....AGAIN GREAT JOB KEEP IT UP>>>AND PEOPLE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS////COPY///PASTE////REPLACE JUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS...ITS LIKE KINDERGARDEN EXCEPT W/ COMPUTERS AND I STILL HAVE A BIGGER CAULK THAN U...HEHE....thought i would lighten up the room.

TyMod (2011-03-19)

Thanks man and they don't. Especially to figure out how to crack a game and to get it to work on windows 7. The scene releases couldn't even do that. :P
Enjoy the game!!!

Cephi (2011-03-20)

I appreciate the effort plenty, I'm just saying, it doesn't work; it still doesn't work. I never copied mf.dll to the halo 2 folder, but just to make sure, I went through the entire process of the instructions two more times, with the same result: "Halo 2 for windows Vista has stopped working" everytime. Has anyone got this working on 7? Has anyone got this working who had the problem I, swordmen and viv-jen had?
Just to make sure I'm following the directions correctly: I'm interpreting "Install Game for Windows Live and then install vcredit" as "run XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi, then run vcredist.msi"; and I'm interpreting "Just start the game" as "run halo2.exe". If that's wrong, please let me know. But if that's right, then everyone should be aware that this does not work on Windows 7.

TyMod (2011-03-20)

THERE IS NO XP PORT HERE. So obviously people have gotten this to work on Windows 7 since only a SMALL amount of people are dumb enough to stick to Vista. It works on all 3 of my computer (Windows 7).
I'm sorry it doesn't work for you but it does work on Windows 7. Why don't you re-download it and redo the instructions.
You can quit bitching and go download another Halo 2 torrent... Oh wait, none of the other ones work.
Moral of this story: Quit bitching. Re-extract the game and MAKE sure you overwrite MF.dll in the System32 folder. If it tells you you can't even though you made sure you Took Ownership of it then restart your computer and MAKE SURE you DID NOT open WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. As it uses MF.dll. Install Games for Windows Live and uninstall any other updated versions. Yes, you can use a updated version but first, so no one bitches about it not working because you tried to activate it just use the old outdated version included in the OPEN ME FOLDER and also install VCredit. After that start the game and make a offline account.
Okay :D

TyMod (2011-03-21)

= Campaign selection. I havn't beaten the game yet. I beat it on the original Xbox though. Problebly my fav. FPS of all time.
= Main Menu
= In game screenshot on "The Arbiter"

jonnyholb (2011-03-22)

Hi TyMod,
Thanks for the work that you have put into this. I have one question, as I'm new to cracked games it might seem quite stupid: I followed all you're instructions and the game loaded fine the first time, then at the end of the first mission is says that i have to activate it to continue, am i missing something?

Cephi (2011-03-23)

I have followed the directions several times, re-extracting from the rar each time. Again, I appreciate the effort, and I'm sad to see you're unable to accept the fact that your efforts and your instructions don't work for everybody's system. I would hope and suggest, though, that you accept that just maybe the problem is not that we are worthless, whiny, ungrateful morons, and instead accept that just maybe these files and your instructions are for some reason not working on all Windows 7 systems.
So again, to downloaders, be aware that the download appears to work on some Windows 7 systems and not others -- for reasons that neither I nor TyMod understand.

mashupfrog (2011-03-24)

I'm new here and also a noob at this. I read and did the instructions as what it has said, but I get this error message popping out when I start the halo2.exe (including startup.exe startup-MCE)
the procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll.
I tried rebooting, re-extracting but the outcome is still the same.
can somebody help me with this?
I'm using windows xp btw

DarkESTZoul (2011-03-25)

Got the same thing as jonnyholb ,after the first mission the game asks to activate the product
I am using 32bit Win 7 if that helps

DarkESTZoul (2011-03-25)

Doesn`t matter anymore
hey jonnyholb , use this

helped me out

DarkESTZoul (2011-03-25)

sorry for double post
just copy the MF.dll file to halo 2 folder

TyMod (2011-04-02)

Okay for people with the game not activating right. You didn't follow the instructions correctly.
People with the game crashes: The crack is for 64 bit computers. My bad. Please use the crack the user posted below if you have a 32 bit computer. Don't place it in the game folder. Just use it in place of the crack when pasting it to the system 32 folder.
Hope this helps...

stealthwizard89 (2011-04-03)

hello i tryed to install xliveredist1.0.6027 on my computer and it keeps saying to install u must delete older version first on my sysem to complete install can u please help me or guide me to where i might find what i need to delete thank u

TyMod (2011-04-03)

Please check your installed programs and make sure you have uninstalled all other versions of Games for Windows Live. You can update Games for Windows Live after you make and offline account... If you don't already have Games for Windows Live installed than do this:
Look up the error on google.

stealthwizard89 (2011-04-03)

great dude i did what u said i uninstalled windows games and live update for games and it worked on installation if i need more help i hope u dont mind me asking thank u so much so far tymod

stealthwizard89 (2011-04-03)

ok one more question i got hte game to start it running really slow my computer is a toshiba 64bit 4gig ram any ideas i used your key for the 64 bit is that right and how would i speed it up

TyMod (2011-04-03)

Goto and download CCleaner. And I also have a 64Bit Toshiba Laptop with 4 gigs of ram and I can only get this game to run at most 40 Frames per second. This game naturally runs like crap.
Any ways CCleaner will help clean it up... And it's free software :)

Cephi (2011-04-03)

"Okay for people with the game not activating right. You didn't follow the instructions correctly."
Still no to this. I've started from scratch following the instructions to the letter several times. Judging from comments here, many people running 7 are having the same problem. If you are running 7 and when you try to start the game you get the error "Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working", let us know if you somehow get it working -- since the uploader is apparently plugging his fingers in his ears and pretending that all the people having this problem must just be too stupid to copy a file and run a couple executables.

TyMod (2011-04-03)

Okay. If you read carefully if it ask you for activation then you DID NOT follow the instructions. I did address the app crashes in a WHOLE different paragraph.
THE CRACK IS FOR 64 BIT COMPUTERS. MY FAULT. IF YOU LOOK ALL 64 BIT WINDOWS 7 USERS GET THIS TO WORK FINE. So, if you are using a 32 bit computer use the crack another user posted above. It worked for him and I am sure it will work for you.
Thank You though. :)

wiiped (2011-04-06)

a new version of the install is located on my computer and i dont know where it came form or is i have deleted all ather halo 2 files but the install still will not install i have followed the instruction up to 6

wiiped (2011-04-06)

nah it works thank

usdhm (2011-04-07)

Can i just start by saying thank you so much for this!
And ive seen how annoying most of the people on tpb can be and i will desperately try not to be one of them, but im also having trouble with this.
after i have replaced the Mf.dll and installed the windows live shizzle when i try vcredlist and it comes back with this error:
Error 1311.Source file not found:

verify that the file exists and that you can acess it.
i am sorry to be a pain, but i am a little bit excited about playing this again
thanks in advance mate

usdhm (2011-04-07)

scratch the last comment, i moved it to the desktop and it worked, sorry to be a pain in the ass,
Great torrent!

bombay32d (2011-04-10)

it does let me change the resolution

toki2380 (2011-04-10)

I've got an error when performing step 6 "install game for windows live and then..." I run "startup.exe" and get "FIles are missing or damaged in installation directory. Some important files required to run this game are missing in the installation directory."
I'm gonna assume my download is corrupt and try again. I've posted this just in case it can be helpful. Running 7 64bit.

toki2380 (2011-04-11)

Okay, I've tried re-downloading the zip and re-re-re extracting. I still can't intstall the game. I get the same error message as previously stated... Help?

toki2380 (2011-04-12)

Got it. I didn't understand the directions. Step 6 "6. Install Game for Windows Live and then install vcredit." To be more clear, what is meant is "run 'XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi' and then run 'vcredist.msi'. and then you can run the game by double clicking'halo2.exe'"
You can never be too explicit with directions.
Works great, Thanks TyMod!

TyMod (2011-04-16)

Maybe your pc does meet minimum specs...
Anyways, Give it awhile to load and if it doesn't please let me know. Maybe it will give you an error after awhile.
Message back if you still have an issue after doing so please.
I will help you as best as I can. :)

TyMod (2011-04-16)

Let me fix my last comment...
Maybe your computer does NOT meet minimum specs and ppl

Brocked (2011-04-17)

After doing all of the steps several times I get the error message upon starting up halo2.exe:
The program can't start because MFPlat.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Appreciate any help. And thanks for the upload.

TyMod (2011-04-17)

Are you using Windows XP?

Brocked (2011-04-17)

windows 7. It's not a full version (windows tiny7) so that may be the issue

TyMod (2011-04-17)

Lol Never heard of Windows Tiny. Search MFPlat.dll on the internet and download it. Place it in the game directory. That should fix the issue man.

Brocked (2011-04-18)

It's something the people at best buy use to diagnose/trouble shoot problems.
I just reinstalled and now im on windows 7 (full) with a working serial and all that stuff. I no longer have the original problem.
It either asks for dwmapi.dll or upon "fixing" the game doesn't even start up. Both yours and Dopemans halo 2 uploads have the exact problem.. Any ideas?

FuRrY321 (2011-04-19)

Hi TyMod, I followed directions thoroughly and everything, my system is a 32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium, so I used the cracked MF.dll in DarkESTZoul's link.
My problem is that, the loading screen with the HALO 2 logo works fine, but then, after the music fades and the light in the background reaches the middle a second time (coming back to the left), I get an APPCRASH.
I've followed your instructions to the letter, unRAR'd it again, twice, and uninstalled LIVE and re-intalled it using your XLIVERedist file.
If you could please help me, I'd really appreciate it.
By the way, do you have any idea why MF.dll was included in the unRAR'd folder? I don't mean in the OPEN THIS FIRST! folder, I mean in the Halo2 folder. I removed it so halo2.exe could start at all, but it seems weird as you keep saying to not put it in there.

christianclay16 (2011-04-19)


FuRrY321 (2011-04-20)

You know what, never mind, I got Dopeman's torrent working. Seems simpler than this one, somehow.
Thanks anyway, though I can't say I'm happy about wasting 7-10 hours downloading something that didn't even work...

TyMod (2011-04-24)

I precracked the game. After installing the Games for Windows Live and vcredit you could play it but it's never 100% gonna work. If you place it in the System 32 folder it will work. That is what the scene releases had you do but the difference is no one could get it to work on windows 7 and vista. So I uploaded this direct play version with a crack made for the system 32 folder and a registry file that lets you take control of anything you want to. Problem is when you place the crack on 32 bit computers I have noticed the game won't work OR windows media player will no longer work. Both issues suck but theres no way around cracking it like I have said to unless you get Dopeman's version to run.
So make a decision on whether you will take your chances cracking the game or with Dopeman's version. If you use an ISO you will have to crack the game just like I have you doing it so you really don't want an ISO UNLESS you have Halo 2 and loss your CD.
Hope now you understand where I am coming from.

TyMod (2011-04-24)

@FuRrY321 And MF.dll is suppose to be in the Halo 2 folder. Leave it, if you took it out it will crash.
Try using my crack. Place it in the folder and in the System32 folder.
Glad that you did get a Halo 2 game to work though.
Sorry for your trouble.

udoudie (2011-04-25)

i have a problem when i press on the halo2 application it brings up "halo 2 for vista has stopped work" and will never work
Please respond

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

Please forgive me if i am a IDIOT But i have done all the steps and when i double click on Halo2.exe it comes with a error that "Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped Working" Plzzzzzzzzzzzz reply if any one has fix for this.......... I will be very pleased.....................

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

Please forgive me if i am IDIOT BUT i have followed every steps and when i double click Halo2.exe it crashed every time......... then by seeing previous comments i removed the crack from the halo 2 folder then i double click halo2.exe it started and when the Halo 2 logo screen (in the most starting) comes it crashes again............ here are details of the crash ----
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: MF.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 46638953
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00001597
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: e19c
Additional Information 2: e19ce9d2dcd06ac32515e8966fc1418d
Additional Information 3: fbd7
Additional Information 4: fbd7d9d0d9d02c0f45dfdd44ae0576c2

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

Please forgive me if i am IDIOT BUT i have followed every steps and when i double click Halo2.exe it crashed every time......... then by seeing previous comments i removed the crack from the halo 2 folder then i double click halo2.exe it started and when the Halo 2 logo screen (in the most starting) comes it crashes again............ here are details of the crash ----
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: MF.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 46638953
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00001597
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: e19c
Additional Information 2: e19ce9d2dcd06ac32515e8966fc1418d
Additional Information 3: fbd7
Additional Information 4: fbd7d9d0d9d02c0f45dfdd44ae0576c2
if any one have solution or fix for it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reply............. I WILL BE VERY PLEASED...................

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

i forgot to give some information about my pc --
OS: Windows 7ultimate 32bit
Graphic Processor :Nvidia GeForece 9400 GT
Computer Processor:Intel Core 2 QUAD Q8300 2.50GHz

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

i forgot to give some information about my pc --
OS: Windows 7ultimate 32bit
Graphic Processor :Nvidia GeForece 9400 GT
Computer Processor:Intel Core 2 QUAD Q8300 2.50GHz
any more information required ????
plzz someonehelp me to run this game dude...

CarlesNeo (2011-04-27)

sorry every one for posting many comments .....
I AM A BIG NOOB.................
Hey TyMod PLZ FORGIVE ME MAN..................
When I read your comment you replied to Fury321... i did the same.............
but then when i clicked HALO2.EXE it gave me a new crash..........
here are the details ---------
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 010c02aa
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy if i am a pain....................
But PLZZZZZZZ HELP ME ME DUDE...............

aoo1 (2011-04-27)

I followed the first Five steps perfectly. But unable to install the game.
If I click on startup.exe it says "Some important files are missing from installation directory."
If I click on Halo2.exe it says xlive.dll is missing from your computer.
Please help help.
PS: I'm not sure what do u mean by saying install "games for windows live".
I'm using Windows 7 ultimate 32-bit.

aoo1 (2011-04-27)

Sorry for previous comment.
I installed windows live, then vcredit.
Now when I click on Halo2.exe, it says "Halo 2 has stopped working".
I did all steps perfectly twice.

aoo1 (2011-04-27)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 012e02aa
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

aoo1 (2011-04-27)

I just noticed... Windows Media Player is also not working in my computer showing same error as halo2

aoo1 (2011-04-30)

What the f man, my internet explorer is corrupted as well; using system restore does not works!
I don't ever downloads rar files and you made me repent so much for downloading this one.

TyMod (2011-04-30)

Its not the RAR file. If you read my previous comments I explained that on 32 bit computers if the crack does NOT work it will corrupt windows media player and everything. I also stated CREATE A BACKUP OF MF.dll which I am assuming you didn't. I will upload it in a torrent for you. Sorry but you people people need to read my previous comments!

TyMod (2011-04-30)
That is the link for the crack fix.

CarlesNeo (2011-04-30)

Hey TyMod!!!! by downloading the torrent can i play Halo 2 ????
SORRY FOR THE PAIN.................

TyMod (2011-04-30)

Do you have a 32 bit computer and windows XP. If so then no...

TyMod (2011-04-30)

You can try it on a 32 bit computer BUT if it doesn't work then you will have to download my fix for MF.dll because the crack will corrupt everything (if it doesn't work)

CarlesNeo (2011-04-30)

downloaded the torrent which u gave in comment............. and guess what ? it worked like a
sorry for the pain)........everyone with Win 7 32bit must download that torrent..............great work Tymod................(thank you buddy)

TyMod (2011-04-30)

Welcome man. Glad it worked...

TyMod (2011-05-01)

Your welcome man...

khhero1 (2011-05-01)

what does the ///////////////////////////////// thing means in the instructions

aoo1 (2011-05-01)

Nevermind, Got it.
I already re-installed windows itself on my PC.
Do let us know if there is a way to play it on win7 32-bit!

TyMod (2011-05-01)

It is an issue with ThePirateBay. It is suppose to be didn't not didn//////////t

TyMod (2011-05-01)

I uploaded something to fix it on 32 bit computers as long as you keep the Halo 2 folder cracked. Its up to you if you want to try it or not. Look for the torrent by searching through my torrents.

0101313 (2011-05-04)

Thanks a million. This worked perfectly. I tried 2 or 3 others and none worked at all. Cheers TyMod!

xilong_3 (2011-05-14)


thepharoh (2011-05-21)

Hey It Realy works but i'll download it again because i update it to unique patch (version 1.02) so i can't play online, thanks Tymod

pramod05bc (2011-05-24)

hiii...tymod...1st of all thanks for the upload...its great to see the game is working for many who have downloaded your torrent..GREAT WORK!!!..
i have a small issue may be u can help me to fix it...
i did exactly what you guide says...i had problems with the mf.dll file..since i am on 32 bits windows 7..the problem with the .dll files is fixed..i had to overwrite it with the .dll fix that you uploaded...
now the issue is..when i try to launch the gives me an's the link

please help !!!

TyMod (2011-05-28)

How much graphics memory do you have? You might not have enough RAM to run the game. Even though Halo 2's graphics are not what you would call "great quality" the recommended settings are ridiculous.

Converse9 (2011-05-31)

It took me a couple of trys but I got it working pretty dang well. However, multiplayer doesn't work, i need the CD code, pLees:|

Converse9 (2011-05-31) the game worked perfectly for me but i do need the CD code if u dont mind Thnku :)

CarlesNeo (2011-06-03)

Hey TyMod Sorry Dude !!!! but when I cleared the first mission then it asks a product key to play the next level

What the Hell

Plzzzzzzzzzzz Anyone give me cd key or product key !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jvezirian (2011-06-05)

Great upload...
Not sure if this will help anyone. I have Windows 7 Home Prem.
All I did was the following:
1. Download
2. Unrar.
3. put the folder in my C:Games folder...You put where you want
4. Ran the reg file
5. took ownership and renamed the mf.dll file to mf.dl_ and copied the mf.dll file from the crack into the windows system 32 folder.
started the game using the halo2.exe file.
I"DID NOT" repaeat "DID NOT" install the games for windows live and or the vcredit. and or direct x, as I had the most current on my system
Game is running just fine.

TyMod (2011-06-05)

Please either crack or recrack the game. Follow instructions. If you STILL have issues please come back.
To people acking for keys, I DONT HAVE ONE. Buy the game if you like it that much.
Thanks for the help. Its nice to see someone will help out. :D
Thanks to the seeders!!!

warlock2204 (2011-06-10)

shit....uploader telling us to buy....fu....
bad torrent..............its better to download the demo of game

connorlawd (2011-06-16)

if i had this in the past and didn't uninstall it properly would i be able to still play this?
could i use map mods for personal pleasure?

9Rain (2011-06-25)

where do i paste the crack? (soory for the newb question but hey we all gotta learn sometime.)

RiggadoN (2011-06-28)

good crack

Wywy83 (2011-06-29)

LAN does NOT work

TyMod (2011-07-07)

Your a dumb ass.
@everyone else
Crack goes in the system32 folder.

knight20two (2011-07-07)

ummm when i try to play i get this
The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing form your computer

TyMod (2011-07-07)

Look for it on google and download it/ paste it in the Halo 2 directory.

TyMod (2011-07-07)

Portal 2

knight20two (2011-07-08)

thx it worked but you could play online you jst
need a valid product key

TyMod (2011-07-08)

No problem man, glad it worked. I know, people are just to ignorant or dumb to understand that like that warlock2204 dude. Its honestly, un-needed.

mostwanted115 (2011-07-09)

Thank you TyMod,
Is anything ripped from this setup? the cutscene videos and audio maybe?

TyMod (2011-07-10)

Nope, I left EVERYTHING. If you get a key you can even activate the game. :)

TyMod (2011-07-10)

Borderlands Direct Play coming tomorrow!!! Size = 4.91 GB
Ripped = All languages but English
Nothing else!
So be on the lookout!!!!

TyMod (2011-07-11)


TyMod (2011-07-11)

For the HALO 2 crack fix for 32 bit computers goto
This is just a reminder...

TyMod (2011-07-14)

Had to redownload my own game. Good job seeders!!! Getting a nice 500 kbps+

abi11 (2011-07-14)

dose it work on 64 bit computer windows 7

TyMod (2011-07-15)

The crack fix does not but the crack that COMES with the game does work for 64 bit computers.

hz66 (2011-07-17)

Thanks man

TyMod (2011-07-17)

No problem bro. I'm not going to upload anything till someone gives me a request so i suggest somebody request something. I just don't have time to seed a torrent no one will seed for long so sorry if it seems cold but oh well.

bor1cuababy (2011-07-18)

hi I have a request for a game can you plz upload a pc version of fatal frame if possible 1-3
and can you also upload Fear 1-2 plz and thank you
plz let me know when its uploaded thnx

TyMod (2011-07-19)

Alright man, I can problebly do FEAR, never heard of Fatal Frame but I will sure look into it. Just give me atleast a day to get it compressed, ripped, and uploaded.

TyMod (2011-07-19)

Just letting you know I think I can do Fatal Frame 1 but having a hard time getting 2 and 3. I will definitly do F.E.A.R 1 since it can't be found on here and I will think about doing 2. So be on the lookout in the next 2 days. Might take a while to download...

TyMod (2011-07-20)

I will be uploading F.E.A.R today. So look out for the torrent.

CarlesNeo (2011-07-21)

Hey TyMod ! It's old Buddy !
Hey I want you to contact me at -
[email protected]
Please reply me buddy !

toxicnature (2011-07-22)

seed guys please !! please seed !!
i request you all !!

D.A.R.Kcomet (2011-07-23)

when i was going to play the fourth level in the game (outskirts) it said i needed to activate it in order to continue playing.
can u help me with this problem

TyMod (2011-07-24)

Did you follow the instructions in cracking the game?

mrchopasaurus (2011-07-25)

Hey man, uve probably heard this a bit, so sorry to be ur usual idiot. followed the instructions and got the game workin, started to edit my appearance (idk y :P) and then it crashed and said it stopped working for windows vista, or some thing along those lines? it sent me back to desktop so tried to open it again and it told me the file sldl_dll.dll was missing. i downloaded that file and pasted it into the system32 folder but im still getting the same mesage. like i said before, im an idiot and im in over my head :P
some wise words of advice would be much apreciated :)
and i would rather not download it again as it took me 2 days to download :L

TyMod (2011-07-26)

Paste the missing .dll into the Halo 2 folder itself. Hope this helps...

TyMod (2011-07-31)


HA773R117 (2011-07-31)

ok these instructions suck for a dumbass like myself, i un rar'd it. but i have multiple run this first files, and i cannot find anything relevent to this torrent in my system32 folder.

TyMod (2011-07-31)

Your supposed to goto MF.dll which is located in the System32 folder, delete the original and paste the crack. Run the Registry file first though.

TyMod (2011-08-01)

Use my 32 bit crack i uploaded myself. It is from a Windows 7 based computer so it might not work for Vista. Paste it in the System32 folder man. I know how you feel man. If that does not work then I will make a Virtual PC with Vista and see what I can do... Leave your email if you want more help...

AshArmy (2011-08-02)

> Go to system 32
Stopped right there.

TyMod (2011-08-03)

you have service pack 1 instlled. Ill have to upload a new version of it now. lol Ill email it to you man. I'm sorry about the trouble. Its like issue after issue after issue.

captainfast (2011-08-03)

Ok I followed every step VERY CARFULLY when I try to play, it'll just Load for a second then re-highlight the folder. Wont start.

TyMod (2011-08-03)

What do you mean by Re-Highlight the folder?
What are your System Specs. Like OS, graphics, RAM and processor.

captainfast (2011-08-05)

OS: W7 GrapCard: GeForce 9400 GT Proc: AMD Athlon 64 2X Dual Core Processor 3000+ 2.00GHz
Installed mem: 1GB
System type: 32-Bit OS

Hevimetal8 (2011-08-05)

Ok i followed every step very carefully and i think i did all good but when i try to run it it says that it can't find ADVAPI32.dll and for every exe i run says something different like for halo2.exe it says
The procedure entry point RegGetValueA blabla ADVAPI32.dll could not be found in the dynamic link library for startup.exe says CreateProcessWithTokenW and the same advapi thing.What should i do?Its very annoying lol hearing that error sound Dun! xD

TyMod (2011-08-05)

Download the file online and paste it in the game folder. Also sounds like something went wrong while you Games for Windows Live was being installed.

TyMod (2011-08-05)

CaptainFast: Run the game in compatibility mode for Vista or Vista Service Pack 1.

Hevimetal8 (2011-08-05)

I have downloaded it like 10 times already wont work and im on Windows XP

Hevimetal8 (2011-08-05)

And that games for windows live is xliveredist thing?

Hevimetal8 (2011-08-05)

Actually this is what it says:
The procedure entry point RegGetValueA could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll.

TyMod (2011-08-05)


TyMod (2011-08-06)

I'm sorry if this wasn't clear. To all others running XP either find out how to get it to work on XP or download a version from here who already has it set up to work on XP.
Sorry again. Hope this helps XP users.

methose (2011-08-06)

tried to do and redo and REDO the instructions but still the exact same problem ends the scenario....
no mouse or keyboard function in game
music loads fine, game loads fine, can press enter to get to main loading screen where it says press any key to continue but nothing, mouse icon flickers if i move my mouse but doesnt move help please anyone /cry

TyMod (2011-08-06)

It's not the game. It will either be your drivers or hardware. What are your PC specs? Sometimes low FPS or an unsupported graphics card can cause the game to give your hardware a fit. Update your drivers, update DirectX, and run the game.

methose (2011-08-06)

ok system is quad q8300, 4 gigs ddr2 kingston hyper x ram, ati radeon HD48something 1 gig ram fresh install of windos 7 64 bit because i was a tool and installed 32 bit by accident.,.. so heres to hoping its direct x

methose (2011-08-06)

ps, thanks so much for the quick reply :P
ohh and for the otrrent.. just hearing the music makes me almost....

methose (2011-08-06)

nope full updated drivers, direct x, system had the game running on this machine before with lesser processor last year.... man i miss this game...
the western digital drive i had back then died with everything on it so i only just the last month started redownloading halo2 over and over again, ive probably tried all the torrents on this site with either not working or this no working keyboard or mouse issue
running win 7 ultimate 64bit
brand new tron keyboard and mouse (computer store by me had them on sale and they look and sound (yes sound, when the system boots up the make the rezzing sound) frigin awesome
if you can think of anything else? i went to the EB games stores in town to see if they had the game in stock but no ones carrying much pc games anymore, at least not in my area (5 eb GAMES Stores youd think one might have it for pc)
thanks for your help!

TyMod (2011-08-06)

lol Your welcome. I try to help people who do there part. Update the drivers like I said and DirectX and if that doesnt work then I will see if I can find a fix. Your system specs are great though man. So nothing to worry about there. Do you have the latest Catalyst driver for your ATI card? Catalyst version 11.8.

methose (2011-08-06)

fudgepacker mother... no i donwnloaded the stupid windows suggested... shit thats why i got black bars around my damn TV screen too

methose (2011-08-06)

ati radeon HD 5670
thanks hope this works.. at least i can get rid of the black bars around my 46" sharp aquos lcd
forgot i needed that damn cataLYST, was so shocked upgrading from XP to win7 uhh like february how much better it was and faster! then one day im installing windows 7 on my buddys system (ultimate) and ran across the option for 32 bit or 64 bit... when i hit 64 bit i saw a menu i didnt recognize at all.... which is odd... checked my system properties and nearly shit a brick when i was 32 bit listed... reinstalled all that night hahah
even faster now! and uses all my ram now! WAHOO!

methose (2011-08-06)

no luck ati caTAlyst installed (full suite (black bars are gone hurray!) 11.7 not 8... newest option it gave me...
but alas still no change in the game loads up, plays the intros for bungie and microshit and then shows me the overview of some landscape and says press any key... i cant find the any key! ....
no but seriously.. mouse just flickers when i move it cursor stays put, hitting buttons doesnt do anything.. praying hasnt helped... threats to the pc/keyboard/mouse have also yielded no results as well....
letting the halo music play in the background as i go to sleep... whys this game so awesome.....

TyMod (2011-08-06)

lol i got 64 bit windows 7 to and a AMD Radeon graphics card :) FTW Love it. The Catalyst 11.8 driver will let you scale your display settings so if the card is either displaying a image larger or smaller then your display it will let you manualy scale it to your screen settings. I do it on my flat screen when I play this or Mass Effect. :)

TyMod (2011-08-06)

I'm sorry man. Look the issue up on google. I look and see what I can find. No one else has had this issue. Someone could had seeded you faulty data which currupted the game. Try downloading it over night. If it STILL doesn't work then let me know and I will tell you what I find.

de350z (2011-08-06)

It crashed just before the first campaign....
I downloaded this one coz the last halo 2 i played on xp i suspect was incomplete.. the game stops after a certain stage. when the masterchief falls into a pit and talks with that giant covenant thing.. and then after the cut scene nothing happened.
so i downloaded this one to see if theres something more after that.
I now have win 7 ultimate x86
but the game crashes.. :(

de350z (2011-08-06)

Okay.. i just checked the previous game stopped after the gravemind stage... and there are still lots of levels to play after that..
i really want this version to work.. help please.

methose (2011-08-06)

eah i looked up google too but no ones seems to have had this issue with halo2 :(
amazon has it for 15 bucks might just go there
also ive donwloaded this torrent three times now to see if that was the cause as well.. still no luck :(

TyMod (2011-08-06)

I'm sorry man. Idk what to say.
de350z look through my torrents and download the crack fix. IF the seeds are gone ill give you an alternate link.

TyMod (2011-08-07)

For those wanting to download this so they can play online.
TBH the game has gone WAY down hill online. Hardly ANYONE plays an the servers lag like hell. IF people are playing on a custom map and you dont join the lobby before it starts then you can't play in that game. Apperantly in the lobby it predownloads the map before the party leader can start the game. Don't believe me I will show you a vid or screen shot of it.

de350z (2011-08-07)

yes no seeders for the crack fix.... :(

de350z (2011-08-07)

It worked!
Up and running!
Happy friendship day!

TyMod (2011-08-09)

Your welcome man and you too. Glad it worked. Hopefully things go smooth for other downloaders.

Masterchiief (2011-08-09)

Hello !
Firstly, thanks for the game :D
I've got just one problem : the game works perfectly, but during the loading of the last level (i guess in English, it's "the Great Journey" ?), the game stops and windows tells me "Halo 2 stops working" ...
I've got Windows 7 64 bits :)
Maybe an idea to resolve that ? :)
thank you :)

TyMod (2011-08-09)

Hmm, I made it through the entire game. So I'm not sure. I will look on google to see if anyone else has had that issue.

Masterchiief (2011-08-09)

Don't bother, if you don't find :)
Thank you for searching :)

Filamericano (2011-08-11)

So far I have run the registry, claimed ownership, put in the new MF.dll, and installed the windows live thing. But when I try to install the vcredit I don't think it really installs, it just runs something and a pop up shows saying "Please wait while microsoft configures c++" or something. I'm sorry that I can't follow simple instructions but idk what to do! Please help! (I am running Windows 7 btw)

TyMod (2011-08-11)

Run it as Admin. What is your operating system?
To any one posting issues. Please list system specs. It helps when it comes to finding out if your issue is caused by your computer or the release.
Thanks, TyMoD

sonvicky (2011-08-12)

I am still not able to play this game, and I've followed the instructions to the DOT.
Computer specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit
Intel HD Graphics
I'm kind of having the same issue as Filamericano, I try to run the vcredit installer, and it seems to be working for a few sec, and then it just shuts down without saying anything else. I ran it as an administrator, but same thing keeps on happening.
When I try to launch the game using the halo2.exe, it keeps on nagging me about Directx9 (I've got Directx10) and if I try to run the startup.exe, it just says that some files in the installation folder are damaged.

sonvicky (2011-08-12)

I am still not able to play this game, and I've followed the instructions to the DOT.
Computer specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit
Intel HD Graphics
I'm kind of having the same issue as Filamericano, I try to run the vcredit installer, and it seems to be working for a few sec, and then it just shuts down without saying anything else. I ran it as an administrator, but same thing keeps on happening.
When I try to launch the game using the halo2.exe, it keeps on nagging me about Directx9 (I've got Directx10) and if I try to run the startup.exe, it just says that some files in the installation folder are damaged.

TyMod (2011-08-12)

If you read previous comments then you would know STARTUP.EXE does nothing. Run the vcredit in compatibility mode for Vista.

sonvicky (2011-08-12)

Didn't help, I tried to run it in a previous versions of windows-mode (since that's the only thing that will show under properties on .msi files

Again, it did not work. It just collects some info for 1-3 seconds before it closes down without saying a single thing.

TyMod (2011-08-12)

Okay, well I will look for an alternate download for you man, and any others. Sorry for the trouble man.

sonvicky (2011-08-12)

I appreciate you taking the time, so thank you.
I'll be waiting

fairykob (2011-08-13)

thanks for the upload TyMod, just 1 tho, do you paste the crack in it usual place c:program files/
or in the windows/system32 file ?
thanks again

artikal1 (2011-08-14)

@ sonvicky its a graphic driver issue, you need to have the directX9 drivers installed for you game to work.

sonvicky (2011-08-14)

So basically, I need to DOWNGRADE to DirectX9? Kinda pointless for just one game...

TyMod (2011-08-14)

You don't downgrade. You just install DirectX 9. Also update ALL your computer drivers. Display, GPU, and other drivers.

sonvicky (2011-08-14)

Thanks for the help, the DirectX 9 installation pretty much made the game work.

fairykob (2011-08-14)

thanks for the upload TyMod can you play this offline because i have just had to make an xbox live account

TyMod (2011-08-14)

Yeah, you make an account by selecting "Make a Offline Profile" on the updated version for Games for Windows Live. It works offline perfectly though. I got it to work on LAN before I activated it. So you guys should to.

halfchalupa (2011-08-15)

i followed the instuctions perfectly...not a noob to this
i just have an issue..... when i click halo2.exe it does error but doesn;t start at all....i already have gfwl installed and dirextx 9 (my graphics card uses 11) i'm running windows 7 32 bit but the game just doens't start

halfchalupa (2011-08-15)

fallowed instructions to the T but halo2.exe does nothing....doesn't start but no error message either...just nothing

TyMod (2011-08-15)

32 Bit computer, thats why, you need to download the crack fix to get it to work. And if you pasted the System32 folder crack in the game directory it will corrupt the game.

cabraturbo (2011-08-16)

hi I've got a problem
I'm new at this and I don't know how to un-rar it

TyMod (2011-08-16)

Download 7-Zip (its free, or if you feel dirty download WinRAR from thepiratebay) and it will open it for you, then drag the Mass Effect folder located in the RAR file anywhere you want! All done. :)

TyMod (2011-08-16)

I meant the Halo 2 folder, my bad, Ive been playing Mass Effect :P You get my drift though.

cabraturbo (2011-08-17)

thanks TyMod

cabraturbo (2011-08-17)

what version of winrar should I download

cabraturbo (2011-08-17)

when I go to run this first I click on it and then a thing comes and says 'error at the registre acces
what do I do????

TyMod (2011-08-17)

Whats the matter? You hit run what? Download any WinRAR as long as it is v3.80 or higher.

cabraturbo (2011-08-18)

I trie to install the registry file 'run this first' but when it begins to install the computer says 'error at the registry acces'

TyMod (2011-08-18)

are you using XP?

general199 (2011-08-20)

Thanks bro works great on windows 7 64 bit perfectly.

TyMod (2011-08-20)

Your welcome. Look on youtube for keys, they have TONS of them on there that do work. I got a key off of youtube. :P

mealsting (2011-08-23)

LIVE Gaming On Windows failed to initialize.This may be because another LIVE Gaming On Windows application(Such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine.Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix the problem.
How do i fix this error ty mod? plz tell me

TyMod (2011-08-23)

If you have ANY versions of Halo 2 or Games for Windows Live install UNINSTALL them all. Then reinstall Games for Windows Live. Also look th error up on google. That will help... ALOT. I'm not sure what your PC specs are so lookin it up google will be best.
Hope this helps,

mealsting (2011-08-23)

I uninstalled my previous games for windows live and installed yours and that was when the error came up. And i didn't have a previous halo 2 so i dont know what is wrong

TyMod (2011-08-24)

did you restart the computer? And try updating it again. Sorry for the trouble.

mealsting (2011-08-24)

Try updating what exactly and yes i did restart my computer

TyMod (2011-08-24)

Games for windows live. Go ahead and try updating it. Just make sure you have an Offline Account.

cstaff18 (2011-08-31)

i'm pretty sure i followed the instructions right but when i click on the exe it says "the program can't start because d3dx9_31.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling program to fix this problem." Is there a solution to this or should I start over? ...and how do i start over? remove the registry thing?

TyMod (2011-09-01)

Dude, read comments please. Thats a DirectX error. It means you do not have up-to-date drivers and a updated DirectX if you have DirectX at all. DirectX is required to play all games so I have no idea how you have been playing any other game. At that point, download DirectX 9, 10, or 11, doesn't matter which, just make sure your card supports it. That will fix your error.
Not being a dick but this is something SO simple and would had been much easier to find on google. I don't think you or anyone understands that.

cstaff18 (2011-09-01)

So while I was stupid not to look it up before, I did what you said and now have the same problem the guy above me had, failed to initialize or something. I have windows 7 x64 Intel HD graphics. This time i did look it up and i tried a cmd prompt fix, renaming the catroot, that i found on a windows site but it didn't work and i haven't found anywhere to update the Windows live for games yet. Help?

OrbtialStudio (2011-09-01)

I had made a hamachi network, but its only for the people who downloaded tymods h2v torrent
ID: 097-266-953
No password

saywut (2011-09-01)

Its this problem again:
LIVE Gaming On Windows failed to initialize.This may be because another LIVE Gaming On Windows application(Such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine.Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix the problem.
And the weird thing is that i have never installed any games which required LIVE gaming before.
And i searched google, did the catroot folder thing, and some copying of oem files thing, but its still the same message. im using win7 home edition, could that be a potential cause for problems?

TyMod (2011-09-01)

Thats a different error all together. Its from not restarting your computer after uninstalling other versions of games for windows live and then installing mine. If you have a up-to-date games for windows live just leave it and start playing Halo 2. For ppl with the Games for Windows Live could not initiate, uninstall it, restart your computer, download the latest version (3.5) and then install it. Restart the computer, make sure the games cracked and start playing. Done. Simple enough.
@cstaff18 and yes it is a little stupid of you not to have DirectX since it is a requirement for ANY game to ever begin to run on your computer. I'm sorry I was being a dick man but idk how you played other games on your computer. and the error you are getting now has nothing to do with DirectX. It might be due to the fact you have a Intel graphics card. Halo 2 doesn't support them. I got it to run on one of my computers that does have a Intel integrated chip set but it was horrble. To enjoy the game on high settings and in HD you need a better card. You can play it on low with a low res but it looks no different then the xbox version so if I were you I would consider getting either a better graphics card if you have a desktop or just playing it on the Xbox if you have a laptop.

TyMod (2011-09-01)

And yes, Windows 7 causes the erro because the original Halo 2 for Vista Games for Windows Live was specifically for Vista, the shittiest operatings system of all times with no backwards capibility. Thats why I am saying just go ahead and uninstall it, install the latest version which works on them all and make a offlin account. If you need to know how to make a offline account I will upload a pc of where you can find it. Also, on youtube you can find game keys. Use specifically Halo 2 keys as Halo 2 had a special "Activation Key" other games did not have. Plug it in when in game and let the game update. BAM, you now have LIVE!!!
There is some extra bang for the buck. lol I will post a few keys for you guys for the trouble. I'm sorry, seriously.

saywut (2011-09-01)

Ok, after fiddling with more stuff it seems to work now, thanks a lot man!
When i created an offline account they didnt ask me for any product key though, are they going to ambush me at certain stages for it or something? o.O And this is the first halo2 torrent that has ever worked for me, thanks a million xD

TyMod (2011-09-02)

Welcome and no. If you try to go online though it will ask for a Live Enabler key which can be found on youtube. lol Believer it or not but that's how I got my key. I aquired the game from one of the disc images uped on here.
Anyways glad it worked man. I love Halo 2 and glad to see people still playing it. The community is pretty dead though so it would be nice if you guys would PLEASE activate the game and play online though. The commmunitys just flatout dead and needs players.
Overall, glad it worked and sorry about my ranting.

mealsting (2011-09-03)

Please go ahead and post the keys and after i updated it it worked so thanks and really do post the keys because the ones i'm seeing are not working.

irisrune (2011-09-03)

hey, it works gr8 for win7 32-bit! thanks, TyMod. the old (xp+vista) torrent version of this wasnt workin on win7.
also, i was havin sum truble with step 5. the game just wudnt start. so instead, i copied my system32 mf.dll to the halo 2 folder, rather than vice versa, n it worked fine. (just in case others have the same prob)

TyMod (2011-09-03)

Yeah, I uploaded a crack fix because most people dont read the comments and go ahead and place the 64Bit crack so hopefully they will see your comment. Thanks though and glad it worked.

rafaelbg1980 (2011-09-04)

Habing trouble starting the game. I'm running windows 7 32bit. I followed all the procedures you gave and when I try to start the game nothing happens. Trying using the Startup.exe instead of the Halo2.exe and it gives me a message saying that necessary documents in the install folder are missing or corrupted. Any idea what I did wrong ?

killahxinstinct (2011-09-05)

Alright i have had legit Halo 2 code .. like forever!
Lost the CD so i got this. I put the code in to activate it for live , and it works.. however it tells me i need to update it from XLive.. i click to update , it looks like its downloading some files or somethin then the game just closes and appears nothin happens. i load it back up , enter the key.. then the same message for downloading the update shows and basically everything repeats itself! i kno the community is probably dead by now lol , but i would still like to go online.. any idea ?

TyMod (2011-09-05)

The community is dead but if you are going to lay on then maybe you can play with me. :P You need to take the crack out. Since the crack is loaded in both the System32 folder and the Halo 2 folder. I will upload the Halo 2 MF.dll (Original) for you.
@rafaelbg1980 You didnt read the comments and so ofcoarse it will not work. Please read the torrent comments and follow some of the instructions users and I posted in the comments. If you had of read the comments then you would know the crack that came with this torrent will not work with 32 Bit computers. You have to download my crack fix or find a 32 bit MF.dll online.

rafaelbg1980 (2011-09-05)

oh mother of god, sorry man, my bad XD. I really need to take the time and read the bloody comments more often. Thx anyway. Once again my apologies for pestering you ^^d

TyMod (2011-09-05)

It's alright man. No one ever does. I have had to answer the same questions 50 times now. Download the crack fix and you will be up and running. :)

TyMod (2011-09-06)

IF ANYONE wants to play me using Tunngle send me leave a comment and I will set up a game using Tunngle. :) I will own your asses. :D

greatgriz (2011-09-12)

i nned help i got the game to work its just that the game speed alternates between fast and slow it is never perfect speed
windows 7 64 bit
nvidia gtx 480
i7 950
please help me ill let you teamview if needed

TyMod (2011-09-12)

Never heard of that issue before man. I don't team view with strangers so sorry man. You got a kick ass graphics card so IDK why. Is antialiasing turned on? It can cause the games speed to fluctuate. I go anywhere from 20 to 60 frames just from having antialiasing x4 on. So try that and look on google for a fix. If nothing works let me know and I will look further into it.

BlueBrown (2011-09-12)

Great torrent, TyMod‼ I had a bit of trouble getting it to start, but I figured it out after a while. So for those with Windows 7 who are receiving the Windows Games Live error that states an instance of it is already running, download the latest version
install, restart the computer, & Halo 2 should start right up. Be sure to only click the launcher once, the first time it will take a little bit for the game to warm up.

TyMod (2011-09-12)

Your welcome bro. Enjoy the game. And like I said. Look on youtube for some Halo 2 keys!!! The community is dieing. It really needs a boost!

greatgriz (2011-09-12)

anti alias did nothing. i really need to play this game brings back the days

TyMod (2011-09-12)

Same. I'm sorry. Let me look on google then and check it out. I'm sure, (from your PC specs) you have your drivers up to date. If not try that. Also update Games for Windows Live. And I will let you know what I find out.

TyMod (2011-09-12)

The biggest thing that came up was Nvidia drivers causing the game to run sluggish. Not just Halo 2 though. Alot of games. Also, from what it sounds like when you said it runs "fast and slow" is that the game is either studdering or going from a good framerate to low frame drops which is an issue ALL games for windows live games have and many times can never be fixed. :( Gears of War is like that and is problebly the worst. If thats the case than all you can do is restart your computer. Maybe clean it out and hope it stops. Please clarify a little more. Sorry but "the game speed alternates between fast and slow it is never perfect speed" doesn't give me much of a idea on whats going on.

greatgriz (2011-09-13)

ok i tried to fraps my problem but when i start recording the game runs perfect but when i stop it fucks up again?? all my drivers are good

TyMod (2011-09-13)

Hmm, wth lol Thats odd. With my computer FRAPS fucks everything up... It makes the game studder so idk man. Alot of different "fixes" for the issue. If it fixes the problem then you coud always record your play through and put it on google lol The game was such a shitty port man.

greatgriz (2011-09-13)

when i try to join a tungle server it says its a different game version whats the fix?? yeah im gonna record every time i play now lol

TyMod (2011-09-13)

The game was never updated. I'm sure people playing on tunggle updated the game. I didn't think about that. You can get a key on youtube. Here are a few. Apply the key in game AFTER taking out the crack. You will need to download the original MF.dll for the Halo 2 folder online. Heres a key: WKWK2-6DB9T-74RRF-9GJVJ-QY9W6Y MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOLD ACCOUNT TO PLAY ONLINE. Your welcome.

greatgriz (2011-09-13)

sorry for all the comments but hte key is invalid also too long

TyMod (2011-09-13)

Sorry, its not invalid. I just typed something wrong lol take the letter off the last part. And if that doesn't work I got like 50 keys I could give you. The list is endless. :)

greatgriz (2011-09-14)

can i have the list please

TyMod (2011-09-15)

lol no. I gave you a working key. I used it earlier to activate GTA IV. If you are positive it doesn't work I will give you another key. Only 1 though. I will do it tomorrow if it doesnt work.

devingod (2011-09-15)

Downloaded, but I'm a little apprehensive about making any changes to the System32 folder. Will replacing mf.dll inhibit or change any computer functions in the future?

TyMod (2011-09-15)

Well, on 64 Bit computers... sorta. It will make it so you cant edit MP3 data. Blame Razor1911 for that. Thats it though. It will still play songs and vids but you cant edit the info with windows. iTunes and stuff still works 100%.
On 32 Bit computers. DO NOT PLACE IT!!!! It will corrupt Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer. You can download my crack fix which will make Halo 2 work and it won't corrupt anything on your computer.
So its up to you. I recommend making a backup of the original MF.dll and the placing the crack. Playing the game. And when you are done replace the crack with the original again.
If you dont want to do any of that stuff then just skip that part of the instructions, play the game and see if it will let you get past the 1st level. It might, it might not. Its luck at that point.
So do what you want. But don't complain if it doesn't work if you don't place the crack.

NaNo212 (2011-09-16)

how do i get the product key?

devingod (2011-09-16)

Thanks for the advice. I tried to get 'lucky,' and start the game without placing the crack, but when I tried to start Halo 2 I get a message saying LIVE Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. I'm guessing the crack is not the problem here and the only version of Games for Windows Live I have installed is the one you posted. How can I get around this?

TyMod (2011-09-16)

Install the latest Games for Windows Live after you uninstall the one I posted and I'm glad to help.
Keys: Look at the post above. I will repost the key: WKWK2-6DB9T-74RRF-9GJVJ-QY9W6 Start the game, try to log in to Games for Windows Live with your Live Gold account and then it will update and BAM, all done. Make sure you take the crack out of the System32 folder and that you place the original MF.dll. Otherwise it will "update" and then never restart the game becuase it couldn't actually connect to live.

mealsting (2011-09-18)

The key doesnt work it says that the key has been used past the exceeded usage amount.... so i dont know what to do now ty

devingod (2011-09-21)

If you have a list of keys, can you post another? The others you posted don't work anymore.

surethingyeah (2011-09-21)

I will try this one

TyMod (2011-09-22)

Q6FYB-RK4K4-4V4CD-47FHD-3KHM3 After this I will no longer post keys. I will give you a website you can goto, and a tutorial on how you can get your own games for windows live key. You will have to follow my tutorial to the wire though. I'll explain more later.

devingod (2011-09-22)

Shit, that key doesn't work anymore. Thanks though. I've seen some tutorials involving phoning customer services, but frankly I don't think I'll go to that extent. I'm interested in the multiplayer though, I might just buy the game.

TyMod (2011-09-22)

nah, i can give you a few activation keys (you will need the actual disc, so you will have to download a different torrent, and I can't believe the keys are being used so fast. lol Give me your email and I will send you a key. And no you don't phone in, there is a polish website which gives only polish users a free key so you have to use a proxy server from poland to do it but they will give you a free key. I live in South Carolina (not Poland) lol so you must find a good poxy list otherwise the connection is slow as hell.

TyMod (2011-09-22)

btw the community is really dead. I also hope you have a Live Gold account. So don't bother buying the game. You won't be able to finda retail store selling it either, you will have to get it from ebay or Games for Windows Live Marketplace.

devingod (2011-09-23)

Thanks a bunch, I do have a gold account. I won't post my real email for the world to see haha, but you can send the key to this email (a smurf account): [email protected] that would be awesome.
Also, what do you mean by my needing the 'actual disc'? I don't need a Halo 2 game disc do I?

TyMod (2011-09-23)

This version is precracked and you will need your original MF.dll from the System32 folder (You will put it back in its original folder) and I will send you the original halo 2 mf.dll (you put it in the games directory.) Thats all, and I will email you the key and all, let me get a new one though :)

takashi8525 (2011-09-25)

I get the error "Files are missing or damage in the installation directory" can you help me?

TheBGuay (2011-09-26)

Hey Tymod, I got everything working but i need a cd key, do you have another one you could email me?

TheBGuay (2011-09-26)

Oh and if so, send it to [email protected] thanks! Great torrent BTW

TyMod (2011-09-26)

yep, and i sure do have a key :) I will email it to you.
The dude with the error. You either got a bad seed, didn't finish downloading, didn't extract everything, or didnt install the vcredit and games for windows live. If you have XP IT WILL NOT WORK. So make sure thats not your problem.

Treebeard9000 (2011-09-26)

Hey Tymod, thanx for all youve done to keep halo2 alive. Your torrent for me (and my friend) worked like a charm. Is there any chance you could send a key for us to this email address: [email protected]
Itd be most appreciated, thanx.

TyMod (2011-09-26)

Ofcourse. Anything to keep the torrent alive :) I love Halo and the community is just trash, its time to bring it back....

TheBGuay (2011-09-26)

Thanks so much tymod, email me again if you need support here! :)

TyMod (2011-09-26)

NO problem man. No problem at all. Just share it with your friends and get the community up and running again. It needs it. (The dedicated servers are still up toooo) so it would be nice if we could fill them up again.
If you need more keys for friends or whatever just let me know. I'll send more.

raisin990 (2011-09-26)

Hello TyMod could I have a key please? My email is ikorose at gmail dot com. Thanks so much!

takashi8525 (2011-09-26)

i fixed the problem i'm using windows 7 but it runs now :D but if you dont mind could email me a key at [email protected] please?

Link2692 (2011-09-27)

Hey TyMod, im currently downloading this and i've read through alot of the comments, it seems people are in need of a Cd Key O.O; well, if it doesnt come with one i guess anyone downloading this will need one, my email is [email protected] :) id like to keep this torrent alive as well lol

TyMod (2011-09-27)

You dont have to have one to play it. People just want one. Luckily I can get anybody who wants one one but... it takes a awhile to get the keys and I cant keep giving you mine (i hate doing the process to get them.) so to all who want keys I will get them for you this weekend. I am too busy getting people who already have a key to get the game up and running online (crack issues).
Please understand this, im sorry, I will get everyone a key this weekend. Be patient.

takashi8525 (2011-09-27)

i can wait till this weekend that aint no problem for me,and i dont want one i need one,everytime i start up the game i hit activate later just to do the first campaign level but when i try to sign on it asks for the key again and doesnt let me into the game

TyMod (2011-09-27)

You have to make a offline account first, second you didnt paste the crack into the system32 folder. (I'm assuming you have a 64 bit system.) If not then I will email you special instructions.

takashi8525 (2011-09-27)

i have a a 32 bit system,i'll try again pasting the cack in the folder but i believe thats where i messed up was missing on the offline account,i'll try that and let you know than

takashi8525 (2011-09-27)

it worked man thanks :D but how come it wont let me play on LAN?

TyMod (2011-09-27)

yeah and DO NOT PASTE THE CRACK!!! It will jack your system up. Its for 64 Bit computers only. But making a offline account will work just fine.

takashi8525 (2011-09-27)

i'm playing campiagn as of for now but why dont the local part of the game work,it wont even let me choose that option

TyMod (2011-09-27)

I'm not sure. I was able to get it to run on lan. I will get a key this weekend and you can do whatever the hell you want lol so just wait till then,

takashi8525 (2011-09-27)

lol ight that sounds good with me dude

turk7986 (2011-09-29)

where is the system 32 folder?

turk7986 (2011-09-29)

where is the system 32 folder??

turk7986 (2011-09-29)

sorry about double post lol

TyMod (2011-09-29)

its fine and it is in C:\Windows\System32
Just copy the link and paste it in the folder directory.

The4BR (2011-09-30)

Hey TyMod thx a lot for the torrent, could you please send me a code at [email protected] or send me the directions on how to get a code. The offline account works perfectly but the best thing about halo is multiplayer.

takashi8525 (2011-10-02)

for the people that dont have a gold account for windows live just download the latest tunngle version along with teknogods.dll the dll loader and teknogods helper when in the game go to settings network connection select tunngle hit the home button and make sure you have a tunggle override exit out to the desktop start teknogods helper if you wanna join a game than hit client if you wanna be the host click on host when your in the game lobby for joining a game hit f12 and you should hear "working" if you hear that than click on the game and when in the pregame or the game is loading hit f12 again and you should hear "transfer complete" after that it should work fine for you :D

jdparmel (2011-10-03)

Hey TyMod, I may have just messed up one of the instructions but maybe you could help me track down what the problem is. I moved the MF.dll into the system32 folder, ran the registry and installed Games for Windows Live. The problem is, I can't get passed that Games for Windows Live screen that comes down so I can't make an offline account.

takashi8525 (2011-10-04)

this isnt tymod but i can help you out with the windows live offline account all you need to do is when your able to scroll down after you hit next the first time just scroll down and a highlight should say you can make an offline there

TyMod (2011-10-05)

To all who have keys. I havnt forgotten about you lol I am still working on a fix. Just real busy with school and a special game RIP I am working on sooooo this weekend I will specifically make a fix for you.
To all who want keys. Email me at [email protected]
Hope you understand.

TyMod (2011-10-14)

To all the people who emailed me for keys. I am sorry for the wait. The game won't update after activating it making it needless for a key anyways so I have been working a REG file to get it to update correctly. I have a REG fix almost complete. Just testing it. I will up it as soon as I fully test it and get enough keys for all the people who requested them (ALOT lol) so just be patient. I promise that I will get you a key and fix this weekend though or atleast let you know the alternative.
Thanks for yourr patience. Just one more day and we will be kicking each others ass lol

Khaydri (2011-10-16)

I'm having some problems, Ty. Think you might be able to help me out in e-mails if I can tell you play-by-play of what's going on? It's so far with the XLive and the Taking Ownership of Sys32

TyMod (2011-10-17)

Install latest Games for Windows Live and dont place the crack. I am about to upload the fix and way to get the key in just a minute.

TyMod (2011-10-17)

The Key/Update fix has been upped. No more emails will be sent out regarding Halo 2.

TyMod (2011-10-17)[TyMoD]
If you want a key and fix so you can play Halo 2 online then download that. Follow all the instructions. Also seed please. I will not seed past today and I would hate to see Halo 2's community completly die because you are ungrateful.
Thanks and enjoy the game. Hope to see you on Halo 2.
PS: My gamertags not TyMoD.

DerangedPuppy (2011-10-29)

First of all thanks for the upload. I followed the instructions carefully but the game doesn't launch. No black screen or error messages or anything. I noticed that the game begins to appear on task manager---> processes but after 2-3 seconds it disappears every time. The vcredist thingy doesn't install so i installed latest versions, 2008 and 2010 but still nothing. I have windows 7 64-bit with requirements that should be able to run it( i7, gefore gt525m). Am i missing anything? any suggestions?

TyMod (2011-10-29)

Did you install a updated Games for Windows Live. That is where I would start. And then make sure you didn't overwrite the MF.dll in the Halo 2 folder. The only other thing I could think of is not everything getting extracted.

Ridjeck (2011-10-31)

The game crashes after about 30seconds -1min of being open, any suggestions :? (Win7x32)

SoulMaster1109 (2011-10-31)

I have a problem starting the game. whenever I use the halo2.exe file, I get a message saying something about LIVE Gaming failing to initialize and something about a dedicated server already running.
I have a Windows 7 64-bit computer, and I followed your instructions: I put the mf.dll file in System 32, and I downloaded the two files in the crack folder.
Am I doing something wrong?

SoulMaster1109 (2011-10-31)

Okay, I manged to fix my previous problem, but now I have a new one.
The thing updates every time I log into my profile. When its done updating, Halo 2 exits out without restarting.
I also lost my original mf.dll file. Do you know a way to get it back?
My OS is: Windows 7 64-bit.

TyMod (2011-11-01)

You have to download my Halo 2 Activation Fix and Key torrent.

abhi.bvp (2011-11-12)

will trainers work along with your direct play version? and i am running a system with core2duo 1.8, 1gb ram....will it work properly on it?

TyMod (2011-11-13)

Not sure about trainers and CPU wise yes. RAM wise I recommend atleast... ATLEAST 2 gigs for older games so no. And I don't know what your graphics card is so. Tell me that if you want a accurate opinion.
I run the game on 4gigs of ram. AMD 1.6Ghz DCP. And a AMD Radeon graphics card with the game settings on HIGH with x2 anti-aliasing at 1280x720 resolution.

Spar117 (2011-11-14)

I am having problem with the game i follow all the steps as listed in the wirar file when i try and run the halo2 application file in the folder it puts my computer into safe mode and displays a message saying "live game failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on windows application (such as halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix the problem." I don't know what to do to fix this problem please help

TyMod (2011-11-14)

IF YOU go through the comments you would see you have to downoad and install the newest version of it. Uninstall all versions of Games for Windows Live and download the newest version, install it, and enjoy the game. :)

Spar117 (2011-11-15)

thanks Ty the game is working now but still having a problem its asking me for a serial key.

Spar117 (2011-11-15)

could you send me a link to some serials

Spar117 (2011-11-16)

ok I got a key product key that works but when after enter the key and it downloads my windows live ID it message box pops up saying the game needs to up date and if i don't update it wil log out my windows ID. When i try to update the game it the game just closes.

bustaspinna (2011-11-21)

Thank you TyMod for this great torrent, works great and you don't have to worry about those pesky ISO mount bullshit torrents that take about 2 hours to even do. I am running on Vista, with 1GB ram and it runs smooth. Now only one question Ty, do you know anywhere I can find a product ID? I would love to play this online, like the good days when Microsoft didn't suck so much ass.

TyMod (2011-11-22)

Youtube is the best place to look man. They have Product ID keys on there and vids to explain how to get them reactivated (you will have to call Microsoft)
Bad thing is no one plays and they just took the servers offline so now its user games only.

DraconSable (2011-11-23)

We are all very grateful for this torrent Tymod, thank you very much.
It's a shame they took the servers down, what are these user games you mentioned?

lembird94 (2011-11-24)

Hey TyMod! i want to start off by saying i love your uploads, they all work great! :) just throwing that out there... so now i have a question. i can installl the game fine and everything, but when i go to play up pops the windows live thing, and i have an account on there already. (from one of your other torrents) so i log in and all, but it wont let me play because i dont have a product key. any suggestions?

lembird94 (2011-11-24)

Hey TyMod! i want to start off by saying i love your uploads, they all work great! :) just throwing that out there... so now i have a question. i can installl the game fine and everything, but when i go to play up pops the windows live thing, and i have an account on there already. (from one of your other torrents) so i log in and all, but it wont let me play because i dont have a product key. any suggestions? apparently i need this key and profile just to play campaign. correct me if im wrong?

TyMod (2011-11-24)

no. You should just use the cracks included with this torrent, create a offline profile, and play the game if you just want to play the campaign offline. You do not need a key or a online Xbox Live account (Games for Windows Live accout). Just follow the instructions included on how to place the crack and play the game.
Also I'm glad people like/enjoy what I up. I will up more games soon. Just so busy with the holidays.

silentash94 (2011-11-24)

So this would be the fourth time that i have went through each step and yes replaceing the MF.dll files etc. I keep getting this error message before the game starts and I can even get to makeing an offline account. I have even tried a different crack and nothing. (I'm running windows 7, x64 bit.) I have already looked through all of the processes running on my computer and nothing even related to LIVE or Halo is running. >.<
The Error Message:
"LIVE Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows application (such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix the problem."

silentash94 (2011-11-24)

So this would be the fourth time that i have went through each step and yes replaceing the MF.dll files etc. I keep getting this error message before the game starts and I can even get to makeing an offline account. I have even tried a different crack and nothing. (I'm running windows 7, x64 bit.) I have already looked through all of the processes running on my computer and nothing even related to LIVE or Halo is running. >.<
The Error Message:
"LIVE Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows application (such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix the problem."

TyMod (2011-11-24)

If you would read the comments (I address this problem to someone else on this page to be exact) you would know you have to install the latest version.
So next time read comments because it would of saved you time.
UNINSTALL Games for Windows Live
Download the latest version from Microsoft...
Next time you have a question look through the comments before whining about it not working.

silentash94 (2011-11-24)

Oh... wow sorry about that, thanks for the game though (sorry for the double post too my internet is running really slow today -.-;)

Aftershok (2011-11-24)

This is a great upload, but I think you may have to be a bit more explicit in the instructions. Sifting through the comments is very confusing, especially when you give one possible fix and then later go on to contradict yourself somewhat.
My problem is that I followed your instructions explicitly and then installed the latest version of Games for Windows Live (which is now called Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace?). However, upon starting the game, there was absolutely no option to make an offline account. Am I missing something? The only options were to sign in using an existing account or make a new account. There was no online option. Can you post a finalized, single, entirely inclusive set of instructions in the comments? Installing the latest Windows Games client forces me to input an activation code.

TyMod (2011-11-24)

Look up a youtube vid on how to do it. Basically when it ask you to sign in hit cancel and then hit the Home key. Scroll to the bottem of the text and in small writing it will say offline account.
I'm pretty sure thats what you will need to do. Otherwise just look up a youtube vid.

Aftershok (2011-11-25)

I appreciate your support, but no such option exists to use an offline account for the newest version of Games for Windows Live. Perhaps you are referencing an older version of the platform? The home button is always grayed out in the version I'm using, and the first screen I am presented with when I press a key on the "Press any key" screen gives me the binary choice of using an existing account or making a new one. No option exists to use an offline account in either of those choices, from what I can see.

TyMod (2011-11-26)

It does exist. LOOK UP A YOUTUBE VIDEO or, which I am pretty sure you need to do anyways, is hit make a new account and don't try to connect to Xbox Live. (It won't even try to connect you to live anyways.)

lembird94 (2011-11-29)

hey TyMod, its me again. so in step 4 you say to:4. Goto
and right click on the System32 folder
and click Take Ownership. so where do i find this folder?

TyMod (2011-11-29)

go to My Computer, select your defaulty hard drive, than windows and then highlight the System32 folder which is inside the windows folder. Then take ownership.
It was a Pirate Bay error caused the

If this comes out right this is what I was trying to say:
C:\Windows\ and then HIGHLIGHT System32 folder.

ProjectXI (2011-12-01)

Thx TyMod game works fine. Is it possible to play it in widescreen? if so, how? Halo 1 has option for wide screen but 2 doesn't :( seems abit stupid on the developers side of things

TyMod (2011-12-02)

It will only allow 1280x720 and up for widescreen (really stupid since my laptop monitor has a native res of 1366x768). It also supports 1080p. If you are running it in one of these settings and it won't go into widescreen than idk what to tell you. If you are trying to run it in another resolution other than 720p and 1080p in widescreen, you can't. If it isn't showing 720p or 1080p than look for a forum discussing the issue. Most likely there is nothing you can do.
Sorry man, all I can tell you/help you with. Halo 2 was a decent port when it came to the controls feeling native and not ported but the choice of using mainly 4:3 resolutions and only 720p and 1080p for widescreen (16:9) resolutions really made it suck.

Deog (2011-12-02)

This app is nothing but a headach.I installed your update crap also,an it wont start.I just want to play the campain..Direct Play?????NOT.

TyMod (2011-12-02)

Yeah, You don't have to install any of the Halo 2 updates. That is for people tryingt o play online. I will give you some detailed instructions.
1. Download and install latest Games for Windows Live.
2. Extract the game.
3. Install the registry file RUN THIS FIRST.reg
4 Goto C:\Windows and highlight the System32 folder. Right click and hit Take Ownership.
5. copy the cracked MF.dll and paste it over the oringinal MF.dll in the System32 folder. If it won't let you rename the original MF.dll to MF_Backup.dll. (You want to do this anyways so when you beat halo 2 you can get rid of the crack.)
6. Install the vcredit.msi in the folder.
7. Run the game.
:) Have fun. And I do help people so chill out a bit. I will help you.

Deog (2011-12-03)

I am far from being new at this,It is not very hard to do what you say.this is the new GFWL the marketplace is took control of system32 and put your MF.dll in it.I ran your run this first thing.I ran your vcerdist.I extracted your program to Program files (86) when that didnt work, I extracted to just Program files.When I start..I get the trouble with windows live crap. Now what? You say dont update windows live or it wont work,But you also say get the newest windows live,isnt that the same as updating it? What am I missing?

onemasta (2011-12-03)

Seed please!

Deog (2011-12-04)

Hay Killer wellcome abord . Direct Play,I thought that ment, Install and play,But it is far from it.As you are about to discover..Good luck I been trying to get this to run for at least 3 days. Im gonna reinstall windows just to see what happends.

Deog (2011-12-04)

Killer,what system are you using? Im trying to do it with Win7-64.Happy that ya got something running.What Winlive are you using & were did you get it?

TyMod (2011-12-04)

Dude, you must of either uploaded it or someone took my KEY/UPDATE fix and my torrent and uploaded it. The damn game works if you follow my instructions. As the guy said, REINSTALL WINDOWS LIVE. If you use the old version it will not work because of Windows 7. Dopemans torrent doesn't work because you are missing the crack.
I can't make it just "extract and play, this works for all the fucking noobs" because the crack must be applied to the system32 folder. And again I will post new instructions. Lets see if anyone can follow them:
1. Download and install latest Games for Windows Live.
2. Extract the game.
3. Install the registry file RUN THIS FIRST.reg
4 Goto C:\Windows and highlight the System32 folder. Right click and hit Take Ownership.
5. copy the cracked MF.dll and paste it over the oringinal MF.dll in the System32 folder. If it won't let you rename the original MF.dll to MF_Backup.dll. (You want to do this anyways so when you beat halo 2 you can get rid of the crack.)
6. Install the vcredit.msi in the folder.
7. Run the game.

If you don't install latest Games for Windows Live you will most likely get the "Dedicated server is already running" shit. If you get this in anyway simply uninstalling and reinstalling Games for Windows Live will fix this.

Deog (2011-12-04)

OK Ty.It WORKS,This is what I had to do.I had to reinstall Win 7-64..After I did that ,I installed your app just like I was befor just like you said.The only thing I changed was,I didnt install all of the windows updates for 7-64..Im gonna install the rest of them now hopefulley it will still work.For folks having Big trouble like I was,Mabe they should reinstall also ,it worked for me.There is nothing wrong with your instructions.. Ill get back.Thanks

onemasta (2011-12-04)

It works great, thanks a lot!

TyMod (2011-12-05)

Yep, glad to help. And your welcome.

gipro1 (2011-12-06)

I cant run the RUN THIS FIRST file because it cant access the registry.
Also there is no take ownership tab when I right click on System32.
Pleas help.

xemotion (2011-12-06)

TyMod , I'm running on Windows 7 64-bit. I followed every instructions you wrote there, taking ownership and moving of the dll files. I installed Games for windows live with in the Open this first dir from your winrar. The error was a halo 2 dedicated server seems to be running. any help on these ? I've tried with the latest version of games for windows live, but seems like i need a key to even start the game.

xemotion (2011-12-06)

Sorry for the double post, ive tried reinstalling games for windows live but it still gives me the same problem :\

xemotion (2011-12-06)

Got it to work ! but cant get past the first stage. it needs activation later that..

TyMod (2011-12-07)

@Killer3474 THANK YOU. My god people are just lazy and iliterate at times.
The procedures are not easy because the game was not easy to crack. Hell Razor was the only group to crack it and the crack has to be specifically placed in the System32 folder. If it wasn't for the "Direct Play" you couldn't play the game anyways because instaling Halo 2 off of the disc and cracking it is practically impossible (because to install the game off the disc the game will have to use the System32 folder MF.dll which will render it impossible to overwrite.)
Run the registry file as an admin and when you right click the system32 folder you don't see "Take Ownership" because you didn't install the registry file (that is the whole point of the damn registry file (RUN THIS FIRST.reg)). If you are running Windows XP you also need to stop what your doing as this torrent is for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
@xemotion UNINSTALL ALL VERSIONS OF WINDOWS LIVE MARKETPLACE/GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE. Restart your computer. Install the latest Games for Windows Live from the link posted by Killer3474 and then restart your computer again. Replace the crack in the System32 folder again to make sure it is cracked. Run the game and make sure you have an offline account. If you try to go online then it will ask you to activate it.

Deog (2011-12-07)

I read back in the comments that some folks were wondering about wide screen and controller stuff.I have a 28in HannsG at 1900x1200.the Game runs great on it with a keeboard & mouse.Someone wanted to know about trainers working with Tys Game,The best one that works and gives you duel weild with no over heat,is dRoLLe it at Game W. If you half to UNinstal GFWL you might run into problems getting it all out,I had to reinstall windows to get it all out. that was after using reg cleaners and deleting everything I could find.GFWL is what controlls the game starting.Once you get that in rite, It will run.Install the game in order 1,2,3 ect. It will be worth it.

TyMod (2011-12-08)

Thanks Deog. Your monitor is in a 16:10 format which the game seems to like more than 16:9. 4:3 is what is recommended though. You don't have to reinstall windows and I am sorry you went through the hassle. The biggest thing is restarting your computer after uninstalling it and making sure the marketplace is uninstalled (though installed all at once it seems you have to uninstall them seperatly.)

gipro1 (2011-12-09)

I have campaign working, great game. Thanks.
One questions about one problem.
1) My system specs are damn well over the recommended specs for Halo2 and yet the game is choppy and slower when walking with full graphics, I should be able to do full graphics without a problem. Why can't I? Is there a way to fix this problem??

gipro1 (2011-12-09)

Playing with my settings a bit, its even choppy on lowest graphics when there's a lot of things happening in the map.

TyMod (2011-12-09)

I know how you feel. I can get it to run at a steady 30 fps to 60 but it never works right man. The games just naturally choopy and wasnt very well optimized.

gipro1 (2011-12-09)

Haven't tried getting multiplayer to work yet. I tried running it on max and its really choppy just moving, currently I have it on lowest and it still chops when large bursts of commotion are happening around me.
Here are my specs:
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Hard Drive: 1 TB
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5450
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)

gipro1 (2011-12-10)

I just beat the campaign and I its the best video campaign I've ever played.
I couldn't find any instructions in the comments on how to get multiplayer working, could you post some? Or if you already did could you tell me what comments page their on, or repost them?

TyMod (2011-12-10)

I uploaded a multiplayer fix not to far ago. I am not helping people with it but a user posted a comment on how to get it to work. Please look in my torrents for it. Remember I am not suporting it anymore.

TyMod (2011-12-10)

@Killer3474 I can play it pretty smooth but every now and then whe I start the game it is real choopy. The biggest thing is putting my computer in hibernation or playing a game for awhile and a memory leak occuring causimg my RAM to reach it's max.
To anybody having a problem with choppiness and knows there system is well above the system requirements needs to restart there computer.

TyMod (2011-12-10)

I will do it if and only if I get 50 people to request it. And this offer is only good until next weekend. If I get 50 Request for Mass Effect 2 I will upload it on Sunday of next weekend. Quite a few people have requested it but last time I did it it seemed no one would seed so this is the only way I know I will get seeds.

blubace (2011-12-11)

Works great. Just make sure since its a old engine to force v-sync, higher AA, AF and you should be fine. And for all the people who can't get it to work make sure you use the reg files, and copy the proper files where they need to be. 10/10

TyMod (2011-12-11)

Your quite welcome. Nice to see people are getting it to work. And forced VSync is highly recommended.
@people wanting to play online
There were a total of maybe 50 people on the game earlier today so the communities dying. Don't buy the game. If you want to play online download my multiplayer crack. Try to get it working. If you don't follow instructions correctly though it WILL NOT WORK. Someone posted on there how to get it working so look through the comments. I do not support that torrent.

manuel3272001 (2011-12-11)

HELP!!! whenever i try to install the vcredit, my computer says that the feature im trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

TyMod (2011-12-11)

Hmm, run in XP compatibility mode and as a admin.

manuel3272001 (2011-12-11)

theres no xp compatability mode when i pressed f8. i tried installing it again and after it says the whole unavailable thing, it tells me to enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'vcredist.msi'

TyMod (2011-12-11)

There isn't a launcher to start the game.
If you get the message "xlive.dll" is missing then you need to download Games for Windows Live from the Microsoft website and install it.
Are you trying to run it from the RAR file. If so then I doubt it will work. And you need to right click on it. Goto properties. Goto the compatibility tab and select run as admin and run in compatibility mode.

manuel3272001 (2011-12-12)

it keeps saying C:\Windows\TEMP\IXP000.TMP\ is not available

TyMod (2011-12-12)

What version of windows are you running and is it 64x or 86x (32 bit)

gipro1 (2011-12-12)

What is the XLiveRedist1.0.6027 file for??

TyMod (2011-12-12)

install the latest games for windows live installer from
and it is what will make the game work but dont use that version

TyMod (2011-12-13)

Yep. I got 4 gigs too.
I am uploading a Gears torrent later today. It will work online (providing you follow my tutorial.)

TyMod (2011-12-15)

It is required for the game. When you install it it actually has halo 2 written somwhere on it. To run any game now you practically have to have C++, Basic and C+ updated.

manuel3272001 (2011-12-15)

how do i find out what version im running?

TyMod (2011-12-15)

And about the Gears torrent. I am currently compiling the disc. I accidently made 250kb files instead of 250MB files when packing the game so now there is a total of 23,000 files lol so PowerISO is taking its time with creating the disc image. Once it is done I am going to do a final test and see if it will run from a disc and then I will upload it :)
Shout out to Lembird94 who requested the torrent. YOU BETTER SEED MOTHER FUCKER lol.
And Killer3474
if you have anymore questions let me know man :)
@Miguel Version of what? The game, directx, Games for Windows Live, Visual C++/C+/Basic, what?

TyMod (2011-12-15)

My bad just saw my previous torrent. Are you running Windows 7 or Vista or are you running XP. If you are running XP then it will not work. To find out if you have a 64 or 32 bit computer all you need to do is goto Start/Computer and then select System Properties. It will tell you what type of operating system you are using. (I am assuming you have Windows 7)

manuel3272001 (2011-12-15)

windows 7 64 bit it says

TyMod (2011-12-15)

Comment, not torrent.
And thats a good start. So reextract the game. Make sure you have NOT A SINGLE INSTANCE OF games for windows live installed on your computer. If you do then uninstall it and then restart your computer. Follow the insturctions for cracking the game (make sure to right click and hit run as admin when installing RUN THIS FIRST.reg.) Copy the crack to the places designated. Run the game and make sure to create a OFFLINE PROFILE.

TyMod (2011-12-15)

lol I did do a 32 bit crack but no, this is Razors crack which is why it doesn't work with 32 bit computers.
So I can't take the credit for this crack.
But I am good with computers :) Just been real focused with encoding and distributing music man. I accidently double packed gears so I am having to unpack it and repack it again lol (stupid, tired mistakes.) So I will repack it again tomorrow, and try to up it. Not sure how I double packed it, musta been EXTREMELY tired but anyways, once it is done I will put the disc image back together and up it. SO SORRY. Honest to god I thought I was going to upload it today.

iKruzie (2011-12-16)

This game is beautiful and runs perfectly, I love it, maybe I can get into it as much as I did when this was on the original xbox when it first came out. Thank you TyMod for the upload and I'd love to join the online community if I could find an activation key (hintity hint hint.)

TyMod (2011-12-16)

Well then check my torrens (hinty hint hint)
Yeah man, That is EXACTLY what I did so I will have to upload the game friday night. I need my computer and unpacking the release is not going to make using my computer easy lol. In the mean time I will upload some more iTunes music :)

TfuriON88Y (2011-12-16)

How do I uninstall previous games for Windows Live?

TyMod (2011-12-16)

Goto your control panel. Under the Programs section it will say "Uninstall a program". Clikc that and then all you need to do is find Games for Windows Live and uninstall it.

iKruzie (2011-12-17)

@ Killer - WinRAR is free. It bugs you every time you open it saying you haven't bought it, but you can still use it just fine without buying it.
@TyMod - Yeah, went to your Torrent for the Key, that forum is apparently restricted to anyone registering as the menu has been disabled and no one can register even if they set up the proxy. Or I did something wrong :\ Either way, do you have a different method to obtaining a key or could just send me a key? If that's too much, just give me the number I need to call to get Microsoft to generate a replacement key as their support site is a nightmare to traverse. Thanks in advance :D

TyMod (2011-12-18)

THEPIRATEBAY.EE is problebly a virus, spam, scam, gov't, or organization who's against piracy website which will do nothing but harm. Just stay on the Bay man. Your safe hre

TyMod (2011-12-18)

The websites not restricted. Just used it the other day to get a key for Brother in Arms. Try to just goto the reg site and make a account. If that doesn't work I will send you the key.

iKruzie (2011-12-18)

Yeah, I tried to go to the regular site. I attempted to register, but was redirected to the forum's sign in page and an error that said that the page is restricted to me. I tried most of the links and translated a few of the overhead messages from the forum, they basically said that I do not have authorization to look at the page even though the page is a registration page x.x So I'm led to believe that registration is down or something, if not then I guess it just doesn't like me. I'd love for you to send me a key - [email protected] - And if you could be so kind as to give me a way to contact Microsoft for a replacement key, just in case it's overused, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks again, keep up the good work.

tejas98 (2011-12-19)

hey TyMod sorry for the trouble but after having followed all the steps , I get a message that "Intialization failed............." please help

tejas98 (2011-12-19)

hey TyMod sorry for the trouble but after having followed all the steps , I get a message that "Intialization failed............." when i click halo2.exe please help

tejas98 (2011-12-19)

please help someone

tejas98 (2011-12-19)


iKruzie (2011-12-20)

Tejas - No one is on 24/7, be patient and someone who knows how to help will get to you. Posting multiple times only pisses people off.

TyMod (2011-12-20)

If initialization failed then you didn't install the LATEST Games for Windows Live. You need to download and install the latest Games for Windows Live.
@iKruzie Well said and I will give you a key before christmas. Just busy with life. Gears of War is being a bitch and not helping too lol. I have to completely reinstall and repack it because by the time I packed it it somehow double zipped itself and then split into over 23,000 files so you know... didn't want to freaking unpack that crap so I will repack the game, compress the disc image and upload Gears. I will give you the key when I do that. Most likely it will be a christmas gift lol.

tejas98 (2011-12-20)

how do u install the latest games for windows live??

tejas98 (2011-12-20)

iKruzie - i am sorry. Just couldnt wait to play the game. srry guys

TyMod (2011-12-21)

I said google it or goto and search for it. (You can actually download it from

tejas98 (2011-12-21)

It still wont work. it says initialization failed.

tejas98 (2011-12-21)

by the way, my system rating is 4.0. does this affect the game in any way??

TyMod (2011-12-22)

No. You didn't place the crack in the Halo 2 folder over riding the default MF.dll did you? If so then the game will not work anymore. The crack is ONLY for the System32 folder.

xMcLovin (2011-12-22)

Hey, maybe you can help me... I got everything working, but it says there's an update available and when I try to do it, it says there are files missing, what do?

TyMod (2011-12-22)

The packaging of Gears went smooth so now I am installing it. As soon as it finishes and I test the game to make sure it runs smooth I will up it immediatly.

xMcLovin (2011-12-22)

I figured it out, sorry man

TyMod (2011-12-22)

Gears torrent is up NOW. ENJOY.

tejas98 (2011-12-22)

@tymod - i didnt get you . I followed all the steps.
i pasted the mf.dll in the system 32 folder and nowhere else. should i delete the mf.dll in the halo 2 folder ??

TyMod (2011-12-22)

No, it would render the game useless. Reextract the game (don't place the crack again though) and run the game as a admin in compatibility mode for Windows Vista Service Pack 3.
The only other thing I can tell you is to overwrite the crack with the original MF.dll if what I wrote above doesn't work. Then try the game.

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-23)

When I start to play it says that I need to install a GFWL Update or else Halo 2 Will not Work. However, when I click 'Update,' it prompts me with a textbox asking me if I will let Microsoft update the computer. I click 'Yes' and nothing happens. What gives?

TyMod (2011-12-23)

You don't have to update to play. So nothing gives. Just click cancel. If you want to play online you need to update it and to do so I made another torrent which will allow you to update the game and play online.
If you just want to play the damn campaign then play with a offline account.

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-23)

I click 'No' and it brings me to the GFWL Login Menu and I have to st ar all over again :s

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-23)

"Your profile has not been completely downloaded. Please delete it and sign in again. You have may to restart your game before deleting your profile."
That is what it says .. what should I do?

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-23)

Also, what is the torrent link for GFWL Update?

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-23)

Actually, if you don't mind, could you just make a video walk-through on what to do once the torrent is done downloading? :)

TyMod (2011-12-24)

Well. UNINSTALL GFWL. Delete the game. Redownload it if you deleted the RAR file or re-unpack the game to your desktop. Take control of the System32 folder and then paste the MF.dll crack overwriting the original. GOTO XBOX.COM and download the LATEST GFWL and install it. DO NOT DOWNLOAD, OR INSTALL YOUR XBOX LIVE ACCOUNT. Just run the game. When it ask you to log in cancel. Make and offline account. PLAY THE CAMPAIGN only.
Please try this. I am going out of town tomorrow morning and have no time to crack my own pc and stuff. I am sorry. When I get back next week I will be able to help you. :)

iKruzie (2011-12-25)

Aww, does that mean I don't get my Christmas present? :( Oh well, have a good trip TyMod

iTzDiamondFirexD (2011-12-25)

There is no 'Cancel' button, unless you mean close Games for Windows Live. But then it tells me to click to continue and I am prompted with the 'sign-in to GFWL' menu.

1PirateDude (2011-12-26)

plz morons stfu and lemme download the game, jez this comments are moronics rofl.

1PirateDude (2011-12-27)

Game is fully working but it sucks, fuck microsoft for making this stupid ass game.
game rating 3/10 Poor quality!
thanks TyMod anyways!

1PirateDude (2011-12-27)

P.S Halo Combat Evolved was better!

TyMod (2011-12-27)

Your welcome and I warned you guys. Halo 2 was an amaing game, it was my favorite halo game, but it was best on the xbox. The PC version of HCE was great though. They should had let Gearbox do Halo 2 also. Wish they would do Halo 3 on the computer. Tired of playing with all the jaggies and low res textures on my 360.

Deog (2011-12-28)

Hay PD opinions are like assholes, everbody has one.This is a great thing Ty has done with this game.This game runs butter smooth on my rig the graphics are unreal,This is a great game,and a very easy way to get it to work on Win7.The best I have found.And Ty there is enough info you and everbody else gave, on how to get this to work,all they half to do is read it,Im sure you would rather do something else than say the same thing over and over.Your talent is to great to half to repete yourself.Go forth and Prosper.

Gorila5123sdf (2011-12-28)

pleeease seed ,many peers low uploading

zombiefreakk (2012-01-07)

It didnt work for me. How do I download it to windows live?

cris12821 (2012-01-07)

So i did EVERY step EXACTLY as u said and well the game wont even load it just crashes without even loading (i have admin and run win7)

Deog (2012-01-07)

You dont download anything to W/L. YOU Download W/L,And install it on your computer.If you dont get W/L installed rite, The game wont run nomatter what you do.RESTART your computer after you INSTALL OR UNINSTALL W/L. That means Uninstall,restart. install,restart. Follow the steps in order 1,2,3 ect.Like TyMod says.

cris12821 (2012-01-07)

see I did EVERYTHING as told to do and I checked everything before I did it. This is what I get

I've run in Compatibility mode and the troubleshooter I've ununstaleld W/L and everything i need to do and it changed nothing..... I have windows 7 can I have a hand? I've always LOVED this game

Deog (2012-01-08)

Read page 14 and see what I had to do to get it running.I was pissed at first. This app works once you get everything installed RITE.Make sure things are where they should be,Dont just install something.GO into the folder and see if it is there,like the system32 folder.I had to reinstall win7-64 to get mine to work.something must have gotten deleted from my registery or something, it happens.The NEW W/L that you should be using has 2 parts to it.Restart after doing something.Maby your running a App that it doesnt get along with.ALL you can do is keep trying.Nobody wants to reinstal windows but it is the cleanest way.and sometimes the only way.

TyMod (2012-01-09)

I hope no one would even bother reinstalling Windows to get the game to work but to each his own.
Alot of times though, it is a registry issue like Deog said. But it does work (obviously) so calm down. You might need to totally reextract the game. Then do all the necessary instructions except dont install GFWL. After you do all the necessary instructions go online and download the latest GFWL client. Install it and then play the game. :) If it doesn't work then you did something wrong still, there is a problem with your computer (windows, reg files, incompatible hardware thats under the requirements), or the file didn't completely finish downloading. (Alot of people have quite torrents before the files finished and data is messed up.)

kennyh92 (2012-01-09)

i have a problem with this. after doing all the steps after installing the Game for Windows Live and vcredit. i then launch halo now some crap came up with live fail to initialize it is because halo 2 dedicated server is running in the same computer. how to fixx this?? please help.

kennyh92 (2012-01-09)

i fixed the problem. but now i am having trouble with the product key and the ones posted won't work it say exceed the product key limits. i have tried over 15 product keys.

TyMod (2012-01-10)

Yeah. I am completely out of keys and if I get more I don't think I am going to hand them out any more.
Just make a offline account and play the campaign. No ones ever online anyways. Its a dead community.

1469er (2012-01-22)

DO NOT DOWNLOAD ITS ADDICTIVE GAME!:P lol thanks man works like my dick PERFECT

TyMod (2012-01-24)

lmao, same. Like he said, its ADDICTIVE so don't not download. lol Word play :P
Anyways your welcome.

CmbatvRug (2012-02-03)

i did all of that but everytime i click on the halo 2 icon i just get nothing. dosent even start. i'm new to this so i don't know how i got it messed up but it just won't start, not even a loading bar just... sits there like Rosie O'Donnal

CmbatvRug (2012-02-03)

I did everything right and it just won't even start... if i click on it a lot it says it can't run more than one though... WHY WON"T IT TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG!!!!!! WHY!!!!

TyMod (2012-02-04)

End the task. Run in Compatibility mode for Vista Service Pack 3 and as Admin. Please tell me what your Windows version is please. If it is XP then it won't work anyways. Please tell me you also installed the latest Games for Windows Live package.

Dinkus134 (2012-02-05)

Thanks for the torrent. Yet I've been getting the 'Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working' error. I've installed the newest GFWL, I'm using W7 64-bit and I've tried starting it in administrator. I've tried three times to install this game. It may be something to do with the crack, I'm not that sure though.

TyMod (2012-02-06)

Hmm... I'm not sure. Just google it at this point man. If you can't get anything to work then it may be a bad driver or the crack like you said. Razor did a shit job on cracking the game. Most likely its the crack. If you placed it in the Halo 2 folder (your not supposed to) then I know its the crack because it will cause the game to fail if it is in the halo 2 folder.

bammer316 (2012-02-08)

I have done part 1 to 5 and when i run the halo 2 application it tells me xlive.dll is missing?

TyMod (2012-02-09)

You have to have the latest Games for Windows Live installed.

_BongRipper_ (2012-02-13)

I'm happy to see sombody work so hard at something and actually keep up with it. What a helpful fucking guy! I commend you for your hard work. Just made an account and this is my first post. your efforts are inspiring guy. Anyhow started the DL, im on win7x64 so by the sounds of things ill be just fine. Again thanks. ( also thanks seeders!!!!!!!)

_BongRipper_ (2012-02-14)

Got it working. was easy as pie. Is there a way i can play the campaign with a friend via port forward or hamachi or something?

TyMod (2012-02-16)

Not sure. but as they say, googles your best friend. And everyone noy just shared but helped the world would be an even better place. lol
Anyways look it up on google but I highly doubt it. They took co-op out altogether which sucks since they had the chance while porting the game to atleast add online co-op.

0R74ND0 (2012-02-19)

@TyMod Please help me, when I double-click "startup.exe" this error comes up....

TyMod (2012-02-19)

I havn't seen that error before man. Look it up on google. My only guess is you got a bad seed and the archive got damaged from the seed or you downloaded bad info. Just reapply the seed (download the torent and select the Halo 2 archive assuming you didn't change anything) and it should either finish the download or say its completly done. either way you are the only one to have that problem so far so IDK what to tell you.

ratedloud (2012-02-19)

YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSss it works yaaassss. Im running on Windows 7 64 bit and can confirm it works. Just follow the directions except download Windows Live from the xbox liink a couple pages back.
Then when u click create a new profile, scroll down using the blue arrow and select "create a local profile" if you dont and you go to the trouble of actually creating a profile (like i did) itll ask for a serial.
Also, @TyMod are u black? you seem black @_@

TyMod (2012-02-19)

Nope. I am white as white. Not saying a couple generations back I don't have some black in me. lol No but really. I am white.

nomad111 (2012-02-19)

when i want to change the resolution, it just crashes, please helppp :DD

bammer316 (2012-02-21)

Can't seem to get this to work and i wanna play bad.
Says d3dx0_31.dll is missing... :/
Can you add me on AIM? zBonfireeee
Would appreciate the help.

TyMod (2012-02-21)

You have to have DirectX 9 installed. I'm guessing you don't play games since to play ANY game you MUST HAVE DIRECTX installed. You can download it from micrsofts website.

flywebguy (2012-02-23)

What do you mean "paste the crack"? Paste the "remove the registry.reg" file or something else? And should it be pasted into the System32 file?

TyMod (2012-02-24)

Paste MF.dll in the System32 folder AFTER installing the registry file and taking ownership over the System32 folder.

mad0racle (2012-02-24)

Works just fine.
@ 0R74ND0
You don't click on "startup" to start the game, you click on "halo2".
My instructions:
:before installation:
*Download 7zip to un-rar the archive for free. 7zip is available for most operating systems, 32 bit and 64 bit. If you are on Linux... well, I guess you're going to have a hard time playing this game. ;)
*Download the latest version of DirectX. Most Microsoft Games require DirectX, so it's a good idea to get it anyways.
*Download the latest versin of Visual C++. As of 2/24/2012, the latest version can be found here:

You don't need anything else for now. In the "OPEN THIS FIRST!" there is a version of both Visual C++ (vcredist executable) and Windows Games Live (or whatever the heck it's called!! ugghh). However, you never know if the version given will work with your particular system, always best to download the latest (most of the time... Linux users experience problems from updates all the time, but Microsoft is pretty good about those kind of things).
1. Go to the OPEN ME FIRST! Folder.
2. Go to the Crack Folder.
3. Double click the "RUN THIS FIRST!" file.
It will then make a change to your registry.
4. Go to C:\Windows and right click on the folder "Sysetem32". Click, take ownership.
A bunch of stuff will happen, but eventually the command prompt will close.
5. Go into the folder, and Cut "mf.dll" to somewhere.
This is for 2 reason: 1. So you have the original and 2. So you can paste the cracked mf.dll regardless of whether mf.dll was being used or not.
6. Now, go to the "Crack" folder again, and rename "MF.dll" to "mf.dll".
7. Copy and paste the cracked mf.dll into your System32 folder (not the original you cut somewhere).
8. Go to this website:

And install it.
Eventually, you'll get to something that looks like Windows Messenger; ignore this and exit out of it.
8. Now you're almost set. Click on "halo2" to start the game.* Once you're started, some dumb stuff will come up. Go ahead and make an account, but at some point, you can scroll down, and click on create offline profile or something similar (doesn't give me the option again unless I delete my account... i'm pretty far in the campaign and it would be a pain to start over). A good way to do this, is to simply disconnect from the internet when you start it up (i.e. press halo2.exe for the first time disconnect from the internet). This way, even if you press the wrong deal or something, you won't be able to sign up.
*If you are having problems starting the game, it's probably because of one or more things:
-You do not have the minimum requirements
-Your graphics card is not supported
-You don't have the right drivers
-You haven't downloaded DirectX or Visual C++
The first time around when I went about this, I eventually figured out that my graphics driver was missing, and thus DirectX wasn't working right. An easter egg hunt eventually fixed ALL my driver issues, and now I'm playing the game. Hopefully your guy's fix is just as easy.

mad0racle (2012-02-24)

Works just fine.
@ 0R74ND0
You don't click on "startup" to start the game, you click on "halo2".
My instructions:
:before installation:
*Download 7zip to un-rar the archive for free. 7zip is available for most operating systems, 32 bit and 64 bit. If you are on Linux... well, I guess you're going to have a hard time playing this game. ;)
*Download the latest version of DirectX. Most Microsoft Games require DirectX, so it's a good idea to get it anyways.
*Download the latest versin of Visual C++. As of 2/24/2012, the latest version can be found here:

1. Go to the OPEN ME FIRST! Folder.
2. Go to the Crack Folder.
3. Double click the "RUN THIS FIRST!" file.
It will then make a change to your registry.
4. Go to C:\Windows and right click on the folder "Sysetem32". Click, take ownership.
A bunch of stuff will happen, but eventually the command prompt will close.
5. Go into the folder, and Cut "mf.dll" to somewhere.
This is for 2 reason: 1. So you have the original and 2. So you can paste the cracked mf.dll regardless of whether mf.dll was being used or not.
6. Now, go to the "Crack" folder again, and rename "MF.dll" to "mf.dll".
7. Copy and paste the cracked mf.dll into your System32 folder (not the original you cut somewhere).
8. Go to this website:

And install it.
Eventually, you'll get to something that looks like Windows Messenger; ignore this and exit out of it.
8. Now you're almost set. Click on "halo2" to start the game.* Once you're started, some dumb stuff will come up. Go ahead and make an account, but at some point, you can scroll down, and click on create offline profile or something similar. A good way to do this, is to simply disconnect from the internet when you start it up (i.e. press halo2.exe for the first time disconnect from the internet). This way, even if you press the wrong deal or something, you won't be able to sign up.
*If you are having problems starting the game, it's probably because of one or more things:
-You do not have the minimum requirements
-Your graphics card is not supported
-You don't have the right drivers
-You haven't downloaded DirectX or Visual C++
The first time around when I went about this, I eventually figured out that my graphics driver was missing, and thus DirectX wasn't working right. An easter egg hunt eventually fixed ALL my driver issues, and now I'm playing the game. Hopefully your guy's fix is just as easy.

TyMod (2012-02-25)

Thanks for making these detailed instructions. Its sad that two pages from now people will ask the same dumb shit but I appreciate your help.
Glad you enjoy the game too.

jack.exe (2012-02-25)

pls also upload hawx 2 for pc with a working crack

jack.exe (2012-02-25)

hope this works on my pc i had tried every bit of this game earlier but couldn't find it running thanx for this upload my fingers are crossed

jack.exe (2012-02-25)

@tymod u said that right click on system 32 folder and click take ownership but i cant find this option on my pc any help wud be welcomed sorry for my bad english

jack.exe (2012-02-25)

pls upload hawx 2 for pc with a working crack

jack.exe (2012-02-25)

@tymod u said Goto
and right click on the System32 folder
and click Take Ownership.
but i can't find any opton on right clicking on that folder wat shud i do right now????????????????????????????? pls help me i m having win 7 ultimate 32 bit

TyMod (2012-02-26)

If your using a 32bit operating system it wont work without my fix anyways. You may want to thank about that before cracking the game. If you still want to do it I will tell you how but till then thing about it beause if you install the crack on a 32 bit operating system it could corrupt your stuff.

jack.exe (2012-02-26)

@tymod pls answer my question

TyMod (2012-02-27)

All you have to do is read the earlier instructions and install the reg file I included. That gives you the take ownership option. It's quite useful but if windows media player and internet explorer become corrupt dont scream i didnt tell you so.

jack.exe (2012-02-28)

@tymod thanx man hope it works on my pc

TyMod (2012-02-29)

Your welcome.

Daredevil234 (2012-02-29)

hey i just created an account here, and i downloaded this game, and followed every instruction, but when i open "halo2" it says something about my windows live not being right, like my windows live might be open on something else like (halo 2 dedicated server) so i do not know what this means and ive done what you said by installing the windows live thing, the one in the cracked folder, then the vcredit thing after. i have windows 7 64-bit. thanks for the hard work though, im sure ill love this game after i figure it out lol:)

TyMod (2012-03-01)

Uninstall games for windows live, restart your computer, and then download the latest one from the microsoft website. Install it, restart your computer again and then play the game.
A couple pages back I addressed this issue.

Daredevil234 (2012-03-01)

allright well i got it working, but when i get into the halo game, it goes to the windows live screen and tells me to either create a new account or put in and existing one, so i did that. i created a new account. then it says my cd key is wrong and to put in a new one. i dont know what to do about it to get it working.. sorry

bonzi64 (2012-03-01)

whenever I try to connect to a game it says I have a different version, even though I downloaded the update from microsoft's website - is there a newer version than not sure if the update is working properly

TyMod (2012-03-02)

Hit create a offline profile or whatever at the bottem of the accept or decline page when you hit new account. Find a vid on youtube on how to create a offline account.

Diablo47 (2012-03-03)

@Tymod the registry file RUN THIS FIRST was causing problems in my system. stopping network services and other things (the game was crashing too). then decided to take owner rights manually and the game worked. thanks fr the torrent nonetheless. great work!!!!

bammer316 (2012-03-03)

So that explains why my windows media player isn't working lol.
Now im getting the message "Some important files required to run this game are missing in the installation directory"
What will i do now?

TyMod (2012-03-03)

It doesn't work because of the crack. ITS NOT THE REG. I SAID IF YOU HAD A 32 BIT SYSTEM DO NOT INSTALL THE CRACK. But you guys apparently didnt listen and I told you Diablo dude that you shouldn't do it.
Razor cracked it on a 64 bit Vista operating system and didn't do it for 32 bit versions of windows.

TyMod (2012-03-03)

Excuse me, I told DareDevil not to use it. If you are having issues though you must have a 32 bit operating system.

Diablo47 (2012-03-03)

@tymod relax dude mine is a 64 bit system. and i hv used the crack file mf.dll without any problems. it was the reg file messing up my system. and people do hv some ears u know. so stop acting like ure the only wise guy in the universe

TyMod (2012-03-03)

You know... I would but most people dont read comments and I do know what is up with the crack so I would rather say I am the only wise guy when it comes to Halo 2.
The reg file though shouldnt and doesnt cause system instability. The crack is known to cause system instability and it can do it with 64 bit systems...
Im chill. Just get tired of writing the same crap and people not saying anything.

pekakralj (2012-03-11)

IT STILL WONT WORK it says that it seems that some other windows live shit is running like halo dedicated server and that if not i should reinstall HOW DO I EVEN INSTALL btw i did delete windows live like you said and install the newest one and restarted it after deleting the first one and after installing the second one and FUCKING YES I DID DO ALL THE STEPS UNTIL THEN I JUST DONT GET WHAT YOU MEAN IN STEP 6 BY INSTALL GAME FOR WINDOWS WTF???

pekakralj (2012-03-11)


LtJoselito (2012-03-11)

Hey there TyMOD, just create an account to thank you for the amazing work you have done so far. Halo 2 works perfectly on my Win 7 x64 exepct for the Sacred Icon level, but this is not the main problem here. I'm having problems updating the Halo 2 to patch 1.09 to play on LAN with the Tunngle probably because its Direct Play. Is there any way to update to allow me play the Campaign in co-op and/or normal lobbys?

TyMod (2012-03-13)

Okay bitch. Download Dopemans or someone elses and bitch at someone else you cunt.
Leave my torrent the hell alone. Dick.
To other dude... No way to play online co-op or lan play man. You can ony play multiplayer. Sorry.

LtJoselito (2012-03-14)

Don't listen to pekakralj he's just an idiot or something. Anyway... good work on this torrent, still seeding ;D

TyMod (2012-03-14)

Yeah. But I got one other thing to say to him.
What you going to do?

jack.exe (2012-03-16)

hey tymod pls help me
i m a win 7 32 bit os user
i hv followed every step of urs
i hv also tried the crack which a user put up in the comments
but still cant help working it out
please help me
any help from other users welcomed
rply fast

TyMod (2012-03-18)

what error are you recieving? Did you install games for windows live from Microsoft?

jack.exe (2012-03-23)

i hv installed the games for windows live u hv provided and from microsoft
i m recieving no error bt my mouse shows that the game is opening but after a while it shows nothing
i opened task manager and tried to re- run the game bt task manager shows that the process is running and after 2-3 seconds it shows nothing for halo 2
i tried the whole process 4-5 times bt got no success
please help me

TyMod (2012-03-24)

Well it is most likely due to a mf.dll crash becuz of the 32 bit operating system. Run in compatibility for vista service pack 1. Also as admin.

jack.exe (2012-03-25)

k i will try it and tell u abt any further errors
thanx for this solution

jack.exe (2012-03-25)

hey tymod its just not working what the hell is going on . i think it doesn't want to run on my pc oh god damn this game. pls help me tymod
no error showing up i hv tried everything of it bt doesn't work
sm problem is persisting

TyMod (2012-03-26)

idk what to tell you. The game is a pain in the ass to run and the crack is 64 bit only. Try restoring everthing to its original state and the dont crack the game but run it offline so it cant ask for a key.

ohithere (2012-04-09)

Thanks for the upload, fast DL, everything (>500kb/s :]). Clear, neat instructions
I followed them flawlessly but I seem to be having a problem. I scoured comments for about half an hour before deciding to write my own...
Now I've installed Live gaming on Windows and vcredit via the Crack folder, and I'm at the part where I simply launch the game from the extracted folder (just to clarify, I simply double click the file "halo2" in the list, correct?)
anyways, I'm assuming I did everything right cause I'm decent at following directions but I got this error:
"LIVE Gaming on Windows has failed to initialize. This may be because another Live Gaming on Windows application (such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise reinstalling the game may fix this problem"
I'm unsure of what to do, think you could lend me a hand?
Additional information - upon launching Halo 2 the first time, my aspect ratio was shifted from 1600x1200 (standard modern 15 inch HDR laptop size/aspect ratio) to about 1024x768. The change has been irreversible without work, or simply restarting my system.
System Specs for clarification:
-Intel Core i5-480M CPU
-Intel HD Graphics onboard chipset (tested and will run Halo 2 for certain - has run Fallout 3)
-Windows 7 64bit
I see you're pretty good at responding. Hope you're just as good to me!
Once again, great work... Not too sure what I did wrong!

ohithere (2012-04-09)

I had the brilliant idea of "See All Comments>Ctrl+f>'LIVE Gaming on Windows'" and I came up with all related posts
attempting now... wish me luck!!

ohithere (2012-04-09)


TyMod (2012-04-10)

lol your welcome I guess. and yes read all the comments and make sure to update the games for windows live.

weldkr (2012-04-15)

Please don't say a torrent is direct play if it needs admin to work.

TyMod (2012-04-17)

@weldkr It is direct play. You have to install prerequisites but if you have all of it already installed then all you got to do is extract the game and play so don't bitch please.
@rickyg310 Your welcome man.

codehpr0 (2012-04-18)

Want a key for the game so you can paly online ?
go to CodeHp Remove space

TyMod (2012-04-19)

Do not goto the above link.
If the method I provided will not work any longer then you will not be able to get a key to work.
If you do want to pay online download a disc image version of the game and install it like normal.
When it ask you to put in a key use one of the keys I posted here not to long ago. When you do so it will most likely say its been over used and to use a different activation key or to activate over the phone.
Click to activate it by phone and then it will give you a key with 9 different sections, each section have 4 digits/letters. Call Microsoft with the number given and then et the automated thing come up.
IF YOU HAVE PATIENCE you can give the entire freaking set of digits to the automated piece of crap but I recommend you find a very quiet room because if it hears a peep it wont understand what you say. Also when it gives you the key it generates you will most likely be unable to understand it.
IF YOU HAVE NO PATIENCE then just wait to get through to an actual indian dude and tell them the key and let them generate it. You may not be able to understand them at first but it wont take near as long as trying to use the automated service.
Trust me on this as I tryed the automated machine twice befre getting pissed and then deciding to just speak to a representative.
This is the easiest way to play online for free and without having to worry about Microsoft.
Don't be scared as they will give you a key no problem.

gamendorf (2012-04-21)

So I've been following this torrent for awhile now, and I have come up with a few conclusions:
1. TyMod is very good at what he does. That means that if he cracks a game for a specific system configuration, then it works for THAT SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION! Everyone that is griping at him for not cracking their particular versions need to stop being so stuck up and arogant by thinking that everyone on the internet works their tails off to fic problems with YOUR SYSTEM.
2. The torrent works FLAWLESSLY on 64 bit systems---- IF YOU FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS
3. I have a 32 bit version of Vista. So, after reading the comments, I know that this torrent will no work for me. However, I am not a helpless incompetant, so I did some research, and was able to merge TyMods torrent with another to make it work on my system. The following are the instructions:
A. Download and extract this torrent.
B. Download and extract this one as well:

C. Download the newest version of Games for Windows Live:

D. Install Games for Windows Live
E. Navigate to your CWindows folder, right click on System32, and Take Ownership
F. Once that completes Open System32, and copy and paste a backup of MF.dll somewhere else.
G. Open TyMod's Halo2 folder, and run the file OPENTHISFIRST!/vcredist.
H. Notice the folder names Crack. Open it and run the file named RUN THIS FIRST
I. The mf.dll here is completely useless to 32bit users, do us all a favor and delete it so we dont have to hear any more complaints.
J. Now navigate to the other torrent extraction folder. There are TWO DIFFERENT Mf.DLL files that you need here. Notice the two different folders named "Systme32" and "For halo 2 folder" Each of them contains a single file named MF.dll. Please be carefull and don't mix them up. They are different.
K. Open the System32 folder, and copy the mf.dll file. Paste and overwrite the mf.dll in cWindowsSystem32.
L. Go to the "for halo2 folder" and copy the mf.dll. Now navigate to TyMod's Halo2 extraction folder. (This is the folder that has halo2.exe in it) Paste and overwrite TyMod's mf.dll file.
M. Run the program (the one with masterchief as the icon)
N. Now you are in the game and ready to go. The only other issue is making an offline profile. IT is kind of difficult to find, but just look around carefully. If i remember correctly, it is not a button on the GUI. It is a blue text link inside of a paragraph of Microsoft Live bs)
There you go. TyMod's stuff now works on 32bit. Yay!!! Can we all get on with our lives now?
TyMod... Thanks for all the hard work, and for putting up with all of the jerks out there in cyber land.

TyMod (2012-04-22)

Yeah. Thanks for your comment. I hate to say it but sadly most people wont read your comment and will start bitching about the same shit. I appreciate it but they will never EVER figure it out.
Appreciate your comment and the fact that you got a brain and took the time to do something yourself. :) Makes me want to upload something. lol

Steven5456 (2012-04-24)

Hey man, amazing torrent!
Is there a way to transfer savegames the way you set it up? I checked in a couple regular places and didn't see anything...

Steven5456 (2012-04-24)

Nvm, i found them... sry bout that!

TyMod (2012-04-25)

Yep. Your welcome.

Deog (2012-04-25)

Hay gamendorf.
GREAT WORK. This is a Excellent torrent by Ty, Now maybe Ty will get some relief from all the people too spoiled ta get their information from reading.

cornbot22202 (2012-04-26)

hey im getting an error saying that a game that with the windows livve crap is allready running the example it uses is halo 2 dedicated server is running no im not new to this ive tried downloading a few different versions of this and no luck my specs are
amd a8 quad core
4gigs of ddr3
ati radeon 6620 windows 7 pro 64
i tried the fix with uninstalling windows live and running didnt work and tried reinstalling it still didnt work copied the dll file and took onwership of the system 32 folder and didnt have a problem coping the mf.dll(didnt have to rename the orginal or move it just copy and replaced it) and so u kno i followed ur instructions to the t installed windows live first then the other file that was above it (the name escapes me) then launched it and got that error if u have any ideas email me my email is [email protected] t

cornbot22202 (2012-04-26)

i keep getting an error saying that a game from windows live is running at the same time when i try to launch halo 2 ive followed ur intructions to the t and tried the fix that someone posted in here still wont work my specs are
amd a8 quad core
ati radeon 6620 2 gigs on it
4gigs of ddr3
my os is windows 7 pro 64bit
so i kno its not my hardware and ive been doing this for years so im not a noob just havnt had this issue before so if u could email me wit a fix that would be great my email is theflea@hotmail and i have a request well 2. lost planet 2 preferably one that works on lan and a diablo 2 that works on if u could if not then lol heres an old one lol colony its an old dos game. one last question does ur version of borderlands work with lan

cornbot22202 (2012-04-26)

oops srry bout the duoble post broswer fucked up and i thought that it didnt post :O

TyMod (2012-04-27)

Well. IDK what to tell you. If it is doing that I ofcourse would say uninstall all versions of it and then restarting your computer and then you need to install the latest buy if you already did it then idk what to tell you.

TyMod (2012-04-28)

As for your request I actually want to get Lost Planet 2 so I will grab it for you. Diablo 2 isn't worth uploading though. I think fuckeduppunk or however you spell his name has a Diablo 2 upload that works on lan. Download his. I can tell you I know it will work.

Belumpelump (2012-04-30)

It runs extremely smooth... When I'm looking in one place. It's when I look around that it starts to look... not so nice.

Belumpelump (2012-04-30)

Nevermind. Restarting the game has seemed to remedy the issue. Game running at a constant 60+ fps at highest settings. Thanks, great upload!

toast69 (2012-04-30)

Hey man, according to the comments this is a pretty damn simple torrent and easy to start. So I thank you ahead of time and will seed for you when done downloading.

TyMod (2012-05-01)

Your welcome.

SteroidEdi (2012-05-02)


mandaloin (2012-05-03)

I got the torrent working, so thanks for that TyMod. The problem I'm encountering is when it comes to looking around. I have a high spec computer (Win 7) and the game itself is running at a buttery smooth 60 FPS+, but when I try to look around with my mouse it looks extremely choppy. Does anyone know of a fix?

TyMod (2012-05-05)

I have heard of the problem before. It is a issue the game has with a driver. (not your fault or the drivers fault but rather the games.) I am not sure what to tell you but even when I play it feels a bit choopy. If you disable VSync it will help with it though.
To disable vsync look it up on google.

TyMod (2012-05-08)

GTAIV Online Repack/Direct Play.

DjChrisEvis (2012-05-09)

how do i create a offline account???? im starting the game and all that. it works fine, but i can't play the game. =(

DjChrisEvis (2012-05-09)


TyMod (2012-05-10)

Thats because you have to get your own product key you fucking moron. IF YOU READ THE INSTRUCTIONS A LITTLE MORE IT SAYS MAKE A OFFLINE ACCOUNT.
Learn to type and if thats truly how you speak then I hope you are mentally retarted or 8 because no grown ass man or women should talk like that.
Sorry you are justa tad iliterate.
Have fun.

TyMod (2012-05-10)

And when you first try to get in the game, if you hit home and hit create an account at the very bottem of the tab (you have to scroll) is a little blue looking link that says CREATE A OFFLINE ACCOUNT.
Look it up next time instead of being a ignorant ass. 5 minutes on youtube and you could have been playing the game by now.

Dataanti (2012-05-11)

thanks a lot, havent played this game in forever... i got it to work just fine without doing any of your instructions either :P
although my friend on the other hand followed the instructions exactly and he cant start the game, also other programs will not start anymore, any ideas?

TyMod (2012-05-11)

If he has a 32 bit system then it is definatly the case.
The crack can cause issues on 32 bit systems which is explained in the comments.
Please read through the comments as I have a fix.
If he has a 64 bit operating system then let me know.

Dataanti (2012-05-11)

cool, thanks :)
he is on a 32 bit W7 SRV 1

TyMod (2012-05-11)

Thats definatly the reason then man.
Just replace the crack with my crack fix and the game will work or replace it with the original MF.dll.
The crack was made for 64 bit pcs so when its placed in the System32 folder it messes up alot of the functions of 32 bit operating systems. I had the problem on my 32 bit laptop so I had to fix it.
Point being either download my crack fix and place it over the System32 folders crack or put the original MF.dll back if you have it.

docsdota (2012-05-14)

Hey TyMod, I'm using 64bit windows ultimate. I followed it through and through, but when i start halo 2.exe at step 7 it goes to full screen then says Live gaming on windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows application (such as halo 2 dedicated server) is running...
Can you help me with this? If you have time, email me at [email protected]

Blizzard2381 (2012-05-14)

sorry to be that one person who doesn't know shit, and I am probably overlooking it, but when I open the halo2.exe, it says:
"Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on windows application (such as Halo 2 Dedicated Server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling may fix the problem."
I have read the instructions 100 fold, and I dont see what is wrong. I have a Windows 7 x64.

TyMod (2012-05-15)

Please look through the comments as this issue has been addressed many times before.
You will need to uninstall Games for Windows Live, restart the computer, download and install the latest Games for Windows Live from and then restart the computer. Run the game and it will work just fine. Make sure you restart the computer too.

Noblesix (2012-05-22)

At the first time I got the game I didn't read the instructions.
Even after reading it I couldn't make it work.
The solution is simple:
and don't forget to install Directx9 BEFORE doing all of these instructions.
You can find it here:

Thank you Tymod! Working fine!

RyanXII (2012-05-23)

To install the game, do I use startup.exe? because when I do it says files are missing and/or corrupted, sorry I feel like this should be a really easy torrent >

TyMod (2012-05-24)

You use halo2.exe
Pretty self explainatory.

herpafuckinderp (2012-05-26)

I have Windows 7 64 bit and, when I performed all the cracking steps described in the instructions, I kept getting issues with the game not loading due to an issue with LIVE games for windows "being open in a different process" etc.
Frustrated, I did a system restore to before I made my registry changes for the crack, and decided to simply try opening the game without cracking beforehand, and with the most current version of Games for Windows Live.
It worked.
So if you have Win7 64, simply install the most recent of GfWL and run the game. You can still make an offline account, though the steps have changed to do so. After you create your offline account, it will ask you to log in to Live regardless, but simply click the red X at the top right corner of the game screen and it will close out of the login screen and resume your game.
So, if you've already created an offline GfWL account for other games like Fallout 3, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, etc, you don't need to crack anything. Just run the .exe and play.
So simply run it first, and decide whether or not you need to crack after.

Ayush770 (2012-05-26)

So one cannot play online

mjdedle (2012-05-28)

Hey, thanks. It worked immediately. I do have an xbox live account though, and I was wondering if there is a way to install the live update? Whenever I try, it loads, then brings me out of the program and asks me for confirmation. When I do allow it, it loads, but the update isn't applied. I am using Windows 7. Appreciate the help.

mjdedle (2012-05-28)


Gallus_VN (2012-05-28)

i follow instruction but in step 5, i cannot overwrite the mf.dll file, rename the original but can't move it to desktop, pls help, i'm using win7 ultimate 64bit.

mjdedle (2012-05-29)

Hey, I was just looking at the other torrent that had a fix for this. In it, you told the guy to download a cd image torrent then follow the instructions. Do you mean the instructions given in the other torrent? I previously installed another torrent that asked me for a cd key, rather than a product key, I found one and gave it to the system, and it accepted it, so I don't think I need to follow the other steps, but will getting the cd image allow it to update?

TyMod (2012-05-29)

If you want to play online follow the instructions on how to get a key on my Halo 2 Online fix and then download a disc image and use the key to activate it.

Enigma42 (2012-06-04)

Hey TyMod,
Do you have any recommendations when it comes to good graphics cards? I have a:
Compaq WF1907 (1440x900@60Hz)
128MB GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (HP)
Pixel and Vertex Shader 2
which is the minimum required. As such, Halo 2 is really, really choppy. Thanks in advance for the help!

TyMod (2012-06-05)

You want atleast a Radeon 4650 or Nvidia 7800 to play the game smooth. In todays market if you want something really cheap just get a AMD Radeon 6770 or 6850. 6850 is about 150 and 6770 is about 100 on
It's what I recommend to play any game decently even though it wont be max detail.
I personally have a ATI Radeon HD 5770 and will be upgrading to a 7850 at the end of the month.
The AMD Radeon HD 7850 is $250 USD.

apuurboo (2012-06-05)

dear tymod, thanks for the torrent. but I can't run it. I desperately need your cordial help.
1. when I tried to copy and replace MF.dll it is shown to me that "you need permission to perform this action". I pressed the option try again but it keeps showing me.

apuurboo (2012-06-05)

2. you said, "If it tells you the file is open somewhere you will need to rename
the ORIGINAL MF.dll to something random and move it to your
desktop. After doing so paste the crack!"
my question is paste the crack where? desktop? only the entire crack folder?
As I haven't been able to copy and replace the MF.dll file to system32 so will this instruction be applicable to me?

apuurboo (2012-06-05)

3. "Install Game for Windows Live" does it mean to install the XLiveRedist1.0.6027? I already installed it along with vcredit which are available in the OPEN THIS FIRST! folder. But now what? nothing happens. Where is the game? What I need to do next? What is it that I don't understand? How and from where I can start the game?
Waiting anxiously for your reply. Your help will be highly appreciated. I'm dying to play the game. btw I'm using win7.

Calumbiran (2012-06-13)

It took me forever to become a member at TPB.However I made a promise that if I ever did become a member,you'd be on top of my thank you list. Thank You Very Much Dude!

numb1zero (2012-06-14)

downloaded- installing now. Hopefully it works. Thanks TyMod!

TyMod (2012-06-14)

Your welcome! The Appreciation is much Appreciated!!!

lopo191 (2012-06-15)

ummm tymod thanks soo much for the torrent... but only one small prob man... u c my country is korea soo when i run halo, then the words are like all distorted so i don't know what it is saying
any solutions?

lopo191 (2012-06-15)

plus is there any chance I can play halo through ipx or udp like starcraft?

TyMod (2012-06-18)

Idk the answer to either of those questions man. Best thing to do would be to look it up on google.

Kronos776 (2012-06-19)

hey um im on windows 7 and every time i try to play the game, when i login to live it says that theres a required update that i have download or it will log me out of windows live. I update it and it doesnt do anything and when i try to play it keeps telling me to update it. does anyone know how to fix this??

apuurboo (2012-06-19)

Tymod I asked 3 questions. You didn't answer any of that. please help. Kindly Go to previous page to check my questions...

sklev89 (2012-06-19)

thanks TyMod!
one question.
the resolution settings only go up to 1280x720
Is that standard or is it a hardware acceleration issue?

Deltaooh9 (2012-06-20)

Hey bro, quick question. Downloaded the file and set it up as per instructions. when i click the executable halo 2 file nothing happens. Any clue as to what could be causing that?

TyMod (2012-06-21)

You will need to rumage through the comments as ALL your questions have been answered.
RESOLUTION ISSUES Are apart of the game man. It goes past 720p but due to the wierd supported resolutions if that is the heighest widescreen res your monitor supports then it is the heighest resolution.

Deltaooh9 (2012-06-21)

Ok nevermind, i fixed that problem. Now i have another one. On the loading screen before starting up (where it says HALO 2). After the "beam" passes over logo once and it's on its way back, it crashes. What should i do!!!

dmanodmano (2012-06-22)

And Ignore all readonly changing errors,

dogge92 (2012-06-27)

Hi all and thanks alot for the uppload TyMod!
Now for my noob question....
what im i doing wrong? :P

dogge92 (2012-06-27)

specs win 7 64 bit
nvidia geforce gtx 550 ti
Hopefully someone is still here to point me to the right the right way... btw this is my third time trying :)

TyMod (2012-06-28)

You need to:
1. Uninstall Games for Windows Live
2. Restart Your Computer
3. Download and Install the Latest Games for Windows Live from Microsofts Website.
4. Restart Your Computer
5. Place the game.

dogge92 (2012-06-29)

Thanks for taking the time to answer TyMod :) and i thought i did but i must have missed something.

Pretentiousz (2012-07-03)

Need a product key?

TyMod (2012-07-05)

To play online you do and I will no longer provide one since I uploaded a tutorial on how to get one. Otherwise it works just fine offline!

naj147 (2012-07-05)

Tymod help please
the game crashe evry time ilaunch it
it crashes when it shows that halo 2 like you the icon of this torrent (Halo2 Cracked bitch Tymod)
please help cause iwanna play this game
igot Windows 7 32

naj147 (2012-07-05)

and yes iused this crack and ididn't copy it in my game folder

TyMod (2012-07-05)

Run in compatibilty mode. I hoped you didn't use the 64 bit crack at all. If you did you will have currrupted your computer.
It won't work even with the crack fix and you will need to reinstall windows.

naj147 (2012-07-05)

lool yeah first idid use that 64 bit :( fuck
any way thx for help

TyMod (2012-07-06)

Your welcome. Just reinstall windows, if you gota cd key just install the right version and reuse your CD key and it will be a legit windows install.
Then retry the game, just don't use the 64 bit crack.

naj147 (2012-07-06)

ohh tymod igot a fix even without reinstalling my windows Halo 2 worked for me iused this crack :

it's magnetique link cause idon't remember the torrent but icopied the mf in the system 32 ain my system32 AND The mf.dll in the halo folder in my halo 2 folder without copying the other things and it works you shouold post it for people that have my probleme and it should work im enjoying halo2 right now :) thxxxxx

TyMod (2012-07-07)

You welcome.
Glad your not a dumbass and know how to look stuff up to. Saves me a shit ton of complaints.

Vilas993 (2012-07-07)

Works GREAT!

malcumsquirt (2012-07-07)

Works perfectly. I'm going to start this one after I finish Combat Evolved. Thanks a bunch! :)

TyMod (2012-07-07)

Your welcome to both of you!

hitme1024 (2012-07-07)

@TyMod thank you so much! :)

gunnertg (2012-07-07)

LIVE Gamine in Windows failed to initialize. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong?

TyMod (2012-07-07)

I have addressed this problem 10 billion times before. Read the comments.
Your welcome.

dubtechz (2012-07-15)

hey man i thank you for this ive been trying to get this to work for a while, but messing with it, now that i have the cd key working. i just want to get through the update process so i can actually play on live. is it something with the registry that is blocking this update now? i did read through a lot of the comments and i think you had an answer to this but on several occasion i had to ctrl+f through each page since there is not a very sophisticated search. so please man help me out with this and dont just shut me down like a lot of the other guys. i followed everything you said and worked my own troubleshooting before posting here

dubtechz (2012-07-15)

i have also used your fix torrent followed all those instructions and it still does the same thing. i can extract the patch files with winrar and manually put them where they need to be. could it be that i dont have halo 2 in c drive? i have a small ssd so i put it on an external drive which i use for everything besides windows files...

TyMod (2012-07-15)

It may be a registry problem. I could post a link to a reg file I create from the original Halo 2 reg file installed when you install the game.
I will do that.
You can try to move it to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Game and see if it will update. It may.
Try it and see. Sorry for your trouble.
And I only shut people out who ask dumb questions like the last guy.

jorgoman (2012-07-17)

@TyMod I can´t overwrite the Mf.dll, because It says that i need permission...I don´t understand, I've already done the other steps above, I clicked "Take ownership" in the original Mf.dll file and tried to overwrite and it says that it can't because i need permission, and that's stupid cause i'm the admin of my pc...
do you know what's wrong?

TyMod (2012-07-17)

Rename MF.dll to BackupMF.dll and then move the crack to the system32 folder.

Browz (2012-07-19)

@TyMod u have been helping me through this in your comments from the time i started this download just need your help for one more thing the activation code/ crack which the game came with does not work. just need a crack.

TyMod (2012-07-20)

You have to use an offline profile man. Dont try getting online. Just make an offline profile and enjoy the campaign man. It works great offline plus there are hardly any people playing it online.

TenderCracker (2012-07-20)

I installed and followed all the directions, and when I click the startup it says it cannot find the "sldl_dll.dll" file.

Browz (2012-07-22)

how do i turn on the offline play when the game starts up it comes on "HALO 2 press any key to continue" then this drop down menu where it asks to log in and you need a product key. As always your help is appreciated

Halo4fan (2012-07-24)

Hi TyMod,
Please excuse me for being so dumb, but i have tried two times both unsuccessful.
1 time:
Didnt follow your instructions and could only play until cairo station before halo 2 bugs me to reinsert CD and stuff.
2 time:
Reformatted PC. Followed your instructions and can start Halo 2 until after I pressed "any key to continue" then there was an error known as APPCRASH. The timestamp was Stackhash. Couldnt remember the exact name but I cant even click campaign.
Please answer both of my questions. Im sorry if you have to repeat them. but i really needa play. LOl.
PC spec:
Win 7 Home premium x64
1GB nVidia GT 520M

Halo4fan (2012-07-24)

Hi TyMod,
Please excuse me for being so dumb, but i have tried two times both unsuccessful.
1 time:
Didnt follow your instructions and could only play until cairo station before halo 2 bugs me to reinsert CD and stuff.
2 time:
Reformatted PC. Followed your instructions and can start Halo 2 until after I pressed "any key to continue" then there was this error
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 05c10134
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Please answer both of my questions. Im sorry if you have to repeat them. but i really needa play. LOl.
PC spec:
Win 7 Home premium x64
1GB nVidia GT 520M

heheggg (2012-07-25)

TyMod thanks for the mod and all, and you are probebly slapping your self right now, but I can't seems to stop getting the Window Live unable to initialize error, I understand I have to uninstall Window live games... but the thing I don't know what games to uninstall, do I uninstall window live essential? I do have steam with some games and few other pirated games, I just don't know what do you mean by games for window live. I use Window 7 ultimate 64bit. thanks

TyMod (2012-07-26)

Uninstall GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE, restart the computer, and then downloa/install the latest one from microsofts website.

Halo4fan (2012-07-26)

Hi Tymod,
I uninstalled windows live, restarted and installed again. but stil got the stackhash error.
Help please!

TyMod (2012-07-26)

you cant install the one providd. You have to install the updated one found on Microsofts website or the xbox website.

yobuddy (2012-07-27)

I searched the comments and dint find any person with same problem...if there was....then i searched wrong.well, ive done all the instructions and wen i start it says i have either insuficient system resources or there is missing or damaged i donwloaded again, and, dint cracked it, to see if it works, and, same thing...what should i do man?and, by the way, great torrent bro

TyMod (2012-07-27)

Suck up lol
No but really. Please tell me your PC specs, make sure you've downloaded and installed the latest Games for Windows Live client from xbox or microsoft's website.

yobuddy (2012-07-27)

yeah i did download the latest windows live, my specs suck and i know:
intel Pentium dual core
3 gb ram and the graphic card an onboard gma3100
this game isnt realy good wen talking about graphics, so using swiftshader or 3danalyze i guess i will make it....

yobuddy (2012-07-27)

oh bro, sorry, i just tried with swiftshader and 4 the torrent and the atention

TyMod (2012-07-27)

Well most likely your specs are to low. The game wont initialize because it thinks/knows your PC isn't good enough.

tothearks (2012-07-29)

I'd like to thank you for the upload.
Getting caught up with the Halo story for Halo 4!
I'd like to point out a potential fix for users getting choppy framerates with powerful rigs. You need to force V-Sync within your Video Card Control Panel. I say potential because I tried everything for the choppiness to go away and this was the only thing that worked. Would love to hear other PC enthusiasts feedback on this.

TyMod (2012-07-29)

Thanks for the info and your welcome.

kEhnzy (2012-08-01)

thanks TyMod for the game.
it works perfectly in my 32bit window

rajiv85 (2012-08-01)

1. Does it work on 64bit win7
2. If it does, do I need to take ownership of that SysWOW64 and paste the crack here also(i didnt do it as i didnt want to FUBAR my system
3. If f anything else for win7 64 bit, please man tell me, im dying to re-play this game.

TyMod (2012-08-02)

IF you are on a 64 bit computer then yes it works great on a 64 bit computer. Place the crack in the System32 folder though. Follow my instructions and you will be find. IF you have anymore trouble scroll through the comments.

DeadlyA11 (2012-08-05)

I got multiplayer working but this version of the game is outdated...I tried running the update 1.09 patch but I got a dialog saying "Halo is not installed on your computer. This patch requires Halo to run"

YarHar43 (2012-08-06)

Hi TyMod! I followed the steps and so far, but I am confused with step 6. Where do I install Games for Windows Live and then install vcredit. I dont know where to find Games for Windows, and I don't know wich version of it I should install. I also dont know where to find vcredit, and I dont know wich version of it to install. Thank you so much! And please, please reply to me!

YarHar43 (2012-08-06)

TyMod! I found out where to download Games for Windows and Vcredist. So I followed ALL of your steps, and I double clicked "Halo2.exe" and nothing happened. I don't even get an error message. I am using a 32bit windows 7. I tried using a the 32bit crack
and that still didn't make a difference. Halo2.exe just wont start, nothing happens at all, not even an error message! Please Help! And please reply!

YarHar43 (2012-08-06)

TyMod, Just one more thing I forgot to mention, When I said "Halo.exe" I was refering to the Application, NOT the CFG file or the Security Catolog.

TyMod (2012-08-09)

Launch as admin or make sure your specs atleast meet the minimum rated specs.

ratedloud (2012-08-09)

I downloaded this game 6 months ago without issues, so i dont get why some ppl are having problems. JUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. I beat the first halo. This game is addictive and hard. Limited ammo and im missing the assault rifle from halo1. lol.

rubusdemonoid (2012-08-10)

I had followed everyone's instructions absolutely to the letter and continued to have problems on Win7-64 bit, and the ONLY thing that worked for me was to follow the instructions to the letter but ALSO to install ONLY this version of GFWL (v. 1.2):

Hopefully this helps others too. :-)

thefryer (2012-08-12)

Took some reading through but found this by mad0racle to be helpful that I thought I would reshare:
My instructions:
:before installation:
*Download 7zip to un-rar the archive for free. 7zip is available for most operating systems, 32 bit and 64 bit. If you are on Linux... well, I guess you're going to have a hard time playing this game. ;)
*Download the latest version of DirectX. Most Microsoft Games require DirectX, so it's a good idea to get it anyways.
*Download the latest versin of Visual C++. As of 2/24/2012, the latest version can be found here:

1. Go to the OPEN ME FIRST! Folder.
2. Go to the Crack Folder.
3. Double click the "RUN THIS FIRST!" file.
It will then make a change to your registry.
4. Go to C:Windows and right click on the folder "Sysetem32". Click, take ownership.
A bunch of stuff will happen, but eventually the command prompt will close.
5. Go into the folder, and Cut "mf.dll" to somewhere.
This is for 2 reason: 1. So you have the original and 2. So you can paste the cracked mf.dll regardless of whether mf.dll was being used or not.
6. Now, go to the "Crack" folder again, and rename "MF.dll" to "mf.dll".
7. Copy and paste the cracked mf.dll into your System32 folder (not the original you cut somewhere).
8. Go to this website:

And install it.
Eventually, you'll get to something that looks like Windows Messenger; ignore this and exit out of it.
8. Now you're almost set. Click on "halo2" to start the game.* Once you're started, some dumb stuff will come up. Go ahead and make an account, but at some point, you can scroll down, and click on create offline profile or something similar. A good way to do this, is to simply disconnect from the internet when you start it up (i.e. press halo2.exe for the first time disconnect from the internet). This way, even if you press the wrong deal or something, you won't be able to sign up.
*If you are having problems starting the game, it's probably because of one or more things:
-You do not have the minimum requirements
-Your graphics card is not supported
-You don't have the right drivers
-You haven't downloaded DirectX or Visual C++

alyano (2012-08-20)

can i play in lan with my friends
not online in home with my DSL

FuRrY321 (2012-08-22)

Hi, is there any way for me to apply some sort of patch to enable 1440x900 resolution? The "Halo 2 Resolution Changer" that I see linked everywhere is no longer available, as it seems the site has gone missing, but I heard there was an official patch for this? Would the patch work on this Direct play mod? Or would it break the patch?

TyMod (2012-08-25)

The game does not support 1400x900 as far as I know even when patched. I play it at 720p.

moemath (2012-08-25)

I made an account just to comment here and say I'm not sure this works with 32 bit Vista. I don't know all of what I am doing when trying to get the game to work but I've tried every other thing suggested in the comments and I can't get the game to run. When I run halo.exe it goes to a main screen for the game, asks for a product key and then a warning comes up every time that Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working.

Gen.Scott (2012-09-01)

Works perfect running Windows 7 x64... Just followed the directions, DL'd Games For Windows Live off the first link in Google. Great torrent... Not too many people know that Halo 2 even runs on PC, and there's certainly not too many torrents of it out there.

sachin97 (2012-09-12)

it keeps on giving this login of live ....shit this wht the hell

spudikin (2012-09-15)

please... need serious help on the installing part lol

smkris (2012-09-15)

Ok Someone PLEASEEEE help me...
First: TYVM to TyMod
Ok so I did every single instruction right, and when it didn't work I did it multiple times, I also got the right version of direct X and all
EVERY time I try to run the game I get
"Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working"
(I have the correct system specs)

smkris (2012-09-15)

^I'm also on vista

smkris (2012-09-15)


TyMod (2012-09-16)

64 or 32 bit vista?

smkris (2012-09-16)

It's 32 bit, also I already added the crack that was posted in the comments

smkris (2012-09-16)

Wow, after following these steps, the problem has started with other programs, Windows media player being one of them... This never happened before and now it's happening... Please help!

smkris (2012-09-16)

I managed to fix it, I screwed up the system32 part, which I don't know how, had to download a program to fix it, got it now thanks SO MUCH

smkris (2012-09-16)

Since I got it working I decided to try the online patch, I got the thing activated and everything, but when I try to play it tells me that I must update it, it runs through it's update but when it finishes it just closes... I tried the manual update but it seems to have no effect... Help me please...

smkris (2012-09-16)

^also the game crashes after about 5 minutes...

Huntsman247 (2012-09-18)

Thank You TyMod!
Works 100%. (Win 7 64-bit)
easy to follow instructions! thanks mate!

siper21 (2012-09-19)

like the rest did all the instructions but it crashes at the loading screen before it starts....and yes i got the crapy vista.
so if possible is there a way to fix this problem?

VoidCity (2012-09-20)

Thanks for the torrent, works fine, but for one thing: My crosshair moves jagged and lags. Turned sensativity to 10, didn't help. Game doesn't lag at all, so i suspect it's a v-sync issue. How can i enable v-sync.

TyMod (2012-09-21)

For updates I hate to say support is non-existant on my torrent. For whatever reason it just refuses to update once it exits the game. To play it you will just need to download a CD image.

subtleknife102 (2012-09-29)

Hey TyMod, so I followed thefryer's instructions on how to install, did everything correctly up to #8 where I installed Games for Windows Live. Got it installed correctly.
When I go to the halo2.exe, I click on it and it does not open.
I'm win7 64bit btw
Any help would be appreciated :)

TyMod (2012-09-29)

Uninstall GFWL, restart, install the latest version (again) from Microsofts website, and the restart your computer. Play the game.

subtleknife102 (2012-09-30)

So I uninstalled GFWL, did the restart, went to the microsoft website and downloaded and installed the client. restarted again. Double clicked the halo.exe file, and it's still not opening. The blue spinning wheel appears for a few minutes but that's all that happens.

sg_vibhu (2012-10-26)

Ty Mod the torrent is much appreciated but only for win7 64 bit....
i tried the torrent on two laptops, everything's same, just a difference of win7 of 32 bit and 64 bit.
With the steps given it worked completely fine with the 64 bit laptop without any problem but just nothing appears on the 32 bit system......
After clicking the Halo2.exe file after carrying each and every step... nothing , nothing happens...and thats the worst part...
But thanks for the game in 64 bit version...

paranoid1921 (2012-10-26)

Thanks.Works perfectly on Windows 7 ultimate (X86)

federxv (2012-10-28)

Hey TyMod, thanks a lot. I'm running Windows 7 32 bit, followed every single step, but when I clicked Halo2.exe nothing happened. So I started checking comments, updated GFWL, download the correct MF.dll file for 32 bit from razor1911 that appeared in some comments and still nothing... Help please?

MChief01 (2012-11-01)

Im having a issue. during game play it keeps crashing, its random to.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 03440e5a
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Alain2131 (2012-11-07)

Many many thanks TyMod ! I've been searched it a long time ago ! Thx ;)

Srb1389 (2012-11-11)

Torrent works fine. Thanx TyMod

DynoMyte (2012-11-11)

Please help. I followed the instructions to the letter but when the game starts the light sweeps through the Halo 2 logo and then it stops half-way (sometimes it goes a little farther) and the error pops up "Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working". What should I do?

DynoMyte (2012-11-11)

Question. Is there a 32-bit crack? The one uploaded on page 3 doesn't work and the crack fix isn't an actual crack.

DynoMyte (2012-11-11)

Sorry for the disturbance. It's working perfectly now. You're a good man TyMod.

loopyman (2012-11-11)

What do i do for an access code?

sammydoggy (2012-11-11)

Thanks.. Working perfect win 7 x64...

CJDutchess (2012-11-11)

uuumm.... this will sound like a stupid question but... where exactly am i pasting the crack >.

tormentor11 (2012-11-14)

Hi TyMod!
I'm getting a pop-up that reads below:
"Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE Game on Wimdows application (such as Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling the game may fix this problem"
Please tell me what to do. Thanks.

popilucky (2012-11-16)

how to take ownership of system 32 folder plz tell

MASQ99 (2012-11-18)

TyMod how do I get my Windows Media Player back it does not want to turn back on and won't even start ever since I put this game in and on top of that that game doesn't even work so how do I get my Windows Media Player back?

pekakralj (2012-11-18)

I always get the same problem on two computers i tested and a variety of different torrents including this one please try to help me every time i followed the instructions 100% i always get the message: Live games on windows failed this may be because of some other program using windows live such as the halo 2 dedicated server please tell me what to do :(

jooshhh (2012-11-20)

smkris pleeaase tell me how u got windows media player to work again?? what programme did u download?? and how do u uninstall this game

Tharindu42 (2012-11-23)

Hey TyMod Thanks man it worked on my Win 764Bit. Though i didnt follow full instructions.
1.I removed my previous windows live games which came with GTA IV.
2.I installed vcredist first.
3.Then Windows Live Gaming from tymod.
4.Copied the crack.
5.Then Play. Simple.
Note:Dont try it on laptops cause I tried tht and it didnt work. Only on two desktops I've tried this.
Hope It works for Windows 7 64bit Users. :)

Tharindu42 (2012-11-23)

People before installing TyMod Please read this

jooshhh (2012-11-28)

TyMod how do u get windows media player working again!? ive got 32bit windows 7

 JinRohEX (2012-11-30)

I have Windows 7 SP1 32 bit and its working fine just as TyMod said skip the pasting crack (MF.dll) in system32 folder step [for windows 7 32 bit only rest follow instructions to the t].
TyMod thank you its awesome.
Tharindu42 I have a Dell laptop and it is working fine.
jooshhh TyMod specifically told you to move your original mf.dll file if you have (should have) done it just replace the crack MF.dll with original one or replace it with original file also uploaded by TyMod. And ditch windows media player get VLC.

Tharindu42 (2012-11-30)

Hey Tymod one question. If I want to play online and I have a valid key can I play online with the crack you provided? or will there be any problems?
Please Reply, Thanks :)

AlbinJijo (2012-12-09)

Thanks Tymod it worked for me.i have windows 7 32 bit....thank you very very very very much.i read all comments and i downloaded it .i get the game.thank you again again, and again.

DarthAlucard (2012-12-23)

hate to tell you this bro but the crack is no longer valid, it tells me "youve used your allowed key" or some sh*t

Besharps (2013-01-14)

It says "Halo 2 for Windows Vista has stopped working" when I pressed halo2, I'm using a windows 7. Does anybody know a solution?

Besharps (2013-01-14)

okay it's working now, I didn't had to copy the crack (MF.dll) at all. Luckily, I had a backup. After finishing the 1st level , it tells me I need to purchase.

kundan006 (2013-01-14)

After Breaking My head for nearly an Hour...i Made this game to work on my Windows 7 pc..
Thanx Tymod....
Just downloaded the Crack From..

and Followed all the instuctions from Tymod and it worked....
i Wonder Why Microsoft Did not make Halo 3 Nd 4 for Windows...
Awesome Game..:)

TyMod (2013-01-31)

They should atleast port 3 to PC so we as PC gamers have the ability to finish the damn trilogy. Luckily I have a Jtag and reg Xbox 360 so I can play the games but for all the solo PC gamers, I feel bad for ya'll. You got Halo 2's cliff hanger ending and than couldn't play any more. Glad it worked for you! Very difficult game to crack (obviously). Razor's crack only worked for 64 bit computers which made it worse and they never made a crack fix. Anyways though, I got everybody covered so it doesn't matter. :D

acepro71 (2013-02-05)

ok bro i downloaded the torrent thank u for the game :)
but it doesnt work in my system :(
i did everything u said
game run fine
i made an offline account can play
but i get 2 bugs
1) i cant move mouse freely
i also buyed a new mouse same error
i try to change setting in game it crashes :(
on the first mission after 2 , 3 minutes game crashes i don't know why !
my system specs -
amd fx 8350
AMD Radeon™ HD 7870 GHz Edition
8 gb ram (1600 mhz)
64 bit operating system windows 7 :)

acepro71 (2013-02-06)

ok i fixed the mouse error
now my mouse works great in game
something with vedio settings i needed to fix
but game still crashes after 2 , 3 minutes
i am trying to fix that too
anyways thank u for the game ! :)
u rock buddy

acepro71 (2013-02-06)

error when crashes is
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: halo2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46368037
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 042301e2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 16393
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Auronblyss (2013-02-07)

hey man i could really use your opinion on this... i've gone through the comments several time's and i can't find the answer to my problem... it's been years since i've played this game and i'll admit i've been overly impatient with my attempts to get a copy... first of all my laptop is a Xps L502X, it has an intel core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GB 2.00 GHz, and it has a 64-bit operating system and of coarse its windows 7. service pack 1. anyway the issue that i'm having is i follow the instuctions 1-7 and as im clicking on the halo2 application, nothing happens at all... now i went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the latest version of GFWL marketplace and as far as i can tell nothing... btw i also my graphics card is a GeForce GT 540M... anyway thx for your time, ik you've probably gone through hell and back responding to all these comment's as often as you do, (which btw i find that kind of dedication amazing @_@)

Auronblyss (2013-02-07)

oh yeah i also tried running as admin and compatibility mode vista service pack 2...

Auronblyss (2013-02-07)

oh yeah along with gfwl market place i also got the latest vcredit download i could find, i've gone through the steps 4 times now, and i've even tried dope mans version of halo 2 (i thought i could find a patch for it or something), but instead i got the very same problem.... i click the halo2 application and nothing happens other then the mouse saying somethings loading then nothing loads.... i haven't even gotten the chance see the start up images... i want to play this campaign so badly this all just feels like torture :/

Auronblyss (2013-02-07)

ok... and apparently somewhere along the line of downloading these two torrents it fucked up my system data alittle... cause i just went to double check the rating of my computers performance # and it said it can't complete the scan... this happened right after downloading the direct x that came with dopeman's version.... the way things are going i am so close to just wiping my system clean and doing a full system reboot... cause even system restore won't fully solve my issue....

kmclair (2013-02-20)

Yo! When I run it, I get an error message saying "Live gaming failed to initialize." I had to delete the newer version of windows live gaming and install your version and that is when the problem started. Before, I could get the the startup screen but the dumbass windows live gaming thing kept popping up.
Thanks in advance!

MrGigger (2013-03-11)

I get a message when start halo2.exe "Live Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another Live Gaming on Windows application (such as the halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise reinstalling the game may help." How can i fix this?

sachin13 (2013-03-29)

I have win 7 32 bit
Halo started working without copying the mf.dll file (actually it crashed once I copied the new mf.dll file)
The challenge is the mouse movement within the game. It is very choppy. Would really appreciate if some one can help out. Also the dialogues during the training session were not coming properly but works well during the camera cuts.

sachin13 (2013-03-30)

Hi. I was able to solve the mouse iisues by enabling vsync on the Nvidia control panel. However the program keeps crashing every 2-3 minutes. Any ideas

Gyvate021 (2013-03-30)

@MrGigger, download and install latest Windows Live version.

Gyvate021 (2013-03-30)

@sachin13, it might be because of the nvidia control panel settings. Restore them to defaults and disable Vsync in the game settings. The game shouldn`t be that choppy now.

vipul19 (2013-04-27)

hey ty thankyou for this game it works ! only one problem it works in an extremely low resolution while my screen is 1366 by 768. i think it runs in 800 by 640. whenever i click video settings game crashes. if you can please help ? thanks !

vipul19 (2013-04-27)

i dunno if my last comment was posted so here i go again : game works ! (thank you ty) but it crashes everytime i click video settings in-game. its stuck at a crappy 800 by 640 pixels and my eyes are really getting stressed out ! id appreciate any help !

Plesko92 (2013-04-30)

Hi, I have a problem installing... Step 1 to 5: no problem. When I tried to install game for windows live, i first had to uninstall something, but it worked. Then, when I double click vcredist, it says something about Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and then nothing. What do you think I should do ?
Thanks for the torrent anyway :)

TaleMunja (2013-05-10)

Problem i have on Windows 7 x64 after i press exe file(of course, i did exactly what is on instructions)
-It lover my resolution to lowest and window jump up with:
"Live Gaming on Windows failed to initialize. This may be because another LIVE gaming on Windows application (such as Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. Otherwise, reinstalling the game may fix the problem."
I have Windows live installed..
Any suggestion&solution?

TaleMunja (2013-05-10)

Ok, update...
I fixed with suggestions i found in comment by TyMod(thanx dude).
In short, if you have this kind of problem do as guy says:
1. Uninstall Game For Windows Live
3.Google for fresh one, install it.
5.Start exe file(it must work!)

Thorodon (2013-07-12)

Need more seeds.

airfie (2013-07-13)

damn it! dude.
why I run the game it say stop working, ugh!
I use halo.exe, but I use startup.exe it say file missing.
what do I do?

airfie (2013-07-16)

Well, shit!
I was playing on PC with AMD GPU It doesn't work.
but when I play it on notebook with Intel HD it's work.

Wiggy_boy (2013-09-17)

I downloaded, I followed instructions and asoon as I had installed everything, my pc when superslow and I couldn't even shut it off.
Fuck you, I hope you're happy now!

Dojo_Mojo (2013-09-20)

This was bullshit. Wouldn't work so deleted everything but then it fucked up my computer. Not worth the stress

Rgrif9 (2013-10-08)

Just wanna know, If I already have a GFWL account with the CD Key activated can I play online if I sign in? Another copy I downloaded had this function (lost disk 5 years ago)

mineout (2013-10-19)

first of all, thnx for an amazing crack Tymod.
I have windows 7- 32bit, so like all others i had the APPCRASH issue, but with a little trial and error, I've finally found a way to get it to work.
follow my steps if u got a similar problem.
1- first of all, install the game following all tymod's instructions.
2- now, download this crack from Tymod-
if the link doesn't work, just search for 'halo 2 crack issues fix' in the search column.
3- now, copy the file u just downloaded in the system32 folder, replacing the old one.
4- now open the game folder, go to 'OPEN THIS FIRST', open 'CRACK'- copy the 'MF.dll' file there.
5- come back ouside to the main game folder, where the game launcher is placed, and paste the file there, replacing the old one.
6- run the game now, and it should not crash.
thanks Tymod again for a superb game crack, i appreciate the ard work.
peace out!

mineout (2013-10-19)

*hard work

westie66 (2013-10-30)

When i play it i the first mission and then says i need to unlock the game to continue

PeterPwn (2013-12-14)

Hey guys! I got the game working with a newer version of games for windows live, however when i log in with my live account it asks for the key, and none of the keys i found online works. When i try to start the game with the old version of GFWL it won't work and says that i have another version installed (Wich i don't)...
Any ideas?

ppl_game (2014-04-03)

Hey guys, try this one. Its uploaded and Repacked game by me. Works 100% and has good number of seeds also :)
Also, the game size is smaller so you can certainly save your bandwith :) :D
Here is the link:::---

jhnhll123 (2014-04-25)

I have installed it on windows 7 but whenever I start the game 2 in less than 3 minutes of playing it crashes and says "Halo 2 for windows vista has stopped working" with the only option on the dialogue box is the option to "close program". How do I fix this?

jhnhll123 (2014-04-25)

^I have windows 7 home premium 64-bit

jhnhll123 (2014-04-26)

nvm. Downloaded