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Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack)






Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack)




2007-11-07 (by kemacy2 )


Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack) This working version of Autodesk Inventor has been working for me for a month now. Easy to install and get going. I take no credit for this torrent, someone else did the dirty work. I saw people were having problems with the other Inventor torrents, figured I could help a little. Installed on Vista 32-bit. Instructions in crack folder on Disc 1. Forgive the upload speed, as I will try to get it out there as quick as I can. Enjoy!

Files count:



4039.35 Mb




peterinas (2007-11-14)

how did i do for burning this uif file?

Kevin8888 (2007-11-23)

how do i open a UIF file??? please help

MogliXX (2007-11-24)

Hey... You Guys Will Need to Install Magic ISO, It Reads .uif and u can Burn or Mount it...
Here's one link of it:

welor (2007-12-06)

where do i find xforce keygen??

Kevin8888 (2007-12-13)

First thanks for the help with the Uif file thing but I am still having some problems with it I can't read the instruction file, but from what I hear I need to use the xforce keygen and I have no idea where that is or how to use it. Can any body help me out here

JOEB08 (2007-12-20)

ok do you install from disc 1 and if so what do you do with disc 2 because it seems to wrk fine with just the 1 disc

Havardak (2008-01-22)

I just downloaded this program and tried to instal it, but when I tried launch the setup.exe file I got an error that sad " Failed to run setup32.exe". Somebody have an idea on what I have to do?

om1 (2008-01-24)

what bout a crack for AutoCAD Mechanical 2008 that is with this?

mattharkin (2008-01-26)

just finished installing inventor, downloaded and installed and cracked ,no problems at all. Thanks,everyone, now i can learn how to use it, and hopefully get a job in the industry.

alphaw0lf (2008-01-30)

Thanks, been using this in class for a while and I was looking to get a home copy.

susihukkanen (2008-02-18)

How you can install the ContentCenter? Is that working on this torrent?

MANKIE (2008-02-29)

I do have the program, just need the crack. Any possibility to load it separate for us ? We download at such a slow speed, the full version will take me years !

Orre_89 (2008-03-24)

it just sad "Failed to run setup32.exe" when i tried to launch setup.exe. Pleas help someone. Is it i a file i need that i can ddownload?

aljanabi (2008-03-25)

Don?t Run the EXE?. Use MAGICDISK and mount the uif disk 1, will initialise and enter setup screen automatically, while you light a sigee, then go into the screen one at time ? you will see screen asking if you want to install mechanical also, tick YES and select the options you need, VOLT, etc select as you want REMEMBER, SINGLE USER STAND ALONE CONFIGERATION?. In configuration select configuration and this will get you to configure include a tutorials, standards etc? then when all said and done?. And provided you have selected the MECHANICAL OPTION, it will ask you for disk 2 which has the mech, you need to un mount the first disk and mount the second disk ,,,,,IN THE SAME DRIVE, this is important?. And then when it finish from disk 2 ..will ask you for disk 1 again to finalise the installation??.. finally when you come to run for the first time that?s when you need to go into the CRACK dir into the this virtual disk that mounted disk 1 ???. Worked fine for me av inventor and mech just fine??..ABOVE ALL HAVE YOUR INTERNET OFF OFF OFF..
Hope that?s help

aljanabi (2008-03-25)

P.S you can get MagicDisk from this site..lool

DAVIDO14 (2008-03-27)

a look[32][64]_keygen-Davido14
inventor 2009 check out my other 09 torrents

roberto_2007 (2008-03-28)

dwnloaded and installed works fine.
cant seem to figure out how to get a request code though, can any one help? running on unregistered version.
will seed this for a long time.

gzinga (2008-03-30)

does this version conatin the simulation part.
someone wrote that it was pro and not the standard suite
because I need Inventor Professional Simulation Suite and i dont want to waste the time of donwloading this and then discover that it has no simulationfeature in it

Freeb (2008-04-09)

I really need to learn this before I start at my new job. Any good tutorials?

Alpinestorm4 (2008-04-10)

My Suite 2008 version is 2 DVDs but have no keygen. This one is probably the pro version

Alpinestorm4 (2008-04-10)

Can somebody upload only the keygen plz

aljanabi (2008-04-14)

HUSTON ???WE HAVE A PROBLIM ???.!!!!!!!!!!
The problem, I get this message and all Freeze:
\\ End of Evaluation Period Sorry, this pre-release product has expired \\
Installed and activated all is well.
Set project to Tutorial
Am in sketch mode
On the 2D sketch panel, Press (Insert Autocad File) at the Acad icon
From the open panel Select ?eBox2.dwg?
Can see the preview of the dwg
Press OPEN
???. Then I get the above ERROR
I have downloaded both on this site?. And tried them both, with identical results.
Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack)
YET, about shows usage:commercial, No Expiration, Serial No, and also lic behavior:Permanant.... :-(
Were am I going wrong ???.??????
Help please will be greatly appreciated and if any body get the same, by following the steps above. ????
Many thankssssssssssssssssssssss

aljanabi (2008-04-14)

roberto_2007 This is for you?..
The request code is at the activation screen about the second line from the top.
You will see it in BOLD characters ..
Hope you found it !!!!
Get it working ,man, and see if you have the same prob I have as described Above.

bert2207 (2008-04-18)

Using the serial gives Processing Error invalid code use another method.
Who has another working serial number.
I used
682-98989898 and 692-12354321 and 682-69696969

aljanabi (2008-04-18)

av read somwhere:
You can make up your own sn BUT with the following constraint for the 8 digit
1) use 2 digit and repeat 4 times
e.g. 62626262 or 54545454 etc
2) use symetric 3 digit either side of two digit
eg 12345321 or you see the one 12354321 the symetry about the 45 or 54
I think this work with any of the initial 3 digit
provided if use repatitive 2 digit string then the 3 digit must add up to EVEN Number the symetry string the 3 digit must add up to ODD number.
hope this gives food for thoughts...............
682-98989898 and 692-12354321 and 682-69696969

soulman10 (2008-04-28)

Did anyone get the content center to work? susihukkanen, you asked about it too, did you figure it out?
I looked at the version text in disk 1 and it says ContentCenterlibraries: C12_0_145 therefore i think it is already on there. when i try open the content center, it requires logging into a server or something :S.
Is there a way i can get the files and open them up as parts or something. I do have axcess to the files at school, maybe somone knows how to find their location and copy them to a usb or something?

ATastyBurgerr (2008-06-07)

I figured out how to start the setup on DVD1, but could someone teel me what file to mount when it asks to "insert disc 1".during installation? Thanks

XiNiX00 (2008-06-14)

works perfect! thanx

felisten (2008-07-09)

This software works great on Windows SP2. Just follow the instructions given in the crack folder and you won't get lost.
A big thanx to the uploader. Remember to convert the original files into ISO files and burn them into 2 dvds.
Enjoy cyber pirates.......

felisten (2008-07-09)

By the way this is the professional version, not the suite version.

pir8888 (2008-07-13)

To fix the importing DWG files aka "pre-release product has expired" problem:
Use Hotfix TS1071050 at

It worked for me.

nevar.eht (2008-08-03)

No problems, everything works pefect

nuboo (2008-09-01)

The serial codes that followed didn't work so I used aljanabi's ones and it worked.

wakeskatesnosurf (2008-09-22)

aljanabi, what do you mean by "mount" the disk? i downloaded the program and have magicISO but im not sure how to run the program

wakeskatesnosurf (2008-09-23)

nevermind i figured it out how to mount it, never used that program before. but when it runs it still just says "windows cannot find setup64.exe" then "failed to run setup64.exe" someone help please!

wakeskatesnosurf (2008-09-24)


uzairhayy (2008-10-17)

to use disk2 unmount the imageof disk1 from the drive and mount disk2 file then click the retry button and it will automatically start copying files from disk two asuming second disk has been inserted in the drive. i used PowerISO to do that and it worked for me and i downloaded PowerISO from the powerISO website coz tats the latest version they have got and it always works for me wen it comes to dealing with this kind of files.
and to begin installation u have to mount the image on an imaginary drive using this software and then go into tat drive my going into"My Computer" and from there click on the setup only works this way and wont work if u dont mount it coz setup file will give an error.tats wot happened in my case so i decided to share tat wid u guys.

kikuka (2008-10-31)

hey!...Seed plz.... 92 source and less than 10kb/s

Blomqvist92 (2008-11-28)

Hello, I wonder why I can't install the program?
I doesn't find the right setup, I in crack it says lanuch setup.exe but i can't find it. Can someone please help me?

Griff4000 (2008-11-28)

It seems I am not the only one who has issues during installation form DVD 1, where it requests "Insert disc 1". Has anyone found out how to fix this?

Blomqvist92 (2008-11-29)

How/were do you set the measurement device to meter, instead of inch? Don't find were it is, need to know because I have no clue of inch and all that...

geek10102 (2008-12-04)

power iso that works trust me

guilleN (2008-12-10)

is there any way to install this on a 64-bit XP machine?

ladil123 (2009-01-03)

I got a problem installing this.
I have mounted the file and the installation has started, after like 10 seconds off installing it asks for disc 1 again... Nothing I do gets it to work. What should I do ?

kirre2000 (2009-01-18)

can someone give me a sn I will soon become crazy on this. please help me!

superjonas89 (2009-01-26)

Trying to install the now, but the program tells me to insert AIP_2008_01, I have mounted disk 1 and have also tried with disk 2. What am I doing wrong? :(

Hvitkisa (2009-02-07)

"Trying to install the now, but the program tells me to insert AIP_2008_01, I have mounted disk 1 and have also tried with disk 2. What am I doing wrong? :( "
I´m also running into this, again and again..? PowerISO mounted, running Vista32. Anyone!

zetftw (2009-03-21)

mmk I know that you have to mount the thing, but how do you mount it if the icon isn't in the Notification tray(aka Icon Tray)? Could anyone tell me please? or atleast how to get it onto the Icon tray because when I try to customize the tray the icon isn't any of the choices also I'm running windows vista home premium.

zetftw (2009-03-21)

Never mind about my other comment I figured it out, but now the key-gen thing keeps giving me problems. I keeps telling me that every auth-key that I am using is wrong.

Job(SCP) (2009-05-15)

Let's try it out. :-)

borissb (2009-06-06)

Could anyone finally give answer on question of problems during installation? I have the same situation whe "insert CD1" pop-up shortly after beginning of installation.

monoprie (2009-06-20)

I have a problem with the install. It says that it can find "setup64.exe". someone help plz!!!!!!!!!!!

Gr4ntS (2009-06-21)

Where is "setup64.exe"???? - PLEASE HELP!!!

kamakazy6990 (2009-07-07)

for some reason i cant figure this out. it keeps saying it can't find different things. will someone please help me get this installed. thanks.

XiNiX00 (2009-07-11)

doesnt work with windows 7 :( some stupid dll error...

tangax (2009-11-08)

insert AIP_2008_1 disk: solved
Windows 7 32bit: successfully installed
As many commented here I also got the 'please insert: AIP_2008_1 disk', or something like this, just before installation started (after disk 1 had been mounted, setup run, and configuration completed)
The solution is simple and found it in this spanish forum:

All you have to do is copy the contents of the mounted DVD1 to your hard-drive, rename aip_2008_1.mid to AIP_2008_1.mid and run setup.exe from that folder.
Yes, that simple.
Note: tried burning a new DVD with this change but somehow gave the same error...
About Windows 7, some have reported a dll error. After solving this disk1 error I had no other problems...

SBaL88 (2009-12-11)

Think i've found a solution to the missing "Setup64.exe" error.
In disk 1, go to the folder named "Inventor", and run Inventor.exe.
Should do the trick.

SBaL88 (2009-12-11)

Never mind.
It crashes no matter what i do.

Kenshim (2010-01-13)

Ok i got it running on Windows 7 32 bit but for some reason every time i try to creat a dimension, the program closes and an error pops up? any ideas???

o0Vox (2010-02-08)

I have the same problem as Kenshim. Except I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. This is the only torrent that I could at least open Inventor with, so please help!!!!!!!

flarolim (2010-02-24)

i keep getting " setup64.exe is missing "
someone please help :(

mfknHIPPO (2010-05-02)

to avoid setup64 error, you have to extract the files from cd1 your hard drive then reun setup32.exe.
to fix the crashes install sp1, sp2, then sp3. run inventor and it should be fixed.

FoxyFoxy59 (2010-07-18)

will daemontools lite mount a UIF?
Btw thanks for the upload :)

tekniks12 (2010-07-18)

Installed great on XP 32bit, I mounted both disks with Magic-ISO, but I had to open the software, go to help/about inventor/product info/update serial and enter my serial there, couldn't do it in the activation window. Then close and reopen inventor and activate. Keygen worked perfect! Great upload!

Rangegod (2010-09-16)

Well, I finally got it installed. Starts up just fine, but when I try to Extrude anything. It crashes.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

bigbebi (2010-10-25)

The mother of all problems :(
This is what i've done..
1. Extracted the files on DVD1 on a file that i created in the programfile.
2. Changed the api_something sothing to API_something something...
3. Run 'setup' the yellow icon...
All goes smooth until,
This point, Samreport-Lite.
i get this error message..
Install shield wizard
Could not find applicable JVM. Re run the program again with the perimeter
what i my doing wrong.???
please urgently help..

x127 (2010-11-20)

Setup went great, but when I run Inventor it crashes soon after creating a new part file. The crash report states "Error: Unhandled Exception"
I'm running Win7, 64bit; help would be appreciated, thanks.

Weewrighty (2011-02-01)

Great torrent, althoughi cant seem to figure out the serial key, I have the activation code from a keygen but the serial wont work

Holmesiee (2011-03-05)

just downloaded it loads great, serial and activation code is working but when i go to extrude the window shuts off and asks me if i want to send an error report! ANY HELP PLEASE!

JAKeough (2011-04-07)

hey Holmesiee and others having this same problem.
i just had the same thing, what you have to do is go to google, search and download:
-autodesk inventor 2008 sp1
-autodesk inventor 2008 sp2
-autodesk inventor 2008 sp3
from the autodesk website
then it should clear that up
worked for me :)

NiborRepooh (2011-05-05)

Hi all, I'm new and thanks very much for this torrent. Is it an absolute must to change the files to an ISO extension in order to crack it. I seem to be having trouble cracking it leaving it as a UIF extension. Needless to say I haven't been able to crack it yet.

CommanderCake (2011-05-16)

If your having problems with Inventor crashing, you should install all three service packs which can be found on AutoDesk's website.
As for not finding the "setup64.exe", you can use either the "setup32.exe" file or the "Inventor" (Windows Installer Package) file in the "Inventor" folder.

gp151 (2012-04-17)

I had a problem installing this correctly, there was no option for entering a serial, so after install it pops up with the license verification failure, but it shows the serial there as 000-0000000 well after fucking with it for a while, and using the crack i got it working. You just have to enter one of the 3 serials in the text document, and paste the request code into the crack calculate it and then paste it into the registration. It worked after about 4 times, good luck and EXCELLENT job.

sandraa11 (2012-09-06)

Creo que he encontrado una solución a la falta "Setup64.exe" error.
En el disco 1, vaya a la carpeta "Inventor", y ejecutar Inventor.exe.
debe hacer el truco.,aqui la solucion

stibrinc (2013-02-28)

hola ppl :]
-use MagicISO to open .uif file
-then extract both 2dvds in the same folder
-open the folder when u extracted -example:
D:autodesk inventorInventor
-I just need inventor, so instal it with inventor.setup = instaler
it works me without crack/serial


1. Autodesk Inventor 2008 (Full Version with Crack)/Autodesk Inventor 2008 DVD1.uif 2925.16 Mb
2. Autodesk Inventor 2008 (Full Version with Crack)/Autodesk Inventor 2008 DVD2.uif 1114.18 Mb
3. Autodesk Inventor 2008 (Full Version with Crack)/ 47 bytes
4. Autodesk Inventor 2008 (Full Version with Crack)/nfo.nfo 758 bytes